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  • Report:  #960524

Complaint Review: Bob DesLauriers

Bob DesLauriers Gazebo Gazebos, Pavilions, CNC, Chairs and Wood Furniture Franchises Calgary, Alberta Canada

  • Reported By:
    ScottOtt — Smith Falls Ontario Canada
  • Submitted:
    Fri, October 26, 2012
  • Updated:
    Fri, March 04, 2016

Bob DesLauriers of Calgary, AB and Smiths Falls, ON, Canada

Bob is advertising on Craigslist and Kijiji in cities all across Canada and the US, selling wood working franchises. He claims that with the franchise he will set you with with Sales representatives that will sell your Gazebo, Pavilion and Wood furniture. He will set you up to purchase a CNC machine and various wood working equipment. With the expectation that there is no selling required to earn a huge income. 

These franchising also costs a substantial amount of money in which he promises to get you at least two large orders but once you have paid, you will get nothing in return. You will own a CNC machine and a lot of woodworking equipment and you will never hear from him again.

He has moved continuously across Canada and the US (Ontario, Alberta, Florida and California) and often claims to be suffering from a terminal illness (various cancer types). He is constantly phoning from "the hospital" so that he can cut off the call or not answer.

He has setup various "franchises" in Alberta and Ontario so there are many jilted franchisees (at least 4 in Ontario, Canada). He has been doing this since at least 2008 and the sellers of the CNC machines know he is a scammer

If you purchase work with him as a franchise owner or Sales rep, beware. Once he gets your money, he will no longer answer the phone or his email. Bob DesLauriers is a scammer and should be avoided at all costs. BEWARE!

8 Updates & Rebuttals

Mr. DesLauriers



#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 04, 2016

After a few years of diligent work and expense, the "anonymous" coward that villified and degraded my good name has been found out! yes- Bob D is innocent of all charges and accusations - AGAIN!

The individual busted in the scandal will potentially lose her job, as the hate mail she sent appears to have been authored and sent from a school district email account using school board resources! In addition to being a rather careless action, the individual risks losing her job as an elementary school teacher in disgrace, not to mention lengthy and expensive legal battles, which may include civil and criminal charges.

If and when the New York State, and Ontario courts rule in Mr. D's favor, her name, and other pertinent information will be submitted to this forum as well as the entire court proceedings and verdict(s).

HOPEFULLY THIS MATTER WILL SERVE AS A WARNING TO THOSE OF YOU OUT THERE THAT USE AN EXTORTION WEBSITE  TO FURTHER MALICIOUS AGENDAS USING FALSE IDENTITIES --- YOU TOO WILL BE CAUGHT, AND THE PENALTIES FOR EXPOSURE CAN BE VERY severe indeed. Think about the devastation to your families, to your income, and to your stature in the community. You know who you are. But most important -- think about the pain, suffering, and loss of reputation and income you have cost victims like me. 

I have been unable to afford prompt medical attention, much needed bedrest, and have been forced to give up  my good business thanks to severe drop in income based on such wild hurtful cowardly acts undertaken quite simply by cowardly failures whose own destructive efforts needed a timely scapegoat. With no leg to stand on, revenge becomes the partner of lazy and failed efforts to punish out of personal denial of fact. I have survived malignant cancer, complicated organ transplantation, and a long road to recovery. Now your day of reconinghas come. God have mercy on your soul, I do not, as I am without funds, disabled but yet vindicated. You will pay for your actions, beginning today.







Vero Beach,

Hello "Mary"

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 25, 2016

I see your stated name is Mary. You and I both know that is not true. We both know who you are. Your disclosure proved to me it can only be one person. When you get drunk, and most valley residents know you and your husband as alcoholics, you talk too much. Apparently you write too much, too. I have in front of me a copy of the original document whereby your husband bought an option to purchase a property that I had an option on. It is signed by your husband, and is a simple one page document. It clearly states that your husband would subdivide a one acre piece of land complete with building, and give it to me in consideration of the fact that he bought the option, which resulted in him getting a nice acreage at half price. I maintained possession for many years, untill your husband took over the building and property when I was out of town. It went to court, and during the discovery it became evident that the court would not back me up on the fact that until the property was subdivided, therefore could not be leased for the period of time until the property was subdivided. I just checked, and such an application for subdivision has not been made. I have not returned to court, as I have been in failing health. I have not forgotten about it. I am now quite healthy, and have returned to my business interests, and most specifically, my personal affairs.  Your comments are largely false, and in the view of my lawyer, quite libelous. I resent your characterizations, and submit that your rage is misplaced. That your false statements have cost me millions of dollars in lost business and reputation is quite provable. This is my intention: I am taking you to court, both in Canada, and in the United States for libel and defamation in civil court. You have made fraudulent statements and you will be called to answer in court. We have brought suit against the other complainants in this extortion website, and have secured complete retractions, and in some cases, a lot more. In every case we have prevailed, you can see this for yourself by examing the court documents, all of which are public record. You are next on the list, "Mary". By disguising your identity, you may be liable for criminal prosecution, I am in the process of making my statements now. You may be well advised to prepare for your visit to Eastern Canada, and to the North Eastern United States. Even though you are a coward hiding behind a false identity, I am a human being, and a fair one at that, and I am not beyond approach. If you regret your submission, acted immpulsively, and have the personal power to apologize, I suggest you get in touch with me through email  before the end of business this week. On Monday you will be subpeonaed - you have my promise. I gave your husband the same opportunity, and I took him to court. You know not to question my resolve. Luckily for you I fell ill, and could not continue the court battle.  There is a large deficit looming in the account between us. It will cost at least $25,000 for international retainers. You got lucky with the land deal, and as Karma would have it, here you are in my grasp. My oh my!

Govern yourselves accordingly.


Bob DesLaurier

Mr. DesLauriers


Why are you anonymous? Quick hiding behind your mouse.

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, April 02, 2014

1. First of all, anyone that makes an anonymous complaint is not credible at all. If you send a message expecting to be taken seriously, leave your name -- but if you do that you will have to defend your statements. It is clear your message here is to cause harm to the named individual. In the court of law, you can''t make accusations or sue anyone unless you let the court know who you are. If you are not willing to even state your name, then chances are your statements will not hold up to any scrutiny.

2. Notice that not a single complaint in this file has a name attached to it -- they are all anonymous. HHHMMM

3. Research this website, and reviews of it (rip off report) and you will find reviews about it that indicate it's real credibility in the marketplace. For a  fee, you can have the entries disappear. Make your own mind up about what you want to say, send it in anonymously, fabricated whatever stories you want, hide behind a mouse, and cause the named party to spend a few thousand on what some call extortion fees to get it erased.

4. Now that we have established the credibility of the anonymous complainant, and know their is no recourse for slandering anyone because of free speech, make up your own mind about the source of the complaint.

I read on a consumer products website under comments that someone submitted a comment that the owners should be castrated, and tortured -- as you may well know peope say anything on the internet. Anything you read anonymously and especially anonymous submissions on the web should be taken with a grain of salt.

General CNC has no problems selling its output, and our gazebos sell very well through word of mouth. We have logged thousands of customers in the thirteenth year of doing this. 

We screen our applicants much more carefully now. Rather than pay any so-called extortion fee to have false allegations removed, we chose to leave these on. We can't please everyone. If anyone of our potential customers will be swayed by these rediculous allegations, frankly we don't want them as customers -- there are a lot of good products out there, we prefer to continue with our successful formula dealing with level-headed individuals.

To the writer in Utah, I know who you are. Your day in court is coming, just like every writer of false statements goes to court to pay for making baseless accusations. Check the retractions and apologies from each and every rip off report submitter we could identify.

I reviewed your file, and the important element in your case are that you defaulted on your down payment (to the tune of aout $16,000) and insisted you assemble the machinery yourself, in exchange for a full and complete release of obligations, which you signed. You took full responsibility (In writing). Despite your claims of being a totally competent technician, you could never even assemble the product. You were stuck without funds, and you voluntarily agreed to waive all claims, past and future. You were never even IN THE PROGRAM! To make the claims you just did have no merit in view of this fact.

Despite this, you proceeded to bring me to Utah Court personally. I cross examined you, and upon your utterance of false statements, which I was able to prove was true in court, I brought a motion that the case should be dismissed, since you were clearly lying in court, and the proof was in the court's hands in evidence. The judge immediately granted my request to have your claim thrown out of court. That was the end of your frivolity in court -- but you forgot to mention this salient fact

On a second matter, a numbered company was set up to handle business transactions, and a note of default was rendered, since the company was not in existence, and obviously did not show up. Had it sent a representative, that case would have been thrown out as well. The issue of the "What constitutes doing business" has been overturned by the supreme court. In other words, the State of Utah cannot levy a fine an any arbitrary web site located in another country. States do not have the power to insist each and every internet merchant around the world establish a corporation to ship a one-of-product into the State.

So, since you are a proven liar in court, and use this illegitimate forum to besmirch our good names, I ask - where is your credibility? By your own admission, you are out of business. On the other hand we currently enjoy a 99% satisfaction rate, -- but we can't please everyone, and we do what we can to isolate ourselves from doing business with proven liars.

You will be on your way to Canadian court, and you will have your say, and be accountable for your actions. We do not make statements we do not follow up on.

I am not aware of a SINGLE CLAIM with a business arbitration group like better business bureau -- a group with credibility. What does that tell you?

I am afraid your letter will stand to serve as an example of the 1% of problem accounts any seasoned business veteran knows will occur, despite bending over backwards for some people.

It is hallmark of our business to solve problems for our customers. New prospects for our products are provided with several references, and we also point them out to this website to let them know why we built tight agreements. You signed such an agreement, and you voluntarily negotiated out of it, and that should have been the end of it. You are the author of your own demise, and now you must face the music, and are trying to blame others for your ineptitude. 

Bob Deslaurier


British Columbia,

Bob Deslauries

#9General Comment

Wed, July 10, 2013

My husband was once a good fireind of Bob's. He was at our wedding and he lived on our property. Bob is highly skilled in technology and quite a charmer. He has manipulated, cheated and used many friends, businesses and family members. 

When my husband asked him to leave our property, he was met with many threats and situations we have had to spend a great deal of money to legally get him out of our lives.

He is a very bad man.

Please don't trust him. 



United States of America

I apologize for my comments

#9General Comment

Thu, November 29, 2012

Ok I spoke a liitle prematurely.  The dealings that Bob and I had a few years ago had led me to say a few things that maybe I shouldnt have.  The truth is that Bob does in fact exist and does offer a legitimate product.  I should have contacted him directly before engaging in this type of format. Sometimes we forget the permanancy of the internet and our postings. My intention is not to defame or destroy anyone's businesses or ventures as I am self employed and understand the difficulty in acquiring new business. Bob please accept my sincerest apologies and I do in fact retract my initial statement. 

Mr. DesLauriers


Response to ScottOtt

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, November 26, 2012

I was alerted to this website a few weeks ago by a colleague. The reader can do his/her own due diligence to ascertain the legitimacy and real purpose of it.

Nonetheless, I am responding to the "anonymous" submission. When the identity of the writer is hidden, and is not divulged by the website hosting the submission, then the writer assumes they can fabricate any statement, and make any accusations with impunity. This opens the door to false accusations by competitors, detractors, and by anyone with any motivation whatsoever to discredit anyone, or any corporation, regardless or legitimacy or truthfulness. In this modern, technology dominated world, the idea at play here is that one can simply concoct and publish any story on a website like this, and then have the target suffer some form of loss from negative exposure when the normal day-to-day running of a google search on an individual or company name makes the connection between the submission and the target.

This almost seems like the perfect forum to sabotage people or companies we have a beef with. Except there is a problem with the concept.

In the case of the anonymous submission by the pen name of "ScottOtt" a Statement of Claim has been produced to deal with the matter of untrue allegations, including defamation of character.

The Court of public opinion here does not resolve matters, it merely damages reputations in an insidious, unaccountable fashion. The Court of Queens Bench deals with real damages, and reflects the Laws of the land. Proceedings are a matter of Public Record for all interested parties to examine. 

As a matter of policy, the company I work for now includes this website as a mandatory submission in all due diligence matters. It is important for all parties involved to understand what this website is all about, the true legitimacy of the submissions, and the relevance to any business dealing.

I have worked personally developing small businesses for some thirty years. My analysis is that you can't please everybody. I also believe, and this is a belief shared by most business opportunity merchants, and franchisors of any credibility, that no matter how legitimate your business offerings are, there are still a portion of those that will fail, and fail miserably.

Changes in the economy, personal catastrophies, and other influences, such as substance abuse, addictions, divorces, and just plain laziness -- or an inability to work hard to make a business succeed are all factors. What is interesting, is that the largest percentage of "failures" all seem to have one thing in common  -- their need to blame someone for their loss.

For this reason, I have only ever contracted my services to companies that have a tight non-disclosure agreement, and tight contract - spelling out in exact terms what the agreement is all about in plain, simple English. I always insist that anyone I do business with consult a lawyer.

The reason is that despite best efforts, some people fail. I do not breed golden geese that lay golden eggs. Rather, I represent companies that have considerable track records of success, but they all require hard work, determination, and commitment on behalf of the operator.

Most of us in the business opportunity industry are fully aware that accepting a marginal candidate will come back to haunt us. At least 80% of applications I see are turned down for that reason. This website is an example of why we screen carefully. However, candidates often hide relevant information from us, such as alcoholism, or mental health problems. When we realize a candidate is unable to operate a business, we resort to the clause in the agreement dealing with mediation and arbitration, usually to try and find a way out of the problem that frankly, now involves all parties. 

It is not unusual to change owners to effectively manage a territory. Sometimes however, business operators self destruct or panic-liquidate, and by then a mediated solution is impossible. For the same reasons an individual is incapable of making good business decision to run a business, the same lack of ability dictates the exit strategy.

Examine my name, and my designs, and technology. You can see businesses running my machinery, building products of my design around the world very successfully. Many have made millions with my ideas. However, I can't be everything to everybody. I take responsibility for my agreements, relationships, products, and representations. My phone number is accessible throughout the web. My email is too.

There are two sides to every story, and anyone claiming to do their due diligence by only listening to one side of a story -- and an anonymous one at that -- on a website such as this --  is not a very good candidate to manage a business period -- let alone one with an exceptional, relevant history of success as a business model as the ones I believe in and am committed to.

Running a small business is not a good choice for poor-me,  blame-everyone-else-for-my-failure wannabees. For those I recommend hourly wage jobs.


United States of America

He almost got me...

#9General Comment

Mon, November 26, 2012

Well this is very interesting as I have been searching for any information regarding Bob Deslaurier for a few years now. in 2009 He had an ad in Kijiji that sounded to be right down my alley.  He was offering to set up small businesses to build Adirondack chairs and yurt gazebos out of garages.  I inquired about the ad and he sent me a non disclosure agreement to sign so that I could see what excacly he was offering and to see his financials.  

It sounded very exclusive and top secret so of course I felt as if this was something special.  After reading the letter and returning it to him we agreed to meet.  We met for breakfast and he proceeded to impress me further with his past ventures and current business savvy.  He told me that he was the inventor of the floppy disk( the original 9" disks)  of course this impressed me.  He then went into detail about the business he was advertising.  He was presenting an offer that required me to invest $40000 most of which was equipment and the rest was materials. He said that he would give me access to all of the plans that he designed and that all he required in return was a small fee whenever he designed a new product so that I could use the design. He kept saying that there was no charge for "goodwill" which implied that he was spreading this business, giving people opportunities out of the goodness of his heart.

One of the things that impressed me the most was his contacts in the lumber industry. He said that the raw cost to build an adirondack chair was $7 and that he would pass his connections on to me. We seemed to get along very well and from what he was saying to me this was a no brainer.  We continued to stay in contact over the next few weeks and I had decided that I was going to give him the $40,000. He arranged to come to Edmonton and spend some time training me. I was going to be on vacation and  I couldn't make the dates he had suggested. We then had a hard time making our schedules compatible.  He sent me an invoice for materials that was 5-10 times higher than the  original prices he quoted me. That same adirondack chair that was $7 was now over $40 and there were so many inconsistencies during the rest of our dialogue that red flags started going up.

As I tried to do research on this man I found that none of his several websites were legitiment. They all were "dummy" websites that had no working links. I was starting to get more and more uncomfortable.  He was starting to get belligerent with me telling me that there were several other people ready to make the investment and that I needed to make a decision now.  I was now getting extremely suspicious and asked him to send me 1 or 2 references of the people he has done work for... since his product was so incredible I figured there should have been at least a couple of people that I could talk to so that I could verify this man.

Well he became incensed and refused out of what seemed to be a sense of pride. How dare I ask for references.  Anyways this seemed at the end to be an elaborate scheme to get money out of people with all of the legal documentaion to make it impossible to fight him if you felt scammed. I am soooo glad I didnt give this man my money and I feel sorry for those of you who have been taken advantage of by him.  

Happy customer


Happy Customer

#9General Comment

Thu, November 08, 2012

I recently purchased a gazebo kit from Bob DesLauriers and was extremely happy with his product. It vas very well priced for the quality. I also found Bob to be a very friendly, upfront and accommodating business man who appeared to be very knowledgeable about the robotic wood industry. 

Scottott's experience sounds to me like he is trying to pass the buck for his own failure to make it in the business world. I have owned several businesses and it is alot harder to be successful than some would think. It requires alot of money, time and commitment. Some people have a tendency to blame others for their lack of success and it sounds like this is the case here. Who would ever take on a business and not expect to have to "sell" their product! Instead of blaming the guy who gave him the opportunity, Scottott should take some responsibly for his own actions. It's called being an adult!

Scottott would odviously be better off working for someone else, the gov't perhaps. 

I am profoundly angered by an individual who would trash someones reputation. Bob DesLauriers appeared to be a man of integrity and I am generally a pretty good judge of character.

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