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  • Report:  #982719

Complaint Review: boost my grades

boost my grades SCAM! Charged me 600.00 -Guaranteed an A. I had to drop class due to D-C grade and late assignments Internet

  • Reported By:
    Christy Boner — MOunt Juliet Tennessee United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sun, December 16, 2012
  • Updated:
    Wed, July 09, 2014

I paid 600.00 for a guaranteed A in elementary Statistics. The 1st tutor failed everything. I then asked for my money back and they offered another tutor. This tutor made B's and C's on homework assignment. Not completing several homework. Then he failed a quiz and was late on next quiz. I asked for my money back and was threatened that they woudl call my school and tell the school that they did all the work. 1st off I did over half the homework assignments myself (since boostmygrade had nothing done 24hrs before the assignment was due). 2nd my school requires midterm and final exam to be taken in person. I took midterm and made a C. This would pass if boost my grade had kept an A in home work and A in quiz. I failed the class. AND GOT NO MONEY BACK FROM THEIR GUARANTEE. If anyone is interested in a class action suit I would be glad to be apart (and not receive a dime). I would just like to see them get what they deserve! I am an RN with an associates degree and was working on my bachelors. I had a 4.0 in every class but couldn't understand statistics. is a rip off.

11 Updates & Rebuttals

Mister Mr


To Christy

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, July 09, 2014

Shut Up!

That is all.

Mister MR.


MOunt Juliet,

To Robert

#12Author of original report

Tue, March 26, 2013

Since you chose to ignore the fact that this website is about notifying the public about companies that steal people's money. I will now address your ignorance Robert. RN=$. Hospital jobs do not pay more rather you have an associate or bachelor's degree. They pay on a scale based of years of experience. Nor are you required to have a BS to be a nurse manager. I was a nurse manager and saved my unit 40,000 dollars in the 1st fiscal year (of which I got a nice bonus for that). I was also a pharmceutical sales rep with my associates degree. I launched a new drug and was number 1 in sales for the entire southeastern region (again I received a nice bonus) funny thing is I didn't need a statistics class for either job.

So this Bachelor's degree that you think moves you up in managment...Haha, B.S.N. is worthless! I wanted it so I could get my Masters-Nurse practitioner and stay at the bedside of patient care.

When I started travel nursing and allowing the government to pay my way to florida, california,texas or anywhere I wanted to go. I realized I could bring home well over 100K(yep after taxes) and still stay at the bedside. Statistic didn't seem so important anymore!

So Robert you don't know anything about nursing or statistics so when you rebutal you might want to stick to talking about the issue.


New York,

Arrogant RN

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, March 25, 2013

So "yes I am not perfect" but I think choosing to spend my time learning about things that matter in life if far more important.

YOU don't decide what "things that matter" are required for a BS degree-the school (with consultation from the industry) does.  If you don't like the curriculum of the degree program, don't enroll and don't try to justify your cheating to me.

Since you're already an RN with an AS degree, why would you want a BS?  Simple: to be promoted to a higher position with higher pay. 

Here's a tip for you sweetie that applies to all professions:  as you move up in your profession, the "hands on" aspect of the job declines and the "administrative" aspect of the job increases.  This means that if you were promoted to, say department head or "head of nursing services" in a hospital, you would then NEED to be able to perform statistical analysis of department and individual processes to determine weaknesses and accurately determine appropriate corrections to the processes in place.

With a degree you PURCHASED, rather than earned, you would probably not be able to satisfactorily function in this position of higher responsibility.

I agree with Jeanski, I would not want you attending me if I were in your hospital. 

kevin dawson

Get your money back

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, March 24, 2013

To the original poster: I dont agree with using a service like this but I do get your point about how you dont need statistics.  I see boostmygrades has a track record of scamming students and their pattern is to blame it on other sites or individuals. If you really want to get even with Boostmygrades you should call your credit card company and file a dispute on the charges that you paid them. You will 100% win your dispute. At least you will get your money back. Also I saw 2 other reports on them saying that the employees of the company work at Keiser University. The guys that run boostmygrades, also had another site according to yet another rip off report, which they took down and started this one. If I got screwed by them, I wouldn't let them get away with it. You can call Samantha Klienman's boss at 954-351-4040 and file a complaint about how she scammed you. She is related to Michael Klienman, the founder of boostmygrades.  I also went on Boostmygrades and read their terms and conditions which explicitly say they do not guarantee services and do not give refunds which contradicts the guarantee offered on the homepage.  Good luck on getting your retribution from these scam artists. 



Still Failied

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, March 20, 2013

Still failed. 


New York,

response to Boost owner

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, March 19, 2013

This kind of logic exemplifies whats wrong with this generation. I dont pretend to understand everyones circumstances, because it isnt really relevant. If youre not in a position to focus on your studies, dont enroll in college. Students with academic difficulties such as ADD should seek help from the Student Services office where PROFESSIONALS will help them. If your only option is to cheat your way out of a class, youre in sad shape.

Heres what REALLY happens when students use services such as yours:

1.  If I catch them (and I have) they get an F for the course and an honors violation on their transcript. That makes it exceedingly difficult to go to another school. Not only that, other faculty will know and pay careful attention to that students work in the future. If you need a letter of recommendation from a faculty
member youre out of luck.

2. Employers will get the wrong impression of a schools graduates. Or maybe the right one? Hard to tell. An employer who hires a graduate from my school thinks hes getting a quality employee. Believe me if
hes not happy because its obvious the student didnt learn what he was supposed to, the employer will let everyone know. The schools reputation suffers, the employee wont get a job, and the employer will look elsewhere in the future. You wonder why the Career Services office cant help you? Its because employers know that the graduates arent properly trained (this seems to be a big issue with the trade and career schools).

3. The student suffers because he has paid a considerable amount of money for a degree he bought, and hasnt learned the skills necessaryto get a job. Using the OP as an example: nurses need a good  comprehension of math and statistics because many medications are administered based on body
weight. What if the doctors handwriting is sloppy and you dont understand the order? Can you make sense of it based on your knowledge of math? Can you tell the difference between 5 mg and .5 mg? If not, I sure dont want you as my nurse. Youre putting my life in danger.

4. The public suffers on many levels. First, our tax dollars are helping pay for the education through grants and loans. I dont want my money going to someone who needs to cheat. Second, we have to deal with the
employees who cant make decisions and cant think logically because they never developed their critical thinking skills.

5. The faculty suffer because we have to teach outside our area of expertise. Example: a student once turned in a paper to me and I explained that she had used a word as a noun instead of an adjective and she needed to change it. Her question to me was: Whats the difference? Seriously? If youre in college and dont know the difference between a noun and adjective, you are in sad shape indeed. I am NOT an English teacher but I feel obligated to help them strengthen their writing skills because theyre so poor.  Maybe this is one of your former customers who cheated their way through English class???

The bottom line is that your company isnt doing anyone any favors. If you really want to help students, skype them and explain whatever it is theyre having difficulty with. Better yet, have the student contact their instructor. Thats what we get paid to do!


New York,

Ethics from the likes of you?

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, March 19, 2013

do not pretend to understand everyone's circumstances in life.

What have we here?  A lesson in ethics from a business who helps students CHEAT?

Laughable!  Cheats are cheats, plain and simple.  You are the last person who should be scoding anyone about ethics.


Christy Boner

MOunt Juliet,

Would you rather I know life saving cardiac drugs or statistics?

#12Author of original report

Tue, March 19, 2013

I must confess as much as I would like to think: I know it all! I don't and that is why I paid for a service to assist me. Yes I did pay Boost My Grades not its competitor.

I am an Emergency Room nurse so would you rather I know the statistical percent of patients that make it to the ER after having cardiac arrest.....or the proper medication doses, how to use an EKG machine, get you to the cardiac catheterization lab, and the ability to get it all done in less than 60 minutes from the time your chest started hurting?  Because if all this doesn't happen the patient will probably die or at a minimum not return to prior quality of life.

So "yes I am not perfect" but I think choosing to spend my time learning about things that matter in life if far more important. However, this doesn't excuse boost my grades for false advertisement and ripping me off.


A message from BoostMyGrades

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 19, 2013

As the owner of BoostMyGrades, I have several points I want to make here.

The background of this complaint sounds real, but I know this complain is FAKE because we NEVER threaten our students and ALWAYS refund students if they're not satisfied.   A few of our competitors, notably "wetakeyourclass" and "onlineclasshelper," routinely threaten their students.  We have heard the horror stories.

On rare occasions, our tutors do not get A's.  We have strict quality control measures and hire the very best tutors.  However, sometimes the circumstances are way too tough (< 6 hour until the deadline), sometimes we cannot get the required books, and admittedly, sometimes the tutors blow it.  This happens less than 2% of our time.

We hire the very best and are proud of our accomplishments.  Our tutors aced econometrics exams for Harvard students and microbiology projects for Johns Hopkins students.   How?  We hire the very best.  We do elementary statistics in our sleep.

Do not fall for this FAKE review.  We don't post FAKE reviews about our competitors on BS websites like RipOff.  I hope you're smart enough to realize what's going on.  BEWARE of WETAKEYOURCLASS and ONLINECLASSHELPERS.  NEVER give them your login info.  We have heard too many stories where they screw their students even if they don't hire them.   

Finally, to the other comments on this site criticizing students who cheat: do not pretend to understand everyone's circumstances in life.  We have helped working parents who are trying to get a graduate degree so they can provide their children with the life they didn't have.  We have helped students suffering from ADD, dyslexia, and autism whose only goal in life was a college degree.  If you're in need of help with your education, and tutors are not working out for you, choose BoostMyGrades.


New York,


#12Consumer Comment

Sun, December 16, 2012

Wow - I'm not even sure where to start....

You paid someone else to complete homework and quizzes?  You should be expelled.

The purpose of homework is to help you better understand the concepts. Had you done it yourself, maybe you would have been able to take the quizzes (more review) and do better on the midterm and final.

All schools offer tutoring services.  Why didn't you take advantage of them instead of trying to buy your grade?

Makes me wonder what other courses you might have paid to pass. I don't think I would want you as my nurse.

You were scammed by a company whose business model is based on helping you scam others. You got what you deserved.


New York,

What else could you expect?

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, December 16, 2012

 I asked for my money back and was threatened that they would call my school and tell the school that they did all the work. 1st off I did over half the homework assignments myself (since boostmygrade had nothing done 24hrs before the assignment was due).
Aren't you supposed to do ALL of your homework assignments?

2nd my school requires midterm and final exam to be taken in person. I took midterm and made a C. This would pass if boost my grade had kept an A in home work and A in quiz.

Next time, try to learn the material yourself rather than pay someone to do it for you.  You have no one to blame but yourself.

I failed the class. AND GOT NO MONEY BACK FROM THEIR GUARANTEE. If anyone is interested in a class action suit I would be glad to be apart (and not receive a dime).

Yeah right!  We believe that.  This from a cheater!
I would just like to see them get what they deserve!

I would like to see you get what you deserve-expulsion from school!

I am an RN with an associates degree and was working on my bachelors. I had a 4.0 in every class but couldn't understand statistics. is a rip off

As you are!  You get no sympathy here!  Here's a thought-in the interest of protecting your fellow students, why don't you let your school know about this so they can alert the entire class?

A cheater cheated by a cheat!  Karma does exist!

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