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  • Report:  #1290499

Complaint Review: Carl farey

Carl farey Any that he can use to take money of people Liar , theif ,crook,con man Kissimmee Florida

  • Reported By:
    Carl farey theif and liar — Davenport Florida USA
  • Submitted:
    Sun, February 28, 2016
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 15, 2016

Please stay away from carl farey he is a liar crook ,fraugster and a theif and will tell you he can get you any usa visa but he just leads you on takes your money and does nothing , the immigration people and ice are fully aware of what he is doing and the quicker he is in jail the better he is really bad blood and you should stear well clear of this liar and theif

14 Updates & Rebuttals

Orlando Florida


Get your facts right

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, June 15, 2016

Firstly he is in a dispute with Capital One for a debt left by his ex wife , nothing to do with anything else pure and simple so you really should get your facts correct before posting slaunder, secondly his foreclosure has been cancelled and this will be reflected on the court web site next week. people like you really should get your facts right about people, as for Chris. I know Chris and who he is. he got caught TWICE for dodgy applications, he first tried by using his brothers business ijn the UK and then his brother fell out with him.

As far as him seeing USCIS he has done and as far as I know he still has his bollox. so crawl back under your rock and give up your unhealthy obsession with him.

r u kidding me


Farey to attend court hearing

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, June 13, 2016

Looks like it's all true about Carl Farey and the credit card rip off. If you look him up on the Osceola court website he has to appear to answer charges to the credit card company Capital One. The person named Chris asked if Farey's still walking the streets, well he will literally be walking the streets soon since his house has been repossessed by the mortgage company and he has to get out next week, this is also on the osceola court website. Wonder what will happen when his dodgy green card expires? He definitely won't get citizenship cuz as soon as he ever puts himself in front of immigration and citizenship they'll have his bollocks.


Eastbourne. BN20 9PX,
United Kingdom

Is he still walking the streets ???

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, June 12, 2016

Some years ago, I was naieve & got ripped off by this guy, (i do have a stronger word in mind) His method was such, that if you did present yourself & his bogus application to the London Embassy, you'd be locked out of the USA for at least ten years. I know of a couple this happend to. Then for whatever reason, they felt or were threatend by him that they couldnt go to the authorities.

But in my case, despite reporting him to the authorities, they do jack, except sit on their hands. Basically because it doesnt affect them. Which lends itself for Farey to carry on ripping people off & living the high life from his illegal gains, whilst his victims dreams are shattered by this (((REDACTED))) f***. I hope that one day, his path will cross the wrong person, & he will pay the ultimate price.

Your making me laugh


Your story gets better

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, March 16, 2016

OK so if thats the case, why would you do it on here.

Anyway, you are really sad that you are obsessed with causing this person so much hassle, you must be running out of things to say now that he is a repeat offender lol  you are giving me and many others a good laugh, I told Carl about it and he just said that you are an idiot whoever you are and you need to give up your obsesion about him lol.

He also confirmed that his phone number is still the same as is his email and is always available.

Having been a police officer in the UK I can tell you that the last thing the police would want you to do is what you are doing now.

Have a good day.

r u kidding me


You'll soon know who I am

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, March 15, 2016

You'll know who I am when Carl is arrested for identity fraud and he appears in court because I'll be there to give evidence. I believe I'm not the only one though, the same thing has happened to some other people, and the police are still in the process of putting the case together.

Ha Ha


Ha Ha Ha

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, March 15, 2016

I really dont beleive a word of that at all, I kow he would not do that and so do you. He would not do anything like that haha that is so funny.

You started this, not me, so you reveal yourself, you wont lol and why would his ex do this, simple, so idiots like you would do exactly what you are doing. If you hardly knew her, which I doubt, then if this happend, it was probably a random thing to set him up. Its very easy to cause problems for other people these days, ANYONE can be a victim of this kind of thing, as for the rest of it, he is just living his life the best he can, something you should try lol.

get over it and get on with your life and stop trying to continue to ruin others


r u kidding me


I DID try to speak to Carl

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, March 14, 2016

To the person who suggested I should speak to Carl about the identity theft, I did try. But he wouldn't return my phone calls, he wouldn't answer my emails and text messages so I decided to pay him a visit at his house but he put his foot in the door and wouldn't let me in to discuss things. Instead, he threatened me saying if I didn't leave him alone he would be "having a word with the boys" to make sure I kept my mouth shut. That's when I decided to go to the police and file a complaint. Think about it, if he was really innocent and thought his ex-wife was behind this, why  didn't he invite me in for a chat and try to resolve the issue?

Also, you accuse me of hiding behind the anonymity of the Internet and having no testicles, well when YOU grow some balls and disclose your name, then so will I. A tad hypocritical aren't you? Accusing me of something you're doing yourself. 

I don't believe for one minute the ex-wife is behind this. Ask yourself, why would she try to get credit cards in my name and have them sent to Big Valley Blvd when she doesn't live there? I don't know the woman really, I only met her on a couple of occasions when I was meeting Carl at the house about my visa. 

I'm just relieved I didn't suffer any consequences from the attempted theft of my identity, thanks to the diligence of the credit card companies, but I do get sick of hearing how pure and honest Carl Farey is. But hey h*o, time will reveal the truth. I do sometimes wonder though if he realizes just how much is going on behind the scenes and how much trouble he is really in. Judging by the way he acts, he's either very naive, very arrogant, very stupid, or all of those things.

Again, when all of you posting on here disclose who you really are, then so will I.




You are sad


Get a life

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, March 13, 2016

You know, people like you really are the bottom of the pile when it comes to evolution, you sit there and hide behind a facade, say things about someone on here because you do not have the gusto to speak to the person in question, you clearly have to much time on your hands, why dont you concentrate on your own sad little life and leave him alone, he really has gone through enough, I have know him for a long time and unlike other low lifes I did not turn my back on him and he is still my friend, he never turned his back on anyone, despite the rumors made up by his ex wife and her so called friends.

Why dont you just move on and if you have anything to say about him, have some B**LS and speak to him about it in a constructive way. He still has teh same number for his house.

You know anyone can get peoples information and use it to set someone up, its very easy, I know that there are still some sad people out there that were with his ex that still send him and his wife hate mail, anonimously off course as they also lack testicles, how sad is that?

Who has the problem lol?

Yes I am a friend


I am a friend

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, March 08, 2016

Yes I am a friend of Carl's.

I can tell you this:

Carl is not that desperate nor has he been, he has a good job and has done for 2 years now.

He has infact been the victim of Identity theft, this is why he has been unable to sort out the debt on the house that he was left by his ex wife, he , along with the IRS have just now got it sorted out after 2 years. He also has had mail stolen from his mail box and credit applied for in his name, as well as mail addressed to a number of unknown names, he had his server raided by someone shortly after they split, it was probably connected to his ex wife who by the way IS wanted for fraud for exactly what you are describing, she also had all the passwords for his email and servers. He has been stitched up like a kipper by her and her friends before and after she went running back to the UK leaving her grandson and her 25 year old toy boy.

I am not disputing that this may have happend to you, but I very much doubt that he has done this, its quite easy to do without actually living somewhere. He has been unable to sort out the mess left by her regarding the house and yes his house is on the foreclosure list at the moment, but the I R S have been working with him to resolve the whole issue.

Why dont you disclose who you are and speak to him? He hasnt gone anywhere.

r u kidding me


So you think Carl Farey is an honest man?

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, March 07, 2016

To those of you who have jumped to Carl Farey's defence by  saying he is an honest and trustworthy person, let me tell you what he did to me.

I am a former client of his but the offense he committed in my case is not visa fraud, as is his trademark, but credit card fraud. As those of you who have received your E2's, L1's and green cards by way of Carl's questionable methods will know, Carl has your name, date of birth, social security numbers, and anything else to prove your identity. All of these details Carl needed to submit your visa or green card applications, and I too trusted him with my private and personal information. I, like all of you thought he was trustworthy and honest. How wrong I was.

Just recently, out of the blue, I received letters from several credit card companies to inform me they had received applications for credit cards in my name, and even though my name and date of birth and social security number matched up to my name, the address did not, so they were checking up with me if I had applied for these credit cards. I hadn't, so they sent me copies of the applications they had received. And guess what the address was that the "applicant" wanted the credit cards sent to? It was 4136 Big Valley Blvd, Kissimmee, Florida 34746. Whose address is that? Carl Farey's of course!

By the grace of God I was able to stop Carl Farey in his tracks before he stacked up a load of debt in my name. The credit card companies all told me the same thing, to report this to the police as it's a federal offence, which I have done. I have an initial police report and a crime number and have been assured this federal offence of fraud will be processed. 

Then I heard about Carl having his house foreclosed so I figured he must be struggling financially which is why he must now be resorting to any means necessary to get some cash. 

BUT here's the thing all you loyal friends should think about. If he did your visa, he's got YOUR private and personal information as well. Be careful, YOU COULD BE NEXT!! He's tried it once, he could try it again.

For anyone thinking of suggesting this is just another post to slander Carl Farey, just know I have all the evidence to back it up and will show it to anyone if necessary. 

I hope you are reading this Carl because YOU know what you've done and YOU know all this is true. I have no interest in all the backwards and forwards with your ex-wife, but there's no way you can shift the blame onto her for this one. She was long gone when this happened. 






I strongly object and question the source of this report

#15General Comment

Tue, March 01, 2016

I strongly object to the content of this and previous Rip-Off Reports that i have just read  and i most strongly question the source of these words and accusations.  I was referrred to Carl a year ago to help with my visa application that i was processing myself and i was getting frustrated at doing so. I have personally found him to be very knowledgable on all aspects of visa issues, very sincere and truthful in his approach and opinions for me and my family and most importantly has been there for any and every question i have had throughout my visa application which he did not have to do. At no time has Carl accepted any payment for helping me and from the outset made it very clear that this was his opinion only as he was not an attorney but i have to say everything he has told me and i have done has been true and very useful.

I would very much like to speak to this person that has seen fit to publicly humiliate this man without giving any proof and if i was Carl, I woudl be suing for defemation of charachter and make it my goal to find out the source of these lies.

Carl to me is an honest, hardworking man that does not deserve this and someone that i am proud to call my friend. If any one reading this would like to contact me, I would be more than pleased to testify to all of the above...more than i can say for this (words fail me) person and this persons so-called friend.

For Gods Sake


Carl is a very genuine person

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, February 29, 2016

Sad to see this fabricated pack of lies started again. I hope Carl sues you. Good luck Carl, so many of us know the truth.


Dont let Idiots like this get you down.

Florida Flavors



#15Consumer Comment

Mon, February 29, 2016

Wow  you really dont know the truth do you, you have no idea what you are saying, Carl is no way any of the things you are saying, he is one of the most trustworthy people you could meet, he is one of the kindest people here, you have obviously been brainwashed by pond life that have no morals or insight to the truth about this person and the whole situation, He has taken in her Grandson and given him a stable home as well as a job, so if you really think he is that bad then you should think again. as far as the rest of it, if he is that bad they will get him, but he certainly is not hiding from anyone, that doesnt seem like a person who is facing jail time. You really should crawl back under your rock and stop invasing on other peoples lives, let him get on with his life and leave him alone. 

Orlando Florida


You really dont know anything

#15General Comment

Mon, February 29, 2016

So you think you know so much, when really you dont, you are clearly nothing more than part of the bunch of low lifes that his ex wife thought were his friends. This is nothing more than a witch hunt, dont you think he has gone through enough of this slaunder, If what you say is true then he will no doubt hear about it from the authorities. so you adding more just doesnt do anything, If you truly beleive all this garbage about him, then sit back and see. have some beleif and do something else with your time. I know this man and I know the truth, obviously you dont, thats the problem, it is so easy to go on things like this and slaunder people behind a mask, have some b****.

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