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  • Report:  #1082481

Complaint Review: BOGESTRA - Bochum-Gelsenkirchener Straßenbahnen Aktiengesellschaft

BOGESTRA - Bochum-Gelsenkirchener Straßenbahnen Aktiengesellschaft Bogestra ruiniert Gesundheit der Nichtraucher - richtet Raucherzone im Nichtraucherbereich ein Bochum Internet

BOGESTRA - Bochum-Gelsenkirchen trams Aktiengesellschaft Bogestra ruined health Non smoking - smoking zone depends in a Non smoking area Bochum Internet

  • Reported By:
    Fahrgast — Bochum Other
  • Submitted:
    Sat, September 07, 2013
  • Updated:
    Sat, September 07, 2013

Bogestra ruiniert Gesundheit der Nichtraucher - richtet Raucherzone im Nichtraucherbereich ein.

Bisher galt an allen Haltestellen der Linie U-35 der BOGESTRA, die teilweise unterirdisch als U-Bahn und teilweise überirdisch als Straßenbahn operiert, ein ausnahmeloses Rauchverbot. Möglich war dies da “in sämtlichen U- und Stadtbahnanlagen der Bogestra als Pächter dieser Anlagen auch die Ausübung des Hausrechts übertragen wurde, so dass die Bogestra für diese Bahnhöfe ein Rauchverbot aussprechen konnte”. (siehe unten)

Insbesondere aber an den Endhaltestellen kam es bisher immer wieder vor, dass nikotinsüchtige Angestellte der Bogestra das Rauchverbot einfach ignorierten und ihre kurze Pause für eine Zigarettenpause in der Nichtraucherzone genutzt haben. Wenn diese dann auf das Rauchverbot hingewiesen wurden, reagierten einige, wenige sehr freundlich. Andere aber wurden äußerst aggressiv, zeigten sich uneinsichtig und bestanden darauf, selbst in der Nichtraucherzone ihre Zigarette rauchen zu dürfen. Die Kommentare die diese Leute dann von sich gaben, möchte ich hier gar nicht wiederholen. Dass ihr Rauch dabei oft in die Bahn zog, war diesen Leuten total egal. Solche Fälle hatten stets eine Beschwerde bei der Bogestra zur Folge, woraufhin diese sowohl telefonisch als auch schriftlich Bestätigungen herausgab, “dass das Rauchen an den Haltestellen der U-35 nicht gestattet ist”. (Zitat aus dem Brief von Peter Tobies, Marketing und Kundenservice der Bogestra, 9. Juli 2013)

In einem anderen Fall, an einer anderen Bogestra Buslinie, zu dem ich auch Pro-Rauchfrei eingeschaltet hatte, teilte mir Pro-Rauchfrei Mitarbeiter Stephan Weinberger am 14. August 2013 mit:


[...] “die von der BOGESTRA angekündigte (ausführliche) Stellungnahme liegt mir mittlerweile vor, aus der ich auszugsweise zitiere:”

“In sämtlichen U- und Stadtbahnanlagen wurde uns als Pächter dieser Anlagen auch die Ausübung des Hausrechts übertragen. So konnten wir für diese Bahnhöfe ein Rauchverbot aussprechen. Anders verhält es sich leider mit den meisten Bushaltestellen. Diese liegen in der Regel im öffentlichen Straßenraum und damit außerhalb unserer Befugnisse zum Aussprechen eines Rauchverbots. Die Bussteige sind öffentliche Flächen auf denen kein Rauchverbot gilt. Dementsprechend wird dort auch von wartenden Fahrgästen geraucht.

Natürlich wird dort auch von einigen Mitarbeitern geraucht, die zum Beispiel mit ihrem Fahrzeug einige Minuten Liegezeit haben, das Fahrzeug aber aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht unbeaufsichtigt lassen dürfen.

Wir halten unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter selbstverständlich an, nicht direkt vor der Tür des Busses zu rauchen, eben damit die Fahrgäste nicht durch die Rauchschwaden gehen müssen oder gar Rauchschwaden in die Fahrzeuge ziehen.

Um die Situation aber weiter zu entschärfen, werden wir das Thema noch einmal bei den Fahrerinnen und Fahrern ansprechen und sie dafür besonders sensibilisieren.”

“Aufgrund dieser Antwort gehe ich davon aus, dass die BOGESTRA auch ihre Ankündigung in Tat umsetzen wird. Die Aussagen bezüglich eines Rauchverbotes auf den Bussteigen- und Haltestellen sind nicht zu beanstanden. Die BOGESTRA könnte hier nur mittels Anzeigen an die Vernunft appellieren.”


 Nun hat die Bogestra zurückgerudert und auf Kosten der Gesundheit ihrer Fahrgäste ihre Strategie geändert: Seit kurzer Zeit gibt es an der überirdischen Endhaltestelle “Bochum Hustadt”der Linie U-35 an genau der Stelle, an der sehr viele Angestellte immer wieder das Rauchverbot ignorierten, einen deutlich sichtbar gekennzeichneten Raucherbereich. Dafür wurde einfach eine gelbe Linie auf den Boden montiert und ein Aschenbecher mit dem Foto einer Zigarettenkippe feste und sehr professionell angebracht, so dass kein Zweifel bestehen kann, dass dies auf eine offizielle Handlung der Bogestra erfolgt ist.

Selbstverständlich bin ich nicht grundsätzlich gegen einen Raucherbereich. Dieser darf aber nicht auf Kosten der Gesundheit der Fahrgäste in einer Nichtraucherzone eingerichtet werden. Als ich vor einigen Jahren mit einer Mitarbeiterin der Beschwerde Hotline der Bogestra darüber diskutierte, wie das Problem an der Endhaltestelle “Bochum Hustadt” der U-35 zu lösen sei, und diese auf die Einrichtung eines Raucherbereich ansprach, teilte mir diese mit, dass das nicht möglich sei, da diese Haltestelle einfach zu klein sei, und der Rauch dann in die Bahn ziehen würde. Im Nachhinein mußte ich mehrfach festellen, dass diese Frau in diesem Punkt Recht hatte. Ironischerweise bezeichnete sich diese Bogestra Mitarbeiterin selber als “starke Raucherin”.

Der Abstand des in der Nichtraucherzone eingerichteten Raucherbereiches zur nächsten Fahrtüre beträgt so ungefähr um die 3,50 Meter. Diesen Abstand habe ich allerdings nicht gemessen, sondern nur grob geschätzt. Tatsache ist, dass der Abstand zur Bahn viel zu gering ist.

Fahrgäste haben ein Grundrecht, in den Bus oder die Bahn einzusteigen, ohne mit giftigen Schadstoffen vollgeraucht zu werden. Wer öffentliche Verkehrsmittel benutzen möchte, sollte dies nicht auf Kosten seiner Gesundheit tun müssen. Die BOGESTRA hat mit der Einrichtung dieses Raucherbereiches in der Nichtraucherzone der Linie U-35 die Situation nicht entschärft, sondern dem Willen der Raucher auf Kosten der Gesundheit ihrer Fahrgäste nachgegeben.

=> Beschwerden bitte an:

Bochum-Gelsenkirchener Straßenbahnen Aktiengesellschaft
Universitätsstraße 58
44789 Bochum

Tel. 0234 303 0
Fax 0234 303 23 00



Bogestra ruined health Non smoking - smoking zone depends in a Non smoking area .

Until now, at all stops of the line U-35 BOGESTRA , the underground operates partly as underground and partially above ground as a tram, a exceptionless ban on smoking . This was possible because " was broadcast in all metro and light rail systems of Bogestra as tenants of these facilities , the exercise of domestic authority , so that the Bogestra could impose smoking bans for these stations ." (see below)

But especially at the final stops before it came so far and over again that nicotine- addicted employees of Bogestra simply ignored the ban and have used their short break for a cigarette break in the Non smoking zone. If this were then pointed to the smoking ban , some responded , a few very friendly. But others were extremely aggressive, appeared unrepentant and insisted to smoke even in the area Non smoking her cigarette . The comments then gave the people of this , I do not want to repeat here . That you smoke often pulled into the web, these people was totally matter . Such cases have always had a complaint with the Bogestra result , after this , " that smoking at bus stops of the U-35 is not allowed " both by telephone and in writing issued confirmations. (Quote from a letter by Peter Tobies , marketing and customer service of Bogestra , July 9th , 2013)

In another case , at another Bogestra bus , to which I had also turned Pro- smoking , Pro - smoking employee told me Stephan Weinberger on 14 August 2013 with :


[ ...] " , As announced by the BOGESTRA ( detailed ) opinion is now before me , from which I quote in part:"

" In all of the metro and light rail systems has been transmitted to us as tenants of these facilities , the exercise of domestic authority . We were able to impose smoking bans for these stations . The situation is different unfortunately with most bus stops. These are usually on public roads and therefore beyond our powers to saying a smoking ban . The public areas are bus stops positioned on which no non-smoking. Accordingly, there is also smoked by waiting passengers .

Of course there is also smoked by some employees , for example, with their vehicle a few minutes of time spent , but the vehicle must not be left unattended for safety reasons.

We consider our employees to be understood not to smoke right outside the door of the bus, just so that passengers do not have to go through the smoke or even pull smoke into the vehicles .

However, in order to further alleviate the situation , we will address the issue again in the male and female drivers and raise awareness of special. "

" Because of this answer I will assume that the BOGESTRA will also implement their announcement in fact . The statements regarding a ban on smoking on the bus platforms and bus stops are not objectionable. BOGESTRA could only appeal to reason through ads here . "


Now the Bogestra has backtracked and changed at the expense of the health of their passengers their strategy : For a short time there is the above-ground stop " Bochum Hustadt " line U- 35 at the exact spot very many staff repeatedly ignored the ban on smoking in the , a designated smoking area clearly visible . This simply a yellow line was mounted on the floor and an ashtray with a photo of a cigarette butt firm and very professionally installed so that no doubt can exist that this is done on an official act of the Bogestra .

Of course, I 'm not against a smoking area . But this can not be established at the expense of the health of passengers in a Non smoking zone. When I was a few years ago with an employee of the complaint hotline Bogestra discussed how the problem at the last stop, " Bochum Hustadt " the U -35 was to be solved , and this appealed to the creation of a smoking area , I shared this with that was not possible, since this stop is simply too small , and the smoke would then move to the web. In retrospect, I had festellen several times that this woman was right on this point . Ironically, this Bogestra employee designated themselves as " heavy smoker " .

The distance of the set up in the Non smoking area smoking area next to the door drive is just about to 3,50 meters. This distance I have not measured but estimated only roughly . The fact is that the distance to the station is much too low.

Passengers have a fundamental right to enter the bus or train without being fully smoked with toxic pollutants . If you want to use public transport , this should not need to do at the expense of his health. BOGESTRA U-35 has not eased with the establishment of this smoking Non smoking area in the zone of the line the situation , but yielded to the will of smokers at the expense of the health of their passengers.

Please => Complaints to :

Bochum- Gelsenkirchen trams Aktiengesellschaft
58 University Road
44789 Bochum

Tel 0234 303 0
Fax 0234 303 23 00

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Bogestra ruined health Non smoking - smoking zone depends in a Non smoking area .

Until now, at all stops of the line U-35 BOGESTRA , the underground operates partly as underground and partially above ground as a tram, a exceptionless ban on smoking . This was possible because " was broadcast in all metro and light rail systems of Bogestra as tenants of these facilities , the exercise of domestic authority , so that the Bogestra could impose smoking bans for these stations ." (see below)

But especially at the final stops before it came so far and over again that nicotine- addicted employees of Bogestra simply ignored the ban and have used their short break for a cigarette break in the Non smoking zone. If this were then pointed to the smoking ban , some responded , a few very friendly. But others were extremely aggressive, appeared unrepentant and insisted to smoke even in the area Non smoking her cigarette . The comments then gave the people of this , I do not want to repeat here . That you smoke often pulled into the web, these people was totally matter . Such cases have always had a complaint with the Bogestra result , after this , " that smoking at bus stops of the U-35 is not allowed " both by telephone and in writing issued confirmations. (Quote from a letter by Peter Tobies , marketing and customer service of Bogestra , July 9th , 2013)

In another case , at another Bogestra bus , to which I had also turned Pro- smoking , Pro - smoking employee told me Stephan Weinberger on 14 August 2013 with :


[ ...] " , As announced by the BOGESTRA ( detailed ) opinion is now before me , from which I quote in part:"

" In all of the metro and light rail systems has been transmitted to us as tenants of these facilities , the exercise of domestic authority . We were able to impose smoking bans for these stations . The situation is different unfortunately with most bus stops. These are usually on public roads and therefore beyond our powers to saying a smoking ban . The public areas are bus stops positioned on which no non-smoking. Accordingly, there is also smoked by waiting passengers .

Of course there is also smoked by some employees , for example, with their vehicle a few minutes of time spent , but the vehicle must not be left unattended for safety reasons.

We consider our employees to be understood not to smoke right outside the door of the bus, just so that passengers do not have to go through the smoke or even pull smoke into the vehicles .

However, in order to further alleviate the situation , we will address the issue again in the male and female drivers and raise awareness of special. "

" Because of this answer I will assume that the BOGESTRA will also implement their announcement in fact . The statements regarding a ban on smoking on the bus platforms and bus stops are not objectionable. BOGESTRA could only appeal to reason through ads here . "


Now the Bogestra has backtracked and changed at the expense of the health of their passengers their strategy : For a short time there is the above-ground stop " Bochum Hustadt " line U- 35 at the exact spot very many staff repeatedly ignored the ban on smoking in the , a designated smoking area clearly visible . This simply a yellow line was mounted on the floor and an ashtray with a photo of a cigarette butt firm and very professionally installed so that no doubt can exist that this is done on an official act of the Bogestra .

Of course, I 'm not against a smoking area . But this can not be established at the expense of the health of passengers in a Non smoking zone. When I was a few years ago with an employee of the complaint hotline Bogestra discussed how the problem at the last stop, " Bochum Hustadt " the U -35 was to be solved , and this appealed to the creation of a smoking area , I shared this with that was not possible, since this stop is simply too small , and the smoke would then move to the web. In retrospect, I had festellen several times that this woman was right on this point . Ironically, this Bogestra employee designated themselves as " heavy smoker " .

The distance of the set up in the Non smoking area smoking area next to the door drive is just about to 3,50 meters. This distance I have not measured but estimated only roughly . The fact is that the distance to the station is much too low.

Passengers have a fundamental right to enter the bus or train without being fully smoked with toxic pollutants . If you want to use public transport , this should not need to do at the expense of his health. BOGESTRA U-35 has not eased with the establishment of this smoking Non smoking area in the zone of the line the situation , but yielded to the will of smokers at the expense of the health of their passengers.

Please => Complaints to :

Bochum- Gelsenkirchen trams Aktiengesellschaft
58 University Road
44789 Bochum

Tel 0234 303 0
Fax 0234 303 23 00

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