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  • Report:  #972489

Complaint Review: Bonnie Navin Kelley/Uustal

Bonnie Navin, Kelley/Uustal Bonita Hermann Navin, Bonnie Navin hides behind The Chronicle of the Horse pseudonyms , Internet

  • Reported By:
    Curious — Internet Internet United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, November 22, 2012
  • Updated:
    Fri, November 30, 2012

Bonnie Navin, in a Federal Hearing, disclosed the she used the pseudonym "donkeyman" to a Federal Judge and misled the Court by stating it was only used in relation to her "hobby". She then asked The Chronicle of the Horse to change the pseudonym to "beenthere". After learning of what transpired, The Chronicle of the Horse changed her pseudonym back to "donkeyman" and now somehow, it has been reverted to "Beenthere". 

11 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Grasping at Straws

#12General Comment

Fri, November 30, 2012

When I read this, it was quite clear this woman has an agenda and is grasping at straws. Instead of being destructive to Bonnie Navin, I think she is strengthening her and uniting those around her who know her both as an outstanding, bright and talented attorney as well as a caring, kind and highly respected person. She is the best when it comes to equine attorneys. I would hate to have to face her in court.


United States of America

This is outrageous

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, November 28, 2012

 This is outrageous... I have known Bonnie Navin for many years on both a personal level and business level.

She is one of the "good guys" she tries to help and educate people in the equine industry in order to save individuals for frivolous law suits.

What does it matter what name she used. It should be Santa Claus for all the free advise she gives out.

This individual is simply pissed because she lost against Bonnie. So, instead of acting like an adult and putting her big girl panties on, she has taken to childish name calling and posting everyplace that will let her throw a tantrum.

I find it dis-tasteful that sites like this, that are meant for real scams and fraud actually allow vicious, nasty claims to get posted.
All I can say is... grow up and Karma will make things right.

Because, nobody could think that such a professional and giving person would hurt someone like that.



United States of America

What's the Issue?

#12General Comment

Mon, November 26, 2012

I'm not even sure this merits a response because there is no issue here. EVERYONE "hides" behind a pseudonym on the Forum....that's the whole point of the thing. Almost no one uses their actual name and even some with existing Forum names admittedly use an "alter" on certain threads to ensure further anonymity.  The Forum is a public venue for opinions, sharing of ideas and resources, and amusing commentary, no matter what the username is. What is unethical or immoral about using one name and then changing to another?  I think the original poster here is seeking to create an issue out of nothing.  Bonnie's posts on the Forum have been consistently constructive, helpful and informative, whatever name she has used.  The entire equine community in South Florida is better off, as a result of her knowledge and experience, which she shares in abundant measure. Although she referred to riding as her "hobby" in the referenced papers, we all know it is more than that; it is her passion. 


United States of America

Definitions to become familiar with

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, November 26, 2012

Ms. M****, 

I have read your comments about Ms. Navin not only in this forums, but others and frankly, in my opinion, border on libelous.   Please read further and you will understand why.

Libel [lahy-buhl] To publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others. Libel is the written or broadcast form of defamation, distinguished from slander which is oral defamation.

Defamation [def-uh-mey-shuhn]  Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person's reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.Defamation may be a criminal or civil charge. It encompasses both written statements, known as libel, and spoken statements, called slander.

Slander [slan-der]Oral defamation, in which someone tells one or more persons an untruth about another which untruth will harm the reputation of the person defamed. Slander is a civil wrong (tort) and can be the basis for a lawsuit.

What I don't understand is why you continue to post statements that do not only fit the descriptions above, but also hint of collusion.

I have known Ms. Navin for nearly 30 years and never found her to be anything other than honest and trustworthy.  She is also straightforward and blunt, which some may find uncomfortable, but are characteristics which not only make her an excellent attorney, but a terrific human being.  In the past I have turned to Ms. Navin for legal counsel and will continue to do so if the need arises.  

Mr. M****, I think it's time you stopped. While I am 100% behind freedom of speech, what you do his hateful and troublesome.


United States of America

Oh please......

#12General Comment

Sun, November 25, 2012

This complaint is complete garbage.

Elizabeth Mandarino used The Chronicle of the Horse forum to her benefit when she shamelessly advertised on behalf of her business.  That alone is a terms of use violation.  She advertised her "contest" on the forum for months in order to attempt to gain more customers.  She had numerous different screen names to have conversations with herself and make comments about herself to attempt to get others to make negative comments about her.  The Chronicle Forums were used as a tool to benefit her and when the Chronicle staff finally "outed" her many different screen names she got angry and is now attempting to defame not only an internet bulletin board with thousands of users but also a very competent attorney with a stellar reputation who actually goes out of her way to help people.  

These are nothing more than the ramblings of a self-righteous, self-obsessed, delusional, paranoid cry baby.  She will NOT stop talking until she ultimately gets her way.  She is a bully of the worst sort.  She is a poison in the horse business.  She blames everyone for problems that she alone created.   Her recent history is rampant with bad press, lawsuits, controversy, loss of friends and customers, cyber bullying, threats, and a temporary suspension from the governing body the United States Equestrian Federation.  All FACTS.  

A simple search:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.&bpcl=38897761&biw=1366&bih=635&emsg=NCSR&noj=1&ei=SEOyUMnkDYfu9ASlpoHIAg&sei=VEOyUKicL5Hg8ATTn4HoCQ&gbv=2
clearly shows her destructive behavior.  She uses websites, forums, bulletin boards, and multiple social media outlets to benefit her business.  Nothing wrong with that.  The problem arises when these same forms of media give people the ability to see her misdeeds.


United States of America


#12General Comment

Sun, November 25, 2012

Bonnie Navin is a stellar lawyer, a caring horse person and a 1st class human being; not necessarily in that order. Ms. Mandarino...a bit of advice. You've bullied COTH and Diva into dropping any posts you might find actionable. Too bad. You have no one but yourself to blame for the fact that you can't be front and center in one of your mini psycho-dramas anymore. You've moved to this forum to express your 'outrage' against someone whom you can't beat in a traditional arena.

This isn't Diva. You have no friends here, while obviously Ms. Navin does. A good lawyer never asks a question they don't already have the answer to. A good blogger better be very careful about the substance of their accusations if they don't want rebuttal repercussions. (especially when you've posted under a multitude of screen names on COTH yourself.) Bottom line....if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Save your gripes for your newsletter. It's possible some of the people who get that might find you a figure of pity....,.in your dreams. Lol.


lake worth,
United States of America

The truth

#12General Comment

Sat, November 24, 2012

Bonnie Navin is not only a close friend but also has handled all of my legal work for well over 5 years.  She is excellent at negotiations and settling out of court.  She is a professional.  Her advice over the years has been beyond helpful but also reasonable and and rational.  These are traits you do not normally see in the horse world and less so in the legal arena.

I have been following this entire story since the beginning.  I find Ms. Mandarino's accusations unjust, baseless, and without merit.  She has taken up a one man crusade to besmirch the good name of Bonnie Navin.  I find it completely in bad taste to attempt to ruin someone's business reputation only on the basis of being hired as their attorney and defending their client in the best way possible..  In my opinion this shows that Bonnie Navin did an exemplary job for her client or Ms. Mandarino wouldn't pursue this in the manner that she has.  Posting on this ridiculous website shows nothing more than bitterness and spite on the part of Ms. Mandarino.  

Elizabeth, if you read this you need to really think long and hard about your actions past and present.  You are doing harm to no one but yourself. ONLY you yourself have caused damage to your reputation.  

I am proud to consider Bonnie Navin Esquire a close friend and confidante as well as my attorney.  I HIGHLY recommend her for anyone's legal needs.


Delray Beach,
United States of America

Straight from the Horse's Mouth

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, November 24, 2012

My wife and I have known Bonnie Navin for more than four years now.  She is not only our close friend, but our legal counsel as well for all equine related matters.  I am writing this message today to set the record straight regarding her character, and the utmost professionalism that she demonstrates both in the equine arena, and in the court of law.

Ms. Navin is one of the most respected equine attorneys in the industry, and is extremely well thought of by her peers in the legal community.  She manages our risk, and forges order in the chaotic, and often times deceptive practices surrounding acquisitions and sales in the equine world.  Simply put: we have the ability to retain the top equine counsel in the country, and in our eyes, it's Bonnie Navin.



This report has no basis

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, November 24, 2012

Your attempts to discredit an extremely outstanding person will only result in tarnishing your own reputation. Bonnie Navin is not only the kindest, most selfless person I know, she is also extremely intelligent and professional. Additionally, she has a great deal of respect for the Court. Your statement she "...misled the Court" is baseless and defamatory.

Your entire post has no basis. There are dozens of people with thousands of posts in the Chronicle Forums. Are you suggesting all of these folks are posting purely for financial gain? That is an outrageous suggestion and offensive to everyone who posts frequently.

These folks are using a forum that is designed to provide a place for people with like interests to socialize and share their information and knowledge - it is a community. Donkeyman's posts are always intelligent and knowledgeable. Her posts are very informative to many in the horse community, and she shares her knowledge freely to help others in the sport.

It is unfortunate folks such as you use a website like this to dispense baseless information in an attempt to discredit good people.  Shame on you!

In Search of Truth

North Carolina,
United States of America

Elizabeth Mandarino, you lie.

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, November 23, 2012

To all those who know Elizabeth Mandarino, you already know that she is a vengeful whack job and stalker.

Bonnie Navin was the winning attorney in a lawsuit against Mandarino.  Nothing more.  Since then Mandarino has tried to besmirch Bonnie's reputation as a person and an attorney.

If you do not believe me, do a search under Mandarino doggie" and see the complaint filed against her and her doggie clothing store.  Mandarino has been cheating and fooling people for years now.

OTOH, I have known Bonnie for a long time, and have never known her to be anything but a complete professional, who, despite my recommendation, does not think it is worth her time to sue Mandarino for defamation.  Too bad, because I am sure she would win.

To Ms. Mandarino, give it up.  This site was not meant to file complaints against people who have changed their screen names.  Come on, lady.  You are tipping over the line from a stalker to a cetifiable paraniod personality who no longer can distinguish between the truth and your unfounded delusions.

And Ms. Mandarino,  if you think Bonnie is posting this or has encouraged me to write this rebuttal, you are wrong.  I am writing it in the interest of outing you and your aberrant nature.

Be aware, Mandarino.  Karma is a b**ch.


New Jersey,
United States of America

Bonnie Navin Musical Pseudonymns

#12Author of original report

Fri, November 23, 2012

COTH Musical Pseudonymns 

Why is The Chronicle Forums allegedly protecting Bonnie Navin's pseudonymn after she has disclosed the alias "donkeyman" to a Federal Judge and others and stated that it was only used for her "hobby" and not used  in relation to her law practice? 

Ms. Navin stated to a Federal Judge:
... donkeyman - - which is a name known to me on a blog that I participate in as an equestrian, has nothing to do with lawsuits. These are completely taken out of context. They do not reference any lawsuit that I have ever handled or would handle. They go to my competitive riding and have nothing to do with any of that. So its offensive, that counsel would try to present that to the Court in that manner.

Ms. Navin created a thread entitled Purchase Your Dream Horse: Get it in Writing among many other threads she has started under the pseudonym donkeyman. Some other threads she has posted under are titled; Federal Fraud Case, Horse Selling at its Worst, unethical trainers, Trainers Reputation, What Would You Do? (Pre-Purchase Exam), Chronicle Article 8/29 regarding Mindy Darsts admission of guilt, Contracts, Dealing with Dishonest Clients, Pony missing after 10 day trial Florida, Locating horses that disappear and Late pay on lease just to name a sampling. 

To date, Ms. Navin has 1,265 posts since creating the username donkeyman on March 8, 2007 and has created 97 threads by donkeyman. In my opinion, this is not just purely social in nature but has become a business to Ms. Navin. 

It has been changed from "donkeyman" to "beenthere" at Ms. Navin's request days after she disclosed it to a Federal Judge and once notified The Chronicle Forums changed it back to "donkeyman" and then COTH changed it once again to "Beenthere"?

And now it seems COTH is playing games with it's search process engine. Search the keyword donkeyman instead of the username donkeyman. 

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