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  • Report:  #651824

Complaint Review: CFA President Pam Delelar & CFA Show Judge Jody Garrison

CFA President Pam Delelar & CFA Show Judge Jody Garrison CFA President & CFA Show Judge CFA President & CFA Show Judge harassed Texas couple, resulted in husand's death prompted by animal terrorism unknown, New Jersey

  • Reported By:
    CACB.INFO — California USA
  • Submitted:
    Sun, October 17, 2010
  • Updated:
    Mon, July 02, 2012
Written in memory of my husband, Carl E. Snider, a victim of Animal Enterprise Terrorism by KAREN S. SNIDER If I told you armed men forced their way into our home and handcuffed and baked my hus band in the July heat, you might t.h i n.k I had been watching too many TV crime drama's. This is exactly what happened to us in Arlin~- ton, Texas in July, 1994. My husband was retired Navy and a disabled veteran due to radiation exposu~ e from Operation Castle, the atomic tests {n.the South Pacific many years ago. We had raised four children, were very conservative/patriotic and deeply religious as well. We were targeted because we had a nationally advertised cattery of Himalayan Persians which were our pride and joy. We had thousands of do Ll.e rsiLn v est ed in them. Many h ad cc h amp Lo n tit.l.e_s_. and imported blood lines. One of our males, a lilac point champion, was valued at $1,000. We w~re very fussy about our breeding program and kept careful records. Our ~ueens were 'bred once yearly and kittens never released under three months of aga. Kittens were sold with written contract only, giving the purchaser 72 hours to see a licensed vet. We cared about them and their health and well-being, yet were called "a kitten mill" and "a hoarder", following the raid. We had exhibited and raised them for years under the TAMMRA name, shipping them nationally and inter-nationally. I was secretary of .a cat club which sponsored shows for the public to enjoy. Our cattery took part in two medical studies. I remember memorizing the Bill of Rights and parts of the Constitution as a child. We were told, "The people shall be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and possessions from all unreasonable seizures or searches". We were not in trouble with local authorities and my husband and I had never been cruel or negligent to our animals. How then could this have happened to us? How does one become a target of extremists? BECOMING A TARGET Following a Halloween cat show in October, 1993, we suddenly. became the object of a harrassment campaign. A woman caller began contacting Arlington city officials and the Humane Society of No. Texas in Ft. Worth. She was stating that "we had sick and dying cats and kittens living in deplorable conditions and they needed to do something about it". Her campaign of harrassment was continuous. Hardly a week went by without impolite officials banging on 6ur door or leaving notices. We had no idea who the anonymous woman was and what her motives were. We knew very littie about the animal rights movement and felt we had nothing to hide. One morning, animal control officers from Arlington Animal Control and The Humane Society showed up at the same time. Not knowing any bet~er, I walked them through our home and cattery. They were most impolite and not interested in my show ribbons, picture boards, etc. One man kept demanding to know where I had the sick and dying animals hidden~ He wanted to look in my garage, attic and tool shed~ He finally seemed satisfied and left. Thi~ happened a few months before the raid. In my ignorance I thought that the inspection would be the end of the hafrassment. No citations or warnings had been issued. About this time I began to get threatening letters from CFA (The C~t Fanciers ASsoc.), a cat registry in N. J. One of their judges demanded that she "be allowed to walk through my facilitie~ within ten days". "Failure on my part to comply for a walk through could result in board action regarding my registration privileges" I was told. She sent a copy of her letter to Arlington Animal Control. PAGE # 1
Karen S. Snider Page # 2 On January 17, 1994-1 wrote to Pam Delabar of the CFA Executive board returning their cattery inspection form and informing her that I had registered only 68 kittens the previous year with their organization and that I was not interested in their inspection program or meeting with their personnel. I informed her that I was actively involved with two ACFA clubs and assisted. with two shows each year with that organization, a competing cat registry. I knew by the by-laws of CFA that ~ had never produced enough kittens for any mandatory inspections nor was I interested in furth~r involvement with their organization. I refe~red both her and Jody Garrison, one of their judges, to the ACFA office and a judge for ACFA who resided in Ft. Worth. I did not realize, 'of course, that their demand for "inspections" was illegal, (imperson~ting USDA) and that they had no authority on private property. Following the illegal raid of my home in July, I was handed a paper by my attorney with the following information typed on it: MARCH 29 - JULY II, 1994 "Numerous telephone calls from Jody Garrison to Arlington Animal Control requesting updat~on what was being done" JULY 12, 1994 "Jody Garrison again contacted Arlington Animal Control" JULY 18, 1994 "Jody Garrison placed a call to James Bias, Executive Director of the Humane Society of No. Tx. asking him what information he had on the Snider situation. M~. Bias promised to investigate" (Mr. Bias admitted under "oaf h "t hat they fia d no file on us prior -6.) the raid) . JULY 25, 1994 "Arlington Animal Control contacted Jody Garrison informing her that a warrant had been obtained and that the cattery would be raided and the animals seized on Wednesday, July 27 on charges of animal cruelty". JULY 27, 1994 "Jody Garrison with Arlington Animal Control and Humane Society of No. Tx. official~ and county deputies executed search and seizure warrant" (No search warrant was ever issued). I became a widow as the result! My life would be forever changed! WE'RE ARMED AND WE'RE COMING IN! I was awoken by loud voices and car doors slamming. AsI looked out of our bedroom window in disbelief, I ~aw my husband being roughed up and handcuffed. From his law enforcement background, he knew they had no search warrant or justifiable cause which they needed to invade a private residence. He h~d ordered them off t~e property! The shock was overwhelming! I began to shake with fear. I knew our lives were in danger! News media personnel with camera's were allover our property and acted as though they were at a party. I did not know that the media being on my property was in violation of Federal law.
Karen S~ Snider Page # 3 My husband was a diabetic and was denied his morning insulin. He was placed in a deputy's car in handcuffs with the windows rolled up in the July heat and was left there to bake. He went into diabetic shock. The two deputy's acted most unstable, like two school boys suddenly being given authority. When interviewed by an FBI agent, they of course claimed complete innocence. I told the FBI, "It would have been more humane if they had just shot him. Instead I had to watch him suffer and slowly die as a result of the raid". Carl's diabetes and blood pressure went completely out of control. He was hospitalized with his first bout of congestive heart failure which he did not have prior to the raid. This led to his death. FEAR AND TERROR! You can't imagine the fear! I felt like a (((REDACTED LANGUAGE))) living in n**i Germany. I knew I had to open the front door or they would break it in as people were loudly banging on the doors and windows of our home. When I opened the front door I was given a folded paper, a seizur~ warr~nt. "You have five minutes to get dressed or we're coming in any way" I was told. Besides getting dressed, I successfully hid all paperwork pertaining to my cats in a clothes hamper, and hid one of my favorite cats in a box in the garage. Your registration papers, receipts, etc. are your legal proof of ownership. Federal law states that animals are OWNED PROPERTY. My paperwork no doubt is what they were looking for as they proceeded to ramsack my entire home-drawers, cabinets, dressers, closets; With no search warrant and a seizure warrant with no legal description of what to seize, my home was literally taken over. Wheri I tried to use my phone to call an attorney and relatives, I was denied a~cess to my own phone! THE EVIL GRIN! I will never forget the look on this man's face as he entered my home. He was the.3rd or 4th in line and had this grin .. a look you can never forget. It was an evil look, not a natural smile. His name was James Bias .and he was director of the Humane Society of No. Tx. in Ft. Worth. He is now the head of the SPCA of Texas and has authorized the taking of thousands of dollars in chickens, purebred dogs and cats, horsas, sheep, etc. from private property allover Texas, all done under the guise of "rescue". ASSAULT! NO PROTECTION! I tried to keep moving around my home as 5 or 6 men kept encircling me. "Give us the names of other breeders" they demanded. "Why should you have to go through this alone?" Alone we would be! No one at our church would speak to us after we were slandered by the media. Friends and other breeders would shun us! As I neared my laundry room I saw -th"eirphotdgrapher, a tall man with boots up to his knees, going through the animal medical supply cabinet I kept there. I observed him taking pictures of a large litter box we kept in that room as well. He had proceeded to our double car garage and stopped. I observed a look of intense hate on his face. I had left Bible verse placards in my work area to dry. The placards were for use in the after school kids clubs I helped with in low income apartment complexes. He spent the next ten minutes stomping these into the concrete floor and kicking things in the garage. These peopl~ are very uristable! In a similar home invasion robbery, the raid victim observed uncontrollable drooling during the raid.
Karen S. Snider Page # 4 Withou~ thinking due to my shocked state,I asked him: "What's the matter, can't you find anything filthy or deplorable to take pictures of ?" That's the last thing I remembered as he threw me against my dryer catching me completely off guard. I literally sailed across the room! My left ribs took the full impact and everything went black. I began to cry; I couldn't get my breath. I should have been more careful. You can not reason or think ~learly when you are in severe shock! MY HOME: A "MUNSTER" SETTING Months before the raid we had refused to sell an under-age kitten to a couple from New Mexico. I offered to take a deposit and ship her later. They became furious and the man had yelled "You'll be sorry" when they left. Their reveng~ was to send a notorized letter to CFA - The Cat Fanciers Assoc. depicting our home as a "Munster setting" complete with tranquilized cats, cobwebs, buckets of feces, and would you believe, "stalagtites and stalagmites of crystalized urine dripping down walls". CFA never sent me a copy of their vengeful letter, instead a raid was planned. Jody Garrison was on our front lawn helping the terrorists categorize our cats and kittens. Animal lovers who called the Humane Society were told to contact her. Her name appeared on TV the evening of the raid with a negative statement about our cattery; that it needed to be eliminated. She solicited donations at CFA cat shows for the Humane Society and was a witness for the prosecution in court. We had never even met this woman! She isn't alone in this organization! The present president of The Cat Fanciers Association, Pam Delabar, found herself facing federal charges when she joined a raid party bent on raiding a kennel owner/rancher near San Antonio. The rancher found his animals poisoned when approx. 100 animal activists and news media p.e zsonne L invaded his property .. He was featured on ABC's 20/20. In his federal law suit, one of the judges stated: "If this is the law, there are no limits to the unnamed multitudes who may accompany an officer in the execution of a warrant for their own purposes; it opens the doors of every home and business in this country to invasion by hordes of one's enemies, all of which may be reported and filmed by the media for display to the world". "In Fact, the presence of the activists and the media on the Brown's property was nothing less than stat~-supported trespass and invasion of privacy .... The fourth Amendment was designed to limit just such abuses of government power." KANGAROO COURT Like most U.S. citizens who have never been in trouble, my husband and I had the utmost respect for law enforcement and our legal system. Carl had worked with juvenile division in New Mexico and, therefore, knew the deputy's had no search warrant. The justice of the peace who signed the seizure warrant should h~ve known our home was not "a municipality" (public property). His name was Roy Kurban, Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Tarrant Co. Texas. He knew there was no proof of cruelty and that what he was doing was highly illegal. Since this happened to me, I have discovered that many of these elected officials receive false information, payoff's, and are animal rights sympathizers. This man was so prejudice he wouldn't even hear my witnesses. It was a "done deal" before I even walked into the court room. Following "kangaroo court" h~ drew me aside. "You can have some of your cats returned BUT NOT FOR BREEDING if you cooperate" I was told. The second judge I saw announced that "I was cleared of any purposeful negligence or cruelty" but he refused to return my animals. His name was Vince Sprinkle, County Court
Karen S. Snider Page # 5 at Law # 3, Ft. Worth, Tx. A Dallas attorney was given $1,500 to begin preparing a federal lawsuit. After receiving the money he would not answer phone calls or my letters; I suspected payoff which is now common in our legal system. After his death, I was paid back from his estate. AFTERMATH OF A TERRORISM RAID! The raid on our home, called "a rescue" by the animal ~ctivists, was me~- tioned allover Texas in newspapers, TV & the internet. All o~ ihe usual rhetoric was used such as "diseased animals", "deplorable conditions", "cruelty", "rescue", etc .. They even went to the trouble of planting a woman in the rental home pext door to give slander to the media. She was quickly moved out the evening of the raid. -Her landlord knew her by a different name. The media went door to door throughout our neighborhood trying to get our neighbors to say something negative about us. Hate calls started the evening of the raid with cussing and screaming which went on for months at all hours of the night and day. We discovered our home and property were under daily surveillance; we were followed! We wondered if our phone was tapped. I remember thinking: "could all this be happening in the United States of America"? The worst part was watching my husband slowly die as his heart weakened. He was in and out of the hospital and losing weighi rapidly. He want~d to live long enough to get me out of Arlington, Texas, as he knew I would be a continued target as the harrassment .never stopped following the raid. Like Hitler's targeting of the (((REDACTED LANGUAGE)))s, the brain-washed animal activist has a vengence that knows no end! His prayers were answered! We sold our home in June 1995 and purchased a small farm an hour from Dallas where my hushand quietly died in his sleep. His prayers had been answered; he had got me out of Ar~ington, Texas! He was a victim of what I later learned was animal enterprise terrorism. He never recooperated from being baked the day of the raid. When I think of my husband's death it reminds me of another Texan who died as a result of a similar raid. Near San Antonio, this rancher purchased a herd of rtin-down cattle due to drought conditions and spent his life's savings ori their purchase and -following his vets advise to improve their condition. In swooped the Humane Society who announced they were doing a cattle rescue. Despite the federal protection of the Animal Enterprise Protection Act and with the help of a local Justice of the Peace, they got away with it. The rancher lost his cattle, his ranch, and suffered a fatal heart attack a~ a result of the shock. The FBI did no investigation and the Humane Society became richer! When I think of my husband, I think of this dear man who trusted our government and our legal system just like we did. No one warned us about the money making "rescue game". A QUEST FOR ANSWERS! Not knowing other raid victims or having a background in law, I began to search for answers. I had never heard of animal enterprise terrorism nor did I know that the FBI had issued a wake up call to Congress in 1993 of what was to come if stronger laws were not enacted and enforced. They wrote: "Animal rights extremists appear to .... victimize individuals and their personal property; (they are) expertly skilled in public relations ... (to) garner ...public sympathy.
Karen S. Snider Page # 6 Animal rights extremists tend to target animal ent~rprises that are easy to infiltrate and access, are readily visible to news media and can generate maximum public sympathy. The most disturbing pattern to emerge ... was that individuals and their personal property were and continue to be targeted with increasing frequency and persistence" I began a national mailout to breeders, ranchers, and those involved with agriculture, depicting what happened to us and searching for answers. A kennel owner in Calif. received one of my reports and called a friend here in Texas who had lost her kennel due to a similar raid. I met with her and began to realize that I was not alone. The mailout got me threatened! I learned that animal enterprise terrorism is "the physical disruption caused to the functioning of an animal enterprise (including stealing, damaging or causing the loss of property); animal rights extremism which includes actual or attempted actions of theft, vandalism, violence, disruption or destruction", acc~rding to the FBI. I began to contact the FBI at the Dallas office and in Washington as well as elected officials. For over ten years I have interviewed victims of this type of terrorism. I have helped prevent suicides. I had the privilege of working with two journalists and assisted ABC in producing their award winning special, an expose' of the SPCA of Texas. As I told the FBI: 100 purebred small breed dogs shipped to Japan for a tax write-off to an airline; no quarantine period required, only a USDA stamp and. health certificate. VALUE: $800 - $1,000 each or $80,000 to $100,000 in profit! A CONTINUED PATTERN! The pattern is always the same because their training to confiscate animals from private prop~rty is the s~me nation-~ide.They have to convince a Justice of the Peace (who doesn't even have jurisdiction over an animal enterprise) as well as the public, to justify the home invasion rQbbery. If the public is not convinced, they will.not donate. If they find no dead animals on the property, they often euthanize when they arri~e. (They couldn't do this in my case as I was watching too closely). The word "money" is now being added to seizure ~arrants! One man's safe disappeared ~uring a raid to confiscate his kennel. I've seen it all in case after case. Nothing shocks me any more and our government is ignoring the home invasion robberies taking place under the guise of rescue. All this wouldn't be possible without the role of the media! THE ROLE OF THE MEDIA! The media ii an intricate part of animal enterprise terrorism! Sensational type journalism of supposed "rescues" will create "hysteria" and: a. insure donations/profit from an unsuspecting public. Purebred dogs are often sold for $150 - $350 each by so called "rescue groups", SPCA's or Humane Society's. A iaid may generate as much as $20,000 to $50,000 in donations. I personally observed my cats being sold for $150 each from a backroDm of Petsmart In Ft. Worth. b. Prevent the raid victim from obtaining qualified legal help. After all, what attorney wants a case where the victim is Jescribed as a deplorable animal abuser, a hoarder, puppy mill owner, etc. I interviewed many attorneys. They are totally unprepared for these type case
Karen S. Snider Page # 7 c. insure buyers to purchase the "abused animals" if sold locally. We have been programed to believe what the media tells us. d. ~ccomplish their goal of displaying all breeders as puppy mills, kitten mills, etc. and to forcibly stop the breeding of companion animals. In every raid they complain of odor. Our case was no different. In court, low level ammonia levels were exaggerated beyond belief. We asked the state health dept. to come by the house to check ammonia levels. ~hey reported "the low levels were ~he same as a nursing home". Are nursing homes being raided? THE FAMOUS BUCKET I began to hear of a "rusty urine enc ru st ed bUcket- ful-l of outdated medicine" from internet slander. Jody Garrison and CFA persian breeder friends were showing pictures of our home at cat shows. Mind you, a seizure warrant does not give permission for these thieves to ramsack your entir~ home let alone take pictures of anything they see ...but ... a rusty urine encrusted bucket ...? I had no such thing. They had found a bottle of outdated gentocin my vet had given to me free marked "nebulizer" and there it was in a white plastic container. They will invent anything to slander you! They know what they have done is in violation of every federal law in the book and the Constitution of the U.S. to boot, so they make you out to be a horrible problem to the community! It's justifying their actions! Remember ...creating hysteria brings donations's all about money! RESCUED?? In every case I have studied, the animals suffer as a result of their seizure. They are taking animals of unknown age and medical conditions and putting them under severe stress. My case was no different! James Bias put them in one small closed up room with floor to ceiling small cages. The heat was intense and this is a long hair breed. There was no air ventilation and no air conditjoning. A volunteer called me weekly. She had purchased a kitten from me and was appalled by the raid. They weren't feeding and water~ng them regularly. Note: this ~s exactly what they accuse the breeder of when they complain about cages, food, etc.! AND THE CORRUPTION GOES ON .. "I am having to patrol my property until 2 or 3 AM with a loaded gun and having death threats due to PETA" WWW.STARCROSSWOLVES.COM Kennel owner ~ Kaufman, Texas. Following is just a sampling of cases I have researched and reported to the FBI: VAN ZANDT COUNTY, TX. Horses, purebred dogs, birds, persian cats and barbado sheep seized in numerous raids in this rural county. Also reported stolen at time of raids: saddles, feed, leashes, medications, carriers, cages, and other animal related items. No search warrant was used to invade private property and the media was an active participant despite being banned by the U.S. Supreme court and feder~l law. All raids were displayed as "puppy mill rescue" by the media. Seizure warrants used had no legal description of what to seize. Raid victims were ordered to give money to the SPCA and proof of animal ownership. All raids were conducted by the SPCA of Texas and carr~ed out by a known felon with multiple DWI

Karen S. Snider" Page # 8 and rape/kidnapping convictions. Despite a criminal background, the felon was the chief witness in Justice of the Peace hearings that took place. Can't happen to law abiding citizens you say? be this corrupt! Animal Enterprise Terrorism the countfy, and little is being done to stop Our legal system can't is on the increase allover it. I interviewed a raid victim in Van Zandt County concerning the SPCA's use of CPS (Child protective services). Animal activist extremists are using this agency if the intended victim has minor children. The childre~ are confiscated along with the animals and are used as "pawns". If the raid victim fights for the return of their animals, the release of their children is with-held! After moving to the farm, I found out that the director of Arlington Animal Control who conspired to seize my animals, was arrested and sentenced for grand theft. Her name is Peggy Richman. It didn't surprise me for this corruption is ALL ABOUT MONEY! I~'S ALL ABOUT MONEY a friend had s~id to me. CFA Persian breeder's were not getting a good price for their kittens. One Himalayan breeder was selling out due to terminal cancer and a breeder in Dallas moved to New Mexico after surveillance was started and the IRS notified to investigate her. YOU WERE NEXT! I didn't think much about this until internet slander . IT WAS A CONSPIRACY! I read: "bulging file of complaints on the Snider's ... sick kittens ....odor ...the videotape was appalling ... ". It was signed Anna Sadler, Brannaway Persians, an Arlington CFA Persian breeder who had never even been in my home. Perhaps my friend was right ... IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY! CONCLUSION My farm has no visual address on i~; that would be too dangerous! An incorrect address is listed in the phone book. Once you become a target of extremists, you are forever ... "on ~uard". I keep a shot gun in my closet and know how to use it. Each time I interview another raid victim or send another report to Washington I feel the hurt ...the anger ... the frustration allover again. People's lives are being ruined! I was once a trusting citizen I am a widow ... Thank you Alan and Lois for your friendship, your encouragement, and letting me write a chapter on Animal Enterprise Terrorism for your forthcoming book. Karen S. Snider POBox 49 Venus, Tx. 76084 Phone: (972) 366-8937 "Activists ...are so convinced their cause is morally right that they justify any means to gain their ends including violence and smear campaigns" PATRICK H. CLEVELAND, PHD, Associate Adjunct, Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Calif. San Diego, Research Physiologist

To read more about CFA Cat Fanciers a*s, Inc go to

STOP Inhumane Cat Breeding

Complaints Against Cat Breeders info

Photos of CFA Show Judge Jody Garrison &

CFA President Pam Delabar with this article


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