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  • Report:  #726665

Complaint Review: Carousel of Beauty

Carousel of Beauty No More, Middletown, Maryland

  • Reported By:
    jjleek — Bishop Texas United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sat, May 07, 2011
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 23, 2011

This  "full-service salon and spa" fell way short of full service, as a matter of fact they could not even perform simple highlights without turning my hair into an orange, blotchy, frazzled mess. This was after two attempts in one sitting to get my hair right. Ann , the lady performing my highlights admitted it was orange but said I would "get used to it". I don't think so. I paid the $95 fee for my highlights and left almost in tears. Ann also stated by judging by how upset i seemed about my highlights that I should probably not get highlights in the future. I have been getting highlights in my hair as long as I can remember and this has never happened to me. 

I went home and inspected my hair further only to realize it was much worse than I had anticipated. I was so upset and did not want to have my hair look like this for an upcoming wedding I was to be a bridesmaid in. I didn't even want to go out in public with my hair looking like it did. So I immediately headed to the local CVS to purchase hair dye of my natural color to cover up the atrocity that was my hair. I dyed my hair that evening with okay results. The blotchy highlights were gone, my hair felt much smoother but not all of the orange was out of my hair. 

I contacted the owner of the salon Carousel of Beauty, Norma, to get the issued resolved. I stated what had happened to my hair and that I had attempted to fix it myself by dying it. She stated that she would have to see my hair to determine whether she would fix my hair or do a refund. Later that day she called and said she would refund my money. This seemed odd considering she hadn't seen my hair yet but I thought it was okay. She told me to come to her business for the refund but when I showed up she said it was too late and "the books were closed". That was the first time I went in for my refund. The second time I went in for a refund Norma was not there and the employee that was there said that only the owner can give refunds. The third attempt to get my refund ended much worse. Prior to going to the salon for the third time I contacted Norma, the owner over the phone to confirm that she was going to give me a refund. She said that she was still giving me my refund and that I should show up at 12:30 p.m. to pick it up.

Upon arriving at her business she accused me of being a liar and "a little con artist". She said that she had no intention of giving me my refund but she wanted to lure me in to confront me face to face. She stated that she had contacted ALL of the other salons in the town and stated that I was lying about salons to other salons. WHAT??? She also stated that I had been to salons that I hadn't heard of, let alone visited. The only other salon I visited in that town was Jo Mitchell and I only used that salon once before with decent results. I had actually contacted Jo Mitchell salon to try to fix what Carousel of Beauty failed to do at a higher price. So after being called a liar and a con artist, a lady whom appeared to be a friend of the owner who was sitting behind her took out a disposable camera and snapped a picture of me as if I was a criminal. At that point I became angered and stated all I came her for was my refund that was promised over the phone at which point she yelled at me to "get my a**" out of her store.

 I was totally blindsided by the treatment I received by the owner. She was very aggressive, and only promised me a refund to lure me in to her store to be confrontational, and the whole time she was slandering me she was pointing at me as if I was a little child. I have never asked for a refund on any kind on work that I have had done on my hair but this salon performed sub par. They really messed my hair up, accused me of things I didn't do , lied to me over the phone, and slandered me in public while taking my picture for no reason.

After that, I contacted the owner by phone and stated that I was going to share my bad experience with others. She stated that "you better watch out about what you say about my business" inferring that there might be implications if I decided to speak openly about my experience with her and her salon. I also said that I would handle this as an adult and that I was going to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. She stated that she would sue me if I filed a complaint but I filed one anyway. She also stated that filing a complaint with the BBB was a waste of time and that it never works out in the favor of the consumer. She stated that she knows this from experience. This lady is by far the most person I have ever had to deal with in my life let alone an individual who has a license to conduct business in the state of maryland. I don't want my money back. Apparently she needs the $95.00 more than I do so she can keep it. I just want an apology. No consumer deserves to be treated with such disrespect.

11 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Carousel is a Reputable Shop

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, August 23, 2011

I have been going to Carousel for over 10 years and never had a problem with Norma.  I would love to know what actually transpired because what I read is so far away from the Norma I've known.  She's a terrific addition to the Middletown community, is fair and honest in her dealings and is a very talented stylist.

I understand situations happen where personalities clash, etc., but I can't imagine for a minute that Norma would behave as reported.  Just judging from the incident as reported, I can't imagine any shop owner refunding money for a highlight job that the customer had tried to "fix". 

There are two sides to every story and I wasn't there.  However, I know Norma and her character and am extremely puzzled by this report.  I think it's important that people not judge an establishment by one person's "experience".  I highly recommend Norma's salon to anyone, and have on many occasions.

mr rik



#12Consumer Comment

Wed, July 13, 2011

Wouldn't it have been MUCH EASIER now to have just provided the refund for the bad service in the beginning???

Instead of LYING to her and stringing her along telling her to come in for a refund.- I would have been mad too!  I might have even cussed and b***h-slapped one of you cunts!  ESPECIALLY after snapping my picture!

And WHAT DIFFERENCE does it make if she fixed her hair properly on her own or not?  BAD SERVICE IS STILL BAD SERVICE.  

Give the poor girl her refund and some extra for her trouble- and quit badmouthing her!


United States of America

The whole truth and nothing but it!

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, July 13, 2011

This will be my last letter! If there is another, I will contact my lawyers. If Ms. Kimbrell and her boyfriend want to go to court, I have no alternative but to get my lawyers involved.

Three of my stylist Ann, Melissa, and Crystal will be writing their views on the last time we encountered Ms. Kimbrell.

The B.B.B. has my previous letters to go by, they were the truth, and I would swear on the Bible that it was the whole truth. I will not apologise to these people; Ms. Kimbrell and her boyfriend. They have shown their true colors. I believe she did not write any of the letters she has sent in. If you reffer to " " the real Ms. Kimbrell comes to the surface.

My reputation speaks for it's self. After 14 years in this shop, I have never encountered people of this manner. So rude and disrespectful, and dishonest; it saddens me to see the lack of good character.

As to the miss spelled name that was a typing error that I had corrected and re-sent. I'm not sure if it was recieved in time or not. The bottom line is this all could have been avoided, if Ms. Kimbrell hadn't colored over the highlights, case closed. Now for my three stylists view's on the encounter.

Ann: On Friday May, 06, 2011, I was on the other side of the shop but I could hear Ms. Kimbrell and Norma's conversation. Jamie Kimbrell came into the shop and she stood in front of the desk. She proceeded to talk to Norma; Norma was on the other side of the desk; answering all of her questions. Then Norma stated that because Ms. Kimbrell had colored over her highlighted hair with box color that she could not refund her money or fix what could have been bad and/or wrong. Jamie then became angered and raised her voice yelling " F this " and " F that " and much more. Jamie asked Norma if she believed me, and Norma said yes, she did. She then called me a lying " B ", said I should have been fired. Also that Norma was a " F'ing B " and a bad business women. Then Norma was furious and told her to get her " A " out of her shop; this was the only time Norma swore through out the duration of thier conversation. Jamie's reaction was out of control, and disrespectful. In all my years of business I have never run into such an unrully person. She shouted something at Norma when she was asked to leave. Jamie then slammed the door while she was cursing. She was pacing back and forth in front of the salon, while yelling on her cell phone with whom I believed was her boyfriend. Then a few moments later she barged back into the salon yelling. I became nervous for she was completely out of control, shouting vulgarities left and right. Jamie didn't like that she didn't get her way she continued to yell at Norma. Norma remaind calm and told her again she wouldn't recieve a refund and to please leave her shop before she called the police. I don't know how Norma stayed as clam as she did with the shear direspect she was shown by Jamie. Norma is a honest, professional, caring, an an all around fair business women.

Melissa: My name is Melissa and I am very glad I have a chance to tell my side of the incident, and let you know that Norma Gray is a wonderful business woman and a woman of extreme moral character.

First of all a little history, I have known Norma for 21 years. I started working with her when I was only 19 years old. At first, when i met her I was not exactly sure if I would like her, she was walking around with a pen and paper asking everyone their names. As time went on not only did I like Norma, I really appreciated the woman she is. Norma is a woman who really cares about people, her employee's, customer's, and just people in general. Another thing I like about Norma is she will stand up for the right thing. If Norma see's that someone is being taken advantage of it puts a spark in her to do something or help in anyway she's able. My belief on this incident is the fact that Norma saw an opportunist out of Jamie Kimbrell. One thing you must know is Norma has been in the business for 46 years and has been able to spot a person that could be a problem.

Norma has consulted with me on her thoughts about this subject and was genuinly concerned about Jamie. Not only for our shop but other shops in the area. She was concerned Ms. Kimbrell would stop payment on the credit card that did not even belong to her; we had found this out after she called for a refund. Norma did contact other shops in the area and found out Jamie was trouble there too. Ms. Kimbrell was very happy with her hair when she left, in fact she tipped Ann; the stylist that had done her hair; very well. Jamie also stated that she wished she had came here first according to Ann.

As far as Norma getting me to take a picture as an employee I felt it was the least thing I could do since Norma wanted to have proof that Ms. Kimbrell had already colored her hair. I'm not quite sure how an owner of a salon can fix or offer a refund, when the origianal work is colored over without a consultation. Norma did invite Jamie in because she did not trust her and to gather evidence and get her license, for the simple fact that she had used a card that didn't belong to her. You may find this unethical but I call it, protection for Norma, and her shop due to what we had knowlegde of.

As far as Jamie's experience of feeling like a criminal, I guess maybe she could stretch the truth and say that because we got her license and took two pictures. But I believe this was just good strategy considering the situation.

On the last day Ms. Kimbrell came to the salon she was very uneasy and very forceful in the sense that she did not allow Norma to really have a chance to speak. She cursed alot of the conversation and raised her voice considerably. By this time Norma realized what she was dealing with to the fullest extent. She of course was very argumentative because she realized Norma could not offer her a refund under the terms that the work was colored over. Ms. Kimbrell had at one point lost it and rushed out, to pace back and forth on the phone right out in front of the salon. When Jamie returned her temper had been lost even more. I believe at this pont if Norma would not have said, " Get out of my shop or I will call the police", that situation would have escalated to an unhealthy or possibly dangerous situation.

In closing I hope Ms. Kimbrell considers her actions and takes with her a learning experience on how to control her temper. Also to realize there are people in the world who will stand up for themselves. This is the first time Carousel of Beauty has had an experience like this one. We have never been reported to the B.B.B. for a bad reference, and it is a shame that people like this can slanderize a great reputation in the manner this woman has, not only with the B.B.B. but other websites as well. I felt the need to write this because I truely believe Norma Gray is a great business woman, who went up against a very unique unethical woman. But Norma handled it very well considering Ms. Kimbrell's outragous behavior that day. What a shame this has all been.

Crystal: On Ms. Kimbrell's vist to Carousel of Beauty; the beauty shop I work in; she used an extensive amount of foul language. She was rude and very argumentative. She barely gave Norma an opportunity to talk and explain why she coud not refund her money. Everything she stated about her being well spoken is wrong! I heard the " F " word and the " B " more then I heard her say any polite words. Because once she found out she wasn't receiving a refund, she was everything but polite. I have never seen a client talk the in a manner as she did, and for her to blatantly lie and say she didn't I'm simply shocked at her moral status. She was the rudest client any stylist would ever encounter. I'm surprised Norma kept her composure as long as she did; I personally wouldn't have been able to handle it that well. Norma is a great women and boss; and doesn't deserve the treatment she was forced to endure. I also believe she needs not apologise because she wasn't in the wrong Ms. Kimbrell was. That's all I really have to say about Ms. Kimbrell's vist here on Friday May, 06, 2011.


United States of America

I almost forgot about this! Lol!

#12Author of original report

Fri, June 24, 2011

If anyone reading this believes that I am the only person has the opinion that Carousel of Beauty is incapable of doing hair properly, just read other reviews posted by different people.  And for the record, I never had anything to do with reviews given by anyone else.  I am new to the state and only know immediate family.  I read some things written saying how they've had their hair done by the employees of this salon for many years and have been friends with the employees for 40 plus.  The woman that messed up my hair mentioned to me that she only had her license for a few years.  And people discredited me as a person in their responses.  I am a 25 year old, mother of two, who only within the year moved to Maryland.  I have had my hair highlighted since I was very young.  I've never had to complain about bad work before.  Even if I had a slight complaint I figured it was not worth mentioning.  But in this case, my hair was so bight orange and blotchy (kinda funny now), it was the only thing to do.  I was verbally attacked and loosely threatened.  Then called a con-artist and a liar.  How does this make me a con-artist?  I paid them.  And would I really con someone when it had to do with bleach on my hair!? LOL!! I did get upset.  I would not lie about this.  I did not swear except when I asked "What the hell are you talking about?".  I caught myself when I started to raise my voice and even held back a few choice words. Even if I had spoke loosely, it's my right because I paid for a service and received a terrible mess.  I probably should've known though, for I have long hair and I got the impression that I'm not the in normal age group that usually goes to this shop. This might not be true, but it was my impression.  Either way though, she said she could do it.

Ever hear the phrase "good ol' boys club"? This is all a great representation of the meaning.  Its good that the people who responded to my complaint have been friends with the employees of the salon for so long, even better that they all go to church together, I'm happy for them all.  But this is no way means that they know how to preform the services they claim.  Also, I'm confused by the amount of times I have heard "bible", "church" and "Christian" in this asinine issue (Rip Off Report not being the only resource).  What does that have to do with anything, really? Once again, this fact doesn't make you good putting highlights in someones hair.
I told Norma that I only wanted an apology (not money) for being treated so badly,  and I'd put it to rest.  I honestly don't think its that big of a deal anymore, now its becoming quite humorous.  Though,  I do hope this complaint serves it purpose.  Anyways, whats done is done.  In my opinion the shop isn't worth going to at all.  There are other salons, why risk it. 

Sylvia Flack

North Carolina,
United States of America


#12Consumer Comment

Mon, June 13, 2011

Shill, my foot, to be exact it has been 46 years, unless you know what you are talking about you should just shut up.

mr rik


Shill much?

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, June 10, 2011

-" I have know Norma for more than the 40 years she has been in business and she has never had anyone complain about her or anyone in her shop."

You know alot.  Welcome to the internet age.

Sylvia Flack

North Carolina,
United States of America

Carousel of Beauty

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, June 10, 2011

I cannot believe this report from this lady(if you can call her that)  I have know Norma for more than the 40 years she has been in business and she has never had anyone complain about her or anyone in her shop.  When I lived in Maryland, Norma did my hair and no one else and now that I am in North Carolina I will drive 5 1/2 hours to go for her to do my hair. I was up there this past weekend and my hair looks beautiful.  It always hurts me when I see an individual try and take money from someone that works as hard as Norma does.  Young lady get a job an honest job and quit conning others out of their had earned money. Norma do not let this person cause you any sleep at all, she is not worth it. 

mr rik


A real piece of TRASH!

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, June 06, 2011

First you screw up the poor girls hair, just in time for a wedding, then you lie and string her along about a refund, only to get her there to cuss her and snap pictures!

WHO the hell do you think you are?

I wouldn't let you shave my dog!

Go back to Fantastic Sam's


Frank Holliday

North Potomac,
Virgin Islands (US)

Honorable Lady with Integrity

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, June 06, 2011

I have known Norma the owner of Carousel of Beauty for 49 years, and at no time have I ever known her to be rude, dishonest, and/or anything else the complaint alleges. She is a Godly women who strives to always do the right thing. I trust Norma with my life and the life of my children. I read the complaint and there are many holes in the story. I am a former law enforcement professional and this smells like someone that scams small owners, in fact it is my understanding that this person scammed several other businesses in the Middletown area. Shame on this person for smearing the good reputation of Carousel of Beauty. Norma is a pillar of the community with a heart of gold.


S Church St,
United States of America

Great salon experience!

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, June 03, 2011

 I would like to respond to the post that was written. I am a longtime resident of Middletown Maryland. Upon 14 years ago when Carousel of Beauty opened my family and I went to Frederick to get our hair and other beauty services done. We visited multiple salons and had a decent experience with some and a not so pleasent in others. So when Carousel came to Middletown we were pleasantly surprised! The salon was very a friendly, profesiona;l and offer many services; but on top of that they really did a great job! As a stay at home mom it is a nice experience and treat to have beauty services done and I would have to say Carousel is tops!

On a more personal note I have become friends with the owner, Norma, through the years of her being my stylist. She has always operated with the upmost intergrity. She seems to always be doing something for the community such as fundraisers; in an economy that's not the greatest! I have seen Norma open her shop to raise money for a former employee that had cancer. Norma is a woman of extreme integrity and would operate in a way that would be fair to everyone! 


S Church St,
United States of America

The Truth about Carousel of Beauty!

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, June 02, 2011

I am a long time customer and friend of Norma; the owner of Carousel of Beauty; and I have never seen her be unprofessional with any of her customers. In fact I believe that for Norma to use any profanity she would have to be increasingly angered. She is an incredibly respectable women in her business, and as an all around person. I am always satisfied when I vist Carusel of Beauty no matter what service I recieve.

Futher more, I am also a client of Ann; another employee at Caousel of Beauty; she does my manicures, and pedicures. She's very detailed and always works her hardest to ensure the client is pleased. So I believe if she had knowledge of someone being displeased that she would do everything to make sure the client was satisfied upon their departure.

I believe that both of these women have an all around good character and always want to achieve the best. Carousel is a very homey comfortable salon the employee's seem to look forward to coming to work. They seem to enjoy working for Norma; and why wouldn't they be; she's an extremely nice woman that I consider myself privileged to know.

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