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  • Report:  #950580

Complaint Review: Capitol Theatre LLC

Capitol Theatre LLC Capitol Media, The Capitol Theater, LLC, DirecTV Door to Door Fraud by Deception, Theft, Hidden Business Name, State Law Violation, Fake S&H Charge Maryville, Tennessee

  • Reported By:
    Daniel — Dandridge Tennessee United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, October 04, 2012
  • Updated:
    Fri, March 29, 2013
  • Capitol Theatre LLC
    127 West Broadway
    Maryville, Tennessee
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Capitol Theatre LLC with dealer number 1748273 is a DirecTV dealership. They operate only by door to door sales with no physical building or office as DirecTV. Ty Claiborne the brother of the owner, Heath, is a door to door salesman. Ty is a thief and con-artist. I was the contracted installer for this business but had to quit due to Ty's crimes. 

His biggest targets are Dish Network customers, as he tries to switch them over to DirecTV. He will use whatever means possible to get the sale. He offers to pay off their existing contract, but never does. He lies about the price, offers referrals that never happen, tells customers their TV will blow up if they don't switch to HD, has committed Identity Thefts, charges customers for equipment that should not have cost them, lies about the credit check outcome to gain money from customer, makes up fraudulent fees to charge consumers.

They also charge a Shipping and Handling fee of $35.00, even though they ship nothing to the consumer. The contracted installer carries that equipment with him when going to install. They actually make a minimum $20.00 profit from the install, paid by DirecTV.

They are breaking Tennessee Law of door to door sales. They do not provide the consumer with documentation about 3 day cancel period. They do not provide an address or business phone number for the consumer. The phone number provided is Ty's cell phone and he doesn't answer after defrauding consumer. He gives the consumer a business card that states...Capitol Media, National Service Provider, Ty Claiborne, his personal email address, his personal cell phone number, with the DirecTV official logo.

When a consumer realizes that they have been defrauded and call DirecTV, they are told that there is not a DirecTV dealer called Capitol Media. DirecTV will not let them know the actual dealer name is Capitol Theatre LLC. This name is not a true LLC name, but a DBA. The true LLC of this business is "The Capitol Theater, LLC". The Tenn. Secretary of State website shows no assumed names for this LLC.

The Blount County clerk's office does not have a business license for a DirecTV business under any of the names listed above. They also do not have registration for a DBA under any of the names listed above. They do have a business, also owned by Heath Claiborne, called "Capitol Theatre" listed as a Sole Proprietorship. No DBA's or DirecTV business listed under that business. There is however a bank account at BB&T bank for Capitol Media.

Consumers are not able to find Capitol Media, therefore are unable to file a complaint on them. A complaint was filed in 2010 with the BBB and was spelled "Capital Media" in Knoxville. The complaint was never responded to, and cell phone number has since been changed. The Department of Consumer Affairs in Tennessee also had a complaint filed 2010 and listed it on the "Buyer Beware List". Unfortunately it was also spelled "Capital Media" but with the address of a real business by that name, in Knoxville, TN. Consumer Affairs have been informed of this mistake and corrected part of the info.

I have much of this info documented, as I have the original paperwork from 377 consumers. I still get phone calls from consumers angry about this salesman. There are some police reports filed in local counties for theft on this guy. But so far it seems the "Good Ole Boy" thing is going on.

This info about this dealer needs to be out to the public. Ty traveled for a few years in other states, operating in this manner. He still crosses into neighboring states when the "heat" gets to big. Moves around to let things cool down. I can back up all that I am stating here, or I wouldn't state it!

19 Updates & Rebuttals

ex employee

st louis,

fat boy ty claiborne directv ripoof

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 28, 2013

be on the lookout for fat boy ty claiborne.he will rip you off and your stuck with crappy promotion just so he can get a big commission. do no not from fat boy ty,


United States of America

Proper Information

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, December 08, 2012

I am the owner of the company being slandered. The malicious attacks all above are by the same individual, Daniel Baldwin, of Dandridge, TN. Mr. Baldwin left my dealership approximately fourteen months ago now. He stills posts on the internet most days, and is still contacting past customers from over a year ago. He has given our customers false information, and has encouraged them to file police reports.

 Recently Mr. Baldwin returned to one of our customer's home and convinced the lady we defrauded her. (read Mr. Baldwin's account above)  He went with her to file a police report with the sheriff. An investigator did indeed contact me. I directed the investigator to my DirecTV administration. DirecTV gave them the proper information that was requested.Three days later the investigator closed the case.

 In addition this customer contacted us and said she did not feel right about the situation and wanted to be left alone by Daniel Baldwin, and not pursue the allegations further. She apologized for the trouble, and she even continued with a new contract. Daniel Baldwin also returned recently to another customer's home, a sweet lady in her eighties. He told the lady we stole from her, and encouraged her to press charges. We went and talked to her. She was upset and wanted to know why we stole from her. She also did not like the fact her price had also increased because her one year promotion had run out. We explained about the issues we had with Mr. Baldwin. We also put her in a more affordable package which lowered her costs. She also extended her contract and is happy.

 Mr. Baldwin currently accuses a local sheriff's department  and District Attorney of being part of a "cover up" with my company.  He also says DirecTV administration is part of the "cover up." He points to a possible "pay off" of these officials, and of customers. He accuses my registered and authorized DirecTV dealership of being a "fake" entity, and alleges hat we use improper contracts.

 We are currently the number one dealer by volume in TN, and consistently win rewards for a low customer cancellation rate. We have a clean Better Business Bureau report, and my company have never found guilty of any illegal activity.

The Tech

United States of America


#20Author of original report

Fri, December 07, 2012

Ty Claiborne went to the home of an elderly woman in Maryville. This woman is in bad health. When I installed for this woman, I did not have the paperwork as it was another that Ty sold while I was down the street. When I installed for the woman, she asked me why Ty charged her $185.00 and why it had to be in cash. I was puzzled myself. She said Ty told her she would get it back in monthly payments over the next 3 months. I personally had never heard this before. Tried not to get involved with it.
After quitting this crooked company, I started working for another dealer in Maryville. He called me one day and asked me if I knew this lady. She had been there asking him if Ty worked for him as she could not find Capitol Media anywhere. He gave her my number and she called me. She told me that nothing was what Ty had told her and that Ty would not answer the phone calls from her anymore. I told her that Capitol Theatre was the real name of the business.
A few months later she called me again and wanted to get DirecTV for her son. She wanted it in her name. I ran her credit and everything was fine. She asked me why Ty told her that her credit was not good enough and charged her $185.00. Again I didn't know what she was talking about. So I found her original paperwork and sure enough she had passed the credit check. She still didn't understand why he would do that to her. She called me several times to discuss this and told me she knows the Sheriff in Blount County as her deceased husband had worked for him.
Yesterday, December 3, 2012, she and I met with the sheriff and she filed a police report on Ty for theft. Apparently the investigator contacted Ty and questioned him about the theft. Around 5:30 p.m. today, December 4, 2012, Ty showed up at the woman's home offering to pay her whole bill for her. Offered to pay her anything she wanted if she wouldn't press charges. The lady called me and told me Ty came there to offer her shut-up money.
She said she told him to leave and she would get her attorney on him. I went to the lady's home and she called the police to file a report about it. He said he would inform Ty to stay away from her and that if he showed up again, she could have him arrested for tresspassing. People want to know how he gets by with this stuff. That is how he does it. There are a few more customers just a couple of blocks away that are angry as hell with Ty. They can't wait till he shows up there.

The Tech

United States of America

Punk Boy Ty Claiborne Bullies and Scares the Elderly

#20Author of original report

Fri, November 16, 2012

 True Story! An old couple in Maryville, Tn, 65 or older, sittin at home with no problems. Dish Network was their Tv provider. They even went out and bought a new TV. A punk, Ty Claiborne, comes to their door with the best deal. Then he tells them that they have standard definition on their new high def TV. He tells them that if they don't change over to DirecTv and get high def receivers, their new TV was going to BLOW UP. Scared this poor woman to death. She nearly had a heart attack waiting on me to get there and install.

He would save her TV and put high def in there, all for a $35.00 shipping and handling fee. What a deal. Just $35.00 to keep from her TV blowing up. But then the punk realizes that he can't match the price she has with Dish at $44.00 a month. Her all the time price. So punk boy decides to give her standard def. receivers from DirecTV, same kind that would blow up her TV with Dish. Also not telling the woman that in a year, her bill would be several dollars higher than her Dish bill was. In 2 years her bill would be around $74 dollars a month. Then out of the kindness of his heart, he offers to give them an extra dish for their camper. No dish was ever given to them.

Their bill is now going to be $30.00 more per month than they had. And they have no high definition receivers to keep their TV from blowing up.(Standard def. receivers will not blow up a TV). Once they realized they were screwed and want their Dish Network back, it would cost them $480.00 to get out of the new contract. A well known elderly widow in our community was also a victim of his scams. She is very angry about what happened to her. She told me to "keep doing what you are doing, the lord will take care of you". Pretty sad what he does. I hate a Thief, but more than that, I HATE A BULLY!!!

The Tech

United States of America

Ty Claiborne Steals from Registered SEX Offender

#20Author of original report

Tue, November 13, 2012

Now we have the perfect crime. The man that Ty stole the $200.00 from based on false information from his Social Security Number is a registered sex offender. The guy cannot read or write. This sale was all done by phone. Ty did not know this man nor did he know of this man's past record. He stole money from this man because he knew the man could not read or write and would not find out about the passing of his credit check. The man would not know had I not informed him of the theft from Ty. The man went to the Cocke County Sheriff's Department and filed a police report for theft with me as a witness. The Sheriff's Department is hiding this police report as they do not want to help the "sex offender". Now is this Right or Wrong. It is a violation of his Human Rights. What is worse is the fact this this crime happened in a county that falls under the same District Attorney for 4 counties. Now any crime that Ty has committed under this DA's jurisdiction is not being charged due to the one man. Another police report was filed for theft in Jefferson County for seperate theft by Ty. So far he has been refused a criminal summons by the DA's office as they don't want the the man in Cocke County to get his warrant on Ty. Now I get that no one wants to help a sex offender. But this crime was not committed because of his history. Besides that, it appears that it opens up the door for a whole new issue. THE PERFECT CRIME. Sounds to me like that now, anyone could target a "sex offender", steal money, property, or even physically, and there is no justice for the person. They are easily found as they have to register their address so all can know where they are. That makes them easy targets. Then you have the police departments not willing to protect them from crime, and you have THE PERFECT CRIME. Anyone wondering why Ty Claiborne has not been charged yet, or the news has not done a story on this yet. Here is your answer. Although many other good people have been stolen from or defrauded, they may never get justice because of the PERFECT CRIME.

The Tech

United States of America

PUNK, Adam Tyler "Ty" Claiborne steals $200.00 from customer because he could not READ or WRITE!!!

#20Author of original report

Sat, November 03, 2012

Several months ago, while working for the DirecTV dealer, Capitol Theatre LLC otherwise known as Capitol Media, I had an install to do in Cocke County, Tn. Ty Claiborne called me as I was driving to the customer's home. Ty told me that the man had called him as a referral from a previous customer of his. He told me that I needed to pick up $200.00 from the customer as he did not pass the credit check.

When a customer wants to get DirecTV service, they are required to give their social security number to the sales rep for a credit check. If the customer passes the credit check, they do not have to pay any money up front to get DirecTV. If the customer does not pass or don't want to give out their social, they are required to pay a minimum fee of $200.00. It could be more depending on type of receivers and/or how many.

I went to the customer's home and installed the job. While finishing up the job, Ty called the customer's home phone as I did not have cell service in that area. He asked the customer if he could speak with me. Ty asked me if I had collected the $200.00 from the customer. I asked the customer, while still on the phone with Ty, if he was told by Ty about the fee. The customer said yes, and pulled the $200.00 (2 one hundred dollar bills) from his pocket and gave it to me. After hanging up the phone and finishing the paperwork, the customer asked me for a receipt for his money paid. I wrote on his contract that I collected $200.00 from the customer.

After leaving the customer's home and and nearly reaching my home, Ty called me and asked again if I had collected the $200.00 from the customer. I said yes. Ty then started laughing and said that the guy had passed the credit check and did not have to pay the fee. Ty said that the customer could not READ or WRITE and would never know. I was speechless. When I got off the phone from Ty, I immediately called my wife and told her of what this PUNK had done. I told her that I was going to have to quit working for Ty's business and that we needed to plan for me to quit in the next couuple of weeks.

The next day I went to Tazewell, Tn to do more jobs. While Ty was in the middle of committing Identity Theft with another consumer, I gave Ty the cash collected and some checks of shipping and handling fees collected from a couple of previous customers. During this 2 week period before finally quitting them, I saw more crimes committed. It was the worst 2 weeks of the whole 9 months.

I did not have proof of whether the customer above had passed the credit check or not. The paperwork I had did not state it. After the 2 weeks of working, I pulled up the customer in the DirecTV system and saw that the customer had passed the credit check. I called the customer and told him what the salesman and done. The customer has since filed a police report with the Cocke County Sheriff's Department with me as a witness. There is also a police report filed against Ty with the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department. This is by a different consumer, also for theft of $100.00. So far, neither of these Department's have taken action.

The Tech

United States of America

DirecTV "sales executive" uses Social Security Number of Prison Inmate to create TWO sales

#20Author of original report

Mon, October 15, 2012

Ty Claiborne of the unknown DirecTV dealer called Capitol Media, solicited a consumer at her home. As a "sales executive" of the real name, Capitol Theatre LLC, Ty was trying to convince her to switch from Dish Network to DirecTV, offering her a locked in price for the rest of her life. That would be a great deal if there was such a promotion. The customer was convinced to switch. She gave Ty her social security number, only to find out she did not pass the credit check. Ty ask her husband for his social. He too did not pass credit. So they ask the woman's father if he would do it.

He too did not pass credit. Ty ask the woman if she had anymore relatives that they could check. She said she had a son but that he was in prison in South Carolina. Ty told her it didn't matter, that he was just going to check and see if he would pass. She gave Ty the social of her son. He passed the credit check. Ty told her they could use his social as long as she made sure that she paid her bill, because no one would ever know unless they cancelled it. Then there would be a balance owed on the contract and if not paid it would be her son who suffered.

Ty created a DirecTV account for the woman, and then one for her father, both on the same social security number of the son, who was incarcerated in South Carolina. It's not like they made a phone call to the prison and ask the son for his social or permission. An honest DirecTV retailer would have never done something like this. They would have told the woman that they were not allowed to use someone's social security number with out that person present and agreeable. Bottom line is that the woman informed Ty that her son was in prison.

She did not go to Ty with someone's social to get DirecTV. She did not key her son's social security number in a computer in order to get DirecTV service. Ty is the one who solicited her and knowingly took the social security number of a man that was in prison, and entered it into a secure DirecTV retailer website to gain 2 DirecTV sales. Shouldn't the second sale have gotten a referrall from the first one? Maybe that don't work when they are the same name. Ty has convinced the woman that it is her who committed a crime, even though he had the knowledge, the computer and the one who entered the info in the system without permission from the inmate.

This should be a violation of several laws and should be federal crimes. As I have posted in previous posts, there are at least 2 other identity thefts committed by this "sales executive". These are not mistakes. These are calculated crimes that Ty uses to gain sales along with many other cons and scams. No limit as to what he will do. Again I say, this boy should not be in a positon to ask for anyone's personal information. It should be clear that he has no problem with missuse of them.



Your probably right!!

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, October 10, 2012

Well put.. I just wanted to see what you would say.. To all my readers please disregard my original post.

The Tech

United States of America

My Life Is Fine

#20Author of original report

Wed, October 10, 2012

Before getting started, I want to clear up a TYPO that I made in an earlier post. I have stated that "On November 4, 2012 at 10:08 p.m., I was called". The TYPO was on the date. So I put 2012 as the date. Someone in TOPIX Dandridge graciously pointed out to me that November 2012 has not even been here yet. So surely anyone with any sense would know that I meant 2011. For those who are not smart enough, I wanted to clear that up for them. The date of that phone call was NOVEMBER 4, 2011.
Now to the latest poster on here going by KOJAK. He is clearly an investigator. I typically wouldn't talk about spelling and grammer as one posting would make mistakes at some point. But, this poster has used this several times, including in the title. The word "there" should be "they're" 2 of the times and "their" on the other.

If the shipping and handling fee was all you get out of above posts, you should change your title to something else. Shipping and handling is not part of what you "up-sell". Even Heath explains that it is charged to cover costs encurred. As I have explained, during 2011, they had no cost in the receiving or shipping of the products. NO COST ENCURRED!

Every authority that I have been to or discussed this with, including the above mentioned DirecTV authority, has said it is illegal and fraudulent. They make plenty of money on the sale alone. In fact, they make more than the other retailers out here.

This shipping and handling fee was made up by Ty to start with. The money was put in his pocket for about 2 to 2 and half months before his brother Heath found out he was charging this. Heath called me when he found out about this and wanted to know how long his brother had been charging it. He was angry and also said that "you can't do this, it is illegal". After a call to the then ASM, they were told that they guess they could charge it at their own discretion, up to $19.95 as that is what is on DirecTV ads. This all should be investigated by the AG in Tennessee.

During the time that Ty was pocketing this $35.00 fee, he was also charging consumers for Cinema Connection Kits which is a free product and service to the consumer. I have documents for that. Just another form of fraud and theft. While I also think that DirecTV service and products are exceptional, it is the way it is sold to the consumer that the fraud and thefts have taken place. This boy, Ty, should never be in a positon to ask for anyone's social security number or credit card information again. I have reported first hand knowledge with documents to prove it, that he has defrauded and stolen money based on a person's information. That should be very alarming to anyone out here, and people should want this investigated and reported.

As far as how my panties are, I just don't get people getting on these websites and talking about personal things like panties and private parts. While several consumers have reported their experience with this retailer, many more have been hesitant to do so in fear of the bullying, humiliation, and slandering from people trying to discredit them, just as I have had to put up with. This ignorance has no effect on me. It is useless for this to be done to me. It is tactics used to try and persuade people to not get on board with this and demand an investigation.

As far as me getting "fired", that was not the case. After an hour long phone conversation/explosion between Ty and I while I was driving from Tazewell Tn to Dandridge Tn, I realized that all of this fraud and theft was intentional and calculated. Ty called me the next day emotional from that conversation and I told him to shove it, and get this equipment form my home. The following Monday, he went to DSI to get help from the manager there to help him get me back. After it was clear that I wasn't coming back, his brother Heath, called me and tried to keep any sales that I might have through their company. That is when I tried to tell him about lots of crimes his brother had committed. All he could do was start yelling at me and hang up the phone on me. He knew what I was saying was true, but, BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER, even if it means it could come back on you.



Not sure how what there doing is fraud

#20Consumer Comment

Tue, October 09, 2012

Hi, I read every word of this post and I honestly can't see how what there doing is fraudulent or illegal. Just because he is not paying for shipping doesn't mean that he can't charge for shipping.. Its called up-selling and every business in America wants to up-sell because that is how they make money. Think about it!!!!!1  And if there clients are happy with the work and they provide a great service then what the hell is the problem??? I think the author has his panties in a twist and should really just get a life and let it go...

I seriously think the author of this report has nothing better to do and is upset that he was fired or let go.(not sure which) Seriously get a life!!!

The Tech

United States of America

Heath Claiborne IGNORES my acceptance to a Meeting

#20Author of original report

Tue, October 09, 2012

Heath Claiborne is ignoring my more sensible and transparent offer to sit down with his so-called administration. I am more than willing to sit down with them as long as I can have a consumer advocate such as Don Dare to be there also. I require this meeting being video recorded.

Heath has maintained that he is the most prestigious business man alive. He has stated that I am psycopathic and rogue. He says this is a personal vendetta rather than the real assistance to help consumers that do not have the resources or fight to stop these crimes.

If Heath was sure that his brother has committed no crimes, he would surely jump at this offer, as he would have nothing to worry about and more to try and humiliate me for. Surely you could use your power over officials out here to keep anything from being exposed if it doesn't go your way. That seems to be the case so far.

Your brother's facebook friends are the local sheriff here and a news anchor for the same news that I am wanting to use to video this. Surely if it goes bad, you would be able to keep it from getting out. Lets get this meeting together. Maybe we could get DirecTV to rent the HISTORIC CAPITOL THEATRE from you, and you could even make money from them while I am exposing the crimes your brother has committed.

The Tech

United States of America

I Would Have To Be "PSYCOPATHIC" IF !

#20Author of original report

Sun, October 07, 2012

The owner of Capitol "WHATEVER" he calls himself today, is still providing lies to the public. At this point, it should be clear to the public, what this company is about. I have been called names such as "rogue" and "psycopathic". I have been accused of slandering. This is typical from a company who would do business in the manner of what they do. These are tactics commenly used to intimidate and dis-credit one from reporting information.

I have provided only 2 documents of many that I have, with the stories of fraud and theft behind them. Suddenly, the owner has changed his tune and is ready to have a "meeting with HIS protectors". I would have to be a PSYCOPATHIC to have such a meeting.

I have reported much of this information to the Department of Signal Integrity, contact being Keith Waite. Keith Waite talked to me by phone first, explaining to me that all of this, including the shipping and handling charge, is FRAUD. He also explained to me that the ASM and RSM that the owner speaks about, are on commission. Their paychecks or "lively hoods" depend on sales from the retailers out here. He said that is why their interest is in protecting the retailer. Keith Waite told me not to worry, he had my back, and to protect myself. He told me that this information would be turned over to the dealer investigation team and they would be contacting me. No dealer team ever made contact with me.

On November 4, 2012 at 10:08 p.m., I was called by Keith Waite as he was getting off of a plane from San Diego or San Fransisco. He asked me to send him anything and everything I had on this dealer so that he could charge them civil ally or criminally. He also stated that he had received several emails that day about this retailer. He stated that this retailer had also come up in the past over using their own credit card to qualify customers. Most likely the emails were about Ty going to another retailer in Kentucky called Showcase Satellite. He went in there and represented himself as a DSI representitive and started asking questions about their business. Then he went out into the field and tried to steal a customer away from this retailer, almost costing that retailer a sale. This caused a major issue and emails were flying around everywhere.

Heath has stated above that I have been offered a meeting with administration for over a year now. That statement is an absolute LIE. I have tried since October 19, 2011, to get this meeting he speaks of. In fact, I was told to STOP, by the above mentioned RSM Micky Girgus. AT NO TIME HAVE I BEEN OFFERED A MEETING BY ANYONE FROM DIRECTV. These are white collar crimes and in most cases are "brushed under the rug". Consumers are usually ignored and humilited into letting it go. That is how a company like this can pull this off for years. They would like the opportunity to see this info so that they could prepare a legal defense.

I have reported that they are breaking Tennessee door to door laws, and Heath calls it a "TECHNICALITY". This door to door law is the same in most states. Heath has stated himself that his brother has sold DirecTV for 10 years. He has sold in other states such as Texas, Mississippi, Ohio and others. He also stated that they average about 600 sales per year. That adds up to around 6000 consumers that should have a class action lawsuit against Capitol "WHOEVER", based on that law alone, not to mention the other crimes committed by the salesman himself.

I will gladly accept your invitation for a meeting, but on my terms not yours. This meeting would take place with the acceptance of Don Dare and his camera man recording this meeting. If I am such a "ROGUE" and "PSYCOPATHIC", you should enjoy having me on camera to help back up your "SLANDEROUS" claims about me. I would also be able to recored this meeting with my own video camera.

With this said, consumers in any state that have been defrauded by this dealer should file a complaint with the Consumer Affairs in their state. The FTC would be a good idea also.


United States of America

Daniel Baldwin is STILL invited to meet with DirecTV administration

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 07, 2012

I am the owner of the dealership being slandered by Daniel Baldwin, a former installer whom we severed ties with a year ago. If my business is guilty of any inappropriate or illegal act, I am prepared to take full responsibility and rectify the situation, or accept any consequences.

However, Daniel Baldwin continues to ignore the sensible and transparent offer to talk with proper DirecTV administration. Mr. Baldwin claims a "cover up," yet he has never sat down with our DirecTV leaders although I offered a sit down a year ago.

For a year Daniel Baldwin has unprofessionally knocked on client's doors, called colleagues, or posted allegations on the internet. For a year there is no evidence he has contacted the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, the BBB, the police, or any other authority.

If Mr. Daniel Baldwin has ever attempted to contact a proper authority, at no time has any authority, nor any individual with a complaint, been compelled to contact me. The only DirecTV official Mr. Baldwin claims to have spoken to was in "signal integrity." This person has never contacted me.

We are proposing that Mr. Baldwin gather all of his allegations and lay them out before our DirecTV supervisors. Although Mr. Baldwin continues to call me a liar and slander my name, I know of no more transparent way to respond to his accusations and bring closure to this matter.

Instead of seeking technicalities and posting allegations, I am asking Mr. Baldwin to professionally present his facts and allegations to real authorities. All of his questions about my entity, our sales documentation, shipping and handling, and any other issue can be discussed.

Our Area Sales Manager, Robert Bartram, welcomes an open and fair discussion with Mr. Baldwin.  We have given Mr. Baldwin my DirecTV administration contact info previously.

The Tech

United States of America


#20Author of original report

Sat, October 06, 2012

You say you charge shipping and handling fees to help with your costs incurred. As I have stated before, during the 9 months that I installed for your business, you paid NO shipping and handling fees from DSI to receive that equipment. For 2 and half months after I quit your business, you paid NO shipping and handling fees from DSI to get your equipment. None of the other retailers had to either. You had NO cost in the delivery of equipment to the consumers home as it was the contracted installer who incurred those costs.

A contracted installer provides his own vehicle, wiring, tools, and GAS. In fact, you make a MINIMUM of $20.00 profit off of every installation from the install side of your money received from DirecTV. You still charged over 400 consumers a $35.00 shipping and handling fee. Now, since I have reported this to DirecTV, as of January 2012, all retailers have to pay a flat $20.00 dollar shipping and handling fee to DSI no matter the size of the order. That is just the cost of doing business.

It is not the consumers problem how arrangements of business are being made between you and your supplier. The same goes for how much other retailers pay for the rent or mortgage of their building they operate out of. Should they charge each consumer a $100.00 fee called a "HELP ME PAY MY MORTGAGE FEE". That is the cost of doing business. How a retailer gets the equipment to the consumer would be a possibility for charges to be charged to the consumer. But as stated, it costs you nothing and a profit is already made on it. Why would a consumer have to pay a shipping and handling charge of any amount, much less $35.00???

If anyone should be able to charge a S&H fee, it should be the contractor/installer because it is they who have the expenses. You say that DirecTV encourages this? What I have been told by a few retailers is that your brother has approached them and tried to convince them that they could charge this. That way, your business would not be the only one charging these fraudulent fees. The way it was explained to me was: "If it is not shipped to the consumer by UPS, FED EX, USPS, etc. with a shipping label on it, it is not legal". You make whatever excuses you want for it as you guys seem to have many. What it truly is, is GREED.

You asked me what I want at this point. The best answer for that is: I want the State Attorney General to do a full investigation into this whole business structure. Then let the consumers know of those findings. Then he take the proper action to protect consumers from this Deceptive and Fraudulent way of doing business.

The Tech

United States of America

More Info

#20Author of original report

Sat, October 06, 2012

Note: These are statements made by the owner in above posts. Can they not get something right?

My DirecTV Regional Sales Manager is Robert Bartram.

Our DirecTV Area Sales Manager is Robert Bartram. Our DirecTV Regional Sales Director is Micky Girgis.

After several months of me posting on Topix in Maryville, TN, we finally got admissions from the owner of the Directv retailer based in Maryville, Tn. So at this point, here is what we have:

1. The retailer of this Directv business has NO building, office, or business phone number.

2. The operation consists of a laptop, a cellphone, a door to door salesman, and a business card with a "fictitous name" (DBA) that is not registered anywhere.

3. The company name is "The Capitol Theater LLC", control # 000457624. Registered with the Secretary of State.

4.The Directv dealer name is " Capitol Theatre LLC", dealer ID # 1748273. It is a "fictitous name" (DBA). Not registered anywhere, state or local.

5. They operate under the name "Capitol Media", to the consumer. It is a "fictitous name" (DBA). Not registered anywhere, state or local. Directv does not know of this name either, at the consumer level.

6. They have a complaint at the BBB, that was never responded to, and the cellphone number was changed after that complaint. It was spelled "Capital Media" in Knoxville, TN, as "Capitol Media" could not be found.

7. They are on the Consumer Affairs "BUYER BEWARE LIST", now corrected under "Capitol Media", but address still shows Knoxville, TN because they couldn't be found. Complaint was never responded to!

8. They admit to charging a Shipping & Handling fee of $35.00. IN 2011, this dealer did not pay any charges to receive equipment from their supplier, nor did they have to pay any charges for equipment being delivered to the consumer as it was taken with the installer to the consumer site. Still, over 500 consumers had to pay this S&H fee. In 2012, after I reported this to DirecTV, all dealers have  to pay a flat $20.00 to receive their equipment from the supplier DSI, no matter the quantity or weight of the shipment. Directv's fine print on advertising states: a $19.95 delivery and handling may apply.

9. "Many" of the sales are closed by means of deception. I would state "most", but at this time, I can only prove "many". Several customers have had cash money stolen from them by means of fraud.

10. At least 2 customers are victims of "identity theft", one acknowledged by Directv and was de-activated. Ty used his own credit card to qualify customer in both of these crimes. This door to door salesman has used his own credit card to qualify many other customers. This is also a NO-NO in the industry.

11. Over 60 consumers benefited from being turned into "new customers" again, in a 9 month period. This is a term called "flipping" in the industry and is a NO-NO. It can result in termination of a dealership in 99% of cases. "Capitol Media" being the 1% that doesn't have to worry about it. Note: The $35.00 becomes a "flip" fee in these circumstances. They didn't have to pay S&H the first time, why would they pay it the 2nd time.

12. I have been sent a "Cease and Desist" letter from the attorney of this dealership or owner of the dealership. He can't take me to court because he knows that I have proof to back up my claims. He probably can't figure out what name he wants to use when filing the papers anyway. "Capitol ?" . Physical address is where? Business phone number is what?

13. Several consumers that have been defrauded, have posted their stories on Topix in different cities. Not ONE consumer has posted a positive experience with this dealer. The only "defense" has been personal friends, family, employees, or them, trying to DIS-CREDIT or SLANDER me, in an effort to shut me up, or intimidate me. Clearly doesn't work!

14. At no time, during the 9 months that I installed for this dealership, was the consumer provided with documentation that explains the 3 day right to cancel, their dealership name and address, sot that the sale could be consumer could cancel in the proper manner. Tennessee laws require this when doing door to door sales. Otherwise the consumer may cancel at anytime. 

15. Many of the salesman's targets are elderly people and consumers that don't have internet. Many of these targets don't know how to, or have the energy to fight this type of crime. Based on posts by consumers and customers that I have spoken with, it is clear that he uses, "because you are a senior citizen" or "because you are a veteran", to defraud these consumers into a sale. Note: Directv does not offer senior citizen or veteran discounts on their product or services.

16. The salesman uses "scare tactics" and control to gain a sale and defraud consumers.

17. The owner of this dealership also stated that I, the install technician, have been banned from installing Directv because I am informing the consumer of crimes committed , fraudulent charges, or just FRAUD BY DECEPTION in general. WHITE COLLAR CRIMES.

18. The salesman targets other dealerships to hurt their business so that they cannot reach sales volumes as high as his. I personally heard a phone conversation between the salesman and the former ASM, as he was trying to get sales material of another retailer removed from an area he decided to do business in.

Well that is alot of what we know at this point. It is clear that this dealership is designed to Defraud consumers out here. The "fictitous names" alone show DECEPTION. Then you have the salesmans crimes. An investigation by the TENNESSEE ATTORNEY GENERALS OFFICE should definitely be done. Again, people need to be warned of this dealership. They should tell their friends and family, especially if they do not have internet available to them, and/or Dish Network is their Tv service at this time.

The statements below were posted by the owner of the Directv dealer on Topix in Maryville, TN. I have 377 customer invoices printed from the dealers login website that states that the dealer name is "Capitol Theatre LLC". You can see from his posts that even he can't figure out what the name of the LLC, dealership, corporation, DBA, or Theatre are. I mean Theater.

1. "My name is Heath Claiborne the owner of the local DirecTV dealership, Capitol Media being slandered in this thread. I am requesting this entire thread be removed.  I can be personally reached at

My dealership is called Capitol Media. My corporation is Capitol Theater LLC

My address is 127 West Broadway, Maryville TN 37801."

2. " I can personally be reached at

My business is Capitol Media. My corporation is Capitol Theater LLC.
My address is 127 West Broadway Maryville TN 37801 "

3. "Quick points:

1. Yes we charge legal shipping fees. This covers the costs we incur from our distributer.This is legal, normal, and Directv encourages this.

2. My corporation Capitol Theater LLC is on my federal tax return. Capitol Media is a DBA. Regardless, anyone's account is tagged to my dealership.

3. We had one BBB complaint in 3 years. The case is closed. We have over 600 accts per year. I have never been contacted by Consumer Affairs.

4. All consumers have a 3 day cancellation period on their Directv contract. Mr. Baldwin is desperately searching for a technicality to claim "fraud," not protect someone.

5. Directv addressed all Mr. Baldwin's allegations a year ago.He's still yapping and losing today

NO ONE on this forum has ever contacted us. No authority has ever contacted us. Anyone with a legitimate complaint can call Directv and give their account number. I can personally be reached at

My company is Capitol Theater LLC. My DBA is Capitol Media
127 West Broadway Maryville TN 37801
Heath Claiborne "

4. "My corporation control number is 000457624. The Capitol Theater LLC has been an entity since 2003. I am the Chief Manager. Here is the TN Secretary of State business entity search page.

Direct's legal and compliance department is aware of Mr. Baldwin's posts, and actions. I am deferring this matter for their appropriate response. I have never attacked or instigated Mr. Baldwin as he has done to me. My only concern is to defend myself against false information and accusations."

5. "My dealership is Capitol Theater LLC. My DBA is Capitol Media
127 West Broadway Maryville TN 37801

I can be reached with any questions or concerns at  Heath Claiborne "

6. "

My business is Capitol Media. My corporation is Capitol Theater LLC.
My address is 127 West Broadway Maryville TN 37801"

7. " I can be personally reached at

My dealership is called Capitol Media. My corporation is Capitol Theater LLC
My address is 127 West Broadway, Maryville TN 37801. "

8. "

My business is Capitol Media. My corporation is Capitol Theater LLC.
My address is 127 West Broadway Maryville TN 37801 "

9. "My corporation control number is 000457624. The Capitol Theater LLC has been an entity since 2003. I am the Chief Manager. Here is the TN Secretary of State business entity search page.

Direct's legal and compliance department is aware of Mr. Baldwin's posts, and actions. I am deferring this matter for their appropriate response. I have never attacked or instigated Mr. Baldwin as he has done to me. My only concern is to defend myself against false information and accusations.

My dealership is Capitol Theater LLC. My DBA is Capitol Media
127 West Broadway Maryville TN 37801

I can be reached with any questions or concerns at

Heath Claiborne "


1. My dealership is called Capitol Media. My corporation is Capitol Theater LLC
2. My business is Capitol Media. My corporation is Capitol Theater LLC.
3. My company is Capitol Theater LLC. My DBA is Capitol Media
4. "My corporation control number is 000457624. The Capitol Theater LLC has been an entity since 2003.
5. "My dealership is Capitol Theater LLC. My DBA is Capitol Media
6. My business is Capitol Media. My corporation is Capitol Theater LLC.
7. My dealership is called Capitol Media. My corporation is Capitol Theater LLC
8. My business is Capitol Media. My corporation is Capitol Theater LLC.
9. My dealership is Capitol Theater LLC. My DBA is Capitol Media


United States of America

Daniel Baldwin invited to present accusation to Directv administration

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, October 05, 2012

I am Heath Claiborne, the owner of the DirecTV dealership being slandered. Daniel Baldwin is a bitter installer who left my DirecTV dealership about a year ago. Since that time he has been on a mission to shut my dealership and damage my name. Daniel Baldwin wrecklessly and unprofessionally posts on the internet and has contacted pass customers and colleagues, but has yet to talk with proper authorities. For a year Daniel Baldwin has been invited to sit down with the proper DirecTV administration and present all of his allegations. His false allegations include a "fake" entity, "illegal" shipping and handling, flipping of customers, not giving proper documents to customers, among others. I suggested to Daniel that he sit down with DirecTV administration a year ago. He instead went knocking on past customers doors the next day. He is still welcome to talk with DirecTV and lay out all his facts and information today. This is what we wish would occur so all the facts can be laid out, and all allegations settled. Our DirecTV Area Sales Manager is Robert Bartram. Our DirecTV Regional Sales Director is Micky Girgis. Mr. Baldwin has also had a year to contact the police, Secretary of State, the BBB, or whomever he considers the proper authorities. We have never been reached by anyone. DirecTV is aware of Mr. Baldwin's accusations. We have yet to receive a specific name or account number from Mr. Baldwin in order to address or reconcile any issue or complaint. We have never been contacted due to any post on the Internet, although I have posted my business contact information. As one might discern, Mr. Baldwin appears to be on an obsessed personal mission rather than "protect consumers." If my company has committed anything wrong or been unfair to a consumer, I am ready to correct and reconcile any issue. Again, Mr. Daniel Baldwin is invited and welcome to meet with DirecTV administration.

The Tech

United States of America

Need I Say More?

#20Author of original report

Fri, October 05, 2012

There is not much needed to say about the owner of Capitol "whatever"s  rebuttal. He has resulted to personal attacks rather than dispute with facts, the allegations made about his dealership. He says I am losing, as if this is a game being played. My intentions are to report the facts for consumers to see.

He claims that I might be psychopathic, but clearly he is losing control of his emotions. He could not even read the rules of posting. He has posted 2 rebuttals with different titles in less than 8 hours and also posted an email address in his post. Rules broken! Nothing new from this company.

The beautiful thing about this sight is, you can post documents to back up your statements. So I have posted 2 documents for consumers to see just a fraction of my claims.

The first document is a "flip". This is a term in the industry for turning an "existing customer" into a "new customer" again. This is a big NO-NO in the industry. This customer called me on Sunday, September 30, 2012.  Her equipment had been damaged by lightening and DirecTV wanted to send someone out to her home to fix it. The problem is that the address shown on paperwork, is not the customer's home. In order for Ty to make her a new customer, he persuades the customer to give him another address preferably of a relative who does not have DirecTV already. If they don't have an address to give him, he makes up one from a campground, or the office of a relative of his. The address says Jonesborough, TN, (a fictitious, or DBA address). The equipment is at the original flipped address in Limestone, TN. I told her to contact DirecTV and let them know that this account was flipped to a new customer and give them the proper address, so that the installer could find her and not cost DirecTV anymore money. I told her they should already know as I have already sent this info to Signal Integrity.

The second one is another "flip" at a campground. These are real easy for Ty as he can just make up lot numbers to ad to the existing address. He charged this guy $70.00 for the receiver. New customers do not have to pay anything for equipment, for that is part of the promotion for new customers. Two weeks later, Ty was in the middle of stealing money from a guy from the results of his credit check, Ward approached Ty very angrily and demanded Ty give him a receipt for the $70.00 Ty stole from him. This guy was in Ty's face and appeared as if he were about to stomp Ty's Butt. I had to get in the middle to keep the guy from getting charged with assault. Ty ran to his Daddy's business up the road and got a receipt book and gave the guy a receipt. A few days later, Ty went back to Ward, appologized and returned his $70.00 out of fear he would be charged with theft. He did go ahead and steal the money from the other customer on the day Ward demanded the receipt. That guy said he cannot wait to run in to Ty.

I have been told by DirecTV's department of Signal Integrity that 1 of these could get a dealer shut down. Ty did over 60 "flips" in a 9 month period. Many of these were done to reach a certain number of sales in order to get a $3000.00 bonus.

Lastly, in the owners post above, at the end of his statements, he still says that his dealership name is Capitol Theater LLC. That being spelled with "ER" at the end of theater. This spelling is important, as it aids in the deception of finding this dealer. Look at the top of the invoices and you can see the real dealership name is Capitol Theatre LLC, that being "RE" at the end. This is the customers invoice that Ty didn't want the customer to have. They want to call themselves Capitol Media to the customer, so that they cannot be found.     Need I Say More?


United States of America

Disgruntled former installer slanders

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 04, 2012

I am Heath Claiborne, the owner of the DirecTV dealership being attacked. These slanderous comments are by a rogue and disgruntled former installer named Danny Baldwin who our dealership severed ties with nearly a year ago. Although Mr. Baldwin has been sent a cease and desist letter, he has posted malicious entries on the internet for over 4 months while we continue to request various posts deleted. Mr. Baldwin has returned to customers doors, and called other DirecTV businesses and colleagues. A year later and he still has no support, and many who know him or of him consider is actions unprofessional and an unnecessary community nuisance. We have no indication he has gone to the proper authorities. We believe he is simply has a personal vendetta against me, and my brother, Ty Claiborne, who is a saleman. Mr. Baldwin is making false claims that my company is " fake," and that we charge "illegal" shipping fees among other allegations. Our Directv administration is aware of the allegations, and concurs that these accusations are false. I have personally attempted to extend an olive branch to Mr. Baldwin, and have offered to arrange a meeting with the proper Directv administration. Mr. Baldwin instead ridiculously claims that DirecTV is part of a "cover up" conspiracy, and that I am a "liar." He further taunts us to sue him-" what are you waiting for!" in his words. His obsessive behavior and absurd allegations are so beyond common sense, we believe he is impossibly unreasonable and maybe even psychopathic. We believe he has at times posted fake complaints on a public internet forum as we have yet to have anyone contact us even though we have posted our business contact information. No one has ever listed a real name or contact info in a complaint. If a complaint were authentic, one could simply call DirecTV and give their account number, and the account is connected to us. If there was a complaint, DirecTV escalates the account and we would have to respond with a resolution. Mr. Baldwin's allegation that a consumer cannot find us because of a "fake" name makes no rational sense. One could have several DBA names and it would make no difference in filing a complaint. Because Mr. Baldwin's accusations have gained no traction, he is now desperately searching for any technicality he can find. We have given all allegations to Directv administration. DirecTV is aware of all Mr. Baldwin's posts. We are patiently doing all we can to avoid litigation, and we are currently deferring to DirecTV legal and compliance.

I have run local reputable businesses for over 15 years, and my Directv dealership is the highest volume in Tennessee. Anyone with any questions or concerns can call DirecTV and give their account number. I can personally be reached at My DirecTV Regional Sales Manager is Robert Bartram. He can be reached at My dealership name listed with Directv is Capitol Theater LLC. My DBA is Capitol Media. My address is 127 West Broadway Maryville TN 37801


United States of America

Rogue Installer with Personal Vendetta

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 04, 2012

I am Heath Claiborne, the owner of the DirecTV dealership being attacked. These slanderous comments are by a rogue and disgruntled former installer named Danny Baldwin who our dealership severed ties with nearly a year ago. Although Mr. Baldwin has been sent a cease and desist letter, he has posted malicious entries on the internet for over 4 months while we continue to request various posts deleted. He has returned to customers doors, and called other DirecTV businesses and colleagues. A year later and he still has no support, and many who now him consider is actions unprofessional and an unnecessary community nuisance. We have no indication he has gone to the proper authorities. We believe he is simply has a personal vendetta against me, and my brother, Ty Claiborne, who is a saleman. Mr. Baldwin is making false claims that my company is " fake," and that we charge "illegal" shipping fees among other allegations. Our Directv administration is aware of the allegations, and concurs that these accusations are false. I have personally attempted to extend an olive branch to Mr. Baldwin, and have offered to arrange a meeting with the proper Directv administration. Mr. Baldwin instead claims that DirecTV is part of a "cover up" conspiracy, and that I am a "liar." He further taunts us to sue him-" what are you waiting for!" in his words. His obsessive behavior and absurd allegations are so beyond common sense, we believe he is impossibly unreasonable and maybe even psychopathic. We believe he has at times posted fake complaints on a public internet forum as we have yet to have anyone contact us even though we have posted our business contact information. No one has ever listed a real name or contact info in a complaint. If a complaint were authentic, one could simply call DirecTV and give their account number, and the account is connected to us. If there was a complaint, DirecTV escalates the account and we would have to respond with a resolution. Mr. Baldwin's allegation that a consumer cannot find us because of a "fake" name makes no rational sense. One could have several DBA names and it would make no difference in filing a complaint. Because Mr. Baldwin's accusations have gained no traction, he is now desperately searching for any technicality he can find. We have given all allegations to Directv administration. DirecTV is aware of all Mr. Baldwin's posts. We are patiently doing all we can to avoid litigation, and we are currently deferring to DirecTV legal and compliance.

I have run local reputable businesses for over 15 years, and my Directv dealership is the highest volume in Tennessee. Anyone with any questions or concerns can call DirecTV and give their account number. I can personally be reached at My DirecTV Regional Sales Manager is Robert Bartram. He can be reached at My dealership name listed with Directv is Capitol Theater LLC. My DBA is Capitol Media. My address is 127 West Broadway Maryville TN 37801

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