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  • Report:  #1268331

Complaint Review: Brazilian Jiu jitsu academy of Tacoma

Brazilian Jiu jitsu academy of Tacoma, 253BJJ, Michael Proctor Academy, Marcello Monteiro Association, Michael Proctor Unprofessional, Liar, makes up excuses to everything, poor leadership no leadership at all, anger issues, no customer service at all tacoma Washington

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — tacoma Washington USA
  • Submitted:
    Mon, November 16, 2015
  • Updated:
    Tue, November 17, 2015

 Michael Proctor is the owner of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy of Tacoma. My husband and I were looking for a gym for my daughter to do jiu jitsu. We looked everywhere online and we found this Gym and we thought it would be a great gym for my daughter despite that we had read bad reviews about this gym and Michael Proctor we still decided to give it a chance thinking maybe they had a bad experience and it would be different for us. Will when we first met Michael Proctor he seems like a nice guy, professional, and knows how to run his buisness. But all that started changing after we had signed up my daughter for jiu jitsu and kickboxing.

It all started when my husband and I drove my daughter on a Wednesday after school to kickboxing class. We were told that alot of students attended when we got there 20mins before class started we still had to wait for Michael proctor to get to the gym an open the doors he was Late. Class was supposed to start at 4:30pm and he arrived 15min late. And to top it off we were told that my daughters gloves would get there on time to the gym before my daughters first kick boxing class and they didnt. And my husband did mention something to Michael Proctor that he should of atleast gave us a call or email us letting us know that her stuff wasnt in so he can buy her some, some where else so she can train and Michael Proctor snapped on my husband telling him that theres nothing he can do that he cant control UPS.

All my husband was saying was for him to give us a courtesy call so we knew and our daughter can be prepared and train. There was no reason for him to snap on my husband in an angry way. My husband didnt even disrespect him at all afterwards. Michael the next day he knew he was at wrong for snapping on my husband like that and he apologized. After that we thought everything would be ok again and then my daughter had her first competition in Oregon. My husband and I didnt know exactly how things worked at competitions and we were going in there representing Michaels gym. There was no team effort at all shown by Michael he showed no support or even care towards my daughter competing.

We were actually left at the competitions by ourself for the 2nd part so my daughter didnt have no coach, we had no support from coaches or even Michael at all. If you call yourself a team and you have your students competing i would expect the coaches and the owner which he calls himself a blackbelt and its a family environment gym i would expect them to be there supporting all the students till the competition was over but NO tha didnt happen. Michael respond first was will Im not the kids coach, and i should be charging for them to have a coach at competitions but im not and lastly that he didnt know that the coaches were leaving also for the 2nd part. As an owner and leader of the gym and like i said if you have students representing your gym and competing the least you can do as a Leader is be there for your students and support them but we didn't get that at all. Not even a sincere apology he made excuses for everything.

At that time i did mention to my husband that i didnt like that gym because there was no team spirit at all or support like we saw from other gyms but for my daughter because she loves what she does and she had made friends we didnt want to change her from gyms. Then this 3rd thing happen every friday is mandatory for all kids to go to class if your competing. So my husband got out of work early that friday to take our daughter to her training and like always we got there 30min early and then 5pm came around and no one was there we waited there till 5:30pm with another parent let you know class starts at 5pm-6pm. We didnt get an email or they didnt even mention at classes that the gym would be close that friday because he had 2 students competing that weekend. They did mention thru out the weeks that his 2 students were competing but they didnt ever mention that the gym would be close.

It would of been nice if he could let us know by email that it was close so we wouldnt have to be there waiting and waisting our gas. My daughter was really disappointed that she couldn't train. I heard he posted ot on facebook but come on not everybody goes or has a facebook and as a business owner the professional way to commuincate so everybody knows is thru email or a courtesy call or to make your life easy communicated after training simple as that or the day before friday. But he couldnt even do that. And you call yourself professional and a buisness owner please a real business owner knows hows to communicate and not make up excuses after excuses. The final straw for me to pull my daughter out that gym immediately was again my daughter has 2 competitions coming up so my husband paid in advance for a private session for 1 hour he paid $80.

So myself and another parent that my daughter was privately training had agreed with the coach and Michael Proctor that the girls would train on friday at 4:00pm before competition class started at 5pm. So i was fine I even had to get my daughter out of school at 3pm so we can make it there on time. My daughter doesnt get out of school till 4pm but for my daughter and because my husband paid i was going to make sure she was there for that training. I got there at 3:20pm the coach was already there waiting outside the gym before me and then the next parent arrived. We were ready the girls were ready to train for there private lesson. And 4pm came along and Michael wasnt there not even a text or call letting us know he was running late again like always. We didnt get any communication till the other parent actually contacted him to his private phone to see where he was at. If it wasnt for that parent we wouldnt of ever known he was running late.

A real professional person that actually cares would of called us a few minutes before class even started to let us know he was running late. Because obviously he knew he was going to be late but he didnt care to even do that. So then the other parent communicates with me if i would like to do 30mins today and the other 30mins another day and i was fine with it. I said yes sure i dont mine as long as my daughter gets trained because my husband did pay. I was a bit mad because again i had to take my daughter out of school early to make sure she got trained. So were still waiting on Michael the girls were going to start at 4:30pm training because Miachel was running late because he got stuck behind a train and i understood i was fine. But then Michael didnt arrive till around 4:40pm. He got there he opened the doors and didnt even apologize for running late to my daughter or myself at all.

Not once did we hear him apologize or come up to us to apologize like a real proffesional business owner would. So then we get inside the gym and the other parent asked me if i was ok with coming on Saturday before kickboxing class so the girls can get there training and I said yes i didnt mine as long as Michael and class was running on time. So we agreed still Miachel didnt once come up to me or my daughter to communicate with us what had happened or to just apologize. So then i thought to myself wait im tired of not saying anything to Michael Proctor for being late and to actually commuincate with him in person so he can let me know when was private training changing to, i mean my husband and i did pay 3months in advance for herJiu jitsu class and we did pay for her private class so as a parent and a customer i had all right to ask him and make sure that private session was going to happen on saturday at 10am.

So i call Michael over to talk to him as civil adults and to make sure that we were all in the same page that there session was going to be at 10am on saturday. All i simply said to Michael was so my daughter will get her training in on saturday at 10am right? Because i did have to get her out of school 1hour early for nothing and i was disappointed and my daughter was to. And then he started with his excuses like always im stuck in traffic hes told us that excuse multiple times to my husband and I, and the new one im stuck behind a train. And i told him will if you know you have to be somewhere at a certain time and you know you been stuck in traffic on the same route you always come why not make plans to leave a bit earlier to make sure your on time so you dont keep coming late and i told him in a nice way, i wasnt screaming, i was sitting down i was just a paying customer, a parent that had all right to ask and to make sure that this didnt happen again and someone had to let him know that it wasnt the first time it happened.

That's when Michael Proctor once again blew up with his anger problem towards me. He almost litteraly got in my face started screaming at me that i was being disrespectful, and i simply told him i wasnt, i told him im not screaming at you or talking s**t to you your the one being disrespectful and screaming at me and thats when he told me to SHUT UP infront of my daughter that started crying, there was also the coach, the other parent and the other little girl. So infront of these people and my daughter he was screaming at me and telling me to shut up. I told him you dont tell me to shut up im not disrespecting you so what gives you the authority to disrespect me infront of my daughter and a parent of one of your students and when you where the one late and couldnt even apologize for that. His excuse also and i heard him say it so many times will i dont have to give no explanations to know one. Things got more nasty when he told me that he wasnt going to let my daughter train there at all that day.

Thats when I as her mom got mad and told him yes my daughter has all right to train we paid for her to train so she has all right to train. My daughter had nothing to do with the argument he caused nothing and he said NO she is not traing in my gym at all. Thats when i told him fine give me back the $80 we paid for her private session and the money we paid him for 3months in advance and he started screaming at me again. Hes like i dont have your cash and im not giving you no money back and if you want to sue me sue 253bjj and started screaming at me to leave his gym because i was being disrespectful and i told him no till you give me my money back and then he told me fine ill call the cops so they can get you out of my gym and you can get embarrassed. And i simply as an adult and i knew i wasnt at wrong i told him fine call the cops ill walk myself out and wait for them outside by my car so i can have this on file.

And he did he called the cops and when the cops arrived i talked to the cops i told them the truth i was calm even the cop told me you seem calmed to me he told me as a parent i know where your coming from but unfortunately i wasnt there to witness from the beginning. He also told me as a parent of a son that does soccer and i pay this amount of money if i start noticing that the coach is always being late i will also make the coach know of what there doing you have all right as a parent that paid to say something. So i left the gym and my daughter looked at me crying telling me why Michael didnt even say sorry to her and that why did he kick her out the gym that day. And why was he so disrespectful by saying that nasty word to her mom. This is coming from a 7yr old. Not professional Michael Proctor. Your academy is not a family environment . Not once or hardly ever do we see you outside your office.

Yea we know like hes always told us im not the kids coach. I would think that a person that actually cared about his students would come out everyother day to see how his students are doing. So then Michael calls me to my personal cell that same night. He called to apologize supposedly and i told him when will i expect my $80 for the private session back and he said ill buy a money order and mail it to you and i said fine, then he asked me will if our daughetr will keep training there and i said no. Nothing personal but no i dont want her at that gym. So then i asked him when will i recieve my 3months i paid back and he said ill let you know and i asked him when will you let me know or can you email me and let me know when i will get that back and he said I will refund you back your 3months but i will have to take 25% off for leaving the gym and that 25% will go to the gym and i told him thats fine as long as i recieve my money back its ok. He agreed on the phone to refund me back for the $80, the 3months advance i had paid and the $50 for the seminar my husband paid in advance.

We both had agreed and I double checked with him that he would refund me for my money and he said YES. Not to mention that i was also a student there for kickboxing i paid $25 and i didnt even mention that. So then Michael on the phone started telling me that all the parents were saying that i was disrespectful and that i was in all wrong he was telling me all this in an agry voice and loud and thats when i told him you know what Michael i let you talk already and its my turn and i told him you see Michael why you getting all loud and disrespectful with me when your the one calling me and im talking to you as an adult and i told him i didnt care what those parents said because they werent there when everything happened and plus they are not my parents to say what im doing wrong so obviosuly and i saw Michael myself telling the parents what happened when first of all the professional thing to do is close your mouth and keep that to yourself if those people arent involved or werent even there its none of there buisness so why go and talk trash thats what i think and then he responded mad and said will Melissa your not my mother and ive been doing this for years and he said if you appear at my gym i will call the cops so you can go to jail and i told him as an adult and professional its fine

i respect your gym and your threat i wont show up to your gym because we had already agreed that he would rerurn my money and he said i would have my money in the next week and i said thank you and i hang up the phone. Then a few days later he emailed us saying all lies saying that i came into the gym mad and disrespecting him and that he would not refund any of our money back and that our conversation was documented ok Michael Proctor if our conversation was documented then your a liar. Because in our conversation we both agreed that he would refund me back my money so why lie afterwards and say you wont and say you have it documented because if so then im right and hes wrong and he owes me back that money. Michael Proctor seems like a nice guy at first but like i told my husband all he wants is money for his gym Sad think is, is that my husband helped him once with selling some of his product my husband didnt have to do that but he did because where nice people and thats the gym my daughter was going to. All Michael cares about is making money for his gym, he is not welcoming, his academy has no family environment feeling, its rare when you actually get a hello from him and there is no team spirit.

I understand that as an adult and because i have ran before a $1.5million dollar store that the adult thing to do was to ask Michael if we can go to his office and talk but honestly my intention was just to calmly talk like adults i didnt ever expect for him as an adult, black belt, business owner and because he lets you know that his academy is a family environment i didnt ever expect him to blow up like that towards me and disrespect me the way he did. He says he had to react like that because he said then what do you think my students would think if i let you disrespct me like. Im sorry but first of all the only people at your gym at that time was the other parent, the coach and my daughter and the other girl there wasnt any other students or parents when all this started a parent arrived with his kids afterwards when things finished and he actually stepped out with his kids and my daughter because Michael was screaming at me and threaten me with calling the cops.

Ask your self if your worried about what your students would think do you think they will think highly of you for disrespecting a mother and telling her to shut up. I wouldnt want to train or be in an academy with someone so disrespectful and unprofessional like him. If your looking for a Brazilian jiu jitsu academy for yourself, your spouse, kids or a family member or a friend i suggest you stay far away from this one and Michael Proctor. He is so unprofessional, disrespectful, a liar and this academy is far from being a family environment and having team spirit. I know i wont ever reccoment that academy. Ask yourself as a parent as an adult do you really want to go to an academy with a black belt, buisness owner that is so unprofessional, a liar and disrespectful towards his student. Yes because i was also a student at his academy for kickboxing and he doesn't know how to respect his students. So ask yourself this academy and Michael Proctor have not 1 but several bad reviews do you really want to train at a gym that represents the opposite of respect from the business owner and profesor???

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