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  • Report:  #270979

Complaint Review: / RIP OFF!! Redmond Washington

  • Reported By:
    Hollister California
  • Submitted:
    Wed, August 29, 2007
  • Updated:
    Fri, September 07, 2007


I am writing this new report today to put a challenge to and Web Marketing Enough of this Matt character already! Matt's in here everyday stating and challenging innocent consumers that had been wronged by his company.

Matt, you are only responding to your victims with complete bull-xxxx about how you and your company are doing everything you can for them and so forth. All anyone is getting is the run around from your company period! It's completely evident that all Matt's doing is trying to save face for his company.

I am here to back up Arlene, Caryn, and all the other reports on here that Matt, Captures, and Web Marketing Source are not what they appear to be! How dare you tell Caryn that if she didn't spend so much time complaining maybe her website would go somewhere! Are you for real?? Do you know how many countless hours she has spent on her so called site you gave her? Now I am not going to sit here and argue with you or your company. I am just here to state the facts and put you and your company to a CHALLENGE!! If you can't step up to the plate than this is solid proof that you and your company are complete liars and no one should even think of doing business with you!

Here is your challenge:

If you really are the caring and legitimate company that you say you are and you really want to do everything possible to provided excellent customer service than why don't you sign up for Rip Off Reports Consumer Advocacy Program? Let me give you a run down of how it works:

A business that is interested in being better, who recognizes the need to make changes, is the kind of business that this program will help. Any business that is interested in being better, that recognizes the need to change and commits to making those changes is the kind of business consumers want to do business with and is the kind of business Rip Off Report will accept as a Corporate Advocacy Program member.

As a matter of policy, when Rip-off Report is retained by a company to investigate independently and to publish their findings, they use every bit of information at their disposal to determine the truthfulness of the complaints against the company or individual.

NOTE: As a part of the Corporate Advocacy Program Rip-off Report verifies all Reports and Rebuttals, and will expose those posted erroneously.

Rip Off Reports philosophy....


It is never too late for any business or individual to make a complete turnaround, making amends by making it right, even if it took a long time to do so.

This program is called Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy, Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. A long name for a program that does a lot for both the consumer and the Reported business alike.

This program requires the Member Business to agree to satisfy all complaints past, present and in the future, even when those complaints that come to Rip Off Report by e-mail .

The Member Business must also state improvements they are willing to make to their business that benefit the customer to avoid the reported problems from happening again in the future.


This program is only for those businesses that come to Rip-off Report with a desire to rectify the complaints and change their ways after realizing they can do better for their customers.

What does this do for your business and us as consumers?

For the business, this program will turn the Rip-off Reports from a negative into a positive and permanent advertisement. That is, IF the business lives up to their stated commitment to customer satisfaction to totally rectify all past and future complaints.

For the consumer, the Corporate Advocacy Program gives the confidence they needed to do business with them. All consumers would want to do business with someone that was honest enough to realize there might have been some sort of a problem in the past, and now they are making things right. Completely right and not the BBB way. We all make mistakes. Again, all Businesses will make mistakes. How those businesses correct their mistakes and make things right, separates GOOD businesses from the ROTTEN ones!

So in short if you really want to back up what you say, you would have no problem joining Rip Off Reports Consumer Advocacy Program. This way you can show me and countless others that you are a legitimate company who has no problem committing to help resolve customer complaints other than just posting tons of rebuttals that back up nothing you say. See, I am so confident that all the postings about your company on this website are true that I am daring you to join so Rip Off Report can contact us all to verify these statements are true! You can talk all you want in here and give everyone your same old story over and over again or you can take action and work with all of us to resolve our complaints in a fair matter. A legitimate business should have no problem with this! Remember the good old saying - ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!!!

Hollister, California

8 Updates & Rebuttals



Thanks for the support

#9UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 07, 2007


I appreciate you noticing the effort on our behalf and for adding in your 2 cents on the subject. It's a pleasure to read comments with reason and fact rather than the malicious words of some of our customers who are apparently very confused and unwilling to listen to reason from us (whether by phone, email or on ROR).

In response to...

"To this 'Matt' fellow, if you are so sure about how your company is trying so hard to please these people with a mutual agreement, are you the one doing this negotiating? It seems that like any other company, the boss has his underlings do the work, and only steps in at the critical point of the matter."

I am willing to do the negotiating, but do not typically handle that aspect myself. I am just the one who responds to ROR claims. I am a marketing manager here and there are plenty of things I could be spending my time on, but our customers are very important to us (as I have been trying to demonstrate) and I feel ROR claims are something I should handle myself, personally. I do help our other employees work with the clients once an agreement has been arranged, whether they are complaining or not. I do follow-up to make sure they are happy down the road and that no more issues have come up.

In response to ...

"I think Matt F in all fairness is responding to these posts in a very civil manner, even though I'm sure a phone call (if one hasn't been placed yet) would be a better way to handle things."

I appreciate that. I do try, god knows. We have attempted phone calls and multiple emails. Some answer, some wish not to speak to us, we at least try multiple forms of contact and hope to use communication in this manner as a last resort.



Maybe you have a suggestion then???

#9Author of original report

Thu, September 06, 2007


I see you have posted a comment and are trying to get us to resolve our problems with Captures in a fair manner. I appreciate you honesty and am in no way looking to pick a fight with you or anyone else. I don't know if you have truly read all the complaints on Captures here though, but if you had you will see that the number one compliant on here beside service issues is no one ever picks up the phone there. All you get is a voice mail and no one ever calls you back. Many others who were lucky enough to have spoken to Captures regarding issues with their account have gotten no where in the process.

Don't you think if we could come to a mutual agreement with them we would be on here? This forum is our last ditch effort to get them to communicate with us and solve these issues. You are not in any of our situations to pass judgment, even though you are welcome to state your opinion here. But try losing $6,000.00 on a website and marketing that is garbage and see how you feel. It's not like we are getting ripped off for $20.00. That was people's hard earned money! As for getting together and sitting down, you have to remember that all of us live in different states and that is just not possible. Plus we should not have to fly out to Washington to get our issues resolved.

Captures should have never let their customers get to the point where they feel this forum is their last option. They should of taken care of our needs months ago. I am open to any suggestions or ideas you might have about have we can resolve this other than the ways you stated before as we have tried all that and it's just not working.

Johnny Priest


Why don't you just do something already?

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, September 06, 2007

This is to the same 3 people that are slamming this "captures" company. I have read all of the files reported and rebuttals, and I think all of you complaining really just need to chill out. The way you are talking isn't exactly non-threatening, and I don't think any business in their right mind would respond to such hostility.

To this "Matt" fellow, if you are so sure about how your company is trying so hard to please these people with a mutual agreement, are you the one doing this negotiating? It seems that like any other company, the boss has his underlings do the work, and only steps in at the critical point of the matter.

I'm sure if you were to meet somewhere and have a civil talk without yelling and threats, you'd get somewhere. Also, to the original poster of this thread, why are you issuing a "challenge!" as you put it? You just seem to be one trying to pick a fight and start arguements. I think Matt F in all fairness is responding to these posts in a very civil manner, even though I'm sure a phone call (if one hasn't been placed yet) would be a better way to handle things.

I did not type this message to start a flame war, but in hopes that you people will set aside your rage and your need to feel like you have the upper hand and settle this in an adult fashion.



Why Don't You just e-mail it to me??

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, September 03, 2007

If the reason you say your report is not getting posted is because ROR is won't let these types of reports surface, than e-mail me what you have. I am not going to take an excuse such as that to excuse you from your accusations. If you have proof then great! Send it to me then! Your company has my email on file and if you don't please send it to Caryn then. You should have her email on file if you have been working on here website.



I responded, ROR hasn't posted it yet

#9UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 03, 2007

I responded to this report a couple of days ago and my rebuttal has not yet posted. I have contacted ROR to see where it is and if they plan on posting it. If they do great, otherwise I will try to regenerate what I stated and post it shortly.



Matt is Liar!

#9Author of original report

Sat, September 01, 2007


So after that comment you made about saying that if your company really wanted to you could just pay off the BBB and ROR, I decided to write the Founder of ROR Ed Magedson and ask him wether there was any truth to you statements. I would like to post in here and for all to see what he wrote me back just this evening. Here is what he said in response to your statement that you could pay off his company to remove your bad reports:

Consider your source - -

we don't know of the company you speak of, just like most other companies listed on Rip off Report - - they have no choice but to make up false claims about us - - they even claim we make up the reports. there are over 500 submissions are filed a day.. .

Ask them to show you ONE REPORT that was removed. never happened, never will.

Ask them to tell you ONE COMPANY we did this for. just one!

For instance - here is a typical member of our program - - they call it extortion - - but, you tell me how this could be bad.
Only BS companies refuse to take care of their customers - - we NEVER REMOVE AND NEVER WILL read the link

that is in the story too... then, go to the one below...
the above link shows you want we make a company do to join the program.

to people that say they are going to sue - - this page will give you some insight about us and what we do. they are all full of BS ...

any questions, just ask...

ED Magedson - Founder

We are not lawyers.
We are not a collection agency.

We are Consumer Advocates.
...the victims' advocate

WE are Civil and Human Rights Activists

We are a Worldwide Consumer Reporting News Agency consumers, for consumers
PO Box 310, Tempe, Arizona 85280

So after all is said and done this just proves that you are a liar! Since you are the one in here on a day to day basis representing Captures, what does that say about them if your are just one piece of the pie? I don't think theres anything more you could say or I could say in response to that. I think Ed summed it up nicely. Don't you think?




#9Author of original report

Sat, September 01, 2007


Thank you for another great run on of the same things you have stated over and over. You come on here to help fix problems. PLEASE!!!!! You come on here to save face. I am finding new victims of yours on a daily basis. You think that the only people that come on here are the only ones that feel they have been victimized? Your DEAD wrong!!! As for you giving false information that the editor of this site will remove reports if he gets paid is also a complete lie! How dare you misinform consumers in that way. I am going to show this article to the editor of Rip Off Report and have him also file a rebuttal that personally states that you are not correct at what you say. Also I would like to take a moment and also let people know in here that you are also currently being sued by Stores Online. They claim that you used false advertisement along with other things to mislead consumers. Would you care to explain this? I know all the people that have been wronged by your company would certainly like to know what this is all about. As for not taking me up on my dare I have nothing more to say. Let your actions speak for you and your company.



In Response ...

#9UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 31, 2007


Since you addressed me personally I thought I could at least offer you a response...

"Matt, you are only responding to your victims with complete bull-xxxx about how you and your company are doing everything you can for them and so forth. All anyone is getting is the run around from your company period! It's completely evident that all Matt's doing is trying to save face for his company."

Your opinion of how we respond it just that, YOUR opinion! I have countless phone conversations with customers everyday who are more than satisfied with our service and tell them the same things I write here. The select few who report here are not even a small fraction of the customers we service, however they are just as important to us as our satisfied customers.

I am not trying to save face, rather I am attempting to give honest answers to complaints filed against our company. How you take the information I provide is up to you, whether you take my advice is up to you. I am only doing my job, but on a more personal note, I have been around in this industry for quite awhile and can honestly say that Captures is an awesome company to have on your side and that I would personally recommend their service (and do) even if I wasn't an employee.

Responding to these reports is important. It allows us to provide direct feedback to the original complaint and also helps other consumers know what to expect before or after signing on with our company. It's here plain and clear for everyone to see and we continue to sign up multiple new accounts everyday. The reports you have posted have actually helped our company, not harmed. It's a chance for us to continually improve areas in our process, customer service and also provide answers in a public place for others who may have the same question, issue or complaint.

Acknowledging your "DARE" would give off the impression that we have done something wrong or that we in some way thought we weren't doing everything we possibly could to help, inform and service our valued customers. At this time there is no need for our company to consider a program like the one ROR offers or other comparable programs offered through BBB, etc.

We already respond to nearly all the reports filed here, we already make continual improvements in the ways we provide customer service and we plan on improving anywhere we can in the future.

The fact that you state, "If we do not step up to the plate we have proved something," is also just your opinion. If you knew why those types of programs were in place in the first place you wouldn't have such a warm fuzzy feeling about them.

You know that programs like that are in place for the BUSINESS, not the CONSUMER. Businesses pay, ROR removes reports, same for BBB. At any time we could have paid either company to have reports removed and gained help with resolving them. Our company does not require this type of assistance, nor do we plan on joining one. The reasons why are simple; we already handle them, we don't have too many that they are unmanageable and we leave them up for the reasons I mentioned above (in the end they help more than harm).

So, in case it's not evident. We have no intention on joining ROR's Consumer Advocacy Program. We see no need to take you up on the "DARE". I am willing to go over any questions you still have about your account. Feel free to contact me either by email or phone. Since I cannot leave contact info on ROR you can call our 800 number and ask for me by name.

Respond to this Report!