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  • Report:  #307280

Complaint Review: Blount County Mayor Jerry "Fancy Pants" Cunningham

Blount County Mayor Jerry "Fancy Pants" Cunningham lies again to benfit those he is connected to complete stooge poisons the public Maryville Tennessee

  • Reported By:
    Townsend Tennessee
  • Submitted:
    Fri, February 08, 2008
  • Updated:
    Wed, January 05, 2011
  • Blount County Mayor Jerry "Fancy Pants" Cunningham
    Old Courthouse Building, 341 Court Street
    Maryville, Tennessee
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Judging by the article in today's Daily Times entitled, "Cries against flouride fall on deaf ears" (Written by Joel Davis), one can only assume that somebody in the Blount Republican/Developer Party will soon be making more money supplying FLUORIDE to the South Blount Utility District aginst the opinion of the MAJORITY.

According to an article which was written when this situation first started and has now been removed from the Daily Times Archives, an overwhelming percentage of those citizens directly affected DID NOT WANT THE FLUORIDE IN THEIR DRINKING WATER.

But Jerry "Fancy Pants" Cunningham knows whats best for all. Even if the health risks of fluoridated water out-weigh the benefits. One third of the children in this country have a condition known as "enamel fluorosis" (CDC, 2005).

After doing an internet search on "enamel fluorisis", I recieved 70,500 hits. Of the first 10 sites that I went to, not a single one said that ingesting "fluoride" is a healthy thing to do for our children or anybody else for that matter. This would be contrary to statements made by Jerry Cunningham. But then again, he did go to law school, was a former US Attorney and an overpriced, overhyped local divorce attorney which evidentally qualifies him for such sound medical advice.(SARCASM)LOL

In the Feb. 8, 2008 edition of the Daily Times, "Fancy Pants" Cunningham is quoted as saying " blame everything from athlete's foot to earache without any backup medical or dental study, other than something pulled off the internet by some unheard-of doctor is not conclusive proof."

I didn't realize that the CDC is "unheard-of" by our local government. I guess we'll all just have to stop listening to what an organization like the CDC would have to say concerning our health and start listening to Jerry Cunningham when it comes to what is a public health threat. He evidentally is a whole lot smarter than he looks and sounds and knows a hell of alot more about fluoride than the CDC in Atlanta, GA. LOL

I doubt very seriously that the CDC would make such a statement with some sort of "political agenda". I woul also have to think that the CDC would have plenty of supporting evidence unlike Mayor Fancy Pants who said that he relyed on his "friends" in the medical industry for his bogus opinion. Were these some of those "special friends", Jerry? Could these "special friends" possibly be the ones who will benfit from the added cost of fluoridating the water? I think so and as soon as I find out, I'll let everybody know who they are.

Fluoride treatments by a trained dentist are one thing but ingesting fluoride is another. My grandfather was a dentist in this county for over 25 years and not one time did he ever perform a "fluoride treatment" for a patient in which the patient ingested or swallowed the toxic substance. During a "fluoride treatment" you always "spit." There's a huge difference in this and putting it in the water for us all to swallow and poison ourselves. I drink REAL MOUNTAIN SPRING WATER anyways. With the shape that our rivers and lakes are in this county, I just don't trust the "water people" anymore.

Here some related links:

These are some of the better sites I could find concerning this situation; none of which support Mayor Cunningham's bogus theories.

As you can see folks, the local criminals in government are still at it. This is just a nother case of local government running their industries while sitting ina public seat.

A very special thanks goes out to Linda King for having the courage to do what she does. She's a very special lady and has more backbone than anybody I have ever met in Blount County.........................and I'm from here. So many people that I grew up around that made themselves out to be the good guys turned into the biggest crooks. I am very ashamed of alot of locals at this point in my life. I'm just glad that the folks who raised me never bought into racketeering for their livelihood.

I now have a bumper stick on my vehicle that reads:



Townsend, Tennessee

6 Updates & Rebuttals



King Jerry Fancy Pants loses race

#7Author of original report

Wed, January 05, 2011

Blaaaaaah ha ha ha ha ha lmao

County Mayor King Jerry Fancy Pants ended up doing such a good job as mayor that he turned his own party against himself! lol

The only things he accomplished were a pep rally for "wide-stanced"local judge,damage control for the sheriff, corrupted the ethics committee and built some half-a$$ industrial park with nothing in it.

Not real sure an industrial park was a good idea withoutcompanies willing to move here during a national economic crisis. But I guess his "special friends" within the development industry made money grading and paving the road and that's all that matters to COMMUNISTS like Mayor Fancy Pants. I'm sure somebody got some sort of kickback for the red-light, too. That's what we really need more of is redlights...NOT.

His number one priority as outlined by TCA is to "promote new industry" and he failed miserably. It was as if there were no county mayor at all doing anything "above the table". The last two county mayors have been absolutely worthless. That's Blount Lamberticans for ya: steal as much as possible.

Congrats Mayor fancy pants on a job NOT well done.

Mike GL



#7UPDATE Employee

Sat, February 20, 2010

The water in Blount tastes like chemicals now.  They didn't just add a little fluoride they totally saturated our water supply in a Hitler-esk manner.  This is a shame to come from somewhere that has such good water and then allow some twinkle footed gay merv look like do something like this.  It's a shame.  I'm glad that I got well water.  Blount County has gone to the dogs: LITERALLY.

Guy Fox


Jerry WAS and STILL is WRONG.

#7Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 05, 2008

I heard yesterday, the tail end of a news report talking about the flouride controversy in Blount County.

I thought that heard them say that the process wasn't conducted the way in which it should have been.

At the end of the report, the commentater actually said that Mayor Cunningham's letter concerning throwing people off the water board for not supporting flouride is a violation of the state ethics policy of 2006.

I haven't been in a position to read the newspaper lately and they're now charging for using their archives.

I hope that someone can find more out about Jerry screwing up and making a complete development tool out of his self.

New Dentist


Just say NO to FLOURINE!

#7Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 04, 2008

If there's one thing that I recall from the UT School of Dentistry in Memphis, it's the fact that ingesting flouride is not good for the human body.

I specifically remember seeing a presentation on flourosis and just how people are affected and don't realize that there symptons are due to a prolonged exposure to flouride.

Flouride is absolutely horrible on the immune system and the kidneys really take a pounding cycling this poison through our bodies. The liver can be seriously damaged from exposure to too much flourine.

Mayor Cunningham is just dead wrong. He is way off base on this one. Is he out of his mind?

Q: Why has this flouridation of South Blount's water become such an uproar?

A: Because someone within the Good Ole Boys network within the Blount County Republican crowd will benefit from providing the service. That's why.

Questioning this mayor's motives is clear as day to me. Either that or he is a complete idiot.


The Watch Dawg


Jerry knows best.

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 01, 2008

Rumor has it that Mayor Fancy Pants aspires to much bigger things than county myoral positions that are a front for the development industry.

Seems as though Jerry has hinted around about serving in the state house. He'd be the kind of grand standing fancy dan that only WV Sen. Byrd could be proud of.

Is this guy really to be taken seriously?

I swear I think that this interloper thinks he can walk on water. Does he give weekly dry crossings down at Little River by parting it?

This guy ought to be locked up in the looney farm.

What the heck does he know about flouride? What the heck does Dr. Ramsey know aboout it? He's been out of med school for what, 20 years? Or Dr. Proffit? How long has he been out?

Somebody is profiting somewhere and I'll bet it's somebody that know Jerry Cunningham.

The Watch Dawg


Depth of Corruption in Blount County Government

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 01, 2008

I heard that the FEDS are investigating the State Police on how they investigated the BCSO in the past.

Sounds to me like the corruption goes pretty deep.

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