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  • Report:  #283118

Complaint Review: Chief Ron "Spanky" Suttles

Chief Ron "Spanky" Suttles Rips off citizens by lying about burn ban, harrasses locals on behalf of rich local businessmen Townsend, Blount County Tennessee

  • Reported By:
    Townsend Tennessee
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 06, 2007
  • Updated:
    Sun, April 06, 2008
  • Chief Ron "Spanky" Suttles
    Townsend Municipal Building
    Townsend, Tennessee
  • Phone:
  • Category:

The following is a copy of the actual "Formal Complaint" that I filed. It is actually pretty self-explanatory. I ommited some names in order to protect the privacy of the people involved.

Formal Complaint Against

City Of Townsend

Chief of Police

Ron Suttles

It was brought to my attention that the city of Townsend police department was under the assumption that a 'Burn Permit' was required for a campfire or small recreation fire.

According to Ron Suttles, 'The campfire must be in a designated camping area like a campground but could not be on privately owned property inside the city of Townsend.'

After speaking with 'Francis' at the actual forestry office I found this to not be true.(865) 982-6264

Not only are burn permits not required for a small campfire, a permit has NEVER been required for a campfire.

I immediately returned to the municipal building to see what Ron had been told as opposed to what I was told.

Chief Suttles 'supposedly' called the same forestry office while I was there and 'acted' as if they relayed the information that 'the fire has to be in a designated campground.'

I immediately called the same office back to see why Chief Suttles and I were being given different information.

Again, I was told the same thing that I was told earlier in the day that no burn permit is required for a small campfire.'

Upon returning home, I noticed that I had missed a call. It was the forestry office calling me back by accident.

I returned the call and talked to a 'Rex' which once again relayed the same information that 'Francis' had told me earlier in the day. Rex was under the assumption that he needed to return the call when in fact, I already had the information I needed concerning campfires and burn permits.

During this conversation, the issue of Ron Suttles telephone call came up. Turns out that neither 'Francis' nor 'Rex' had spoken to Chief Suttles. There were only two people in the office (Rex and Francis) and Chief Suttles would have had to talk to one of them.

What's 'funny' about this whole situation is that Chief Suttles actually wrote down the number on a piece of paper after 'supposedly' speaking with these folks and told me that these were the people to call to get a burn permit. I have the piece of paper if anyone needs to see it.

It is my opinion that Chief Suttles never actually made a phone call to forestry office.

It is my opinion that Chief Suttles is not telling the truth concerning the 'Burn Ban.'

It is also my opinion that Chief Suttles has involved himself and the city of Townsend police department in personal feud between the ****s and *******s on ****** Lane.

I am not as concerned with the fact that Chief Suttles completely misrepresented the 'Burn Ban' policy, although it is important to note that a Chief of Police should be familiar with any policy that he is going to enforce.

This is not the first time that Chief Suttles has been 'mistaken' concerning legislation.

Again, my main complaint is that Chief Ron Suttles acted like he was on the phone with someone at the forestry office when in fact he wasn't.

Since the City of Townsend provides Chief Suttles with the cell phone, it should be no problem to look and see if the actually call was made. The call supposedly took place between 11:00am and noon on Nov. 1, 2007. This shouldn't be any problem at all to check on. A call log accompanies every bill or I'm sure that you can request one.

The State Forestry Office can be reached at (865) 982-6264 if you have any questions.

I sincerely feel as though disciplinary action is the only remedy for this situation.

This formal complaint has been respectfully submitted in good faith by: ME!

Since filing this complaint I was able to get in touch with some other people that Chief Suttles has been harassing based on bogus information created by himself.

They've already started back-peddling saying that Ronnie had the number on his phone. I'm not really interested in whats on the phone, I'm interested in knowing how long the call duration was. I'm interested in the actual call log which falls under the "Sunshine Laws" of the state of TN.

It still doesn't change the fact that Chief Suttles lied concerning the actual wordage of the burn ban. This is where he violated state law (TCA) concerning "Official Misconduct". I want him prosecuted.

It was obviously an attempt to bully some folks that a local rich businessman doesn't like around. And to beat it all, the people that were bullied are part of his family. It's really a shame that people can't mind their own business. I'm extremely disappointed in this individual also.

It makes much more sense to me for a bunch of younger people to enjoy a campfire in the middle of a field instead of running around all over Townsend vandalizing things and stealing people's property. But then again, the real criminals are the people in Townsend that Chief Spanky likes to pal around with. He takes good care of his cronies.

Chief Suttles gave out some bogus legal advice a few years ago which ended in a family lawsuit that lasted nearly 4 years. Needless to say, Chief Spanky was wrong about this situation also.

He has also consistently misrepresented city ordinances every time that I have talked to him about anythting. Epsecially concerning the 66 condo complex that the local "underhanded" planning commision forced down our throats. One good turn deserves another. sum this up in a nutshell........I've never known Chief Ron "Spanky" Suttles to represent the truth in any instance. I'm not the only one who feels this way in Townsend.

Evidentally, Chief Spanky is just a stooge for the development industry and only does the bidding of local rich businessmen.

That's all right though. Now he has been caught red-handed. We'll get to see if this situation is handled properly by Mayor Shannan Skidmore. If not, then I'll let you know about the "rich businessman" who is involved in this situation and what our mayor has been up to since moving to Townsend to set up shop.

You would think that in a place such as Townsend where they are trying to sell so much real estate, city employees like Chief Spanky wouldn't be allowed to act this way. Seems to me that nobody would want to move into an area where the police are allowed to BREAK the law.

Oh well.............Now they know. Glad I could be of service and warn people that you don't want to but property and live in Townsend. Townsend city government is just as corrupt as the Blount County.


Townsend, Tennessee

25 Updates & Rebuttals



The point fo the thread..

#26Author of original report

Sun, April 06, 2008

Last winter, Chief Spanky lied about a fedreal burn ban in the park inaccurately stating that it was his jurisdiction and that the burn ban applied to campfires.

He was caught redhanded in a lie concerning speaking to the state forestry about the situation.

The Townsend City Commission shirked their responsibilities and even though Spanky was found to be wrong, the commission did absolutely nothing.

Ron "Spanky" Suttles has never represented the law as it is written. He thinks that he holds some sort of infinite wisdom and power that allows him to speak out of his A$$ on most issues.

All the city, county and state legislation that applies is written in plain English and is easily found. I guess that's why Spanky doesn't bother to make sure he's right..........that and the fact the city commission forgot about their responsibilities the minute the money started flowing.

Law enforcement is an absolute joke in this county and the city of Townsend. In most cases, it is they who should be hauled off to the pokie.

Now, you can bring everyhthing up that you can possibly think of to change the subject or instigate trouble, but it still doesn't change the fact that there's a double standard to the law enforcment in Blount County and its municipalities....especially Townsend.

Nothing will ever cloud the fact that Spanky is a known liar. I caught him at it and the city did nothing. If that's how you folks want to sell condos, then by all means go to it! Your philosophy on "Selling Townsend" is somewhat fouled if you think that people want to live where the police are that sorry. Maybe that's why you folks haven't sold a single condo yet and we're getting bites everyday on our property.

I'm going to continue to BLOG until this property is sold. So if you're tired of it, I suggest you get your $750K dollars together and buy it. Otherwise, I'll be bloggiong away about the cowards and liars that make up the city of Townsend government.

FYI - The video is no longer just a grainy, low quality home movie on the web. It is now evidence according to the state. Now please, please, please send little Billy Allen again to your bidding. I enjoyed recording his cowardice and obvious loyalty to the development people in Chesnut Hills and the rest of the city where all the low-life floridians and scumbag yankees live.

"diehillbilly?" No, sic semper tyrannis...



Now that's some funny stuff..........................

#26Author of original report

Fri, April 04, 2008

Do you not realize you have an ISD and URL also?

The bloodline thing is only important you folks who have forgotten where you came from. I can assure you. that the best folks from Townsend are all dead and gone. That's part of the problem.

Was never fired from Pizza Hut. I will forward that comment and URL to my attorney since slander is still a liability.

The real "truth about AP" is that he has stood up to the corruption in local governement which includes Bill Allen and Spanky Suttles and the Blount County Sheriff's office.

Trust me, I can prove everything that I have ever filed a complaint over. I think you should check the minutes of the meetings. Spanky has always been a liar. I just caught him in it.

The rest of your comments were just silly to say the least. I'm still laughing over the whole "living at home" thing. If you only knew. Yeah, my HOME........when I'm actually in this state.

Nice try, but you only discredited yourself even more. You might make a good member in the NEW Camp Ground Church.

No fight against senior citizens..............just attacked by drunken senior citizens at the Camp Ground Chruch because I didn't like their sign just like everybody else who has a history here. Got that on tape too.

Are you denying that our local government is corrupt?

If I were you I'd try a different approach to putting up a smoke screen for your buddies in law enforcement. You're no good at it.

Thanks for the laugh! LOL



Now that's some funny stuff..........................

#26Author of original report

Fri, April 04, 2008

Do you not realize you have an ISD and URL also?

The bloodline thing is only important you folks who have forgotten where you came from. I can assure you. that the best folks from Townsend are all dead and gone. That's part of the problem.

Was never fired from Pizza Hut. I will forward that comment and URL to my attorney since slander is still a liability.

The real "truth about AP" is that he has stood up to the corruption in local governement which includes Bill Allen and Spanky Suttles and the Blount County Sheriff's office.

Trust me, I can prove everything that I have ever filed a complaint over. I think you should check the minutes of the meetings. Spanky has always been a liar. I just caught him in it.

The rest of your comments were just silly to say the least. I'm still laughing over the whole "living at home" thing. If you only knew. Yeah, my HOME........when I'm actually in this state.

Nice try, but you only discredited yourself even more. You might make a good member in the NEW Camp Ground Church.

No fight against senior citizens..............just attacked by drunken senior citizens at the Camp Ground Chruch because I didn't like their sign just like everybody else who has a history here. Got that on tape too.

Are you denying that our local government is corrupt?

If I were you I'd try a different approach to putting up a smoke screen for your buddies in law enforcement. You're no good at it.

Thanks for the laugh! LOL



Kelso is not a liar, check your facts

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, April 04, 2008


Once again, Eric Suttles is not Ronnie Suttles son. Ronnie does have a son, but his name is NOT Eric, nor has he ever been arrested for anything in his life. For somebody who claims to know everything, and does his "research", you don't actually know much of anything.
Did it ever occur to you that there are quite a few people in Blount County with the same last name, and some of them aren't even closely related?

This is the truth, and everyone who knows better is laughing at you. Indeed, your petty comments, histronics, and rhetoric are laughable.

Son, I am not a liar, and I do not surround myself with "liars and thieves". I feel pity for you. I will pray that you get the medical treatment for your mental illness that you so desperately need.

The Real History Of Ap


Look at the source!!

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, April 04, 2008

AP has named so many people in various statements that he has compromised his credibility. He has also filed numerous complaints against public officials that never go anywhere becouse they lack substance. He has never provided credible evidence to support his claims. This includes his low quality video recently posted on youtube. He has NEVER been able to get anyone in any sort of trouble. He will claim it, but as usual he cannot prove it.

AP answers most of his own comments. It is a simple proccess to track him through his IP, and ISP address.

Now the truth!

1. AP claims to be a Townsend decendant. Actualy he is adopted and has no blood line in Townsend.

2. AP still lives with his moma at the age of 36 years.

3. AP has no job and is unable to function in an adult world due to his poor attitude.

4. AP has never been able to back up his claims of bravery. He has never actualy been in a fight, other than the time a few senior citizens gave him a well deserved wipping at a local church that he continues to harrass.

5. AP was even fired from Pizza H becouse of his poor attitude, and job performance.

6. AP recently was defeated in city elections due to his personal embarresments.

7. AP is not able to support himself due to his lack of ambition.

8. AP is not able to have healthy relashonships due to his actions.

9. AP is terribly obease becouse he sits at the computer all day spreading teenage gossip while eating food that he himself is unable to purchase.

Readers, I ask, are you now getting the picture about this individual? The numerous people he defames are your everyday hard working people. He is jelous of their personal success becouse of own shortcomings. They make medications for these type of people. AP the help you need is out there. Until you seek it, I expect you to remain your sorry lonely self. I also expect you to continue with your self induced embarrasments. We will continue to chucklle...while at the same time being grateful that we actualy have a life.



Bill Allen's video of cowardice.

#26Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 01, 2008

Here's a video of the cowardice that Ron Spanky Suttles has imparted upon his officers. he must have really taken Bill Allen under his wing like the little coward lacy panties girl that he is.

He's a real tough guy. "Let it be known..." that Bill Allen had his chance to actually do something instead of running his mouth but couldn't even muster the courage with 3 BC officers backing him up.

Check it out:

Old Spanky has taught them to be a liability to the city of Townsend.

Special thanks to Bill Allen for bringing the county into it. I've been after both institutions for the retarded for a while now. Thanks Bill for the video. Now I have an opportunity to absolutely drain the Townsend City Government DRY! Better start hunting something else to do ya coward!



Organized crime in the Townsend City Government, BILL ALLEN is a COWARD!

#26Author of original report

Mon, March 31, 2008

One of Spanky's Boys got way out of line last night.

I got it all on video and have posted it on YOUTUBE for all the world to see.

Notice how the coward Bill Allen walks off.

Incidentally, the BCSO was there to keep their buddy Bill Allen in safe passage.

Bill Allen obviously has to wait until he's got some back-up to call someone a coward.

Does Bill Allen control free-speech in Townsend now?

Don't worry though..................I knew what was going to happen anyways. I'm just glad that I caught the coward BILL ALLEN on video tape making a complete idiot out of himself.

This is the guy in line for the Chief of Police job up here in Townsend.

What a chicken-***!

Can you believe that this idiot would here a gunshot and then automatically assume that it was me and that I had shot at him. What stupidity! This obviously just an excuse to show off in front of a bunch squirrels at the BCSO.

This situation didn't have anything to do with gunshots or anything else. Bill just wanted to prove his cowardice to everyone................and has.


Notice how this coward walks off when he realizes that he has went to the point of getting his jaw re-aligned. Yeah..and he actually did ave gun.............and a bunch of qu**rs from the BCSO.

I think Ron Dunn is a captain or something. But none the less, this is the kind of crap that the BCSO spends all their time doing: perpetuating a track recordof cowardice.

Dusty Miller

Wears Valley,

Spanky is a JOKE!

#26Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 12, 2008

I overheard the Police Chief of Townsend speaking about the recent dusting of snow that our mountain areas got a few days ago.

Spanky just went on and on about how everybodyas going to be so thankful that the city of Townsend had bought him his four wheel drive truck.

Really? Why is that? The only part of Townsend where a four wheel drive would be necessary would be the 80 or so residents in Chesnut Hills and it would probably be safer if they just walked out if things got that bad.

All that money for a new truck that will be used 99% of the time on the asphalt and on flat ground?

Spanky is a ripoff in the true sense of the word. How this lazy little "napoleon" has made it this long on the public's dime is an outrage to every taxpayer in this state.

I think that the old guy who works during the day would make a better chief than Spanky or the p***k that works in the evenings.



Two things.

#26Author of original report

Wed, February 20, 2008

No, we are not in the National Park. No, we are not in the Cherokee National Forest either. Google has a really good map site that you should check out.

I thought that I had explained this situation pretty well. Everybody "around here' understands the situation and the jurisdiction of local, state and federal authorities.

Just so you know, the jurisdiction inside the city of Townsend, TN, is held by the STATE FORESTRY PEOPLE; not the Federal Authorities who do have jurisdiction in the Great Smoky Mtns National Park or the City of Townsend Quasi-Police Dept.

Secondly, the Nov. 15, 2007 edition of the Daily Times newspaper (Angie "Suttles" Thompson is on the front page) on page 4A underneath the heading "ARRESTS" has one ERIC M. SUTTLES, WALLAND, listed as being "...arrested by Alcoa Police officers at 4:06 p.m. Nov. 13 on a charge of theft of property." He had to make a $1,000 bond pending his trial.

ERIC M. SUTTLES is the SON OF CHIEF RONNIE "SPANKY" SUTTLES. I've heard so many things from so many people who think that Ronnie is a criminal, sometimes we end up with bogus information.

Seems KELSO IS THE LIAR. So is this now a "malicious lie" or a blatent truth? Sometimes the TRUTH hurts, Kelso. I suggest that if you are going to surround yourself with drug addicts and thieves like the Suttles, then you should get used to the TRUTH hurting real bad sometimes.

Hope this clears things up for the CONFUSED.




Are you in the national forest?

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, February 15, 2008

Is Townsend within the bounds of the national forest? I know it's right outside the boundaries of SMNP, and it seems as though I remember it being a part of the Cherokee National Forest.

If such is the case, then it would make sense that burn laws would be within the jurisdiction of the forest service. If it's outside of the national forest, however, then I would find it odd that a federal agency would have any jurisdiction over local issues.

Also, is this police chief a member of the Parton clan?



I hate to tell you but you're completely wrong.

#26Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 11, 2008

If it weren't the State of TN Forestry people who have jurisdiction then they wouldn't be the ones handing out "burn permits."

You are obviously not familiar with local laws in the city of Townsend or this state. We have no "city ordinance" concerning fires because it IS the state's jurisdiction.

Also, in the city of Townsend, hunting is regulated by the Tenn. Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) not the city of Townsend so you would be wrong again with your last assumption.


IT has everything to do with a derlict police chief who has a documented track record of misrepresenting not only local ordinances but state legislation.

He added something nthat wasn't included in the original burn ban and then when he got caught red handed lying, he lied again. That's just Spankly's way though.

I suggest you "....focus your research on..." "jurisdiction" in the state of Tennessee before posting again. I'm sure that SC probably is set up a little differently concerning jurisdictional coverage. But this is Tennessee, not South Carolina.


South Carolina,


#26Consumer Comment

Sun, February 10, 2008

would you call the Forestry department to find out about town laws? The forestry department is going to deal with forest land so designated by state. And yes they would be the ones to contact about what can and can't happen in the forest. But if the question is about what can or can't happen in town, the forestry department has no more input than say the state department of wildlife. It has to do with town laws. That's where you should focus your research on.



More info.

#26Author of original report

Sat, February 09, 2008

Here's just a taste of how Chief Ron "Spanky" Suttles allows his officers to act:

Not all officers with the city of Townsend act like complete retards like Officer Latham and Chief Spanky.

We have an excellent older man who works during the day and a pretty solid fellow who works during the night. Both of these guys, I have the utmost respect for...but then again, they know that I know the law and won't back down when I'm right.

If we can get rid of deralicts like Chief Spanky and Officer Bill Allen then we might have a police dept. to be proud of. Right now, we can only be half proud.




#26Author of original report

Thu, February 07, 2008

After doing some research, I was able to determine that the Suttles from Walland who was arrested the same day as Angie "Suttles" Thompson is NOT Spanky's son.

Unlike Chief Ron Suttles, when I'm wrong I will admit it. I would like to apologize to the young man in Walland who was reported as Spanky's son. I would hate to be accused of being related to Spanky either.

Kelso stated, "...How would it make you feel if someone attacked your children with malicious lies because you tried to do your job?"

I wouldn't like it but Chief Ron "Spanky" Suttles was not doing the law and yes his daughter was busted by the fifth judicial drug task force for obtaining drugs with false perscriptions.

Ronnie's children have EVERYTHING to do with the original complaint against Spanky. Obviously you are not familiar with what has been going on in local government and how many of these deralicts in government are related. Trust me, Angie was schooled by the biggest deralict criminal in Tuckaleechee Cove: Ronnie "Spanky" Suttles.

Again, I would like to make it clear that the young man who was accused of being Spanky's son is not related to Spanky.

I was pretty harsh on Kelso also but I want to know if he is denying that Spanky's daughter was busted. Thanks for the "heads up" however. It gave me another opportunity to blister the Criminal Police Chief Ronnie "Spanky" Suttles.

Be sure and check out the video on You Tube. Just do a search on either "Redneck Cops" or "Busted by a redneck cop in Townsend." This cop obviously took his training from Spanky also and will most likely recieve his own ripoffreport seeing as how I am very disappointed in Officer Alan Latham who is now with the Maryville City Police Dept. Not only did he lie concerning who owned the property, he was technically outside his jurisdiction.

"Telling Lies" is not part of the job duties of a chief of police. Spanky broke the law and if we had a DA (Mike Flynn and Robert "Little Bobby" Headrick) who was worth a shite, Spanky would be going to prison with his daughter.

For the third time, the "Suttles" who was busted the same day as Spanky's daughter is of no relation to him.




#26Consumer Comment

Tue, January 29, 2008

First of all, Ronnie Suttle's son has never been arrested, nor does he have any criminal record whatsoever. Anyone who says that he does is a blatant liar.

Second of all, the attacks posted here on Chief Suttles children have absolutely NOTHING to do with the original complaint about the burn permit.

Thirdly, I understand that while quite a few citizens around here have issues with local government, they should also understand that it might be prudent to make certain that the truth is being told, instead of repeating malicious gossip and idle rumors about the families of the people they are complaining about.

Get your facts straight, and grow up. How would it make you feel if someone attacked your children with malicious lies because you tried to do your job?

A Stratton Heir


His son was busted too.

#26UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 24, 2008

Spanky's son got busted the same day as his daughter. I've always thought the whole family was on drugs anyways. I knew that Angie was a drugger. She was a drugger years ago. Some things never change about people who have addictive personalities.

Maybe Chief Spanky is the reason that there's such a drug problem in Townsend. Go figure. This is just par for the coarse when it comes to law enforcement in Blount.



He lies about people also

#26Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 07, 2008

This chief is currently stirring up trouble at the Camp Ground church. He is a troublemaker.

I do not know him personaly just what I have been told. He is really mad at Aaron because of this report. So now he is out spreading lies and stirring up trouble about him at the church.

Aaron can prove his point concerning Spanky's lawbreaking but Spanky can't. He is a real loser just like his lardbutt debuty Bill.




#26Author of original report

Thu, December 20, 2007

Although we did try to tape the meeting, not only did we run out of battery power but also tape. That's what happens when your city council talks about paved parking lots for over an hour.

I did however get the conversation between the mayor and myself prior to the meeting. As soon as we get it edited down, I'll put a link on this site.

Mayor Shannan Skidmore actually makes the statement the he doesn't think if a cop is acting under a false assumption he ISN'T breaking the law............REALLY? State law says otherwise. Just like it says that people who don't file conflict-of-interest disclosure statements are also law-breakers.

City of Townsend Government has always been a joke and will continue to be as long as we have people in office who don't have the intellect to know why they are there. And yes, it is that simple.

Be sure and check out the conversation between the mayor and I. I'm sure you'll see why I have been raising so much h**l against local Townsend Government.





#26Author of original report

Sun, November 25, 2007

After last Tuesday's City of Townsend Commission Meeting, I fealt compelled to update this thread.

All guilty parties including the Mayor, the Fire Chief and Police Chief Spanky came to the same conclusion that I knew all along: YOU DO NOT NEED A BURN PERMIT FOR A CAMPFIRE.

Each of these individuals recieved a letter from the State Forestry Department in Nashville concerning their misconceptions and flat-out refusal to admit they were wrong.

The Townsend city council decided not to discipline Chief Ron "Spanky" Suttles which is completely their call, not mine.

I still believe that Chief Spanky violated state law by adding something to a Forestry Policy that has not nor ever been included in the "Burn Permit" policy.

I KNOW that Chief Spanky lied concerning his phone call witht he forestry people.

Oh well............. at least we've got the policy straight at this point. I WAS COMPLETELY RIGHT TO BEGIN WITH.



I was right to begin with.

#26Author of original report

Tue, November 20, 2007

Turns out that I was right to begin with. I don't know why I ever doubt myself. Unlike the Townsend City Commission or Mayor Skidmore, I actually know where to find the information I need instead of relying on bogus facts passed out by Chief Ron "Spanky" Suttles.

I spoke with the D2 area supervisor for the TN State Forestry Department yesterday. He relayed the same information to me that "...NO! You do not need a burn permit to have a campfire."

Needless to say, Mr. Via was quite upset that I had been lied to by everybody.

After explaining to him the whole situation and how Chief Spanky broke the law, he called the mayor, the fire chief and the local forestry office who had obviously changed their story to get little Spanky out of trouble. Didn't work, Rex and Francis.

The local forestry people started the whole "12inch campfire" thing when they found out that a formal complaint had been filed against Chief Spanky. Bad idea on their part.

The mayor started back peddling and will probably put everything off on the local forestry office tonight at the commisison meeting.

Doesn't really matter who Chief Suttles goes to for his information. Doesn't really matter what he is told. What matters is that under TCA, Spanky has broken the law. Chief Suttles took an oath to the law and at the very least should know what it says for himself. If he's not able to find and read legislation then maybe we need a chief of police who is not a deralict.

Mayor Skidmore, in the process of trying to keep his little buddy out of trouble, violated the Sunshine Laws in the state of TN by not filing a press release at the time of recieving the formal complaint. This is a big NO NO.

Keep in mind that none of the city commissioners have yet to file a DISCLOSURE STATEMENT (under the new ethics legislation) with the city recorder. I spoke with her last Tues and even she didn't know anything about this. That's over a year that these folks have had to do what they are obligated by law to do.

Makes you wonder if they actually know what is contained in the legislation that they have adopted and taken an oath to.

Two of our city commisioners voted on a budget that included $26K where one of their wives works and the the other's daughter is an employee. Another big NO NO. They are also supposed to state their conflict of interest before the vote, which they did not do. Nether of these two individuals have filed a DISCLOSURE STATEMENT.

Also these commisioners have voted on issues concerning development when one is known developer. No disclosure statement was given by this individual also.

Mayor Skidmore at one point attempted to bid on a sanitation contract with his company during a meeting last summer. Another big NO NO and direct violation of the new Ethics policies in this state.

The Townsend Planning Commision is also in violation of the new Ethics codes by not filing any disclosure statements amongst its members.

These criminals need to realize that they have all broken the new ethics legislation rules which is a CRIME. AND YES, THAT DOES MAKE THEM ALL CRIMINALS UNDER TCA.

See what happens when you have a chief of police that is not only a compulsive lair, but also has no accountability from his buddies on the commission? One lie leads to another lie and eventually all become liars. Now all the liars are in trouble. Glad I could be of service to you deralicts in Townsend City Government. What a bunch of morons!

Good Job Spanky!

I have contacted the News Sentinel in Knoxville because I know that the Daily times will try to sweep this situation under the rug just like they do the rest of underhandedness by local governement.

Maybe Iva Butler (The Daily Times) will do the right thing tonight and bring this situation out in the local paper tomorrow. SHE DOES HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO THE PUBLIC AS A JOURNALIST...........but then again, she does work for the Daily Times who is obviously part of the problem in Blounty County these days except for a handful of true journalists whom I sure catch a lot of crap for actually DOING THEIR JOBS LIKE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO.

I'll let you know what kind of underhandedness goes down at the meeting tonight tomorrow.






#26Author of original report

Sat, November 17, 2007

I appreciate the interest in this story concerning lawmen who can't live by the law.

I actually talked to the mayor today. Seems the TN forestry Dept is offering him an even more ridiculous take on the bun ban.

He said that they had told him that a campfire can't be more than 12 inches in diameter and that it had to be made out of less than two inch logs. I was told 3 ft in diameter and no bigger than 3inch logs.

Yeah that's right. I know what everybody's thinking. It's all wishy washy and a perfect opportunity to sue the city of Townsend into bankruptcy.

This is crazy and an obvious attempt by either the mayor or the forestry dept at keeping little Spanky out of trouble. There's no denying that he has broken the law.

None of this changes the fact that Townsend Police Chief Ron Suttles completely misrepresented the burn ban. If the information above was true, then not only should Spanky have known about it, he should have told people that.

There even saying now that he called the forestry dept when we all know good and well that he didn't. Why else would the people in the office that day say that they hadn't talked to him? I don't care what the phone says, I want to know what the call log says on the bill. Phones can be easily manipulated.

Townsend is a town full of campgrounds that would lose a lot of business if they couldn't have campfires. What applies to them, also applies to us and we're not a bunch of tourons that aren't used to having campfires. Municipalities just can't have a double standard like that.

That's ok though. We've bucked up and gotten a lawyer. We have all decided to have campfires this weekend just like we have for the last 20 years. If we catch any harassment from the Townsend fuzz, we will sue.

Cheif Ron "Spanky" Suttles is way out of line on this deal and he knows it. The best thing that Spanky could do is leave well enough alone and go after some real criminals like those near me who are felons in possession of firearms. But then again, felons are Spanky's kind of people. His daughter who recently resigned from the Blount County Sheriff's Office just got busted for drugs. Imagine that. Doesn't surprise me a bit.

The fruit that falls from Spanky's tree is rotten before it hits the ground.

There's only a few things at this point in my life that I hate and one is hypocrisy. The "do I say, not as I do" style of government that has invaded Townsend simply will not be tolerated.

If Chief Spanky thinks he can pull this type of underhandedness, then I say ...well c'mon, bring what you got Spanky.

I'll be having an extra large campfire both tomorrow and Sunday. We'll see if any cowards in law enforcement want to show up start some crap garbage. I'll have the camera rolling.

Thanks again to the ripoff report.




#26Author of original report

Sat, November 17, 2007

I appreciate the interest in this story concerning lawmen who can't live by the law.

I actually talked to the mayor today. Seems the TN forestry Dept is offering him an even more ridiculous take on the bun ban.

He said that they had told him that a campfire can't be more than 12 inches in diameter and that it had to be made out of less than two inch logs. I was told 3 ft in diameter and no bigger than 3inch logs.

Yeah that's right. I know what everybody's thinking. It's all wishy washy and a perfect opportunity to sue the city of Townsend into bankruptcy.

This is crazy and an obvious attempt by either the mayor or the forestry dept at keeping little Spanky out of trouble. There's no denying that he has broken the law.

None of this changes the fact that Townsend Police Chief Ron Suttles completely misrepresented the burn ban. If the information above was true, then not only should Spanky have known about it, he should have told people that.

There even saying now that he called the forestry dept when we all know good and well that he didn't. Why else would the people in the office that day say that they hadn't talked to him? I don't care what the phone says, I want to know what the call log says on the bill. Phones can be easily manipulated.

Townsend is a town full of campgrounds that would lose a lot of business if they couldn't have campfires. What applies to them, also applies to us and we're not a bunch of tourons that aren't used to having campfires. Municipalities just can't have a double standard like that.

That's ok though. We've bucked up and gotten a lawyer. We have all decided to have campfires this weekend just like we have for the last 20 years. If we catch any harassment from the Townsend fuzz, we will sue.

Cheif Ron "Spanky" Suttles is way out of line on this deal and he knows it. The best thing that Spanky could do is leave well enough alone and go after some real criminals like those near me who are felons in possession of firearms. But then again, felons are Spanky's kind of people. His daughter who recently resigned from the Blount County Sheriff's Office just got busted for drugs. Imagine that. Doesn't surprise me a bit.

The fruit that falls from Spanky's tree is rotten before it hits the ground.

There's only a few things at this point in my life that I hate and one is hypocrisy. The "do I say, not as I do" style of government that has invaded Townsend simply will not be tolerated.

If Chief Spanky thinks he can pull this type of underhandedness, then I say ...well c'mon, bring what you got Spanky.

I'll be having an extra large campfire both tomorrow and Sunday. We'll see if any cowards in law enforcement want to show up start some crap garbage. I'll have the camera rolling.

Thanks again to the ripoff report.




#26Author of original report

Sat, November 17, 2007

I appreciate the interest in this story concerning lawmen who can't live by the law.

I actually talked to the mayor today. Seems the TN forestry Dept is offering him an even more ridiculous take on the bun ban.

He said that they had told him that a campfire can't be more than 12 inches in diameter and that it had to be made out of less than two inch logs. I was told 3 ft in diameter and no bigger than 3inch logs.

Yeah that's right. I know what everybody's thinking. It's all wishy washy and a perfect opportunity to sue the city of Townsend into bankruptcy.

This is crazy and an obvious attempt by either the mayor or the forestry dept at keeping little Spanky out of trouble. There's no denying that he has broken the law.

None of this changes the fact that Townsend Police Chief Ron Suttles completely misrepresented the burn ban. If the information above was true, then not only should Spanky have known about it, he should have told people that.

There even saying now that he called the forestry dept when we all know good and well that he didn't. Why else would the people in the office that day say that they hadn't talked to him? I don't care what the phone says, I want to know what the call log says on the bill. Phones can be easily manipulated.

Townsend is a town full of campgrounds that would lose a lot of business if they couldn't have campfires. What applies to them, also applies to us and we're not a bunch of tourons that aren't used to having campfires. Municipalities just can't have a double standard like that.

That's ok though. We've bucked up and gotten a lawyer. We have all decided to have campfires this weekend just like we have for the last 20 years. If we catch any harassment from the Townsend fuzz, we will sue.

Cheif Ron "Spanky" Suttles is way out of line on this deal and he knows it. The best thing that Spanky could do is leave well enough alone and go after some real criminals like those near me who are felons in possession of firearms. But then again, felons are Spanky's kind of people. His daughter who recently resigned from the Blount County Sheriff's Office just got busted for drugs. Imagine that. Doesn't surprise me a bit.

The fruit that falls from Spanky's tree is rotten before it hits the ground.

There's only a few things at this point in my life that I hate and one is hypocrisy. The "do I say, not as I do" style of government that has invaded Townsend simply will not be tolerated.

If Chief Spanky thinks he can pull this type of underhandedness, then I say ...well c'mon, bring what you got Spanky.

I'll be having an extra large campfire both tomorrow and Sunday. We'll see if any cowards in law enforcement want to show up start some crap garbage. I'll have the camera rolling.

Thanks again to the ripoff report.



Chief Spanky Broke Tennessee Code Annotated (THE LAW)

#26Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 16, 2007

Aaron, I know that you've mentioned TCA Codes in the past.

You should really pursue a criminal prosecution and ouster through the PROSECUTER's office.

Make sure that you cite:

TCA 39-16-402
(Official Misconduct) -
applies to public servants and candidates for office and prohibits unauthorized exercise of official power, acting in an official capacity exceeding the servants power, refusal to perform a duty imposed by law, violating a law relating tot he servants office or employment, and recieving a benefit not provided by law.

Sounds like Spanky has his rear in a sling this time. I am familiar with this individual also. Anybody from Townsend or Walland knows that Spanky is as shady as our county sheriff.

Did you see where Angie Thompson was busted for drugs? In case you didn't know this is Spanky's daughter. She was a BCSO deputy at the time of the infraction.

Boy, this county just keeps getting better and better doesn't it?

I hope you can use this information.



City Council Meeting on 11/20/07

#26Author of original report

Mon, November 12, 2007

I just wanted to let everyone know that the next city council meeting will be held on the 20th of Nov. The issue of the formal complaint should be addressed at this meeting.

Not only will several other people be there with whom Chief Suttles lied to, but the guy from the forestry dept. will be there, too. I fealt it necessary for all parties with whom I have talked to be there also.

This Thursday, 11/15/07, the city commision is meeting with the Townsend Planning Commission concerning zoning issues. I don't think that this meeting is the proper time to address the situation of a chief of police that has broken the law. Knowing the powers that be in Townsend, they'll probably try to talk about the situation without all witnesses there.

That's OK though.........we'll all be there on the 20th expecting answers. We'll get to see who has the backbone and who has the yellow streak up their backs.

I'll be running video at the meeting so if there's any funny business or "out of order" behavior, I can post it on Utube or maybe on this website so folks can see the kind of behavior normally exhibited from little Spanky.


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