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  • Report:  #919816

Complaint Review: Charles Lincoln Mortgage

Charles Lincoln Mortgage Charles Lincoln III Charles Lincoln Mortgage Internet, Florida

  • Reported By:
    anotherlincolnvictim — Miami Florida United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, July 30, 2012
  • Updated:
    Sun, October 14, 2012

I feel I must also add my story about Charles Lincoln. I found him online and he held himself out as an expert in foreclosure defense, and the whole time talked about how bad the banks where but he could save my house. God I wish I would have looked this guy up or did some research, I was just so desperate to save my home. His up front fee was $2500.00 and once I paid it he disappeared...he just stopped answering my calls, after I called over and over he claimed I owed him an additional 7500 and said he would sue me if I kept harassing him!

I later found out he was a convicted felon and has been disbarred in 3 states. God please don't make the same mistake I did, for god stakes his Wikipedia page talks about all his scams! Please google Charles Lincoln Rip Off, Charles Lincoln Fraud, Charles Lincoln Scam, there are many many stories. His partner is Peyton Freeman do not trust either of these clowns they WILL NOT save your house they will just scam you and bled you for money!

22 Updates & Rebuttals

Charles Edward Lincoln III


Sanctions? You mean for my crusade to change Family Law in Texas?

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, October 14, 2012

Yes, I suppose I was overly ambitious in trying to have the Texas Family Code declared unconstitutional in both State and Federal Courts, and to abolish Judicial Immunity on grounds that it is totally unconstitutional, because it is.  I regard the sanctions issued against me by Texas District Judge James F. Clawson in the 395th Judicial District of Williamson County, when I was represented by Attorneys Francis Wayne Williams-Montenegro and Valorie Wells Davenport, and by U.S. District Judge Walter S. Smith of Branch Davidian infamy in Waco, to be the brightest of the red badges of courage I wear......

For the Record, Judge Walter S. Smith imposed $150,000.00 on me based on ridiculous hearsay allegations in a case wherein I was never a party or a witness and to hearings in which I was never even invited.....all because I had supported a friend, Daniel Louis Simon, of Liberty Hill, Texas.

PS: This is the second time you (Orly, Yosi---who never met Peyton) or whoever, you have complained about Peyton needing a bath.  You must be writing about a different Peyton from the one I know.  But WHOEVER you are, please SHUT UP and crawl into a hole and just disappear from the internet---you are now repeating yourself and this is really getting BORING!

Charlie Lies

United States of America

Great explanations!

#23Consumer Comment

Sat, October 13, 2012

How about the hundreds of thousands in sanctions you racked up?

Lincoln was kind enough to post a picture of his scam partner Peyton Freiman, when Peyton shows up he will need 2 things a bath and your money! If you put your money in a pile and burn it you will get light and some warmth with is more than you will get from Lincoln and Freiman! Once the money stops get ready to be sued!!

Charles Edward Lincoln III


Go suck a Lemon, Orly! ,or whoever

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, October 13, 2012

(1)  Even if it's true that most people don't write their own affidavits or declarations, which I'm not at all sure about, especially in initial reports to the police, it's true that, to be real, a complaint has to be both signed and understood by the person who wrote it---Marcelina's complaint against me, as described above, was NEVER signed nor any indication that she gave a statement in Spanish.

(2)  The Admissions Committee of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas never allowed me (or my attorneys John F. Campbell and Mark Clemens) even to SEE Marcelina Alvarado testify, or provide any actual transcript of her "testimony, "much less allow me the right to cross-examine her---NO---they kept Marcelina and her husband Timoteo in separate rooms to make absolutely sure that they didn't say anything on the record---except for the Judge-appointed committee's summary of what they claimed she said.

(3)  Once I saw her from a distance going into one of the admissions committee hearings and Marcelina seemed to look sadly at me and mouth the words "perdoname Mr. Lincoln" (forgive me, Mr. Lincoln).

(4)  The one time anyone of them ever appeared in Court, MUCH later, Marcelina said nothing and Timoteo said only that he thought Marcelina's story was true---but he had no personal knowlege of anything.

(5)  the Plea I took on the advice of Edwin G. ("Gerry") Morris---a hero of the Waco Branch Davidian Defense among many others---was for a "strict liability" offense, and Gerry's advice, and my wife Elena's advice, was that they wanted me out of the Bar, and so long as I resigned and accepted the stain of a felony, nothing else would happen to me.  

More or less this was true.  For all the secret "audiencias" and hearings that took place about Marcelina Alvarado, I didn't plead guilty to ANYTHING even remotely relating to her allegations (four counts in the December 7 1999 indictment) about counterfeiting and bank fraud---any of which would have had me locked up for years---and Gerry assured me that if I had gone to trial on any of those counts, he would have obtained a Rule 29 Judgment of Acquittal---before anything would have gone to the jury.  

But, at least as the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals (of which Texas is a part) had then construed 42 USC 408(a)(7)(B) at that time, the Social Security count had no defense (required not even a scintilla of proof of intent or motive or gain) and Gerry said, and I remember his words I think pretty exactly, "they will do everything they can to poison the jury about you, and so, even if only that one count goes to the jury, even without the original document (which had been lost at Wells Fargo---ONLY fairly bad copies existed)---they COULD find you guilty and give you the maximum penalty on that one count".  

So I am not sure whether it is even right to say I plead guilty to a "crime"---because I neither admitted to nor was any "mens rea" proved.  So this is a warning, my friends and fellow Americans: believe it or not, misstating your social security number unintentionally and/or FOR NO REASON AT ALL is still a Felony in the US.  They do not have to proof that you either gained anything to which you were not entitled nor AVOIDED any debt you owed because ALL THE OTHER INFORMATION WAS COMPLETELY ACCURATE!).  

So the simple truth is: I do not need Mercy---the people of the United States need the "Mercy" of genuine legal reform---by the abolition of judicial immunity, prosecutorial immunity, and secret trials and secret agreements fixed without juries or public oversight or insight of any kind.  

The illegitimate-state-sponsored monopolies created by the licensure of attorneys and the resultant Judge-Appointed and Approved State Bar Associations create something like absolute power for judges and those attorneys who collaborate closely with them---but I never joined that club and they hated me.  In this modern context of monopoly, the Judges are Corrupt, the Prosecutors are Corrupt---they saw my civil rights litigation and my refusal to join any of the GOOD OLD BOYS clubs in Austin and Central Texas law as a totally viable threat to the status quo.  

They saw me as a person who would upset the whole system by arguing against Police Departments, Qualified Immunity, and for the extension of the Civil Rights Laws to all people, even to Middle Class White People for whom those laws were clearly NOT designed.  

But the irony is that back in 1997, I thought and considered NOTHING except that I was doing the right thing---I never imagined that filing suit against Police Brutality and abuse in my little soft-living Lakeside Community of Lago Vista, surrounded by golf courses, Lake Travis, and the Balcones National Wildlife Refuge would cause such a ruckus in the news or such a severe rupture in my life.  

But ever since then, I have dedicated my life to reform---that was the real result of my indictment---they took a very socially mild conformist conservative and turned him into a radical agains the system---they forced me to see a lot of things I never dreamt I would see, that I never wanted to see, but that, now having seen them, I can never again ignore.  

So in my life after my social and professional death at the hands of Judges Nowlin and Sparks, these are my mottos: "IN GOD I TRUST," "SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS" and "DEO VINDICE."  

What exactly are YOUR mottos, Orly, or whoever keeps writing these stupid little Ripoff Reports?

Chales Licoln Lies!

United States of America

More lies and 1/2 truths...

#23Consumer Comment

Sat, October 13, 2012

AN INDICTMENT IS NOT A CONVICTION and I have never been convicted of FORGERY or BANK FRAUD or anything like that.

Yes you took a plea rather than face your crimes!

The reason why Marcelina Alvarado's affidavit was in perfect English is that most people DO NOT write there own affidavits they tell there story and a lawyer or legal assistant writes it and they sign it. Even you where not this incompetent as a lawyer, rather than be a man and admit your crimes this is a pathetic attempt to manufacture a "conspiracy" against you.

You get no mercy Mr Lincoln, everyone will know of your scams, you are merciless with your victims, you lie and steal until there is nothing left, or you have been exposed, then you file suite or lean their house! You are a disgusting human being inside and out!

Charles Edward Lincoln III



#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, October 06, 2012

I really hate going to go back into the history of how I sued the City of Lago Vista, Texas,  seven times for having a corrupt and abusive police department which employed psychopaths like Bart Turek on the street and Psychopathic commanders like Frank Miller to run the police department.  

It's one of the more painful things I have to do to remind everyone of how my beloved hometown of Lago Vista Lago Vista turned against me.  Police Chief Frank Miller and Lieutenant Reyes threatened my Housekeeper Marcelina Alvarado (who spoke very little or no English, and wrote even less).  Lieutenant Reyes, who spoke Spanish, then prepared a beautifully typed English complaint against me WHICH MARCELINA NEVER SIGNED---and that was how the City of Lago Vista Police Department decided to get rid of my seven suits....  It was a horrible time for me and my family.  It was a BLIGHT on the honor of the United States District Courts that Sam Sparks and James R. Nowlin Dishonored the entire American Judiciary by persecuting ME for standing up against Police Abuse---

Oh it was so horrible, in the little bedroom, golf-course, and lake party boat community of Lago Vista---ALL of my clients who had been abused were decent middle class white people---not a minority or truly economically disadvantaged person among them, and so to call THIS collection of people a series of victims of police brutality was just---well, unAmerican---it threatened the whole notion that Civil Rights were all about one race fighting another and dividing society.  In MY crusade against Lago Vista Police Office Bart Turek and Police Chief Frank Miller it was the honest and ordinary people of America against an oppressive government abusing its power.  It was a nightmare.....

The Judges of the Western District of Texas saw me as a threat to the status quo and the advance of the Police State in America.  The violated EVERY single precept of the Bill of Rights (except the Third Amendment, I guess--no troops were ever quartered in my home....that I know of....) in indicting me and prosecuting me and taking away my license---but let me tell you---AN INDICTMENT IS NOT A CONVICTION and I have never been convicted of FORGERY or BANK FRAUD or anything like that.... 

So ORLY, YOSI, or whoever you are out there attacking me----GET A LIFE YOU ANAL ORIFICE! CRAWL BACK INTO YOUR HOLES AND LEAVE ME ALONE.  I loved Marcelina Alvarado and I would never have hurt her---ad I certainly never retaliated against her or did anything to her once she was coopted and cooerced and bludgeoned into being a police tool against me.  She was a great housekeeper and I'm sorry that she lived in the little trailer-park ghetto for Mexican housemaids and gardeners that Lago Vista kept around Coyote Trail by Bar-K RIGHT NEXT TO THE LAGO VISTA POLICE OFFICE---they were all sitting ducks for oppression there---it was a disgraceful thing.

I look back on what Lieutenant Reyes and Police Chief Miller created and how they attacked me 15 years ago---it was amazing.  It was a nightmare in my home state of Texas---but they never proved I did anything wrong---they never suggested any reason I needed to.  As my wife Elena said, "they just want you out of the Bar so that you'll stop causing them SOOOO much trouble---if you walk away quietly, they'll leave you alone."  It was the walking away quietly that I couldn't stand, and I never will.

DEO VINDICE!  May God Vindicate Me and My Cause..... as he has done the cause of my ancestors who fought under the same motto.....

Sorry Charlie

United States of America

More Forgery from Charles Lincoln

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, October 05, 2012

Attached is part of Lincoln's original indictment, he forged Orly Taitz signature to aid in his foreclosure scams...and need I remind you that his partner Lisa Liberi...was CONVICTED on 10 felony counts of forgery!!!!

Lisa Liberi was convicted in 2008 in CA of 10 felony counts of forgery of an official seal, attempt to file forged documents and grand theft. Lisa Liberi, aka Lisa Richardson, 42, New Mexico, was sentenced in connection with felony charges involving identity theft and forged documents. Liberi appeared in San Bernardino County, Rancho Cucamonga, Superior Court, on March 21, 2008. She was sentenced to a state prison term of 8 years, imposed but stayed, and placed on supervised probation for 3 years as part of a plea agreement. Liberi was sentenced on ten felony counts ranging from Grand Theft, Forgery, and Filing False Documents.From 2000 to 2004, Liberi engaged in a complex fraud involving falsification of police reports, manipulation of credit bureau reports, loan fraud, and counterfeiting of court documents resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses to banks and credit unions. In 2002, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department personnel arrested Liberi on theft by false pretense charges. In July 2004, Investigators from
the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Real Estate Fraud Unit  arrested Liberi at the Ontario International Airport for additional felony charges while she was out on bail.

Lincoln has had 3 cases involving forgery...not as much as Lisa Liberi...but you can hire him and give him the opportunity to catch up!

Sorry Charlie

United States of America

Lincoln may have actually told the truth...

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, September 25, 2012

Lincoln for the most part does not sue his former clients/victims, he has a straw man do it...

The judge in one of Lincolns cases added this to his order...
"Smith ordered that any lawsuits either filed or removed to any federal
court in the Western District of Texas were "hereby dismissed with
prejudice," and that Simon and Lincoln were prohibited from filing any
further suits or pleadings in any federal court in Texas until the
sanctions had been paid or get special permission from a federal judge."

Orly NEVER promised to help to help in his mortgage scams, he did how ever forge her signature...he has a history of forgery...


Charles Lincoln Andrea Atalay will find this...


Now comes ANDREA S. ATALAY and requests that this Court remove any reference to her as Attorney of Record for Defendant Charles Lincoln. Ms. Atalay knew nothing until today of her supposed involvement in the
above captioned matter. Any submitted papers, motions, or letters which show my 'signature' WERE NOT signed by me or with my permission.

Further, Ms. Atalay represents to the Court that this is not the first time that Defendant Lincoln has submitted papers to a court attempting to use her license, to what end Ms. Atalay is unsure. Ms. Atalay has to write similar motions to Courts in Williamson County and has already submitted such a motion to the Galveston Division of the Southern District of Texas federal court.

It is true that Mr. Lincoln has worked for Ms. Atalay on occasion as a legal assistant. It is also true that Ms. Atalay had a signature stamp made (as do most attorneys) and that Mr. Lincoln had access to that stamp. However, it is also true that Mr. Lincoln was told he could never use the stamp absent Ms. Atalay's express permission. That permission
was never given or even sought in the case at bar. Mr. Lincoln represented to Ms. Atalay that the stamp had been lost months ago. It is now obvious that Mr. Lincoln either lied about the stamp or he has found another method to duplicate her signature.

His scams are really fascinating...

Charles Edward Lincoln III

United States of America

Hello Orly! Hello Yosi!

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, September 24, 2012

I take the comment that this is NOT "a Flying Monkey" to mean that this must be Orly or Yosi Taitz in person.   So HELLO over there.  Hope you're having fun.  Just for the record I must reemphasize that I have not sued any consultation client in relation to anything.   I have thought about such things but never done it.  Orly and Yosi Taitz were NOT clients of my real estate consultation business.  Orly in fact had promised to be my attorney in that business which she and I planned on taking nationwide but Yosi got in the way---is that a picture of Yosi you've attached Orly?  How nice and thoughtful.  
The Ripoff report claims that it is supporting Consumer's Freedom of Speech----Freedom of Speech is clearly the right to say really stupid things, and so, HURRAY for the Ripoff Report Protecting Orly's well-exercised right continually to exceed herself saying on thing stupider than the other.  
I am desperately loyal to my clients---year after year.  And for the most part they are loyal to me, with a few exceptions, notably:
While I have never sued any consultation client, I DID put a lien on Shelley Sue Thomson's property and I think that my former friend Jon Drew Roland just "drew" himself into a little black hole by defending her while pretending to be a real Patriot.  He's no Christian and he believes in aliens more than angels, but he understands neither cultural nor biological evolution nor comparative mythology.  Shelley Sue Thomson is the ONLY former client on whose property I ever imposed and she weaseled out of it.  I SHOULD have sued her but I let time go by... probably time barred by now.  But the story is SO worth telling and retelling even to the point of redundancy:

Sorry Charlie

United States of America

This actually made me laugh!

#23Consumer Comment

Sun, September 23, 2012

" I wish Philip J. Berg, Lisa Liberi, & Company were really part of a Lincoln Team"

Go look up Lisa Liberi, her criminal record is even longer than Linclon's if you can believe that!!

Also watch out Lincolns scam partner Peyton Yates Freiman...he will show up needing a bath and your money!!! God help you if you give then soon as it stops they will lien your house AND sue you!!!!

BTW this is not any "Flying Monkey", Lincoln also feels it necessary call people names and degrade people so he can drag them down to his level...if you read any of this and give Lincoln a penny...I feel sorry for you!

Charles Edward Lincoln III

United States of America

Well, luckily, that's NOT my real SSN number...

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, September 03, 2012

I think it's actually a crime in California and possibly federally to publish someone's social security number---but whatever under that number is NOT my credit profile....kind of hilarious, actually, except that it's so damned stupid and malicious...  I wish Philip J. Berg, Lisa Liberi, & Company were really part of a Lincoln Team---we tried and failed to put that team together last year to fight against the evils of the Orly & Yosef Taitz conglomerate....  Whoever is publishing this non-sense is slowly but surely making it worth my while to find out and file suit....  I'm very sorry that Orly and Yosef have nothing better to do than to attack me after all this time...I would think they (and their sycophants) would be happy to let me forget that whole miserable episode where I fell in love with an allegedly married puppet-jester (that's Orly Taitz) for an international conspiracy---that's what Orly and Yosef Taitz appear to me to belong to---

We need to get to the bottom of all this---find out the culprits and make them PAY!

Charles Edward Lincoln III

United States of America


#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, September 03, 2012

Please note---this particular cowardly Flying Monkey for Orly and Yosef Taitz is accusing me of a crime---I have been falsely accused of crimes before, but the fact that I have never spent a single day in jail resulting from any conviction for anything ought to give you an idea about just how shallow the charges were---here Orly and/or her agents are accusing me of embezzling trust-funds.  That's a fairly serious charge.  I DEMAND that the person making this charge come forward and identify him/herself---File a Complaint under Oath---Identify the clients and people you suggest I have embezzled from.  I DARE YOU TO PUT THIS IN SOME FORUM MORE CREDIBLE THAN AN ANONYMOUS RIPOFF REPORT.  There is no truth to these charges, any more than it is accurate to call Philip J. Berg, Lisa Liberi, and their allies "The Lincoln Team"---I kind of wish that we HAD been able to put together a team, but Judge Andrew Guilford made that impossible a year and a half ago.  When Orly tried to maliciously prosecute me in Florida for "forging" her name on a Motion for Continuance, it didn't go very far.  If you have any evidence that I have embezzled any trust funds, please identify the trust, the client, and the amount you (or anyone) claims I embezzled.  I repeat---this is the most miserable, cowardly snake oil type of defamation---I think the Rip-Off Report is just sponsoring extortion attempts by allowing such anonymous defamation of character.... And once again, the person making this report is OBVIOUSLY NOT a client---obviously NOT anyone I have ever offered any services of any kind.  SHOW YOURSELF, SCOUNDREL, SIGN YOUR NAME, OR CALL ME AT 512-968-2666!  YOU, MY DEAR SIR OR MADAM, ARE THE REAL FRAUD.  You will not harm me in the least, but honor requires that I respond to such accusations, and my response is this: IDENTIFY YOURSELF AND CONFESS YOUR LIES!

Chuck is a lier

United States of America

I know of Charles Lincoln and his scams!

#23Consumer Comment

Mon, September 03, 2012

Charles Lincoln also preys on women that are going through hard times in their lives.... Charles has threatened to evict one woman and her children himself because the woman refused to have sex with him. Charles has made the same threats when they refuse to let him control their lives and drive their cars around when he is in town. Charles liked to keep them down and out so that he can use them in much the way a slave would be used.

I also called Mr Lincoln out for dipping into the "trusts" which some of his clients deposit mortgage payments into instead of making those payments to the bank. The theory is that these clients will have their money safe instead of paying it to the banks which if in the future they go under will not be able to return money to them even if a judge order the banks to return the money. The problem with these "trusts" (and also any payments made to Charles Lincoln by clients for his work) is that Charles has absolutely no understanding of balancing a budget nor does his Mortgage Redemption business have any "structure" to it. Long story short, Charles blows the money as soon as he receives it.

Charles is addicted to a luxury way of life and has NO PROBLEM with scamming innocent individuals out of their life savings in order to suffice his love of food, hotels and other luxuries of life. Charles has compared his love of food as surrogate for sex. Charles takes big upfront payments and then pretty much forgets about the clients.

Charles Edward Lincoln III

United States of America

Such Complete Rubbish/Tosh/Balderdash

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, August 20, 2012

Denise Dupont of Billings, Montana wrote:
Last summer, a friend said she knew an attorney that could help with an inheritance case I was going to file.
I never tell anyone that I am that I am a licensed attorney and in fact I tell everyone that I think the whole licensing/monopoly process is a complete sham---the greatest scam of all is when the state pretends it is protecting the public by enhancing its own control over all processes by restricting the ability of the individual to act on his or her own...

  So I called Charles, not really knowing who he is. And he said in the first 4 minutes on the phone he wanted $5K as a retainer. Then it got creepy he said he needed to come live with me (right away) while he worked on the case. I had never meet him etc. An attorney doesnt need to live with you to prepare a case.

THIS IS THE BALDERDASH PART: Denise Dupont presented an absolutely incredibly complex probate scheme to me way past all "normal" statutes of limitations and deadlines to set aside anything.  Oddly enough, I have had some luck using RICO to set aside bad probate situations in the past (i.e. for example with Shelley Sue Thomson, the only person against whom I ever filed a lien when she didn't wish to pay me for a simply incredible success story).  I told Denise Dupont that I would have to spend full-time reviewing her ridiculously extensive story and that my charge for reviewing that story was going to be $5,000.00 and that it would be easier if I came to her rather than her coming to me or sending what sounded like 20-30 boxes of evidence by FedEx or something---I ALWAYS go on site to do my work, whenever I can---if licensed Attorneys don't have to do that it is because they are not doing a thorough job investigating the facts---it is in my opinion absolutely essential to go on-site to collect the data and review it in person---interview witnesses and develop a deep understanding, ESPECIALLY in a probate situation involving long-family histories and relationships.  My background in "real academic research" in history, anthropology, and archaeology influences me considerably in this regard---no real investigator into the facts can ever rely merely on the internet or third-hand "hearsay"---and nobody who ever wants to win a case would ever NOT inspect the evidence and interview the witnesses in person before preparing such a case...sorry Denise---but you show yourself just to be, in Auntie Mame's words "a beastly babbiitty bourgeois bore" who understands little or nothing of how the world in general, much less the corrupt court system in particular, actually works....

He cant charge a retainer, he isnt a attorney.

Whatever the "Brave New World" types may think---freedom of contract, freedom to contract, still exists in the United States of America and I can and do charge retainers because, whenever I don't, without fail, as with Jon Drew Roland and Shelley Sue Thomson, I don't get paid, I get screwed, and I get sick of that.

I pointed that out and it changed to a research fee. After I  did some research on his credentials and found out what a fraud he was....
Aside from calling Tulane, Harvard, and Chicago to check whether I actually graduated or not, the easiest way to "check my credentials" is to read my blog, which covers absolutely everything that was ever done to me by anyone.
I talked to my friend who recommended him and she said she was a real attorney and could get his license if he paid a fine. She got serious  mad at me for telling her the truth about Charles. He has got her wrapped up in his smoothness.
And quite honestly I got mad at our mutual friend Melinda for creating any confusion by not making it clear that I reject the whole licensing and monopoly regime....I never pretend to be anything I am not---I have often thought of having cards printed up that I am an "Attorney-Out-Law" instead of an "Attorney-at-Law"---it is much more accurate even than saying I am a consultant....although I do offer reasonably good consultant services....

 I almost went to the state attorney and bar associations in my state and California and to file a complaint, but didnt.
Well, Denise, I wish you had gone the the Commission on the Unauthorized Practice of Law in Montana, especially since my friend Jerry O'Neil got it abolished....and as far as California---"let them come"---I am just looking for the right moment to challenge the State Monopoly on freedom of speech in this, most over-regulated and freedom-suppressing state in the Union.... in which I prefer to live precisely because it has the worst laws in the Union, California does, and hence presents the greatest challenges to a truly reform-minded person....

The Lincoln Lier

United States of America

These reports are absolutely acurate!

#23Consumer Comment

Mon, August 20, 2012

Last summer, a friend said she knew an attorney that could help with an inheritance case I was going to file. So I called Charles, not really knowing who he is. And he said in the first 4 minutes on the phone he wanted $5K as a retainer. Then it got creepy he said he needed to come live with me (right away) while he worked on the case. I had never meet him etc. An attorney doesnt need to live with you to prepare a case. He cant charge a retainer, he isnt a attorney. I pointed that out and it changed to a research fee. After I  did some research on his credentials and found out what a fraud he was..
I talked to my friend who recommended him and she said she was a real attorney and could get his license if he paid a fine. She got serious  mad at me for telling her the truth about Charles. He has got her wrapped up in his smoothness.
I almost went to the state attorney and bar associations in my state and California and to file a complaint, but didnt.

The Lincoln Lier

United States of America

The Lincoln team!

#23Consumer Comment

Thu, August 16, 2012

Philip J. Berg
(copied directly from his Wikipedia page)
Malpractice and ethics violations
Berg was sued for legal malpractice by former clients on whose behalf Berg had neglected to file a response to a complaint in an ERISA lawsuit, resulting in a default judgment being entered against the former clients. Berg responded by bringing into the malpractice suit the plaintiffs in the ERISA action on a claim of fraud upon the court.
The ERISA plaintiffs moved for summary judgmentwhich was granted after Berg failed to respond to the motionand then moved for sanctions against Berg. Berg again failed to file a response.

 On June 2, 2005, U.S. District Judge J. Curtis Joyner granted the motion for sanctions, finding that the fraud claim was "was inadequately pled, not grounded in fact, time-barred, and utterly irrelevant to the pending malpractice action against him." Observing that an attorney's signature on a complaint constitutes, among other things, a certification that the signer has conducted a reasonable inquiry into the grounds for the claim asserted, the court further found
that "even the most limited investigation would have revealed that [Berg] had no standing to raise such a claim." The court also found that Berg's claim was motivated by a "desire to harass" and "delay litigation." The court fined Berg $10,000 and ordered him to attend six hours of ethics training.[4][5]

Lisa Liberi
Lisa Liberi was convicted in 2008 in CA of 10 felony counts of forgery of an official seal, attempt to file forged documents and grand theft. Lisa Liberi, aka Lisa Richardson, 42, New Mexico, was sentenced in connection with felony charges involving identity theft and forged documents. Liberi appeared in San Bernardino County, Rancho Cucamonga, Superior Court, on March 21, 2008. She was sentenced to a state prison term of 8 years, imposed but stayed, and placed on supervised probation for 3 years as part of a plea agreement. Liberi was sentenced on ten felony counts ranging from Grand Theft, Forgery, and Filing False Documents.From 2000 to 2004, Liberi engaged in a complex fraud involving falsification of police reports, manipulation of credit bureau reports, loan fraud, and counterfeiting of court documents resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses to banks and credit unions. In 2002, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department personnel arrested Liberi on theft by false pretense charges. In July 2004, Investigators from
the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Real Estate Fraud Unit  arrested Liberi at the Ontario International Airport for additional felony charges while she was out on bail.

Charles Lincoln
CALIFORNIA Decision, Including Disbarment Recommendation, of the California State Bar Court

California State Bar Status Report on Charles Edward Lincoln III FLORIDA The Florida Bar v. Charles Lincoln, Florida Supreme Court Docket SC02-1538 The Florida Bar v Charles Lincoln, SC-02-1538, Report of Referee 06-10-2003 Florida Disbarment Proceeding, INITIAL BRIEF of Respondent Lincoln Florida Disbarment Proceeding, ANSWER BRIEF by the Florida Bar The Florida Supreme Court DISBARMENT ORDER TEXAS Five-count Felony Indictment in case of Charles Edward Lincoln III Texas Bar Journal excerpt re Charles Edward Lincoln III resignation CITED Beltran-Tirado v. INS , 213 F.3d 1179, 1183 (9th Cir. 2000) Quintero-Salazar v. Keisler , 506 F.3d 688 (9th Cir. 2007)

On top of all this he has 100s of thousands of sanctions against him AND is a felon...if you ask Lincoln about his felony conviction he will answer is this from his web site.
"My felony was the misstatement of two digits in my social security
number in an application for a non-interest-bearing checking account"

Here is the truth
This is a publicly available court document, available on-line directly from the Florida Supreme Court, at the link shown.
Anyone can verify that I have provided the numbers as they appear on two court documents.
Respondent hand wrote 484-17-0047, while his correct number is 467-17-0027.

Don't you want this team on your side?
Don't they look like they have your best interest at heart?
Do not trust this gang of criminals!
Talk to a real lawyer a local bankruptcy attorney may be able to save your house!
Do not let Lincoln and his band of thieves put you in a worse position!

This is Charles Lincolns REAL Social  Security number!

Pull his credit report I dare you!

Charles Edward Lincoln III

United States of America

Who but a BUM has time for this---This is my last word here...

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, August 13, 2012

The person who has written this is OBVIOUSLY either Orly Taitz or Yosef ("Yosi") Taitz or one of their associates.  This has NOTHING whatsoever to do with my mortgage consulting business.  I have worked with some of the same clients for 4-5 years now and some of my cases are ten years old.  If I gave up the case against Orly last year it was because a certain Judge Andrew Guilford made it impossible for me to be represented by the only lawyer who would take the case....  and I did not have the time to prosecute that case on my own.  Orly has now apparently ruined that lawyer's (Philip J. Berg's) life because HE didn't give up.  ORLY is a "force of nature" on the same level as an earthquake or a Tsunami or a Tornado---very destructive, and predictable only in her regular destructiveness.  But this has NOTHING to do with the mortgage business. 

Orly and her husband Yosi have spent well over $100,000 in legal fees fighting me, Philip J. Berg, Lisa Liberi, and Lisa Ostella.  Of those individuals, I cared about Orly on both personal and professional levels (until she betrayed me) and Lisa Ostella worked and supported her professionally and financially (until she betrayed Lisa---and injured her in many ways more spectacularly than me).  Plus, especially if I can trace all this rubbish here back to Orly, or if it were written by Orly herself, which I suspect it might be, then the whole statute of limitations on Slander and Defamation, tortious interference with prospective business relations and unfair competition/deceptive trade practices, against Orly has just started ALL OVER AGAIN THIS SUMMER.  There are several statutes of limitations which were not lost (fraud and breach of written contract) when I accepted Judge Guilford's offer for a dismissal WITHOUT prejudice, NOT on the merits last year---hardly a sign of a frivolous lawsuit---AFTER he refused to acknowledge Philip J. Berg as my attorney. 

Orly Taitz has done SO MUCH DAMAGE to this country, to the integrity of the legal system, and to the cause of constitutional conservatism in particular, that there is quite simply nothing one can say that's good about her, except some of the things I may have said about her in moments of passion with regard to her non-professional services....  The person writing this is PROBABLY ORLY or one of her Flying Monkeys---I doubt that such a person will say anything more of any substance---or have the guts to come forward to identify him or herself---but the Ripoff Report cheapens itself by publishing such complete tripe! 

I am a man of honor and I will fight for my honor against all attackers.....but attacks by Flying Monkeys are only worthy of resistance when they actually show themselves in the daylight and start stealing or trying to kill your dogs (as Orly is alleged to have done to Lisa Ostella).. Orly and Yosi are bad people.  They are injurious even to those who support them....


United States of America

Lincoln gives up.

#23Consumer Comment

Mon, August 13, 2012

Charles Lincoln is a con artist. He's a bum, nothing more. He moved in on Dr. Taitz in order to use her, with or without her knowledge, to assist his mortgage scams. When she did not willingly support him, he forged her signature to make it look like she was representing his clients. He has done this before with other female lawyers.

And when she had enough of him, he made up the crap about their affair.

Look up Charles Lincoln motion to dismiss DAYLIGHT-CHEMICAL.

This is an example of Lincoln giving up. You see Lincoln sued Taitz's HUSBANDS company, and filed motion after motion to run up the defense costs. He also forged documents (which was part of his original federal indictment).

Rather that go in front of a judge with another frivolous suite, and face another forgery charge Lincoln GAVE UP! So
there you go Mr "I NEVER GIVE UP".

You see Lincoln only has one goal, that is to leach as much money as he can.  He will start off by promising to save your home, or help you with a legal issue, then try to destroy your life so you can be as miserable as he is.

Also google Charles Lincoln "top 10 bad guys" you will see more of his scams.

Charles Edward Lincoln III

United States of America


#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, August 11, 2012

Once again, the content of all this shows that it is JUST LIES and/or fabrications.  There is not a SINGLE fact relating to ONE SINGLE case except for vague and inaccurate references to me.  The record will show that I never stole anyone's money---just read it carefully.  People complained?  They got their money back.  That was the underlying truth of the ridiculous charges fabricated against me to silence me by the Lago Vista Police Department which initiated the complaint against me by an unsigned and unsworn "affidavit" (in perfect English) of a lady who worked as my housekeeper who spoke very little English and wrote nothing BUT her name.. That was the same Lago Vista Police Department against whom I filed Seven Complaints in 1997, whose Police Chief was Frank Miller who was (unbeknownst to me) a golfing buddy of U.S. District Judge James R. Nowlin and wrote him personal letters throughout the Civil Rights Litigation in FLAGRANT violation of judicial (and police) ethics.  So yes, I was a victim in Texas of a fabricated prosecution which just happened to be initiated during a front-page news making series of cases I filed in Austin which ultimately made national news when one of the cases (Atwater v. Lago Vista) arrived at the Supreme Court.  As for David A. Sibley---he later apologized to me for his betrayal of me and for wandering off with Andrea S. Atalay into lala land with Shelley Thomson.  Texas is a strange place, especially its courts, for those of you who've never been there.  This is not the place to prove THAT fact.  But if you think your state and federal governments always tell the truth, in this day and age, about the people they prosecute/ persecute, you are sorely mistaken.  Sibley indirectly (through another crazy Federal Judge Janis Graham Jack) ultimately caused me a great deal of inconvenience one winter (2007-2008), but it ended up being a 54 odyssey into America's Heart of Darkness which educated me more deeply than any 54 days I ever spent at Harvard or Chicago, or Tulane.  
As for my house in Texas, 6102 Valleyview Drive, Lago Vista, Texas 78645 (call David A. Rogers, MY attorney who continues to litigate that house---even after ten years)---I will have you know that that house remains unoccupied because the litigation is still pending---actually there are two cases and we may yet file a third because I NEVER GIVE UP.  And I DARE you to point out anyone, other than the bat-guano insane Shelley Thomson (documented in detail by David A. Sibley himself in his own court filings, quoted on my blog) that show that Peyton Yates Freiman or I EVER put a lien for payment of fees on anyone else's property.  As for old ladies---well, one of my dearest and longest-standing clients and friends is one old lady from northern Alabama, Pearl Lanier Bryan---about as helpless as her mountain heritage in the historical antecedents for the Hunger Games would make you imagine.
So whoever you are---whoever you THINK you are---come forward and identify yourself!  You are not any real client of mine or anyone who ever knew me---except you might be the Perfidious Orly Taitz, a fraud from every angle by every reckoning, albeit someone for whom I once fell hook line and sinker and who DID promise me the moon and more....once upon a time.... (but I didn't file in the Ripoff Reports against her) or else you or Yosef Taitz, an admittedly nominal husband who might for the sake of appearances wish to slander me---or you are one of their lackies/minions---but you have not identified ONE SINGLE PROPERTY that I ever mishandled or that I gave up or abandoned before the client abandoned it. 
Whoever you are---you are a LIAR and you should come forward and challenge me directly if you dare!  You can reach me through 512-968-2666 if you can't reach me through any other number---so stand up and be accounted for the fraud you are.

Riped off by Lincoln

United States of America

Charles Lincoln Facts

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2012

1 Charles Lincoln CAN NOT save your house, he could not save his own house located at 6102 VALLEYVIEW DR. This can be verified if you pull his credit report, or spend a couple bucks on a PI (trust me it will be worth it) his date of birth is Apr 10 1960

2 Charles Lincoln will claim his felony conviction is for switching numbers on his social security number in retaliation for civil rights suites he filed. This is a lie, Lincoln stole his clients money. He was suppose to deposit in an escrow account for the court, not only did Lincoln steal the money he forged a receipt from the court and gave it to his clients. Opening a bank account with a fake social security number is a common trick that criminals use to hide their ill gotten gains. Lincoln also tried to bribe one of his clients with a cashiers check. Lincoln did NOT fight these charges he plead guilty in fact he did not even show his face in court and voluntarily surrendered his law license. If he was a legal crusader and actually innocent would he give up so easily, of course not, but a con man and a scammer would have no choice but to plea the case since he would get convicted and go to prison for a long  time!

Google Charles Lincoln indictment, or check his wikipedia page (yes he has one of those) for proof of all of the above.

3 Charles Lincoln was INCOMPETENT as a lawyer and his incompetence continues. He has been sanctioned numerous times in numerous courts because he does not know or understand the law. If you can get him to do ANY work you will most likely end up with a court sanction against you!

Pull his credit report or again hire a PI, Google Charles Lincoln sanction. He has 100s of thousands of dollars in sanctions, in fact if Charles Lincoln files a law suite in THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS, it will be automatically dismissed. This is why he will want you to file it Pro Se or will have a straw man file it.

3 Charles Lincoln has a history of filing leans on or suing his victims. Most times he does this with his straw man Peyton Freiman his birthday is Mar 27 1983. You can again pull his credit report or do a background check on both of them and see numerous junk suites filed, as well as sanctions against both of them because they are too incompetent to file proper pleadings.

4 Charles Lincoln is always on the run he begs people for a place to stay leaching from place to place until he leached all he can and then he moves on...when he sues you he will give 5 address so you have to spend money to find him, look at his post above he put in SIX phone numbers. If he sues in California he will say he is in Texas, if he sues in Texas he will say he is in Florida and so on. He was sanctioned for this in Texas when he tried to scam David Sibley you can call David to verify this as well (361) 288-8562 & (888) 316-1775 (notice 2 numbers normal and 888) or by email In this case Lincoln went on the run rather than face a real lawyer...Lincoln is a COWARD and will never fight someone that fights back. He scams old ladies and sues them, or liens their house. As soon as there is a real fight he runs and hides!

You have been warned, and there is proof of his crimes and scams...again before you give this scum 1 penny hire a PI and check out his background, it will be a life saver! If you don't have the money for a PI please do google research on this guy there is evidence of his scams and retaliatory suits all over the place. No matter how bad your life is now it will be 100 times worse the day you let Lincoln it it!

Charles Edward Lincoln III

United States of America

Well, this is clearly either Orly or Yosi or one of their "Flying Monkeys"

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 07, 2012

When I saw the reports here, I wondered whether Orly or Yosef Taitz might be behind these filings, since the details (scant as they were) bore no possible resemblance to any real transaction I've ever had.  I submit to you, gentle reader, that QED: this is entirely personal and political and not at all even REMOTELY professional.  The Orly Taitz "August 6 2012) "Rip-Off Report" follow-up plainly doesn't belong in a consumer protection website like the Rip-Off Report, but is a gossipy personal piece that would fit in better with the National Enquirer (or worse).  I am surprised (mainly by the timing- this is all extremely old gossipy garbage, I would hardly call it a "report") and yet NOT particularly shocked that Orly (or Yosi) Taitz (or one of what Lisa Liberi and Lisa Ostella call "their [the Taitz'] flying monkeys") would publish such a scurrilous (that's Latin for "Squirrelly") text on Ripoff Report, but I'm surprised that the Ripoff Report would publish it.  Consumer protection is hardly the issue when a woman uses this space to deny her extra-marital affair with a gentleman whom she never really paid at all. unless you consider "exchange of services" to be payment (highly frowned on by most modern tax and commercial codes to do so, of course.).  Orly herself is the main consumer fraud: she bilked clients thousands and thousands of dollars for her incompetent lawsuits.  The height of Orly's prominence came in the summer and fall of 2009 when I was working with her- and it was a totally straight and precipitous downhill fall for her from there.  So I guess my work wasn't TOO shoddy. she refused to follow most of my very good advice, especially the parts about not calling U.S. District Judges "traitors"- but Orly explained to me that she had to make such pronouncement for her followers.  Please take note: Orly had PROMISED to represent me nationwide in anti-Mortgage foreclosure litigation.  That was part of our plan.  She certainly never promised me anything for free- it was all part of a rather complicated quid-pro-quo which, for better or for worse, did come in the temporal and spatial context of a love affair.  Orly has had LOTS of opportunities to contradict me under oath in Florida and California, but she chooses not to do so- in fact, I believe this is the first time when her name has ever been associated with a denial- which in and of itself of course constitutes defamation-libel per se. So we'll have to see about that.

Riped off by Lincoln

United States of America

More Lincoln Lies

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, August 07, 2012

If you want to speak to a real Lincoln victim contact Orly Taitz.
orly.taitz @gmail. com or dr_taitz @yahoo. com.

Lincoln was hired to do paralegal work, and provided a few shoddy documents in between complaining about his horrible life. no matter how much he was paid it was never enough, and when the money stopped he FABRICATED an affair and filed suite!

Read this letter from Lincoln.

As I told you a thousand times if I told you once: you had re-awakened in my heart, body, and soul a hunger that I had allowed to die, a hunger for life and love and a womans companionship and touch. Without your voice, without your touch, without the feel of your beautiful smooth pale blue-blooded skin and the brightness of your eyes like bright flickering candles, ORLY, my life has gone dark indeedvery dark. I sit alone in the dark at night and miss you.  I wake up in the mornings and wish you were coming through the door again as you did so many amazing mornings here.  I want
to hear you say you love me again, even if you say it in the softest whisper like you used to.
I am a total wreck without you (physically, emotionally, and yes, financially and professionally). And even if I hadnt gotten sick, I couldnt have faced you at court on Wednesday.  Do you really want me to get that strength?  I miss you too much, I love you too much, I need you too, too much.  And really and truly, I need you in court even more than I need you in bed or in my life generally.  I just need YOU Orly.

Somehow, somewhere, there are lawyers who will help me, but my association with you has tainted me for life, especially if this is the last chapter, if you dump me here after making my name almost inextricably intertwined with yours.  Is this fair?  I am tarnished by you forever when you promised to build me up?  When you promised you would do everything you could to build up my life again?  Why are you deserting me this way after building up my hopes so very much?

You promised me a free place to live and free medical care so long as I lived in Rancho Santa Margarita and would be your boy toy even though I resisted that, and said you should tell your husband about us, and that I preferred to live by the beach in San Clemente.which at 20 minutes is not that far from Rancho Santa Margarita except in the very worst of traffic jams. You promised in particular first to protect, then to save, and finally to recover my house at 4 Via Corbina only in part because you wanted it to be our long-term love nest4-5 minutes away from your office, again depending on traffic.

Lincoln is morbidly obese and hideously ugly, the thought of him being kept as a "boy toy" really just shows how deranged his brain is.

But don't take my word for it hire Lincoln and see how fast he says. "You promised me a free place to live and free medical "

Now go google Charles Lincoln V Orley Taitz You will see the proof of Lincoln suing someone he scammed, if you give Lincoln a dime you will regret it, and wind up right back here!

Charles Edward Lincoln III

United States of America

Who was writing these reports on July 29-30 2012? Not any real clients....that's for sure....

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, August 05, 2012

Once again, I think that the RipoffReport.Com website is being used by someone with a personal grudge (probably only ONE person because of the coincidence of the timing).  I do not believe that this is a real complaint by a real client.  I reiterate what I wrote to the first one:
This Complaint is a Hoax, a Fraud, not written by a real clientRelationship

Well, I suppose I have "arrived"---someone finds me important or threatening enough to waste his or her (or "its") time filing false consumer complaints about me, trying to slander and malign me very generally and vaguely (so as to avoid any chances of a real suit for defamation) without having the tiniest clue how I actually do business or deal with people, or what I actually do with my time.  The lack of detail is the first sign of a probably personally or politically motivated hoax or fraud.
The author of this report is almost certainly someone who has never met me, much less done business with me.  There is not a word of truth in any of this except for certain details about me (for example, the fact that I was spuriously indicted for a felony 13 years ago, in retaliation for my filing SEVEN extremely unpopular Civil Rights Lawsuits against the City of Lago Vista and its Police Chief Frank Miller, one of which, Atwater v. Lago Vista, reached the United States Supreme Court, all of which details and history are plainly published at  Aside from the vagueness and lack of specificity, as well as the general inaccuracy, I have filed, in my entire life, exactly ONE lien against a former client and that story is described in detail at: For Jon Roland---Hypocrite Lecteur!  Yes, that is the only time I have ever filed a lien against anyone---and I WON HER CASE, and she had never paid me a DIME.  So-Called "Libertarian Guru" Jon Drew Roland was one of my closest friends ever but, for love of a witchy woman (Shelley Sue Thomson---an avowed witch and polytheist believer in the Aztec Gods, he betrayed me---he may be the one who wrote this entirely spurious complaint in fact).  If it's not Jon Roland who wrote this, "as someday it may happen that a victim must be found, I've got a little list"---but none of them are former clients with a story like this.... so.....Call 512-968-2666 or 561-624-8725 or 406-892-7602 or 406-702-1066 or 512-468-7390 or 512-784-1301 if you'd like to know more details.

Respond to this Report!