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  • Report:  #134746

Changewave Investment Research, Tobin Smith Investment ripoff, offers huge profits, gives limited data, encourages upgrades to services at ever increasing premiums to almost $15,000. Lancaster Pennsylvania

  • Reported By:
    gainesville Florida
  • Submitted:
    Sat, March 12, 2005
  • Updated:
    Sat, March 12, 2005

  • 2420A Gehman Lane
    Lancaster, Pennsylvania
  • Phone:
  • Category:, developed and produced by Tobin Smith.

Change Wave promises incredible profits, but BEWARE!! For $399.00/yr you can join an elite investment group that promises profits if you follow the process:

1. Spend 20 to 40 hours per week!! Be prepared to do your own research on the Recommended Buy lists and be prepared to watch for his sell recommendations at the drop of a hat.

2. Watch for Pump & Dump. (Pump and Dump is an illegal technique for talking up the stock, pushing up the price with market momentum, then selling quickly)
Buy & Sell lists are not necessarily updated in a timely manner.......serious losses can occur as a result of his buy & sell mistakes.

3. Watch for Philosophical Economic Ranting. His regular updates are often nothing but excessive verbiage, venting economic news, requiring more hours of reading to get to the meat of the issue. Many times, there is no meat!!

4. Tobin Smith does not provide a reliable, responsive service. They provide a canned response to e-mail questions, stating effectively that they can't answer all questions.It took me several e-mails, 3 telephone calls and a fax to get their attention. I requested to speak with an investment specialist and was given a person who repeated the party line that any investment is my own responsibility. It was revealed that this investment specialist was instead a corporate lawyer. I never received a satisfactory response. Furthermore, they lied to me about a year-end report they said didn't exist, but I have a copy that I downloaded on December 31, 2004.

5. Regular Reports turn into Offers to Upgrade the Subscription. Part of their investment strategy is to deal with Options, in order to cover potential losses. They continually welcome you to upgrade to their Options Investor service for another $1,400.00 per year. They also want you to upgrade to buy microcaps (for even more incredible profits, but it's not in your original subscription) become a microcap investor it will be another $3,495.00 per year. And finally, they want you to join the Inner Circle.....another service that will provide you with all the secrets of the trade for a mere $10,045.00 per year. All told (including the initial subscription for $399.00 per year), your annual fee to make Tobin Smith even richer comes to a whopping $15,339.00 per year.

6. First 3 months Free Subscription Costs you $399.00 Up Front. If you try to cancel and get your money back before the end of the 3 months, they will stop your continuing access to information and the site, at the time you cancel, before the end of the 3 months!!

7. Stay Away From This Rip-Off!!

gainesville, Florida

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