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  • Report:  #237176

Complaint Review: Blue Haven Pools Of Tyler

Blue Haven Pools Of Tyler / Boyce Eldridge Deceptive Company, Poor Quality, No Warranty, Faulty Products, Destoyed Property, Total Waste of Money Tyler Texas

  • Reported By:
    Athens Texas
  • Submitted:
    Tue, February 27, 2007
  • Updated:
    Fri, May 19, 2017
  • Blue Haven Pools Of Tyler
    14867 Highway 155 S.
    Tyler, Texas
  • Phone:
  • Category:

On December 19,2005 we contracted with Blue Haven Pools of Tyler, Texas, owned by BOYCE ELDRIDGE, to build a pool at our home in Athens, Texas. It is now February 27, 2007 and our pool is still not finished properly.

The quality of their work and customer service has been terrible, they have not honored their warranty, and they have done large amounts of damage to our property.

In December of 2005 Blue Haven salesman Steve Harris and his assistant Creig sat at our dining room table and painted a grand picture of what a great job Blue Haven could do building our pool. They also assured us that they could have it done in about 6 weeks due to the fact that it was winter and construction was slow.

They then went on to tell us that it would go much faster if we used their stone mason Shane Warren to build the retaining wall around the pool. They gave a good sales pitch and we signed the contract, not realizing the nightmare we had just gotten ourselves into. 6 Weeks soon turned into 6 months.

A few weeks after we signed the contract Blue Haven showed up to dig the pool. Instead of hauling off the dirt as they said they would in the contract, they left it piled in my backyard. This was a monumental pile of dirt considering that my pool is 40' x 24' and up to 8' deep.

Next they sent out their subcontractor Shane Warren to build the retaining wall that Blue Haven had designed to go around the pool. Warren and Blue Haven ordered the wrong stone, and then actually constructed the wall so poorly that it had to be torn down twice, and then eventually rebuilt with the correct stone by another stone mason that I provided.

Blue Haven had been paid largely in advance, and as soon as there was the slightest problem, they would disappear. I would have to call Blue Haven day in and day out asking why they weren't there, and when would they be back. I always got the response that "they will be ther tomorrow." They rarely showed up.

In the midst of the failed retaining wall attempt, Blue Haven decided that the dirt that they had excavated from the pool was in their way. So instead of hauling it off as they should have, they decided to pile it on my landscaping, destroying thousands of dollars in landscaping. The area was not small, measuring about 100 feet long and 15-20 feet deep!

Blue Haven had REPEATEDLY been told that this landscaping was not to be damaged, and considering that my backyard had about 1/2 acre of open area in which to build the pool, this was not an unreasonable request. They chose to ignore my requests.

At this point I had to threaten Blue Haven and Boyce Eldridge with legal action if they did not get the dirt out of my backyard. On the last possible day before legal action was to be filed, Blue Haven crews showed up and moved all the dirt out of my backyard. but instead of hauling it off, THEY PILED IT IN MY FRONT YARD!

Where it sat for months.
Killing my grass.I eventually had to have someone haul it off with a backhoe and dumptruck.

The pool was built very poorly. Problems that surfaced even before Blue Haven claimed to be "finished" included:

1. Cracked and Broken coping.
2. A $12,000 automatic pool cover that never worked properly.
3. Poor quality stone work.
4. Plaster that was degrading since day one.
5. They built a substructure for the automatic pool cover out of raw, unpainted angle iron and rebar. Now, anyone with common sense would know that putting exposed iron in a saltwater pool will cause rust. Obviously this started to rust almost immediately, leaving rust deposits in the pool.
6. They never even backfilled the retaining wall around the pool. My wife and I had to do this.

Damage to my property included, but was not limited to:
1. Thousands of dollars of destroyed landscaping.
2. They broke a retaining wall next to my house ( nowhere CLOSE to the pool).
3. They left huge ruts in my yard.
4. They left huge amounts of trash and refuse in my yard, including about 20 TONS OF STONE.

Poor Service included:
1. Blue Haven constantly promised to "be out tomorrow", but the only way we could get them out was by constantly calling and writing letters.

Side note: Blue Haven's contract states that any requests have to be in writing. Therefore as this nightmare drug on, I sent MANY letters to BOYCE ELDRIDGE demanding that the problems be fixed and/or the pool get finished. Boyce responded by trying to riducule me for sending these letters, and kept telling us they weren't necessary. Now that I see how they operate, I understand why he did not want a paper trail to exist that would expose what a poor quality operation he is running.

2. Some of their subcontractors drank on the job and left beer cans in our bushes.
3. Their workers decided to use our bushes as their restroom.
4. They left the unfinished pool 1/3 full of stagnant water and trash for months.

After Blue Haven claimed the pool was "finshed", 6 months after they started, we immediately began notifying them that many warranty problems existed and needed to be fixed. Their sales claim is that they provide "warranty service within 24 hours of the complaint." We COULD NOT get them to return to the property to do the repairs.

The pump has gone out on the pool, the plaster looks terrible, the coping looks terrible, the cover doesn't work right.

Basically, the pool is a piece of junk and a tremendous waste of money.

Blue Haven's salesmen, especially STEVE HARRIS, will tell you ANYTHING to get you to sign the contract. One of Steve's biggest claims was that " he would be involved from start to finish to make sure that everything went right." Once the contract was signed, it was like pulling teeth just to get Steve on the phone.

I have since discovered that this type of situation is evidently a nationwide problem with Blue Haven Pools. They get the money before they finish the job, do an awful job, and leave the consumer hanging in the wind.

Blue Haven has designed their contract in a way that to get any kind of legal remedy, one must follow a very lengthy and expensive arbitration process to get anything done. Generally it costs more to go the arbitration route than it would cost for the consumer to just pay a quality company to come fix Blue Haven's mess.

Unfortunately for Blue Haven of Tyler, I started the arbitration process against them back in August of 2006, and intend to make them do the right thing.

Blue Haven of Tyler and BOYCE ELDRIDGE operate a deceptive, poor quality operation that I feel borders on criminal.

Athens, Texas

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Blue Haven Pools

13 Updates & Rebuttals



Is it gone?

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 10, 2017

Is it gon?

Boyce Eldridge


My ony and final response

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 02, 2008

For three years i've been waiting to reply to this report. Now it seems it will be settled soon and myself and employees will be elated and get on with out lives and get out of this duress caused by Eric Arnette, Athens, Tx.

Arnette's report was inacurate and was void of so many facts that he should have included in his report. Things like his father-in-law paid blue haven for the swimming pool built for Eric. His father-in-law gave me a budget and stated that if the purchase went higher - then Eric would have to come up with the additional funds for extras. Of course, it went higher alright and with Eric not intending to pay for the extras at all. I was warned about this man, but paid no attention and proceded to fullfil his father-in-law and my friend's wishes.

The day we excavated the pool for Arnette, he reminded me that his brother was an attorney and his fees would not cost him if he sued me. He was absolutely correct and he did sue me. Eric owns a pawn shop (built by his father-in-law) and i presume was offended when i would'nt take an expensive diamond ring as final payment for his portion of the pool not covered by his father-in-law.

In his report against blue haven and me, he states that we are just shy of criminal. I have been building pools in this small area since 1984 and know we are a very good reputable firm. We have been an asset to the ark-la-tex even to donating entire pools for charity reasons to underpriviledged children.

Blue Haven Pools in Tyler is part of a national network of pool building and we are responsible for our actions in our area alone. Our franchise is solely owned and operated by me and my fine staff of employees.

I could write so much in this report, but my offer is this: If your have read the ripp-off report against me and blue haven and would like to hear our side of the story in total truth, please call our office and I will be glad to talk with you.

If i'm not available, please leave me your phone number and reference this report. I will call you back!!!

Boyce Eldridge



Response to " Researcher"

#14Author of original report

Thu, August 30, 2007

Certainly I take this situation personally. I have spent an outrageaous amount of money on a piece of junk pool, that has no warranty. Blue Haven may have a good reputation with you, but they have a bad one with me, as well as with some other unsatisfied customers of theirs that I know in Athens, Texas. You talk youself in circles so much, it gives me the feeling you work for Blue Haven. That is the m.o. I have seen from them as well over the last 1.75 years. All talk, no action, and I have the evidence to prove it sitting in my back yard.

Lewis W.


Last Message From Researcher (Really)

#14Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 29, 2007

"Your ramblings have absolutely nothing to do with my situation, and are uninformed."

I did my homework.

"Until you have viewed my pool, you are wasting your time and effort commenting on the situation."

I disagree, you are attempting to paint a skewed picture of a fine organization... I am simply pointing out the obvious.

"If you are so sure you are right about the status of MY pool, the one you have never seen or talked to me about, please call me and come look at it, or you can wait to find out the outcome of the legal actions that are in motion."

You have no appreciation for the Law of Averages in the least, and in the worst really have a strong desire to make this personal. (Which is a big red flag.)

Let's say I did come and see your pool (which I am not going to do) and believed your version of everything. Then you and I went and saw 1500 Blue Haven pools that were terrific. Would you advise me not to use Blue Haven? That's been my point all along, one mo time:





Response to the " Researcher"

#14Author of original report

Tue, August 28, 2007

This forum is to report the wrongs done to an individual by a company.

Your ramblings have absolutely nothing to do with my situation, and are uninformed. Until you have viewed my pool, you are wasting your time and effort commenting on the situation. If you are so sure you are right about the status of MY pool, the one you have never seen or talked to me about, please call me and come look at it, or you can wait to find out the outcome of the legal actions that are in motion.

Once again, I would be glad to make an appointment with anyone who would like to view my pool and the problems it has. My name and number are listed above.

Lewis W.


Researcher Responds

#14Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 27, 2007

I know you name and number are listed above, but I wouldn't call you for any reason. That's the thing about making things too personal. I read your report before they built my pool, and calling you would have persuaded me of nothing because a macro perspective is what was called for... not a suspect instance.

I was not commenting on you as an individual but rather trying to paint a picture of what my sentiment is. By the way the 2 "friends" I mentioned I consulted are both home builders in the area with 20 years + exp. I left that part out. They use Blue Haven exclusively for their clients. See how the evidence is weighing out here? I frankly found aspects of your rip-off complaint to evidence some liberties taken with the truth, just by the way it was written.

Whenever I see what I regard as a fairly obviously unbalanced and exaggerated (only my opinion) assertion I felt like in fairness it should be corrected.

You a have 400,000 to 1 chance of getting struck by lightening.... I'll take those odds.
If everything you say is true and I based on my experience and those of the folks I consulted are correct in our conclusions... you got hit by lightening...and I don't really even believe that because Blue Haven, where possible, makes up for anything they did incorrectly (customer permitting). I know they did in my case. But I wasn't abusive with them... I teated them with respect. And I got excellent service in return.
I didn't take equipment hostage trying to force my perspective for goodness sakes... that's not even civilized. Get rid of all that anger, it'll eat you up inside.

You have about a zero percent chance Steve Harris "will say anything to sell a pool." He is not about misrepresenting his offerings. Again you don't get the OUTSTANDING reputation they have building disaster pools.

According to my sources, with Blue Haven's reputation, locally, they can literally almost pick and choose their customers.

I am not going to respond to anything else here as it is an unproductive endeavor for me... and you. It won't change what you believe or what I know to be true in my case.... and LUCK had nothing to do with the outcome of my pool. If it really was luck then by definition 99% of Blue Havens customers are really lucky people... mayby there is a kernel of truth in that.... they are a bunch of smiling swimming people.. and if you get to do that if life, perhaps you really are lucky.




Response to the " Researcher"

#14Author of original report

Mon, August 27, 2007

I'm glad you were lucky enough to have a good experience with Blue Haven Pools of Tyler. I was not so lucky. I find it odd that you are weighing in on MY experience with Blue Haven, but that is fine. If you are such a thorough researcher, you might have called me, and/ or come to look at my trainwreck of a swimming pool before deciding to comment. But evidently you are not so thorough, and therefore obviously not informed enough to accurately comment on MY situation. My name and number are listed above if you would like to be better informed.

Lewis W.


Researcher Disagrees with Ripoff Report

#14Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 23, 2007

I am a software engineer. There is nothing I do in this life that I do not research the topic to the solid bone. I did the same when I decided to build a pool. I am a long time resident of the area. I asked the leading Landscapers who built the best pools... the only suggestions they had for me was you don't go wrong with Blue Haven, period, to a man. (I asked 3 different ones.)
In addition, I solicited the advice of 2 friends of mine, one close another more of an acquaintance, which Pool Company they would use and or recommend.

The answer in both cases was "Use Blue Haven". And armed with all that advice, I, the contrarian interviewed 3 different pool builders. And Steve Harris was the person who sold me my pool, a Blue Haven Pool. As for the remark about Steve and saying anything to sell a pool like any really good lie, it has a kernel of truth. Steve likes pools. He has a pool. Many people enjoy a swimming pool. I love mine. So, yes Steve will talk enthusiastically and intelligently about a swimming pool, what could more obvious? I do believe Steve might advise against a pool where one wasn't feasible.

Honestly he was the only party the effectively did the exact following:

(1) He listened to me, really listened. To what I wanted.
(2) I have a modest "radar for people and I knew after getting to know him just a bit that this guy (Steve Harris) was going to deliver. That's my intuition and it works for me.
(3) Steve did not look at me like I was a juicy rib eye. I had one pool builder that had me two waterfalls complete with circus lights and a $60k price tag. I told him I just wanted a 16x36 lap pool. It's like the guy never heard me. He said I'd be sorry if I didn't use him. That my friend is a red flag of BS.

The other guy was sort of the same kind of deal except he attempted to make me feel as if he better do all the thinking on the deal, as he was an EXPERT with x years experience, etc. AND I'D BE GLAD IN THE LONG RUN.

My BS detector went off again.

So in regards to the fellow that started all this business Blue Haven delivered perfectly for me and did so in what has been (2007) one of the rainiest summers for East Texas on record. Know what that does to construction? They had people working in the rain.

Having said all that I truly feel while the aggrieved believes what they believe, that instance however unlikely, would if true, constitute a extremely rare statistical anomaly. You do not get the reputation these people have building disaster pools as is implied. A more likely instance is a customer with an attitude? Ever had one of those?

I regret the situation for both parties but I do stand by my remarks. (I found this ripoffreport website. while researching.)


PS. I find the self-publishing of personal information in a forum such as this to be inappropriate behavior, an attempt to make a bad situation even worse and more personal and as such more or less indicative of what is really self-evidently implicit. If you follow what I mean.

(These thoughts represent my own opinion as a customer of Blue Haven Pools and I don't not have any other relationship with that company and never have had until this instance. I have zero agenda except to correct what I think are remarks that are either not true or not representative of a true state of affairs.)



Respose to " Opposite Situation"

#14Author of original report

Sat, July 28, 2007

In respose to the person with the "opposite situation":

You are extremely fortunate. Maybe Supervisors from Blue Haven Pools of Tyler actually came to your home to oversee the job. They RARELY showed up at my house, and then they never made sure anything was done properly. You are very lucky to not have a pool like mine..... a year and a half old and in need of tens of thousands of dollars to make it right. And no warranty.

As to Blue Haven's claim that we didn't pay on time.... we gave them $55,ooo before they even started the pool, then paid them more during construction, then when Boyce Eldridge realized how messed up the pool was, he told me to forget about the $9000 final balance because he owes me more than that.


I gladly welcome anyone who would like to see my pool and the problems it has to call me and I will be glad to show you all the problems we have with it. My name is Eric, we live in Athens, Texas, and I can be reached at 903-677-5995.



Opposite Situation

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, July 27, 2007

I have had Blue Haven Pools of Tyler, build 2 pools for me in the the last 4 years and now they are building my 3 new pool. I must say, I find the comments from Eric most disturbing and completely opposite from my situation. My first pool was contstructed while I was living 6ooo miles away. I would inspect it every 2 weeks and found there to be no problems. Our second pool went off without a hitch either.

Blue Haven has always been above board, been puntual and delivered everything they promised and did it in a courteous and business like manner. I have personally delt with each individual mentioned in Eric's letter. I have never had a problem with Steve, Craig, or Boyce. Shane Warren also did my retaining wall on my 2nd pool, and I was very pleased with his perfomance and quality of work. In addition, the service staff has always responed with answers to questions in a positive and timely manner.

I cannot say enough Good about this company and their performance. They are top notch in my book.




#14Author of original report

Mon, July 16, 2007

As of today, July 16, 2007, over a year and a half since we originally started this project, our pool is still in need of approximately $20,000 worth of work for it to be finished properly.

It is a total piece of JUNK thanks to BLUE HAVEN POOLS of TYLER, TEXAS. Comments posted by them or their "salesmen" are purely more lies that are easily disproven by merely looking at the pool, or viewing all the pictures and video that we have accumulated over the last year and a half.

There is no way that the salesman Steve Harris would have any knowledge of the condition of the pool, as he has not viewed the pool since before the plaster was done originally, over a year ago. His comments just go on to show that he will say anything to try and sell a pool.



I am Steve, the saleman who sold Eric Arnette this pool

#14UPDATE Employee

Fri, July 13, 2007

I have been designing and selling pools for Blue Haven Pools in Tyler, Texas since 1996. I have never seen our company have problems with a customer like we have had with Eric. Boyce Eldridge has spent his entire tenure as a pool builder making people happy.

I believe Eric failed to mention many things in his RANT.

Eric did not mention that our work was slowed significantly by the building of a pool house by another company.

Eric said Shane Warren was our subcontractor. Shane was working directly for Eric. We recommended Shane, but it was Eric's decision to use him. Eric tried to confiscate Shane's tractor and was reprimanded by the County sheriff.

No subcontractor of Blue Haven Pools would work for us if they were guilty of drinking on the job.

Dirt was not hauled away on the day of excavation because the ground was too wet due overwatering with the irrigation system.

We would have taken care of any problems with this pool if payment had been made per our agreement.

I met with Eric when requested, answered every email and phone call despite his account.

As for me SAYING "anything to sell a pool", I have hundreds of clients who will say that I will DO anything to ensure that they get a great pool and are happy.

I refuse to allow Blue Haven Pools to wind up as a trophy hanging on Eric Arnette's wall.




I am Steve, the saleman who sold Eric Arnette this pool

#14UPDATE Employee

Fri, July 13, 2007

I have been designing and selling pools for Blue Haven Pools in Tyler, Texas since 1996. I have never seen our company have problems with a customer like we have had with Eric. Boyce Eldridge has spent his entire tenure as a pool builder making people happy.

I believe Eric failed to mention many things in his RANT.

Eric did not mention that our work was slowed significantly by the building of a pool house by another company.

Eric said Shane Warren was our subcontractor. Shane was working directly for Eric. We recommended Shane, but it was Eric's decision to use him. Eric tried to confiscate Shane's tractor and was reprimanded by the County sheriff.

No subcontractor of Blue Haven Pools would work for us if they were guilty of drinking on the job.

Dirt was not hauled away on the day of excavation because the ground was too wet due overwatering with the irrigation system.

We would have taken care of any problems with this pool if payment had been made per our agreement.

I met with Eric when requested, answered every email and phone call despite his account.

As for me SAYING "anything to sell a pool", I have hundreds of clients who will say that I will DO anything to ensure that they get a great pool and are happy.

I refuse to allow Blue Haven Pools to wind up as a trophy hanging on Eric Arnette's wall.


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