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  • Report:  #1507088

Complaint Review: Brian Dumas LLC

Brian Dumas LLC Demanding refund of $547,770.00 that Brian Dumas has stolen from myself and my family which they have refused to return Columbia South Carolina

  • Reported By:
    commodres2001 — Phoenix Arizona United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, April 15, 2021
  • Updated:
    Thu, June 03, 2021

The subject under investigation, for this complaint for his offenses is one Brian Dumas, with contact information as follows:

·         Brian O. Dumas; (((REDACTED))); Columbia, SC (((REDACTED)));       
DOB = 1/2/(((REDACTED))); (803)-736-2058;


Among the many offenses and crimes that Brian Dumas has committed against his victims, clients, and our rule of law, as an oxymoronical practicing attorney is the following


·         Brian Dumas has been convicted of three driving under the influence offenses. 

·         Brian Dumas’ has lost his driver’s license, driving privileges, and ability to drive. 

·         Brian Dumas has possessed and used controlled substances with other attorneys. 

·         Brian Dumas has possessed and used cocaine with other attorneys. 

·         Brian Dumas was found guilty in violating South Carolina Supreme Court Rule 32 Code of Professional Responsibility. 

·         Brian Dumas was found guilty of committing conduct of dishonesty, fraud, deceit, and misrepresentation DR 1-102(A). 

·         Brian Dumas was found guilty of entering business transactions with clients without client consent after full disclosure DR 5-104(A). 

·         Brian Dumas was found guilty of neglecting legal matters entrusted to him DR-101(A)(3). 

·         Brian Dumas was found guilty of intentionally failing to carry out a contract with a client for professional services. 

·         Brian Dumas was found guilty of intentionally prejudicing and damaging his client during the course of their professional relationship DR 9-102(A). 

·         Brian Dumas was found guilty of not depositing his clients’ funds in identifiable bank accounts DR 9-102(A).   

·         Brian Dumas was found guilty of not maintaining complete records of all funds and properties of his clients and rendering appropriate accounts to his clients DR 9-102(B).

·         The South Carolina Supreme Court ruled that Brian Dumas did not meet the ethical standards for which he is bound as an attorney, by which he is not eligible to be an attorney, and must be disbarred.

·         The South Carolina Supreme Court ruled that Brian Dumas ruled that Brian Dumas injured his clients. 

·         The South Carolina Supreme Court ruled that Brian Dumas adversely reflects upon attorneys who strict to discharge their duties honestly.

·         The South Carolina Supreme Court ordered Brian Dumas to pay restitution to his victims in full, complying with DR 9-102(B).

·         South Carolina Attorney General Travis Medlock along with Assistant Attorneys General James Bogle and Emory Smith prosecuted Brian Dumas for Plaintiffs Tana Hutto, James Duoucette, Bambi Jo Flynt, John Preacher, James Daniels, Aubrey Gilmore, Elizabeth Pilot, and the State of South Carolina. 

·         Brian Dumas was found guilty of committing acts of misconduct towards several clients by the South Carolina Supreme Court.

·         Brian Dumas was found guilty of engaging in activities to bring the legal profession into disrepute by the South Carolina Supreme Court. 

·         Brian Dumas was found guilty and disbarred before a Panel of the Board of Commissioners of Grievances and Discipline following six days of testimony. 

·         The Executive Committee of the Board adopted the Panel’s findings of fact and conclusions of law and also determined Brian Dumas to be disbarred. 


These actions are shown in Volume 309 Report Series 5 of South Carolina Supreme Court 309 S.C. 5 and Volume 419 Second Edition Report Series 791 of South Carolina Supreme Court 419 S.E.2d 791.  This is cited in Exhibit A.


The Committee on Character and Fitness of the South Carolina Supreme Court denied Brian Dumas petition for reinstatement in Volume 360 Report Series 33 of South Carolina Supreme Court 360 S.C. 33 and Volume 600 Second Edition Report Series 61 of South Carolina Supreme Court 600 S.E.2d 61.  This is cited in Exhibit B.


More of Brian Dumas victims are Seth G. Niles, Raymond Bovain Jr, Willor Dean Bovain, and Tara Cook.  In these actions, Brian Dumas publishes default judgments against Seth Giles in the Columbia Star.  Brian Dumas worked to deny insurance benefits for the surviving husband Raymond Bovain Jr of his deceased wife Willor Dean Bovain who was killed from a collision with a truck on I-26, whose car was struck from behind, burst into flames, and died at the scene.  Brian Dumas filed a foreclosure against the property owned by Tara Cook in the Columbia Star.  These are cited in Exhibit C.


Please find exerts from the South Carolina Supreme Court’s conduct for which sanctions were imposed on attorneys for disbarment of Brian Dumas in Exhibit D.  In it, the Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline of the Supreme Court of South Carolina, found Brian Dumas to be unfit to be a member of the South Carolina Bar any longer, in committing numerous violations in the administration of justice.  The South Carolina Judicial Department Annual Report containing Brian Dumas’ sanctions, disbarment, and full content from Exhibit D, may be found in its entirety in Exhibit E.


Please find Brian Dumas’ talks on substance abuse and drug addiction in Exhibit F.  Brian Dumas speaks as an Expert in the field of substance abuse and drug addiction of attorneys in South Carolina.  Brian Dumas speaks about substance abuse of cocaine, crack, stimulants, opiods, marijuana, hash, and sedatives.  Brian Dumas speaks about weekly use of stimulants, sedatives, marijuana, and opioids.  Brian Dumas speaks about using opioids, sedatives, and stimulants without a prescription.  Brian Dumas discusses the impact of substance abuse and drug addiction on lawyers.  The South Carolina Supreme Court Commission on Continuing Legal Education Course Number 190747 may be found in its entirety in Exhibit G.


Brian Dumas issued subpoenas unlawfully to my medical providers in violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, 42CFR part 2, and Healthcare Privacy Laws.  In addition, Mr. Dumas lied to the court by stating he had given the subpoena to my attorney, which he had not, which is required by law.  Brian Dumas had not even sent the subpoenas he issued to my own attorney.  No one knew Brian Dumas was going around collecting all my medical records.  This evidence of Brian Dumas lying about the subpoenas, which he did not issue to my attorney, and also in direct violation of healthcare laws is attached.  This is shown in Exhibit H.


Brian Dumas ordered my false arrest, my false imprisonment, and made other false accusations against myself and my family, merely for requesting my children’s report cards, attendance records, educational information, and other records regarding my children which I have every right to request of my children under law.  Brian Dumas acted against the rule of law and violated Federal, State, County, and Court Orders disobeying all of them to harm and injure myself and my family members. 


·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated South Carolina Code of Laws §63-5-30 Rights and Duties of Parents Regarding Minor Children. 

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated United States Code of Laws 20 U.S.C. §1232g Family Educational and Privacy Rights Act FERPA. 

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated Subpoena Order dated 2/8/2019, State of South Carolina, Fifth Judicial Circuit, County of Richland. 

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated Court Order dated 4/4/2019, State of South Carolina, Fifth Judicial Circuit, County of Richland.   

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated United States Code of Laws 5 U.S.C. § 552 Freedom of Information Act FOIA. 

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated United States Code of Laws 42 U.S.C. § 12101 Americans with Disabilities Act ADA. 

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated South Carolina Code of Laws §16-17-722 Filing of False Police Reports, Knowledge, Offense, and Penalties. 

·         Brian Dumas has defrauded the taxpayers of Kershaw County and the State of South Carolina in using taxpayers’ money to attack Father as an instrument of Brian Dumas’ own personal hate and vendetta, having absolutely nothing to do with law, regulation, or rules: only revenge.

·         Brian Dumas has defrauded the government employees of Kershaw County by using them at his disposal to attack Father as an instrument of Brian Dumas’ own personal hate and vendetta, having absolutely nothing to do with law, regulation, or rules: only revenge.


These actions and more are shown in Exhibit I.  Brian Dumas’s arrest warrant with full content and supporting information from Exhibit I may be found in its entirety in Exhibit J.


Brian Dumas hired Bloodhound Investigation Services to invade my family's home, batter and assault me, destroy our property and home, trespass on our property, break and enter into our family's residence, illegally record us on our property, and falsely report crimes we did not commit against us.  Brian Dumas ordered my false arrest, my false imprisonment, and made other false accusations against myself and my family merely for being in our own home, where we live, where the actual criminal perpetrators who do not live, invaded our home, and committed crimes against us.  Brian Dumas orchestrated and planned these crimes in order to not only perpetrate crimes but to additionally file lawsuits and make additional lawsuits of additional family members, which he did, and which he has been successful in doing.  Brian Dumas is a monster.  Please see Exhibit K for details. 


Brian Dumas ordered my false arrest, my false imprisonment, and made other false accusations against myself and my family, merely for requesting court documents without providing any identification, nor identifying myself, but simply for asking for court documents from my family court case, I was assaulted and battered of a high and aggravated nature, was falsely arrested, imprisoned for over a month, and received deliberate indifference to serious medical condition.  I have every right to request court records under law.  Court is a public place.  Brian Dumas acted against the rule of law and violated Federal, State, County, and Court Orders disobeying all of them to harm and injure myself and my family members.


·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately attempted to murder me.

·         Brian Dumas ordered me to be battered and assaulted by ten men.

·         Brian Dumas is purposefully and intentionally stealing and concealing over two million dollars of theft from my family.

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated United States Code of Laws 5 U.S.C. § 552 Freedom of Information Act FOIA. 

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated United States Code of Laws 42 U.S.C. § 12101 Americans with Disabilities Act ADA. 

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated my eighth amendment right in Our Untied States Constitution states that "Excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor shall cruel and unusual punishments be inflicted".

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated South Carolina Constitution, Article I, Declaration of Rights, Section 15, that "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor shall excessive fines be imposed, nor shall cruel, nor corporal, nor unusual punishment be inflicted, nor shall witnesses be unreasonably detained".

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated my fifth amendment right: no person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated South Carolina Constitution, Article I, Declaration of Rights, Section 3, that "no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law".

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated South Carolina Code of Laws §15-17-20 Arrest and Bail in Civil Actions. 

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated South Carolina Code of Laws §15-17-810 In What Cases the Plaintiff Shall be Liable for Maintenance of Debtor.

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated South Carolina Code of Laws Rule 4 Process.


Please see Exhibit L for full content regarding all of Brian Dumas’ order to batter and assault, attempted murder, grand larceny, false imprisonment, and more. 


Brian Dumas hired Hiring LowCountry PI Services to invade my family's home, destroy our property and home, trespass on our property, break and enter into our family's residence, illegally record us on our property, and falsely report crimes we did not commit against us.  Brian Dumas ordered my false arrest, my false imprisonment, and made other false accusations against myself and my family merely for being in our own home, where we live, where the actual criminal perpetrators who do not live, invaded our home, and committed crimes against us.  Brian Dumas falsely reported that I committed homicide.  Brian Dumas falsely reported that I committed suicide.  Brian Dumas ordered my false imprisonment upon his deceitful charges for misleadingly committing homicide.  Brian Dumas orchestrated and planned these crimes in order to not only perpetrate crimes but to additionally file lawsuits and make additional lawsuits of additional family members, which he did, and which he has been successful in doing.  Please see Exhibit M for details. 


·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately attempted to murder me.

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated South Carolina Code of Laws §16-17-722 Filing of False Police Reports, Knowledge, Offense, and Penalties. 

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated my eighth amendment right in Our Untied States Constitution states that "Excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor shall cruel and unusual punishments be inflicted".

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated my fifth amendment right: no person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated my fourth amendment right to be secure in my person, papers, and effects; against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated United States Code of Laws 42 U.S.C. § 12101 Americans with Disabilities Act ADA. 

·         Brian Dumas purposefully and deliberately violated United States Code of Laws 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Action for the Deprivation of Rights, as illustrated in Exhibit N. 


Brian Dumas attended Spring Valley High School with Treva Dianne Short, Marvin Dewayne Yancey, and Michael Douglas Owens. 


·         Brian Dumas possessed and used controlled substances with Treva Dianne Short, Marvin Dewayne Yancey, and Michael Douglas Owens. 

·         Brian Dumas possessed and used cocaine with Treva Dianne Short, Marvin Dewayne Yancey, and Michael Douglas Owens.


Treva Dianne Short, Marvin Dewayne Yancey, and Michael Douglas Owens have contact information as follows:

·         Treva Dianne Short; (((REDACTED))); Lugoff, SC (((REDACTED)));
DOB = 11/21/(((REDACTED))); 803-201-8200;

·         Marvin Dewayne Yancey; (((REDACTED))); Columbia, SC (((REDACTED)));       
DOB = 9/28/(((REDACTED))); (803) 788-6825;

·         Michael Douglas Owens; (((REDACTED))); Elgin, SC (((REDACTED)));       
DOB = 4/30/(((REDACTED))); 803-865-1676;


From 2017 to 2018, Brian Dumas refused to communicate with my attorney.  During this time, Brian Dumas additionally held court hearings and acquired court orders without me, my attorney, nor any representative of mine present.  


Brian Dumas has unleashed a fury of malicious prosecution, frivolous lawsuits, vexatious litigation, abuse of process, and WICP wrongful institution of civil proceedings against my family.  Whereby, Brook and Brian Dumas, have used all of said abuse of process to continue unlawful custody of my children and continue to steal millions of dollars they shouldn't have had in the first place.  Whereby in them, Brian Dumas has claimed that I wasn't paying for amounts as required by law:

·         I did not pay my family's medical expenses

·         I did not pay my family's support payments

·         I did not pay my family's insurance expenses

·         I did not pay my family's tax expenses

·         I did not pay for my family's healthcare coverage

·         I did not contest my divorce, which I had for five years, seven years to date, and is currently on appeal

·          I did not conduct counseling and therapy for myself or my family.

All of these false reports to the court were indeed false.  They were false at the time they were made.  They were known to be false at the time they were made by the individuals who claimed them, i.e. Brook and Brian Dumas.  And it took hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney fees to continue to pay in court that they were indeed false, against their false claims.  And every one of them were dismissed on their own merits, with prejudiced.     

In addition to Brian Dumas’ malicious prosecution, frivolous lawsuits, abuse of process, WICP wrongful institution of civil proceedings, and false reports against my family as stated above, Brian Dumas has been involved in numerous other schemes whereby Brian Dumas is conspiring to threaten, harass, and intimidate my family.  I say Mr. Dumas’ actions go beyond harassment and threatening as they have physical consequences of assault, theft, financial crimes, and continued arrest and harassment by law enforcement at his hands.


Plaintiff / Myself / Father demands an order against Defendant / Brook / Mother and Defendant’s Attorney / Brian Dumas to be ordered to immediately pay Plaintiff all legal expenses, all medical expenses, loss of income, losses due to pain and suffering, losses due to damage to family, losses due to damage to reputation, losses due to damage to safety, and losses due to damage to security.   
Brian Dumas instructed Kershaw County employees and clients to violate laws and disobey court orders by:

·         filing false reports with law enforcement      

·         falsely instructing law enforcement to arrest myself and my family members         

·         that I falsely am not the Father of my children John Danko IV, Dovie JoAnn Danko, and Henry Attila Danko

·         that I falsely have no parental rights of John Danko IV, Dovie JoAnn Danko, and Henry Attila Danko

·         to falsely not allow myself and my family on any property owned by the Kershaw County School District through the issue of Trespass Notice

·         to falsely instruct all employees of the Kershaw County School District not to communicate with myself, any of my family members, nor any representative of mine by telephone, email, or by any form of communication whatsoever

·         to falsely instruct all employees of the Kershaw County School District not to allow myself, any of my family members, nor any representative of mine to be able to communicate in person at any property where any Kershaw County School District employee worked

·         to falsely instruct all employees of the Kershaw County School District not to give myself, any of my family members, nor any representative of mine report cards, online access to his children’s school portals, attendance records, communication with his children’s teachers on his children’s progress in schools, information on events in his children’s schools, etc.          

Furthermore, Brian Dumas made false reports to courts of law stating that myself and my family members fled the scene of a crime. 

Brian Dumas has issued subpoenas to my healthcare providers falsely stating that he had provided these subpoenas to my attorney as required by law, to which he had not, as evidenced by my attorneys testimony.  This action is in direct violation of healthcare laws and privacy laws.         

In November 2018, Brian Dumas sought out and personally met my attorney Dayne Phillips.  Brian Dumas asked Dayne Phillips for information about myself, knowing that Dayne Phillips represented me as my attorney.  Dayne Phillips replied that he represented me as my attorney, and as such he in no way could share any information about me with Brian Dumas, and to do so would not only be unethical, professional misconduct, but it would be a breach of attorney-client privilege.  Dayne Phillips then reported this unethical behavior.  I reported this complaint and added it, to our existing file against Brian Dumas Case # 19-DE-L-0235, with the rest of the complaints and investigation against Brian Dumas.  This information is shown in Exhibit O.  Dayne Phillips may be contacted to confirm this information and evidence.  Electronic copies, records, and complaints against Brian Dumas have been filed with the South Carolina Office on Lawyer Conduct.

Brian Dumas’ actions in hiring security companies, private detectives, private investigators, off duty law enforcement, security forces, and other similar types for use against my family is a gross over use of force against my family.  It is reckless and irresponsible.  He has caused grave harm and physical injuries to both myself and my family members.  What Brian Dumas is doing is well outside the law, outside ethical bounds, and outside of professional bounds.  

Brian Dumas is also conspiring with other attorneys to file lawsuits and further litigation against myself and my family members.  He is using criminal actions to attack me and my family members. 

You will find convictions for perjury, fraud, false statements, sanctions, and contempt of court in Exhibit O.  Brian Dumas is also using civil actions to attack me and my family members.  This also is uncalled for outside the bounds of what should be important for this case, which is the children.  Please share with the court, the matters involving the civil attorneys.


Brian Dumas and his family have federal, state, and local tax liens, civil judgments, bankruptcies, evictions, DUI driving under the influence, DUS driving under suspension, assault and battery, possession of drugs, unlawful carrying of weapons, malicious to real property, reckless driving, burglary, grand larceny, open container, failure to stop for blue lights, disorderly conduct, noise violation, domestic violence, disorderly conduct, false identification, obstruction of justice, forcible entry, criminal conspiracy, possession of drug paraphernalia, grand larceny, dealers record violations; bankruptcies, receiving stolen goods, foreclosure, fraud, perjury, false statements, criminal conspiracy, assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature, contraband substance possessed no prescription, and many more.  Excerpts of these crimes are shown in Exhibit O.  The full content of Exhibit O may be found in its entirety in Exhibit P.


Brian Dumas has continuously and without end disobeyed South Carolina Appellate Court Rules SCACR, Rule 407 Rules of Professional Conduct RPC and Rule 413 Rules for Lawyer Disciplinary Enforcement RLDE of the Supreme Court of South Carolina.  Those who have judged him at the South Carolina Supreme Court, and his fellow attorney peers, have found him accordingly so, guilty bringing the legal profession into disrepute, and adversely reflecting upon his companion South Carolina attorneys who discharge their duties honestly, in opposite fashion to himself.  Brian Dumas has found himself to be a man below moral character and low ethical standards, not fit for the duty of a lawyer of South Carolina.  For this reason, Brian Dumas should be sanctioned again with disbarment.


Brian Dumas’ victims include so many more casualties.  His latest wounded now include James Reynolds Danko, John Danko Jr, Deborah Reynolds Danko, John Danko III, Angela Nicole Danko, Melissa Danko Trombley, James Brad Reynolds, Carol Danko Meyers, Thomas Meyers, Michelle Myers, Greg Westfall, Sheryl Westfall, Dana Nappi, Phillip Nappi, Thomas Pagel, Paula Pagel, Lora Pagel, Brett Obenauf, and Carrie Obenauf.  This is in addition to his past victims of Tana Hutto, James Duoucette, Bambi Jo Flynt, John Preacher, James Daniels, Aubrey Gilmore, Elizabeth Pilot, Seth G. Niles, Raymond Bovain Jr, Willor Dean Bovain, Tara Cook, and so many more that Brian Dumas has injured across the State of South Carolina and elsewhere, and too many which haven’t been included, haven’t been recognized, and haven’t had their stories told.  Please stop Brian Dumas from injuring any more innocents.  Please remove his power to harm and injure innocent citizens by stripping him of the power he wields with his law license.


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