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  • Report:  #64560

Complaint Review: Chick-fil-a

Chick-fil-a rude arrogant jerk employees mistreat good customers Orlando Florida

  • Reported By:
    miami Florida
  • Submitted:
    Thu, July 24, 2003
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 25, 2009
*Consumer Suggestion: Ah, another word of wisdom from "Joanne at Mr. B's Salon" 's original poster *Consumer Suggestion: Give me a break! *Consumer Suggestion: Give me a break! *Consumer Suggestion: Give me a break! *Consumer Suggestion: Give me a break! *Consumer Comment: THE POT CALLIN THE KETTLE BLACK!!! *Consumer Comment: A Black Woman Responds *Consumer Comment: The pot calling the kettle racist *UPDATE EX-employee responds: My apology, and request *Consumer Comment: At Least They Didn't Short Her A McNugget *Consumer Comment: Similar experiences *Consumer Comment: A Question for Annoyedfemale *Consumer Comment: the fact that you deny racism exists or are judging a person's situation in the ignorant manner in which you are makes you an UNCLE TOM.. you're an insult to all minorities.. *Consumer Suggestion: Everything Will Be Just Fine *Consumer Suggestion: Everything Will Be Just Fine *Consumer Suggestion: Everything Will Be Just Fine *Consumer Suggestion: Everything Will Be Just Fine *Consumer Comment: An uncle tom? Classism, racism, and sexism hinder this country's growth and are tools used by the government to keep US fighting amongst ourselves instead of fighting for ourselves. *Consumer Comment: Obsevation of annoyed/anynomous female *Consumer Comment: Are you kidding me? *Consumer Suggestion: To Annoyed Female *UPDATE Employee: EASY SOLUTION! *Consumer Comment: I agree that some Chick Fil A locations are racist. Boycott them. *Consumer Suggestion: OKAY.... *Consumer Comment: get real *Author of original report: more issues with workers there *UPDATE Employee: Okay everyone, i want this one *Consumer Comment: More Details? Ph. (850)505-3200 ext. 4652 *Consumer Comment: Oh please *Consumer Comment: Don't feed the troll *Consumer Comment: Employees should not be rude to any custormer *Consumer Comment: Oh, really ?? *Consumer Comment: I don't lose any sleep at nigt *Consumer Comment: Then stop making bogus reports CHUCK *Consumer Comment: I take that has a threat *Consumer Comment: Really, Charles *Consumer Comment: Really, Charles *Consumer Comment: Really, Charles *Consumer Comment: said... * : I don't have to go anywhere *Consumer Comment: Seriously * : I will only think of my self only * : People try to scare me to keep quiet *Consumer Comment: I have done nothing to any of you

Chick-fila and fast food is really full of white and just plain human TRASH that feels like they can put down insult and demean innocent young females especially. They are some of the most arrogant bullying insecure jealous aholes on the planet.

I have had some incredibly hellish experiences with chick-fil-a throughout the past 7 years. Chick fil-a employees are horrendous just down right EVIL messed up jerks. They feel they can put down bully and treat young innocent females badly. They are RACIST and just plain psychotic.

Today, I went to a chick fila that I have been going to ever since it opened. At one point I was a very good customer who went every single day. And every single day I went, I had to deal with the incredibly rude and mean attitudes of some very low class low quality sub-human beings. Just because I had a coupon I used most of the time I went, one particular very stupid Hispanic female always gave me a hard time for no reason.

At one point, I even told her off and told her what a jerk she was and what she always tried to do. Instead, she gave me an even harder time after that just to be insulting and demeaning, and because shes an evil arrogant freak. The managers didnt care or say anything to her, they never care, and act mean themselves. I had even worse experiences at other chick fil-as ones located on rouse road and a chick-fil-a in tuskawilla, but I wont even GET into how horrid those jerks treatment was. They were ten times worse than this chick-fil-a the report is being written about because those entire restaurants were just run by low class corrupt evil psycho jerks who were beyond racist bullies.

My complaint is particularly with two employees at This chick-fil-a, and the entire company of chick-fil-a and how many of its restaurants are run by the lowest class sub-human assholes and losers, and how they are racist and treat young females badly. Almost everytime I have been to chick-fila I have had to deal with incredibly horrible treatment by the low-quality insects that work there. I only go back because I really like the food but it's such a horrid pity that there is so much bad treatment and racism by jerks that work for this company, and the company does absolutely nothing about these aholes and their rude treatment of innocent customers.

Today I went to this chick-fil-a purchasing some food as usual. I hadn't been there in a while since I was out of the country and on vacation and went last week and had no problem with bad attitude. But when I ordered my food and paid, I just asked the girl at the window if she had included something I ordered, just to make sure it was there. One anorexic looking white trash low life hick looking troll female in the back then began making some really rude comments about me.

She made these comments just to insult and be demeaning and put me down. There was a manager standing right next to her and she just looked at her a little awkwardly, but didn't do a single THING to reprimand this uneducated low life white trash piece of crap. I drove away annoyed and called their customer service hotline immediately.

Regardless, it's absolutely horrible that these low class b**ches who are obviously illiterate, not educated, unintelligent, and just low quality stupid trash, can get away with disrespecting innocent females good customer and good people. It's even worse that the managers do nothing about it, let them get away with it and even act that way themselves.

Chick-fil-a is one of the WORST companies out there when it comes to customer service and its workers are very arrogant rude bullies who think they can treat people badly and get away with it. They especially treat REGULAR customers bad, because they know they continue to come back. What kind of horrible establishment and company allows their employees to be so condescending, rude, arrogant, but on top of that have this huge "creed" where they claim they will treat every customer with respect etc.

The low life very low class employees at chick fila have been nothing except pure EVIL, and have gotten away with their terrible rude attitudes and treatment of customers. They also do this to young females because they don't see them as a threat and feel they can get away with it-- and usually do. Someone needs to stop these low life jackasses from being able to treat minorites this way.

Their racism, bad attitudes, rude and condescending statements and actions have just gone TOO far. Chick fila needs to start monitoring their employees and taking appropriate action against the ones that think they can get away with treating innocent people bad. The chick-fil-a on rouse road, and in tuskawilla is even WORSE and their employees are really some of the most horrendous arrogant racist jerks I have ever encountered period. chick fila you need to do something about your evil employees and their actions and attitudes, before someone takes action against the obvious racism and discrimination the employees there show towards people.

You would think that a business would appreciate customers, but these days, some businesses are much different. They feel they can be bad to the customer and get away with it. Well Chick-fil-A you will begin to lose customers FAST if you don't change the attitudes of your pathetic sad powertripped high school and middle aged maggot trash employees very soon...

orlando, Florida

44 Updates & Rebuttals


Phenix City,

I will only think of my self only


Fri, August 14, 2009

I don't know why people have such animosty towards me,  these comments come from people who do not know me.  Why would they have any opinion @ all about anything.

Only to start personal attacks,  & lies & slander.  You think they get the picture,  buy now.  But they just ignore It.   They are helping the real,  frauds,  liars,  & bad business get away with victimizing people more & more.

But they rather defend these scum bad businesses,  why do you think these bad landlords,  liars,  get away with what they do to me or other people.

These people wont to make me out to be the liar,  well sense nobody cares about me.  

I don't care about anyone,  & I will not help anyone If they are In need of anything.

So If any people have any problems,  with the businesses who I have reported.  Don't come crying to me.  You deserve what you get for being so ugly & abusive towards me.

You just don't treat innocent people like this,  who hasn't done anything to you.  People get away with everything these days.


Phenix City,

I don't have to go anywhere


Fri, August 14, 2009

I don't have to go anywhere I have rights just like you to post here,   who are you to tell me to quit posting.   That Is what you want for me to Is leave.   But I am not going to leave.

You sir are nothing but an a*****e,  & childish behavior.  You need to grow up & I have every right to defend myself.   My rights are being violated here.  I know I haven't done nothing to people.

I get a good laugh how frustrated ,  people get when they are hateful & abusive towards you when you haven't done anything.  But what people don't have the right to Is lie about you.

People think I should take their abuse,  but I don't have to take It anymore.  I don't care If they hate me.   They can piss off.


Phenix City,

People try to scare me to keep quiet


Thu, August 13, 2009

People try to scare me to keep quiet.   When people have been ugly & hateful towards me & I haven't done nothing to them,  I just keep going back to bug them more.

I just would like to tell people who attack me,  you are helping the real frauds,  liars,  scammers,  & bad businesses get away victimizing & abusing other consumers.  But they love to victimize me.

This site gives us a chance for our voice to be heard,  & these businesses don't like It.  They send their lawyers to harass,  & bully people.  Well people don't scare me.  I have rights to speak out to.




#45Consumer Comment

Sun, July 12, 2009

If you don't like it, then STOP POSTING, you whining little deadbeat. And stop posting the garbage that you have filled this site with. Tell mommy to put your meds on your tray now so you can get a good nights' sleep. And tell to be careful - you don't want her to fake another fall !


Phenix City,

I have done nothing to any of you

#45Consumer Comment

Sat, July 11, 2009

Why do you people go bother somebody else, ya'll are the most irritating I have even dealth with. All ya'll do Is bug people who post complaints, oh buy the way you say I am the most irritating It doesn't bother me.

Because Its the other way around ya'll are the most irritating, I don't file bogus complaints. These people who don't know me have the nerve to say I am irritating.

Well until employers stop lying then I will never shut up, I have every right to post comments just like ya'll.

I don't know why people have such (ANIMOSITY) towards me, from strangers who don't even know me. I have done anything to any of you people. All people want to do Is call me a liar, & accuse me of filing bogus reports.

They just really love to upset me, they think they are going to have the last word.

They are the most irritating people on rip-off report, who do nothing but be a thorn on people side who post complaints.


U.S.A. said...

#45Consumer Comment

Sat, July 11, 2009

"I take that has a threat

I take that has a threat, the reason why people mess with me, cause they know they can get away with It. I will not stop posting no matter how many people tell me I am wrong

That means If I don't stop reporting the wrongs have been done, people are going to continue to slander me & give me a hardtime.

What I don't get these people don't know me, why would they bother to have any opinion. Its pure sick that these business get away with what they do to people, cause they dont want to get introuble."

IF you would stop posting such inane drivel people would have no reason to launch these onslaughts at you. If you would stop the mundane repetitive lying they would have no reason to launch these onslaughts at you. If you would stop repeating every d**n thing you say twenty times people would have no reason to launch these onslaughts at you. If you would stop the incessant whining and poor me nobody loves me everybody wants to screw with me and my Mama people would have no reason to launch these onslaughts at you.

Are ya seeing a pattern here yet Chuckie?

In your last paragraph say people dont know you.
WHO are you have blasted your entire life.....and Mommys ALL over RipOffReport for everyone in the internet world to see and read. When you post on the internet...on an open board such as this.....people everywhere can and do read it and draw their own conclusions to the degree of loser you are......and you alone reinforce every negative thing everyone has every said or thought about you. HOW? With your incessant ranting repeated lies.

You are singly more irritating than anything or anyone Ive ever known or read about



Really, Charles

#45Consumer Comment

Sat, July 11, 2009

You've never made a legitimate report in your miserable little life. All that anyone does on here is to point out the lies, whining and scams that are a part of all of your posts. No one cares if you sleep at night or not. And, YES, we know every aspect of your pathetic life - you post EVERY bit of it right here !!! What could you have possibly omitted ???? Now, tell mommy to put your meds on your tray so you can go to sleep ( she's GOOD at that ).



Really, Charles

#45Consumer Comment

Sat, July 11, 2009

You've never made a legitimate report in your miserable little life. All that anyone does on here is to point out the lies, whining and scams that are a part of all of your posts. No one cares if you sleep at night or not. And, YES, we know every aspect of your pathetic life - you post EVERY bit of it right here !!! What could you have possibly omitted ???? Now, tell mommy to put your meds on your tray so you can go to sleep ( she's GOOD at that ).



Really, Charles

#45Consumer Comment

Sat, July 11, 2009

You've never made a legitimate report in your miserable little life. All that anyone does on here is to point out the lies, whining and scams that are a part of all of your posts. No one cares if you sleep at night or not. And, YES, we know every aspect of your pathetic life - you post EVERY bit of it right here !!! What could you have possibly omitted ???? Now, tell mommy to put your meds on your tray so you can go to sleep ( she's GOOD at that ).


Phenix City,

I take that has a threat

#45Consumer Comment

Sat, July 11, 2009

I take that has a threat, the reason why people mess with me, cause they know they can get away with It. I will not stop posting no matter how many people tell me I am wrong.

That means If I don't stop reporting the wrongs have been done, people are going to continue to slander me & give me a hardtime.

What I don't get these people don't know me, why would they bother to have any opinion. Its pure sick that these business get away with what they do to people, cause they dont want to get introuble.



Then stop making bogus reports CHUCK

#45Consumer Comment

Sat, July 11, 2009

Period!!! You and Alice aka Melissa aka Fajita girl are perfect for each other
Two losers with no life who like to blame everyone and everything for their problems


Phenix City,

I don't lose any sleep at nigt

#45Consumer Comment

Sat, July 11, 2009

I just would like the jerks to know, I do not lose any sleep @ night. No matter how much they try to make me look bad or try to discredit my complaint. I know the truth that Is all that matter.

They search peoples reports & pick one who they think Is more, vulnerable. They just love to personally attack me. I think I should just let them say whatever they want to.

I do not lose any sleep @ night.



Oh, really ??

#45Consumer Comment

Sat, July 11, 2009

And just HOW would you know this fact, Chuckie. You've never given an honest day's work in your life !!! Your view of the world is so erroneous, it's a wonder you are able to function at all. NO COMPANY trains its employees to be rude. However, it seems that EVERYONE is rude to YOU !!! Why do you think that is ??? It's because you bring it upon yourself, just all of the other "terrible" things that happen to you. YOU are the common denominator, Chuckie. Get a life, sell the computer, cancel your internet, pay your bills lie the rest of humanity.


Phenix City,

Employees should not be rude to any custormer

#45Consumer Comment

Sat, July 11, 2009

Employees should not be rude to any custormer. The home office isn't going to do anything. I can't believe the things people say on this site. They are some rude pricks @ Chick-fil-a In alabama & georgia.

You get a free meal when you complain, when a employee has been rude & hateful towards you for no reason. These fast food places teaches their employees to be rude and hateful towards custormers.



Don't feed the troll

#45Consumer Comment

Wed, July 08, 2009

I believe this person is a troll.

We would do well to not repond at all to his/her silly tirades.

No one can be this obnoxious - I hope!



Oh please

#45Consumer Comment

Fri, July 03, 2009

Melissa aka Alice aka Fajita girl makes a post about every single establishment she ever went into - According to her every one is a psycho, loser, crack head etc etc
Never EVER believe a word she says PERIOD
Stacey (my Real Name)



More Details? Ph. (850)505-3200 ext. 4652

#45Consumer Comment

Thu, July 02, 2009

My title says it all... I would like to see more details on the situation. Basically, I see your complaint claiming that people are racist, sub-human, low-life, uneducated, low-class, etc, etc, etc..... I think you used so many different adjectives in the whole complaint to describe these people that anyone who reads the story is a bit confused on if you consistently believe anything that you are actually describing. The only consistent adjectives that you continued to use were "sub-human" and "racist". I find these contradictory to your whole complaint because you definately didn't hesitate to classify race on each individual to which you specifically (emphasis on specifically) described... and it's pretty difficult to be "sub-human" whenever you are being employed by a company. Trust me, I took your meaning... but seriously? You are going to describe people as being "sub-human" because they treat you a certain way at a drive-thru or because you consistently use the same coupon EVERYTIME you go into a location? I mean, seriously... I'm a 24-year-old white male with no memory of the times that i'm going to describe... but i know that they existed: It used to be that when you had a complaint individuals would focus their attention on the situation and try to be reasonable about the ways to which they would have acted in order to cause a behavior from someone else. I consistently see people accusing businesses of the most horrible of situations whenever what actually happened was much smaller. Now, I understand the tendency to exaggerate.... but I also understand where to draw the line. I'm not going to call someone "racist" if I don't hesitate to point out their race in every description that I use about them. Seriously... you are of a certain race.... they are of a certain race... everyone is of a certain race... pointing it out doesn't MEAN anything.... it just means that they are a certain race.... get over it. I'm also not going to complain that someone is questioning the fact that I'm using a coupon EVERY TIME I GO INTO THE LOCATION... because that's pretty messed up... they are in the business of MAKING money because they are providing a service.... not giving out things for free or at-cost. Of COURSE they are going to want to give you a hard time for bringing in a coupon everytime.... that's called "abusing the system". You aren't technically doing anything "wrong" by using a coupon every time you go into the business... you are just exploiting a service that the business offers as a courtesy to those who have had an extinuating circumstance.

I'll use my last statement as a segway into describing my next complaint with your report. I find it hard to believe that you go to the different chick-fil-a's located in your area (i'll refer to them now as CFA's) and have a difficult time each and every single time..... for seven years..... and haven't stopped going... or for that matter had something happen to fix the situation by now. Call me crazy... but that just doesn't add up. By now, If I were you, I would be very frustrated with the lack of progress to the situation that I would be writing to the better business bureau.... the state attorney's office.... a local attorney.... or something like this if the employees are worthy of being called such names as "sub-human", "low-life", and "racist". I mean, that would probably be worthy of being legally punishable.... wouldn't you think?

The problem is that I have a hard time believing that you were treated badly as all you do throughout the whole complaint is go on and on and on about how horribly you were treated, in what regard, and where. However, you lack the detail necessary to understand HOW the situation manifested into why you would say such horrible things about employees.

Would you like to know what I think about the situation? My opinion will vere from the over-exaggerations that you point out to which I have provided detail of in the previous written paragraphs... I will simply stick to describing things in other terminology. The description is written below:

You seem like a customer who is consistently looking out for yourself in many ways with many different companies. You seem like the type of customer who has a complaint about the way that an employee breathes and maybe slightly moves their eyebrows. You seem like you would be the type of customer to have a coupon for everything... but read none of them and therefore use them inappropriately. You seem like you are also the type of customer, that regardless of frequency, use so-called "one-time courtesy" policies with various different companies to which you have a membership [movie rental company, your financial institution, your utilities(including cable, internet, and cell phone), credit card company(or companies)] to void fees... or extra expenses... to which you were definately required because they were really and truly YOUR FAULT. However... you REALLY seem like the type of customer who can talk to employees however you want.... with any tone of voice... or any behavior suits you... and not ever be called on it. You seem like the type of customer who would get angry at anyone EVER saying that you did something incorrectly because you solely subscribe to the cree of "the customer is always right".... which 7 times out of 10 is not true in most situations... the customer is now-a-days very abusive to businesses and usually require the business to either ban them from their membership... or force them to be in some way restricted with their services.

I can't say that any of the above are true and nor do I truly believe the prospect that they are 100% true in any facet. It's just that most of the time whenever complaints like this occur they are not warranted and are usually the person who didn't get their way complaining that they the company is the worst of all companies ever established. Honestly... I would be surprised to find that any of these situations occurred the way that you described them. The only thing that i would suggest is (1) stop going to places that you know are going to mistreat you, (2) file legal suit if this situation continues to occurr WITH DOCUMENTATION of each time with specific details of the circumstances, (3) if you are reading this and denying each and every single bit of it try to find at least ONE thing that might be your fault about the situation you are in... it helps you at least find a bit of reason in the situation, and (4) if you can still not come up with one reason why you would be at fault... seek professional assistance... whether it be business, ettiquette, psychological, legal, sociological, or interpersonal communication... don't be afraid to gain perspective by seeking someone else's unguided opinion.

Jack Manager


Okay everyone, i want this one

#45UPDATE Employee

Sat, February 14, 2009

First let me guess, are you black? If yes, everyone wanting to ask is right. Being a Jack In The Box manager, I know chick fil a ranks #1 in guest service as relates to the QSR magazine survey done every year. I know my competition. I wish my team members were awesome at guest service like every single chick fil a I have been to. Say thank you to them , and they will always comeback with "My Pleasure" Female is lying, and racist herself. It is 2009. Slavery ended 148 years ago. MOVE THE FUNK ON!



more issues with workers there

#45Author of original report

Fri, December 05, 2008

this isnt about the restaurant or store...for a while have not had any problems
or rude workers at this location or any...they are generally nice...but I went to the location at rouse/university to get a drink....when I pulled up-- the girl at the window a caucasian with long brown hair pulled back, was very rude I handed out my money she looked at me with disdain and held her arm out halfway...refusing to extend her arm to take mymoney...I explained to her that I cannot extend my arm out almost having to go into details....and that she needs to reach out to get my money...she did so very rudely...and I knew then she was going to give me a problem just handing me a drink....she tried handing me a straw again too far away for me to reach and I had to explain to her again---to extend her arm out---she refused...I then said....can you get someone who can give me these things please....she refused and ignored my request. I was on the phone just trying to simply get a drink to go....this was turning into an arduous and draining ordeal as this seeming psychopath in my opinion---refused to extend her arm out to me and in also refused to get someone who can help me out as well. She then said "can you jsut take your straw"....I said can you get someone else you can reach their arm out to hand me my items...she again ignored my requests...she took my change once again and aggressivly and angrily threw it onto my hand....annoyed...and agitated...hence the reason I kept insisting she get someone else because I had a feeling she was going to behave in this way. I then asked her again....almost yelling in a rush need to get someone to hand me my items ....she ignored my request again and decided she was going to do it herself...and then she shoved my drink at me aggressively and angrily again... this was really crazy and sick of her to do....and her behavior was outrageous horrendous and unacceptable....not only did she refuse to simply extend her arm out to accommodate a customer, she refused to get someone who could do it and when she did do it-- she did it so aggressively and in such a hostile way it was painful which was the reason it was being requested in the first place-- workers like these....should not be allowed to get away with treating customers or anyone in this ridiculous way---and the sad part is when you encounter these nuts...they refuse to even get a manager or anyone....I called the managers and they claimed they would talk to her about it.... this was a simple situation---getting a drink...what a nightmare this stupid crazy worker caused by her nasty ways and ignorant and malicious sick sure management will reprimand her or hope but wouldn't want to deal with her the next time you go through a drive thru there....



get real

#45Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

melissa aka alice aka whatever thinks every store and fast food restaurant is filled with "ignorant racist" and "pychos"
She enjoys the drama she creats!




#45Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 21, 2008

I live in Jonesboro GA the city of where Truett Cathy lives and right next to his church and I have been to it on several occassions. He is a very christian man and has built up a nice Christian college as well. He closes all Chick fil a stores on Sunday because of his religion. I have met him one time, I said hi to him at Golden Corral buffet one day. He did not really respond, I was thinking maybe I was making a fool of myself. That is the only thing that puzzled me, I introduced myself, etc... I have never worked for Chick-fil a but they are a equal oppurtunity group. Mr Cathy has donated millions and more then any other owner of a restaurant ever. Chick fil a stores are only located mainly in the south also, if any of you reading this did not know it. I heard that they are very strict about there workers being nice to people. That they have to have perfect customer service and if you are ever a few cents shorts on a register three times you are fired. Every one is always sooooo polite at all of the stores I have been to. A few times at the drive thru they have forgotten to put things in the bag and I had to go back in but everytime I have eat in everyone is SO nice. I find it sooo odd about your report because Chickfila actually has some of the best customer service and I am wondering if you are the one being rude first and they are having to put up with you. It was extremely inmature of you to curse SO much in your report, just really un-called for. Plus not all Chick-fil-a's can possibly be as bad as you describe, it must be you.



I agree that some Chick Fil A locations are racist. Boycott them.

#45Consumer Comment

Sun, July 20, 2008

I too have had some really unpleasant experiences at the Chick fil A in Allen Texas.
Racism today is under the surface. It's racism with a smile. Some of the employees are most definitely racist. Not to mention the fact that most of the people that work there are white.

I used to be a regular customer, but now I refuse to send any of my money their way.




#45UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 05, 2005

First off Chick-Fil-A is a franchise so to label them in all is imbecility. Or, if that word is too big, it simply means stupid.

Second, if you really felt that you had a legitimate claim ( that you could back up ), why aren't you taking this to court? Because, like many others have stated, racism is a very serious

Thirdly, being a hypocrite and treating the employees the same way they supposedly treated you won't help people to feel as if you are in the right. Bashing the Chick-Fil-A employees on a web site using all the vocabulary that you know makes you look like the one who has created the issues stated.

Yes, I am a chick-fil-a employee of 3 months now. Not because I am ignorant, white trash, or any of the other foolishness that you wrote. I have worked for a bank and I was a teacher for children with many different disabilities( I think they require some sort of intelligence). I chose this job now because I have always had a great encounter with the staff of every FRANCHISE that I have been to and it is close to my house.

Good Luck in Your Life,
May God Grant You Peace


New Jersey,

To Annoyed Female

#45Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 09, 2005

This, is in response to annoyed female from Orlando, Florida. If you knew they were treating you in this crude, arrogant, and ignorant, and rude manner. Why did you keep going back there for seven years, just to get the same unkind treatment. One suggestion is , if you didn't like the way, you were being treated or served, at that particular resturant, all is it takes is one time. Furthermore, what you shouldn't have done was walked out there without ordering, and went somwhere else, or could've went to the supermarket, and brought and cooked your own food. You do know how to do that don't you. Plus, that way you know what you're putting in your food, and how you want it, or you could have filed a complaint with the general manger or owner of that particular franchise or brought them to court. Instead of coming on here and making all kinds of racists remarks, which is not going to help the situation at all. Finally, a couple of meals, that might help you out in the long run, for example, peanut butter and jelly, Ravioli or Spaghetti, made from scratch, or from the can, bologna, subs, salad, tunafish, or pasts salad. Finally, it doesn't matter whether, the person is black, white, or any other nationality poor or lousy service is unacceptable from anyone.



Are you kidding me?

#45Consumer Comment

Mon, April 04, 2005

First of all - learn to SPELL
Second - this female person has nothing better to do than to use this site to blame every single place that she/he as lived at, eaten at, worked at, etc etc etc to blame everyone but his/her self for actions that she/he says are not any fault of said self -

This is a site for individuals to report REAL RIPOFFS!

Enough said

And yes - I do have a right to say what I want to say and NO I do not see the funny side of these stupid rantings



Obsevation of annoyed/anynomous female

#45Consumer Comment

Sun, April 03, 2005

One thing I've noticed about the original submitters reports is that are all pretty rediculous and hard to believe. The other thing that I like is that she has never identified her nationality , yet everyone assumes that she is black/African-american. Then you'll note the rebuttals coming in from African-american females. Being located in Miami. FL this individual could be of any race. Who's the minority there anyway??? Am I the only person whose ever heard whites describe another white as white trash?? In this particular post she doesn't even identify herself as a minority female, as she has done on previous posts. Maybe this indivudual is doing a little sociology project on this website, or more likely he/she is just some wierd troll. Either way some complaints have racial connotations to them and some individuals of every color mind you, are just whiners. This individual is a prime example of that, just check out some thier other posts. I also think this person posts under the ridiculous name "Shawagunk", and 'Pegleg" after thier posts these 2 individuals usually are the only ones to agree with them. Pleas just drop the "racist" tags and note the hilarity of thier claims. That should be enough in itself. Also I've noted quite a bit of racial sensitivity on the board. I actually like it because it just confirms my thoughts of the average white towards blacks. Blacks play the race card...etc. I think it's it's funny. Walk a mile in a black person's shoes and see how many times you get pulled over. Or just read the book "Black Like Me" if doesn't anger and send you on a quest for deeper understanding between the races, nothing will.


San Antonio,

Everything Will Be Just Fine

#45Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 22, 2005

Everything will be just fine, if you get back on your meds.


San Antonio,

Everything Will Be Just Fine

#45Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 22, 2005

Everything will be just fine, if you get back on your meds.


San Antonio,

Everything Will Be Just Fine

#45Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 22, 2005

Everything will be just fine, if you get back on your meds.


San Antonio,

Everything Will Be Just Fine

#45Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 22, 2005

Everything will be just fine, if you get back on your meds.



An uncle tom? Classism, racism, and sexism hinder this country's growth and are tools used by the government to keep US fighting amongst ourselves instead of fighting for ourselves.

#45Consumer Comment

Mon, February 21, 2005

That's a horrible thing to say! If you have claim that's legit, then write a report with legit issues. Don't just insult the workers tell us exactly what they did that made you feel bad. You said they were RACIST, okay that's a serious claim. Denny's was a racist company and lost a multi-million dollar lawsuit in the early 90's because they had a policy stating if blacks became too numerous to refuse service. That's racism! Plain and simple, rasism. If they did something similar or if they called you racist slurs, if you saw them treat you differently than someone of a different race, than put that in your claim.

You call them uneducated, but the sad truth is that many people who are RACIST are educated. They're just jerks trying to blame every obstacle on their life on everyone else.
Now, I must say (and I'm a white woman so I'm not sure how much creedence your going to put in my words) that calling one an Uncle Tom is despicable. That's racist in itself. Do you know the history behind that? It isn't right to label anyone that.

Racism comes in all forms and I am TRULEY sorry if you went thru it. It's awful and as a white woman I try to be AWARE of times that I'm getting different treatment because of my color and because of my gender. I am bothered by that. Classism, racism, and sexism hinder this country's growth and are tools used by the government to keep US fighting amongst ourselves instead of fighting for ourselves.

Good luck and I wish you well. I just wish you'd be a bit more careful in the language you use.



the fact that you deny racism exists or are judging a person's situation in the ignorant manner in which you are makes you an UNCLE TOM.. you're an insult to all minorities..

#45Consumer Comment

Sat, February 19, 2005

and once again the ignorant sub-human crap fight picking low lifes of ripoff report voicing their ignorant opinions

I pity anyone here who files reports in anger and passion...this will most often attract the most sub-human trash of this planet.. all the mean negative mentally defective trolls here who are only interested in picking fights with people filing legitimate reports, because picking fights to these low class imbeciles is a fun pastime..
i think I explained that dave, you illiterate moron .. I like their food.. so what.. I Don't get to eat food I like just because of bad and horrible customer service? it's not the customer's fault for 'going back' to a restaurant..

it's the restaurant's fault for mistreating customers and giving them such hellish experiences.. gee, isn't that an intelligent retort "someone has issues" for complaining about rude treatment bad service and mistreatment.. you're the one who has issues if you're even on this website claiming people have issues for justifiably complaining abotu bad service you ignorant white trash moron ..

get off this website if you can't be nice to people filing reports you're a jerk and a loser..don't have the intellect to come up with something intelligent except "people have issues" that's just sad..some of us are here to vent, we don't live here like you trolls seeking out reports so we can pick fights with sub-human losers are just pathetic idiots with nothing better to do than put people down who've had bad're immature, utterly as stupi as they come, and infantile..I really scoff at the ignorant pile of crap so-called 'black woman" who feels SHE is a spokesperson for racism here.. lol..who do you think you are you b*tch? You think YOUR voice exemplies justice for or against racism or means anything...

if your ignorant sorry a*s self even thinks you can JUDGE people's situations based on their 'anger' towards unfairness, which you do..

you're the one who has issues you nasty pathetic wench. and you're probably too stupid to even understand what I wrote because you ARE stupid..everyone here is VENTING and ANGRY..for you to call people 'crazy' based on tehir venting mmakes you a low class low life slimy b*tch and jerk...which is what you are.. I don't care for your stupidity or your ignorant opinions.. you're a moron and no one as stupid as you or any rude person here should ever give their opinion on anything because you do nothing to help people get justice, you're just negative jerks with no intellect and incredibly STUPID people.. " i don't care what you say I won't lose sleep over it" how utterly pathetic.. I DONT GIVE A CRAP WHAT "YOU" SAY.. you're an ignorant moron .. go get an education you low class loser.. you're the one who needs to grow up if you think picking fights with people online is don't know the situation.. you weren't there.. w

h*o the HELL do yout hink you are to judge what happened or who I am you worthless pile of crap .. you're the one with the bad attitude..telling people to "grow up" or calling them names just for filing reports..

you ignorant SOB.. you give black people and all minoriteis a bad name everywhere by even ignoring the problem of racism or denying it exists.. you're a pathetic low class loser and the fact that you deny racism exists or are judging a person's situation in the ignorant manner in which you are makes you an UNCLE TOM.. you're an insult to all minorities.. you're a pathetic low class moron and you would do justice to anyone by shutting your ignorant trap



A Question for Annoyedfemale

#45Consumer Comment

Tue, February 01, 2005

Why would you continue to go to a resturant, or anywhere for that matter, for 7 years if you are always treated poorly? Can you please answer me that.


Winter Park,

Similar experiences

#45Consumer Comment

Sun, January 02, 2005

I'm from georgia, and I really love chick-fil-a. Upon moving down here to Florida, I've had many similar experiences with employees of chick fila here. They can be very obnoxious and rude and my roommates feel the same way. I'm not sure if it's the water or what, but those people need a serious attitute adjustment - they literally treat customers like crap.


San Antonio,

At Least They Didn't Short Her A McNugget

#45Consumer Comment

Mon, October 11, 2004

Hey, look on the bright side. At least they didn't short her a Mc Nugget. I think she has ISSUES.



My apology, and request

#45UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 11, 2004

I would just like to say I am sorry for your experience at the Chick-fil-a's in question.

I worked as a team leader at a Chick-fil-A in a mall which served quite a few of the mall employees on a daily basis. I could tell you their names, what they ordered, and how they liked their tea! I worked with all ages of people and all levels of education and ethnic backrounds. We worked together quite well and we never had any incidences with any cutomer feeling the way you did. I have since left the company because I found a better job, but it was nice while I was there.

My only request is that no one should classify a whole company by the experiances with the small parts. Each place is different. This applies to all comments on this site. Individual experiences may not show the company in a truthful, non-bias light. Please read with a rather large grain of salt! :)


Grand Haven,

The pot calling the kettle racist

#45Consumer Comment

Wed, July 30, 2003

I always try to be as respectful as possible to the other posters here, but i'm afraid that may be a little difficult this time.

Annoyedfemale (what is this, Ann Landers?) - while none of us can speak for how you behave in your real life, judging by your writing you are an extremely bitter lunatic that enjoys getting involved in potentially hostile situations. By your own accounts, this place is like the eighth circle of hell. For some reason, you decide to go back there nearly every single day. You have to know on your way out the door that you will likely be involved in some sort of altercation.

The only reason I can see for tolerating the kind of treatment you describe (or at least allude to, because you didn't really describe anything but your contempt) is that you find some kind of sick pleasure in it. In my many years in the restaurant business I came across many people like this, people who enjoyed making things difficult for other people, and enjoyed having something to complain about.

Racism is a very real problem in our society that needs to be addressed and hopefully, over time, corrected. You have done a disservice to these efforts by simaltaneously making unsubstantiated claims of racism and spewing your own ignorant generalizations. An awful lot, if not most white people feel that racism is not a problem anymore, and they are wrong, but statements like yours are "evidence" to them that black people are just whiny, and want to blame all of their problems on racism. I know this is not the case, and you know this is not the case, so don't let anybody else think that this is the case by "proving them right."


Fort Bragg,
North Carolina,

A Black Woman Responds

#45Consumer Comment

Tue, July 29, 2003

Man Oh Man.....

I responded to Annoyed female who let Joanne mess up her hair in the beauty salon section, and I didn't choose sides but I did want to have empathy for this woman because the situation has occured to me, well as far as getting a messed up do.

HOWEVER.....I think she's crazy.

The one thing that I cannot stand is someone accusing someone as being racist when they don't get their way. Maam, You are racist, because of the comments that you said through out your report. And how can you call someone uneducated because they work in fast food? (and before you say I must work at a fast food restraunt let me respond by saying no I don't, but that doesn't mean you can pass judgement on them or it doesn't mean that they are any less of a human being than you are. You don't know anyones situation so don't judge). If you are being treated so badly why do you continually go back? Hell, I would be scared that they hated me so much they would either spit in my food or kick it around on the floor. If you really wanted to make a statment saying these people treated me badly you would not go back. No matter how good the food was. I was once discriminated against in my hometown of South Carolina, at a state park that I loved going to and you know what neither I or my family or myself have been back since. I know what discrimination is and that wasn't the first time, but you don't see me screaming obscenities at people like a child.

Maybe you should look in the mirror and look at your attitude. I pretty sure you haven't been to all of the Chik Fil A's in the world so you can't say that all of them are bad. And you probably got a coupon book illegally full of free food and use it everyday not paying anything out of your pocket for the food. And they are probaly annoyed because they can't do anything about it because you are basically stealing. And just like the other writer asked are you going to call me a racist?

I am a black female telling you a black female that you are WRONG. And trust me you can call me every name in the book, it's not going to make loose any sleep, or make me look bad. You have already showed us what kind of person you are and it is an embarrasment to the minorities of this world who are truly fighting the struggle of everyday life. Grow the hell up.

Your Bestest Buddy

White Trash Lover,


#45Consumer Comment

Sun, July 27, 2003

Ok Rach, Annonymous, annoyedfemale whoever you want to be today . Since you LOVED my Mr Bs response, I thought I would shoot a note over here to your other ALTER-EGO

Now, what I find most intriguing is the fact that you are accusing others of being racist and the only racist comments I see in your entire post are FROM YOU! You are accusing these other people of being racist and have not once stated what it is they said for you to feel this way.

How can you sit there and call people every name in the book, while attempting to convince the world that you have been wronged . I am still unclear exactly what it is that these people have done . Do you ever clearly tell your story your post was filled with you calling them names .. um did you forget the actual so-called incident that has prompted your obvious uncontrollable behavior?

AND like your Mr B supposed crisis if these horrible people at the Chick-Fil were abusing you sooooo bad (as the horrible Joanne at Mr Bs) WHY ARE YOU GOING THERE EVRYDAY!? Is that coupon burning a hole in your hot little hand? Why do you continually frequent or stay at these places that supposedly treat you so gosh darn bad?

Since the world is filled with lets see how did you put it .. arrogant bullying insecure jealous aholes EVIL messed up jerks RACIST and just plain psychotic very low class low quality sub-human beings evil arrogant freak low-quality insects anorexic looking white trash low life hick looking troll female low class b**ches who are obviously illiterate, not educated, unintelligent, and just low quality stupid trash people are surrounding you why dont you move


Actually, I dont think you would fit in there either. Them are intrestin folk hehee.

I guess you are too d**n intelligent for the rest of the low class blah blah world.

Just go away then.



Give me a break!

#45Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 24, 2003

Ok, enough. I know your going to get a lot of responses to this crap your reporting. I usually dont take the sides of restaurants or victims to say the least, but in your case, Ill make an exception. And before you reply with, You must be a customer, Ill answer that, yes I am!

At first I thought, Well, this must be an exception to most Chick-Fil-a restaurants. That was until I finished reading your report.

Lets start with your racist statements against Chick-Fil-a. I can tell you first hand, your way off. After reading your report, youre the only one sounding racist. Let me quote you, 1) uneducated low life white trash piece of crap. 2) low class b**ches who are obviously illiterate, not educated, unintelligent, and just low quality stupid trash. 3) very stupid Hispanic female. 4) Someone needs to stop these low life jackasses from being able to treat minorities this way. And 5) your pathetic sad powertripped high school and middle aged maggot trash employees

WOW! Those statements not only make you a racist, but a bigot. And as far as we can see, calling these people uneducated, etc. is calling the kettle black. You lack of education shows quite well in your report. Its funny, not once in your report do you explain how you can call these people racists, or what was said to you that was so rude. You see, after reading this, I believe you asked for this. Your attitude makes me believe you were rude to these people on more than one occasion and couldnt stand them giving it back to you. I also dont believe you called the customer service. Why? Mainly because you failed to include their main offices phone number, not to mention, they would have done something if any of this were true.

I wonder if a black person treated you with disrespect if you would go off on them and tell them that theyre racists against their own race or even both arguing with them.

Ill even help you out with some info. Chick-Fil-as main office phone number is 1-866-CFA-2040and the address is 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, GA 30349. Oh and by the way, you could easily file a complaint via their web site, to which I found very easily. Its

Maybe you were just bored and needed something to do. But in the future, dont call wolf.



Give me a break!

#45Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 24, 2003

Ok, enough. I know your going to get a lot of responses to this crap your reporting. I usually dont take the sides of restaurants or victims to say the least, but in your case, Ill make an exception. And before you reply with, You must be a customer, Ill answer that, yes I am!

At first I thought, Well, this must be an exception to most Chick-Fil-a restaurants. That was until I finished reading your report.

Lets start with your racist statements against Chick-Fil-a. I can tell you first hand, your way off. After reading your report, youre the only one sounding racist. Let me quote you, 1) uneducated low life white trash piece of crap. 2) low class b**ches who are obviously illiterate, not educated, unintelligent, and just low quality stupid trash. 3) very stupid Hispanic female. 4) Someone needs to stop these low life jackasses from being able to treat minorities this way. And 5) your pathetic sad powertripped high school and middle aged maggot trash employees

WOW! Those statements not only make you a racist, but a bigot. And as far as we can see, calling these people uneducated, etc. is calling the kettle black. You lack of education shows quite well in your report. Its funny, not once in your report do you explain how you can call these people racists, or what was said to you that was so rude. You see, after reading this, I believe you asked for this. Your attitude makes me believe you were rude to these people on more than one occasion and couldnt stand them giving it back to you. I also dont believe you called the customer service. Why? Mainly because you failed to include their main offices phone number, not to mention, they would have done something if any of this were true.

I wonder if a black person treated you with disrespect if you would go off on them and tell them that theyre racists against their own race or even both arguing with them.

Ill even help you out with some info. Chick-Fil-as main office phone number is 1-866-CFA-2040and the address is 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, GA 30349. Oh and by the way, you could easily file a complaint via their web site, to which I found very easily. Its

Maybe you were just bored and needed something to do. But in the future, dont call wolf.



Give me a break!

#45Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 24, 2003

Ok, enough. I know your going to get a lot of responses to this crap your reporting. I usually dont take the sides of restaurants or victims to say the least, but in your case, Ill make an exception. And before you reply with, You must be a customer, Ill answer that, yes I am!

At first I thought, Well, this must be an exception to most Chick-Fil-a restaurants. That was until I finished reading your report.

Lets start with your racist statements against Chick-Fil-a. I can tell you first hand, your way off. After reading your report, youre the only one sounding racist. Let me quote you, 1) uneducated low life white trash piece of crap. 2) low class b**ches who are obviously illiterate, not educated, unintelligent, and just low quality stupid trash. 3) very stupid Hispanic female. 4) Someone needs to stop these low life jackasses from being able to treat minorities this way. And 5) your pathetic sad powertripped high school and middle aged maggot trash employees

WOW! Those statements not only make you a racist, but a bigot. And as far as we can see, calling these people uneducated, etc. is calling the kettle black. You lack of education shows quite well in your report. Its funny, not once in your report do you explain how you can call these people racists, or what was said to you that was so rude. You see, after reading this, I believe you asked for this. Your attitude makes me believe you were rude to these people on more than one occasion and couldnt stand them giving it back to you. I also dont believe you called the customer service. Why? Mainly because you failed to include their main offices phone number, not to mention, they would have done something if any of this were true.

I wonder if a black person treated you with disrespect if you would go off on them and tell them that theyre racists against their own race or even both arguing with them.

Ill even help you out with some info. Chick-Fil-as main office phone number is 1-866-CFA-2040and the address is 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, GA 30349. Oh and by the way, you could easily file a complaint via their web site, to which I found very easily. Its

Maybe you were just bored and needed something to do. But in the future, dont call wolf.



Give me a break!

#45Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 24, 2003

Ok, enough. I know your going to get a lot of responses to this crap your reporting. I usually dont take the sides of restaurants or victims to say the least, but in your case, Ill make an exception. And before you reply with, You must be a customer, Ill answer that, yes I am!

At first I thought, Well, this must be an exception to most Chick-Fil-a restaurants. That was until I finished reading your report.

Lets start with your racist statements against Chick-Fil-a. I can tell you first hand, your way off. After reading your report, youre the only one sounding racist. Let me quote you, 1) uneducated low life white trash piece of crap. 2) low class b**ches who are obviously illiterate, not educated, unintelligent, and just low quality stupid trash. 3) very stupid Hispanic female. 4) Someone needs to stop these low life jackasses from being able to treat minorities this way. And 5) your pathetic sad powertripped high school and middle aged maggot trash employees

WOW! Those statements not only make you a racist, but a bigot. And as far as we can see, calling these people uneducated, etc. is calling the kettle black. You lack of education shows quite well in your report. Its funny, not once in your report do you explain how you can call these people racists, or what was said to you that was so rude. You see, after reading this, I believe you asked for this. Your attitude makes me believe you were rude to these people on more than one occasion and couldnt stand them giving it back to you. I also dont believe you called the customer service. Why? Mainly because you failed to include their main offices phone number, not to mention, they would have done something if any of this were true.

I wonder if a black person treated you with disrespect if you would go off on them and tell them that theyre racists against their own race or even both arguing with them.

Ill even help you out with some info. Chick-Fil-as main office phone number is 1-866-CFA-2040and the address is 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, GA 30349. Oh and by the way, you could easily file a complaint via their web site, to which I found very easily. Its

Maybe you were just bored and needed something to do. But in the future, dont call wolf.

Shanklee Si


Ah, another word of wisdom from "Joanne at Mr. B's Salon" 's original poster

#45Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 24, 2003

They were not being rude to an "innocent young female" as you claim. They were being rude to an equally low-life, trailer-trash, piece of scum, to use a few of your own adjectives. How can you sit there and claim that they are being so rude to you when you obviously have a crick up your arse and go in there every day with such a disgusting attitude?

And why do you go there EVERY DAY if they are truly so rude! One would deduce that perhaps they are not really as rude as they say, or that the coupon you admit to using EVERY DAY must be an incredibly great deal for someone so cheap as you.

Furthermore, judging from the tone and inconsistencies in your report, I think it is obvious to everyone that you are the same person who has been posting about "Joanne at Mr. B's Salon".

Respond to this Report!