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  • Report:  #3130

Complaint Review: Campus Link

Campus Link

  • Reported By:
    Pittsburgh PA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, September 01, 2000
  • Updated:
    Fri, September 01, 2000

I graduated college in January and I lived in dorms for 15 months. The phone company I had is called Campus Link. When I moved out I cancel my phone since I knew that was just for the dorms. I now have Verizon and AT&T. About a month ago my mother got a phone call from Campus Link saying I owed them close to two hundred dollars in calls places after my move out date. So I did call the company to get my bills I had. When I looked them over none of them were mine. So when I called the company they said the calls where from my pin number so they would have to be mine. The company was really rude to me and they would do no investigation of this. I tried to talk to them several of times but they basically didn't care what I had to say. So I did report this to the Better Business Bureau and they did nothing also. I don't want this to go on my credit report since I am young and really don't want to start on the wrong foot. I feel I'm at a dead end with this and I feel to keep this off my credit report I'm going to have to pay for the calls that are not even mine. I'm a very honest person and if they were mine I wouldn't have a problem paying for them. I hope writing this will get me somewhere. I just need one person on my side. Thanks for your time.


Cindy Roberts

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