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  • Report:  #1276344

Complaint Review: Billy C. Medina Alert Security

Billy C. Medina Alert Security Alert Services, Alert Security, Alert Security LLC, Alert Security Services Steals, Con-man, Fraud and LIAR! Pays employees CASH! Phoenix Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Wowman — Mesa Arizona USA
  • Submitted:
    Sat, December 26, 2015
  • Updated:
    Tue, May 02, 2017



ALERT SECURITY and Billy Medina will be headlined in the news SOON! It is just a matter of time. 

Operating for the past 15 years and untouched for the most part which is about to change. 

I will put the facts on paper and list them in this report for the WORLD to see and YOU be the JUDGE & JURY!

Different names used by 3 guys that originally started and worked at the first company formed in 2000 which was Alpha Security. Names begin to duplicate or become very similar so they could committ FRAUD. I make nothing up in this report. What you read is the TRUTH and it is backed up by the facts! All information was obtained from several people and various internet websites which is all public infomation.

Alpha Security LLC

Located at: 6245 N 35th Avenue    Phoenix, AZ 85017

Located at also: 1951 W Camelback Road Phoenix, AZ 85015

Owner: Marek Salamon

Partner off paper: Herman Deluna

Salesman: Billy Medina


Alpha Security Services LLC

Located at: 6245 N 35th Avenue #1  Phoenix, AZ 85017    Formed in 2007 and they added #1  - Deception!  

Owner: Marek Salamon

Partner off paper: Herman Deluna

Salesman: Billy Medina



Alert Security of Arizona L.L.C.

Located at: 1951 W Camelback Road Phoenix, AZ 85015

Owner: Herman Deluna

Salesman: Billy Medina


Alert Security                  

Located at: 485 S Watson Road #103  Buckeye, AZ 85326                                      UPS Store/Mailbox

Located at also: 1951 W Camelback Road  Phoenix,, AZ 85015

Owner: Herman Deluna

Salesman: Billy Medina


Alert Security LLC          

Located at: 2907 W Glass Ln Phoenix, AZ 85041

Also located at: 485 S Watson Road #103-129   Buckeye, AZ 85326                      UPS Store/Mailbox

Owner: Herman Deluna - But Mark Salamon recently registered the company at Herman Delunas home address located at 2907 W Glass Lane in Phoenix. 

Salesman: Billy Medina


Alert Services LLC

Located at: 485 S Watson Road #103-129                                                                       UPS Store/Mailbox

Owner: Cadiefer Salamon - This is Mark Salamon's wife.

Salesman: Billy Medina



Alert Security Services LLC - Does NOT Exist! Not found anywhere? "FAKE"

Location: 485 S Watson Road   Buckeye, AZ 85326                                                         UPS Store/Mailbox

NONE - It does not exist except in Billy Medina's HEAD! & All the fake documents he makes.

Owner: "FAKE" This name is on Billy Medina's Business Cards that he hands out.

ATTENTION: Clients, customers & vendors. - If Billy Medina gave you a business card, look at it and see if this is the card. Now go to the Arizona Corporation Commission and check to see if you can find this company. You WON'T, because it does not EXIST!

Salesman: Billy Medina



Ultimate Security LLC    

Located at 2907 W Glass Ln Phoenix, AZ 85041

Owner: Herman DeLuna


Names listed below were involved in all companies listed above that may appear on paper or they have/had hidden ownership.

If you were ever involved with any of the 3 guys listed below and felt you were ripped off OR taken advantage of, call Phoenix Police at (602) 262-6151 OR The Department of Public Safety at (602) 223-2361 OR Labor Board at (602) 542-4515

1. Billy C. Medina

2. Mark (aka Marek) Salamon

3. Herman Deluna


Right now everyone is confused as to the ownership of Alert Security. 

The security guards all say they answer to Billy Medina and that they were hired by Billy Medina.


Over half of the guards get paid cash rather then a pay check so Billy Medina does not have to pay payroll taxes or tax to the IRS. The security guards are going to get in trouble because they truested Billy Medina.


The following E.I.N. is being used for multiple companies that have different owners!  -  E.I.N 47-2495099

Company 1 - Alert Security Services                     No owner because it is a FAKE Company. Ran by Billy Medina

Company 2 - Alert Security LLC                       Owned is Herman Deluna

Company 3 - Alert Security Services LLC           No owner because it is a FAKE Company. Ran by Billy Medina

Company 4United Transportation Services LLC    Owner is Mark Salamon 

Company 5 - Alert Services LLC                                Owner of record is Cadiefer Salamon



People behind this company Directly or Indirectly

1. Billy Medina

2. Herman Deluna

3. Mark Salamon

4. Cadiefer Salamon

5. Sylvia Lechuga

6. John Campeau

7. Michael Battle

8. Mark Arbizu

9. Dennis Heigh

10. Additional names will follow and stories concerning the people listed above.


If you are aware of fraud, theft or any other crime committed by one of the people listed above call DPS or the Phoenix Police Department to let them know. Add it to RIPOFFREPORT.COM and I will make sure your information gets into the correct hands.


I encourage and ask for anyone willing to help to HELP gather information concerning the people listed above and Alert Security. I think there is a lot to find out. Just make sure everything you post is the TRUTH.


I welcome anyone listed above to respond to this post. 


15 Updates & Rebuttals

Dennis Heigh


 Who ever this is who has chosen to be a man behind the internet, know that I AM NOT HARD TO BE FOUND.

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, May 02, 2017

 You pick the day and location and I will gladly meet you there. Don't hide behind the internet. Come see me. Talk your sh*t to my face.

Ms. Medina


Man up yourself!

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, May 17, 2016

Dennis Heigh its time you man up and take responsibility for your own actions as being a known member of the Shark Squad, Bolt Force, and now Alert Security. If you have a problem with how people report the facts well you shouldn't be carrying on acting like a superhero when you are not.

Here's my question Mr. Heigh "How many arrests have you actually made?"

Are you admitting to not actually fighting any crime in the Bolt Force videos but were actually doing the "Tagging" instead in the videos?

Did you not get your beg on asking for donation money for doing crime fighting wearing a superhero costume?

If you were not doing any actual crime fighting as we see in the Bolt Force videos then you are being a fraud. Don't be a little b**** you work for Billy Medina and run your mouth because you just do what your told like always and really don't know much at all. If your the man you say then start answering these questions and then I will do the same for you. If not well then I guess we know who the real b**** is...



Dennis Heigh


Time to man up.

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, May 17, 2016

 I don't know who this is or why my name is mentioned in this petty dispute between Bill Medina and Mike Griffin(owner of SSF and United Metro Security). I have nothing to do with the BS. Who ever put my name in this needs to come see me personally about this matter and not hide behind the internet. If your man or woman enough to make false accusations about me on the internet then your grown enough to handle me in public. Step up and tell who you are so I can come deal with you accordingly.

You did your HomeWork & you see how bad these guys are too.

#16Author of original report

Tue, April 12, 2016

Finally someone else sees the truth. You did your home work and people are finally seeing the truth about Billy Medina and Mike Battle or does he go by Michael?

You pulled the transcript from the Court website. 

I hope other people have info and can let others know what these guys have done.


If you have worked for Billy Medina or John Campeau or Mike Battle, you need to get a head of this thing. Now with a Law Suit and everyone knows that what Billy and his boys have done is wrong is so many ways. If you worked for these guys and actually got paid a pay check all the time and had taxes taken out then you are in the clear.


If you ever worked for Billy or one of his boys under Alert Security or no security and got paid cash, you will be listed and when you see someone outside your home or apartment that you usually do not see, you can bet you are being watched or getinng ready to be served a Subpoena to appear. You are going to be asked question after question and then you will be called into court 1 to 2 years later to testify if you are lucky enough not be be added as a "CO-DEFENDANT" sitting next to Billy and his boys. Plaintiff in this case has the list of Billy Medina's accounts and then some so you can run but you can not hide!

Tell the truth. If you worked for Billy Medina and got paid "CASH" say you did. Where you worked and the hours you worked will come out sooner or later. Over 50 former guards are getting contacted and it will only take one other person to bring your name up and you get bet that it will not just be one person. Once a pereson begins to lie, that person starts to lose focus and begins to forget the previous lies he tells and the next thing you know, that person lies under OATH. Now you become the person on the HOT SEAT.

Were you told to lie?

Were you asked to lie?

Did you ever work for Alert Security?

Did you work for Billy Medina?

Where did you work for Billy Medina?  and the list goes on...


I don't know what questions you will be asked but the ones listed above are a few I think they will ask and about 200 more questions. Depositions are most peoples NIGHT MARES. 2 to 8 hours in the same chair with breaks and a lunch but you are being recorded and you are being asked many questions. 

At any time, the Plaintiff can add you as a "CO-DEFENDANT" so if I were you and thank god I am not, You should answer the questions truthfully and get as far away from Billy Medina and his boys as soon as you can so you do not get into trouble yourself. 

This may seem like a CIVIL matter but this person can report for certainty of 100% that Billy Medina will not walk away from this without being ARRESTED!

The question is, "Will you be joining him?"

By the way, I was just informed that the Department of Public Safety will be given everything related to this case. 


I have seen some bad things and Billy and Battle are usually behind it but what a following and so many people involved in this. It just keeps growing and growing. 

I know all the players and all the players know me. I am glad to see the truth finally come out. Billy Medina has been arrested but never convicted because...  This time justice will prevail! Too many people have already come forward and the numbers continue to grow and the best thing is that some of these people are right in front of Billy Medina and Mike Battle. 

Legally I can not LIE about anything but I sure can tell the TRUE STORY!



Testify or Join them as Defendants - I could not agree more!

#16Author of original report

Tue, April 05, 2016

Four (4) names are listed in the Lawsuit filed by Special Security Force and it sounds like over 30 other former Special Security Guards will be served with subpoena's/Notice to Appear at a Deposition. When its all done, they will have the choice to "TELL THE TRUTH" or join the other 4 defendants listed in the Lawsuit.

If you worked for Billy Medina at ALERT SECURITY or a FAKE company that Billy Medina made up and got paid "CASH", you will be sitting in front of lawyers sometime in the next 6 months to a year, guaranteed.

BRAVO, BRAVO BRAVO... This is Justice! So many people are watching this case. Now the WORLD will get to see the truth! 

Billy Medina has been talking trash about The Department of Public Safety and how they cannot do anything to him and they have no power. Medina you are going to be removed from the security industry very soon. Special Security Force was not the problem, you were the problem and you caused the past problems but no one knows that unless they were at the top. 

Depositions will be coming for sooooo many former guards. You guys better just get it in your mind that you are going to just tell the truth because if you don't you will be charged for lying under OATH and you will be added to the LAWSUIT. Tell the truth and continue on down the road but LIE and you will need to hire a good attorney. I have spoken personally with the SSF owner and he is taking this case to COURT and WILL NOT SETTLE!

I know for a fact SSF hired Mark Arbizu and borrowed him over $1,500.00 which he NEVER paid back and Mike the owner helped Mark Arbizu, Mike Battle, Billy Medina buy cars. Battle was the only one to pay back the money. Now you guys STEAL his accounts and two people were involved in STEALING over $6,000.00. You guys SUCK! Gutless wonders.

All the things Mike did for all you guys and you guys set him up, steal and so much more but now that the court will control this case, no one can hide behind a lawyer anymore. Get a lawyer but it will be you on the stand in the court room and it will be your mouth that will tell a LIE or the TRUTH. Don't waste your time lying because there is too much EVIDENCE.

Battle you are married and I see you are still picking up girls and kissing them in public. Does the mother of your baby know. Better tell her because she IS going to find out. Tell her it is all lies until court and then see who takes the stand to tell the truth and points at you. This witness can identify you and the girl you made out with in your car. There are people that are not afraid of you or Billy Medina.

Justice is on the way guys and it is going to be EPIC. 


Dick Goesinya


Civil Lawsuit against Alert Security Top Command filed!

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, April 02, 2016

Found a Civil Lawsuit filed in Maricopa Superior Court which has almost every one of the "TOP COMMAND" and "QUALIFYING PARTY" of Alert Security LLC listed as Defendants. Seems all the stories and rumors about the people behind the company Alert Security LLC and all it's other names is coming to light. 

The fact is someone doesn't spend that kind of money making the alegations made against the Defendants listed unless there's something to it. The pieces of the puzzle are start to fall into place making for a very very very interesting picture indeed.

Now that the story is in court how can anyone deny it now?

Up Date - The Truth will now come out!

#16Author of original report

Sat, April 02, 2016

Billy Medina and his hord wil now be brought out onto the carpet by the Company they have all screwed.


Everyone involved will be deposed and there will be NO MERCY! Some people will have an opportunity to do the right thing and tell the truth. Other people will be EXPOSED for what they have done.


I have seen what Billy Medina, John Campeau, Michael Battle, Mark Arbizu and many others have done and they now will be held ACCOUNTABLE.

Now the WORLD will know the truth. Take a look at this case. The company that all these people have screwed will now be exposed for what they did. Some people may go to jail before this court case is finsihed.

I have spoken to the owner and he will not settle, he will not make a deal but he will do is make sure that these guys will never do to another company what was done to his company.

Billy Medina is the ring leader who gets everyone else to do his "DIRTY WORK" because he is a COWARD that is less then a man. Billy Medina is a thief that cares about money and will sell out anyone and everyone.

The evidence has been gathered and when Government Agencies ask for financial records, I think Billy Medina is about to be STOPPED cold is his tracks. 

I would estimate that Billy Medina will ask each person listed in this report to go to court and LIE under oath. They won't all lie for Billy Medina any more.

I have been following what these 4 men have done to there former employer and I am hoping they all go to JAIL!

I am providing the case number so everyone can watch what I have said all along and that is that these four guys are bad news. Billy Medina is a thief and will go to jail SOON!


Arizona Superior Court Case # CV2016-002399


Benedict Arnold


It's TRUE! all of it! I

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, January 16, 2016

I am not a mud slinger but the facts are the facts and BIll MEdina has done BAD things that he should be held accountable and I hope the Police get him before anyone else gets hurt by BIll MEdina

I looked at MIke BAttle, Dennis Heigh, Mark Arbizu and several other high ranking supervisors and guards that work for Bill Medina and none of them admit working for Alert Security but they all are seen in Special Security guard uniforms.


What are they all hiding or what are they all ashamed of?


It is amazing what people will do for money but more so it shows how easy it was for people to go to the dark side!

Another Cover-up UNCOVERED BY Smithsonian

#16Author of original report

Sat, January 16, 2016

The Author Jim Smithsonian uncovered a huge picture of Herman Deluna and behind him is the logo and name Alert Security. Yet the business card with Billy Medina's name on it is Alert Security Services LLC now prooves that Herman Deluna and Billy Medina conspired together and Billy Medina has been committing FRAUD for a long time since Billy Medina and Herman Deluna worked together as far back as 2004.

THIS picture shows the facts that can not be disputed.

A HUGE Thank you goes out to Jim Smithsonian. If only more people would come forward.

J. Smithsonian


Photo of Billy Medina "SHADY" Security Consultant

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, January 16, 2016

After some digging I have uncovered an image of who has become known as Mr. Billy Medina "SHADY" Security Consultant in Arizona. Hopefully the image will help people recognize this person when he walks in the door looking to sell security services that could leave a business up the creek...

For example the link below is to another report about a security guard under the command of Mr Medina getting shot on site whilke on duty. Imagine being the business this happened at and the security company didn't have insurance because you didn't do your homework on this guy or the company he is represnting... It would be a disaster.

A. Tortuga


Fantastic Information!

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, January 16, 2016

I want to thank those people who have stepped up to the plate and provided the information about this person and company before myself or someone else for that matter made the mistake of hiring a fake company with no insurance. The world needs more people to step up and tell it like it is so the world can protect itself. Thank you for the vigarious investigation and fantastic information.

Jim Smithsonian


What do we have here...

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, January 16, 2016

What do we have here... Not only have I found another business card Bill Medina has apparently used which supports the original report submitted of the company having so many names, which in my opinion is to avaoid paying taxes, insurance, and other aspects of running an honest business, but I have also managed to locate an image of Herman Deluna which ironically has the same logo in the background as the business cards we have uncovered. 

NOTE: I find it really ironic to find a current employee of the company who posted the response "Harrassment" when the company has been shut down apparnetly from what I understand. If that is the case, and ALERT SECURITY LLC is no longer in business then the person who posted the response is a witness to the crimainal activity.

A. Boone


Business Card Says it all...

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, January 14, 2016


You stated:

"I'm a current employee of this Company - and I should state that the company is ALERT SECURITY LLC, I am just wondering where you got the other company 'names' from and how this information is fact, Do you have proof people are handing out business cards with Alert Security Services on it"

My response.

"Just so happens a business has come forward where Mr. Medina left his business card recently which says ALERT SECURITY SERVICES LLC."

Oscar Max


Nice Try!

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, January 12, 2016

Responding to the "HARASSMENT" post I must say "REALLY NOW, NICE TRY!" Mr. Billy Medina was in fact handing out business cards just recently and in the past (Seen them with my very own eyes) that in fact said, "Alert Security Services" where he was a security consultant. (Working on getting a copy!)

My question is how come Mr. Billy Medina has never had his "very own" security company and has had to hide behind someone else owning a security company? I mean he's like a shadow in the background? Hmmmm...




#16Consumer Comment

Wed, January 06, 2016

 I'm a current employee of this Company - and I should state that the company is ALERT SECURITY LLC, I am just wondering where you got the other company 'names' from and how this information is fact, Do you have proof people are handing out business cards with Alert Security Services on it, have you seen uniforms with Alert Services on the patch instead of Alert Security Llc, etc DPS has already been through the company's information and records because of these invalid claims. I'm just wondering why you feel your claim is valid

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