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  • Report:  #1477830

Complaint Review: Bluegrass Credit

Bluegrass Credit Stole my vehicle after the loan was paid off and sold it Richmond Ky

  • Reported By:
    Gary — Lawrenceburg Kentucky United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, April 27, 2019
  • Updated:
    Sun, July 07, 2019

As a wounded and 20-year active duty retired member of the US Military funds are not always so readily available. So when I needed to have my driveway repaired after heavy rains I looked for a fast easy place to get cash quick. So I found Bluegrass Credit. Little did I know what I was I dealing with these modern day loan sharks.

I used my own personal vehicle that was paid off as collateral for a loan that had a huge and crippling interest rate of 24%. Which is illegal in some states and Congress is working to crack down on these loan sharks that prey on military families but I thought I could have the loan paid off and it wouldn’t hurt me too badly. I was mistaken, after some other financial difficulties, I had to file bankruptcy. And as anyone knows once a bankruptcy is filed it is illegal for a loan holder to repose a persons vehicle.

Sadly the owner of the Business Jim Miller doesn’t know or care about the law. They illegally stole my vehicle, even though payments were current on the loan. A vehicle which my brother in honor of my military service had rebuilt and restored to me as a favor so that I would have something nice to drive for a change. When I informed Jim Miller about what the courts had to say.

His reply was f” the courts. The following month my account was paid in full and he texted me saying that he was going to have the truck delivered. After several weeks with no contact from Bluegrass credit. I texted Jim Miller and asked where the truck was. He said he had sold it at auction, I was very upset and told him I would see him in court and the last text to me was “LOL” Avoid this place like the plague they prey on people that are in need and they hope that you will not be able to make your payments so that they can then acquire your possession or property and leave you with nothing.

It’s no wonder they are not rated by the Better Business Bureau. If you or someone you know has had to deal with them and lost something do not be afraid to contact the Better Business Bureau, The Federal Trade Commission, Ripoff Report, Yelp, Planet feedback, Ky Attorney Generals Office, Pissed Customer or How to Complain. Don't let these modern-day highway robbers claim another victim.

12 Updates & Rebuttals


Takoma Park,
United States

The only thing smarmier than your constant referrals to your military service....

#13General Comment

Sun, July 07, 2019 your quoting of the Bible in denouncing interest rates.  Are you freaking serious?  You signed a contract in which you agreed to pay back a loan with a certain interest rate....and when you default, you turn around and quote the freaking BIBLE as your excuse, trying to suggest to us that interest is an evil denounced by God?  You seriously are a piece of work.

First- you win the Pandering on Ripoff Report the for the Year.  Between "I'm a wounded vet" and "my flag is getting a little ragged, let me hide behind the Bible for a moment," no one is going to top you for lamely attempting to duck responsibility with non sequitors. 

Second- you sure like snarking on people who DIDN'T sign ruinous contracts and who AREN'T without their vehicles today because of it.  Like any of us need a lecture from a whiny, excuse-peddling self-absorbed deadbeat simultaneously attempting to hide behind a flag and a Bible to look more righteous.

Third- this is a Democratic Republic, not a Theocracy.  The Bible is not the Constitution.  The State of Israel does not refer to Deuteronomy to determine debt law, you moron.  Why should the United States?  Oh, right- because now that you signed a contract and got your money, you want to complain that the conditions of the contract are "unfair."  The time to do that was before you signed it and before you got your money, loser. 

Now please, tell me- with my 822 credit score and zero debt- why I'm the clown here and not you with your stupid decisions and whiny, pandering deadbeat attitude. 


Takoma Park,
United States

Enough Already

#13General Comment

Fri, July 05, 2019

"I only stated I was in the military because...." You mention it in the very first sentence of your initial post ("as a wounded vet, etc.") , and sprinkle it in throughout, and remind us in your subsequent posts.  Your attempts to win sympathy points would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.  Sorry, but being a vet, getting wounded, etc. doesn't mean you get to skip out of your bills.  Maybe you joined the military in the first place because you thought it gained you some special Go Ahead and Be a Deadbeat Status?

Still looking forward to seeing you post the court docket numbers here so we can see how this all turns out.  But please, enough with the Old Glory "oh btw I'm a veteran not sure I mentioned that" bit.  It's stale and we get it. 


Takoma Park,
United States

Nobody gives a d**n....

#13General Comment

Fri, July 05, 2019

..if you are a "former member of the military" who "fought for our freedom," and I'm so sick of people like you playing that card.  Guess what, being a vet doesn't give you a free pass to skip out on your bills.  Stop hiding behind the flag, if you are a vet you're just more evidence that being a soldier doesn't automatically mean you are Responsible or interested in taking Responsibility. 

And no, I don't work for them either. 




United States

Don't Be a Clown in Court

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, April 29, 2019

How many late payments and penalties did you accumulate during the term of this loan?

Your response did not address my request for your source of information, so you have confirmed you fabricated your claim, "most service members have bad credit scores." It was actually an insult to your fellow service members to make such an outlandish statement.

"So that I'm clear you want me to explain why my credit score is low?"

No, by your own admission we know it was due to your failure to honor payment agreements.

Please be sure to provide the court name and docket number so we can follow your case. If the repossession was unlawful then the dealer deserves a hefty fine and you should receive compensation. Good luck.


United States

Coast, there is a village desperately looking for you

#13Author of original report

Mon, April 29, 2019

Wow, just when you thought the world couldn't get any crazier. Someone rises to the challenge.

So you mean to tell me you have nothing and I mean nothing better to do in your sad little existence than to come on the internet and be a troll? Do you honestly want to spend time telling me I'm bad for having a low credit score? How lonely are you? I would say get a pet or something but I don't hate animals, I did hear that bird that killed its owner is going up for sale, maybe you could look into that. 

So that I'm clear you want me to explain why my credit score is low? I would be happy to discuss my personal life with you. As soon as you are able to get one. There can be nothing sadder or lonelier than going online and trying to berate other people. I am truly sorry that is your life. 

The issue isn't an illegal repossession? The courts and my lawyers seem to think it is very important. It is a ripoff. Therefore I came to Ripoff report to let others know of this.

I'm not even mentioned what I did for 20 years, I'm mentioned that I challenge you to try at least for a few minutes a day to be a decent human being. I know it's going to be hard for you and maybe hurt a little at first. Perhaps even going to church and trying to find Jesus would fill the hole in your empty sad sad soul. 

You, sir, are proof that we should bring back dueling. Because I know you have nothing going on in your life, you will respond back proving to me and everyone else who reads these comments just how an internet troll spends his day. I dare you to prove me wrong.



United States

Try Playing a Different Hand

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, April 29, 2019

You blame delayed mail as your excuse for your poor credit rating. That makes no sense because you knew you owed money to your creditors; therefore, you could have sent them payment without receiving the bills. With the knowledge that the bills could be expected to be late, a responsible borrower would maintain a record of their account numbers, due dates and creditors payment addresses. Even with the late mail you knew you were in default on your accounts and failed to correct the issues. Your excuse for poor credit is nothing more than a load of BS.

The issue here is not the vehicle repossession. The issue is you blew your credit and now even a subprime lender doesn’t want your business.

Please provide a link to a reputable source that supports your claim, "most service members have bad credit scores."

Your military service is greatly appreciated but it isn’t necessary to constantly remind us. Try playing a different hand.


United States

Wrong on just about every account

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, April 28, 2019

I'm curious as to his status of being a freedom and military hating person as to what current Democratic party ticket he is running on and one can only assume he's from California.
- Actually where I am from has no bearing on my statements.  I have great admiration and love the Military, I know many who served and none of them have ever used their Military Service in trying to gain sympathy for their situation. And don't say that you aren' put it in BOLD at the end of your update. Are you saying that they treat Military differently, or are you saying that the Military should be treated different? But don't take that as a dislike for the military, if anything it is a dislike for people who try to use their service as a reason why they should be treated differently.

The fact is don't consider myself neither Democrat or Republican and am in fact registered Independent. I actually believe more in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and not expecting the Government to come and rescue me from the decisions I make of my own free will.

The comments I made were facts, and just because you don't agree with them or they were not what you wanted to hear doesn't mean that it isn't true. There was not one statement in the entire post I made that "took up" for them other than perhaps mentioning the Interest Rate. But the fact is compared to other Title Loan(sharks) their interest was actually more in line with what you would get with less than average regular credit cards.

I had notified the owner of the business a year in advance that I might have to file bankruptcy and even after filing the bankruptcy I had kept the payments on that loan up to date.
- So you have basically stated that you knew for a year that you might file BK? Did you enter into this loan knowing BK was a possibility? If so that would actually be considered FRAUD. Where was your cousin that eventually paid off your loan then? By the way I didn't even bring this up but the courts are going to ask the same thing. They don't like people declaring Bankruptcy, and then a month later coming up with money(regardless of how it was acquired) to start paying off loans. There are cases where the judge can actually recall those payments and disperse it to your other creditors.

I did inform the courts of what happened and the judge said he is currently considering fining the business 10 thousand dollars in fines for violating a court order and the Bankruptcy law. ..... It is being handled at the state level I have not taken into the Federal Bankruptcy courts, yet.
- What? You go from telling us you informed the courts and they were looking at fining them, to saying you haven't taken it to the courts yet.  Do you even know that Bankruptcy is a FEDERAL process?

You can think what you want, but I am just telling you the facts and not defending the company. In fact these type of loans are the worst type of loan you could get because of the interest rate and having to put up your car.

Good Luck and I do hope you keep us up to date.


United States

Thank you for you concern Robert

#13Author of original report

Sun, April 28, 2019

As I stated earlier I believe I was correct. I believe you are from California and were never in the military. 

I only stated I was retired military with bad credit as to a reason as to why I would go to this type of place for a loan, to begin with. These sort of statements are called facts. I know people like yourself loathe and fear them, but they are there to help you. Don't be scared myself and others like me will always defend those like yourself from the bad people.

Again this is RipOff Report, where you go and tell others about companies that Ripped you off. I guess you missed that somehow. Why would I want sympathy? Oh, I see what you are saying, that was a web link to help educate you and others about how Congress was trying to cut down on these types of loans. I didn't put it in BOLD that's how it came up as I added the link. Sorry, it was too much for you to take it at once.

I'm saying all humans should be treated the same, but in the one instant Congress has singled out military personnel and said that these loan shark operations are notorious for setting up shops outside of military installations and taking advantage of those they know are guaranteed pack checks every 1st and 15th. But that has absolutely nothing to do with what information I'm trying to share with you and the world about this business.

Again we had a system in the Marine Corps called KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. I will apply this method when speaking with you.

Three years ago, I needed money quick to fix my driveway which had washed away by a heavy rainstorm.  Looking to get money quickly to fix the problem. I found Bluegrass Credit. I only needed three thousand dollars to make the repairs. I used my vehicle valued at over eight thousand as collateral. So as soon as I signed the papers the loan payoff jumped to five thousand. Yes, it was my decision to do so, and that is not the reason why I am on this site, can't seem to get that through to you.

As the years progressed I always paid my bills on time, but there where several bills from many many years before that had been charged off that had occurred. while I was deployed in Iraq. These were on my credit report and keeping my numbers low. I contacted all of these account holders to see if I settle these debts, but they required larger sums of money than what I would be able to pay at one time.

So after much thought and deliberation, I decided to apply for bankruptcy. I went to four different lawyers before I selected the most knowledgeable and skilled lawyer I could find. He was in his 70's and had been practicing bankruptcy law for over 40 years. That was over a year ago. So at that time, I notified the owner of the company that I was considering filing bankruptcy.

I did this to all my creditors so there would be no surprises. Because as an adult, you take care of your problems on your own. At that time the owner of the business stated he had never in his 15 years of owning the company dealt with someone filing a bankruptcy. I informed him I would keep him updated, as information was made to me.

My lawyer stated that he hated dealing with these type of people as they did not know bankruptcy law. Which is why I was always letting the owner of the company know information as it was given to me. I even informed him that my lawyer had stated it would be a violation of bankruptcy law if the vehicle was repossessed. He acted as if he understood but he did it nonetheless. When I mentioned that to him when he first took the vehicle his response was "f" the courts. My lawyer then stated that it figures that this was his last case before he retires he would have to deal with some dumb a""  who didn't know the law. 

So just so the timeline is clear for you. I got a loan three years ago, I thought about bankruptcy last year. I filed in November last year. The company stole the truck in December of last year. The payments and insurance were current on the truck when they did this. I just happened to mention this to my cousin who then said how much is left for the payoff? 

I said I believe around two thousand. She said Merry Xmas and wrote me a check for the amount. The check was cashed and my account paid in full near the first of January. The owner of the company then texted me and said he was sending the truck to my house. It never showed up. I contacted him and said where is the truck? And he stated he had sold it. I said then I guess I will see you in court. His last response was "lol". 

So just so you can sleep better at night, this is a website where consumers can go to report companies that have ripped them off. So I came here to share my story so that others don't have to go through what I'm going through with this company. It's called being a productive and helping member of society. Not an internet troll. Think about how the world would be a better place if we tried to help each other and not put each other down. That is why they made websites such as this to help other people from dealing with companies that don't care to rip off and scam people.

Now currently I have my bankruptcy lawyer, another lawyer I hired and the attorney generals office looking into the business practices of this company. 

Now Robert if there are any other questions about my life that can fill the void you have in yours. Please don't hesitate to write to me and ask I will be waiting diligently by the computer for your messages. (I really won't be, I have a life).

Now if you would ever like to talk and discuss things like an adult, I would meet you at I'm sure can only be described as a Unabomber type cabin or your mother's basement. We can play video games and eat hot pockets until your little tummy is full. 

As always it's good to know that you and those like you are running around in society without proper supervision. I will pray for whatever is left for your soul or what passes for one. God Bless you are his special little boy.


United States

Chapter 7 or Chapter 13?

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, April 27, 2019

Is your bankruptcy Chapter 7 or Chapter 13? Chapter 7 requires your payments to be current to avoid repossession.

They would not have repossessed the vehicle if the loan was current unless your insurance had lapsed. You have excluded a crucial part of the story.


United States

To those that comment

#13Author of original report

Sat, April 27, 2019

I filed chapter 13 and the insurance was current. Any other questions about my personal life? That may help the rest of the keyboard commandos? This is a website that helps other people from getting ripped off. 

Hence the name, not sure how you missed that. But just in case there are any other questions, I filed a chapter 13, told the owner a year in advance, kept paying the loan even though my lawyer told me not to, kept insurance on the vehicle, they knowing and willing went to my brothers house and took the vehicle without permission, then after the loan was paid they said they were going to bring it to my house, they did not, they took it to an auto auction and sold it.

When I told him that what he did was illegal and that I would see him in court the last text he sent me was "lol". So now after notifying everyone involved, I got on this and other websites to warn others about this place that rips people off and to avoid them at all costs. Because they are rip off artist and I don't want others to have to go through what I did. The case is pending and I will update accordingly.


United States

Robert, this is Ripoff Report, not take up for those who rip people off.

#13Author of original report

Sat, April 27, 2019

    As this is a site to warn others of ripoffs and scams I'm unsure why Robert wanted to make this personal. But since he asked for further facts I will divulge them.

   As by his comments, it's clear he has never served a day in the military and I'm sorry that my status as a defender of freedom and also a defender of his first amendment right to freedom of speech does not matter to him. I'm curious as to his status of being a freedom and military hating person as to what current Democratic party ticket he is running on and one can only assume he's from California.

  When you are deployed defending this great nation in hostile territory,  it may take a month or more for mail to reach you, sometimes bills have late payments. Hence most service members have bad credit scores. Not due to any fault of their own but due to being in harm's way and the mail not arriving on time. Avoiding IED's and RPG's seemed more important at the time than wondering if my Sears card payment was late. Also when servicemembers are deployed their spouses may not always pay the servicemembers bills for them and they will not find this out till they return home. To find their house and spouse have moved out and left them with a handful of overdue bills and regrets.

     Then once you are injured when you return stateside they don't just give you a check. It took two years with no source of income other than my family members help to pay my bills before a received a dime from the military. But no worries Robert. Men and women like me will continue to sacrifice our lives so you can remain safely at home and be a keyboard jockey.

  I had notified the owner of the business a year in advance that I might have to file bankruptcy and even after filing the bankruptcy I had kept the payments on that loan up to date. After the truck was taken I did not make any further payments as because I did not know where the truck was or what condition it was in. Also, my lawyer told me not to make payments to the lender.

   I did inform the courts of what happened and the judge said he is currently considering fining the business 10 thousand dollars in fines for violating a court order and the Bankruptcy law. As for my attorney the county attorney and my states attorney Generals office are all looking into the business practices of this establishment and investigations are currently ongoing. It is being handled at the state level I have not taken into the Federal Bankruptcy courts, yet.

   As for how I came up with the money a month later I'm a disabled vet so we only get paid once a month on the first. So once they had stolen the truck from my brother's house, while he was gone nonetheless. A cousin of mine paid the loan off in full for me. The owner of the business then said he was sending the truck to my home. But it never arrived. I then contacted him again. He then replied that he had sold the truck. I told him I would see him in court and his last reply was "LOL".

   Again this is Ripoffreport. Where we try to help others from getting ripped off by unethical and morally bankrupt business's I'm sorry I failed to mention the ongoing investigations into the company.


Leviticus 25:36— Take thou no interest of him or increase; but fear thy God; that thy brother may live with thee. ... Deuteronomy 23:20 (19)—Thou shalt not lend upon interest to thy brotherinterest of moneyinterest of victualsinterest of any thing that is lent upon interest.


United States

A few things..

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, April 27, 2019

I am not going to go into how these are very bad loans, as you knew that...but still got the loan anyways. That really only lies on you and your status really doesn't matter.  However, there are a few other points you seem to be missing.

...Which is illegal in some states and Congress is working to crack down on these loan sharks
- Congress has been "working" on this for a few decades, and are not going to do a thing about it other than make some nice campagin promises to people who think the Goverment will somehow bail them out. By the way the 24% you were paying is extreamly LOW for a Title Loan, most places that do title loans will charge you triple digit interest without even thinking.  There are credit cards and regular auto loans that have higher interest rates than than you took.

but I thought I could have the loan paid off and it wouldn’t hurt me too badly.
- And that is the problem. When you couldn't you expected them to give you some leeway which they refused to do.  This is really the root of your issue and why you are with them in the first place. As your previous credit history shows you had not proven you could handle credit, and they didn't give you any breaks either.

And as anyone knows once a bankruptcy is filed it is illegal for a loan holder to repose a persons vehicle.
- That is not totally correct. The loan was secured by your vehicle's title, which gives the lender more rights over the vehicle which could include reposession in some cases.  BK is not a free pass for a borrower to just not pay the loan.

The item that is confusing here is your timeline. If you actually filed Bankruptcy, not just in the process, before they reposessed it they may have violated the Bankruptcy law. But if they did that and took the car, why didn't you go to the courts and inform them? Then not only why but how did you come up with the money to pay off the loan a month later? Where was your attorney in all of this?

. If you or someone you know has had to deal with them and lost something do not be afraid to contact the Better Business Bureau, The Federal Trade Commission, Ripoff Report, Yelp, Planet feedback, Ky Attorney Generals Office, Pissed Customer or How to Complain.
- It is interesting how you left off the ONE agency that could have helped you. The Federal Bankruptcy courts for your claim of them illegally reposesing your vehicle.

What is the rest of the story here?

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