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  • Report:  #374974

Complaint Review: BURGER KING


  • Reported By:
    Satellite Beach Florida
  • Submitted:
    Mon, September 22, 2008
  • Updated:
    Wed, July 08, 2009
    1938 Highway A1A
    Indian Harbor Beach, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

This is the latest of many incidents at this same Burger King! They get the order wrong after sometimes repeating it several times and then they blame the Customer and when the Customer won't accept that kind of Service, they get ANGRY and it is WWII all over again, and again, and AGAIN!

On Sept. 9, 2008 I placed the same order I always place there at the DRIVE THRU for a Whopper Junior with only heavy raw onion and tomato ONLY. No cheese. lettece, or condiments, and do not Microwave, along with an Orange Juice at 2:24PM Order taken by Evelen#1. Both Tickets are #438 and isnt that ODD?

With Gas at almost $4.00 per gallon here, I get down the road 3 miles and dicover that the Whopper Junior was not as I ordered it because it had some of everything they had in that Store #6372 but th kitchen sink. I turned around and drove back and right up to the Pick Up Window. They saw me there and knew they had screwed up once again. They made me wait there for 4 minutes and never paid any attention to me while I hold up Customers behind me which is not to Burger Kings advantage. Now I am really pissed off!

Finally the window opens and they say how can I help you and I handed her the Erroreous Burger back and explained that theyonce again got my order wrong when gas is almost $4.00 per gallon and I had to come back and then wait! A middle eastern looking Female Burger Terrorist stood behind the female that opened the window holding up a bak and says to me, "Here is your Burger right here"! How stupid can you get. I said to her, "what the hell good does my Burger do me when you still have and I do not?" This Dork Female then says to me which is the pattern always, "You don't have to yell at us"! That is when I blew my top and I said, "God D**n It if you would do you job none of this would happen" and that is when The Female Burger terrorist said "You don't have to use that kind of language"!

She handed the bag to the other female who handed it to me and she stood inside with a s**t eating grin of her face"! I then yelled in real loud so Customers inside could hear by booming voice, " You won't be smiling tomorrorow when i contact your Corprate Headquaters". and I drove off.

When I got about 3 miles down the road again and parked to eat the Burger which was now a horrific unpleasant experiance because they made NO APOLOGY and OFFERED NO LITTLE EXTRA for my trouble not that I would have accepted it, byt they made no offer. And there I sat with a Whopper Junior that was still not right because they put pickle on it and it was microwaved.

Now, They tried to make it appear that they had the order right all alone and I was just given someone elses order. That is pure BURGER KING BULLS**T! The reason they ignored me for 4 minute s when i brought the Burger back, was so thay could make a new Burger correctly and then pass it off as mixed up orders. Each bag had a Sales Recept which i am looking at right now and both Tickets were instructionally correct but who ever made up the Burgers made the mistake and they tried to push it off on the Customer.

Times are very dire in America thses days and Burger King betetr watch out or they will be closing stores because people are not going to accept this kind of service anymore.

I urge Burger King Customers to either BOYCOTT BURGER KING or at least look at your order at The Pick Up Window which holds up Customers behind you, and make sure your Order is correct before you get down the road and find out otherwise. Then, do not accept a replacement Order, Insist on a Refund which will take more time holding up the Customers behind you! And there is not a God Damned thing they can do about it. If they give you a hrad time , turn off your engine take the keys out of the Ignition and tell them you are staying right there until you are satisfied in what ever way the is for you!

Just a few days ago I was there placing the same order which I had to repaet three times and when I got to the Pick Up Window this young Kid got pissed at me the Customer AND MADE SOME KIND OF NEGATIVE REMARK that caused him to be scolded by one of those Older Plump Prison Matron Types, and when I voiced my opinion on that this Fat MaMa started to raise hell with me until I shut her up with choice words as a last resort!

This particluar Store #6372 Inidian Harbor Beach, Florida on A1A had Pot Holes in their Drive Thru Access that would tear out your front end alignment at least when you hit them because they were located exactly where your tires go. I complained and complained and they were never repraired. Then i call Burger King Headquarters which I am going to do this time as well and other Publications and Authorities, and finally they were repaired after many many many months of delay.

This is America's Burger King Ladies and Gentlemen. if you are in a good mood with all that is going on in America and the world thsese days, PLEASE DO NOT GO TO BURGER KING BECAUSE YOU ARE DOOMED TO BE IN AN ANGRY MOOD before the day is over!

Sadly, it is not only Burger King here in Brevard County, Florida, the Area McDonalds Hamburgers are exactly as bad with their personnel!


Arthur C.Adler
Satellite Beach, Florida

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7 Updates & Rebuttals



Don't Act Like You Understand What Goes on Inside

#8UPDATE Employee

Wed, July 08, 2009

You have absolutely no idea what goes on inside that Burger King. Yet you act like you know exactly what happens inside.

I on the other hand, work there, and know exactly what happens.
Orders get mixed up all the time. Burger King is a very busy place, and we're only human.

One thing before I comment on the rest of your complaint.... How did you know they microwaved the burger? Because it was hot? The burgers sit in their own grease, thus they're always going to be hot. Because any of the toppings were hot? Those are never put in the microwave. The bottom bun, and the burger patty are all that see a microwave. For 5 seconds.....

Also, I'm a little put off by how you are describing these employees, and most of all that you yelled at them, and used language like that. Since we are a company, we have the right to deny you service.... If somebody swears at me in drive thru, my managers have told me I have the right to just tell you to leave, and deny you service. Paid or not paid.

If you turn your car off... We will simply call the police to get rid of you, we've done it many times before. It's what we do to get rid of customers that cross that civil line and start screaming when it's completely unnecessary. Never do you need to resort to foul language, for any reason. if you're a civil person that it.

We are more than willing to give you a refund if you return your food with a receipt, but we will absolutely not give you a refund or any special treatment if you treat us with no respect like that.

People like you have gotten arrested at our store for doing similar things. The other customers have literally told us how good of a job we've done, and they thank us for getting rid of customers like that. The other customers don't care about you, they've had mistakes happen, and they solved it civilly.

Learn how to be a consumer, and take your business elsewhere, though most business don't like to deal with rowdy customers.


River Edge,
New Jersey,

It's a $.99 Whopper Jr. Seriously

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

Ok, if the store you keep going to keeps making mistakes, why don't you follow your own advice to everyone here and simply not go there anymore? It's a $.99 Whopper Jr, and you got so mad that you not only screamed at the staff, who by your own accounts didn't yell or say anything derogatory or angry, but you then post to this site calling them "dark" and "terrorists". For a $.99 hamburger. Wow. Angry AND racist. Since "times are so dire" in this country as you say, I don't think people will be leaving the dollar menu anytime soon. Grow up


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,

Arthur c.adler. Right here, YOU started the fight, NOT the Burger King Employees!

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

Arthur c.adler
Satellite Beach, Florida

'"You don't have to yell at us"! That is when I blew my top and I said, "God D**n It if you would do you job none of this would happen" and that is when The Female Burger terrorist said "You don't have to use that kind of language"!'

Right here, YOU started the fight, NOT the Burger King Employees! You responded to friendliness with stupid, idiotic low IQ anger and racist innuendo!

Where did you get your rare nasty attitude and your dirty toilet mouth? Did something traumatize you when you were a child?

You have already broken the ROR rules for profanity, and should be reprimanded by the editor! Maybe someone will direct him to your post.

Now try very very hard to post the same thing in a literate Higher mentality form with proper grammar, Proper spelling, proper punctuation, no anger and no profanity.

Come on Big boy! Show us that you really do have a brain HIDDEN somewhere! I dare you!



How about this

#8Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 22, 2008

Take your own advice and check it before you leave? I know that ten seconds to unwrap the paper is really going to hold up everyone that much. Or better yet go inside and get off your fat, elitest a*s. Just imagine all of that gas you wasted stopping and going in drive-thru lanes in Burger King.

Second you are a racist and should be ashamed of yourself for referring to a lady that way. What is wrong with your thought process to think everyone of middle eastern heritage is a terrorist?



Here is a question.

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

If this place always gets your order wrong. Why

1. Do you keep going back.

2. Do you not check your order before you leave instead of waiting until you are 3 miles down the road.



You need help with your social skills.

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

It must be a joy to work there earning minimum wage and have YOU as a customer. I am sure that all little children aspire to work at Burger King and become your personal punching bag when they gorw up.

How do you know that it is microwaved? Why do you continue to patronize there if they have messed up your order so many times?

They probably know your car by now. I wouldn't eat there either I were you, you may find something more than a pickle next time, or maybe something you cannot detect.




Why Don't You Take Your Own Advice?

#8Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 22, 2008

...and stop going there??? Simple solution to the problem.

And by the way, when you describe someone as a "middle eastern looking Female Burger Terrorist" you not only show your bigotry but you lose all credibility.

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