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  • Report:  #1439895

Complaint Review: CallMD

CallMD CallMD stiffed me

  • Reported By:
    Joseph Czaja, MD — Bay City United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, April 23, 2018
  • Updated:
    Mon, April 23, 2018

I had provided medical consultation services for CallMD since their startup and they were good about paying me every month for 5 years ago, then last year around June they just stopped paying me. I continued to provide service for them for several months, when I enquirer about payment they always assured me that payment will be coming. Then suddenly around September they stopped giving calling me with new patients, and ignored all of my emails and calls. At this point they owed me at least $25,000. I tried several times to contact Boris Dobrin, the president of the company. When I did get an actual human to answer, they would say that Boris was busy, but promised that He would get back to me. Of course it never happened. I know that several doctors were stiffed by this company. Personally, I put in a lot of time, at least 10 calls per day for 3 or 4 months, without any reimbursement.

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