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  • Report:  #161854

Complaint Review: Brightbuilders Summit Group Internet Coaching Online Supplier Jim Cochran Brian Church

Brightbuilders, Summit Group Internet Coaching, Online Supplier, Jim Cochran, Brian Church ripoff, misleading, Hi-Pressure Telemarketing, Dont want more money, I want to persuade you Jim C. Rude Scam American Fork Utah

  • Reported By:
    gillsville Georgia
  • Submitted:
    Mon, October 24, 2005
  • Updated:
    Mon, December 11, 2006
  • Brightbuilders, Summit Group, Internet Coaching, Online Supplier, Jim Cochran, Brian Church
    947 S. 500 E. Suite # 110
    American Fork, Utah
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Oct3,05 I clicked on a pop up on e-bay. The pop was for 29.95 information on, On-line sales and $250 in free gifts.

Well a week went by and Oct 12,05 I got a call from a guy asking if I was the one that wanted the info on, internet sales. I said, yeah is this about the 29.95 packet I purchased on e-bay. This person said he was qualifing me for the program. Then another person got on the phone and asked me all the same questions the first did. When they went to hand off to the third. I asked to call tomorrow that my cell was breaking up.

So,October 13 I get a call and they start off by having you write down things as they pull one over on you. I was under the impression that they were a lending company. These people do a lot of phone swaping. When they asked for the credit card #with the highest Limit and what the rate was. It was told to me that it was just for varification, so I thought it was like a credit check for a loan.

After getting off the phone I was like what just happend. I clicked on a 29.95 offer and now I have $7,234.00 on a credit card. This whole thing was not sitting right with me. The gutt feeling was not good. I tried calling back that evening but got nothing from the #'s I was called from. The next day Oct,14,05 I was able to get Brian on the phone and said that I wanted to reverse the temp charge and think on the Bright Builder program and for them to send the info on the Co. for me to review. He said he would have the person in charge of that call me.

Make a long story short, because if I was to go into the telephone conversation with Jim Cochran just to cancel. This report would last for 1hr 30min of, as he put it "persuasion". It would be nice If we could up-Load audio because then you could hear this crap. I could not belive this squeaky voice telling me Im stupid, Idiot, Lazy, unsuccesful. Not to think with my gutt think with my head. How much money had my gutt made me? I told him I'm not sure but now I know it has just saved some. After all his bull^%@! bottom line was I wanted a refund. I told him I have complied with that three day bull and they deserve no money. I got nothing from them and they get nothing from me. He ended the conversation with you are a idiot.

All I wanted was more time to think about what I was doing and to have the info to go over. Bright Builders is the name they told me to check with BBB. I was never told this was Summit or whomever the Fifty names they use. Online Supplier is the pop up i clicked on while on e-bay.

My little Brother told me of this web site and man what did I see? The Rip-off badBB. These people are scammers I starded to read. I even read some of the same things Jim said to me to fall victim to the three day crap.


I called the credit card company the same day of the temp charge and told them what was up. They gave me a list of things to do and if they go and charge it after I cancelled that I would have everything i needed to hang them and that I do have.

gillsville, Georgia

6 Updates & Rebuttals



I want everyone to be successful!

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 11, 2006

Let me just say that I am amazed at what I have read on this website. I have been called a liar, cheat, rude, even saying that I have a Napolean disorder because I am short. Well I am 5'7 and the average male in this world is 5'9 so I guess I'm not that far off ;)

Anyway what you dont hear about are the people that I have helped become successful. They are the ones spending their precious time making money rather then looking for reasons on why their business didn't work.

Now before you start to crucify me let me explain. Have you ever wondered why so few people are successful while others continue to struggle? They were not born successful, it didnt just happen, they had a DESIRE to make it happen! Of course everyone has a desire to make more money that is why you will always see informercials, seminars, and tons of fluff online about how to make more money. Im talking about a desire that consumes you that it dominates your thoughts all day, that until you reach your goal it will always be there. Im talking about a desire to accomplish that goal at Core Level of 100 on a scale of 100.
Everyone that is successful knew they were going to be successful. It wasnt a matter of if it was a matter of when.

The sad truth, is that alot people in this industry did not buy a business, they bought hope.
And hope is never backed by true desire.
Hope is for the undecided.
Most people simply don't have the desire at a level of 100 to accomplish their goals through their new business. They just bought hope in order to quiet that little voice inside them that keeps nagging them to make a change.

Once they buy the business, and they don't make $5,000 in 5 days, they can then justify their fear of change with the "logic" that it just "didn't work", and that they knew it was a scam to begin with. They start to look for ways out and before you know it you are reading on website about how Jim twisted my arm over the phone to do this business. LOL, people are funny arent they?

The truth is that everyone knows there is tons of money to be made with a internet business or real estate. We provide tools and training to help people reach their goals. We make a commitment to work with our students until their investment is recouped and they are seeing the results they want.

So if you are reading this still asking yourself if Jim is a scam artist? Know this, that I have helped many people make money. But they knew that their success depended on them. Here is a great quote that I read from Dan Kennedy. It reads "you will continue to be un-__________ as long as you depend on others to make you ________."

You can fill in the blanks with anything and it works. Most people use the word successful, but its all about taking responsibility for your life.

Its true I have made alot of money in business. But I had a DESIRE to be successful. I have found that if I give to people what they want I get what I want. I am commited to that.

My goal in life is not to belittle anyone or make them feel stupid as Terri stated. That would get me no where in life. My goal is to do the best I can to help everyone be successful. Because the more people I help, the more successful I will be in this world.

Wishing you the best,

Jim C



What you all SHOULD know

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, November 28, 2006

Ok everyone.... PAY ATTENTION .. because you ARE getting the inside stuff here. You are all barking up the right tree, but what you dont seem to get, just like all the posts here, is that you are generalizing an entire industry. There are more than one company like Summit Group... they sell a mentoring package to customers of Onine Supplier, Foreclosure World, and others. What happens is someone gets and advertisement for Real Estate Investing, or building a business online, or stocks investing. .. these are all legit programs so dont lump these products in with the Mentoring Companies that sell their services to these "customers" . .. when you punch in your credit card number, it does 2 things .. first it sends your info over to the shipping dept. so that they can send your package to you. SECOND, and more importantly, it sends your name to companies like IDI, Summit Group, Mentors of America, Prosper Inc. PMI, etc. YES they are all based in the same area, and NO they are not. . . . I REPEAT, , THEY ARE NOT the same company. Sometimes a team leader will leave a company, lets say for example someone leaves PMI, and creates his own company, like SUMMIT GROUP. ... then someone from there thinks they have a great idea that they can do it better, and they go create IDI ... Originally they may have worked together, but these are all different companies. I used to work for one of these companies, but it wasnt for me. I found that several companies in the industry just dont give good support. They have kids in their "coaching" division that just read from the same manual you get shipped to you. .. . HOWEVER, each and everyone of these guys DOES have a Expert or Two that DOES actually know what they are doing, its a matter of getting them . ..

NOW, on to the sales techniques (tactics) these guys use. Yes Jim C is rude, yes he is short and has a Napolean Complex. and YES Ive heard Mr Cochran really be rude as hell to people, and it makes me sick . ... however, i HAVE also seen this p***k help some people become independently wealthy and successful.
No I am not defending anyone, and I am not bashing them or defaming them in any way. I just think that it should be known that YES they ARE different companies, and yes they ARE Jerks . . . but IF you get past their arrogance and past their Derogatory and demeaning tactics, you will find that they really are trying to do something ... make a buck .... I mean hell, you have 20 year old kids on these sales floors making obscene amounts of money. Its an industry that if you have no conscience, you can make a killing. Thats why its not for me, I have a conscience and I dont like the guilty feeling i got when i went home at night.

Moral of the story . . .. THEY ARE DIFFERENT COMPANIES . .. . . They ARE less than desirable to work with, , , They ARE NOT Online Supplier, Foreclosure World, or any of the companies that you order the original package from , ,, all they are are Mentoring companies that have a good concept but lack in the customer service category, and then employ people that get off on THE SALE .. its a rush to be on the phone for an hour and make $500 . . or more .. . But PLEASE understand that PMI, Prosper (PMG), IDI, Summit Group, FDS, Mentors of America, etc etc . .. are all different companies, who all use the same BS amateur sales tactics . . . put any one of these guys on a real sales team and I guarantee their tactics would fail every time . ..

So remember, when someone asks you for financials, its ok, when someone starts getting to your goals, who cares, and when they start using your goals (financial, family, etc) against you to get you to buy, , turn them down cold. Cuz I guarantee your credit card number and a number that is about 80% of your available credit it about to come up really soon after that ... when you get to talk to the ""DIRECTOR"" who is just another telemarketer sitting about 3 feet from the kid you "Qualified" with .. ... They take about an hour QUALIFYING you but really the only thing they are looking for is ... 1. you have available credit on your cards and 2. you are someone looking for a break cuz u are unhappy with your current situation . . .
Thats what they prey on, , ,when you walk over to the DIRECTOR with the sheet of paper you write this all down on, and the only thing the director says is "How Much Do They Have?" and "What is their Pain?" In other words, what is wrong in their life that i can make them feel horrible about so they can see ME as the answer, and How much can i hit them for....

Lastly, (boy I could go on forever, cuz I used to be in this "INDUSTRY" , , but i could not keep doing it with a clean conscience) THERE ARE good companies out there. . .do your research .. check with the BBB .. . as for references... use a reliable source that ISNT ripoffreport . . this IS a valuable resource, but it also is a place where only the really pissed off go ... of the hundred or so people that posted bad experiences here, there are probably 10x that who have had good experiences. .. find those people and get the scoop. .. the good AND the bad ... then make your decision . .

I DO know that there ARE good companies to work with out there .. . .that DO follow through and make sure you get what you pay for . .. but remember, if they call you about a week or so after you ordered that introductory package, its just another mentoring company . .. ask them who their company is, and research it . . get their number, and most importantly, CALL THEM BACK . .. and let them know whether you are interested or not .. if you dont tell them NO, they will call over and over. . .
take care all



Work at Home Scammers Prey on the old and young. Watch out for offers that sound too good to be true! How to tell what's real and what's a scam

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, April 18, 2006

Lots of people are getting ripped off by work at home schemes that unscrupulous salesmen sell with promises that are unrealistic for most people to achieve. They're the internet's version of snake oil salesmen, but that doesn't mean that there are no real oppotunities that can work for you. You just have to be careful about where you spend your time and money.

Want to "be your own boss," "work from home," or just "make extra money"? Then you may be tempted by an ad for a business opportunity. Before you open your checkbook, check out the offer. Fraudulent business opportunity promoters use the classifieds and the Internet to tout all kinds of offers, from pay phone and vending machine routes to work-at-home businesses like medical billing and envelope stuffing. Too often, these ads make promises - about earnings, locations, merchandise, or marketability - that sound great, but aren't truthful. The result: consumers are getting ripped off, losing money instead of making it.

Classic Work-at-Home Schemes
Several types of offers are classic work-at-home schemes.

Medical billing. Ads for pre-packaged businesses - known as billing centers - are in newspapers, on television and on the Internet. If you respond, you'll get a sales pitch that may sound something like this: There's "a crisis" in the health care system, due partly to the overwhelming task of processing paper claims. The solution is electronic claim processing. Because only a small percentage of claims are transmitted electronically, the market for billing centers is wide open.

The promoter also may tell you that many doctors who process claims electronically want to "outsource" or contract out their billing services to save money. Promoters will promise that you can earn a substantial income working full or part time, providing services like billing, accounts receivable, electronic insurance claim processing and practice management to doctors and dentists. They also may assure you that no experience is required, that they will provide clients eager to buy your services or that their qualified salespeople will find clients for you.

The reality: you will have to sell. These promoters rarely provide experienced sales staff or contacts within the medical community.

The promoter will follow up by sending you materials that typically include a brochure, application, sample diskettes, a contract (licensing agreement), disclosure document, and in some cases, testimonial letters, videocassettes and reference lists. For your investment of $2,000 to $8,000, a promoter will promise software, training and technical support. And the company will encourage you to call its references. Make sure you get many names from which to chose. If only one or two names are given, they may be "shills" - people hired to give favorable testimonials. It's best to interview people in person, preferably where the business operates, to reduce your risk of being mislead by shills and also to get a better sense of how the business works.

Few consumers who purchase a medical billing business opportunity are able to find clients, start a business and generate revenues - let alone recover their investment and earn a substantial income. Competition in the medical billing market is fierce and revolves around a number of large and well-established firms.

Envelope stuffing. Promoters usually advertise that, for a "small" fee, they will tell you how to earn money stuffing envelopes at home. Later - when it's too late - you find out that the promoter never had any employment to offer. Instead, for your fee, you're likely to get a letter telling you to place the same "envelope-stuffing" ad in newspapers or magazines, or to send the ad to friends and relatives. The only way you'll earn money is if people respond to your work-at-home ad.

Assembly or craft work. These programs often require you to invest hundreds of dollars in equipment or supplies. Or they require you to spend many hours producing goods for a company that has promised to buy them. For example, you might have to buy a sewing or sign-making machine from the company, or materials to make items like aprons, baby shoes or plastic signs. However, after you've purchased the supplies or equipment and performed the work, fraudulent operators don't pay you. In fact, many consumers have had companies refuse to pay for their work because it didn't meet "quality standards."

Unfortunately, no work is ever "up to standard," leaving workers with relatively expensive equipment and supplies - and no income. To sell their goods, these workers must find their own customers.

Questions to Ask
Legitimate work-at-home program sponsors should tell you - in writing - what's involved in the program they are selling. Here are some questions you might ask a promoter:

* What tasks will I have to perform? (Ask the program sponsor to list every step of the job.)
* Will I be paid a salary or will my pay be based on commission?
* Who will pay me?
* When will I get my first paycheck?
* What is the total cost of the work-at-home program, including supplies, equipment and membership fees? What will I get for my money?

The answers to these questions may help you determine whether a work-at-home program is appropriate for your circumstances, and whether it is legitimate.



Onlinesupplier / Mike hill / Chris Seidel scammers / rip off

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, November 25, 2005

Onlinesupplier (Newave Inc) is the same people who were selling a couple of products known as AUCTIONROAD AND HUD REFUND a couple of years ago , both of those programs were offered by the same company that used to be called Pinnacle LLC , they had to change their name due to the massive amount of customer's complaints with the BBB and FTC regarding their business practices. Although they continue to rip off customers using similar practices under different names , now days they advertise nationwide claiming to be Ebay by using Bobby Eubanks picture as their host , I wish bobby eubanks could be informed of what really goes on inside that company , or maybe he is aware and he just careless about his image being used in name of a misleading Company and Product .

My advise to all customer like myself who have being riped off by these scammers is file a complaint with the BBB and the FTC regarding their practices , also if they dont want to give your money back when calling customer service , make sure you advise the operator that you will be contacting the D.A from your state and also the BBB , that reminds me of something else , if you go to the BBB you can search for onlinesupplier and they have created 3 different accounts in there due to their bad ratings , one has a goleta adress on it , the other one has a long beach adress on it and there is a 3rd one too that Iam not sure what's the adress they are claiming , so just remember , THEY ARE ALL THE SAME COMPANY run by the same guys off of La patera Ln in Goleta , California . Their phone representatives are told to inform customers that they are located in Long Beach , although that 's another lie , there is probably one guy working from a supposelly warehouse down there , but all phone calls operations are taken in Goleta California ( 7 La patera Ln - goleta california ) .

I had enough of these guys taking my money and giving out my information to several other companies , I also found out the name of the guy responsible for their customer service operations , his name is tom kuljys , so if you want your money back , don't waste your time talking to whoever answers the phone , ask for Tom Kuljys and make sure you get your money back by following the steps mentioned above . Don't be fool by what they tell you , their advertisemnt is misleading , their sales practices are not legit and they are not EBAY , nor have discounted products that will help you being sucessfull on online auctions .

You can also check their stocks under this letters NWWV OR nwwve.ob
God bless us all .



My card has the money!!!! Jim C. wants to man up???

#7Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 16, 2005

Well thankyou for the info F.Y.I. I was able to get the credit card situation under control. One thing I got a call on my voice mail From Big Bad Jim C. My "nice info on the little web site has no merrit".??HMMM. What do you mean if I want to MAN UP give you a call so it can get resolved one way or the other.??? I have it resolved. As far as merrit goes like I said it is to bad we can not upload audio. MAN UP?? No thanx. I love woman :)


North Carolina,

Same scam/different name: Summit = Simmit Consulting, BrightBuilders = Quicksite, Onlinesupplier = NeWave = Internet Development = IDI =

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, November 09, 2005

Hi Fred,
No matter how many times they change up names they end up here. Typical description of Jim Cochran from Summit Consulting UNSATISFACTORY BBB ratomg, he totally sucks as a sales person, when people are too smart to fall for his crap and he isn't making the sale - he starts to name call.

Fred - search these names on rip-off:
Auctions for Income
The Summit Group
Summit Group
Summit Consulting
Success Team
Internet Coaching
Auctions for Income
Wholesale Warehouse
Foreclosure World
Americas Note Network
Quicksite builder
Surplus Alert
Executive Marketing
PMI - Professional Marketing Inc/International
NMR - National Marketing Resources
Links4Trade / Autoresponder
The Tax Club
IDI / Internet Development Inc
Online Supplier
Russ Dalbey, Dalby
Winning in the Cash Flow Business
John Beck
Mentoring of America
Free and Clear
Amazing Profits
Jeff Paul
Internet Treasure Chest
PMI also heavily entrenched in
Theo Hansson

Sadly this list is tip of iceberg. When you start reading other people's reports, look at all the different address and phone numbers people report.

LIARS - Cheats

I read a report that claimed IDI was no longer associating with Summit Consulting = Jim Cochran always shows his true self - YUK. They're still associated, just changed up the names to TRY to outrun UNSATISFACTORY BBB reports and ripoff reports.

Go directly to (for refunds) email/fax your experience. Read their In the news tab on their site, articles/partners etc. with: Professional Consulting Services,, John Beck=Mentoring of America + others.

What are all the titles? LOOK OVER ALL the stuff they sent you. Find names, addresses, and phone numbers, people you talked to and list all of it here. I URGE you to sign onto eBay:, scroll down and click on Solutions Directory. In the search bar start typing in some of the names until you find something that matches, either the search title or name listed under company, then file your complaint/user experience. Example: if you type in StoresOnline and hit search it will come up with Stores Online 4.0 under Solution Name, Not yet rated under User Rating and Stores Online, Inc. under Company. NOTE: you have to have used eBay and have 50 feedbacks in order to post your experiences! Not sure if you will have any success with this due to your initial contact was via a pop-up.

Everyone should go and pick up a telephone recorder. Anytime you get incoming calls, hit record. If you aren't already, get on the national Do Not Call list. All little bait promotions are just that, bait. It gets your name and number in the hands of the big time scammers. Because they are an affiliate, does not give them the right to be calling you.

If you live in any of these 26 states, this is a web site they don't want you to know about:
Click on your state to see what they have outlined to protect you and see how these companies of ill report have violated you & your state.

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