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  • Report:  #1503278

Complaint Review: Chatango

Chatango This chatting site needs a payback for what they done to themselves and the people using it! I am not going to waste my money for a stupid chatting site that was once incredible and most easiest experience.

  • Reported By:
    Phil — United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, December 24, 2020
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 23, 2021

Hi I used this chat for a long time since 2010 I believe. This was a very convenient and more powerful kind of chatting site than any other chat out there. Well, at least long before Discord existed. The shut down of Yahoo Messenger was a horrible thing to happen and I decided to move on to this chatting site as the best looking alternative to YM I ever used! It allows you to instantly search for friends and even block those who might be bullies online. However, in 2016, the site was starting to go downhill with serious changes that made the site even more USELESS and not only that, the site disabled the people search feature they only allow people to search for new people to chat by simply donating! but that's not the only problem.

Now they disabled the people search, they disabled BLOCKING! Which means I can't block people who might send me hate messages and such. Even the admins still got the right to ban me despite I got no feature to block people! What kind of unfairness is this?! Why would a FREE chatting site suddenly become a greedy cheapskate?! I say this is downright criminal and frustrating! I don't know what exactly to do about it and the least I can do is report them because this chatting site doesn't seem to be updating anymore and it could be possible that the owner of the site might not even be alive or just careless.

I hate people who don't treat websites like they should and because I grew up with this chat, I am not very happy why they would remove the block feature as it is very important to block those who annoy you. Look at all other chatting sites they have the blocking feature and are always FREE! Why Chatango had to be the wrong way around?! This must be stopped! I wouldn't mind if Chatango is gone for good and should make way for the better looking chat sites out there to take it's place! I rather wait for a better alternative to Chatango and Discord instead of wasting time seeing a chatting site full of dead rooms, mean and disrespectful people, broken features that require greedy donation, and among other ridiculous things.

Discord on the other hand is also bad but since I am reporting about Chatango I want to stay on topic on this. Chatango is NOT a safe site. Younger people using this might see others sending them hateful and possibly profanity while younger users can't block them and that should be considered very bad. I have concerns with not only the safety with chatting sites but also dealing with offenders on chats as well. If people are making a chat they should be more concerned about everyones safety no matter the age or content they post.

Chatango does not care about the safety of their users and only they think about money when Chatango was asking for donation just to unlock the search people feature. :( They disabled a very important feature now asking for donation. Also, they disabled blocking against offensive people on chat.

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