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  • Report:  #669433

Complaint Review: Bruce Lee World Ventures rep (Denver)

Bruce Lee, World Ventures rep ,Denver, Master of fraud lies and deception Denver, Internet

  • Reported By:
    Jason — Denver Colorado United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, December 08, 2010
  • Updated:
    Fri, August 07, 2020

This guy is a good talker and his stutter makes him sound authentic but don't be fooled. guy told me that he makes $30,000 a month at World Ventures and invited me to join his "rapidly growing team". He then convinced me to loan him $1000 for leads as he was "getting paid Friday". Turns out he wasnt getting paid Friday. Turns out he wasnt getting paid anywhere near $30,000 a month now nor ever. Turns out he had no intentions of paying me back and turns out his team is not rapidly growing. Turns out his team is already under investigation and FROZEN by world ventures for violation of their policies; But he has TWO teams with them- sound shady? Thats because it is shady. Turns out he person who will make whatever up that is needed to get money to survive (hes not doing well apparently) and get someone on his teams. I have already filed a formal complaint with World Ventures. I find him to be a person whose word has no value whatsoever.    

8 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Court Time

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, February 13, 2018

Are you done hiding, Jason? I've been waiting to take this to court for over 7 years now. You changed your phone number and emails and shut down your company. Since you want to hide behind this false slandering, defamation post; go ahead. How do you want to handle this? The ball is in your court. Oh by the way, I've held back a lot of my clients, who has worked with your company in the past, from filing rip reports about your debt settlement services. I can't hold them back anymore. They have seen what you did with this post and they are ready to file their own separate RIP off reports about you and your company. And because these posts cannot be removed, you will too have to face your own online reputation challenges. Sorry. I tried, Jason. Also, after this case, I will be taking you to court for slander/libel/defamation of character. See you soon!

Bruce H. Lee


Here we go again..

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, August 10, 2013

Go to court? On this issue? On this minor issue over $1000 that you have already received what you paid for? You want me to spend thousands fighting this petty issue? For what? Waste time too? Hmm..wasting time and money for no reason at all..that makes a lot of sense Jason. Look, you already got thousands of leads for what you paid for. Sell them or use whatever! Stop wasting my time and yours and get a freaking life!

Wrong Jason..Bruce H. Lee..that's my real name. Look it up!

You think I could build an organization of over 104,000 in 5 years with one company by selling something new every year? Really? What a moron. Ask my customers and reps if I tried to push anything to them in the last 5 years!

And if I was selling other things in the last 5 years, what were they Jason? Huh? That's right, you don't know..because WorldVentures is all I've been doing ever since you knew me..and even before we met!

You know how ridiculous you sound everytime you type? You're talking out of your behind bro! You just throw things out hoping it will stick but it doesn't Jason. You have no backing behind what you say and you have no credibility whatsoever. You sound like a heckler that heckles while he's awake..and heckles while he sleeps. You are unbelievable Jason Belmont!

And now I'm a scumbag? lol. There is no word in this universe to describe you buddy. If there was, it would come in sentences..and more sentences..and more.

Chinese currency? WOW!!! I never thought of you as a racist, but don't see how you are not one! So now you are a depressed, heckling racist. Congrats to you Mr. Jason M. Belmont!

Investigation by WV? Yes I was. But for how long? For about 30 minutes. Once they heard both stories, they took me off immediately. They thought you were out of line. They said I was not. And yes, you got a full refund because you requested it before your right to refund period ended. That's our policy. So I'm glad you got your refund. Shows you we don't care about your money..and we darn sure don't need it. But thanks for playing. You quit. You fail. You lose.

Meaningless celebrity pics? Hmm...let's see you do it. Let's see you develop the contacts and the connections to mingle with people I mingle with. It's not just celebrities I mingle with..I mingle with real human beings with integrity and class and purpose and a backbone, unlike yourself. I'm glad I know who you are now. And to think I was willing to go to Colombia with you on a boat, just you and I. I would probably have jumped off the boat and swam back to shore if I you gave me any inkling that you were who you are! I would swim miles back if I had to.

Thief? What did I steal? You paid me $1000 for leads..and I gave them to you! PERIOD! End of story!!

Only a few petty thieves make money at the top? How can you prove that Jason? I can prove you are wrong! I know individuals in my organization and others in other teams in our company that joined in the last 3 years to even in the last 6 months that are making a full-time income and even a now financially free to even wealthy in these short time frames. I can prove this to anybody who reading this post. Once again, Jason is talking from his behind with no backing to what he is saying. Smart!

Evidence on our site? Meaning our corporate site? Ok..then check it out! Go to mine: It will forward to my personal website from corporate. And if you are talking about our income disclosure that the other guy put up on this post named David, please check it out. We are an open book..unlike other companies..including companies that David is in. How many companies in the industry of Direct Sales and Network Marketing is open enough to put up an income disclosure like we do! How many? I haven't seen one!

And the reason approximately 20% made income is because some join to have fun and go on the trips, or they come to our trainings increase their own personal development and skills, or some tries to do our business but fail because they don't treat it as a business, or some actually treats it as a business and earns income with us, and some become very successful with our business model and become financially free to even wealthy! The main thing is you have the opportunity in our company for you to achieve whatever your objective is with our company and that's called options.

WorldVentures operates legally, Mr. Lee does not? Hmm...its kinda funny because it sounds like you contradict yourself. You make it seem like my WorldVentures team and the entire company are not legit and then you say WV is legit. What are we? And you have no backing once again by saying I don't operate legally. What a waste if time and energy Jason. Anyways, read on.

A week? You're a moron for quitting in a week! Like I said Jason, Winners never quit..Quitters never win!!

Criminals? Prove that all 104,000 individuals on my team, my organization are criminals! Or even prove all of our entire company of hundreds of thousand are criminals! Do it Jason! Do it!

College transcripts, income statements, tax records, and background checks? I don't want to embarass you more than you are right now.

Children scattered around the country? What? LOL!!! What relevence does that have to do with our conversation here?! OMG!!! If your face isn't red by now Jason, you don't have a pulse!

I don't pay taxes? I'm a tax evader? Talk to my accountant!

I'm a liar? Prove it!

I'm above the law because I got a pic with P. Diddy? LOL. Whatever.

Court? Read the first line again on this post.

Writing the IRS? Go ahead..have fun at it! I'm sure you have nothing else better to do.

Lawyer? Of course I do. He laughed at all of your I'm doing right now..and I'm sure the readers have and will.

Jason, you might as well quit with all this just like how you quit our plan with WorldVentures. I mean you are a good quitter. Just keep doing what you are good at..or we can keep continuing this battle..the choice is yours man.

And lastly, to the viewers/readers of this post..I put up a picture of Jason M. Belmont drinking that glass of milk through a straw with his hair pulled back like a girl yesterday on my last rebuttal. I'm not sure if you seen it. You can actually see it by clicking on the photos below. Well, I want to share with you all one more ridiculous photo of Jason looking more like a lunatic than he already is right now.

It's the one of him dressed up in a weird outfit and it looks like it says "MUGA TV". Hmmm..Jason..Mug a tv? Sounds like you might be a thief. Did you steal that tv? Or I mean mugged that tv? HAHA!!!! Your outfit should be spelled like this instead Jason..ready? Ok..MORON!!!!! Am I right? You darn right I am! I'm right Jason..and you're in the wrong. Bye bye now.

Thank you all for reading this post. Please enjoy laughing at Jason's two amazing pics below. I appreciate it. Bye for now.

Bruce H. Lee


PS. Oh I almost forgot, Jason. You might want to go back to college or highschool or junior high or wherever you dropped out of because your spelling on your posts is horrendous! In fact, you mentioned you had college transcripts? Hmm...I seriously doubt that. LOL. Anyways, carry on..




What a wuss.

#9Author of original report

Sat, August 10, 2013

Wow you posted my Halloween costume. That Must mean you arent a criminal!! Just like your photos of you standinin front of famous people! Wow! I took a picture of me with a dinosaur today it must mean I own a time machine. Did you even graduate junior high school. I DOUBT IT! 

 I said Id put every piece of paper I have against yours but you didnt respond. I said lets go to court, not worth your time. How convenient that you dont have time to defend yourself but you do have time to go on facebook. Anyhow watch my man things are going to get much worse for you. 

We will get our day in court.

Looks the stuttering moron is a model too! Wow you are just so impressive. Funny you needed to borrow money from me twice in the week we worked together! HAHAHHAHAA. Maybe we should tell your baby momma how rich you are or child support department. Yeah I think Ill write a letter to them also. THey need to know. I wish I knew her name so I could write/call her direct and tell her how very successful her ex is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. 

ANyhow once i get my summons for you and you dont appear Ill get a warrant for your arrest. Or if you show up Ill win. I have evidence, unlike the lies and stupid photos you post in your defense. Judge wont much give a s**t about your modelling photos, pics with you standing near hired celebrities or my photos that you stole wont mean a d**n thing. In court actual FACTS matter. Check out the check I wrote you that you cashed that says LOAN on it you lying stuttering fraud. 

Email me your address if you are not afraid. So I dont have to spend $10 to buy it online. Still live in the ghetto? Im sure you do. Still conning people to partner with you? Im sure you are.

Please post more of my pictures online without my permission. THats also a form of theft as they are copyrighted. Ill be asking for damages for that as well. Mr Lee has no concept of the word theft or of law in general. I intend to give him a lesson he wont forget. 

Cant wait to see you in court - though I doubt you will show, you'll proabbly change your name (again?) and move out of state again. Hopefully out of country again. Class A scumbag. 

And yeah you were selling Chinese currency I remember VERY clearly, thats not racist you f**king moron.  You also sold some real estate scam. Funny how you have to keep changing what you do and need to stand in front of famous people and borrow money to keep it all going. Hey ask Donald Trump if he knows who Bruce Lee in Denver is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Im not famous but God I dont waste time pretending to be its just so fricken sad. I have signature of a baseball player it must mean Im played major league baseball! HAAHHAHAHAHA. Psst Bruce NOONE is dumb enough to give a s**t about your photos. Wolrld Ventures might want to stop wasting their money hiring these people. 

Give me your address and off to court we go. Mediation also fine. Arbitration. All fine with me. Im also willing to settle , but you are broke so you cant. Anyhow Im goign to work hard to make your life miserable until I get my $1000 worth. Mark my words as they are actually worth something. 

Talk is cheap and you are worthless Mr Bruce Lee. 

And regarding World Ventures, YES if you can afford to take 2+ vacations a month then you can get your money's worth as WV member. THough the only people that seem to have that sort of time and money though dont really care about the meager savings. THe rest just feed the Mr Lee's "teams" or work hard to develop their own.Its called a Ponzi scheme. But Yes its legal as there is a tiny shred of hope of people actually saving money (shred becomes even smaller when you factor the savings against the cost of membership as I rapidly discovered). Anyhow WV is legal still just not wise in my opinion. THe way Mr Lee cons people into signing up and partnering with him is not legal however.

Like all MLM Ponzi pyramids it wont last too long until the herds stampede on to the next MLM thing anyhow. 








Lets take it to court you scumbag piece of garbage`

#9Author of original report

Sat, August 10, 2013

Im ready to go to court to fight this issue. Please give the name of your lawyer mine will call him.

You see Mr Lee if thats his real name is a lying scumbag. He doesnt do anythign he says. He has a new thing to sell every year. And he only sells the crappiest thigs there are to sell as they have good profit margins .

Before this he sold Chinese currency or some other crap. He peddles the gabage of the day. Last I heard he was under investigation by his "own" company! Please call WOrld ventures and verify yourself. He says they "laughed at me" when I called when in fact I found out Mr Lee was on suspension and they refunded me all funds I had paid. 

You photo with a celebrity is meaningless. You are a thief. A stuttering pretty thief. Many theives in history have become famous themselves. You are not famous and you expect anyone to care about your photo with a famous person? You didnt even pay to have the person appear. A pathethic effort to show you are worth anything. 

Anyone who signs up for world ventures will find out its a petty organization where noone can make a profit except a few petty theives at the top. Like Mr Lee. See the evidence on their own website. Anywhere this guy goes the stink of petty criminality lingers. World Ventures opertes legally, Mr Lee does not. Thats the only real difference. 

I stopped working with you as within ONE WEEK you proved yourself to be a thief. Only a moron would continue after being robbed, morons like Mr Lee and his merry "team" of criminals. 

Lets share background checks and tax records too Mr lee and see how those compare. Along with income statements and college transcripts. Lets have it all out. In court and online as well. How many childrren do you have scattered around the country?Mr Lee told me he doesnt pay tax. So hes either a liar or a tax evader. Probably both. 

Mr Lee is above the law as he has photos of him with P Diddy.  

Lets go to court. You filthy piece of lowly garbage. Cowardly criminal. Lets go to court and have it out.

I writing the IRS on your behalf now too so they know you are also a tax evader. Keep pissing me off and things will get worse and worse for you my criminal former seeming friend turned fraud. 

Ready for court when you are. My lawyer is also ready.

Im sure a petty criminal like you must have a lawyer?


Bruce H. Lee


Bruce H. Lee ,Denver, Colorado  vs. Jason Belmont ,Denver, Colorado

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 09, 2013

Ok Jason. Enough of this wasting time trying to defend my self against somebody like you. You have no credibility whatsoever. Where do you come up with these statements? Look Jason, you are trying to find excuses to quit and fail by putting the blame on everyone elso except the person who is to blame and that is the man in your mirror. Jason, just look at yourself right now in your bathroom mirror and ask yourself if you are bettering yourself by trying to defame and slander somebody who was your friend and somebody who was willing to work a business with you for decades upon decades, somebody who answered all your calls to formulate and stragegize ways to build globally with the call center etc. It makes absolutely no sense why a $1000 for your leads purchase would be the main reason to end something that could have been so big for the both of us. Why would I do all of this for a measly $1000 Jason? Think about it. I had plans for us to make that 5 times a day!

You see..Jason. The difference here is I have a long term goal with my business, but you had a short term goal with our business. You expected to make a million dollars over night. You should have just stuck it out for the long me. This is a marathon, not a sprint, Jason! I've been in WorldVentures now for almost 5 years and it has been a dream come true. And this ridiculous post has not affected my business at all Jason. I know your intention was to damage my business and credibility, but I'm so sorry didn't. It only fueled my fire! And I thank you for it, I really do. In fact, my business currently holds over 104,000 customers and representatives in 24 countries. Also, I have gotten hundreds of celebrities and successful entrepreneurs to support our movement and our culture within our company. Life has been amazing here Jason. I wish we could have kept our arms locked..because you would have enjoyed all the benefits we are enjoying right now at this moment..and for the rest of our lives.

In fact, for all the viewers out there that want to make their own choice on who they think is right, how about we take this to another platform where most of the viewers here are very familiar with..facebook. So right now, everybody visit my former friend Jason Belmont of Denver, Colorado and check out some of his lonely pics. They look very fact down right depressing! I think he just need some friends. So anybody want to voluteer to be his friend? Go ahead. He might bring you down though. Just look at his profile pic of him drinking that glass of milk all by himself..and the one in that Mugaty costume all by himself..and oh that weird one with his face in that Excel energy windmill cut out..yeah, he looks sad..a sad human being. Oh wait, he has one where he is holding a goat. I believe that's his only friend..atleast he has one. Not bad Jason..not bad. Well folks, I tried to be his friend..his business partner..and he failed! He failed me, but most importantly..he failed himself! I do feel sorry for former friend and business partner..Mr. Jason M. Belmont. Good luck to you..and have a great life!

And now for those that want to check out my profile on facebook, go to Bruce H. Lee and I'm the one with a pic with P. Diddy and we are holding a blue sign that says, "YOU SHOULD BE HERE!" on it. Sometimes I change my profile pic around to my business pics, modeling pics, or ones with other celebrities and I and other business men and/or women holding our cool blue sign. So this is what I do. I travel around the world taking pics with that cool blue sign with as many fun folks as I can. This is how we promote our travel club. This is WorldVentues. This is our lifestyle. We get paid to promote fun. I call it Paycation..and Fun Money. So for those of you that want to experience vacations at wholesale prices, or want a way to get paid while on vacation, call me at 303-482-2476 or visit my website at  My info is just like how Mr. Jason Belmont displayed it here on this crazy report, so obviously I have nothing to hide, although somebody else might. Jason might be changing his profile pics or changing his security settings to hide himself after he sees this rebuttal posting. So for anybody that want to see his pics if they become hidden on facebook, please email me at and I will be more than happy to send them to you, but like I said they might sadden and depress you like it did me.

Well that's all folks. You know how to reach me. Thanks for reading this post. Signing off. Bye for now.


Bruce H. Lee






Fraud is as frauds do

#9Author of original report

Mon, July 15, 2013

I had not taken any action on this thing in 3 years and had largely dropped the case from my head. I guess you wish to keep it alive. Seems you are th eone with no life whatsoever. So be it. 

The $1000 money was a LOAN "Mr Lee". At no point did I agree to BUY anythign from a lowlife criminal like yourself. We were going to work together, but that lasted less than a week before "fraud" alarm bells went off! You were to priovde the leads and I would provide the salesforce. You conveniently forget these things. If I was paying for leads and for sales force why the hell would I need a person like you who provides ZERO? I wouldnt!

You may recall saying ILL PAY YOU BACK FRIDAY for leads with your (nonexistent paycheck). THat was 3 years ago. It was when you did not pay back the loan that I "quit". I guess I should have let you rob me a bit more before doing so? Ive been working the same business for 10 years now and Ive seen you selling at least 3 different things since Ive had the displeasure of knowing you, you must have a very strange criminal definition of the word quitter. Sort of like you criminal definitions of "Friday" and "paycheck" and "pay you back". 

ANyhow let me know if you wish to go to court I would love to get my money back and also to get some legal fees from you as well. 

Anyone who does business with this guy BEWARE.

He wears a lot of criminal hats and nothign he says is worth a pint of piss. 



Drexel Hill,

80%+ in World Ventures not Making Money

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, July 15, 2013

I'm sorry that you had a bad experience with World Ventures.  I was thinking about doing World Ventures until I saw their income disclosure statement.

Here is a copy (and you can click to see it on their server):



Just by reading the income disclosure, you can see that only 19.82% of the company earned a commission.  This means that 80.18% of the Company LOST MONEY.

I just couldn't get involved with a business like that, or a business that needed 60 people (30 on the right and 30 on the left) for me to see income.

I decided on a much different company with a much better compensation plan.

If you are still interested in Network Marketing, I suggest you watch the video below:



Bruce H. Lee


Are you serious Jason?! I can't believe this guy!

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, April 24, 2013

Are you serious Jason?! I just found this on google today and I can't believe this idiot, Jason M. Belmont would go through this to lie and slander me! Oh yes, you are looking at a lawsuit against you Mr. Belmont! You better believe it!

1) Wrong Jason! I mentioned my sponsor was making over $30,000 a month back in 2010!

2) Wrong Jason! You did pay $1000, but it was for the leads you bought from me and for your supposed call center to call those leads and you only allowed them to call the leads for only 3 days! You allowed your team to quit in only 3 days!!! You only fail when you quit! If you allowed your team to make calls for the entire 30 days that we planned, you and your team would have been very successful..but 3 days?! WOW!!! You d**n quitter! You got your leads atleast! You got what you pay for Mr. Jason M. Belmont!

3) Right Jason! Everybody who opens a business through our company has TWO TEAMS! A left team..and a right team! Look it up buddy! Do your homework! Do your research before you talk or type! You sound like a complete idiot here!

4) Wrong Jason! I am doing very well matter of fact! Look me up on facebook and you will see!

5) Right Jason! You did file a complaint with my company..and they nearly laughed at your complaint! They said it is your responsibility to make your own income with our company! The leads has nothing to do with the company which is obvious but it makes Mr. Jason M. Belmont look very stupid to ask WorldVentures for the $1000 back when this was a separate deal done with Jason Belmont and me, Bruce H. Lee. 

Thanks for letting me share the truth here. And something better with your something positive..productive..your life would be a lot better if you do..I'm done.

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