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  • Report:  #517542

Complaint Review: Brassem Global Consulting

Brassem Global Consulting Jan Brassem Breach of contract. Intelectual Property Rights Violation, $27,520.00 debt, International travel scam, slander Torrington, Connecticut

  • Reported By:
    Digital Legacy — Galloway New Jersey United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sat, October 31, 2009
  • Updated:
    Thu, December 10, 2009

I was hired by Jan (John) Brassem of what was previously Eclipse Global Consulting, now Brassem Global Consulting to design and develop a website for his business. After 6 months of work (3 complete websites) I was ripped off for a total of $27,520.00 in hourly wages. After some investigation, I was able to find out that I was 7th in a list of companies that have been ripped off by Jan Brassem. Third millennium marketing, Hosting CT, Eclipse Global Computing, Guymark Studios - are a few of the companies I found that have been victems of this con man. 

Jan Brassem operates his fake business under false credentials, and is a college professor teaching female leadership. While I was developing his website, he bragged to me that the business is simply a scam that allows him to travel and vacation on other peoples dime. 

On you will find generic images taken from google images which are in violation of intellectual property law. In the section named "projects" are a list of projects that never existed but were dreamed up to compliment the fake testimonials located atop the website on every page. 

In the "Team" section, there are 4 people listed: Jan Brassem boasting his fake credentials. Karen Tietjen who is not the person in the picture, and two other individuals that do not even exist and have no affiliation to BGC. 

In late 2008 I talked my case over with several lawyers specializing in breach of contract. Through their services, I found out that Jan Brassem has been sued several times and has judgements against him that are still awaiting to be executed. After being sued by Guymark Studios, Brassem fled to a closed fence community. An officer was sent to execute the judgement of the court after Brassem was found at his "hiding place"; however Brassem fled the community. The next suit against Brassem was back rent from the community he fled. 

After speaking to the same lawyer who represented guymark studios, I was told that he would love to "nail" Brassem again; however, executing a judgement would be near impossible considering Jan Brassems "slippery nature". Alas, even if I was able to execute the courts judgement, the amount of the award would probably require seizure of his assets (he and his wife). Because his wife is a relative of my spouse, I can not in good conscience pursue the seizure of her assets (as I am sure he owns nothing). 

For 6 months Jan Brassem treated and talked to me and about me like I was the greatest person on earth. When it was time for Brassem to pay his bill, he pretended that he was dying of cancer, called me from what he said was the ER having holes drilled in his brain. As the days progressed, he complained about his chemotherapy treatments up to the point that we found out he was lying about having cancer at all. 

After Jan Brassem found out we knew how full of it he was, his wife Karen Tietjen contacted me to "Get Jan what he needed" from the website he never paid for. I bartered a deal with her that for $1500.00 I would release the domain name they wanted, and email the website files (which I did). 

Jan Brassem owes me $27,520.00 for 6 months of work, and is actively seeking new people to scam with his fake business con. His website features content that is completely fraudulent and myself along with several other businesses have filed a joint complaint to the consumer protection agency who told us "When he makes some money, we will bust him".


4 Updates & Rebuttals

Digital Legacy

New Jersey,

Final Update

#5Author of original report

Thu, December 10, 2009

The posting above (new information) was not written by me, it was a product of the execution of a well documented extortion plot. A threat was issued by someone who should not be involved to a 3rd party who was coerced into posting the update in my name. The original list of demands were scripted specifically to humiliate me; however, the list was revised and the above was posted instead.

I Daymon Allen have not received any new information mentioned in the above post.

I Daymon Allen have never agreed to any of the negotiation that took place outside of my presence and without my involvement.

I Daymon Allen do not agree with the posting above.

If anyone has an issue with my posting, let them contact me directly!!!!!!!!!!!

If anyone has any doubt in the information I posted, feel free to contact the other companies mentioned in my post, Especially Guymark Studios. It was by my intervention that some of those companies were eventually paid.

My post was written to protect consumers, and that is all it was intended to do.

Perhaps after working for six long months on never-ending projects (300+ lists of tasks), and being lied to repeatedly for months about checks getting "lost in the mail" and people "dying of cancer" I did feel cheated, and yes very angry.

To the staff of Brassem Global Consulting: We have been getting punished by you since I began working for you. We have been punished financially over the course of 6 months. Now, because I was not "quiet enough" about it, we all are so very thoroughly punished that it seems impossible to recover. I have a huge apology to make, but it is not to you. I will never be able to apologize enough to certain people for getting involved with you.

Congratulations BGC. I am officially closing down the business I have spent the past 8 years building as I am utterly mortified and disqusted seeing my name and my business name on the scripted trash posted above, and I can not tolerate it. Knowing this, I hope will prevent any further threats from you.

Jan Brassem, all I can say to you is ... you know who and what you are.

Anyone else who may be upset with me for this posting: I can not sacrafice my integrity on behalf of a dishonest persons already fouled reputation, and I am sorry.

, Daymon

Digital Legacy

New Jersey,

Update - new information received

#5Author of original report

Sat, November 28, 2009

In this report,  Daymon Allen of Digital Legacy Web Design of Galloway, New Jersey wishes to correct misinformation which was previously reported on October 30 in Report #517542 as follows:

I was hired by Jan (John Brassem) of Eclipse Global Consulting, now Brassem Global Consulting, to create a web site.  Our original agreement was pro bono which was begun during June/July 2008.  On September 15, 2008 an e-mail agreement to end our pro-bono arrangement was made.  I agreed upon a finished price of $1,500 for which I sent an invoice.  I was paid in full by the end of October at which time I sent Mr. Brassem his web site files and he moved on to a new web designer.


It has come to the attention of Digital Legacy Web Design that there may be incorrect information included in Mr. Brassems background check, and thus I am compelled to make the following statements:


1.       I do not have any firsthand knowledge of Mr. Brassems business credentials

2.       I have received new information regarding Mr. Brassems projects.  Since I do not have any direct dealings with Mr. Brassem, I do not have knowledge of any of Mr. Brassems projects and do not know any of the people who gave Mr. Brassem testimonials; thus I am not able to provide proof of any falsehood surrounded testimonials posted on Mr. Brassems web site. 

3.       I have received new information regarding Mr. Brassems team.  Since my original post, I have found out that Mr. Brassem considers all consultants that he uses in his business as part of his team.  I do not have any firsthand knowledge of Mr. Brassems business, nor do I have any knowledge of who he consults with.

4.       I have received new information regarding photos on Mr. Brassems web site.  The photo of Karen Tietjen is not her because she would prefer not to have her photo on the web page.  This is her right and instead she preferred to have used a stock photo which is a perfectly acceptable alternative if those stock photos have been obtained following all pertinent copyright laws.

New information was brought to the attention of Digital Legacy Web Design and we want to set the record straight.  We have learned that information found in a background check of Mr. Brassem is incorrect.  This includes but is not limited to Mr. Brassems educational and military background, as well as reported multiple aliases and social security numbers.  Though the findings of Digital Legacy Web Design did not show correct background information on Mr. Brassem, the new information provided to Digital Legacy Web Design shows that there are inaccuracies that we reported which demand to be rectified, and since these inaccuracies include this educational and military background information we retract our statement regarding the lack of both as well as the above mentioned aliases and social security numbers.  We apologize for any misinformation that may have been previously posted and for any inconveniences this misinformation may have caused Mr. Brassem and his family.

On a personal note I would like to extend a heartfelt apology to Karen Tietjen for the mention of her name in my post.  She was never my client, and should not have ever been involved in the business between Jan (John) Brassem and myself at any point.

Digital Legacy

New Jersey,


#5Author of original report

Thu, November 05, 2009

Stated in update 1 -

A portion of the public records concerning a law suit against Jan Brassem was misread.
The update should have read that Jan Brassem was the operator of A RING COMPANY which was involved in the NY courts judgement.

Furthermore, the report stated
"information provided by this report suggests that the jewelry he sold was never paid for"

This is speculation, it does not maintain or provide integrity to the information, and is not pertinent to my case.

My apologies.

The rest of the report is accurate. My actions are to make people aware of this man and his scams so that others do not get ripped off as I have.

Anyone who questions the credibility of my report, feel free to email me and I will provide documentation including the background check results of Jan Brassem. I am also willing to provide contact information of others that Jan Brassem has scammed who I have spoken to myself.

Digital Legacy

New Jersey,

Brassem Global Consulting

#5Author of original report

Wed, November 04, 2009

I was hired by Jan (John) Brassem of what was previously Eclipse Global Consulting, now Brassem Global Consulting to design and develop a website for his business. After 6 months of work (3 complete websites) I was ripped off for a total of $27,520.00 in hourly wages.

After some investigation, I was able to find out that I was 7th in a list of companies that have been ripped off by Jan Brassem. Third millennium marketing, Hosting CT, Eclipse Global Computing, Guymark Studios - are a few of the companies I found that have been victems of this con man.  Jan Brassem operates his fake business under false credentials, and is a college professor teaching female leadership. While I was developing his website, he bragged to me that the business is simply a scam that allows him to travel and vacation on other peoples dime. 

On you will find generic images taken from google images which are in violation of intellectual property law. In the section named "projects" are a list of projects that never existed but were dreamed up to compliment the fake testimonials located atop the website on every page.  In the "Team" section, there are 4 people listed: Jan Brassem boasting his fake credentials. Karen Tietjen who is not the person in the picture, and two other individuals that do not even exist and have no affiliation to BGC. 

In late 2008 I talked my case over with several lawyers specializing in breach of contract. Through their services, I found out that Jan Brassem has been sued several times and has judgements against him that are still awaiting to be executed. After being sued by Guymark Studios, Brassem fled to a closed fence community. An officer was sent to execute the judgement of the court after Brassem was found at his "hiding place"; however Brassem fled the community. The next suit against Brassem was back rent from the community he fled.  After speaking to the same lawyer who represented guymark studios, I was told that he would love to "nail" Brassem again; however, executing a judgement would be near impossible considering Jan Brassems "slippery nature". Alas, even if I was able to execute the courts judgement, the amount of the award would probably require seizure of his assets (he and his wife). Because his wife is a relative of my spouse, I can not in good conscience pursue the seizure of her assets (as I am sure he owns nothing). 

For 6 months Jan Brassem treated and talked to me and about me like I was the greatest person on earth. When it was time for Brassem to pay his bill, he pretended that he was dying of cancer, called me from what he said was the ER having holes drilled in his brain. As the days progressed, he complained about his chemotherapy treatments up to the point that we found out he was lying about having cancer at all. 

After Jan Brassem found out we knew how full of it he was, his wife Karen Tietjen contacted me to "Get Jan what he needed" from the website he never paid for. I bartered a deal with her that for $1500.00 I would release the domain name they wanted, and email the website files (which I did).  Jan Brassem owes me $27,520.00 for 6 months of work, and is actively seeking new people to scam with his fake business con. His website features content that is completely fraudulent and myself along with several other businesses have filed a joint complaint to the consumer protection agency who told us "When he makes some money, we will bust him".  

Update: Gov level background check has returned that Jan Brassem has used 15 aliases over the course of his career, and has 4 different social security numbers (one of which is linked to multiple identieis.

Jan W Brassem has 28 judgments against him in NY and CT including federal tax leins and (2 of which are filed as satisfied). The remaining judgment awards are in excess of over $100,000.00+.

Jan W Brassem has been sued multiple times by RING COMPANY INC for the amount of $25,422.55. Jan Brassem boasts about his success in the jewelry industry after operating Eclipse Silver Jewelry; howver, information provided by this report suggests that the jewelry he sold was never paid for, hence the string of law suits.

In addition to ripping off RING COMPANY INC, Jan Brassem also ripped off the CT tv station who aired his commercials selling the jewelry, and ripped off GUYMARK STUIDOS who created the commercial which aired. GUYMARK STUDIOS has a judgement against Brassem for several thousand dollars which still has not been executed.

4 Fictitious Educations claims were confirmed by universities, and no military record was found on any of the 4 social security numbers currently in use by Jan W Brassem of Torrington CT.

3 Ficticious Business are listed in the report including Eclipse, Brassem Global Consulting, and several other instances of these two names.

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