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  • Report:  #357233

Complaint Review: Chenoa Smith - Live AD - Viva Network - Living Spirit

Chenoa Smith - Live AD - Viva Network - Living Spirit chenoa marie smith is a FRAUD - BEWARE!!! Los Angeles Area California

  • Reported By:
    Ashland Oregon
  • Submitted:
    Wed, July 30, 2008
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 11, 2008
  • Chenoa Smith - Live AD - Viva Network - Living Spirit
    Los Angeles Area, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Chenoa Marie Smith, anyone who works with or for her, and any "comany" she operates or claims to operate is a FRAUD!

She has stolen $6,000 from me in direct costs plus many hours spent trying to file arbitration and legal cases against her. I am personally aware of many other people whom she has ripped off to the tune of more than $100K.

If you are approached to work for her - DO NOT DO IT! She will make you work and then refuse to pay you or settle for a tiny fraction of the total due, which she will then pay (maybe) by stealing more money from other people.

If you are considering one of her "programs" - DO NOT DO IT! She will steal your money and then try to wear you down when you try to collect.

If you try to stand up to her, she will bully and threaten you, then say "I'm not responding to any more of this" - Honestly, how immature can this get?

If you have been threatened by Chenoa, know that you have NOTHING to fear. Chenoa is trying to bully you into silence but she will not dare actually do anything... because for her to commence legal action would air a lot of dirty laundry and expose her as the felon she is. She has threatened me repeatedly and I can only laugh and dare her to actually sue me. Please, Chenoa, if you read this, please sue me so that the truth of your ongoing theft can come out.

Chenoa Marie Smith is a cancer who feeds on the energy of people involved in the New Age/spiritual community because those people are the least likely to hold her to account.

You have been warned.

Anthony h
Ashland, Oregon

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Anthony Hernandez


This from the woman with civil judgments and pending criminal cases against her..

#6Author of original report

Sun, August 10, 2008

I'm a criminal... says the woman who was arrested for credit card fraud and who had an identity theft case filed against her by her own mother. Says the woman who has left innocent people declaring bankruptcy and even homeless in her wake.

Chenoa, if you're so convinced that I'm a criminal then come and get me and I will be glad to provide both dozens of witnesses and thousands of pages of documentation against you. But it won't get that far because I wil have you detained for the law enforcement agency(ies) that are looking for you the moment I know your exact location. So come and get me... if you dare.

It absolutely astonishes me the depths to which a person can sink without feeling the slightest shame or remorse. Chenoa had the opportunity to respond to tese reports in a conciliatory manner to defend her reputation and even make good the great harm she has inflicted on people. Instead, she has chosen to fire back with threats against everyone who dared to expose her fraud. What she doesn't realize is that anyone who googles 'Chenoa Smith' will see these reports- and her replies- on PAGE ONE of the Google results... which will, if the searcher is even remotely intelligent, dissuade them from doing business with Chenoa. What she doesn't realize is that her lies and threats are now exposed in a public forum for the world to see. In other words, what she does not rezalize is that justice is finally being done, and not a moment too soon.

Chenoa, you direct your threats against me so steadily because I am one of the very few people defrauded by you will absolutely never give up until you reap the full extent of the justice you deserve. Hundreds of thousands of dollars fleeced from dozens of innocent people, mostly "starving artists" with big dreams that you played right into.

For shame, Chenoa. For shame. You are a pathetic, sad, dishonest little person.

Viva Networks

Los Angeles,

Documenting extortion, slander, libel and gross negligence

#6UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 09, 2008

Mr. Hernandez has continually documented his various violations of the law as mentioned above.

Not only does Mr. Hernandez not reference the agreements that he makes and how he is in compliance or what the contracted company is in breach of, he resorts to illegal activities to feel release.

There is no justice being created here, only documentation for the legal process to be extenuated.

Mr. Hernandez refuses to seek proper legal counsel and get the proper remedy for his account. His actions have now pushed his case too far for any proper settlement.

His actions have now become criminal in nature.

Anthony Hernandez


About the "mediation agreement"

#6Author of original report

Sat, August 02, 2008

I have a copy of our mediation agreement, Chenoa, and it says nothing about "return to arbitraton", which means that i have you caught in (yet another) lie. I will gladly post the full text of that agreement if you even think to question me.

Oh, but you're not replying any more. Sorry, I missed that in my first read of your reply, probably because I was laughing too hard.

If ANYONE has any questions about Chenoa or needs any help whatsoever in bringing her to justice, please feel free to look me up. I will absolutely not quit until Chenoa is rendered incapable of hurting any more people.

I can, however, take some comfort in that Googling "Chenoa Smith" brings these reports up on Page 1 of the results. Justice is catching up, finally.

Anthony Hernandez


Same old Chenoa, different day

#6Author of original report

Sat, August 02, 2008

Look at the other reports filed against Chenoa and you will see the same pattern of threats and personal accusations against all who dare not drink Ms. Smith's Kool Aid.

Never once does she admit guilt. Never once does she show remorse for the $100s of thousands she has stolen from so many dozens of people. No, all she does is threaten in the hopes that her victims will simply go away. One need only look at the other reports filed on this Web site and others to see this pattern.

But Chenoa does not scare me in the slightest because there is far too much evidence against her. Sue me, Chenoa, if you dare. I will walk into court with DOZENS of witesses and THOUSANDS of pages of incontrovertible evidence. That is, if you can get any decent lawyer to represent you... because not only are you a thief, you're a dumb thief who is, if not indigent, then danged close.

And now, Chenoa will post a few more threats before deciding to "not respond to this any more".

How pathetic.

Chenoa Marie Smith and all of her companies are frauds. Chenoa Marie Smith makes her entire living stealing from well-meaning people.

If telling the truth about a fraudulent person and company is "cyber-bullying", then so be it. But come on, Chenoa, can't you do better?

Oops. No you can't. You've proven that time and time again.

Why am I saying this? Because far too many victims of Chenoa's fraud have buckled under her threats, thinking that Chenoa actually has the means to go after them and win. Well, she doesn't... and the more people stand up to her, the sooner her ongoing fraud will be exposed and stopped once and for all.

Viva Networks

Los Angeles,

This person violated mediation agreements

#6UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 01, 2008

Our records show that this individual agreed under a mediation agreement to return to arbitration and did not do so.

Anthony Hernandez is subject now to lawsuits for civil harassment, slander and libel.

Anthony has received no refund because his actions are illegal and will never be rewarded with compensation.

His profile is as a cyberbully.

He is one of 5 individuals under a lawsuit as a partnership that is being sued together for damages with bank account seizure and wage garnishment.

Our legal sources are now investigating Mr. Hernandez and his team as well as other posters on the internet that have stated non-factual information regarding their case as well as committed acts of slander and libel.

The issues are those who do not know how to professionally resolve their disputes through the legal process instead of posting on the internet.

There will be no further response to these posts.

For any legal matters regarding the matters above, please call 800-518-0052 Ext 104.

Our team is happy to resolve any issues as equitably as possible. If you post on you will be added to this lawsuit.

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