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  • Report:  #1093273

Complaint Review: Charles D. Rodrick

Charles D. Rodrick; Charles D. Gilson The CONVICTED FELON!! Chandler Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Sorarchives Victim — Alabama
  • Submitted:
    Sun, October 20, 2013
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 07, 2015

On  June  1,   1991,  Chuck   was   indicted    for   selling and  hooking  up  descrambler  cable  boxes  to  TV  cable   customers.   The   boxes allowed  the  customers  to  receive  premium  movie  channels  from  the  Cable   companies   without   having   to  pay   for   them. Gilson/Rodrick  sold and hooked up the equipment on May 2, 1991,  to  undercover  police officers  for   $350 .00, lol how stupid can you get. Oh by the way everyone, his name of conviction back then was CHARLES GILSON. He changed his name to Chuck Rodrick in 1993.

Chuck told investigators that he had been told by United Artists Cables ‘ Attorney, and the head of the Arizona Cable Television Corporation,  that  his  cable boxes  were  legal (WOW Chuck, sounds like defamation and trade libel to me).  He  was sent to the Maricopa County Jail on June 6,  1991 ,  for  selling  an instrument  with Intent  to defraud,  a  class  6  felony,  and  fraudulent  schemes,  a  class  2  felony. Ooops! This is the same good old Chuck that thinks because we have a felony like he does, and that he is ripping people off with his web site that he is smarter than us. Think again,, he does not have an education whatsoever, he lives off Brent Oesterblad running criminal enterprises.

Chuck was  adopted and did not grow up in a normal functional  environment. His adoptive  parents were physically abusive and he  was  sent  to a reform school at the age of  9 through 13.   He   learned  of  and  met  his  natural  father when  he   was   eighteen  and maintained  regular contact  with him and  his natural  sister before he was sentenced for the cable box crime. I see why he is so screwed up in the head and has a vendetta against felons because he was adopted for some odd ball reason, probably because his real parents left him and then he had the nerve to speak with his father after that? What the hell is wrong with this guy? Oh I am sure you all can answer that for yourselves. Now because  he  left  home  at  an  early  age,  he  did NOT graduate from high school, and has never  felt that he ha s needed a high school diploma . I see why he does not work a legitimate job, because all he knows is abuse, and fraud. The story on that past is really drawn out and boring, we will now show his other schemes.

Complaint To Recover Prepetition Payments To Ponzi Scheme
Investors. Amount of Demand: $41,000 [96-4601] F95-00897-474-
HAR Larry D. Compton vs. Charles Rodrick . NOS 454 Recover
Money/Property . [ Filing Fee $ 120 Receipt # 48791] With
attachments. [Mario,G.] (Entered: 12/18/1996

Then in 1997 he faced a Trademark infringement suit. The Alaska Ponzi Scheme was the big one and he may still owe on that judgment. s**t, he has NOT filed taxes in over seven years. What does that tell you?? He was ordered to pay over $45,000 in the Alaska ordeal.

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Just The Facts


The Truth Exposed

#4General Comment

Thu, May 07, 2015

David Michael Ellis Should Be Banned From The Aerospace Industry.

 UPDATE: We now have now uncovered solid  information from people with first hand information that worked under David M Ellis that support the claims that David Ellis did in fact knowingly approve faulty untested aerospace parts to Dillon and Goodrich Aerospace. David Ellis also is accused of committing  other frauds in regards to aerospace parts at American Aerospace Technical Castings  owned by Gunnar Gillberg.  The official complaint to the FAA and the known affected vendors as well as others involved will be released soon. Below are just a few quotes from emails coming in. For the sake of public safety we hope this will trigger an investigation into Major David M Ellis Gunnar Gillberg & American Aerospace Technical Castings and locate each and every part in question . Additionally the author of the ripoff report which Rodrick was blamed has now come forward. Stay Tuned.

 “Aside from Goodrich, I know Dillon parts had/have altered CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE. David Ellis as well as David Pacheco are very good with computers and a back door was created in the chemical testing program so certs can “fixed”. Also the made it so everyones cert stamp and signature can be added to a cert by anyone who is using the computer. If a audit for NADCAP ISO etc. Was to find this, It would cause AATC to get in a lot of trouble”


“He was suppose to remain separate from material testing but he ran the lab. He would strong arm David Pacheco who was the “manager” of material testing. If a part needed to ship ASAP he would force it through the processes so AATC would meet the ship dead lines. He would tell everyone to just push the parts through and sign off on un tested parts and say they were tested.”

“All Dillon parts have to have Chemical analysis. Pacheco edited the path for the OES programs results to be able to open in exel so the certs can be edited and electronic stamp and signature added”

“As for dates they were between April 2013 and October 2013. One customer for sure was Goodrich. Yes we are talking Aerospace parts. Also, back in 2007 I witnessed David photo shop the picture of the Tam panel used for Pen testing so we could pass NADCAP. In 2013 when I was working at AATC I was filing calibration papers and saw they were still using the same picture.”

On October 21 2013 The post below was posted on ripoff report about David M Ellis AKA Major David Ellis USMC approving faulty aircraft parts at American Aerospace Technical Castings ( )  in Phoenix Arizona and “MULTIPLE” sexual harassment’s. Rodrick was accused of authoring and posting this information and ultimately swayed the jury to award damages.

In an effort to set this record straight there is a 50,000 Reward available for this “ex employee” /Author of the post or anyone else with knowledge to come forward and cooperate with legal counsel, provide details and evidence to show Chuck Rodrick did not author such content and to support his/her claims about Major David Ellis,American Aerospace or it’s employees knowingly approved faulty untested aerospace parts or committing any other type of fraud. We are also interested in the sexual harassment claims for anyone that has first hand knowledge or is a victim of that claim as well. Use the contact form on the homepage.

The original location of this post is located here.

Sorarchives Victim


Brent Rodrick

#4Author of original report

Mon, October 21, 2013

Looks like Brent Oesterblad and Chuck Roderick are posting lies again.

Gordon E G

Great Falls,

Major David Ellis Involved In Child Molestation News Scandal

#4General Comment

Mon, October 21, 2013

Look at the source of this report. Exposed for who he really is. Liar among many other things,

“MAJOR” David Michael Ellis USMC (Retired) Caught Fabricating Lies To The Media.  Did MAJOR David M Ellis USMC (Retired) Lie To The Media To Hide The Truth?


====================================It is not surprising that Major David Michael Ellis, Retired Marine Corp Major and President of Interalpha Properties in Phoenix, Arizona, And quality manager for American Aerospace also located in Phoenix Arizona would take liberties with the truth when being interviewed for an article by an Arizona Republic investigative journalist (right after his deposition in which he is being sued in superior court). Major David Ellis has a long history of telling “stories”, just ask his 2 wives who became aware that their husband had engaged in extra-marital affairs during their marriage. We will discuss these circumstances in detail later in this piece.Major David Ellis makes the claim that “his name, business address and phone number were published on sex-offender websites, ….

Anyone searching the Internet for his name could find him listed there.” This information claimed to have appeared on SORArchives is a flagrant fabrication as it never occurred. Major David Ellis makes the claim, but apparently was not required by the journalist to provide any documentation or proof of his allegations. Apparently being an investigative journalist does not include basic due diligence to substantiate claims when researching a story (emphasis on “story”). He said it, thus by proxy validated as factual? SORArchives challenges the Arizona Republic to produce evidence of Mr. Ellis’s profile as claimed appearing at anytime in its database or web pages.According to the article, Major David Ellis also claims “Information posted on the sites accuses Ellis of aiding a child molester with a campaign to smear the websites’ operators.”

Once again, prior to this rebuttal, nothing has ever appeared on the web pages or database of SORArchives concerning Major David Ellis. However, it is true that Major David Ellis has aided and abetted convicted sex offenders in a campaign to smear an individual associated with the development of this website. In a civil litigation, it has been documented with supporting evidence that HUNDREDS of contacts were made, Mr. Ellis communicated with at least two convicted sex offenders and child molesters on an almost daily basis for months Examples of particular interest are Gordon Edward Grainger Jr., convicted of a sexual relationship with 15 year old girl, and Adam Galvez, convicted of child molestation of a 12 year old boy, who were also interviewed by the investigative journalist and were included in the expose.

Yet no mention is made in the article of these connections with Major David Ellis. A particular egregious communication involved an email whereby Major Ellis detailed information about a 17 year old to Mr. Grainger and Adam Galvez (again, a convicted child molester) by providing the address of the local high school where the boy could be located on a specific schedule. Besides being a convicted sex offender, Mr. Grainger was also charged and convicted of stealing a car and a GUN, and that during his trial it was testified that he had “offered to kill” the girl’s parents. Adam Galvez has been arrested 12 times, beside the child molestation there have been assault charges, 3 DUIs, impersonating a Police Officer and many more. What is the possible explanation for Mr. Ellis providing information concerning a minor to persons with the criminal histories of Mr. Grainger and Mr. Galvez?

That is the type of questions one would have expected an “investigative journalist” asking if the goal was a comprehensive expose’, as opposed to presenting conjecture packaged as “research”.Another false claim appearing in the article made by Major David Ellis was that SORArchives published an accusation that he had an extra-marital affair. No such post appeared anywhere on the pages of SORArchives. However it is ironic, recent court documents filed in a civil litigation is sworn testimony given by Mr. Ellis where he confesses to not only one extra-marital affair, but two. The deposition occurred PRIOR to the publishing of the article. Instead of pressing for the truth, the journalist chooses to allow Mr. Ellis to glibly refer to his relationship as “the truth is more complex”.

Although intentionally ambiguous, complex might be one way to describe having an affair with a married woman, hiring this mistress (with zero work experience) into the small office of just a few employees where he is the President of Interalpha Properties, he gets actively involved in the mistress’s divorce proceedings with the writing of letters to the Judge, he initiates contact and actively engages in supplying convicted sex offenders on an ongoing basis information to support the mistress’s efforts to attack her husband in the divorce proceedings,  he continues to post with online dating sites, and he refuses to fire the mistress when the his wife learns of the affair and the employment. All at the same time as he is duping his wife by claiming he is attempting a sincere reconciliation with her.

To top off the deceptions, Mr. Ellis’s attempt at reconciliation with his wife coincidentally coincided with a sizable legal settlement won by the wife one month prior. Complex certainly, but most people would call such conduct deceitful and unscrupulous.  Somehow a professional “investigative journalist” was not able to uncover such relevant background material about a key source to an article that was so called “researched” for 8 months (imagine that). You would think a journalist would have, at the minimum, TRIED to contact the wife of Mr. Ellis to confirm some of his “story”. Alas, it would seem the old standards of professionalism practiced by newspapers have given way to the unsubstantiated prattle found in the online blog world, like that of Mr. Ellis’s friends and confidants Gordon Grainger and Adam Galvez whining that the public does not have the RIGHT TO KNOW about convictions of child molesters and child rapist.

Finally, “Ellis said  the accusations did tremendous personal damage, ending any chance he had of reconciliation with his own wife. She filed for divorce instead.” It is not unreasonable to assert Mr. Ellis’s own shameful conduct may have been a rather significant detriment to a meaningful reconciliation with his wife. IF there ever was a sincere attempt for reconciliation as opposed to just a money grab for the recent legal settlement monies. It is also worthy of note that the wife did NOT file “for divorce instead.”

Had the “investigative journalist” simply checked the public records of Pima County he would have found that the wife had in fact filed for divorce in October of 2012, months before all of this began.  The attempted “reconciliation” began in December of 2012 and the official withdrawal of the divorce proceedings was filed by Mr. Ellis in January 2013. The article was published in May , 2013. Although it would not be unexpected for Mrs. Ellis to resubmit for divorce when considering the “complex” nature of the marital relationship with Mr. Ellis, as of this date a new divorce filing has not occurred. Apparently even the simplest of facts are no longer confirmed by an “investigative journalist.”

As a form of retaliation to a civil lawsuit filed by private parties (Not SORArchives) against Major David Ellis, he utilized major news outlets (Arizona Republic and Phoenix Channel 12 News) to spin a “STORY” with the intent to discredit and attack That he was violating a Court Order not to discuss HIS case with the media did not dissuade his efforts. Making false claims and not providing ANY evidence to support his ridiculous allegations inexplicably was not challenged by the interviewer or the editors in charge of the “STORY”. Prior to the posting of this rebuttal, Major David Ellis never appeared on the website.

SORArchives challenges Major David Ellis to refute any aspect of our rebuttal with documentation of proof where he his name, photos, address, phone number or a profile listing him as a sex offender EVER appearing on the website. Such documentation will never be produced as it NEVER occurred. Exposing the false claims of Major David Ellis for the lies they are is the justified and legal right afforded SORArchives when dealing with a malcontent with an agenda of revenge, misrepresentation and deceit.

Major David Ellis, as a retired Marine Corp Officer, discredits the fine men and women who represent the US Armed Services with honor and honesty by being an embarrassment to his former profession with his propensity to lying and being an adulterer (an activity he engaged in while still in active duty). Original Article Source:

“Investigative Reporter” Robert Anglen Arizona Republic


Major David Ellis, USMC (ret)

President; Interalfa, Inc.

Phoenix, Arizona Area
Aviation & Aerospace

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Major David Ellis, USMC (ret)'s Overview

  • President, Interalfa, Inc. ; General Manager, Alfaville, LLC at Interalfa, Inc.
  • Lake Forest College
  • Nashua Senior High

1 person has recommended Major David


199 connections


Major David Ellis, USMC (ret)'s Summary

* Successful Marine Corps career managing equipment and personnel.
* Expert in the installation, operation, repair, preventive maintenance, and modification of radio, radar, computer, cryptographic, navigation, and satellite equipment.
* Quality assurance inspector of equipment/systems.
* Planned maintenance schedules and estimated repair requirements and costs.
* Supervised, trained, and qualified personnel to become certified electronic technicians.
* Manager of Integrated Logistics applications for a large organization.
* Secret Security Clearance (exp).

Major David Ellis, USMC (ret)'s Experience

President, Interalfa, Inc. ; General Manager, Alfaville, LLC

Interalfa, Inc.


March 2009Present (4 years 8 months)

Realestate Holdings: Commercial Office; Medical Office

Quality Manager

American Aerospace Technical Castings, Inc.


January 2006March 2009 (3 years 3 months)

Major (Retired)

U.S. Marine Corps

Government Agency; 10,001+ employees; Military industry

19792005 (26 years)


United States Marine Corps

Government Agency; 10,001+ employees; Military industry

May 1978November 2005 (27 years 7 months)

Senior Drill Instructor

US Marine Corps

Government Agency; 10,001+ employees; Military industry

January 1986July 1989 (3 years 7 months) The Thundering 3rd BN, Parris Island, SC

3rd Herd, India Co.


US Marine Corps

Government Agency; 10,001+ employees; Military industry

May 1981June 1983 (2 years 2 months) 1st MCD

Sergeant, US Marine Corps RS Manchester, NH

Major David Ellis, USMC (ret)'s Skills & Expertise

  1. Command
  2. Operational Planning
  3. Security Clearance
  4. Military
  5. Military Operations
  6. DoD
  7. Weapons
  8. Military Experience
  9. Defense
  10. Military Training
  11. Military Logistics
  12. Security+
  13. National Security

Major David Ellis, USMC (ret)'s Education

Lake Forest College



Nashua Senior High


Major David Ellis, USMC (ret)'s Additional Information

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