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  • Report:  #668402

Complaint Review: C.P.'s Guiding Service

C.P.'s Guiding Service Big Game Hunt NY Farmland Hunt Rip-Off Internet

  • Reported By:
    Pat — Fresh Meadows New York United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, December 06, 2010
  • Updated:
    Tue, May 30, 2017

The website states that there is some type of guiding service provided. The wilderness hunt is you being dropped off by boat at the banks of Indian Lake at early morning and being retrieved at sundown. The services that are provided are tent accommodations, an outhouse, portable shower, a cot, 3 meals, transportation in and out, and game and trophy care. Bag a 300 lb bear 6 or 7 miles into the woods and try dragging it out yourself. I have been on two trips with CP Guiding service and they were okay.

If you are thinking of the Farmland Hunting Trip offered, Don't bother... it is nothing like what is presented on the website. There is only a 5 day farmland hunt for $1,000. (cash) and the Chyle Country Inn is not the beautiful home in the photos but just a shell of a house with a kerosene heater. Bring your sleeping bags because there are no linens and your own pillows unless you like stained yellowed ones. There are only two hot meals a day not three. For lunch expect two slices of bread and one slice of salami and one slice of cheese and an apple.

Don't think for a moment that you will bag a buck because the area is hunted out even before the season begins by farmers and poachers that just want to take the trophy bucks before any outsider does.

I was put in a tree stand that was surrounded on three sides by barking dogs, farmers shooting off there guns every 45 minutes and earth moving equipment tearing up parts of the tree line with the loudest back up beeping I have ever heard. There were four other guests that were promised doe tags... none were provided. Guess how many bucks were taken by the 5 participants in this 5 day farmland hunt. If you guessed zero you would be correct. And if you think you'll get even a partial refund for pointing out all of the misleading advertising and misrepresentations by the owner you'd better start planning your court case now.

If you really have nothing better to do with a $1,000. go buy your wife a nice gift or take her and the kids away to Florida for the weekend. By the way there are residents in the area that will let you hunt their land for free.

10 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

Cp guiding best hunt ever

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, May 30, 2017

 I booked hunt with my dad to this unknown to me guiding service in adirondaks. I had never met chris my entire life or know anybody that knew him. It was the best hunt of my life by far. I missed the biggest bear I will probably ever see. Chris palumbo is a great easy going guy he is the real McCoy. These memories will forever be engraved in my mind. If you want the best hunt ever book with chris palumbo. Food was great and the memories will last forever. And u will want to return. Bring your apitite.


New York,

Good hunting experience is a real customer

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, January 14, 2017

 My positive report on CP Guide Service and my rebuttal in principle to the negative descriptions of the service were based on a farmland hunt in November 2016. The Ripoff report erroneously listed me under owner rebuttal.

I live over a hundred miles away from CP and nevere met him before thsi year. My positive report is just that - a successful hunting experience with no real complaints except for the blizzard 2 days into gun season. Reasonably certain that chris did not plan the blizzard. Oh - by the way - he cam out in the blizzard to help me and my son when we bottomed out our truck in 2 feet of snow.


New York,

Good hunting experience

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 14, 2017

 I wanted to take my son on a hunting trip to kill a buck before he joined the Army. The areas near where I live are overhunted and we had not had success the last two years. We chose CP Guide service from among several choices in rural upstate New York. The owner, Chris Palumbo, knows his deer hunting and he knows the land he guides hunts on. I have several family friends who are lifetime hunters and can attest to the techniques that the Palumbo family uses. Chris is assisted by his sons, who are fine young men and accomplished outdoorsmen.

I read some criticisms of CP Guide service on this site. The criticisms did not agree with our experience. We were given personal guidance in the areas that we needed it and left alone for things we were already good at. The  lodge was an old farm house - yes that's a hunting lodge. We were hunting not golfing or skiing at a resort. The food was basic hunting food, tasty and filling. My son often asked for seconds and cleaned his plate. Yes the lunches were bag lunches - we were hiking into the woods so sandwiches and apples were the right choice. Sometimes the complaints sounded like misinterpretation of the purpose of the service. The Palumbos provided an opportunity to hunt on land were they have monitored deer movements for years and have stands and blinds set up near where you will see deer.

Day one of gun season a 6 point buck came across a field into our field of view on his way back into the deep woods. It was on my side of the blind which would have made a shot by my son a bit difficult, so he motioned for me to take the shot. I hit the buck just behind his shoulder and dropped him. He staggered to his feet and stuimbled to the woods. Since we were not entirely sure where all othe rhunters were in he woods, we called Chris. He came out a bit later in the morning and tracked teh buck to where he fell dead just inside the woods. His son brought a cart and took the buck to their skinning and butcher area and gave us soem valuable instruction on better ways to butcher a deer than we knew before we came. On that first day of gun season we saw 6 more deer, 5 does and one buck but didn't have doe permits for this area and the buck was moving too fast for us to take an ethical shot. Day 2 and 3 were the blizzard of 2016 and we only saw one more doe.

Right now I am eating venison stew from that buck and yes it is good. real good.


Fresh Meadows,
New York,

Links to YouTube Videos

#11Author of original report

Thu, November 07, 2013

For some reason the YouTube links did not appear... as well as several photos I tried to upload so here are the YouTube links.


Fresh Meadows,
New York,

Pictures of my Oct 26th through November 4th Trip

#11Author of original report

Thu, November 07, 2013

 Just a few pictures of my Hunting trip with a Licensed Guide on Long Lake...


Fresh Meadows,
New York,

Gilbert Your C.P.'s B*****

#11Author of original report

Thu, October 31, 2013

Next time try reading the post before writing your idiotic response.  The original post stated that the Northern Zone hunt was Okay and why I went several times... while on the Northern Zone hunt Chris convinced me to try his farmland hunt in Oswego County.  That is where it all went wrong... I did not post under some ficticious email which is why I was notified of your post.  I and everyone on the complaint board posted about his "Farmland Hunt" which is nothing even remotely like what is advertised on his site.  There is no bed and breakfast, there are no hot meals, there is nothing that is advertised on his website except paying him $1,000. CASH.

I had a good time on his Northern Zone hunt, nobody held my hand or anyone else's... your comments describing his Northern Zone hunt is accurate except that it is not a "Hunting Trip" it is a "Camping Trip".  He does not scout the area for scrapes, he does not even walk you in to his broken down tree stand that has been in that spot for many years, he does not do anything that a licensed guide could and should do, and, you are assuming that his Southern Zone hunts are any better.  They are a million miles from what is advertised and what is accurately stated by myself and everyone else on the complaint board.  Until you go on one of his so called Southern Zone (Farmland Hunts) you cannot add your comments as an authority on Chris or his services.

Go spend a thousand dollars on his farmland hunt, then come back to this board and give an accurate accounting of your experience staying in Ed's workshop and stuck in some hunted out area with the locals firing shots over your head, or placed in a tree stand with two other stands facing you, getting served baloney, apple pie and left unsupervised for a few days.

It irks me that some people cannot read an entire post before writing a bunch of crap knocking the experiences of a dozen people and calling them names.

If you want an even better time with a real LICENSED hunting guide and an ex-Forest Ranger Beth Melecci (oh you didn't know Chris is not a licensed guide) go to Long Lake and they will put you right on top of the deer... I've been here 6 days so far in four different locations and have seen deer everyday (three my first day out on October 26th).  I'm also staying in a cabin (Jim Hogan's place on Old Steamboat Road) with all the amenities, queen sized bed, shower, refrigerator, stove, microwave, washer/dryer, camp cook that has overwhelmed me with things like shrimp pasta and garlic bread, venison burgers with home made potato salad, stuffed pork chops, chicken cordon bleu, snacks, trail mix, coffee, tea, you name it...  Not to say the guide and I had to stay overnight in our sleeping bags in a makeshift lean to on top of the mountain because the temperature dropped  to 19 degrees and it started snowing and it was too late to get back to camp.  She had toe and hand warmers to put in my boots and gloves, plenty of snacks, a portable cooker and hobo stove and built a huge fire... But I guess if I were a wimp I would have gone back to sleep in a wall tent with a Kerosene heater.

Now for the thousand dollars you spent (on your four day camping trip) and the thousand dollars I spent (on my nine day Hunting Trip) who got the better Northern Zone Hunting experience?

Want to know more, Go To ADKbyOwner and click on Vacation Rentals... If you want I'll be here next year for black powder and rifle season and you can come by for opening day for either.  I'll also bet you a thousand dollars that you will see more deer on Long Lake that one day than ten years of hunting with Chris.

Oh and By the way... one of the guys bagged a 9 pointer with a 23 inch inside beam on Sunday.  I will post the pictures when I get back home on Monday.


Gilbert M H*** (my real name)

New York,

The negative reports are apparently written by wimps

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, October 30, 2013

First of all, the name displayed with this rebuttal is my real name.  I am not some scaredy cat hiding behind some false name.  Unlike the folks who wrote some cruel and unfounded comments based on unrealistice expectations and are obviously too pampered to get with the program, I am not hiding my identity.  If anyone has a problem with what I have to say, fine, come to my neck of the woods and let's talk.

I am also not an employee or ex-employee of Chris'.  I an a recent (10/2013) customer of his, and when I read all this crap about how awful he was, and compared it to the email responses he had to my early questions, I felt I had a great guide I could depend on, and the negative issues were no more than sour grapes written by folks who just don't get what a real hunt is about.  And they likely never will.  Being able to shoot an animal does not make a person a hunter.

Here is how I see this situation.  The service Chris offers is a hunting guide service, not a hand held guide to escort a client on a ride in an amusement park where you can expect a game animal to be tied up, then released for your shooting pleasure in order to allow you the opportunity to go home and boast about how awesome a hunter you must be.  His guide service is designed to provide a base camp with the kind of environment one can expect in a fairly remote area.  I have been in the field in the Army, and I know what it is like to have to really rough it. 

What Chris offers in his Deep Wilderness Hunt is far more pleasant, but I had no expectation or desire to be coddled.  A nice tent that can comfortably sleep 4 with a cot and heater (wood or propane) is what we got.  We brought our own gear we needed, as it should be.  Breakfast was excellent, as was dinner.  Dinner was cooked in the meeting tent.  Nothing fancy, it was basic with some goodies.  An excellent cook, Chris prepared bear meat for us after one of our party members bagged a big one on his first day out.  As for lunch, yep, as reported it was bologna.  But there was also cheese with the blogna and an apple.  Oh, and two sandwhiches, not just one. 

It is precisely what is needed mid-day on a hard tromp through the forest when hunting.  Something fast and easy to wolf down, and nothing heavy to slow one down as with some kind of gourmet sub sandwhich.  As for after eating, yes, the latrine was a set of outhouses.  Remember, this is a wilderness hunt.  If you want to stay in a fancy a**ed hotel in the evenings, go find yourself some cute little hunting re$ort where you can pretend to be hunting,.  This is not the place for you.  If you want to sharpen your hunting skills in a really awesome, close to the land manner, then you will find the service Chris offers to be an outstanding experience and value.

So, for folks who just can't handle not having a warm bed with blankets and sheets, go ahead and go on your pretend hunts.  For those who want to learn how to really hunt, improve techniques, and gain some useful experience, reach out to Chris.  You will not be disappointed.  I saw him help retrieve a large black bear, and was happy to show how sling it up with a tree branch, then how to skin and butcher it.  I learned a lot in my too short 5 days in the bush with Chris, as did the other 4 guys in our party.  And, my gawd, does Chris know the land and critters... 

Those who need to b**** will keep on whining and b****ing about any little thing that just is not fancy enough for their tastes.  But for those who want to get a sense of real life, we are not the ones to b**** and gripe, we get things done.  Chris gets things done. 


Fresh Meadows,
New York,
United States of America

C.P.'s Guiding Service Rebuttal Scam

#11Author of original report

Wed, May 02, 2012

The service is a scam and the rebuttals defending this service are also scams written by friends, relatives and even the scam artist himself.

If you want unbiased true life experiences with C.P.'s Guiding Service and it's owner do a Google search for C.P.'s Guiding Service and read all of the reviews on the Complaints Board website.

Chris Palumbo is a scam artist and his service is a sham.  It's not about catching any bucks with C.P.'s Guiding Service it's all about making a buck.


Fresh Meadows,
New York,
United States of America

C.P.'s Guiding Service a Scam

#11Author of original report

Wed, May 02, 2012

C.P.'s Guiding Service owner Chris Palumbo or his relatives have been posting rebuttals stating that his guiding service is everything promised on his website.  It is all a big fat scam.  Go to complaints board dot com and you can read multiple unbiased reports on what a scam artist he is.  His website makes multiple claims about providing a stay at a beautiful Bed and Breakfast and three hot meals a day, it also claims that guiding service is provided.

The owner does not guide he points to a ribbon tied to a tree on his farmland hunts, there is no bed and breakfast just an old Amish school house with no heat or linens, several posts on Complaints Board dot com describe exactly what is not provided and exactly what transpired on his hunts to make them leave two and a half days early without any refund from C.P.'s Guiding Service.

Don't waste your time or your money.  Use a reputable guiding service.

If you are thinking of the Farmland Hunting Trip offered, Don't bother... it is nothing like what is presented on the website. There is only a 5 day farmland hunt for $1,000. (cash) and the Chyle Country Inn is not the beautiful home in the photos but just a shell of a house with a kerosene heater. Bring your sleeping bags because there are no linens and your own pillows unless you like stained yellowed ones. There are only two hot meals a day not three. For lunch expect two slices of bread and one slice of salami and one slice of cheese and an apple.

Don't think for a moment that you will bag a buck because the area is hunted out even before the season begins by farmers and poachers that just want to take the trophy bucks before any outsider does. I was put in a bow hunters tree stand during rifle season that was surrounded on three sides by barking dogs, farmers shooting off there guns every 45 minutes and earth moving equipment tearing up parts of the tree line with the loudest back up beeping I have ever heard. There were four other guests that were promised doe tags... none were provided. Guess how many bucks were taken by the 5 participants in this 5 day farmland hunt. If you guessed zero you would be correct. And if you think you'll get even a partial refund for pointing out all of the misleading advertising and misrepresentations by the owner you'd better start planning your court case now. If you really have nothing better to do with a $1,000. go buy your wife a nice gift or take her and the kids away to Florida for the weekend. By the way there are residents in the area on Hogsback Road that will let you hunt their land for free.

Do a Google Search for C.P.'s Guiding service and read all the complaints filed against this company before throwing away your money.


richfield springs,
New York,
United States of America


#11Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2012

i would first like to state that in order to create this rebuttal i had to make an account with the website which was not easy but i felt it was neccesary because of my strong dissaproval with this report. i have been on several hunts with cps guiding service including both adirondack and the farm land hunt and i have always enjoyed them. the housing is always enjoyable and the personal care and service provided is excellent. i must agree that lunch isnt anything special on the adirondack hunt but it isnt bad and the other two meals makeup for it. if you can not handle living like an outdoorsman for a few days without electricity or plumbing than i suggest you go to a pet and shoot where you can shoot your game in an hour and maybe afterwards you can call your mother about it. i also have killed three prime bucks and a doe during my stays. if you dont have the oppurtunity to shoot a deer or bear you are garunteed action from them almost every day and for all hunters out there you know its true when i say sometimes you can sit all day and not see a thing which is rarely the case for cps. all stands that i have ever experianced were always excellent and beautiful spots and are perfect for escaping everyday life and chaos. i must conclude by saying the trips are both well worth the money and i would gladly recomend cps guide service to anyone all ages. i plan to continue hunting with chris and have not spotted a major problem yet.

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