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  • Report:  #206844

Complaint Review: Child Protective Services

Child Protective Services, CPS, Texas DEpartment Of Family And Protective Services, TDFPS They STOLE my daughter because I requested the case be closed after the allegations were PROVEN FALSE!! Copperas Cove, Killeen, Fort Hood Texas

  • Reported By:
    fort hood Texas
  • Submitted:
    Sat, August 19, 2006
  • Updated:
    Thu, June 27, 2013

OK here we go........ i'm gonna make this short and sweet and only go over the big important things and i'm hoping that some people in the area where i'm at who have had the same problem with CPS will get in contact with me and go to the media and file a law suit against the home wreckers!!!!

My daughter is 3 yrs old and in the wonderful stage where she sayd yes to everything you ask her..... is the sky blue ? yes is grass green ? yes is an elephant living under your bed ? yes..... did " so -n-so" hurt your girl parts? yes

There in lies the problem.

Read on......

I'm really sick and my docs are working very hard at figuring out why and in doing so they require lymphnode biopsys to be done from my neck. My doc had order on to be done on Aug. 1st,2006 and so in preperation i added my neighbor/ best friend , Nicole, and my soon to be husband, Christian to my emergency approved pick up list at my daughters day care a few days before so they could pick up my daughter from day care while i was recovering.

2 days later, CPs showed up at my house and said Faith( my daughter) had told the day care that Christian had hurt her bottom ( a word she has never used) and i had hurt her girl parts. This was completly unfounded, not only cause neither of us would ever do such a thing, but Christian had NEVER been alone with Faith, not even long enough for me to pee. NEVER!!

My dad used to do child abuse case examines down in florida when i was growing up so i called him to see what we should do. he said just to be nice and go along with what ever they said and that since nothing happened they'd find that and drop the case.

So we did .......

In making a long story short, Christian is in the army and there fore CID ( crimianl investigation division) was involed and asked by CPs to investigate and discover whether the allegations were true or not.
They did 2 forensic interviews with Faith, interviewed myself, My parents, MY neighbor/friend, Nicole, Christians unit and friends and interogated Christian.

They also did a physical ,sexual assault examination of my 3 yr old. ** warning** the following might be disturbing.

This exam include the dr. puting faith, naked, an all fours and asking her to act like a puppy while they spread her butt to take pictures. then they asked me to get on the table with her and hold her legs open and spread her apart so they could take pictures of her hymen, she cried cause it was painful and tramatic.

At the end of it, the dr said there was absoulty no sign or evidence of sexual abuse whatso ever, however she did have bit of a yeast infection which is very common in little girls. After he said this to me i couldnt help but think to my self that Faith wasnt sexaully hurt before and had no clue about anything in that area, but now after that exam my 3 yr old had lost part of her innocence.

So after all the interviews and exams and checking Christians computer for kiddy porn and even volunteering for a poly graph test, which was denied since there was no evidence to support needing to be given one, CID decided they were gonna wrap up their investigation and close the case. They said that they proved the allegations were false and they were done with the case.

I took it upon my self, very happily, to call CPS and tell them the great news and I was looking forward to having my life back to normal.

I called tuesday.......... no answer, i left a msg.

I called back wednesday..... talked to my case work who said she didnt care what CID said and refused to close the case and that i would be required to go to parenting classes and Faith would have to gop to counseling both for several months, before the case would be closed.
she was looking out for my daughters best interest cause she knew that Christian must have touched her cause " why would Faith say it , if it wasnt true"......

( silly me for not believing every thing my 3 yr old says... like monsters live under her bed right ?? )

So i politly requested that since there was PROOF that nothing happened would it be ok for Christian to pick my slef and Faith up and drop her off at school in the morning and have me with him and pick her up in the afternoons and bring us straight home. NO UNSUPERVISED CONTACT.

She said she'd talk about it with her supervisor and call me in 1 hour.

She never called.

THen came Thursday...............

Christian and i were out house hunting while FAith was at school so we could actually spend some time together and get things done for our family for when this was all done and over with.

After we were done , he went to work and then his house and i went with my neighbor to get FAith ( since i cant drive from the surgery) from school.

AT 5 30 pm thursday Aug 17, 2006 CPS came with the police to my neighbors house where we were eating dinner and told me they had a court order to remove my child from my custody. When i asked why they said " because you called us requesting that Christian be allowed around your daughter, it has shown us that you are not interested in protecting her and there fore we are removing her for he protection".

I asked what they were protecting her from since Christian was proved innocent and how they could consider me calling them and expressing my right to freedom of speech as an act of unintrest in my daughters well being???????

The simply stated that they dont think Christian is innocent, no matter what the evidence shows and that if i cared about my daughter i would not have asked for CHristian to be allowed in her life again.

I asked to see the court order adn they refused to show it to me and i asked again stating i had a right to see what they had told the judge to get him to sign the order and the police officer next to me grabbed my arm and started pulling me away stating that i needed to be quiet and let the CPs worker do her job and if i asked anything else i would be arrested for disorderly conduct.

So now my 3 yr old is now in foster care somewhere and CPS refuses to let me talk to her or know where she is. They have set up a court date for AUg. 25th , 2006 for me to find out if they'll give her back to me or not.

AT this point I'm really worried about them not returing her to me since they took her beecause I made a phone call requesting that the case be closed, instead of taking her because something actually happened.




fort hood, Texas

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12 Updates & Rebuttals



texas cps

#13General Comment

Thu, June 27, 2013

please anyone that wants to get a law suit started against tx cps we all have to come together they are stealing an abusing children they stole my grandbabies we as famlies cannot stand by an let them do this


United States of America

I am going through this now!!!

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, March 02, 2012

I had my two daughters ripped from me March 30, 2011.  I had court yesterday and now they are wanting to terminate my rights and have my daughters adopted out... because "I am hard to work with".  I am a 42 year old single mother that can't even get chile support.  My girls were removed due to anonymous phone calls and false/untrue accusations.  I have provided documents proving that grades were not failing, caregiver was there when a 911 call was placed stating the children were left alone.... police went to house and even spoke with the lady!!!  The so-called "counselor" is the only one that I have "worked" with through most of this.  She will deliberately tell me things, provoking anger, depression, anxiety, terror, and fear.  So, of course I am going to defend myself and express the emotions!!!  (I am a redhead... not much goes "left unsaid").  However, the caseworker and my so-called "court appointed attorney, DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!  We started a so-called "trial" yesterday.  During this past year they have "forced" my daughters to have relations with the most abusive man I have ever met, the oldest ones father.  He isn't even the father of my 5 year old and because she is the sister, they make her.  Well, he fell off the face of the earth last month (no one informing me).  Also, I was told I could not discuss him with my girls. (why not?  I have his daughter that he has had nothing to do with for 9 years and doesn't pay child support!!!)  Now, after 5 years of searching, my 5 year olds father has "popped" up!!!! (yesterday at court)  Now they are trying to work with him, with BOTH my girls.  They have never asked why I am not with their father's, never asked anything regarding father's, relationships, support, NOTHING!!!  My caseworker is incompetent, my court appointed attorney is a joke, and the girls counselor is calling ALL THE SHOTS!!!!  (go figure)   I will be suing CPS AND THE STATE OF TEXAS!!!  If anyone knows more insight and tips.... PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!  The case is out of Caldwell County, Lockhart, TX.


San Antonio,
United States of America

This Happened to Me!!

#13General Comment

Wed, February 29, 2012

a VERY long story short.   I have a Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder mother who has been reporting me to child protective services ever since I had children.   Managed to get my two little ones taken away a few years back as well as get my two oldest ones sent BACK to her (she had been running with them for a long time)...No other states ever believed her....except in Comal County, Texas.   They allowed my oldest daughter (now as narcissistic as her grandmother ever was) to lie and state that my boyfriend had been raping her and her baby sister (she has made the same unfounded accusations about my ex husband and others) so tht CPS would send her back to grandma's where she did not have to attend school and pretty much do anything she wanted.   They allowed my own mother to get up on the stand to "testify" about how horrible a toddler I was.  They allowed her husband to get on the stand as an "expert child abuse witness" (he is an expert in nothing except cons and he is now in TDCJ prison for impersonating a police officer).  They would not allow statements from the doctors I had ever taken my children to, who were supportive of me, CPS contracted doctors only.    Now it has been years and my now ex bf was chased by them yet again for subsequent children he had, only to win his case and prove that he was never a "sex offender".   Other family members have since come forward to admit they were threatened by CPS to testify against us or their children would be taken.    They terrorized my child at her preschool by putting her through strip searches in which they were were looking for "inner thigh bruises" that they never produced any pictures of because there were never any but somehow they were allowed to take my kids without any signed court order on an emergency basis (my mother and oldest daughter were calling CPS workers on a daily basis with new "reports").   Now, it has been years, and I realize that no judge will probably give them back to me now, although it does bother me that to this day they allow the grandmother and oldest sister to visit with them. (they cut off my visits very early on in the case so has been many many years since i saw them).  it always concerned me that the way they raised my little daughter was to put her on major psychotropic drugs that had her remembering things wrong and imagining horrid sex acts that never happened, using words they gave her etc etc.    Okay so this many years after, with people now saying they did lie for whatever reason (all except for my psychopath mother) can I at least sue CPS for ruining two little girls lives?????    If there is ANY way, I would like to.  If anyone knows an attorney who might be willing to do so please get back to me.


United States of America

Contacting You

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, April 23, 2011

I am interested in speaking with you regarding your case and helping me with mine.  Please let me know how I can reach you!!! Thanks.


United States of America

Please Help!

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, April 23, 2011

I am in need of help regarding Child Protective Services (CPS).  My two daughters were kidnapped from me on March 30th, 2011.  My situation is somewhat different than the average CPS abuse/neglect investigations.  Short and to the point....
I was residing at a house, set on 4 acres with a so-called "used" car lot.  The owner of said property and all previous tenants are involved, in one way or another, with drug activity.  I had put a stop to the "traffic" and got new locks for house and property.  No one EVER entered the house, where my two girls and I actually lived.  The "tool room" is adjoined to house, with separate entrance and 2 other doors, keeping it non-accessible to main house.  In January, I started getting phone calls regarding "traffic" on property.  I called owner and asked about this, explaining to him that I am very protective of my children and could not allow such people or traffic.  February came along and I am being told that one of previous tenants wants me and my children out of the house so she can move back in it.  I was informed of her actions as being vindictive, triteful, and ruthless.  I was also informed that she had called CPS on other previous tenants, that lived in or on property/house. 
Guess what... CPS was pulling my children out of class at their schools, questioning them, and I was never notified of this.  My attitude gets set.... I go to each of their schools, asking when, why, and who????   My thoughts are:  They are minor children, who are my responsibility! (I'm their MOTHER)  No one has the right to question my children, get them alone in a room, etc.  without MY PERMISSION!!!  I should have been informed and the choice of being present, having a female officer present, or an attorney present.  THEY ARE MINOR CHILDREN!!!! 
Well, a house visit was made, a drug test taken, and all was good.  I explained about the previous tenants that were now coming and going on property and informed them of all I was being told.  I passed drug test (of course) and home visit was good.  A second report was made, and here we go again!!!  Another home visit, another drug test.... Once again, all was good.  Next thing I know... I am being served papers from CPS to appear in court (for non-removal) of children.  Served on March 27th, 2011 to appear on March 30th, 2011... TWO DAYS  from being served!!!!
Long story short.... previous tenants had moved in to a motorhome on property, breaking into the main house when my children and I were gone, using the shower and restroom that my children used, stealing food, dishes, clothes, movies, etc.  I immediately start looking for a place to move to.  Things got worse.... had to take a leave from work so that I was home at all times when my children were not in school.  One of the tenants was trying to be-friend me.  (the same one that I was told had been calling CPS on me.)  She prepared dinner the night before court and vowed to help me and even go to court with me.  After eating her dinner, I became real antsy, heart was beating fast, and I then started feeling naucious and severe headache.  Next morning, she is nowhere to be found and I am off to court!
Needless to say, court was fast and and I was ordered to take drug test, again!  Won't go into detail about what it took to get this done but somehow I tested positive for 3 things, one of which I knew nothing about or ever heard of!!!  Yep.... I am already onto how this happened!!  Dinner the night before!
They immediately took my children and I explained that I do not hardly ever drink, muchless a drug user!  Judge said that children are being removed from "property" until suitable living arrangements are acquired and not from mother for abuse/neglect.  After court, I was told to get moved and once I finished "mandatory" Protective Parenting Classes, my girls would come home. 
I have yet to get anything in writing, my visits have been cut from twice a week at 2 1/2 hours, down to once a week for 1 hour!!!  I explained that my oldest, 8, is ADHD and is on Adderoll that the nurse gives her at school.  I explained about several things that concerned my children and their well-being.  (Since CPS knew/knows absolutely nothing about me, my girls, or our lives!)
Well, it's been 25 days and I am not getting any response from my case worker in regards to my questions!!!  My mother was told she would have the girls on the weekends and that they needed to do a background check on her.  Not a problem! (No word about that.)  I just got scolded by case worker, on Thursday at 12:45pm, that I need to make myself available to her 24/7 and notify her 24 hours in advance to confirm or cancel any visitations.  Then asked if I could be there at 3:30pm for a visit!!!  I explained to her that I was headed to new residence and would just throw my stuff in new house and rush right over.... ANYTHING to see my girls!!!!  At this visit, April 21st of 2011... I discover that my oldest is not "herself".  I question if she's tired or doesn't feel good.  I ask how things are at the place they are at, what they eat, who all is in the house, how school is, question about grades and homework, ETC.!!!  They went to the dentist (which I had appt. set prior to removal) and they went to Dr.  I asked oldest about her medicine and asked if they took it back to school nurse to administer.  (I was also accused of under medicating and over medicating in same paragraph of CPS report) She stated that she is taking before school, still and that she is taking a differnet pill!!!  I just had her re-evaluated the previous month!!!  I became upset and case worker rushed in saying that the Dr and other caregivers (foster parents)  decided to DOUBLE her dose!!!  Now I know why she is LETHARGIC!!!!!  I am extremely worried about my children's well-being, health, and safety!!!!  
I NEED HELP!!!!  I am a very well educated, loving, prosperious, and attentive parent/person!  I do not take things lightly when it comes to my girls.  I would never allow a Dr to DOUBLE her medicine... it would be increased gradually as needed/recommended by doctor, myself, AND school!  I have noticed lots of bruises on my oldest childs legs, shin area (both), and last visit, my youngest (4) has scratches on ankles and tops of feet, along with wounds on both knees!  She and her sister say she fell, I believe them....but still quesiton in back of mind. 
At end of visit, the foster parents are in the waiting room!  I was excited that I got to meet them! But, I got cut off when trying to inquire about my girls from them.  My youngest was crying, saying one of her "ouies" was itching.  The foster male called her over to him and asked to see.... WHILE PICKING HER UP AND PUTTING HER IN HIS LAP!!!!!   That is a big no-no for me!!!  My girls are not to sit on any male lap, be in a room with a/any male... etc. 
I have nothing in writing/on paper in regards to my girls being removed from me.  I have nothing stating what procedures need to be taken to bring my girls home. (other than PPC - protective parenting class)  I have read that: within one working day from removal of children - Emergency Hearing is to be held. (didn't happen)  Within 14 days of that - Adversary Hearing is to be held. (didn't happen)  The Family Service Plans are completed by the 21st day after your child has come into care.  (again... didn't happen) 
My girls are devastated, traumatized, and so confused.  I have never been apart from either of my girls, at any time!!!  I read stuff on the DFPS website regarding procedures... that they are not and have followed.  My oldest is being over mediacated now and both my girls have showed bruising and wounds on their legs.  My "court appointed" attorney has yet to call me.  I have no documentation in regards to reasons for removal, no documentation in regards to children being "legally" removed.....NOTHING!!!!  CAN SOMEONE WITH EXPERIENCE IN THIS PLEASE HELP ME???   I am worried about the well-being of my children!!!!  Not to mention the emotional and mental effects this has done to me.   I am lost without my girls.  My world rotated around them and I am nothing without them.  I try to ask questions but get no direct answers.  Please help me.  Help my Angels to come home!!!


United States of America

GOOD JOB, Dont let them get away with anything!

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, November 10, 2010

You have a court order saying its dismissed now, those CPS punks can go to hell. This is VERY bad trend in Texas right now. These people want to open and close cases so they can get government compensation. Make sure they close the case as "no abuse found". Sometimes these evil bastards will try to close it with "reason to believe" even after the judge signs the court order saying nothing was found. If CPS closes the file with reason to believe your name will go in a child abuse database, don't let them do it. Its just another way they try to retaliate. These people are just angry that they didn't get their way, they don't like being pushed out of your life, they want to make it a point to harass and be in your life as much as possible. DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT!

- John



Christian ISN'T the father of your daughter, right?

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, April 24, 2007

Plus you're not married to Christian. That's why CPS is suspicious of both you and him. They figure you just put your desires ahead of your daughter's needs, and would even cover for your boyfriend so he won't leave you in the future. The case is legally over, but they will be watching.

I know because I have worked with the courts on CPS cases for years and seen this more than a few times. Sadly, CPS is proven correct most of the time, some even fifteen years later.

Lorrianne Rae

Fort Wayne,

Some advice to you

#13Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 24, 2007

You need to speak with a lawyer (find one thru the legal referral in your area) and see if you can sue these caseworkers and supervisors who put your daughter and you thru this. What they did should not fall under any clauses they might hide behind such as 'best efforts'. They caused harm to yoour daughter and you should be able to file against them on her behalf. Best of luck to you and your daughter.

PS: There are many yahoo groups addressing this issue. You'll find many who would be glad to count you as a member. Your story is considered a victory. Congratulations on your daughter's return to you.

Lorrianne Rae

Fort Wayne,

Some advice to you

#13Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 24, 2007

You need to speak with a lawyer (find one thru the legal referral in your area) and see if you can sue these caseworkers and supervisors who put your daughter and you thru this. What they did should not fall under any clauses they might hide behind such as 'best efforts'. They caused harm to yoour daughter and you should be able to file against them on her behalf. Best of luck to you and your daughter.

PS: There are many yahoo groups addressing this issue. You'll find many who would be glad to count you as a member. Your story is considered a victory. Congratulations on your daughter's return to you.

Lorrianne Rae

Fort Wayne,

Some advice to you

#13Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 24, 2007

You need to speak with a lawyer (find one thru the legal referral in your area) and see if you can sue these caseworkers and supervisors who put your daughter and you thru this. What they did should not fall under any clauses they might hide behind such as 'best efforts'. They caused harm to yoour daughter and you should be able to file against them on her behalf. Best of luck to you and your daughter.

PS: There are many yahoo groups addressing this issue. You'll find many who would be glad to count you as a member. Your story is considered a victory. Congratulations on your daughter's return to you.

Lorrianne Rae

Fort Wayne,

Some advice to you

#13Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 24, 2007

You need to speak with a lawyer (find one thru the legal referral in your area) and see if you can sue these caseworkers and supervisors who put your daughter and you thru this. What they did should not fall under any clauses they might hide behind such as 'best efforts'. They caused harm to yoour daughter and you should be able to file against them on her behalf. Best of luck to you and your daughter.

PS: There are many yahoo groups addressing this issue. You'll find many who would be glad to count you as a member. Your story is considered a victory. Congratulations on your daughter's return to you.


fort hood,

case dimissed

#13Author of original report

Mon, January 15, 2007

I just went to court and the judge laughed at the cps workers and the prosecutor and dismissed my case 100%.

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