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  • Report:  #1513311

Complaint Review: Capital One

Capital One Capital One ILLEGALLY restricted my two accounts for NON-EXISTENT Fraud! Richmond Virginia

  • Reported By:
    Concerned Capital One 10 year Customer — United States
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 02, 2021
  • Updated:
    Tue, January 11, 2022
  • Capital One
    15000 Capital One Drive
    Richmond, Virginia
    United States
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I have two Credit Card accounts with Capital One. One is 10 years old and one is 6 years old. Both of the accounts have PERFECT payment history. Zero lates, zero missed payments, zero over the limit use. I use both cards regularly and pay my balance in full each month. 

I have added authorized users as is legal and allowed under The Equal Credit Opportunity Act. 

I also followed ALL of the written policies provided to me by Capital One when it comes to adding new authorized users to my account and I take full responsiblity for the purchases that were made on my account, and yet despite the fact that I assured Capital One these new users are in fact authorized by me and I take full and complete responsibilty, Capital One accused me of fraud. 

Without the courtesy of a phone call, text, or email (as they do with suspected fraudulent purchases) they FROZE both of my accounts AKA placed my accounts under "Temporary Restriction"

When I called to ask why my accounts were restricted, they informed me that in order to lift the restriction I would need to provide photos of the front and back of identification cards such as drivers license and photos of signed social security cards of each of my authorized users.

When I asked why they said it was to "prove identity of authorized users" and to insure them I didnt add authorized users without their permission. So are they saying I made up false people and/or added an authorized user to help build their credit without them wanting to be added?? How does that make any sense? And to what end would i even do that risking a 10 year and 6 year account with perfect history?

And why is my word not enough to prove there is no fraud as it is with suspected fraudulent purchases? Why make one jump ridiculous hoops to prove fraud is non-existant? 

There are rumors this is a way for Capital One to shut down accounts illegally by making ridiculous demands that when unfulfilled will give them a "justified" reason to shut down accounts. One could say the entire credit card system / credit reporting system is unfairly set up to benefit the very rich and powerful and leave the rest at a disadvantage. Adding someone as an authorized user is a way to give leverage to those who could use a helping hand and level the playing field. Authorized users AKA piggybacking actually began by giving women a fair chance at building their own credit independent from their husbands decades ago. I feel like I am being punished despite my perfect record for doing a good deed. 

I hope my sharing this helps others and shines a light on the darkness of questionable policies set in place by some overlords known as credit card companies. In the end, Capital One will either open my accounts and release restrictions or they will lose my business entirely to other credit card companies that dont punish their customers so harshly and unfairly over something as trivial adding an authorized user. 


6 Updates & Rebuttals

Original Poster

Baldwin Park,
United States


#7Author of original report

Mon, January 10, 2022

IRV, You sound like a parrot, saying the same thing over and over again. 

Oh and Capital One reinstated BOTH my accounts as I proved there was no fraud and they were very much in the wrong, AS I ORIGINALLY SAID!  Sweet vindication, so go get a cracker Irv like a good parrot and STFU


Takoma Park,
United States

This is ridiculous.

#7General Comment

Mon, January 10, 2022

 Nobody has a right to a credit card from ANY bank. They are a SERVICE and CONVENIENCE provided to people with good credit at the discretion of a bank. They can be granted for whatever reason (as long there is no discrimination based on Gender, Race, Religion or Ethnicity) and also withdrawn at any time.

Capital One etc. does not have to provide you with a reason to deny you credit or to raise your interest rate unless you believe their doing so violates any of the above criteria. Seriously, grow up and stuff the First World Problems already.


United States

Sorry but you don't know what you are talking about

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, November 03, 2021

Based on your post it appears you decided to add authorized user(s) to your account. It does not sound like any of them are related(Spouse/Child). To a creditor, this is concerning. Unless you can prove who the users are and the reason for adding, they are going to figure you are adding false profiles to try and create a fake identity, or are getting paid to do this. This becomes a risk to the creditor. You apparently also went "Perry Masson" on them claiming rights you don't have.

With that and the AU issue they just figured your business wasn't worth it. The credit line a Creditor decides to extend to you does not belong to you, it is their money. There is NO law that says a credit card company has to provide you with a "valid reason" why they closed your card or reduced your credit line as long as it doesn't violate discrimination laws.

Oh...YOU agreed to this when you got your credit card and agreed to the Terms. The ECOA has to do with discrimination. There is no provision in those laws that even mentions any such requirement that a company must allow you to have "Authorized Users". Of course, if there is, please post the specific section. Contrary to your assertion you are not that important to them. You are nothing more than a number. They don't care if you had 30 years of perfect history.

They care about the risk you expose them to going forward. Someone getting paid for AU's or creating fake identities could be making 10's of thousands of dollars. Making your "history" meaningless, people have given up their good credit histories for less. If you want to use their money, you have to follow their rules. Just don't expect other creditors to be any nicer about Authorized Users you don't feel you need to identify.

Concerned Customer.

United States

To Robert, the proven paid troll of Capital One

#7Author of original report

Wed, November 03, 2021

To Robert, 

Its interesting your title says that I don't know what I am talking about and then proceed to jump to some extreme conclusions and make ASSumptions about me and my situation with Capital One. I can honestly say that YOU do NOT know what you are talking about and I can prove that I actually do know what I am talking about. 

As a matter of fact, an authorized user on my account is actually my immediate family member and another is a close family friend. So your first assumption is very wrong!

No one is making 10's of thousands of dollars off of adding people as AU's Robert, and the fact that you would even claim that is laughable. The only ones making thousands of BILLIONS of dollars is Capital One through their exhoribitant interests upwards of 20%.

And YOU ROBERT come to the defense each and every time as you respond to every single compaint against Capital One on this site which can lead one to assume one of two choices: You have no life and are lonely and this is a sick and sad hobby of yours in defending a credit card company doing unscrupulous things or Capital One is paying you to do "damage control" of their reputation hence making you a paid troll in every sense of the word! SHAME ON YOU ROBERT!!

You also make it seem Capital One is somehow doing me a favor by allowing me to have AU's in the first place as they are not required by law to do so. That is right. Capital One is not required by law to do so but they do it as they know that the more people have Capital One cards in their possession, whether as Primary account holders or as AU's, then higher the chances more people use the capital one card which means MORE MONEY for capital one through interests and merchant fees so dont pretend Robert that Capital One is doing something noble here, you snake of a troll!

You also, Robert, make several more false statements about Capital One's AU policies when in fact their stated written polices say otherwise (again proving that it is YOU Robert who doesnt know what he is talking about or you are a paid troll or both) 

Here are Capital Ones own policies about authorized users and their elgibilty requirements:

You can add as many authorized users as you’d like to your Capital One account. And these authorized users don’t have to be related to you. You can add your spouse, children or other family members, of course, but you can also add friends or employees to your account. Unlike other card issuers, there is no minimum age requirment to add an authorized user. 

You don’t even have to provide much information to add authorized users. Capital One asks just for the names, phone numbers, Social Security numbers and dates of birth of authorized users. Of course, you’ll have to provide an address so that Capital One can send these users their own credit card.


So in another one of your false assumptions you disprove yourself as I have zero issue identifying my authorized users as IN THE PROCESS of adding an authorized user YOU MUST identitify them by Name, Birthdate, Social Security number and phone number in order to add them as an authorized user in the first place. This is easily verified with date from Credit bureaus.

To share a photo of the AU's photo ID and SS card would NOT be an entirely shocking request (albeit inconvenient) at this point since that information has essentially actually already been submitted to Capital One. Capital One doesnt ask for those photos when adding an authorized user because they already know it is a legitimate real person as they report and MATCH these unique data points to the AU's credit bureau accounts, JUST AS THEY DO, for the primary users when they initially applied for credit with capital one. 

To ask for these photos (unnecessary "proof") NOW, long after the fact, is ridiculous but still NOT MY ISSUE! My issue is that Capital One "cried fraud" knowing full well that is not possible as I, myself, added the AUs and asserted so as through their alerts (emails, texts, letter in mail to my address on file, etc) am notified of the new AU and its easily proven to Capital One that any new AU's are indeed "real people" (through their info given as mentioned ealier and verified by Capital One with the credit bureas)  thus making it clearly impossible for someone to add a FAKE PERSON or an UNauthorized AU!!

This all leads to my second issue: that Capital One, despite me having proven to Capital One to be a responsible, valuable customer by my long history, RESTRICTED my accounts BEFORE i had a chance to send in photos of documents for people they full well know are real persons and were added with my full authorization.

And then they dont alert me to such restrictions as they normally do. No email, no texts. So I am assuming most people, in this predicament, find out by trying to make a purchase or automatic bill payments that are rejected.

They can at least show some courtesy be sending an email saying "we restricted your account for no real reason other than you followed our written policies regarding adding AU's that we encouraged you to add in the first place to build up cash back points (and more money for us through merhant fees and interest) but we are going to claim fraud anyway and ask for silly requests "like a photo of the BACK of the AU's ID" that even when you provide all 3 documents we ask for (photos of front AND BACK of photo ID and photo of SS card) we will still refuse to lift harsh restrictions because we will claim something was wrong with your submissions and it cant possibly be us stating one thing and actually doing another proving that we are not worthy of your business because we want your business hence we encourage you to apply for a new card and lose all your history on your credit reports that you worked hard to build but hopefully through this punishment you have now learned your lesson to be a good little robot and never attempt to add people again and possibly be compensated for helping others build their credit, as thar is a leverage tool to be used by the rich and powerful, thus we dont like when you, the average joe, leverage OUR cards for the benefit of you and other peasants, hence never do that again because we are goliath and we can have written and stated AU poliices which wont match our actual real and unstated/unwritten polices and get away with it while we give you the "privilege" for us to to be able to charge you exorbitant interest and fees and make us money everytime you use our MASTERcard (as we indeed believe to be your master) or visa as we charge the merchant fees as well. You're welcome debt slave (insert smiley face here) sincerely, Capital One.  

So the only thing you were correct in Robert is that Capital One doesn't care about me the customer (even though they want us to believe they do) and view us just as a number as you said. You have reinforced Robert that Capital One cares only about their billion upon billions of dollars of profits and NOT their actual cardholders. I have zero delusions that Capital One cares and they just proved that to me. Hence why I posted this in the first place: to warn and remind others of this fact because the truth of the matter is that without the cardholders there would be no profits for Capital One.

The privilege is for Capital One to be able to have our business and now I will take my valuable business elsewhere.

Concerned Customer

United States

To busybody IRV

#7Author of original report

Wed, November 03, 2021

Oh no, Irv who clear knows nothing about nothing has defended the unfair and sneaky unpublished policies of the credit card companies. There are plenty of laws that goven credit card companies NONE of which you mentioned Irv, hence why Capital One has to be sneaky in how they close and account as perfect as mine. But that is probably over Irvs little ignorant head.  May Irv be treated with the same lack of moral indignation and naivety as he has displayed here. 


United States

You Can Stop Playing Lawyer..You Don’t Know What the He&@ You’re Talking About!

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, November 03, 2021

 The cards belong to them. The account is owned by them. They can do anything they want with them as long as it’s not discrimination based on the usual and common criterion!

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