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  • Report:  #79757

Complaint Review: Childcare Network Aka Young World Child Care Centers

Childcare Network aka Young World Child Care Centers - Tracey Ross ripoff Don't ask for ID, Abusing children, race discrimination, threatening parents to call Child Protective Services if they don't pick up their children for not listening Virginia Beach Virginia Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Moyock North Carolina
  • Submitted:
    Mon, February 09, 2004
  • Updated:
    Thu, April 28, 2005
  • Childcare Network Aka Young World Child Care Centers
    952 Lord Dunmore Dr.
    Virginia Beach, Virginia
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I was called around 2:30 pm Friday Feb. 6th, 2004 with a disturbing phone call from Tracey Ross (Director of Childcare Network. She said that I have to pick up my daughter. I asked if she was sick. She so "no, but she's not listening to the teachers in class (pre-school 4 yrs. old) and I've had her up with me for the last 5 hrs." Tracey had my daughter sit up front at her desk for five hours??! That's child abuse!!

How can anyone, especially a 4 yr. old sit anywhere for 5 hrs!!?? There was NO previous phone call!

Of course I refused to do so, since I'm paying them ($120/wk) to care for and teach my child in pre-school, that they need to handle the situation. I cannot leave work for something that is just ridiculous. I would be more than happy to help out and drive there to get her to listen to her teachers and behave in class.

At one point in time, Tracey and I had an understanding that if my daughter was to act up that she was to sit in her office to calm herself down, and if that still didn't work, to give me a call and put my daughter on the phone to see if me talking to her would fix the problem. Tracey has done that 1 time and the Asst Director, Nicole, has also done that 1 time. And, it worked both times, assuming that I hadn't received anymore phone calls that day.

I was never given anything in writing to sign and date explaining that my child was misbehaving in any way. They would tell me here and there that she was a little naughty, but she came around and then earned some special "thing" like a piece of candy or sticker. Her one teacher, Ms. Collins, tells me and my daughter that she was a special girl and that she was her "favorite". when I refused to pick her up, Tracey threatened me that she would call Child Protective Services on me if I wasn't here within the next hour!!

What a crock of crap. How stupid would they look for calling CPS to tell them that the Mother of a 4 yr. old won't pick up her daughter up because she won't listen in class and that they won't teach her with the money that was paid. I asked Tracey to not call me again on this matter that I have to get back to work and said "Bye" and hung up the phone. I picked her up at 5:30pm like I always did. They had a file for me with her artwork and a termination letter. It stated that it was my "failure to cooperate with my daughter's behavior that day"...sounds like their failure to copperate. I walked in and asked the afternoon "teacher" if she was really that naughty. She nodded her head and said that her son, Javon ( black boy), were "partners" with her up front all day and that both of them were in it together.

That just ticked me off. I was supposed to pick my daughter up at 2:30pm and this little boy with his mother there was allowed to stay?! I was charged a $14 late fee for being only 12 mins. late one evening due to THEM. I paid it because I didn't want to "rock the boat".

I called the Center in Richmond, VA to be connected with the location here on Lord Dunmore Dr. (They aren't listed in the phone book at all) Come to find out that they are...under Young World Child Care Centers. I found out that the next day. They changed their name several yrs. ago and never got it changed in the phone book. Well, the office in Richmond gave me the wrong number, it was the other location in town.

When I talked to them and said that I might be a few mins. late due to an auto accident, they told me that someone had already picked up my daughter. I thought that my mom had beat me there. I was relieved (for a minute), so I mad a u-turn to go ahead and pick up my other daughter.

It sounded fishy, so I asked again who picked her up. Finally they said the last mane of this little girl and it wasn't mine. They said it was the location on Ferry Plantation Rd. So, I made another u-turn and got there 12 mins late, whereas I would've been on time or 1-2 mins/ late. I asked them to call the other center and explain the mix-up. They didn't. All I got was bitched out by Nicole and was told if I don't pay the $14 by first thing in the morning that they were not going to let my daughter enter the school that was already paid for, for the week. I called their bluff and didn't pay one nickel. Nothing was said for a couple of days when

I finally received a letter stating that I owed them this money or else. I contacted Patti (Head Director) and was told basically tuff crap and that they call in for the local time. Never called in. She looked up at the clock and added 2 mins. to the bill. After Hurricane Isabel hit here in Sept. some of the tunnels were closed, making it very hard to get anywhere. I come from downtown Norfolk, Va where the tunnel is closed. I fought the traffic every day until it re-opened. I would leave @ 4:30 pm to get there by 6pm. that's how bad it was. I said that this sould be over when the tunnel re-opens (which it did) and that I was very sorry for being there right at 6 or a min. or 2 after. All Tracey said to me was "I have other parents (nurses that get off at 3pm) that come from downtown Norfolk, and they don't have any problems".

I can't believe that statement! They do everything in their power to harass me with "little" things. There is an older black man who comes late here and there, several times. As much as 5-10 mins. late, and never charges him a dime!!! He goes in, picks up the child, and leaves with a smile, waving at Tracey and Nicole. Unfair!!! He as much as whistles and walk slowly into the school, calm...whereas if I'm running late, I park, RUN into the school as fast as I can.

Discrimination??? Now that the weekend passed, I tried calling Patti to discuss this further. That women had me so ticked off even more!! She claims that Tracey nor anyone in her facilities would ever threaten me like that by calling CPS... that she said that the threat was that she (Tracey) said that she was calling the License people??!! What License people? I don't run a school, or maybe a child license like a dog license. What the heck is this women lying about?! I told her that I know she said CPS because I commented on her stupid threat!

Also, Childcare Network, Inc has NEVER asked anyone for ID upon picking up any child whatsoever!!!! My step-brother walked into the school to pick up my daughter and was never challenged by anyone!!! He asked where the 4 yr. olds are and that he is there to pick up "daughter's name". They asked who he was, and he said "my name"'s brother and walked OUT THE DOOR with my daughter!!!

When talking to Patti today, she claims that that they asked him for ID and that he showed it to them...I told her that she is lying because he doesn't even HAVE and ID. The only one that he had, was a driver's license from GUAM that was stolen a few months back and it is taking a stack of paperwork to get another one here in the U.S.!!! They never asked my step-father for an ID, and they even let him sign her out!!! Which I saw his initials on the sign out sheet. Then, my husband comes to pick her up and is never asked for ID.

Ms. Collins just says that she doesn't need to see any ID 'cause she looks just like her Daddy, etc... She told me this on 3 separate occasions, about how when she saw my husband walk though the door it was like looking at my daughter! How do these people know if my husband and I are separated with a court order for protection, or that he is violent / wife-beater / child molester, who wants to kidnap my child!! The lucky thing is we are happily married and he is a wonderful/caring father & husband. Still doesn't make it right to let him just walk in out with no ID.

Patti let me know just "how many schools that my daughter went to and got kicked out". She rattled off this "list". I was horrified as to WHERE this women comes off getting this "info"??!!! There was a school listed that my older daughter went to for 3 yrs. and was satisfied. She left that school to be home-schooled because she a competitive gymnast. My daughter (4 yrs. old) yelled "I went to XXXX!" I said no you didn't and asked her what was XXX and she replied "I don't know" and just laughed at her for wanting to be like her big sis. Well when she said "Yes I did", Patti called me a liar and said I told you so!!! I jumped in and said that how in the world could my daughter attend that school for as it starts at 4 yrs. old (K-4 Program) and that she just turned 4 in Sept. of 2003 and has been with you Idiots since Aug. of 2003!!! She was at my girlfriend's house who ran a Daycare and retired in Aug.!! Then she tap-danced around her words and hung up on me...

I just would like to know just how legal / illegal it is to dig up such private information and HOW this is possible. And, the other schools that were "listed", I've never heard of them. What a bunch of manipulating lying people! I really feel sorry for someone who goes around defending a bunch of liars and "making up" stories to defend them.

Moyock, North Carolina

5 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

Who is the racist?

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, April 28, 2005

I find it interesting that people who are members of a group that at one time experienced terrible things are constantly trying to punish the POSSIBLE descendents of those who caused their ancestors' misery. This is a case in which a woman was experiencing a very rough time with a childcare situation, and took note of RACIAL DISCRIMINATION against her. NEWS FLASH: It is possible for African Americans to be racist against caucasions! Racism is not something that only one race exhibits.

Speaking AS an African American, I think that every time a black person screams "what about all those years when ... happened to blacks..." and "we have a right to act the way we do because of ... that happened in the past" really sets us back as a people. There are PLENTY of whites in this country who have absolutely no racism in their hearts or minds, and PLENTY who have no tie to any slavery. The majority of whites in this country are 2nd, 3rd, or 4th generation immigrants who came here seeking a better life for their families. The truth is, the majority of white people EVEN pre-civil war era did not own slaves because they were too expensive.

Another thing, we have our own ancestors to thank for being sold into slavery as much as those who bought and resold them. So, calm down and accept it when a white person says that they are experiencing discrimination if it seems that there is something to back it up. This lady appears to have something to back it up. She should be treated the same as any other parent who has their children at that place, and if blacks are receiving preferential treatment, she has a right to be offended about that.
African Americans need to wake up and stop blaming everyone else for their problems. You are born into this country with all of the same rights and opportunities as anyone else. This is America!

Oh, and before you judge me, I was born into a second generation project family. My mother had me when she was fourteen years old. I decided to pull myself up by my bootstraps, stop feeling sorry for myself for the color of my skin and all of the "discrimination" (which was mostly in my head), and do something with my life. I have in turn helped my mother get her GED and get off of welfare and foodstamps and into a real apartment. I suggest you shake your victim mentality and stop judging others because they dare to claim to be victim of discrimination as a white person. It is possible, and you have helped to prove that with your argument.


Virginia Beach,

You are Totally Wrong

#6UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 31, 2004

I am currently working with Childcare Network on Ferry Plantation. Everything that you have stated, sorry you are wrong. There is no way that one, a child would be sitting up front for five hours! Trust me, after twenty minutes, the child gets a second, third or fourth time, and get to go back into the room. Since your child is four, there is a two and half hour time when she is suppose to be asleep. sorry lady, but i dont see your point to where you can be upset, cause you are not saying the truth.

I personally know mrs tracy and mrs nicole, and there is no way that they would be left up front. and trust me, child protection service would not be called on you. i have personally known to sit and wait for a parent to come and get their kids all the to seven oclock. yes there was a fine to be payed, but no we never called cps.

and if you child has been going to this school at lord dumore, why dont you have this number memorized or at least written down somewhere. you called us from your cell phone, so why not program it into your cell phone. and trust me, what you said about when you called, you are such a liar. trust me, i should know. you talked with me on the phone. i dont have to take this insult, especially over the internet. why are you trying to ruin such a good preschool just because you feel like you were runined? if you would just make sure all your ducks were in a row, you would not be having these types of problems. when our parents are running late, we usually get a call aourn 545-555. you called at 600, right when we were getting ready to start closing down the center.

why do you feel like you have been in the middle of all this "harassment?" do you think that possibly you are at fault for some of this?

oh and and about hte whole id thing. do you think that maybe when you signed your daughter up, that maybe he did have an id on him? and if your husband has been there before, shouldnt we know him? i know that when parents come in that we have never seen, they cant get inside the class rooms. and if we have seen them once or twice, we usually let them go through. once they get into the class room, if the teachers do not notice them, then we start to question.

i hope that you can understnad that you need to lay low on this because you are someone that makes good people look bad when they did nothing wrong.



To Wendy The Racist

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, February 11, 2004

How funny is it that the first thing that all racists say is that they are not racists. I can read, and it's pretty clear what you mean just by reading your words (black boy?) And you talk about minorities always getting off? Where did you grow up? In Never-Never Land? You show your ignorance time and time again.

What about the hundreds of years that african americans have been bought from their homeland and transported to America only to have no rights to their own children. Has anyone in your family been ripped apart because of the color of your skin? Only to never see them again? Or lets speed up to the year 2004. In Georgia.

An honor role student who has a full athletic scholarship to a good college was sentenced to 10 years in prison because he had consentual sex with a girl who was months shy of her 16th birthday. He was 17. He was black. And his life is over for the next 10 years. Is that "fair"? Did he "get off"? You're a racist and I only hope your children don't learn your hate.

First of all, you're pathetic to have to resort to calling me vulgar names. I wonder if your children pick up on your bad attitude towards the world.

I said that talking to her on the phone doesn't help because it is repeated behavior. Duh.
And I know that your husband wasn't asked for ID. My point was, do they ask you for ID? They see your face on the daily basis. Are you asked each and every time for an ID. Or do you assume they should know who you are? The same goes for your husband. I said that if they did ask the both of you each and every time for ID, we'd have to listen to you rant about how ridiculous this is. I think you need to buy "Hooked on Phonics".
I think you need to stop blaming other people for everything that pisses you off or makes your life an inconvenience. You talked to a lawyer? What a waste of money. What do you hope to get out of hiring a lawyer? Money? Good Luck.

And by the way, when I spoke of an emergency, I meant a FAMILY emergency. Boy, I guess everything needs to be slowly explained to you in order for your to understand.


North Carolina,

To Nicole, I'm not a racist

#6Author of original report

Tue, February 10, 2004

Hey Nicole in Jacksonville, Fl. for information my there is no TV or coloring or anything like that, and I did ask! Now, do you think if she was coloring or watching tv, that would a time out??? Also, all of this crap was in the last week or two and I have gone to several different schools to investigate them and get background info. I already had a school picked out but she couldn't start until now. I'm not a racist at all!!! I just find it really interesting how everybody who seems to "get off" are all minorities, that's all. I didn't even think of that until I talked to and attorney. The "other" child's mother was not asked to send him home because they "needed" her there. They should have gotten another teacher if her kid was so bad as they claim. And they DID NOT ask my husband for ID, a**hole. How dare you insinuate that I would be upset for them asking for ID!!! Furthermore I don't mind paying for being late...I mind when THEY make me late by misleading me that my daughter was already picked up! You might need to fire your Optomitrist...obviously you can't read! Talking to her on the phone DID WORK!!! You make it sound like she is always bad, she is not. She is like every other child out there that is very active. If this was an on-going thing as you claim it to be, then why wasn't I aware of it??!! There is NO reason why ANYBODY should sit with any kid for 5 hours!!! Not a Director of a Daycare nor any Principal. After the first 15-20 mins. a phone call should be made to a parent, not 5 hours later!!! I never asked you to feel sorry for me. You must be really lonely. By the way... MY 3 girls are my ENTIRE world! I travel to every gymnstic competition, to every cheerleading competition, to every school event, etc....I volunteer several hours a week with no pay. Oh and by the way, if there was an emergency, I would call 911, not the school!



Get a new daycare and be glad

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, February 09, 2004

I think you should be happy about the termination. This place sounds terrible, and after all of your "run-ins" I'm surprised you've kept them as your daughter's primary care. I do think some of your comments are not fair, though. First, just because you pay a daycare to watch your child does not mean they have to deal with an unruly child day after day. That is not fair to the teacher or the other children who also need attention. You said that this was repeated behavior. I also had a problem with my 5 year old daughter, and when I was informed, I made a promise to the teacher that her behavior would change for the better. Through time-outs and other types of discipline, we were able to stop it. You don't seem too concerned. Obviously you talking to her on the phone doesn't work, and the teacher only has limited options when it comes to dicipline.

Just because your daughter was in the office for 5 hours it is not child abuse. How do you know if she wasn't coloring or watching a movie, etc.? Did you even think to ask? You talk about discrimination (from the way you're talking, I assume you are white.) First, I find it offensive that you would throw that in the mix. How do you know if the other child was reprimanded. You said it yourself: his mother works there. How do you know if he's in a time out? Or do you just think that because he's black that he got off scot-free? I think you're the racist. You must have thought this daycare was good enough, until they started wanting you to participate in your daughter's behavior problem. Why should they have to raise and deal with your child just because you pay them? Is that how you think it works? What about when she goes to school? Do you think the pricipal will sit with YOUR child for 5 HOURS because you pay taxes or tuition? I don't think so.

If you are concerned with the security of the facility, you should speak up when it occurs. Not talk about it days/weeks/months after the fact. If it still goes unnoticed, you should call the Department of Families and Children. They have an anonymous tip you can report daycares, because they are governed under the DCF and the state. The more reports against a facility, the harder it will be to renew licenses. And by the way, I bet if they did ask for ID from your husband (and I don't hear you complaining about them not asking YOU for ID) you'd probably complain that its a bother and they should know you.

You sound like someone in need of a reality check. And just so you know, its standard practice among most daycares as well as after-school programs to charge an initial fee of $10 for the first 5 minutes, and then $1 for every minute you are late. Yea, its a lot of money, but is it really their fault that there was traffic or an accident?

Everyone probably uses that excuse and most are lying. There is a fee because people working in daycares are WORKING. Who's going to pay them the overtime that YOU caused by not picking up your kids? It takes one time to run up a fee for someone to learn their lesson. If you're going to blame someone, blame yourself. I'm amazed that you don't have your child's daycare number on speed dial. How would you contact them if there was an emergency?

You sound like a whiny, complaining, too-busy-for-her-own-children mom, who just wants someone to blame.

I don't feel sorry for you.

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