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  • Report:  #1117546

Complaint Review: Bushido Mixed Martial Arts

Bushido Mixed Martial Arts Justin Rose Bjj Instruction,Judo,MMA,Justin,Rose arlington Texas

  • Reported By:
    Texas15 — Arlington Texas
  • Submitted:
    Wed, January 22, 2014
  • Updated:
    Thu, July 10, 2014

First off this guy pushes contracts so that if you try and walk away once you figure out everything he stands for is a total con!! He is a TALKER and loves to here himself talk he talks to cover his behind so that you don't notice that he doesn't actually teach your kids anything. I enrolled my son at Bushido MMA for Judo and signed a 1 year contract. Fast forward one year and 6 months I decide to leave the gym after several run ins in a short period of time with Justin Rose the Owner Instructor.

My original 1 year contract was done and expired I was on a month-to-month billing after that. This meant that I could walk away when ever I wanted. I knew that Justin Rose is a low down individual so I had my banking information changed because I knew he would not  do the honorable thing even though he was asked to cancel my membership not bill me any more for services I haven't recieved. Justin Rose did exactly as I expected him too and continued to try and STEAL money from my account.

I have never been involved with such a money hungry person or gym! You will be nickel and dimed for everything!!!!! And when you decide to leave he will do everything hin his power to get you back for leaving his gym. HE puts on this we are a family here song and dance to cover up the fact that he has no credentials in Brazillian Jiu Jitsu and or Judo like he claims. They make up ranks that have no real meaning outside his dojo. I have never seen not one credible credential from this man.

He used a horrible cut throat company called ASF INTERNATIONAL  that has a horrible reputation for customer service and everything else. I have been recieving statements from this company saying that Justin Rose has not cancelled my contract and that I still owe Bushido MMA for unpaid dues. I have told ASF several times that they need to deal with there client Justin Rose because he is the one attempting to STEAL money for services not rendered. Avoid this gym and individual like your life depended on it!!!

4 Updates & Rebuttals



Not a Ripoff

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, July 10, 2014

First off, my children have been students at bushido almost going on a year and my contract will be ending soon and i have no worries that if i even wanted to cancel after my year ended that i would have problems with Justin Rose.  This guy is exactly the sensei i wanted for my kids and i would highly recommend this Dojo to any parent or adult.  1 bad egg (such as the original poster) doesn't ruin the reputation of this school and its teacher.  I will continue to keep paying and will continue to keep going. 

Sensei Rose

Grand Prairie,


#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, April 24, 2014

Yeah these kids dont learn a thing from me..... State and National Champions. More Expert NAGA champions than I can count.



Keep Lying.........

#5Author of original report

Tue, April 22, 2014

The bottom line is your a liar and were maliciously billing me after my contract expired. I have never weighed 285 in my life my kid never liked you to be honest. He didn't learn anything from you his wrestling was better than the crap you taught. Yeah I thought you were legit until I saw other schools kids constantly whipping bushido kids with technique. I have my contract and letters to prove that you were still trying to collect........we can find all the people your still billing that left because your a basket case.....I'm the abuser as your lying mouth says, but not the one with the felony.............Anyway the company chose to stop billing me because they knew the situation was not right, you didnt do anything. All the parents that were doing wrestling have my phone number and I still talk to them so if I stole anything I would think they would tell me when I talk to as far as I'm concerned what I wanted to stop is done, im not being billed anymore. I haven't been kicked out of anywhere, I left that gym under my free choice, I have the text messages to prove it. Messages sent from your keep lying maybe I'll post all your text messages. Im at a new wrestling gym because I chose to be at a different one and that is all. keep asking around about me!! I'M IMPORTANT TO YOU ;)  THIS IS A DONE MATTER I WON'T RESPOND AGAIN.



Sensei Rose

Grand Prairie,

disgruntled child abuser's pathetic attempt

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 21, 2014

Im' really in shock and in disbelief that this web site does not research these claims before allowing someone to post such false claims about a person or their business. This is illegal and is called defamation of character or libel. To cut to the chase this is company policy fro this website.

"Please note that rebuttals should NOT contain any of the following:

  • Profanity, obscenity, threats of violence, racist remarks, false statements, personal information (i.e., social security numbers, credit card numbers, home address(es) or phone numbers), or any other information which violates Ripoff Report's Terms of Service;
  • Rumors, speculation, or innuendo unless you have personal knowledge that your statements are true;
  • Trivial comments (i.e., “Nice report!”) which do not add anything useful to the discussion.

Everything that was listed about me is a false statement yet its allowed to be posted on here with no investigation? Unbelievable to me that I could go on this site and slam a person or their business and they have no knowledge of it whatsoever!?!?! Luckily the guy slamming me bragged about it and posted the link.

So here are the facts. He boasted the same complaint with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and they are a legitimate site. They sent me a formal letter with this everything being said about me and gave me an oppertunity to explain myself or the negative report would be documented. This illigitmate garbage site just posts without any investigation. They researched and found no truth to the claims and filed in favor of me. Check it out for proof. I have been in business for 14yrs and have not had one single complaint filed against me. Thats quite a feat.

As for the person filing all the false complaints let me give ou some background. He is a teacher who teaches special ed students. He came to me with his son to put his son in class because his son wrestled with him as his coach. His son lost all the time and was less than exceptional in wrestling. His son started training Judo and Jiu-Jitsu under me and began to win immediately. After several wins and months of training his son started his wrestling season again and what do you know started winning in wrestling as well! I recieved all the praise because his son was now winning not only in jiu-jitsu but in wrestling as well. Whats more is after six months of sitting on the sidelines in class this guy Warren J Smith decided the training was good enough that he himself also wanted to train under me. If it was so bad and his son learned nothing why did his son win 1st or 2nd in every tournament after training with me and why did he decide to sign up after six months? He claims his son learned nothing vrom me but all my parents will tell you how he became a winning player under me. 

He had six months to decide his son was not learning anything from me or that I was fake or money hungry and to quit... WHat does he do after six months? He signs up with his son. Now is where the trouble starts. I should of known something was wrong when he started bragging about having to "check the retards" at school how they were "retarded strong" so he needed some training. I thought it was disturbing but if I kicked a student out everytime they said something I didnt aggree with I would lose a lot of students. He would constantly brag about having to slam some retard and making them more retarded for getting out of line with him. SO he is a teacher who works with special ed kids and he brags about slamming them or giving them more retardation. His kid was winning under me and he spent a lot of time up their so I started letting him help with my kids team, in an assistant coach kind of way. He always bragged how he went and rolled with his buddy who was enrolled at a big name school and was paying twice as much as him and he handled him with no problem on the mat. How our skills were better than theirs and they are paying big money. etc. So Like I said after bragging a lot about handling the kids at his school he started to get real aggressive and mean to his son. Always yelling at him and bringing him to tears. This was becoming a nightly thing. I decided I needed to say something, even though it was his kid he was publicly humiliating him and calling him names and making him cry in front of his team mates. If his son lost to higher level kids who had been there twice as long he was punished after class with a half hour of push ups, sit ups and squats. The kid was constantly belittled broke down and crying. His son oly wanted to train under me and not his dad. So before I could say anything one night for some reason he slapped the hell out of his son in the face on my mat in front of everyone!. This guy is about 285 lbs his son is 8-9. His hand is bigger than his kids head and he open hand slapped the hell out of him! I pulled him aside and told him that was unaceptable! He could not do that . I told him he would no longer be able to help out as a coach with other kids or his own kid and that if he ever slapped his kid in front of me we would have a problem. Apparently that was one of many run ins...(The only one) and he quit. I do not believe in child abuse and will not tolerate it. If he brags about roughing up special ed kids and slaps his eight yr old in the face like a man what kind of guy is this? He apparently then left my gym with no notification to me. Yes his contract did expire and he chose to stick around six months after that paying dues month to month. You still have to notify me to cancel. He never said a word in person, by text or by email. He could not prove that he did and that is why the BBB filed in my favor and no complaint stuck against me. Three months later my billing company told me they had been trying to collect from him for three months and were turning the account over to me. I said drop it. Again I have over 75 students and have no time to individually keep up with everyon one who doesnt show up. Sometimes guys dont show up for two months and just walk in one day three months later. They have been paying dues all along. Its very common. So I did not know I was supposed to cancel his cmonth to month.

Bottom line he left because I confronted him about abusing his child and told him he could no longer help coach. This report is just a pathetic attemp to slam me for his wrong doings. IF you have any questions look me up come in for a free week. Im the most non money hungry and nickel and dime coach around and all of my parents will vouch for that. I have been open fourteen years and you cannot find a negative report on me other than this one disgruntled child abuser. My Black belt certificate is on the wall in my office and can be validated through USAJUDO I have been training BJJ for over 20 years and have a legitmate purple belt under Brandon Quick from BQuick Jiu Jitsu. Who is a Black belt under Jaimie Walsh who is under Machado. Everything he said was just a lie and an attempt to slander me out of malicious intent. I do appreciate this and him listing my name because this gives hard evidence with my attorney for a lible civil law suit against this indiviual. I hear he has since been kicked out of the new place he was coaching wrestling for the same offenses.

To add one more detail I was letting the guy start a wrestling program at my school. He made sure he collected all the money from my parents for their equipment and wrestling dues before he left without notice. when the parents contacted him to get their money back he first told them that they had to come with him to his new location. They stated they were not leaving. SO he said he had given all their money back to me and to ask me for it. He ripped off several of my parents and took their money. All around low life.

Check me out and my reviews and credentials you will not find one truth to what he is stating or any other bad reviews.

This site should do some research before allowing peole to post this untrue garbbage about people and their trustworthy business.

My name is Justi Rose and Im the owner and head instructor of Bushido Mixed Martial Arts.


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