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  • Report:  #628583

Complaint Review: Cheryl Hulting Minneapolis MN Matt A. Gerard Minneapolis Mn Rick Wilson Duluth MN. Acutus Ptolemy MN.

Cheryl Hulting, Minneapolis MN, Matt A. Gerard Minneapolis Mn, Rick Wilson, Duluth MN. Acutus Ptolemy MN. Acutus Ptolemy, Minneapolis MN, Cheryl Hulting, Minneapolis MN, Matt A. Gerard Minneapolis Mn, Rick Wilson, Duluth MN. FRIENDS OF ACUTUS PTOLEMY AND HIS EXTREME HARRASSMENT. LAW ENFORCEMENT FBI INVOLVED. Internet

  • Reported By:
    Joanne — Houston Texas United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 03, 2010
  • Updated:
    Sun, February 13, 2011
*Author of original report: I'm sure Acutus Ptolemy will file a rebuttle so I will just say, *Author of original report: What is his real name? It's not Acutus Ptolemy. *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Slander ?? *Author of original report: ALEXANDER, ALEX GRANT OF MINNEAPOLIS IS ACUTUS PTOLEMY *REBUTTAL Individual responds: They Didn't Accept Her Friend Request! *Author of original report: THE FACTS ARE THE FBI AND LAW ENFORMCEMENT IS INVOLVED *Author of original report: Alexander Grant, Alex Grant OF SAINT PAUL Minneapolis *Consumer Comment: Obvious Stalker after Mr Ptolemy *Author of original report: SEE THE CRIMINAL RECORDS OF ALEX GRANT OF ST. PAUL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF *UPDATE Employee: ALEXANDER GRANT IS WAY WRONG *REBUTTAL Owner of company: UPDATE 11-8-10 ALEXANDER CHRISTOPHER GRANT CONTINUES HIS HARRASSMENT *REBUTTAL Owner of company: POLICE AND FBI INVOLVEMENT *Consumer Comment: NUTCASE wrote a Ripoffreport on people that refused to friend her! *REBUTTAL Owner of company: No, this report is not a lie and the FBI is involved *REBUTTAL Owner of company: NUT CASE? PEOPLE NEED TO TAKE A CURSERY LOOK AT YOUR VIDEOS MR. GRANT *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Alex Grant is calling other people a fraud? *REBUTTAL Owner of company: CYBERSTALKING, CYBERHARRASSMENT, CYBERBULLYING BY ALEXANDER GRANT *REBUTTAL Owner of company: AN ADDITIONAL PHOTOGRAPH OF ALEXANDER GRANT *REBUTTAL Owner of company: THE FOLLOWING PHOTO'S ARE NOT PHOTO SHOPPED *REBUTTAL Owner of company: THE FOLLOWNG PHOTO IS NOT PHOTO SHOPPED OF ALEX ITS REAL *REBUTTAL Owner of company: LETTERS WRITTEN RECENTLY TO MS. MARGIE FROM ALEX GRANT *REBUTTAL Owner of company: ANSWER AND REBUTTAL TO MR. ALEXANDER GRANTS ALLEGATIONS IN HIS LETTERS *Consumer Comment: I Love Acutus! Don't believe this liar! *REBUTTAL Owner of company: No, this report is not a lie and the FBI is involved *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Answer and Rebuttal to Mr. Alexander Grant of Minneapolis *REBUTTAL Owner of company: WHATS WRONG ALEX AFRAID TO POST A LEGITIMATE REBUTTAL? *REBUTTAL Owner of company: YOU HAVE A GOOD JOB ALEX AND A 401K *REBUTTAL Owner of company: GOOGLE TALK OF MINNEAPOLIS *REBUTTAL Owner of company: THE DEATH THREATS *REBUTTAL Owner of company: THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS *REBUTTAL Owner of company: ANSWER AND REBUTTAL TO MR. ALEXANDER GRANTS ALLEGATIONS *REBUTTAL Owner of company: IT SOUNDS LIKE MR. ALEX GRANT YOUR TRYING TO OBSTRUCT A FEDERAL INVESTIGATION *REBUTTAL Owner of company: CRIMINAL CHARGES COULD VERY WELL BE FILED AGAINST ALEX GRANT

Wow where do I begin?  ItsMsMargie came to youtube in 2007 to do dramatic skits and have a social network.  Acutus Ptolemy started stalking her online and inciting hatred toward her and teamed up with a convicted felon Rebecca Jean Bidwell to threaten and harrass her for 4 years now.  Death threats were issued, the FBI is involved and the sherriff's department in Waldron, Arkansas.

Acutus Ptolemy has ridiculed and harrassed Ms.Margie and has posted out and out lies about her on this site. ( Slander and defamation ) He often writes her on her youtube account.  He teamed up with others to incite hate and harrassment.  Ms. Margie had a blog talk radio show she had to close because he called in the show and harrassed her. He stole her videos to alter them to ridicule and harrass her. He has been suspended from youtube over 12 times because of this. But it was teaming up with a convicted Felon whom sent out and out death threats while Acutus supplied her with all of Margies old videos. And his threats and veiled threats as time progressed this escalated. The details of the HARRASSMENT AND DEATH THREATS ARE EXTREME AND IN THE HANDS OF THE FBI AND LAW ENFORCEMENT.  The head of the internet division of the FBI in Houston contacted law enforcement on Margie's behalf so yes it is serious.  EVERYTHING HAS BEEN DOCUMENTED CLOSELY.

Cheryl Hulting,  Matt A. Gerard, Rick Wilson , are his friends and Ms Margie tried to friend them to see if they would help put a stop to all of this abuse, and they ignored her. JUST PLAIN FLAT IGNORED HER.  They could have helped. They chose to turn a blind eye to the situation. Acutus Ptolemy is not the person's real name its an alias.  They could have accepted MsMargies friendship request so she could have referred them to cooperate with law enforcement and the FBI but they did not.  They chose to ignore Margies friend requests , they chose to ignore her and watch this criminal activity instead of helping.

Slander and Defamation on Margies end is real. Death threats are real, intimidation and harrassment are real for 4 years.

33 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, February 13, 2011

Mr. Alex Grant is threatening ItsMsMargie with jail on his DeliverUsFromMargie youtube channel. Mr. Alex Grant has had over 200 dmca's filed against him for illegally uploading Ms. Margies Copyrighted dramatic skit videos.

Although this has been reported to ic3 the FBI as ( willful copyright infringement ) Mr. Grant has not been charged as of this date.  It is a felony.

The Federal Lawsuit Margie filed under her real name, will be the first time that Mr. Grant appears before a Texas Federal Judge.  The Federal Judge at that time may ask federal prosecutors to file criminal willful infringement charges against Mr. Grant.


North Carolina,
United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, February 13, 2011

It sounds like Mr. Alex Grant your trying to obstruct a Federal Investigation. 

Important *notes
If you begin working on a possible federal lawsuit, or even help a little with someone else who may be filing a federal lawsuit, where maybe you visit websites doing research, send emails,  if anyone tries to interfere with your work or harasses you, the harasser can get 20 yrs in federal prison for violating this federal law.
Title 18, Ch. 73, § 1512. (b) Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant
In federal court,  federal law still covers you.  

If a harasser retaliates against someone for reporting an offense, he faces 20 years in federal prison for violating
§ 1513. Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant

If anyone tries to hide, change or alter evidence so it obstructs a federal investigation, they face 20 years in prison for violating this law; TITLE 18, PART I, CHAPTER 73, § 1519. Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations


North Carolina,
United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, February 12, 2011

Mr. Alex Grant has been making public statements that are simply not true, more slander and defamation and Margie wanted to rebuttal.  DeliverUsFromMargie aka Alexander Grant said: I LOVE IT! GREAT OPPORTUNITY 2 tell the judge and show the world her stalking & harassment! Margie answers: Mr. Grant has been sent Cease and desist contact letters and has acknowleged them but still continues to contact ItsMsMargie of youtube even January of 2011 with threat letters and letters. Those letters are posted here and documented and he will have to swear under penalty of perjury should he want to lie about sending them. Google has his isp. Youtube is no longer stand alone, Google has the information. So after 200 dmca's it is willful copyright infringement, there was no stalking and or harrassment on Margie's end and documented evidence before a federal judge in Texas will prove that.

Alex Grant said: SHE can now explain why she's LIED and told the public I'm Hiv+. Margie answers:  At no time did Margie ever say to the public Mr. Grant was HIV+ As told to Mr. Grant on several occassions, someone on myspace said that he might be HIV+ and ill and that is why he is harrassing and behaving the way he is because of his illness, that was the thrust of there remarks to Margie. Margie then just stated what was told to her and asked Mr. Grant was this true. No declaration of him being HIV+ was ever made only an inquiry. This is a very serious and sad subject with Margie because she has lost some dear friends to HIV and helped some very ill friends in her community with HIV and even to the point of caring for one of her very good friends bed-ridden until he passed away. So its a very heartfelt serious issue and she does not want to dignify slander about it.

Alex Grant said:She can justify writing my family & friends. She can justify calling past employers phishing for information! She can justify her false charges on Anonymyke, and calling Child Protective services and? bogus police claims on Bekkah. ..But BEST OF ALL the courts can see her videos and SEE the nutcase in action. ..Besides it will be irrelevant by then: take MONTHS to get to court whereas her criminal charges will only take weeks. SHE CAN'T ATTEND A CIVIL SUIT FROM JAIL. EXCELLENT! Margie answers: All of this will be discussed in federal court under oath and with the penalty of perjury. This can no longer be discussed in this forum. A federal lawsuit has been filed and in the process of moving through the court at this time. If what Mr. Grant is saying is true and it is not. Margie can be served with warrants easily they know where she is and they also can serve her in federal court in Texas.

MARGIE WILL ANSWER AND REBUTTAL ALEXANDER GRANT AKA ACUTUS PTOLEMY'S REMARKS. Alex Grant said: If the first lot of LIES don't work, she'll say there's Death Threats!!!! Margie answers: The death threats were closely documented and your association with your convicted felon accomplice Alex. You sent personally ItsMsMargie threats and each have been documented and are now evidence against you.

Alex Grant said: BOO h*o they stole my videos..while SHE posts pictures from Mr Ptolemy's videos!

Margie answers: No formal notification of copyright are dmca has been filed on your photos Mr. Grant. You have received over

200 formal notifications of copyright infringement from Margie and the case numbers were documented.

Alex Grant said: What a hypocrite!

Margie said: No hypocracy at all, copyright infringement is federal. You have not filed a dmca notification notifying of copyright Mr. Alex Grant.

Alexander Grant said: But DON'T let these side stories distract you from the TRUTH:

Margie said: The truth will be told in Federal Court under sworn testimony with the penalty of perjury. You Mr. Grant will have to tell the TRUTH very soon under oath and in the form of sworn statements and if you don't it's Felony Perjury.

Alexander Grant said: 1) After a young man told her off, she went to the police & press and claimed the kid makes bombs and is a terrorist. (The link to the press article is: NOTE the article mentions Margerie Brubaker BY NAME, so no doubts!)

Margie will answer now: No, this was not a young man this man was 26 years old and a member of the organization "anonymous" that the FBI has labeled a Criminal Organization. This 26 year old man opened youtube accounts to harrass and threaten ItsMsmargie of youtube using his "anonymous" logo in those account names. Those account names of his were, "AnonymousStrikeForce" and "Anonymyke" he is under invetigation in the United States for acting on your behalf Mr. Alexander Grant in your campaign of hate and harrassement of ItsMsMargie. The U.K. law enforcement thought what he had written and did so bad , they themselves contacted the newspaper the gazzette in hopes of identitfying him which they did. He was no kid he was 26 and law enforcement engaged him. So Yes another mis-truth by you Mr. Grant. This event was documented closely. This will be in court soon and this is additional evidence against you Mr. Grant for the incitement of hate and asking her to do so on your behalf.

Alex Grant said:

2)She stalked and harassed a woman in Arkansas and made false police reports. This has been confirmed by the police there.

Margie will answer: The FBI in Arkansas sent Police Cheif Cody of the Waldron Police department to interview Ms. Bidwell your accomplice in your threats and hate campaign Mr. Grant and she admitted to Cheif Cody verbally her involvement and that has been documented and a sworn statement in the form of a sworn affidavit will be submitted to the court from him. The reports were not false, the death threats have been posted. So no false police reports were made another lie and Cheif Cody will as I said verify by sworn affidavit in your upcoming law suit. The police confirmed no such thing accept the reports were accurate. The FBI became involved and as I said sent the Police Cheif Cody to your convicted Felon accomplices home Mr. Alex Grant. Your relationship and screenshots of her involvement with you in your hate campaign have been carefully gathered for court purposes.

Alex Grant says: 3)She called Child Protective Services and filed bogus charges on her.

Ms Margie will answer: After death threats were made law enforcement in Arkansas contacted Child Protective Services. Margie made a video indicating she would let Childrens protectives services know about the threats she was getting and harrassment that a person like this should not be around children. The department however would not accept her complaint in florida because they said they did not have enough proof.

We are sure you have the video Mr. Grant of that instance. Finally law enforcement in Arkansas themselves contacted Childrens Protective apparently they too saw the need after your convicted felon accomplice threatened two other towns people there.

Alex Grant says: 4) According to the woman, she killed their dog.

Margie will answer: The woman is convicted Felon Rebecca Jean Bidwell her name is on this site it. She has been acting on your behalf Mr. Alex Grant. And screenshots from 2008 and 2009 and 2010 on the youtube social networking site prove that.

At no time did Margie ever hang this womans great big pit bull dog from her fence. This is more defamation and slander.

This is an out and out fabrication and you have written Margie indicating she did this Mr. Alex Grant. That is court evidence in the upcoming law suit against you in federal court. Margie is an animal lover and found this story very offensive as she loves animals and has two dogs of her own. A federal judge will read your letter you sent her regarding this Mr. Grant and view your documented slander and defamation.

Alex Grant said: 5)This was WELL over a year ago. If there was any TRUTH, the woman would have faced charges. NOTHING happened. Margie will answer: The statue of limitations has not run out. A federal lawsuit will be filed. Sworn statement under oath will be given. Your way to quick to think that charges will not be filed either as the investigation by the FBI upon you Mr. Alex Grant and your accomplice is still active.

Alex Grant said: 6
)She has STALKED & HARASSED Mr Ptolemy. EVERY entry in these reports is PURE FICTION. You SEE the proof I've claimed. Margie answers: No, everything entry has been documented carefully and is not fiction and will be heard before a federal judge in federal court soon and evidence has been gathered to substantiate any allegations made against you Mr. Alex Grant. No, Margie has not stalked and harrassed you Mr. Alex Grant, you have her and the comments and letters you have sent her are going to be admitted in federal court.

Alex Grant said : 7)
She contacted a past employer trying to obtain Mr Ptolemy's personal information. Margie Answers: you did not work for MTN , you simply did skits for them on public television. MTN only identified you by photograph and by a newpaper article published about you.

Alex Grant said: 8)She filed FAKE Ripoffreports on Mr Ptolemy's friends BECAUSE they refused to friend her. Margie Answers According to my attorney your friends after being informed of an FBI investigation against you in connection with your conspiracy and accomplice convicted Felon female associate, your friends were engaged in the obstruction of justice a felony. Also your friends will be ordered by the court to affirm more information about you Mr. Grant. These are civil processes and not against the law. 

Alex Grant said 9)She contacted friends and family members by email. Margie answers: After 4 years of felony copyright theft and over 200 dmca's filed and death threats and threats by you Mr. Alexander Grant aka Acutus Ptolemy. The death threats, your anonymous threats, cyberstalking , cyberharrassment and you asking others to help you is more.

The judge in federal court will have this information and make his own decision.

Alex Grant said: 10)Just noting the EFFORT she puts in these reports shows she is CRAZY... And DANGEROUS. Margie answers:

rebuttals are often filed to these reports, its not much effort at all. What has taken alot of effort and discipline and documentation is the Federal Law suit filed against you in U.S. Federal Court Mr. Alexander Grant. This is very time consuming taking screen shots, emails, comments, dmca log dates, a Federal law suit is very time consuming.

Alex Grant aka Acutus Ptolemy said: There's TEN FACTS to show you WHY she's DANGEROUS. She just writes FICTION. Margie answers: Yes, ten so called facts that were dis-credited in 10 minutes. If you bring these Ten so called facts before the federal court and judge you will be mandated to appear before you will be asked to swear under oath and if you lie you will be charged with perjury. Perjury is a felony in itself.

Alexander Grant aka Acutus Ptolemy said: She's CRAZY!!! Margie answers: Your slander and defamation of character has been documented.

Alex Grant said: Take your meds Vicky. You'll need them when the police catch you, whether you admit it or NOT, they are putting a case together. Margie answers: So you admit that you acknowlege you have been harrassing someone, threatening someone , for 4 years Mr. Alex Grant aka Acutus Ptolemy that in fact does take meds to help her at times with a mental condition. This is the third comment documented that you have made that you are aware of her condition and your still engaged in sending her threatening emails and asking others to harrass her on your behalf as documented in your earlier video this year. This is evidence that will be presented to the Federal Judge in Federal Court, along with the 200 dmca's and willful copyright infringement amongst other issues.

Alex Grant aka Acutus Ptolemy said: Mr Ptolemy isn't "working with a convicted felon". VICTIMS of your crimes are working with the police to prepare a case against you to have you put in JAIL where you BELONG! Margie Answers: It's been documented closely in screen shots and in comments since 2008 that you are and your engaged in asking others to help you. The Federal judge will make that decision after reviewing the documented screen shots and evidence. The FBI in Minneapolis where you live Mr. Grant was informed of your fraudulent reports so was the FBI in Texas City. Making fraudulent police and federal reports is a crime in itself I was informed charges may be filed because of those actions. Victims? I don't know what you are talking about it's only you Mr. Grant and your accomplice involved, and your motive is a federal issue, the willfull infringement of Margies copyrighted videos in order to incite being a member of the organization "anonymous" now labeled a criminal organization by the FBI. The federal complaint against you will be very clear. You will have to appear in federal court so will Margie so if you have warrants for her she would be arrested there, but you don't because your police and FBI reports are fraudulent and they have figured it out now. Your cleverly edited videos you sent them edited dramatic skits simply did not work. What will work however is a federal lawsuit against you.

As far as your remark Mr. Alexander Grant about Margie BOO HOOing about the abuse you and your associate have put her through the last 4 years, your very wrong. She is not BOO HOOing, what SHE IS DOING is filing a federal lawsuit against you that by the time you read this will have already been filed for $750,000 in restitution and damages but the complaint will not be discussed at this time.


North Carolina,
United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, February 11, 2011

Official notification will be published in St. Paul and Minneapolis. A law suit has been  filed against Mr. Alexander C. Grant aka Acutus Ptolemy aka John Doe.

Feb. 10th 2011  in THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS.  The lawsuit was filed for $750,000 in damages and legal expenses. The case number will be listed on Ms.Margies youtube channel.


North Carolina,
United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, February 09, 2011

Acutus Ptolemy's accomplice convicted felon he teamed up with to harrass and threaten ItsMsmargie of youtube has been well documented. There relationship and gang up on ItsMsMargie of youtube has been well documented.

Here are some of the threats below. Her name is Rebecca Jean Bidwell her current account on youtube is mikeytehpigybut.

The youtube user accounts that were used to make these threats are still cached into the youtube server. The sock puppet youtube account names are in bold. Alex's accomplice and close friend on the youtube social networking site used differing sock accounts to issue the threats. Alex has since been trying to distance himself from her because it clearly indicates he is an accomplice.

Alex Grant himself wrote in a documented threat to ItsMsMargie of youtube,

"you better hope Rebecca gets to you before I do because I intend on leaving a lasting impression."

His accomplice convicted felon woman made up a youtube account

and named it,

Wearegoingtokillu the youtube system still has the channel in its data base.

She then writes: Follow the rules and it wont happen. the people you suspsened are back and we are mad as hell.. we are out for blood and will not stop until you are gone from youtube for good!!

oorsula0001 is another youtube account that Alex Grant's convicted felon buddy he teamed up with sent this threat.


I'm still here and I'm gonna get into your friends list miss margie you can't stop me and anyhow who says i was gonna tell you when i was gonna show up at your house? do you really think i am that dumb to give you a date and time? sheesh woman you show the same ignorance you show every day and by the way i am not going to prison or any kind of detention center you just can't stand that i am happy and you are a fake a*s angry fake tranny who has crazy people for followers. but i will tell you this you will meet me for the first time and i will not tell you when but please be careful when you walk the streets as i have people following you already and when you sleep they might be even walking by your house and leave you something nice hee hee:)"

Again Alex Grant's best friend on youtube Rebecca sends this this threat from another sock account. The account in still in the youtube data base; account name:


"just keep in mind the ides

i will come to your trailor and we will settle matters you have been attacking me for no reason othert than i didn't agree with your s**t and you said i hit my daughter that sir is not true and i will prove to the world you have a real vagina not some made-up mangina , i will cut it out and show it to the world in a video cuz you margie are a fake tranny and i know the trtuth as a matter of fact i wuz outside your trailor at 5 in the morning this morning you was asleep so see what i mean?"

Again Alex Grant's accomplice writes on another sock account created on youtube named ( laberbys)


laberbys "lol lol

they're gonna find your dead body thru the stank when i am done with you ma'am"

And documented in the youtube servers Alex Grants accomplice sends yet another threat under this sock account name: "waawaah"


Re: :) Re: :)

"Expect us miss margie cuz I don't play. you ma'am will be sorry, very very sorry. now it's personal"

Alexander Grants accomplice makes another threat under her youtube Teammanginah account:



margie you looz we are going to get you :) you can't stop us"

Alex Grants accomplice Rebecca indicates on her Teammanginah youtube account after a threat that she has been by Ms.Margie's home.


"What yard you live in a run down mobile home park and we have all? ready been there"

Alex Grant aka Acutus Ptolemy's accomplice then says on yet another sock account on youtube.


"let me in let me in let me in i wanna bash your f**ken brains in lolol"

Here again Alex Grant's aka accomplice opens more sock account on youtube and sends the following message:


"She's preparing. And? on the phone with federal agents, that are turning her away."

Again Alex's accomplice signs into another youtube account named,

wxyzeeee and writes:

"i wuz? by your house today"

Again on an additional account Alex's accomplice writes:


"let? me in "

Alex's accomplice says on an additional account she made on the youtube social networking site:


"This b***h isn't dead? after all."

Then she signs into her main youtube social networking site account at that time

Teammanginah and posts what she believes is Margie's home address.


United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, February 08, 2011




North Carolina,
United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, February 06, 2011





North Carolina,
United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, February 06, 2011

Talking about being exposed Alex, looks like some pretty exposing letters you sent ItsMsMargie has been posted here and tagged with the FBI since you have been reported to the Minneapolis FBI.

What's your point in the defamation labeling Margie a drunk in her dramatic skit photos. As stated to you before that bottle in reality only contained coca-cola for that dramatic skit.

Your remark about exposing Margie?  Margie is not ashamed of any of her videos she has ever done.   You just stalked Margie on youtube and downloaded her videos and exploited them.

Defamation, copyright theft, intentional infliction of emotional abuse, terrorist threats, conspiracy, the list goes on. Oh yeah your a big time artist harrassing and threatening people on youtube as a part your organization anonymous and teaming up with a convicted felon to issue death threats.   Oh yeah Alex your a real big time artist.  NOT.


North Carolina,
United States of America

Answer and Rebuttal to Mr. Alexander Grant of Minneapolis

#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, February 05, 2011

 You said:  Vicky Rice thought she could just lie and bully people. 

Answer not true.  Your the one trying to bully but these reports show a different side to you Alex Grant of Minneapolis that many people will take note of and shy away from you for them.
Your letters posted above the once again dramatic skit video of Itsmsmargie of youtube show the real you.  The FBI in Minneapolis has those letters.  The letters you have been sending ItsmsMargie of youtube show the real you and I suggest people who know you read them.  You thought you could SECRETLY BULLY MS. MARGIE BUT SHE POSTED YOUR LETTERS. Exposing YOU!  


She found out otherwise.  Uhhhhh so did you.

Acutus stepped in and showed the world. I've watched gdt and he doesn't change your words. Take responsibility for your bad behavior Vicky!    You have stolen copyrighted dramatic skit videos you have stolen someone else's work on youtube.  Wow Your really a world leader.

These ripoffreports are her attempt at discrediting Acutus, BUT WE SEE THROUGH IT. EVERYTHING ACUTUS EXPOSES ABOUT YOU IS TRUE.  Well one thing is for sure they see through you Alex Grant aka Acutus by reading your letters to ItsMsmargie of youtube that are posted on this site.
No one is discrediting you only telling the truth about you Alex which will be done in a court of law sooner than you realize.


North Carolina,
United States of America

No, this report is not a lie and the FBI is involved

#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, February 05, 2011

No the report is not a lie and the FBI is involved.


United States of America

I Love Acutus! Don't believe this liar!

#34Consumer Comment

Sat, February 05, 2011

Vicky Rice thought she could just lie and bully people.

She found out otherwise.

Acutus stepped in and showed the world. I've watched gdt and he doesn't change your words. Take responsibility for your bad behavior Vicky!

These ripoffreports are her attempt at discrediting Acutus, BUT WE SEE THROUGH IT.



North Carolina,
United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 03, 2011

Here are some letters I received this January of 2011 from Alex Grant, Alexander Grant aka Acutus ptolemy of minneapolis. He contacted me and each time he was sent a Cease and Desist contact letter and these are his reponses to those Cease and Desist contact letters. This is just some of so many dating all the way back to 2008 the reason I am posting his letters is it shows his character and his harrassment.

ItsMsMargie of youtube Ms Margie will ANSWER his letters here now below.

January 9th 2011 Alex Grant again contacts ItsMsmargie of youtube after receiving numerous Cease and Desist contact letters and he sends a copy of the Anonymous internet organizations video entitled , "Anonymous Declaration of Freedom."

FBI knowsFagstoneLies aka Alex Grant writes:

Thank You For Helping
Got a video for you

"Anonymous Declaration of Freedom"

(((Answer and Rebuttal --- by ItsMsMargie of youtube. He is referring to when he says thinks for helping, he is meaning since I have my copyrighted videos copyrighted at the U.S. copyrights office website, and I have dmca'd my copyrighted footage over 200 times when he has re-uploaded it he is indicating, thanks for helping to incite anonymous to protest against copyrights. The group he belongs to "anonymous" recently attacked with denial of service attacks, the U.S. copyrights website.)))

Alex Grant writes:

January the 9th 2011 after receiving Cease and Desist contact letter to ItsMsmargie of youtube while sending this letter in conjunction with an anonymous organization video entitle: " Anonymous Declaration of Freedom."

Piss Off Traitor

No one is worried about you. We'll show your footage to the police so they see what we're combating. We did so in the Uk, We did so in Arkansas. Once they SAW who you are, they know WHAT you are. You are a lying b****. We've got your messages from the beginning granting permission. You've seen others release your video giving everyone permission.

But, GUESS WHAT? It's NOT needed. You can LIE, BULLY and SCAM. YOU can deny fair use exists.. but the law won't. YOU'RE TOTALLY WRONG.. but for the sake of argument, let's say you're right and we're committing copyright infringement. HOW will that stack next to you lying about a young kid saying he makes bombs and is the leader of anonymous? THINK they'll give a F*** about copyrights? You won't free yourself. Detectives hold that footage.

As far as Mr Ptolemy goes, you have invaded his privacy. You think you called a past employer.. maybe it was.. maybe it wasn't.. But the POINT is what will the police think about your contacting them? STALK Much? You did the same thing in Arkansas, but this is where we come in. We LINKED them so they're all aware of who you are and that you're pulling the same crimes elsewhere.

I'd start worrying about the NASTY reputation you're getting. It's not your dmca nonsense you need worry about: it's ANONYMOUS discovering the threats you've made. Your calling them a "terrorist organization" and blowing the whistle, or RATHER interfering with their operations with your butthurt LIES to further your agenda. Disrupting Colchester because poor sad margie was told off by a CHILD. You put that boy in DANGER pitting him against Anonymous. Think ANYone will give a F*** about your footage?


You're FROM Oklahoma. You live in Houston. Keep playing games and we'll show your local gay bars so they get a good look at you too. This is no longer a game. It's a manhunt to see you pay for your crimes against that child.

You're DONE. GET THAT? F-I-N-I-S-H-E-D pushing people around. The last step before the police bust your door down is to bring the TRUTH to Houston.

?We do not forgive
?We do not forget

((( Answer and Rebuttal by ItsMsMargie of youtube. I notice that Alex Grant refers to showing my footage to the Sheriff's department in Waldron Arkansas where Cheif Cody is well aware of the person he has teamed up with rebecca jean bidwell whom sent death threats to Itsmsmargie of youtube.She has beenacting partially on his behalf. What Alex has done is piece together many clips from dramatic skit videos done by Itsmsmargie of youtube painting an inconsistant image of her as a drunk, I take meds, etc, etc, etc, etc, she makes gun threats, which she has not.I noticed he said " they know what you are and who you are." My reply that is I am sure they do from my dramatic skits but that is all they were dramatic skits and what I am being a transgender is just that. But just because your online your not above the law and you still have to follow the law. He refers toMargie as atraitor becauseshe said in some videos back in 2007 and 2008 that anyone could uploadher videos. But no specific videos were mentioned andMargie was referring toher favorite videos not the videos Alex is using for his series, no permission was granted no conveyence of copyright was signed, no transfer of copyright made are signed.No specific videos werementioned.also, I could withdraw that permission anytime I wanted too. Mr. Grant has been notified many times that he cannot use my copyrighted content by writing and mainly by the dmca process which he has been notified over 200 times and scoff's at those notifications and reuploads my copyrighted content to harrass and ridicule and incite hate.About his allegations and slander and defamation of Margie being a liar, the truth always turns out and I will always tell it like it really is. She Scams? Thats a total lie documented and made up by Alex and I scammed donations to fix my mobile home after hurricane Ike hit, a total lie, never asked for any donations what so ever. It also looks like Alex the anonymous member is the bully, not Margie. Fair Use? An entertainment series is NOT fair use. I never ever said his "anonymous member" accomplice in the U.K. that sent threats about burning down my home was a bomb maker, a total fabrication and lie , Mick Bond of the U.K. police has my reports and at no time was youtube user anonymyke aka anonymousstrikeforce of youtube ever labeled as a bomb maker. Total lie by Mr. Alex Grant. As far as Mr. Grants allegations about Margie calling his past employer, it was not an employer it was MTN public television in Minnesota and it was after 4 years of harrassment and threats and it was for verification of identity purposes. As far as Arkansas he mentions, this is where the convicted felonAlex Grantteamed up with her name Rebecca Jean Bidwell to intimidate threaten and further harrass Itsmsmargie of youtubeeven sending death threats. In Arkansaslaw enforcement Cheif Cody of the Sherriff's department in Waldron is the one that said she used to work as a factory worker at the tyson chicken plant and had threatened two other towns people there. So there was not stalking. Law enforcement told that information. The FBI sent Cheif Cody to Ms. Bidwell's home to interview her. So Margie is not Stalking anyone and has never been to Arkansas. Alexander Grant of Minneapolis has strong ties with anonymous and is a self admitted member of the organization. So that answers his remarks about anonymous.49 year old Mr. Alex Grant of Minneapolis said I was harrassing a child online when it was the other way around the youtube user named, Anonymousstrikeforce aka anonymyke aka saintcheeese of youtube was a 26 year old male that was threatening Margie. This was no child. Colchester Police became involved because of his threats. So that answers some of his allegations. )))

Alex Grant writes ItsMsmargie again after several Cease and Desist contact letters and issues more "anonymous threats"

This letter is written from his FBIknowsFagstoneLies account dated:

January 4th, 2011

Alex Grant writes Itsmsmargie of youtube again on December 28th 2010 from his FBIknowsFagstoneLies youtube account.

Open Your EYES

Ya think you're so SMUG pulling your dmca's. ..THANKFULLY, each time you do so, PROVES to everyone what we're saying is true. Have you ever thought about that? I didn't think so. Since you don't seem capable of figuring this out, have you noticed how people are taking chances with their accounts? This is NOT a coincidence. We're doing this to get rid of all accounts you know us by. We don't like you.

Are you aware you're risking your accounts when you break TOS? The name's wrong, but you think it's right and you are telling people this name. I'm aware of at least 2 people that reported it. Even if the name is wrong doesn't matter. You THINK it's right, and that proves intent.

You're an IDIOT so I'm not wasting my time explaining what fair use means. But I will tell you others won't ignore it. YOU are case & point WHY there is the term. I'm not afraid of you and you don't intimidate me in the least. I have NO trouble whatsoever walking up to your door and knocking with the police. You don't scare me. Try running your mouth and get in my face and you'll meet a Lion! I should warn you the number of enemies you have made on youtube and across the net is many. Your constant harassment has brought many to join together and there is talk about bringing ALL the complaints to the Houston authorities. Don't believe me? It's Ok. It will make your look all the sweeter when you realize that I'm telling you the truth. And Acutus will be right there with the camera to catch it.


(((( Answer and Rebuttal by ItsMsMargie of youtube ---- I have about 1200 friends subscribed to me on youtube. At last count Mr. Grant you had 10 on your account DeliverUsFromMargie about 10 on your FBIknowsFagstoneLIES accountand some of those are ones you incite hate against me with. As far as your remarks about people that don't like me, well your inciting hate crimes and your inciting hate. Fair Use?? again?? Mr. Grant an entertainment series is NOT fair use especially when my videos are copyrighted. Walking up to my door? You want do that in Texas the police will not escort you to my door here. It appears your whole last letter is nothing more but implied threats and threats as usual from you since 2008. Bringing complaints to Houston authorities??? Would that be you and your accomplices complaint Ms. Bidwell that Margie traveled to Waldron Arkansas and killed her big pit bull dog and hung it from a fence? You also said youtube user RileyNra did that. More lies. never happened a complete fabrication. All this and fraudulent police reports will be brought up to Houston law enforcement.You said:

Quit harassing me, Quit harassing others???Margie hasnot been writing you or contacting you Mr Alex Grant. You are contacting Itsmsmargieof youtubethreatening inciting others to harrass margie and video proof and written and you do not abide by the Cease and Desist contact letters, you have been sent 5 of them Mr. Grant all documented and dated and you continue to contact and harrass Itsmsmargie of youtube that is why the FBI is involved. Regardless of your attempt to predjudice law enforcement against Itsmsmargie by editing and butchering her old dramatic skit videos to paint her as a drunk when actually there was only coca cola in that bottle and shame her because of her gender expression and what she is as you put it, you still have to follow the law rather your online are not and the truth always comes out Mr. Alexander Grant of the group anonymous. )))))

Ms Margie again sent Alex Grant yet another Cease and Desist contact letter after he contacted her again.

December 24th 2010 and this was his response; Sent by youtube user: FBIknowsFagstoneLIES From Alex Grant from his TheCrazyladysaga youtube account wrote Itsmsmargie this: December 21st 2010 in conjunction with a video entitled: "Who is Anonymous" an opportunity

Sent to: itsmsmargie

Alexander Grant wrote:I never made a death threat to you. You're over-reaching, and I think that's what is going to catch you. I take your threats VERY seriously. As a result, we will no longer have direct contact again. The FBI in Texas City didn't know you. Hmm. For all your threats, you'd think they would be very aware of you! However, I am, for real, talking with all of them. Washington DC, UK, Arkansas, Florida, Texas, and most noteworthy the Galveston, and Houston areas. Keep doing what you're doing and EVERY NEW THING is reported. I'm not going to make a public comment, just REPORT it. VERY SOON you will be contacted by them. I can't do much about your behavior, BUT I CAN MAKE THE INFORMATION PUBLIC. I CAN REPORT IT TO POLICE. Your friend Ivan has also been reported. It was rumored he works in the department of homeland security, so I went to Washington DC to make sure it was reported at a level above his authority. They have the ability to verify EVERY resource he used, and whether it was appropriate to his caseload. (They can literally review everything he has typed!) I'm not getting into any of that, it's an active situation, and they will determine what happens to him. They have taken my complaint and any security issues very seriously. BEFORE you begin making a bunch of assumptions, I would like to suggest you put your feelings on hold for this message. You may not realize this yet, but there is an opportunity for a truce. Take some time to THINK about it's contents before responding.

We have no trouble telling you this channel is only a dmca or two away from closing. However, we would like to point out a few reasons why you may not want to do that.It's understandable why you're not supportive of the gdt series. However gdt has a right to air. Before we get into a debate, let's not miss the bigger picture: We spoke with acutus ptolemy about the show. He told us that while the series does feature you, it was never set out as a hate campaign against you. You were used as the example, but never a target. It was created to show the dangers in arguing with strangers.

Beyond the series, Anonymous became involved because of the negative attacks you made against their organization. More recently, you made false accusations against a boy, and once again, disrupted Anonymous's business and focus.

Let us be clear here: the gdt series will continue to air. Anonymous has assisted and taught the art of randomization. You stand no chance whatsoever of ever wiping the series out.

These are the facts. Allow me to explain: in the early years, you found shows easily by the channels gdtransformers3, gdtransformers4, etc but TODAY it's not that way. The show has no predictable path; it can be found anywhere. Anonymous further taught that the series name could be changed.. they can even name the series by the channel! They taught UNtagging: How Not to tag videos under things you might search for. What this means is your chance of finding gdt is hit or miss at best.

True, you found this channel. Maybe once in a blue moon you'll find another. However, if you think you can wipe out the series consider this: This channel sat here for 10 MONTHS quietly airing gdt to the public undetected. If it took you that long to find ONE channel, you stand no chance of finding ALL of them. Your good friend Ivan taught mr ptolemy how to "link" channels so when a channel fails, there is a network already waiting. (Looks like you got another mchwalte on your hands!)

So those are the facts. The sooner you accept that, the less you'll burn yourself out. If it gives you any comfort, mr ptolemy said he was nearly finished producing episodes for the series. He has no plans of producing further shows; but he WILL fight for the the gdt series. (While he may not be making more shows, the new shows will air until sometime March-May.)

Returning to my earlier comment: So why would you NOT want to dmca this channel? Because once it's gone, gdt will be as well and you'll have no direction. Are you not curious to see what the upcoming shows are about? Sometimes it takes not a single episode, but a look at how one season connects to another to see the "bigger picture", and why the series was created.

Further, as long as you dmca you show your fans your need to control, and they may interpret that as you have something to HIDE.

You went about this the wrong way. If you didn't dmca, you could have responded to what you felt was correct, or not 2 each episode. Instead you gave the series a "rebel" feel; which frankly, people love!

Now you sit with a choice. Think about these things or hit the dmca button and make this channel go away?

THIS channel will be gone, but the show will go on.

((((Answer and Rebuttal by ItsMsmargie of youtube-- Yes, you did send threats, documented since 2008 and your accomplice convicted felon buddy woman your friends with sent death threats. Remember your threat Alex," You better hope Rebecca gets to you before I do, because I plan on leaving a lasting impression." Every threat you have sent Ms. Margie has been documented, along with your "anonymous threats." No one is over reaching. Your implied threats and your accomplices death threats have been documented and in the hands of law enforcement. You said just this past month of January 2011 by written electronic letter to Ms. Margie you were coming to kick in her door. The FBI in Texas City did not know me because I am not a convicted felon like your associate that you have ganged up with to harrass , and threaten. The FBI in Texas City and law enforcement has figured out you turned in fraudulent police reports. The FBI in Minneapolis is involved now. The FBI and Galveston police realize now you are turning in false police reports Mr. Grant and realize that the videos and sound recordings you sent them were not gun threats but part of a impromptu dramatic skit I went into because you cyberstalked me to the Chance psychic show and crank called in and after years of your harrassment and threats since 2008, I got nasty with you in a dramatic skit about guns.You were never threatened either, the skit was not in the best language, and was descriptive about weapons, but no gun threats were involved. If you came to my home the police would be called immediately and you would be arrested. We have the complete audio of the incident you sent law enforcement a partial audio clip leaving out your dialog. Law enforcement now has the complete audio transcript, not your edited version of your crank call into our psychic show Mr. Grant. As far as your dispute with Ivan Vargas, I understood he worked for homeland security and is another witness to your harrassment so I will not discuss this. Your series using my copyrighted videosis willful copyright infringement a felony and punishable up to 10 years in federal prision Mr. Alex Grant.)))))

August 15th 2010

As far as you, I'm no longer going to respond to anything you say. You have a very paranoid view of the world and others. The lengths you LIE blow me away, so your threats are being met with action. One day soon, my agent will fly down there to file restraining orders. He's waiting for the police there to handle you first. Don't think you'll gain my personal info because my manager can file papers on my behalf listing his business address. From the Police, YouTube, Anonymous, FBI, CIA, Interpol, Galveston, Houston, Colchester, Scott County.. they ALL know about you, and each other, and they are working together. Your comment about "determining assets" has also been screenshot, but they went directly to the source and copied it. Really any move you make will be noted by them, not me.

Time to get smart Vicky. Time to come clean before you & your accomplices meet SERIOUS charges.

Alexander Grant wrote:

August 13th 2010

A message from Acutus

Acutus asked me to forward this message to you. He stated he's not returning to youtube until the police nab you. His message is below.

Dear Tweedle Dee & Tweedle DUM,
Uh, did either of you idiots happen to look at the DATE of the interview? It was like, 15 YEARS AGO!!! NOW I GET why you've been coming up with all the St Paul BS!

1)I've changed my name since that time.
2)I've moved 15 times since then. To 6 different states, and two other countries.


As far as my "friends" you wrote your FAKE Ripoffreport, they are actually fellow actors that are starring in a movie I'm in at Chicago. I'm not the only one making a complaint about you. My friends are, as well as an organized effort on youtube. I realize now the only way to truly stop you is to go directly to the police before you try to set me up like Mike. That has been done and I'm nearly finished in DC.

Good LUCK with your search idiot.

I'm getting the police VERY close to you now

((((Answer and Rebuttal by Itsmsmargie ----- First thing that comes to my mind is why would someone feel the need to change there name and move 15 times to 6 different states?? What's Mr. Alex Grant running are hiding from. What else has he done.))))

Acutus aka Alex writes:

August 10th 2010

Hmm I think it was Riley who killed her dog. Doesn't quite fit you. ..Or am I wrong? It's interesting how quiet you've been

(((((Answer and Rebuttal. No body killed your accomplices pit bull dog and hung it from a fence Alex, that's a total and complete fabrication and fraudulent police report by you and your convicted felon friend that you have asked to act on your behalf threatening and harrassing ItsMsmargie of youtube.)))))

Alex Grant writes, from his FBIKnowsFagstoneLies youtube account:

August 9, 2010


You claim to be a victim but your ACTIONS prove otherwise. WHO killed Rebecca's dog Marge? Try to think up an answer before they ask you.

August 9th 2010

Alex Grant contacts Itsmargie again writing from his FBIKnowsFagstoneLIES youtube account

Great News!

So did you or Riley kill Rebecca's dog? Also noted (and copied) the following statement you made: ItsMsMargie (2 months ago) Spam Marked as spam
You have to determine there assets first and research and watch closely. Your & Riley's contact info has been forwarded to INTERPOL and the CIA in Washington DC. Riley f****d up BIGtime last Saturday.

Thanks to your many victims I now have a thick folder of proof. After DC I'm coming to Texas. Not to see you..I'm bringing agents along to see to your arrest and restraining orders. This is the END of your bullshit.

The END.

Alex writes ItsMsmargie again from his FBIKnowsFagstoneLIES youtube account

August 15th 2010


If you have anything you would like to say to Acutus, I would suggest you send it now. I think after Monday they will not allow it. This might be your only chance

August 4th 2010

Alex Grant writes from his FBIknowsFagstoneLies account to Itsmsmargie of youtube a gun threat while sending a video entitled: Lean Back Boricua

U got it

It's completely a police matter now.

Unlike you I don't lie. I've watched your behavior for a long time and you ARE stalking Anonymyke, Acutus, And Rebecca. People say s**t all the time on the internet. Doesn't matter. But when you extend it in real life, and cross state lines to stalk, that's when the law is going to break your neck.

All these officers you've contacted are working together to stop you. You show up anywhere around me I'll blast your a*s. That's a promise

August the 4th 2010 Alex Grant writes ItsMsmargie of youtube again in conjunction with sending the video entitled: Lean Back Boricua

A promise Your a*s is gonna be in jail soon

(((( Answer and Rebuttal by ItsMsmargie of youtube ---- Are you kidding in my opinion Mr. Grant your a pathological liar and I have documented statements you have made several times indicating you can get anyone to believe anything by repetiion. Margie crossed state lines to go to your accomplices house and kill her pit bull dog and hang it on a fence, because you said Riley did it before in a documented statement. That fabricated story diminishes your credibility very much. Margie is stalking you Mr. Grant?

Your letters you sent her posted her prove otherwise.))))


North Carolina,
United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, February 02, 2011

Here are some letters I received this January of 2011 from Alex Grant, Alexander Grant aka Acutus ptolemy of minneapolis. He contacted me and each time he was sent a Cease and Desist contact letter and these are his reponses to those Cease and Desist contact letters. This is just some of so many dating all the way back to 2008 the reason I am posting his letters is it shows his character and his harrassment. His allegations in these letters I will answer in a seperate report below.

January 9th 2011 Alex Grant again contacts ItsMsmargie of youtube after receiving numerous Cease and Desist contact letters and he sends a copy of the Anonymous internet organizations video entitled , "Anonymous Declaration of Freedom."

FBI knowsFagstoneLies aka Alex Grant writes:

Thank You For Helping
Got a video for you

"Anonymous Declaration of Freedom"

Alex Grant writes:

January the 9th 2011 after receiving Cease and Desist contact letter to ItsMsmargie of youtube while sending this letter in conjunction with an anonymous organization video entitle: " Anonymous Declaration of Freedom."

Piss Off Traitor

No one is worried about you. We'll show your footage to the police so they see what we're combating. We did so in the Uk, We did so in Arkansas. Once they SAW who you are, they know WHAT you are. You are a lying b****. We've got your messages from the beginning granting permission. You've seen others release your video giving everyone permission.

But, GUESS WHAT? It's NOT needed. You can LIE, BULLY and SCAM. YOU can deny fair use exists.. but the law won't. YOU'RE TOTALLY WRONG.. but for the sake of argument, let's say you're right and we're committing copyright infringement. HOW will that stack next to you lying about a young kid saying he makes bombs and is the leader of anonymous? THINK they'll give a F*** about copyrights? You won't free yourself. Detectives hold that footage.

As far as Mr Ptolemy goes, you have invaded his privacy. You think you called a past employer.. maybe it was.. maybe it wasn't.. But the POINT is what will the police think about your contacting them? STALK Much? You did the same thing in Arkansas, but this is where we come in. We LINKED them so they're all aware of who you are and that you're pulling the same crimes elsewhere.

I'd start worrying about the NASTY reputation you're getting. It's not your dmca nonsense you need worry about: it's ANONYMOUS discovering the threats you've made. Your calling them a "terrorist organization" and blowing the whistle, or RATHER interfering with their operations with your butthurt LIES to further your agenda. Disrupting Colchester because poor sad margie was told off by a CHILD. You put that boy in DANGER pitting him against Anonymous. Think ANYone will give a F*** about your footage?


You're FROM Oklahoma. You live in Houston. Keep playing games and we'll show your local gay bars so they get a good look at you too. This is no longer a game Vicky. It's a manhunt to see you pay for your crimes against that child.

You're DONE. GET THAT? F-I-N-I-S-H-E-D pushing people around. The last step before the police bust your door down is to bring the TRUTH to Houston.

?We do not forgive
?We do not forget

Alex Grant writes ItsMsmargie again after several Cease and Desist contact letters and issues more "anonymous threats"

This letter is written from his FBIknowsFagstoneLies account dated:

January 4th, 2011

Alex Grant writes Itsmsmargie of youtube again on December 28th 2010 from his FBIknowsFagstoneLies youtube account.

Open Your EYES

Ya think you're so SMUG pulling your dmca's. ..THANKFULLY, each time you do so, PROVES to everyone what we're saying is true. Have you ever thought about that? I didn't think so. Since you don't seem capable of figuring this out, have you noticed how people are taking chances with their accounts? This is NOT a coincidence. We're doing this to get rid of all accounts you know us by. We don't like you.

Are you aware you're risking your accounts when you break TOS? The name's wrong, but you think it's right and you are telling people this name. I'm aware of at least 2 people that reported it. Even if the name is wrong doesn't matter. You THINK it's right, and that proves intent.

You're an IDIOT so I'm not wasting my time explaining what fair use means. But I will tell you others won't ignore it. YOU are case & point WHY there is the term. I'm not afraid of you and you don't intimidate me in the least. I have NO trouble whatsoever walking up to your door and knocking with the police. You don't scare me. Try running your mouth and get in my face and you'll meet a Lion! I should warn you the number of enemies you have made on youtube and across the net is many. Your constant harassment has brought many to join together and there is talk about bringing ALL the complaints to the Houston authorities. Don't believe me? It's Ok. It will make your look all the sweeter when you realize that I'm telling you the truth. And Acutus will be right there with the camera to catch it.


Ms Margie again sent Alex Grant yet another Cease and Desist contact letter after he contacted her again.

December 24th 2010 and this was his response; Sent by youtube user: FBIknowsFagstoneLIES From Alex Grant from his TheCrazyladysaga youtube account wrote Itsmsmargie this: December 21st 2010 in conjunction with a video entitled: "Who is Anonymous" an opportunity

Sent to: itsmsmargie

Alexander Grant wrote:I never made a death threat to you. You're over-reaching, and I think that's what is going to catch you. I take your threats VERY seriously. As a result, we will no longer have direct contact again. The FBI in Texas City didn't know you. Hmm. For all your threats, you'd think they would be very aware of you! However, I am, for real, talking with all of them. Washington DC, UK, Arkansas, Florida, Texas, and most noteworthy the Galveston, and Houston areas. Keep doing what you're doing and EVERY NEW THING is reported. I'm not going to make a public comment, just REPORT it. VERY SOON you will be contacted by them. I can't do much about your behavior, BUT I CAN MAKE THE INFORMATION PUBLIC. I CAN REPORT IT TO POLICE. Your friend Ivan has also been reported. It was rumored he works in the department of homeland security, so I went to Washington DC to make sure it was reported at a level above his authority. They have the ability to verify EVERY resource he used, and whether it was appropriate to his caseload. (They can literally review everything he has typed!) I'm not getting into any of that, it's an active situation, and they will determine what happens to him. They have taken my complaint and any security issues very seriously. BEFORE you begin making a bunch of assumptions, I would like to suggest you put your feelings on hold for this message. You may not realize this yet, but there is an opportunity for a truce. Take some time to THINK about it's contents before responding.

We have no trouble telling you this channel is only a dmca or two away from closing. However, we would like to point out a few reasons why you may not want to do that.It's understandable why you're not supportive of the gdt series. However gdt has a right to air. Before we get into a debate, let's not miss the bigger picture: We spoke with acutus ptolemy about the show. He told us that while the series does feature you, it was never set out as a hate campaign against you. You were used as the example, but never a target. It was created to show the dangers in arguing with strangers.

Beyond the series, Anonymous became involved because of the negative attacks you made against their organization. More recently, you made false accusations against a boy, and once again, disrupted Anonymous's business and focus.

Let us be clear here: the gdt series will continue to air. Anonymous has assisted and taught the art of randomization. You stand no chance whatsoever of ever wiping the series out.

These are the facts. Allow me to explain: in the early years, you found shows easily by the channels gdtransformers3, gdtransformers4, etc but TODAY it's not that way. The show has no predictable path; it can be found anywhere. Anonymous further taught that the series name could be changed.. they can even name the series by the channel! They taught UNtagging: How Not to tag videos under things you might search for. What this means is your chance of finding gdt is hit or miss at best.

True, you found this channel. Maybe once in a blue moon you'll find another. However, if you think you can wipe out the series consider this: This channel sat here for 10 MONTHS quietly airing gdt to the public undetected. If it took you that long to find ONE channel, you stand no chance of finding ALL of them. Your good friend Ivan taught mr ptolemy how to "link" channels so when a channel fails, there is a network already waiting. (Looks like you got another mchwalte on your hands!)

So those are the facts. The sooner you accept that, the less you'll burn yourself out. If it gives you any comfort, mr ptolemy said he was nearly finished producing episodes for the series. He has no plans of producing further shows; but he WILL fight for the the gdt series. (While he may not be making more shows, the new shows will air until sometime March-May.)

Returning to my earlier comment: So why would you NOT want to dmca this channel? Because once it's gone, gdt will be as well and you'll have no direction. Are you not curious to see what the upcoming shows are about? Sometimes it takes not a single episode, but a look at how one season connects to another to see the "bigger picture", and why the series was created.

Further, as long as you dmca you show your fans your need to control, and they may interpret that as you have something to HIDE.

You went about this the wrong way. If you didn't dmca, you could have responded to what you felt was correct, or not 2 each episode. Instead you gave the series a "rebel" feel; which frankly, people love!

Now you sit with a choice. Think about these things or hit the dmca button and make this channel go away?

THIS channel will be gone, but the show will go on.

August 15th 2010

As far as you, I'm no longer going to respond to anything you say. You have a very paranoid view of the world and others. The lengths you LIE blow me away, so your threats are being met with action. One day soon, my agent will fly down there to file restraining orders. He's waiting for the police there to handle you first. Don't think you'll gain my personal info because my manager can file papers on my behalf listing his business address. From the Police, YouTube, Anonymous, FBI, CIA, Interpol, Galveston, Houston, Colchester, Scott County.. they ALL know about you, and each other, and they are working together. Your comment about "determining assets" has also been screenshot, but they went directly to the source and copied it. Really any move you make will be noted by them, not me.

Time to get smart. Time to come clean before you & your accomplices meet SERIOUS charges.

Alexander Grant wrote:

August 13th 2010

A message from Acutus

Acutus asked me to forward this message to you. He stated he's not returning to youtube until the police nab you. His message is below.

Dear Tweedle Dee & Tweedle DUM,
Uh, did either of you idiots happen to look at the DATE of the interview? It was like, 15 YEARS AGO!!! NOW I GET why you've been coming up with all the St Paul BS!

1)I've changed my name since that time.
2)I've moved 15 times since then. To 6 different states, and two other countries.


As far as my "friends" you wrote your FAKE Ripoffreport, they are actually fellow actors that are starring in a movie I'm in at Chicago. I'm not the only one making a complaint about you. My friends are, as well as an organized effort on youtube. I realize now the only way to truly stop you is to go directly to the police before you try to set me up like Mike. That has been done and I'm nearly finished in DC.

Good LUCK with your search idiot.

I'm getting the police VERY close to you now

Acutus aka Alex writes:

August 10th 2010

Hmm I think it was Riley who killed her dog. Doesn't quite fit you. ..Or am I wrong? It's interesting how quiet you've been

Alex Grant writes, from his FBIKnowsFagstoneLies youtube account:

August 9, 2010


You claim to be a victim but your ACTIONS prove otherwise. WHO killed Rebecca's dog Marge? Try to think up an answer before they ask you.

August 9th 2010

Alex Grant contacts Itsmargie again writing from his FBIKnowsFagstoneLIES youtube account

Great News!

So did you or Riley kill Rebecca's dog? Also noted (and copied) the following statement you made: ItsMsMargie (2 months ago) Spam Marked as spam
You have to determine there assets first and research and watch closely. Your & Riley's contact info has been forwarded to INTERPOL and the CIA in Washington DC. Riley f****d up BIGtime last Saturday.

Thanks to your many victims I now have a thick folder of proof. After DC I'm coming to Texas. Not to see you..I'm bringing agents along to see to your arrest and restraining orders. This is the END of your bullshit.

The END.

Alex writes ItsMsmargie again from his FBIKnowsFagstoneLIES youtube account

August 15th 2010


If you have anything you would like to say to Acutus, I would suggest you send it now. I think after Monday they will not allow it. This might be your only chance

August 4th 2010

Alex Grant writes from his FBIknowsFagstoneLies account to Itsmsmargie of youtube a gun threat while sending a video entitled: Lean Back Boricua

U got it

It's completely a police matter now.

Unlike you I don't lie. I've watched your behavior for a long time and you ARE stalking Anonymyke, Acutus, And Rebecca. People say s**t all the time on the internet. Doesn't matter. But when you extend it in real life, and cross state lines to stalk, that's when the law is going to break your neck.

All these officers you've contacted are working together to stop you. You show up anywhere around me I'll blast your a*s. That's a promise

August the 4th 2010 Alex Grant writes ItsMsmargie of youtube again in conjunction with sending the video entitled: Lean Back Boricua

A promise Your a*s is gonna be in jail soon


North Carolina,
United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, January 27, 2011




North Carolina,
United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, January 27, 2011




North Carolina,
United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 26, 2011



North Carolina,
United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, January 24, 2011


Many stateshave enacted "cyberstalking" or "cyberharassment" laws or have laws that explicitly include electronic forms of communication within more traditional stalking or harassment laws.In addition,recent concerns about protectingminors fromonline bullying or harassment have led states to enact "cyberbullying" laws.This chart identifies onlystate laws that include specific references to electronic communication.However, other state lawsmay still apply to those who harass, threaten or bully others online, although specific language may make the laws easier to enforce.This chartclassifies the various state laws addressing these three different types of online behaviors, as described below.

Cyberstalking. Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet, email or other electronic communications to stalk, andgenerally refers to a pattern ofthreatening or malicious behaviors.Cyberstalkingmaybeconsidered the most dangerous of the three types ofInternet harassment, based on a posing credible threat of harm. Sanctions range from misdemeanors to felonies.

Cyberharassment. Cyberharassment differs from cyberstalking in that it is generally defined as not involving a credible threat. Cyberharassment usually pertains to threatening or harassing email messages, instant messages, or toblog entries or websites dedicated solelyto tormenting an individual. Some states approach cyberharrassment byincluding language addressing electronic communications in generalharassment statutes, while others have created stand-alone cyberharassment statutes.

Cyberbullying. Cyberbullying and cyberharassment are sometimes used interchangeably, butfor the purposes of this chart, cyberbullying is used for electronic harassment or bullyingamong minors withina school context. Recent cyberbullying legislation reflects a trendof makaingschool districts the policy enforcers of such misconduct. As a result, statutesestablish the infrastructure for schools to handle this issue by amending existing school anti-bullying policies to include cyberbullying or electronic harassment among school age children. The majority of these state lawsestablish sanctions for all forms of cyberbullying on school property, school busses and official school functions. However, some havealsoextended sanctions to include cyberbullying activities that originate off-campus,believing that activities off-campus can have a chilling and disruptive effect on children's learning environment. The sanctions for cyberbullying range from school/parent interventions to misdemeanors and felonies with detention, suspension, and expulsion in between.Some of these laws promote Internet safety education or curricula that covers cyberbullying. Although Acutus Ptolemy aka 49 year old Alex Grant of St. Paul is not a school age child the infrastructure of the statement about cyberbullying applies to this older man.


United States of America

Alex Grant is calling other people a fraud?

#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 08, 2011

Alex Grant iscalling other people a fraud?? Wow, in my opinion he is the ultimate fraud. I just hope that perhaps by reading these reports some of these bands that he associates himself with will read this and realize the seriousness of getting involved with him.

I'm posting a new picture of him. He's calling people a NUTCASE????

Take alook at this picture. Decide who's the NUTCASE.


United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 08, 2011



So here is what Alexander Christopher Grant of Minnesota said:Frankly the above is true. Margerie has had to battle depression and mental health issues all her life. And is on medications. Frankly this is true, however what Mr. Alexander Christopher Grant fails to realize is that its no shame to admit to and or have illnesses and seek help for them. Alexander Christopher Grant of Minnesota said:*This SAME woman claims to have a number of mental disorders including (but not limited to) Depression, BiPolar Disorder, SSRI, and is on medications for those disorders.

*This SAME woman has made videos openly calling people "Demons with skin on". She has a NASTY reputation..just look up GayDiamond or Margerie Brubaker or Vicky Rice and you'll see her own ripoffreports. She's been STALKING & HARRASSING MR PTOLEMY BECAUSE HE WAS BRAVE ENOUGH TO TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT HER. I APPLAUD HIM! I've SEEN the series in question; catch ANY show and you'll see how HONEST this whackjob is!!!

Wow this is where you completely bombed and lied. Margerie has over a 1000 friends on youtube and is loved and cared for by many people just search ItsMsMargie on youtube. Look at all her friends and the love and support she receives. You said she has been stalking and harrassing you Mr. Alexander Christopher Grant? No, that's lie. You have been stalking and harrassing her and stealing every videos she uploads on youtube, that's what the truth is. What is your NOT telling Mr. Alexander Christopher Grant is that your involved in copyright theft. And willfull infringement that could get you 10 years prison time since you have been dmca's over 200 times and since Margie has copyrighted her videos in collections online at the U.S. copyrights office. You have not told any truth about Margie what so ever. You are theif. Plain and simple you are a theif. Your involved in copyright theft and you stole her videos, butchered them , edited them. So who's whackjob???? Your the one involved in copyright theft and sending Margie threats which will I am sure when the judge see's your letters will alter him to decide in Margies favor and since like I said you have been notified in writing and by the dmca process over 200 times you could receive 10 years prison time for willful infringement.


Alexander Christopher Grant of Minnesota said:Wow 2 for 2. There is real evil in this world and some people are evil and frankly your one of them in my opinion Alexander Christopher Grant.And on a final note. I see your uploading dramatic skit photos of Margie in an attempt to diminish her credibility, but people are not stupid. Any how each time you use one of her copyrighted photos off her copyrighted videos with the United States Copyright office, a brand new rip off report will be made about you Mr Alexander Christopher Grant.


United States of America

No, this report is not a lie and the FBI is involved

#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 08, 2011

No, the report is all true. The issue isn't about her dramatic skit photos which you are posting. The issue is about your real fraud Mr. Alex Grant, Mr. Alexander Christopher Grant. The issue is about your very real fraud and copyright theft. That's what the issue is about. Copyright theft and that's why the FBI is involved and in conjunction with your threats to ItsMsMargie.

That's what the truth is and you will be in court because of it. That's what the truth is. Yes, the dramatic skits Margerie made in 2008 were very bizarre and very dramatic but the videos are hers. She authored them and copyrighted them online through the new at that time Electronic copyright office online as a collection for $45. There copyrighted. There copyrighted plan and simple. Plain and simple what Mr. Grant is doing is copyright theft and willful infringement which can deliver you a 10 year prison term, especially since you have been dmca's over 200 times and refuse to file a counter notification and you continue your willful infringement.

The truth is and law enforcement and the FBI will catch up with you. The judge will see your letters to Margie. The judge will see your collection and make the decision. Intentional willful infringement especially under these circumstances, dramatic bizarre skits are not, can bring you 10 years prison time


United States of America

NUTCASE wrote a Ripoffreport on people that refused to friend her!

#34Consumer Comment

Fri, January 07, 2011

Nothing to say here as the title says everything!

Vicky Rice is harassing Mr Ptolemy's friends because his show "GayDiamond Trilogy" exposes the FRAUD and STALKER Vicky Rice of Galveston Texas is.

Miss Rice has tons of reports out there so I'm not reposting everything. Just look at her picture I'm including and you'll see how honest she is!

Out and about

United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, November 11, 2010

Because Acutus Ptolemy aka Alex Grant aka Christopher Grant aka full legal name Alexander Christopher Grant  D.O.B. 12-30-1962 of St. Paul and Minneapolis teamed up with a convicted felon that issued death threats, terroristic threats and harrassment and he himself issued threats, the FBI is involved and the Police department in Minneapolis St

.  It was Sgt. Murray Prust of the St. Paul Police department that confirmed that the photo above was in fact Alexander Christopher Grant age 48.  The case is now being handled by detectives in internet crime in Minneapolis and the FBI.  Alex Grant changes his user names on the internet often.  If you know of any other names he is using online other than Acutus Ptolemy, please post them here so investigators can be informed.  He has been harrassing and sent threats to ItsMsMargie of youtube since early 2008. Be sure to search these reports under Alex Grant and Acutus Ptolemy to read more about his behavior.  His criminal investigation is ongoing for other issues.

Out and about

United States of America


#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, November 08, 2010

Update 11-08-10 Alexander Grant aka Alex Grant aka Acutus ptolemy continues his incitement of hate and harrassment from his new channel created to continue to bully Itsmsmargie of youtube.  His new channel is: DeliverUsFromMargie   both the FBI and the St. Paul Police department detectives and Minneapolis Police detectives are aware of this.  He continues to use segments of copyrighted video footage of Ms.Margie that constitutes willful felony willful infringement. His harrassment is being closely followed.

Chief Thomas E. Smith
Saint Paul Police Department assistant,

Officer John Keating is aware of the situation along with detectives

Sgt.  Murray prust  

Alexander Christopher Grant aka Alex Grant aka Acutus Ptolemy  is really 48 years old and was born Dec. 30th 1962 that is all the information I can release here although we have much more.  An investigation by Minneapolis Police is currently open and ongoing.


minneapolis,  612-348-2345


United States of America


#34UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 24, 2010

Alex is way wrong. Even if Margie did give permission for him to use her videos, nothing is in writing and you can verbally withdraw that permission at anytime, for any reason.
I believe Margie has done that by letting the offending parties know that you no longer consent for any of your videos to be used. You have DMCA'd Alex's videos of you over 35 times now.
You've DCMA'd, you've told him verbally and in writing.
The law is very? clear, and he is breaking it. Alas, whats to be expected from such cowardly ppl.  After over 35 DMCA's it is Felony "Willful Infringement."


United States of America


#34Author of original report

Mon, August 16, 2010


I noticed that Alexander Grant of St.Paul MN, posted a picture of Margie that says, " see the series for yourself"

We'll were working on a collage of video clips that Alex has uploaded that were spinning together of him smoking dope, doing drugs and confirming it in documented comments.  Were going to post his real death threats to Margie and veiled threats along with his accomplices death threats for you to see! Because he wanted to do the gaydiamond series so bad and bring acclaim to himself. Were going to bring him acclaim alright but its not the kind he wants. Those old 2007 dramatic skit videos Margie did will be nothing in comparison when you see the real Alex Grant of St. Paul.


AND THE BIG SHOCKER  HIS CRIMINAL RECORDS.  Then you judge for yourself as Alexander Grant of St. Paul Minnesota says.




Obvious Stalker after Mr Ptolemy

#34Consumer Comment

Sun, August 15, 2010

I've been a fan of Acutus Ptolemy for many years and follow his work. This report is an obvious vendetta by a mentally ill woman. I hope Mr Ptolemy gets the police involved as she's stalking and willing to do anything to get back at him for making Vicky the focus of The GayDiamond Trilogy. The only thing this report does is CONFIRM how true GDT is. All these accusations.. NO PROOF.

She's stalking fellow actors and personal friends of Mr Ptolemy. An obvious nutjob. Believe nothing these FAKE reports say. Total rubbish!


United States of America

Alexander Grant, Alex Grant OF SAINT PAUL Minneapolis

#34Author of original report

Fri, August 13, 2010

Alex Grant just sent this harrassing letter to ItsMsMargie of youtube today 8-13-10.
Dear Tweedle Dee & Tweedle DUM,
Uh, did either of you idiots happen to look at the DATE of the interview? It was like, 15 YEARS AGO!!! NOW I GET why you've been coming up with all the St Paul BS! 

1)I've changed my name since that time.
2)I've moved 15 times since then. To 6 different states, and two other countries.


My remarks: He has not left Minnesota but he is also in Chicago at times.

Also, not that I believe ANYTHING he posts, why would he feel the need to change his name and move 15 times?

Whats he running from?

He has not changed his name court records indicate no name change.


Ok Acutus Ptolemy aka Alex Grant goes on to say and I quote his letter,  "  NOW I GET why you been coming up with the St. Paul Minnesota BS!!!!!!  *************** Note to Alexander Grant. You do live in St Paul Minnesota and it has been confirmed.  Your just afraid your criminal records are going to be posted online and I might. 



United States of America


#34Author of original report

Fri, August 13, 2010

Anyone reading this or googling Margerie Brubaker aka Vicky Rice of Galveston

can see this woman's mental health issues. She is a STALKER, and a dangerous individual in my opinion. DANGEROUS?  I COULD POST YOUR CRIMINAL RECORDS TO CLEAR THAT UP ALEX.   THINK LONG AND HARD ABOUT THIS BECAUSE SOMEONE MAY PUBLISH THEM.



 (((((( Wrong again Acutus Ptolemy aka Alex Grant, Alexander Grant your the one that teamed up with convicted felon Rebecca Jean Bidwell to stalk her and in fact really was an accomplice in sending Rebecca to her home.))))  This is what the "truth is." ))))))1)There's a young boy in the UK who a couple years ago, (when he was a minor) told her off due to her imflamitory videos these people "Demons with skin on" & AntiUk rhetoric. DRAMATIC SKIT videos, and just because your online Alexander Grant you still have to follow the law.


Here's what others say about your Dramatic Skits Alex.

"Ive never seen a video with them smoking pot, humping couchs and shooting bottle rockets from the? crack of their a*s like U did."

Here's another direct quote of what was written about you Alexander Grant.

"According to MTN, U were'nt very good at your "JOB".
That's why u had to resort to harrassing and terrorising transexual's on youtube.
It was the only place u could find a home and still remain, "anon".
The only place where you could find acceptance and not show your face.
Not anymore, can u hide your face, because there is a new documentary? series coming out with your vids from Body shits or watever its called.
You have hours and hours of video with you smokin pot, doing drugs on cam and humping couch's.
Will that be considered "fair use" or will you falsely DCMA them with MTN's signature?

I thought all of your youtube? "videos" about margie was you're "public display".
You talk of "broken private privacy", yet that's your main threat t everytime u get online and whine. "

Here's another quote someone has written about you Alex.

Minneapolis Telecommunications Network (MTN) doesn't want to touch you with a 10 foot pole, now they've heard of your threats.
Not that they didn't cut ties with you a long time ago anyways, for something we won't discuss on here. 

And another quote

"dry-humping his couch" ??? watdahell? 

Whether he's blasting rockets from his crotch, dry-humping his couch, or listening to answering-machine messages in his dark apartment, Alexander Grant, who bills himself as Acutus on his MTN? program
Grant does a lot of private dancing? on his show, and there's plenty of exhibitionist in him.

Here's one of my favorite quotes about you Alexander someone posted that really sums you up.

"Oh, don't like your "personal privacy" invaded huh?
That's interesting considering how much you advocate hate on youtube that directly targets ppls "personal privacy".
Good luck? selling that aspect."

Yet another comment about you Alex Grant.

"Why would Alex Grant support a user known as anonymyke, who has been accused of international terrorism, terroristic threats and international conspiracy to incite bodily harm onto a middle aged transexual?
Alex,? you need to re-think this through."


And this comment about you Alex Grant aka Acutus Ptolemy that really sums your artistic work up.

"Even the sound clips from your vids are stolen from Universal Studios.
Your ideas for vids are full of stupid special effects, have no real substance and obviously you are not popular.
Your? ideas are stolen from every faucet of other peoples work."


 Despite this happening about 2 years ago, She contacted the British Press and police claiming this young man "is an international terrorist", No the British Police contacted the press, at no time did Margie say he made bombs, another lie.  In Arkansas, there's another woman Marge STALKED.  Marge did not stalk your accomplice in arkansas, Rebecca Jean Bidwell the FBI and law enforcement is aware of this. And your crazy allegation of her killing a dog.  Margie has documented pm's and comments where Alex Grant has threatened her life.

  No that is not what the report was about. The report was about the fact that just because your online you still have to follow the law and your friends could have stepped forward and identified you sooner so the investigation now started by law enforcment  concerning you Alex Grant could have started earlier.


They Didn't Accept Her Friend Request!

#34REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, August 13, 2010

Anyone reading this or googling Margerie Brubaker aka Vicky Rice of Galveston Texas can see this woman's mental health issues. She is a STALKER, and a dangerous individual in my opinion. THIS ENTIRE COMPLAINT WAS WRITTEN BY VICKY RICE. Before I address what she's claiming about myself, let me address what she's done to others:
1)There's a young boy in the UK who a couple years ago, (when he was a minor) told her off due to her imflamitory videos calling these people "Demons with skin on" & AntiUk rhetoric. Despite this happening about 2 years ago, She contacted the British Press and police claiming this young man "is an international terrorist", "Makes bombs", and "is the Leader of the 'Terrorist Group' Anonymous! ALL LIES, BUT SHE'S A GOOD LIAR and convinced the Colchester UK paper The Gazette, to print her fake story. Even in Vicky's madness, she KNEW this boy is nothing of the such and LIED. (The Paper has since been provided her crazy videos and now know the TRUTH.)
2)In Arkansas, there's another woman Marge STALKED. According to her, Vicky travelled across 2 states to harrass her with a friend from Oklahoma, a Micheal Riley, who were spotted in the victim's Arkansas town. The victim reported her dog was killed during the same period.
3)THIS "Complaint" is authored by Vicky Rice. THE woman who made false charges in the Uk. THE woman who stalked and killed the Arkansas Victim's dog.
4)Vicky is upset by my show's portrayal of her.
5)Vicky's Death Threat claim is as bogus as the rest of her life. I've never threatened her life.
Based on what's been happening, CAN YOU SEE A NEED FOR THE SERIES TO BE BROADCAST?


United States of America


#34Author of original report

Sat, August 07, 2010




United States of America

Slander ??

#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 05, 2010

It is very strange as to why you won't give the name of your friend. If you are really legitimate most people would think that you would happly post that information on a site like this because it won't be deleted or changed from what YOU wrote.  So there is no way to twist your words.  Also, as you seem to think your friend is innocent. Don't you think it would be better if the people could read not only the complaint but your side of the story in your own words.

I am not going to waste my time on any of you.   I may get a "tip" from something I read on the Internet but I am not going to make that the entire basis of my report. Most likely I found the original person who made the complaint, interviewed them. Saw that there was something there and wanted to get your side of the story. You three are hiding the identity of Acutus Ptolemy.

Do you claim its an Invasion of Privacy after what has been done to ItsMsMargie of youtube by Acutus Ptolemy?  If I was to take a guess they got his picture and/or video from one place.  From the Internet, which we all know is well known for it's privacy. 

You were attempted contact Mr. Matt A. Gerard and Ms. Cheryl Hurling and Mr. Rick Wilson and "you denied all requests for an Interview about Acutus" really has you coming off better than giving your side of the story? 


United States of America

What is his real name? It's not Acutus Ptolemy.

#34Author of original report

Wed, August 04, 2010

What is his real name? It's not Acutus Ptolemy and law enforcement needs to know.

It's gone to far with death threats and inter-state stalking from his accomplice , it gone to far.


United States of America

I'm sure Acutus Ptolemy will file a rebuttle so I will just say,

#34Author of original report

Wed, August 04, 2010

Oh I am sure Acutus Ptolemy will file a rebuttle, he has a pattern of doing so with much defamation and slander toward ItsMsMargie. So I will just say it does not matter what his rebuttle is.  He knows what he has done and you know what he has done and so does the FBI and law enforcement.  To harrass Itsmsmargie for 4 years online team up with a convicted felon , that issued death threats and then try to turn it around on her that she is a liar, when its all documented by law enforcement and the FBI.   His real name will come out.




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