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  • Report:  #125857

Complaint Review: Bob And Iris Hearn

Bob And Iris Hearn, Robert Hearn, Robert M. Hearn, Iris C. Hearn, Iris Springer, Soft And Steffy, Steffy, PlanetSteffy,, Planet Steffy Bob and Iris Hearn are Pornographers Operating Out of My Neighborhood! Clifton Heights Pennsylvania

  • Reported By:
    Clifton Heights Pennsylvania
  • Submitted:
    Wed, January 05, 2005
  • Updated:
    Sat, February 26, 2005
  • Bob And Iris Hearn
    Clifton Heights, Pennsylvania
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Bob and Iris Hearn are Pornographers Operating Out of My Neighborhood!

operator of this scam site

FACT: Bob and Iris Hearn Lives at 145 W Madison Avenue, Clifton Heights, PA. This can be verified through Yahoo People Search. Simply do a search for either Robert M. Hearn or Iris Hearn.

FACT: Bob and Iris Hearn filed registration papers for an LLC (limited liability company) with the Pennsylvania Department of State on 11/02/2004. The name of this LLC is PlanetSteffy LLC. This business is located at 145 W. Madison Ave, Clifton Heights, PA. which is their home.

FACT: This purpose of this business, as registered with the Pennsylvania Department of State, is to operate an Adult Chat Site

FACT: is the site that Bob and Iris operate and can be located at the same URL. Planet Steffy is an explicitly pornographic website with obscene photos, videos, and stories on their as well as photos of themselves and their friends.

FACT: Bob and Iris's property located at 145 W Madison Avenue, Clifton Heights, PA is not zoned for commercial business and is definitely not zoned for a sexually obscene business.

FACT: Bob and Iris have three underage children that live at their home and regularly have neighborhood children playing at their home potentially exposing them to their illegal pornographic business activities.

FACT: Bob Hearn is the author of a failing book called The First Rose and a religious piece called The Day Christ Died. Consumers that read Bob's writings should be warned that Bob is a obscene and irresponsible pornographer that has no respect for the innocence of children or the decency to consider his neighbors rights.

FACT: Bob and Iris Hearn need to be exposed and prosecuted for breaking zoning laws and exposing minors to pornography. The State of Pennsylvania should take note that a pornographer has registered and disclosed that he is running a sexually obscene business from his home where it is illegal to do so and where children are also living. The Pennsylvania Department of Children and Family Services needs to investigate this.

The following was filed with the Pennsylvania Department of State By Bob Hearn on 11/2/04:

Basic Entity Information
Entity No. 3260281
Filing Date 11/02/2004 Letter of Consent No
Address 145 W MADISON AVE
CLIFTON HEIGHTS Pennsylvania USA 19018
County Delaware Jurisdiction -

Limited Authority No

Instrument History
Doc Type Microfilm# Micro# Start Micro# End Filing Date Comments
LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 2004104 186 187 11/02/2004 -

Clifton Heights, Pennsylvania

16 Updates & Rebuttals


El Sobrante,

Are you SURE there's any law being broken?

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, February 25, 2005

Without making any comments as to the morality of operating a porno web site, in most cases you can operate a business out of your home without violating a zoning rule as long as it doesn't involve it being open to the public.

In other words, you can run an eBay bookstore from home, but not one where customers come to browse through shelves in your living room. Likewise, you can run an adult website, but not an adult movie theatre.

And as for the fact that there's kids living in the house, there's nothing illegal there unless they're being exposed to the contents of the site, and the OP has not posted any evidence to support that.

I live in CA, by the way, and know nothing about any 'specific' MA zoning laws about homebased businesses - the above is purely a generic overview.



Oh, Marie

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, January 18, 2005

Do a Google image search on "marie' and see the kind of thi9ngs that SHE is involved with!

Looking there, I see marie in all sorts of lewd, nude and crude poses. Perhaps she is the spurned lover of the Hearns? Maybe she is really Bob Hearns and is doing this to promote his/her site? I do not know, nor would I ever make such an accusation. But you never know.

I do know that Clifton heights is a small town, and people there often take their clothes off, and many people use the internet. That should tell you something.



the KIDS are the bottom line here!!

#17Consumer Comment

Sat, January 15, 2005

There is alot of stuff being slung back and forth in these rebuttals. Someone suggested that accusations be proven or verified before making trouble for these parents where the KIDS are concerned, etc. I guess what they mean is that once someone gets reported to a Child Protective Service for any alleged abuse or neglect, life just becomes a real HELL and the cloud of child abuse is forever overhead. Therefore, outsiders and even family members should mind their business when the small but telling signs start to show. WHATEVER!

Does anyone know how many kids have to die or grow up into shattered adults who are barely functional before we are brave enough as individuals or groups to DO SOMETHING!!!?? Parents, teachers, neighbors, friends-all adults-see abuses every day, yet they say nothing because they are 'unsure' or don't want to cause problems for the parents if their accusations happen to be wrong, etc. GUESS WHAT!!!? If you are 'uncomfortable' about these situations, just think how it must be for the KIDS! Grow some balls and do something risky for a change!! Chances are pretty good that if you see a bruise that looks like abuse, it probably is. Have some faith in your own powers of judgement about these things. If your kid came in the door with such an injury, would you wait till after dinner-before hunting down the person who did it? Would you need time to think about it first??? Are you going to be worried what your neighbor will think of you if you called someone to look into the matter???
HELL NO!!!! If you are any kind of human being-parent or not-you should be out the door with fire coming out of your nose and a*s looking for the person who would hurt your kid-or any kid!!!

I am not suggesting a lynch mob here, I am just trying to get your attention.

Back to Bob and Iris and Steffy and whatever nasty things they do to pass what seems to be an awful lot of extra time (do they have outside jobs as well???). Who really cares what they have to do to fill some ugly void in their lives?
Remember all those laws and rights we have here in America to protect them from nosey outsiders??
Well, these laws exist and are there for all Americans. They are meant to protect the privacy of those of us who have done nothing wrong. Unfortunately, the guilty hide behind these laws, while those of us who have done nothing, generally have nothing to hide and therefore rarely need the laws! STILL, I am much more comfortable knowing they are there for us all.

Back again to Bob, Iris and Steffy. The big ugly bruise is already there, people. They may really love thier kids and take good care of them physically and even financially. But kids are going to soak things in no matter how much parents think they are protecting or separating them from what they do. These kids brains cannot process the little pieces of improper knowledge they take in. They are bound to get confused and frustrated and so on, etc. This could have profound effects on what kind of adults they become. Maybe there would be no-effects at all...but we should never take that chance.

If B/I/S and company are running a porn site out of their home, the kids need to be removed for awhile. Chances are good that some drugs and alcohol are involved as well. Who knows wher they will go next.....home movies for sale!!!???

Go get a job, BOB! or at least rent a little storage place to work from.....get the s**t away from the kids before the kids get taken away fron you! Why would you want to take any chances with their futures? Most importantly, use yourself as an example of what they should NOT grow up to be! As bad as that sounds, you'd be doing them a favor compared to where things are at now.....some day they'll understand better and at least they will know you did something for their better interests and not just your;'s!



my apologies

#17Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 07, 2005


I apologize. I was copying and pasting all of your posts last night and it was late and well you know. I wanted to have your posts on hand just in case I needed to back up anything I have said.

You know me, you just don't know me by my first name. I never meant any harm.

I apologize. I know now people will think that I am either you or pb but that is not the case. Sorry to give the members of PS more ammunition to attack you, that was never my intent. In fact I think that their behavior concerning you is appalling!

Just a simple error on my part!

Thanks for pointing it out hun!



my apologies

#17Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 07, 2005


I apologize. I was copying and pasting all of your posts last night and it was late and well you know. I wanted to have your posts on hand just in case I needed to back up anything I have said.

You know me, you just don't know me by my first name. I never meant any harm.

I apologize. I know now people will think that I am either you or pb but that is not the case. Sorry to give the members of PS more ammunition to attack you, that was never my intent. In fact I think that their behavior concerning you is appalling!

Just a simple error on my part!

Thanks for pointing it out hun!



my apologies

#17Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 07, 2005


I apologize. I was copying and pasting all of your posts last night and it was late and well you know. I wanted to have your posts on hand just in case I needed to back up anything I have said.

You know me, you just don't know me by my first name. I never meant any harm.

I apologize. I know now people will think that I am either you or pb but that is not the case. Sorry to give the members of PS more ammunition to attack you, that was never my intent. In fact I think that their behavior concerning you is appalling!

Just a simple error on my part!

Thanks for pointing it out hun!



I would hope that when people post here, they are honest about who they are.

#17Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 07, 2005


Where i appreciate your candid behavior, please note that you posted your last remark from telford pennsylvania. People will assume that you are me now. There are enough people who think everything is me anyway, the last thing i need is one more BS post from the members of planet steffy. Please do not attempt to connect me with you, simply because I don't know you. I have this thing with people making stuff up.

I would hope that you continue on with your opinions, but the last thing you or I need right now is someone stating that you are me based on that post!

I am not joshua. Please note that people! I sign my d**n name to everything. Pb is not joshua either, nor do we know who he is! Though we can relate to his opinion.

I would hope that when people post here, they are honest about who they are. That adds validity to their statements. Joshua, please never even insinuate that we know each other. I have no clue who you are, not that I wouldn't like to know who you are, but that was just wrong on your part. I thought you were from mass.



There were other allegations that have not even come close to being rebutted.

#17Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 07, 2005

Hey Mary

The post said the "day christ died" was a writing piece, not a book. If that is the only "fact" that you can dispute so be it. There were other allegations that have not even come close to being rebutted.

That does not change the fact that this site once allowed threatening posts against women, lies about the owners, allows it's members to slander both individuals and other websites, and even blamed it's most honest member of perpetrating all of this.

It also doesn't excuse the fact that people have been harassed for using freedom of speach and voicing their opinions. They have been threatened with lawsuits for abiding by their constitutional rights.

Hey Becca, if anyone can run a site, and PS was not in violation of anything, then why is it no longer a porn site? Why was it suddenly yanked without explantion from the owners of the site?

To quote you

"And furthermore, why would you purposely seek to possible endanger them by posting their HOME address on this site? Why couldn't you just say 'They're in my neighborhood'? In all fairness, you should post your address as well; since you can confront them so publicly, the least you can do is let them know exactly who you are, so they may confront you just as publicly."

My response was

If "Steffy" is allowing it on her site, why can't marie complain about it here? The original ROR?

Furthermore, I am not angry. I think that people trying to distract other people from the real issue here is ridiculous.

There are plenty of facts listed here on ROR. Poeple reading them will make their own choices and decisions based on the facts presented as a whole.

There have been very few rebuttals to the people who were decieved nor have their been explanations from the business being questioned.

Once again

Just an FYI



Some of your "Facts" proven False

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, January 06, 2005 say:

FACT: Bob Hearn is the author of a failing book called The First Rose and a religious piece called The Day Christ Died. Consumers that read Bob's writings should be warned that Bob is a obscene and irresponsible pornographer that has no respect for the innocence of children or the decency to consider his neighbors rights.

Well, I have read the book "The Day Christ Died" (which by the way is a wonderful book and I highly recommend it) and I know for a fact that it was not written by Bob Hearn.

Title: The Day Christ Died.

Author: Bishop, Jim.

Publisher: Harper & Brothers

Place Published: New York

Date Published: 1957

I wonder if the rest of your facts are as accurate as that one?

I am all for keeping porn from our children, but you have to be very careful that your allegations are true.

If your other facts are as accurate as the above, then you are most likely creating a terrible travesty that could ruin innocent peoples lives. Check your facts.

Also, anyone who reads your report, check the facts for yourself, don't rely on witchhunt tactics. By the way, my name is Mary...I don't live in your part of the country and I have no knowledge of Bob or Iris Hearn, so you need not accuse me of being one of them simply because I disagree with your tactics.



Look at your response

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, January 06, 2005


I wasn't saying that it wasn't OK for everyone else to do it--it seems that your anger has impinged upon your ability to comprehend what you've read.

It is my contention that it is OK for anyone to do as they please (surely someone as intelligent and level-headed as you doesn't need me to spell out that doing as someone pleases does not preclude intention to, or acting in a way, that is in violation of the law), and that judgement upon their moral values and parental abilities cannot be rendered by simply having an outside knowledge of their business.

If you dislike their parenting abilities, post that. But do not mixed separate issues. One would think that you were ignorant jerks, which I'm sure is not the case.

People like you both are the reason that there are wars. But past all of your bigotry, what is it that you see in yourself that you don't like? Because people who are happy with themselves rarely lash out the way you two have.

And yes, you're right, their business address is a matter of public record, I was mistaken there. But I'm sure that Bob and Steffy are very appreciative of the extra attention their site has now received, because of this thread.

And internet businesses are not subject to to same laws that retail businesses are. Because they are conducted online, in some cases there isn't even any state tax to pay (if there is no tangible object). I'm not talking about something like E-bay, but for a site of that nature, in which there are no items being sold or bartered, and essentially all they are doing is providing access, there are no regulations preventing them. Anyone can run a site such as that out of their home, no matter where they live.

Is it possible that you are slightly paranoid, Joshua? My name is Rebecca, and I'm in Clearwater, Florida. From the opinion you seem to hold of Bob and Steffy, surely you don't think they would be capable of the type of systematic debate I engage in (very successfully) on a daily basis.

And one last thing (this is meant for both of you), try to keep your emotions out of these threads, or at least refrain from posting garbled, litigious posts for the sake of argument only. It is like watching babies cry for their jar of cookies, and get mad because someone taller can get their own. My six year old son is capable of more intelligent, and focused, arguments.

Best Wishes,



taken right from the mouths of liars and hypocrites

#17Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 06, 2005

TO back up my previous statement robert "becca" , this is another post from


Ive decided that there are too many companies ripping people off out there, and too many individuals acting innocent in crimes and getting away with it.

One such company I happened across is an adult chat site that I will be supplying a LOT of information for in the coming days and posting here. If you know of a crime that has been committed by a company or individual, or if a certain individual has simply pissed you off, post it here. Let's help the world know who does what to who so others cant be ripped off and taken for a ride.



This board is for posting gripes you may have against a company or individual. You may post anything that is legal, and made known by public records. Thats a lot folks.

If someone or a company has wronged you, post it here for the world to see. If you can, include pictures, addresses, phone numbers and anything else you can find. Why let the deceitful get away with their crimes??

Thanks Guys

Owner of these boards


just another FYI

hypocrisy is still rampant on PS!!!!!!!!!!!




#17Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 06, 2005

Becca, with all due respect, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!??!!? Think about what you are saying. I am fairly sure that you are really Bob Hearn making up yet another online persona to try and defend his pornographic business. Quite frankly, I hope you are because I don't want to think that there are more people than Bob and Iris Hearn that would think operating a pornographic sexually explicit business in the presence of their minor children to "supplement their income" would "not make them horrible parents". What if they were selling drugs with their kids too? Would that make them horrible parents.

My God.this is making me sick to my stomach!




#17Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 06, 2005

Becca, with all due respect, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!??!!? Think about what you are saying. I am fairly sure that you are really Bob Hearn making up yet another online persona to try and defend his pornographic business. Quite frankly, I hope you are because I don't want to think that there are more people than Bob and Iris Hearn that would think operating a pornographic sexually explicit business in the presence of their minor children to "supplement their income" would "not make them horrible parents". What if they were selling drugs with their kids too? Would that make them horrible parents.

My God.this is making me sick to my stomach!




#17Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 06, 2005

Becca, with all due respect, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!??!!? Think about what you are saying. I am fairly sure that you are really Bob Hearn making up yet another online persona to try and defend his pornographic business. Quite frankly, I hope you are because I don't want to think that there are more people than Bob and Iris Hearn that would think operating a pornographic sexually explicit business in the presence of their minor children to "supplement their income" would "not make them horrible parents". What if they were selling drugs with their kids too? Would that make them horrible parents.

My God.this is making me sick to my stomach!



nice try , bob, steffy..I mean Becca

#17Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 06, 2005

So it is ok for people to break the law, lie and slander other people and get away with it?

This has to do with her. This is happening in her nieghborhood and she has the right to express her concerns her just as anyone else does.

Nice try Bob, I mean Steffy, I mean Becca!

You won't be able to distract people away from the truth any longer!

"Steffy" has already said that addresses can be posted on her site and phone numbers. Their home address is also their business address and a matter of public forum! So it is ok for Bob Hearn to do it, but not anyone else. HYPOCRISY yet again covered with lies.

Keep trying Bob, steffy or becca or whoever you are, someday someone will believe you. Maybe.



Wow, Do they have people posing for the site in their front yard?

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, January 05, 2005

I understand how someone would be upset that one of their neighbors is operating a pornographic business out of their home, but an online business? Do they have people posing for the site in their front yard? Are they telling everyone all about their business, in all it's graphic detail, within earshot of children?

Just because they run a site such as this does not mean that they are horrible parents. Perhaps they are just supplementing their income, perhaps they're bored and trying to amuse themselves some other way than covertly picking on their neighbors.

But how much research did you have to do to find this out (and outside of an incredibly conniving motive, I can't figure out why this information would concern you in the first place), and exactly why would you post something on the internet about people that obviously have nothing to do with you?

And furthermore, why would you purposely seek to possible endanger them by posting their HOME address on this site? Why couldn't you just say 'They're in my neighborhood'? In all fairness, you should post your address as well; since you can confront them so publicly, the least you can do is let them know exactly who you are, so they may confront you just as publicly.

But I understand, not everyone has the courage to do so.

PS I think ABC has new daytime soaps coming out this season--maybe that will help your boredom, although I would stop using them as models for your own behavior.

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