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  • Report:  #26599

Complaint Review: Capital First and it's affiliates

Capital First and it's affiliates cons! An open letter to ALL who have been conned by Capital First Miami Florida *EDitor's Comment

  • Reported By:
    Palm Springs Ca
  • Submitted:
    Sat, August 10, 2002
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 13, 2002
  • Capital First and it's affiliates
    P.O.Box Dixie Hwy
    Miami, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

You have been fraudulently mis-led, the law is on your side.

Since my wife's dealings with this cowboy outfit last week, I have taken a great interest, and spent a lot of time researching the illicit going's on of this so-called company and it's "offspring". We were fortunate as I was aware of the con instantly and shut down the bank account without the loss of any monies! Something I highly recommend you do as they can deduct monies from your account whenever they please!

The thing that horrifies me is the number of people who seem "willing" to put their experiences, and loss of money regarding Capital First down to "bad Luck." Come on! who in their right mind would walk into a store, slap $30 to $200 on the check out and then leave saying "have a nice day"? NO-ONE!!

The one thing everybody seems to be missing here is that the law is on your side. A fraud has been committed! Fraud is a felony offense in case you were wondering, worthy of a lengthy prison term and large fine.

Capital First ring you up and say you have been approved for a "MasterCard" with $2,500 plus limit and 0% interest, etc., when in fact this is just a ruse to gain your bank details and SSN.... based on the mis-information act as laid down by Federal Law this is FRAUDULENT, ILLEGAL in every sense of the word! Therefore, any verbal or written agreement you have entered into becomes null and void.......unenforceable in every courtroom in the country!

Consequently, any withdrawal of funds from bank accounts becomes a fraudulent transaction. Affidavits of fraud should be filed with all banks debited by this company and it's affiliates within 30 days of the withdrawal taking place. The bank will obtain refunds from the clearing houses, etc., if they are unsuccessful, the bank will make good any monies "stolen" from the accounts.

Today I have read two new reports that have my blood boiling. Firstly a "rebuttal" by an "Ali of Miami Fl" this person obviously works for the scam company! She states you shouldn't get angry because "they have the power to refund" and that all calls are recorded to prove you endorsed the withdrawal. Basically she is saying "more fool you for falling for it" Well, that just goes to prove the moronic mentality that we are dealing with here..........Go back to scam school Ali....better still, go and get a proper education so you can earn an honest living!

Secondly, someone states he was contacted by an Andy Cove purporting to be Capital First's attorney. He says in this instance that it was the "punters fault" that he OK'd the transactions and that they have it on tape to prove it. If what this gentleman says is true I would be on the phone right now to the State Bar Asc as these claims are false, a crime for which he can be disbarred! OOOppps, you have been scammed again! If Andy Cove is an attorney that has any idea of the law, then I am George W. Bush talking to you from Mars!

Do you really think that these people record their conversations with you? Duhhhh, I don't think so, don't forget that they are knowingly committing fraud by spinning lie after lie, and they want recorded proof of the crap they have told you.......Nahhhh. If they really are that foolish then get them to mail the recordings to the Federal Trade Commission, they would love to get their hands on them!

Don't let these people get away with it, the law is on your side. Don't put this down to one of "lifes lessons" as all you are doing is helping this scum get rich and "laugh all the way to the bank" at YOUR expense.

Finally, do complain to the Federal Trade Commission,( They are compiling data against this company and it's directors etc in order to file charges. The more evidence they have on file, the worse it becomes for them. Don't forget these people are not scammers, they are criminals!

Los Angeles, California

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Capital First

13 Updates & Rebuttals

Matthew.....put your money where your mouth is! or crawl back into the gutter where you belong!


Tue, August 13, 2002

For those of you wondering who Matthew is read further down this column!

Matthew, I personally challenge you to "eat" your words. If you are unwilling to do so, then go screw yourself, I feel confident you know how!

Here's the mis-informed consequences as laid down by our ill-educated friend. This is how Matthew percieves a legitimate business practise should be, and work!

The Plan: Matthew, please email me your name, address, bank details and SSN, also email the same details of every tele-marketer and person you are aquainted with that has the misfortune to come across your path.

The reason: I want to build my dream house! and hell, why should I pay for it when there are plenty of suckers out there to help finance it!

The Sting: I syphon Matthew's and all his co-horts, friends etc bank accounts dry and with my new found wealth I build my dream house, he states refunds are non negotiable ( a downright lie) But hey what the hell have I got to worry about, according to Matthew I have so far done nothing wrong!

What does Matthew expect in return? a picture of me standing outside my new palace giving him the bird! But what the hell, he expects that, he states no-one has the right to complain! and it's just tough luck!

So Matthew, my dream house is valued at four million, I only need another two million, put your money where your mouth is! Give me your details and let the conner get conned!

Trust me, when I build my house it will be done legitimately, I don't need sh@# like you to help. I earn more a month than you earn in a lifetime! I am fortunate, I have a good living and lifestyle but this was not always the case.

Matthew, the reason people listen to me isn't because I have money, it's because they respect me, a respect I have earned over many years. A respect I am proud of! Why should I care or help others? because I have never forgotten who I am and because I am fortunate enough to do so!

So Matthew, put up or shut up, I am waiting?? otherwise, go crawl back into the slum you came from!

I await in antisipation of you giving me the details I have requested. Do I really think I am going to get them........Nahhhhhh.

What a sheepish wimp you are!


N Richland Hills,


#14Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 12, 2002

Telemareters are coerced, by commission, if nothing else, to say whatever they have to get it.

The telemarketers that KNOW THE BACKGROUND of the companies they are marketing for, will remain,IF they are dishonest people. The ones that KNOW what they are marketing, and have a conscious, will leave.

The ones that post on message boards claiming the victims are ignorant, and they have a taped confirmation is BULL. If the INITIAL "sale" is a fraud, the tape is legally null and void.




#14Consumer Comment

Mon, August 12, 2002

Hey Matt, I once got a Big Mac that wasn't so great and all I had to do was go up to the counter and ask for my money back and I got it!

It's so funny to me at how the people working for this scam take all these crimes so lightly and try to manipulate our thinking...A refund for a hamburger compaired to fraud...go eat a Big Mac Matt!

As for the tape recordings...I would love to share with EVERYONE my tape recording of the conversation with Capital First however it is now in the hands of the proper authorities along with others so I'm told and will be used in my case against the whole lot of them.

And by the way Matt, the clicking of the recorder going off then back on whenever I asked a question like "are their any other charges involved" and "is this a regular Mastercard that can be used in any store or restaurant" was clearly picked up on my copy of the recording. I think it would be safe to asume that your version of the taped conversation is much different than mine.

So much for your recorded verification!




#14Consumer Comment

Mon, August 12, 2002

Hey Matt, I once got a Big Mac that wasn't so great and all I had to do was go up to the counter and ask for my money back and I got it!

It's so funny to me at how the people working for this scam take all these crimes so lightly and try to manipulate our thinking...A refund for a hamburger compaired to fraud...go eat a Big Mac Matt!

As for the tape recordings...I would love to share with EVERYONE my tape recording of the conversation with Capital First however it is now in the hands of the proper authorities along with others so I'm told and will be used in my case against the whole lot of them.

And by the way Matt, the clicking of the recorder going off then back on whenever I asked a question like "are their any other charges involved" and "is this a regular Mastercard that can be used in any store or restaurant" was clearly picked up on my copy of the recording. I think it would be safe to asume that your version of the taped conversation is much different than mine.

So much for your recorded verification!


Los Angeles,

Matthew is living proof that Morons exist!

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, August 12, 2002

I have not read such drivel in my life before, like I said in my original posting you are living proof of the moronic mentality Capital First employs.

A Legal Rippoff you call it! Tell me of one Country in the world where Ripoffs are legal? I can assure you that there isn't one. By stating it's a "legal ripoff" and that you wouldn't have one of the infamous scam cards yourself, you have admitted that you are aware of conning people! You know what that makes you..... a co-conspiritor, a fraudster!

How do I know so much about the law? let me enlighten you! Three members of my family are lawyers, one specialises in business law. I put the Capital First conundrum to all three of them, ALL of them said the activities of this company and it's employees was fraudulent, illegal, CRIMINAL!

To put it in plain English, FRAUD as defined in Brewsters Legal Dictionary is:

Deliberate deception or cheating intended to gain an advantage. A person who acts in a false or deceitful way.

Recognise that do you??

A fraudster is a person who commits or assists in a fraud. A swindler!

Fraudulent.....acting with intent to deceive.

You should recognise that also!

Fraud is a crime, no matter how you describe it!

If you are foolish enough to throw away a burger you have just purchased because it tastes odd then that's your privilage. However the truth is that we the consumer have legal rights! If we are not satisfied then we have the right to ask that the goods be replaced or money refunded, it's the law! And I can assure you that I always get either/or.

If that's your attitude then I suggest you flush your ill-gotten gains down the toilet and live off your parents. I am sure they will not be too happy about that for long!

"I can verify that each and every transaction is authorized by verbal contract. If the words "yes, I authorize this electronic funds transfer" are not given, or to the same effect, the transfer will not take place"

You make the above statement! What a crock of sh@#, all calls into my house are automatically recorded and I can assure you that there was absolutely no mention of automated withdrwal other than the $29.95 "shipping" fee. It actually states that any other fees would be debitted directly to the card!

Fortunately we closed the account down when we discovered the fraud. So please explain this one, why have there been nine seperate attempts to withdraw more then $700 from this account by Capital First and several of it's affiliates ?? NONE of them authorised!

I have given both the recording and attempted bank withdrawal documents to the LA County FBI office!

As for the company not committing any crime (what a joke) why is it that there are over 2000 complaints on file and that four government agencies are looking into it's dealings??

If I were you I would be afraid, very afraid, as when the "empire" finally crumbles you and all your co-horts will go down in infamy with them!


Los Angeles,

Matthew is living proof that Morons exist!

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, August 12, 2002

I have not read such drivel in my life before, like I said in my original posting you are living proof of the moronic mentality Capital First employs.

A Legal Rippoff you call it! Tell me of one Country in the world where Ripoffs are legal? I can assure you that there isn't one. By stating it's a "legal ripoff" and that you wouldn't have one of the infamous scam cards yourself, you have admitted that you are aware of conning people! You know what that makes you..... a co-conspiritor, a fraudster!

How do I know so much about the law? let me enlighten you! Three members of my family are lawyers, one specialises in business law. I put the Capital First conundrum to all three of them, ALL of them said the activities of this company and it's employees was fraudulent, illegal, CRIMINAL!

To put it in plain English, FRAUD as defined in Brewsters Legal Dictionary is:

Deliberate deception or cheating intended to gain an advantage. A person who acts in a false or deceitful way.

Recognise that do you??

A fraudster is a person who commits or assists in a fraud. A swindler!

Fraudulent.....acting with intent to deceive.

You should recognise that also!

Fraud is a crime, no matter how you describe it!

If you are foolish enough to throw away a burger you have just purchased because it tastes odd then that's your privilage. However the truth is that we the consumer have legal rights! If we are not satisfied then we have the right to ask that the goods be replaced or money refunded, it's the law! And I can assure you that I always get either/or.

If that's your attitude then I suggest you flush your ill-gotten gains down the toilet and live off your parents. I am sure they will not be too happy about that for long!

"I can verify that each and every transaction is authorized by verbal contract. If the words "yes, I authorize this electronic funds transfer" are not given, or to the same effect, the transfer will not take place"

You make the above statement! What a crock of sh@#, all calls into my house are automatically recorded and I can assure you that there was absolutely no mention of automated withdrwal other than the $29.95 "shipping" fee. It actually states that any other fees would be debitted directly to the card!

Fortunately we closed the account down when we discovered the fraud. So please explain this one, why have there been nine seperate attempts to withdraw more then $700 from this account by Capital First and several of it's affiliates ?? NONE of them authorised!

I have given both the recording and attempted bank withdrawal documents to the LA County FBI office!

As for the company not committing any crime (what a joke) why is it that there are over 2000 complaints on file and that four government agencies are looking into it's dealings??

If I were you I would be afraid, very afraid, as when the "empire" finally crumbles you and all your co-horts will go down in infamy with them!


Los Angeles,

Matthew is living proof that Morons exist!

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, August 12, 2002

I have not read such drivel in my life before, like I said in my original posting you are living proof of the moronic mentality Capital First employs.

A Legal Rippoff you call it! Tell me of one Country in the world where Ripoffs are legal? I can assure you that there isn't one. By stating it's a "legal ripoff" and that you wouldn't have one of the infamous scam cards yourself, you have admitted that you are aware of conning people! You know what that makes you..... a co-conspiritor, a fraudster!

How do I know so much about the law? let me enlighten you! Three members of my family are lawyers, one specialises in business law. I put the Capital First conundrum to all three of them, ALL of them said the activities of this company and it's employees was fraudulent, illegal, CRIMINAL!

To put it in plain English, FRAUD as defined in Brewsters Legal Dictionary is:

Deliberate deception or cheating intended to gain an advantage. A person who acts in a false or deceitful way.

Recognise that do you??

A fraudster is a person who commits or assists in a fraud. A swindler!

Fraudulent.....acting with intent to deceive.

You should recognise that also!

Fraud is a crime, no matter how you describe it!

If you are foolish enough to throw away a burger you have just purchased because it tastes odd then that's your privilage. However the truth is that we the consumer have legal rights! If we are not satisfied then we have the right to ask that the goods be replaced or money refunded, it's the law! And I can assure you that I always get either/or.

If that's your attitude then I suggest you flush your ill-gotten gains down the toilet and live off your parents. I am sure they will not be too happy about that for long!

"I can verify that each and every transaction is authorized by verbal contract. If the words "yes, I authorize this electronic funds transfer" are not given, or to the same effect, the transfer will not take place"

You make the above statement! What a crock of sh@#, all calls into my house are automatically recorded and I can assure you that there was absolutely no mention of automated withdrwal other than the $29.95 "shipping" fee. It actually states that any other fees would be debitted directly to the card!

Fortunately we closed the account down when we discovered the fraud. So please explain this one, why have there been nine seperate attempts to withdraw more then $700 from this account by Capital First and several of it's affiliates ?? NONE of them authorised!

I have given both the recording and attempted bank withdrawal documents to the LA County FBI office!

As for the company not committing any crime (what a joke) why is it that there are over 2000 complaints on file and that four government agencies are looking into it's dealings??

If I were you I would be afraid, very afraid, as when the "empire" finally crumbles you and all your co-horts will go down in infamy with them!

EDitor's Comment: Matthew,'You're a liar or just plain naive!


Mon, August 12, 2002

..that's after you and your fellow employees twisted your words misleading the consumer into thinking they were getting something they won't ever see.

I'll bet you never record the complete conversation, the part giving your bull to the consumer.

Even if the companies intention is not to rip-off the consumer, they (the company) look the other way, as the sales people say anything they have to, to get the sale, These employees that work mostly on commission, understandably, only the unscrupulous employees will last, and the honest ones with a conscious will be gone.

ED Magedson



Legal Ripoff

#14UPDATE Employee

Sun, August 11, 2002

As an employee of a telemarketing agency contracting with this company, I can verify that each and every transaction is authorized by verbal contract. If the words "yes, I authorize this electronic funds transfer" are not given, or to the same effect, the transfer will not take place.

If a person isn't satisfied with the product, that is understandable... just as I may not think a Big Mac tastes as good as it should. Should my 5 dollars be refunded? Probably. Will it be? No. What sales representative would make their product sound undesirable? I haven't paid for or used one of these credit cards, nor do I plan on it. I don't think that they're good cards... but at the same time, I know that our business is not breaking any laws.

Basically, if a person goes ahead and buys that not-so-tasty Big Mac, they can either eat it, or throw it away. But they won't be winning any court cases, or getting refunds.



Legal Ripoff

#14UPDATE Employee

Sun, August 11, 2002

As an employee of a telemarketing agency contracting with this company, I can verify that each and every transaction is authorized by verbal contract. If the words "yes, I authorize this electronic funds transfer" are not given, or to the same effect, the transfer will not take place.

If a person isn't satisfied with the product, that is understandable... just as I may not think a Big Mac tastes as good as it should. Should my 5 dollars be refunded? Probably. Will it be? No. What sales representative would make their product sound undesirable? I haven't paid for or used one of these credit cards, nor do I plan on it. I don't think that they're good cards... but at the same time, I know that our business is not breaking any laws.

Basically, if a person goes ahead and buys that not-so-tasty Big Mac, they can either eat it, or throw it away. But they won't be winning any court cases, or getting refunds.



Legal Ripoff

#14UPDATE Employee

Sun, August 11, 2002

As an employee of a telemarketing agency contracting with this company, I can verify that each and every transaction is authorized by verbal contract. If the words "yes, I authorize this electronic funds transfer" are not given, or to the same effect, the transfer will not take place.

If a person isn't satisfied with the product, that is understandable... just as I may not think a Big Mac tastes as good as it should. Should my 5 dollars be refunded? Probably. Will it be? No. What sales representative would make their product sound undesirable? I haven't paid for or used one of these credit cards, nor do I plan on it. I don't think that they're good cards... but at the same time, I know that our business is not breaking any laws.

Basically, if a person goes ahead and buys that not-so-tasty Big Mac, they can either eat it, or throw it away. But they won't be winning any court cases, or getting refunds.



Legal Ripoff

#14UPDATE Employee

Sun, August 11, 2002

As an employee of a telemarketing agency contracting with this company, I can verify that each and every transaction is authorized by verbal contract. If the words "yes, I authorize this electronic funds transfer" are not given, or to the same effect, the transfer will not take place.

If a person isn't satisfied with the product, that is understandable... just as I may not think a Big Mac tastes as good as it should. Should my 5 dollars be refunded? Probably. Will it be? No. What sales representative would make their product sound undesirable? I haven't paid for or used one of these credit cards, nor do I plan on it. I don't think that they're good cards... but at the same time, I know that our business is not breaking any laws.

Basically, if a person goes ahead and buys that not-so-tasty Big Mac, they can either eat it, or throw it away. But they won't be winning any court cases, or getting refunds.




#14Consumer Comment

Sun, August 11, 2002

Excellent letter! Thanks for putting it into the proper perspective for people. The whole thing is a fraud, from the time the phone rings, and it is answered. I have contacted the Florida State Bar Association regarding Andy Cove, and everyone else should to. One email from me will not be considered, many would.

The problem seems to be that, people will get their refunds from the banks, and forget about it, OR chalk it up to "lesson learned" and NOT FOLLOW THROUGH with the contacting the proper authorities.

ALL FRAUDS should be turned into the FTC, Consumer Sentinel, Most DBA's on this booard should also contact Phonebusters at 1-888-495-8501, if you get no response, then DO IT AGAIN, and AGAIN until you hear back from them. I always get a response from agencies. I was told by one that they know this is highly organized criminals (you could replace that word with many others)and that they well hidden. Well, OK, I know this too, however, these agencies are in place to PROTECT the consumer, so make them do their jobs! If it requires RICO, the USE IT. Whatever it takes, ...going to other countries to find them, get them. Just do it. This is the biggest rape of America I have seen in a very long time, and the Federal government can not seem to get a handle on it..PUSH THEM, FILE COMPAINTS! TELL THEM TO LOOK AT THIS MESSAGE BOARD!

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