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  • Report:  #235905

Complaint Review: Bluegreen

Bluegreen Blueturd Vacation Club ripoff Boca Raton Florida

  • Reported By:
    Central City Kentucky
  • Submitted:
    Wed, February 14, 2007
  • Updated:
    Sun, January 25, 2009
  • Bluegreen
    4960 Conference Way North
    Boca Raton, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Many of you have heard this already but for those looking for information regarding Blueturds vacation club program here is what you will hear from their sales people with their corporate office, managers and board members. If you are approached by a street beggar trying to sell you a Blueturd vacation package, avoid it like the plague.

Here are Blueturds twenty lies and deceptive messaging straight word for word from Blueturds membership module. This is how they con unsuspecting hard-working individuals into surrending large sums of hard earned money over to them. These can be used when consulting an attorney. This is in violation of the Lanham Act of 1946 and the Consumer Protection act. Their new slogan should be; "At Bluegreen we feel that promises are made to be broken. How else are we going to sell our garbage."

Numbered statement are quotes from Blueturds membership module. Foliowing the numbered statements are my families experience with Blueturd.

1. There are more than 35 Bluegreen resorts to explore.

Bluegreens gives potential purchasers the impression that it owns thirty-five or more resorts in which club members can chose from. But through attempting to secure vacation reservation in Alabama we were told that Bluegreen does not own resorts in Alabama but only has an interest in them. The sales module list thirty-six resorts individually with a 2-3 page description. Judging by a small indicator in the lower right hand corner of some of the resort descriptor pages it states ?A Bluegreen Vacation Club Resort.? Of the thirty-six descriptor pages listed fourteen has this indicator. So in my opinion, at the time of this module publication Bluegreen in reality owned fourteen resorts, not more than thirty-five.

2. In the meantime, you and your guest will have wonderful vacations at your choice of Bluegreen Vacation Club Resorts-because as a Club owner, you can create your own vacation, tailor made to your unique preferences.

It sounds and reads well but my family cannot have any kind of satisfactory vacation when someone else chooses where and when we spend our vacation time. Our choices were rejected four times, two rejections in Alabama and two in Florida. In our experience thus far with Bluegreen it works in this manner. We can choose a particular location where we would like to visit but not when we can visit. Or we can choose a particular date of which we can visit but not choose where to visit at that time. We have found that it is impossible to create your own vacation, tailor made to your unique preferences through Bluegreen program. We can choose when but not where or where but not when.

3. We believed if we just gave people the facts about what we were offering, success was inevitable. We were right.

How on earth does one address this claim? Through our experience with Bluegreen they are in fact very fact challenged. We did not discover the true facts of Bluegreens program until our initial attempt to utilize our membership. This was a full year beyond out purchase date and well beyond ridiculous ten day recessionary period of which you may reclaim your money for dissatisfactory service. It takes Bluegreen forty-five days just to process your paperwork. Nice timing on the part of Bluegreen and definitely in their favor.

4. We took the same approach we had back in the late sixties: be honest and deliver a great product.

Again how does one address such a statement? Bluegreen has been nothing but dishonest with us from the time we were approached on the streets of Gatlinberg and talked into this scam. We have received no product or service from Bluegreen and from our experience so far with Bluegreen we never will. We have however discovered that we have received much misrepresentation of facts and much withholding of important information by Bluegreen sales representatives in order in an obvious attempt to secure revenue for the company by whatever means deemed necessary at the time right or wrong.

5. When you're an owner in the Bluegreen Vacation Club (?the Club?) you can go anywhere within the Club network without paying an exchange fee.

This statement does have some truth to it. My family and I can go anywhere within the Bluegreen network but what we are finding out is going where and when we want is basically impossible. We can decide where without when or when without where. We can't apply both for one vacation. If we choose where and when to vacation we will have to go outside of the program and pay all of our own expenses plus Bluegreens maintenance fees and membership dues of which they are very adamant about receiving.

6. You can choose the size of accommodations that suit you.

This has some truth but it is a worthless option when incorporated with the fact we can't use it when and where of our choosing.

7. Flexible accommodations mean, when you want to you can travel with family and friends. Travel when you want to.

This has some truth to it, but if Bluegreen had been honest and not withholding pertinent information, a continuation of the statement would have read something like;
Flexible accommodations mean, when you want to you can travel with family and friends, but Bluegreen representatives will choose a resort location or the date for you.

8. For one thing, unlike most vacation ownership programs, you're not limited to specific vacation time at a specific resort. You've purchased ?Points? that can be used at any Bluegreen Vacation Club Resort.

Here again our experience with Bluegreen is if my family and I have a specific date in which to travel our choice of locations are very, very limited through Bluegreens Vacation Club Program. If we have a specific location we would like to travel the dates available to us are very, very limited or non-existent.

The following is probably one of Bluegreens best and most misleading statements used in the module and by sales representatives.

9. Going where and when you want can be as simple as picking up the phone and calling our Owner Reservation department at 800-456-CLUB (2582).

Going where and when is very complicated. Going where and when has turned out to be impossible for us through Bluegreen vacation program.

10. Essentially, you purchased a certain number of Points that are tied to deeded ownership. This means you own your vacation just like you own a house or a car.

Like you own a house or a car? No one drives or enters any of my vehicles unless I am asked first, unless of course they steal it. No one enters my house or stays in my house unless my wife or I first grant permission. Unless of course they break in or forcible drive us out. How can they claim that we own our vacation when we have little input on where and when it is used? If my family and I owned our vacation as described by Bluegreen in this statement my family and I would be staying at the Shoreline Towers resort in Gulf Shores, Alabama in June or July of 2007. We may own title to something for over fifteen thousand dollars spent on Bluegreens Vacation Club but we have little input in how we can use it.

11. Simply call and we'll roll out the red carpet.

At this point I just added this to humor myself as it is such a bizarre statement. I am not sure how they arrived or how they see their definition of ?roll out the red carpet,? but it doesn't match with any definitions of roll out the red carpet that we know of. It's more like ?we'll pull the carpet out from under you? or ?we'll pull the wool carpet over your eyes.?

12. Even though your Points are tied to a specific unit-week, you can use them to stay at any resort in the Bluegreen Vacation Club.

In our experience with Bluegreen thus far we are being allowed to use our points where, when and if at the discretion of a Bluegreen representative. I would rate our, ?stay at any resort in the Bluegreen Vacation Club? option as non-existent to extremely limited at best.

13. You can spend your Point balance any way you want.

I have a balance of fourteen thousand points. This should be equal to about two weeks of vacation time through Bluegreens program. Any way we want to me again would mean my family and I would be staying at the Shoreline Towers in Gulf Shores, Alabama in June or July of 2007. In reality Bluegreen makes the decision as to where we go or when we go. We have no choice.

14. Throughout the year, you can use your Points as you see fit.

Again if I were able to use my points as I see fit throughout the year, my family and I would be staying at the Shoreline Towers in Gulf Shores, Alabama in June or July of 2007. Our decision as to how we use our points is extremely limited to non-existent. Bluegreen dictates how we can use our points.

15. Remember that all reservations are made on a space-available basis, so it pays to think ahead.

We did think ahead. We attempted to reserve accommodations at four resorts along the southern coast of Alabama and Florida. We attempted to reserve accommodations using the maximum allowable time by Bluegreens rules of eleven months. We were turned down which led me to believe that these accommodations would never be available or were being saved in some way for possibly a more elite cliental under Bluegreens standards.

16. One of the best things about Bluegreen vacation club is that you'll never have to pay for resort accommodations again-your vacation is already paid for.

I will never have to pay for resort accommodations again only if I participate in the vacation club program which means a Bluegreen representatives choose where and when my family and I go for vacation. Otherwise we pay all of our own expenses and go where and when we want but still pay Bluegreen around six-hundred dollars annually for maintenance fess, taxes and membership dues. They are very adamant about getting their fees even though they don't feel in any way obligated to fulfill what they claim to have offered in their sales presentations.

17. Finally, it makes sense to own a vacation-just like you would a home or car.

Since this is a redundant statement it must be one of Bluegreens cherished axioms they like to repeat. It is also a ridiculous statement if you think about it. Using this analogy if Bluegreen were a automobile dealership and one purchased a vehicle from them each time before you drove that vehicle you would have to contact them to gat permission where and when you could drive it. Or if they were a realtor that sold you a home you would have to contact them to see when you could stay in it or who could stay in it.

18. Your Maintenance Fees are also used to pay property tax.

When we are billed for maintenance fees one line is described as maintenance fees. Below that line a description and additional charge of R.E. taxes. This in all likelihood is property tax. Which as stated by Bluegreen is supposedly paid from maintenance fees.
In discussing this issue with realtors in my area the way this statement is leads to the possibility of Bluegreen or some of the resorts they claim to own may somehow be double charging on taxes or passing a tax on to consumers that shouldn't be passed on. This needs some deep and serious examination and may need involvement from the IRS.

19. Part of the vacation experience is making it fun and easy to be an owner.

Fun and easy couldn't be further from the truth. For my family and me dealing with Bluegreen has been nothing but an unending nightmare.

And finally;

20. If an owner calls with a problem, it is tracked until the matter is resolved.

I have been through the BBB (a waste of time), phoned, e-mailed and left messages to a variety of Bluegreen offices. I have gotten everything from construction problems, we are unaware of the specific of the matter, you signed these papers, and we've done nothing wrong and so on. From my own experience thus far in dealing with Bluegreen on this issue I have come to this conclusion. If a conflict can't be resolved in a manner that is in the best interest of Bluegreen they will refuse to talk. Right now I am being ignored by Bluegreen. They likely are taking the stance that in time the problem will go away. If one pushes the issue Bluegreen their recourse is to wave legal documents that have been signed by Vacation Club purchasers. To them this is conclusive to conflict resolution. This should be no protection for Bluegreen due to the fact purchaser's sign under false pretences and verbal and literal communications are littered with an array of lies, deception, misrepresentation and a practice of sales representatives withholding very important information.

Central City, Kentucky

9 Updates & Rebuttals


Spring Lake Park,


#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, January 25, 2009

Hi, I dont know how many points you have but the amount of point make a bid differerance. the less points the less places and smaller rooms. I own 10,000 points which is not a lot but a step up from teh 6,000 we use to own. When i First got into bluegreen i thought the same way. I could not get anything, I couldnt get the system to work for my family and I. I didnt understand, or now some of the the tricks to make the points work for me. I have always been able to book into places, of course we are flexible with were we stay. This year in may we are going to Casa del mar. We are stay in a two bedroom/jucuzzi with full kitchen right on the ocean. It is not a waste of money if you know how to use it. You have to be persistant in calling.Inventory changes so fast everyday. The only problem I have had with them which is why i wont ever upgrade or buy more points is we were staying at christmas mountain villiage this winter and they had nasty stink bugs and these things are big. Well we are in the wilderness so i expect to see some bugs, things happen. But after finding many and my kids being scared to sleep at night..this was over thanks giving. We complained after three days. i hadnt been able to use my jucuzzi cause there was no hot didnt last long enough either. they finally came to a resolution, they had us pack up all of our stuff and move us down the road to another villa. It was a lof of work to go through on thanksgiving, and with two kids, to repack, and unpack just to pack it all up again. This really pissed me off. I love having a place to use and not having to worry about saving up money thousands of dollars to get a place to stay but It is rediculious how they treat there owners. They should have in my opionion like any other hotel or resort had given me a free night or given me a portion of my points back for having to go through all the work of moving and being annoyed on my vacation, but they did nothing but move us. So my problem and complaint is not with being able to use my points cause i am real good at finding what i want when i want it, is being treaded with respect and courtesy. I payed 20,000 for this time share, This year i am paying it off in full. I expect to be treated right, you think they could atleast treat there owners right. If you want to know when to get it when you want it then here are some tips

*call early in the morning 7am pacific 8am central...the inventory that is not taken right before closing the night before is open for taking

*Dont have enough points to get what you want? heres a secrete i learned. Lets say you want to go to florida and stay in like sunshine resort...or a resort that is prime season in a red though has to be a red season...some resorts still are cause they are a little older. You save your points of the year you are in right...and if you maintance fees and club dues are due in lets say Oct like mine then you pay them early as early as you pay for them and you have them deposted in your account(they cannot with hold them cause you payed for them) you know have in my case 20,000 points in can now book in June,July Prime seasons and you can get a place big enough for family to stay. Try the fountains I had a booking in there just a couple weeks back for a 3 bedroom and for may and i canceled cause i wanted casa del mar on the beach can do alot if you plan it right.

*here is another thing DONT EVER BUY FROM RESORTS THEY CHARGE MORE. They mark there prices up. buy from a non resort.

*if you work there for more then six months you get your points discounted 50% off the price..but you have to meet your quota every month for six months...

*here is another idea. I have five days at casa starting on a tues to a sunday... bounus time comes 2-10days from the day you want to pay to stay. you cant beat $59 1 bedroom, 69 a 2 bd, 79 a 3 you book and then you watch to add days on in your unit if you have to watch though cause inventory fills up fast.

*My faviort is having my hubby take two weeks in may or when it is not prime season cause it is easier to travel and there are not as long of lines at disney, universal...ect. if you can do this it is nice. he'll pick two weeks and we will just wait till ten day prior to when we are gonna leave..have back up plans incase you for some unknown reason there is no inventory ....not likly. you jump on the bonus weeks on line in the bg resort website and you look at what you can stay in for 3000 point for one full week. they always normally have tons to chose with out knowing were your going you just sparatically make plans jump in the car and goooooo. so fun. and all it cost for a week is 3000 do want to make sure you get good resorts...i would say bg resorts..or wyndam is good. there are other invetory from other time share and they can be crappy so watch what your getting and google what your looking at...and 3000 points for what ever is open you could land a 3 bedroom property for a week...its fun.

well hope this helps..if you own it and you pay for it use it. if you not using it you should rent it. give it as a gift. or let family rent it from you..DONT PAY FOR IT and let them take your money and you not get anything from it. 2010 we are off to the fountains for five days...dont have the res yet but im almost certain ill get em, cause ill pull my points early this year and book 11months out.


United Kingdom

what a load of Bull

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, June 10, 2008

What a load of bullsh*t you talk
I have just arrived home form one of the Resorts on the gulf which BLuegreen manage but do not own and i had no problem in getting a unit at 9 months out, yes there are some resorts with limited inveontory but these are clearly marked that the are not owned by Bluegreen these units have come there way from buying a resort from a company who has some unsold inventory at another.
if you wanted to go to one resort in particular then you should have bought a week at that resort RESALE dont moan because you did not buy enough points to allow you to book 11 months out 20000 points lets you on the wait list at 12 months and 35000 at 13 months
ther are over 40 resorts to choose from plus an additional 18 on the select connections program run jointly with Shell.
we have never had a problem in getting accom even before we had silver and yes I have fixed Holidays and yes most of them are School holidays.the others being your mermorial weekend
Your MF contain your property tax BG list it seperate but before you jump up and down if your deed is Aruba then there is no property tax but your MF are just the same MF ar MF so if BG wants to show it as a break down then what the hel you pay no more or no less if the show it or not

I could go on and on give you many reasons but it would be pointless (sorry about the pun) you have made up your mind that they are unworkable ie you dont know how to use them so they are no good .
well get of your arse and join the group on Yahoo and find out then it will suddenly sink in what a dumbo you really are.



Do the math

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 01, 2008

At $600 per week maintenance fee and all 52 weeks sold, 1 unit alone would bring in $31,200 annually plus an additional yearly assessment for taxes. Do any of you earn money that fast? Is it any wonder that time share salesmen mislead as necessary to make a sale? Once paid for a timeshare is virtually worthless on the resale market if you can even find a buyer.


Broken Arrow,

Go Get 'Um David!!!!!!

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, May 31, 2008

Don't give up!!!!! I just posted my RipOff Report about my dealings. Maybe I can get someone to get back with me because of my Report. I have found out that I do have a Legal Recourse, so I am pursuing that avenue. If enough of us get together something will have to be changed. Hopefully, we can keep others from going through what we have.
I am located in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Contact me if I can help in any way. I am not afraid of them.


Broken Arrow,

Go Get 'Um David!!!!!!

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, May 31, 2008

Don't give up!!!!! I just posted my RipOff Report about my dealings. Maybe I can get someone to get back with me because of my Report. I have found out that I do have a Legal Recourse, so I am pursuing that avenue. If enough of us get together something will have to be changed. Hopefully, we can keep others from going through what we have.
I am located in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Contact me if I can help in any way. I am not afraid of them.


Broken Arrow,

Go Get 'Um David!!!!!!

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, May 31, 2008

Don't give up!!!!! I just posted my RipOff Report about my dealings. Maybe I can get someone to get back with me because of my Report. I have found out that I do have a Legal Recourse, so I am pursuing that avenue. If enough of us get together something will have to be changed. Hopefully, we can keep others from going through what we have.
I am located in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Contact me if I can help in any way. I am not afraid of them.


Broken Arrow,

Go Get 'Um David!!!!!!

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, May 31, 2008

Don't give up!!!!! I just posted my RipOff Report about my dealings. Maybe I can get someone to get back with me because of my Report. I have found out that I do have a Legal Recourse, so I am pursuing that avenue. If enough of us get together something will have to be changed. Hopefully, we can keep others from going through what we have.
I am located in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Contact me if I can help in any way. I am not afraid of them.


Central City,

Usual lack of information

#10Author of original report

Mon, February 26, 2007

As is a practice with Blueturd they only supply enough information to make themselves looks to be the victim instead of the predator. Whoever the blueturd rep was failed to mention that besides a request for reservations at one resort in Alabama, we requested another so called blueturd resort in Alabama. Two so called blueturd resorts in Panama City Florida and one in Destin Florida. We were advised that blueturd had no resorts in Destin nor did they have an interest in any resorts in Destin even though it was listed on a compact disc supplied in the membership module. A total of five requested vacation destination and rejection to all.

So what are we supposed to think? My family did not get into this mess to vaction where and when a blueturd representative says we can. They withhold very important information and do not stress the difficulty a member will have getting to visit resorts of which they want. If they did they wouldn't sales jack. As far as happy campers? They feel they have no choice. They are trapped. As for my character? What does one expect when dealing with snakes, thieves and liars? This ordeal is going to cost what to me is a fortune. And they could care less and have proven so. As long as mr big gets his million plus salary why should they care who gets screwed?

As for the rebuttal from blueturd (no name was left to contact) it is a continuation of their sales presenation which is psychobabble and double speak. My family will never use this program as we refuse to let some else decide where we go to vacation. I guess if they need the money bad enough to use the tactics of which they use I will have to live with it. But this want stop till I convince some one of authority that there is something wrong with how blueturd conducts business. Take the advice of mine and the many others here and avoid doing business with blueturd. Now I wonder if I should post the information supplied to me by blueturds legal department? That would make this topic real interesting.


Boca Raton,

Bluegreen's response to David of Central City, Kentucky

#10UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 26, 2007

We have noted the recent posting by David of Central City, Kentucky. As part of our commitment to ethical business standards, quality assurance and personal service, we are attempting to assist David with enjoying his ownership. However, we would also like to take this opportunity to address the issues he has outlined in order to provide clarity to others who may visit this web site.

In the first point, David mentions that his ownership materials indicate that we had 35 resorts at the time that they purchased their ownership, but claimed that the actual amount of available rooms across the Club was limited. As of February 2007, our owners have access to 44 resorts, most of which we either developed or manage. Collectively, this represents more than 1.3 million room nights available to Vacation Club owners on an annual basis.

In points 2, 5 through 9, and 12 through 15, David discussed making reservations using his Vacation Points. Our owners may use their Vacation Points to visit any of our resorts without paying exchange fees, based upon availability of accommodations and their account Points balance. David expressed interest in staying at Shoreline Towers in Gulf Shores, Alabama. This particular resort is one in which we own a limited number of interval weeks. However, this is disclaimed in the owner kit that was provided to David at the time of purchase.

While there may be limited availability for some resorts during peak vacation times, there are still many resorts and destinations with availability at most times of the year. We encourage David to be flexible with his destination and travel dates, and to make travel plans well in advance in order to increase the likelihood of obtaining his desired dates and destinations, particularly in those resorts that are disclaimed to have limited availability. As stated earlier, with more than 1.3 million room nights available to Vacation Club owners, David and other owners have plenty of vacation options from which to choose.

David discussed our business approach and ethics in points 3 and 4, as well as the reasoning for purchasing a vacation ownership in point 17. Our honest approach and high standards have earned us the business and trust of more than 135,000 Vacation Club owners, many of whom upgrade their ownerships, recommend us to friends and family, and take frequent vacations using their Points, proving that we are indeed providing a flexible and practical product that meets their needs.

In fact, in 2006 alone, 38% of our sales came from a combination of existing owners who purchased additional Points, and from customers who were referred to us by friends or family of current owners in the Club. Contrary to David's statements, this statistic proves that our product is not only viable, but is thoroughly enjoyed and frequently used by our owners.

In point number 10, David mentions that his Points are tied to a deeded ownership. This is true. David's Vacation Points are equivalent to a deeded week at one of our resorts. The week and unit number that is assigned is for inventory purposes to ensure that we are not selling more vacation interests than we can legally deliver. However, the Points can be used to vacation at any Bluegreen resort, based upon availability. This flexibility is what sets us apart from many other traditional timeshare offerings.

As point 11 of David's posting implies, we try to do everything possible to make sure that our owners receive the service and attention that they expect and deserve. In fact, owner surveys conducted by an independent market research company consistently rank us very high in the areas of customer service and overall satisfaction. This is further evidenced by our high percentages of repeat purchasers (upgrades) and referral business.

Points 16 and 18 discuss the annual maintenance fees for David's ownership. As is the case with most timeshare products, maintenance fees are assessed annually and cover, but are not limited to, resort upkeep, housekeeping and repairs. Payment of maintenance fees by all owners is very important to the continued success of the Club, as they help keep our properties in top-notch condition.

Club Dues cover operational expenses associated with ownership including, but not limited to, reservations, accounting, management, our owners' magazine, and annual dues to a vacation ownership exchange company. The fact that these expenses are associated with vacation ownership is clearly disclosed at the point of sale. We would also like to assure David that, as a public company, we are in full compliance with all taxing regulations.

Points 19 and 20 address our willingness and ability to assist owners such as David. We have worked, and continue to work diligently to help him better understand and enjoy his ownership. Contrary to David's statement, he is not being ignored. However, he has been very resistant to any offers of assistance, preferring instead to post not only factually inaccurate comments about our company and product, but also comments that reflect poorly on him.

Our efforts to assist David include multiple instances in which we made contact with him to offer a variety of reservation options, none of which were accepted. We make every effort to comply with all applicable laws, to practice ethical business standards and to earn and keep the respect and appreciation of our owners. In turn, we deliver a product that has brought a great deal of enjoyment to thousands of families throughout the U.S. and abroad.

We sincerely hope that David will come to this realization and accept our offers of assistance.

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