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  • Report:  #387645



  • Reported By:
    salt lake city Utah
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 04, 2008
  • Updated:
    Thu, July 30, 2009
    7200S 75E MIDVALE Utah
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Just letting you know a little about what is going on with the company. My husband worked for them back when they were named Acentus. They tried to sell us shares of the company illegally. We are only one of at least 25 we know of (may be more) that actually got our money back because we are the first that threatened to take them to the securities division for not preparing our investment paperwork and share certs as well as taking our money without proper paperwork typed and mapped out. The company kept telling us they are going live on the market and this went on for many many months. It never happened! My husband was recruited by other employees in senior staff who left and went to the main company that was the lead source.

To this day the Utah govt divisions working on this case say that they are owed 2.2 MILLION by Dan Reed Smith, Kathryn Merritt, and Bruce Grogg the owners. Don't let their cheesy fake smiles fool you....they are dishonest to the bone. Bruce has taken down 3 companies driven into the ground and Dan and Kathryn...well I lost count! Dan's wife is currently divorcing him, this is his second marriage he has ruined by his dishonesty. it is really sad! They were bought out by that College Partnership which we have been told is a scam as well and just as greedy as they are. I was SHOCKED to learn Dr. Waitley was on board but I am sure he backed out as quickly as he saw the sunrise! Both are under federal investigation for fraud in Securities Fraud, Tax Fraud (just loved how my husbands paycheck said that he didn't pay taxes...jokes now on them!) and a few other BBB claims that are now reaching in the thousands. I do not have adirect number for anyone to call but I just wanted to be friendly and put out the word that this is spreading quickly and I am sure a huge trial will take place just as soon as things are further along. Watch because this will surely be national news!!

Anyone is welcome to reply back to me here and I will try and look up numbers etc if that helps! I am so so sorry ya'll lost your money! Most all of the men and women who worked for them before they turned to College Partnership were amazing and honest people! Please don't hold it against them! There is a HUGE wave of them turning to the same lawyer to get even THEIR money back, especially those who like us unvested in their fraud!

All my best!

salt lake city, Utah

7 Updates & Rebuttals

Terry D.


Absolutly True!! Bruce Brogg, Bill Yotty, Fortuno Inc. Professional Rip-Off Artists

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, July 30, 2009

I am a current investor with Fortuno Inc. operated by Bill Yotty, Barbara Thomas and Bruce Grogg. I know firsthand how their scam works. They con you into giving them your money with the promise of providing 'Cherry Picked' REO properties in the value range of $45,000 to $120,000 at a cost to the investor of $30,000 each. The investor does not have the ability to view prospective the properties as their inventory is supposedly to fluid to do so. Please see link to verify if you wish ( They promise you will not receive an undervalued property or you will receive a 'Swap Out' for a property that does fit their promised criteria. After they have your money, Fortuno will assign a property that is free and clear but is not worth the money provided. They will then tell you that it doesn't matter because they are going to sell it for much more than what the actual property value is. Bruce Grogg informed me of this personally. Fortuno will then place a buyer in the property who usually does not make the payments. I know this because I have spoken to many other Fortuno investors.

Fortuno sold one of my homes in November of 2008 and I have yet to receive a single payment. My other home which has never been legally transferred into my name has yet to be sold. The purchase funds for these properties was submitted in September, 2008. Both of the homes I was assigned were and are worth less the purchase price. One of which I chose not to complete the purchase contract and Fortuno still removed my money from the so called escrow account.

Contrary to what Fortuno claims the eviction process is extremely time consuming and expensive. I will not have access to my property until September, 1, 2009 by court order. Bruce Grogg informed me when I made a complaint that the property was quote Squared Away".

These people have ripped me off to the tune of $60,000 and are completely indifferent. They will, without a doubt take your money and not even come close to providing what they promise.

To Badly Burnt
I have also filed a complaint with the San Juacuine County Disitrict Attorneys Office. And am also currently working on a class action. Anyone wishing to do so can Email me at I have the district attorney complaint forms scaned into PDF format and can forward them to you.

Badly Burnt


I'm a victim too

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, July 29, 2009

Well Bruce, as one of your 'investors', I find it hard to read what you are saying. I sat in on your LA seminar where you made a lot of promises, and looked at the websites marketing your claims. The 'Genuine Millionaire Club' you called it. Well, I have had the same experience as others mentioned here. I purchased properties that were supposed to be in 'turn key', rent ready condition, had to wait 6 months to get them, and when I did get 'assigned' my properties, one was condemned by the city of Cleveland, and I received fines and charges for 'nuisance violations' on others because they were in such poor condition. The promise of a full refund made by Bill Yotty never materialized and I am pursuing legal action with the San Joaquin District Attorney's office. You can't do this to people and get away with it, and you can bet your name will be on the complaint I file.

B. Grogg


Slander, defamation of character, and false accusations against Bruce Grogg

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, June 25, 2009

This rebuttal is to defend my (Bruce Grogg's) reputation, honor and good name against a ruthless and criminal smear campaign that has been launched on the Internet against me.

The postings regarding Bruce Grogg & The Genuine Millionaire Conference are filled with lies, false accusations and criminal slander, and as per the news media which aired an expose on February 17th, 2009...this is a growing trend as the economy melts down and the job market heats up and is perpetrated by unscrupulous individuals and groups trying to eliminate their competition. This new phenomenon is called cyber slamming.

As for the personal attack upon myself, I have now contacted 2 sets of attorneys and the FBI Cyber Crime seems that the web site that the smear campaign is being launched on...hides behind the 1st amendment and allows 'anything' bad to be posted about a person or company regardless of fact or truth. This web site makes the claim that they are a third party and have no liability and do not 'screen' any submissions. However, I attempted to have several clients post 'good' and favorable information about me on this web site...but all good postings were rejected by their 'screeners' and returned with a simple explanation that the postings were not about rip offs. Needless to say, I am extremely frustrated. However, I now believe I have found the type of attorney I need and am pursuing a different option.

Please understand my frustration and the unfairness of this situation. Someone posts lies, slander and damaging statements about you on a web site...the web site they post it on refuses to remove it based on the 1st amendment...because the information is all false and the person who posted it used fake information so they can't be traced or contacted...the web site says to pay them money (extortion) and they may take it down, and yet there is nothing you can do about it. The problem is, they have now even threatened my family...this isn't about a rip-off, it's a personal vendetta but its against the wrong person and the wrong company. I can however get sworn statements from my attorneys verifying the facts and statements and that the claims against me are not true.

Please take a fresh look at these postings about my company and me, and look at how and when they were posted. They use false names, no contact info, the same attacking verbiage using different names from different parts of the country...several of the postings were from 'Stevey Wonder' and other fake names...if you read them...make sure you also read the rebuttals I posted against them, it is the only tool I have on these web sites to fight the lies. Look at how this site also allows anyone to attack someone using complete false statements that are all in giant red letters...but only allows the accused small space to try and rebut what has been written against them.

Another claim says to not do business with me personally and makes several degrading, false and actually illegal defaming claims against me. These stem from my having worked at a company called Acentus, and obviously so did they! I had worked at Acentus as an employee and was in charge of building their product line, creating the advertising and launching the ad campaigns, which is where whoever posted the information knows me. They claim that I owned the company and stole money from them and others from selling them stock??? I was only an employee and had no ownership, was not an officer, had no stock, no decision-making ability, never owned any shares or stock. I was only in charge of creating the products and media campaigns...and when Acentus did merge with a public company, College Partnership...I was terminated!!

So...not only was I not an owner and had no dealings with their staff...I was terminated because the company they merged with already had someone in my position. I received no stock options, no severance pay, no bonus...just a thanks and goodbye, and I never had any part in harming anyone. Being terminated however was the catalyst that allowed me to launching my own company.

The person(s) who wrote all the slander and lies about me even admitted in a rebuttal to one of my posted rebuttals that even if I wasn't the owner...I was just as guilty as they were??

At this point they even posted more slander and actual threats against my family and children!

This is crazy, because if you use this logic, they would be just as guilty because they worked there as well?? The point here is, this is a personal vendetta attack and could happen to anyone...I hope for your sake it doesn't happen to you.

Another smear campaign was posted regarding one of my other supposedly two different people in the country (both using the same exact verbiage and having the exact same children and claim) and both claiming that I sold them a product personally and that the company doesn't even exist! ALL FALSE and LIES...I have sales people that go on the road and am not involved in sales myself, the company is still in existence and thriving, and I have countless testimonials from children we have helped get into college! Call them at 1-800-640-1045 and ask about College Financial Services. We have hundreds even thousands of children we have helped and have raised SAT and ACT scores by as much as 800 points (4 to 5 points on the ACT) and helped kids get into college. Again...pure fabricated lies are being spread...all using this one web site that refuses to post good information or take down bad information.

Again...look at the dates they were all posted...the style of writing...the fake names used...and how they cut and pasted their material and changed the fake names they used to post the different false complaints.

I would hope that after reading this, if you have any questions about my character...simply google me, but skip the couple of fake 'bad postings on the scam site' and read the 15 to 20 great reviews on me that stretch back for years and many different companies, sports teams, and people I have helped. I have personal endorsements from some of the top people in the please take the time to actually do your own research and look past these false postings...This could happen to anyone, even you.


Bruce Grogg

Stevey wonder

salt lake city,

Contact Bruce Directly

#8Author of original report

Fri, May 22, 2009


1509 honey locust ct; draper,UT 84020

B. Grogg


More False claims and slander against Bruce Grogg

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, November 20, 2008

More false claims and slander against Bruce Grogg.

You are welcome to check with the City, State and Federal to see that what this person says is completely and utterly untrue and it is slander against Bruce Grogg.


Salt Lake City,

Bruce Grogg is a thief

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, November 13, 2008

I worked at acentus and i find it amusing that you are the main contact for all of the google releases? Your just as at fault as Dan smith. and i think its funny that you puff your chest about calling your attorney. David Reese? He's your attorney now for this new scam called Fortuna? You are all crooks and i wouldn't be surprised if you and dan smith are still stealing money from people!

B. Grogg


Slander and false accusations against Bruce Grogg

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, November 06, 2008

These are false, slanderous, and damaging accusations that are completely untrue. I never owned, was an officer, partner, held any control, or anything else with Acentus...I was hired to run their media company that created their ads for them, but even the media company was wholly owned by them.

How and why you would falsely accuse me of being part of their dealings and then slander my name and say that I am a "wanted criminal"??? And then go on to slander the company I work for now is criminal and I have contacted my attorney to take legal action if necessary to clear my name.

Please do your research, there were only "three" owners of Acentus and all their other companies...Dan Smith, Kathryn Merritt, and an attorney firm (which I was not a part of either).

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