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  • Report:  #1231671

Complaint Review: China Skye Shar-Pei

China Skye Shar-Pei - Kathi Lese Shar Pei Died of Amyloid - Breeder was aware of Amyloid in blood line Louisville Kentucky

  • Reported By:
    Trudy — Antioch California USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, May 27, 2015
  • Updated:
    Fri, February 02, 2018

Please know what you are about to read are facts. I am not here to write a post to bash anyone.  But to give facts so you can make your best judgment. 

Few important facts first:

Breeders:  China Skye Shar-Pei – Owner: Kathi Lese (previously lived in AZ, moved to KY)

I purchased puppy 2010: Name:  China’s Skye Super Charged Racer (Paxton)

Sire: China Skye Dance in the Dark of Night (Zoso)

Dam: Epics-N-China Skye’s I’m No Angle

I purchased my Shar Pei from Kathi Lese, China Skye Shar-Pei  in 2010. Within a month of receiving him (Paxton) he began having episodes of FSF (Shar Pei Fever).  I reached out to Kathi regarding Paxton suffering from FSF as she sent me a sick dog, this broke our contract.  I requested she reimburse me half of what I paid for Paxton as I planned to keep him, and I thought half of what I paid for him was reasonable.  But she refused.  She offered me $250 to cover the cost of medication for 2 years.  If you know anything about the cost of Chociline, $250 does not cover even a 1 year supply.  I will admit there was a miss understand between her and I at that time.   She did offer me another dog.  We were communicating via email, and I thought she was requesting I send her Paxton back and she’d send me another dog, so I said no.  I had fallen in Love with him, and couldn’t possibly send him back to her. A couple years later she clarified that in the begging she was offering to send me a second dog, not expecting Paxton back.  As I mentioned it was just a miss understanding via email.

Paxton continued to suffer from FSF monthly until he was almost 2 yrs old. Then after that every other month, sometimes  every 3 months, or when the weather would change.  It was often.   I tried various medications, and kept Kathi up to date on his health.  He had been on chociline since he was about 1 yrs old and various supplements.  At the age of 4 he was diagnosed with Kidney failure.  On Feb 3, 2015 a month before he would have turned 5, he passed away from Amyloid disease.  I had a red Congo stain done to confirm this. 

After Paxton’s passing I found out from Kathi Lese, that she was aware that Paxton’s Grandfather (mother’s side) had died of Amyloid.  In my calculations he passed likely 2 years before Paxton had passed.  Kathi never reached out to me to tell me of his passing to make me aware that I should keep my eye out for this issue.  I did further research and found another Pie (China Skye’s Show me Blue Fairy Tales - Tooshi) sired by Paxton’s father Zoso had passed from Amyloid as well.   I spoke to Tooshi’s owner Melissa Castillo to confirm this.  Melissa purchased Tooshi from Kathi and confirmed that Kathi was aware of Tooshi’s passing of Amyloid disease.  Once again when Tooshie passed Kathi never made me aware of the possible Amyloid in Zoso’s line and to keep my eyes out for it and to be cautious. 

When Paxton passed I requested full reimbursement, Kathi refused she said she’d provide me another puppy as our contract stated.  But of course I did not want another dog from her since I did not trust she could provide a healthy dog.  At that time she had left one of her females Ezra and her male Zoso (Paxton’s sire) with a friend as she had moved to KY.  Ezra became pregnant by Zoso.  I want to be very clear,  Tooshi and Paxton were both sired by Zoso.  Although it is impossible to prove where Amyloid has come from, both Tooshi and Paxton, sired by Zoso die from Amyloid.  If I was looking to purchase a puppy it would make me cautious to purchase a puppy from Kathi that is sired by Zoso. But this is my opinion. The decision is yours.  I am only here to provide you facts.

Kathi and I came to a monetary agreement far less then I deserved on Paxton’s passing.  But I was unwilling to accept another puppy from her when I do not trust her breeding.  Everything I have listed above is facts; I have emails to support everything and am willing to forward them to anyone who’d like to see them to show that they are true.    

If you are looking to do further research on a pedigree this site if often helpful.  I wish you the best of luck. 

8 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Incorrect information

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 02, 2018

Yep, Trudy Ramsey - the woman who started this report and who also is using several different names in the response lines is a woman in California who owned Paxton.  I feel terrible for her dog having and dying of kidney failure but I in no way shape or form bred him knowing that he would develop amyloid.  I work full time and breed on a very small scale and all of my dogs are first and foremost family members.  I have my adults kidney and liver functions tested annually and if I even suspect any of them produce puppies who fever they are retired from breeding forever. 

I have only had a handful of stud males starting with Blues Traveler, Timmy, Zoso and a few others that I only used a couple of times and all of my stud males were healthy and did not carry amyloid with the exception of Timmy, and another male that I pet out early in life, Handsome.  Both males were purchased by me from other breeders in the east coast.  Zoso is the epitome of health and Trudy is 100% incorrect that he carries or produces amyloid.

  I went out of my way to work with her and stayed in contact the full five years of his life and even offered to send her another puppy when Paxton was still very young - after she confirmed to me that he had been fevering.  I told her she could keep Paxton and I would still give her another puppy.  I also sent her money to help offset the cost of his medication in the first year.  I told her not to spend thousands of dollars on tests and holistic medicine as there is very little one can do with a dog who fevers except get the fever down.  She refused to listen and kept him on all sorts of holistic and homeopathic medicine and continued to complain about the cost. 

I even gave her contact information on two very well known vets who have been studying this disease for decades so that she could contact them for support and she refused.     After Paxton died I was under no obligation to do anything for her, per the contract, but I did offer her another puppy, which she refused.  I also did send her back half of his original purchase price as a goodwill gesture.  I did not have to do this but I did.  If I were this evil woman who she is making me out to be I woudl have blocked her and had no contact with her.  

Bottom line is that I do not, have not and will not breed any dog with known amyloid in their lines.  I work full time and have always been a small hobby/show breeder and it breaks my heart when I hear of any dog dying young.  I have nothing to hide and am actually a person who cares about the welfare of my dogs.  People like Trudy Ramsey will always find something to complain about and she eally needs to prove what she is saying before slandering others.  Her statements are incorrect and were not followed up with any real evidence on the Rip Off report site.   

Yes I have produced dogs who have died of amyloid - I had them tested because I needed to know.  I have purchased dogs from other very well known and respected breeders who later in life developed amyloid.  Anyone who has been in the breed 25 years will have had or produced a dog who fevers, has SHS and/or amyloid in their lines.  It's in all of the Shar-Pei lines way back there.  NO, I have never in my life intentionally bred a dog knowing there was amyloid in his/her lines.  Sometimes this horrible disease passes 3-4 generations before showing up.     


New York,
United States

China Sky

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, December 17, 2017


Your post was word for word the ill advised advice Kathy gave us on what to do with Shar-Pei fever. We have been fortunate that we caught it early at 8 weeks. We brought this to Kathy's attention. She informed me that there is no way to prove Shar-Pei fever by blood or urine test. We informed her that she was correct, the congo stain is the only test to prove Shar-Pei fever, but it is highly invasive and is done at death. No vet would perform such test on a puppy or a living dog. 

At 5 months he had an entropian surgery which cost $4,400. His eyelids were completely rolled in and could no longer see. The surgeon said she normally waits until at least 8 months to perform such surgery, but in this case we had to do it early due to the fact that the puppy was totally blind. 

At 6 months he had a 3rd episode of Shar-Pei fever. At that point we had decided with our enternal medicine specialist that Colchicine was the way to go. It is a human drug used for gout. The cost is $160.00 per month, plus every four months we have to take him in for blood work and urine test which costs $438. The medicine has worked wonders. He still gets fever but he doesn't get swollen and recovers faster.

On to the next issue... Our Shar-Pei was recently diagnosed with a torn ACL. The surgeon informed us that it was caused by genetic defect. One of his back legs is a lot smaller than the other, and is totally visible to naked eye. The surgery will cost $6,800.00. 

We are appaulled that she is still breeding Shar-Peis. We have not recieved an email or phone call from her asking how Diesel was doing, not even after letting her know about his first Shar-Pei fever incident.  Most reputable breeders want to know how their litters are doing and love updates.

Even though we paid for our puppy, we feel like we've rescued him from a careless breeder. 

If only we knew then what we know now. If anyone is looking to buy a puppy from a breeder, please ask for medical records of the blood line. If the breeder refuses to provide it, move on to a different breeder.

Bruce & Sophie

China Skye Breeds Shar-Pei's with Amyloid disease

#9Author of original report

Fri, September 22, 2017

 Carla, thank you for your recent post. I am the person who started the original post. My heart breaks for you. I know the difficulty you are going through. The stress and anxiety is not easy. All we ever want is our Pei babies to be happy and healthy. I spent over 10k trying to make that happen for Paxton. It sadden and angers me to learn Kathi is still breeding. The last communication she sent me was that Zoso was living with a friend no longer being studded. My prayer is that she is stopped before any other Shar-Pie's are affected. If you are on facebook. There are two great Shar-Pei groups that help with their health. Including Shar-Pei fever. One is Shar-Pei health Central and the other is Shar-Pei Health Education. I highly suggestion joining both groups if you already don't belong to them. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your Pie, and all those affected by this horrible disease.



China Skye Sharpei Breeder - Kathi Lese -

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, September 17, 2017

First, I want to address each of you who have had the courage to express your heartache, misery, and anger regarding this irresponsible Sharpei Breeder, Kathi Lese ( Thank You for taking the time to post your painful experiences and share your personal distressing stories. Thank You for reliving these dreadful experiences to expose this greedy and deceitful breeder.  I'm so sorry for your losses.  I can only imagine the pain you have ALL had to endure.  I hope and pray that no more puppies from Zoso's (akc - China Skye's Dance in the Dark of Night 2007) lineage will suffer and die due to Ms. Lese's negligence and subpar breeding practices.

MY STORY - After extensive research, we purchased our precious male Sharpei puppy, Vino, from China Skye (Kathi Lese).  He arrived by plane on December 14, 2013. He had to be shipped from Lexington, Kentucky to Southern Calif.  Kathi told us she had recently relocated from Arizona to Kentucky.

She sent our puppy, plus another female from his litter, to their respective destinations. The dogs somehow were switched during transit and we received the wrong dog. The female was supposed to go to Kansas where she was going to be part of another person's breeding stock. Kathi worked out the confusion and had the dogs reshipped to their correct Owners. Their sire was Zoso and the breeding b***h was Ezra. 

When I was inquiring about China Skye's puppies, she raved about their longevity and quality of breeding stock that she used. She noted that she belonged to the Chinese Sharpei Club of America (CSPCA) and had to adhere to stringent guidelines.  She lied!

On Vino's 1st Birthday (10.14.14) he had his first or many attacks of Sharpei Fever (FSF).  Our Vet explained that a small percentage of this breed will have episodes and it is passed through the bloodlines.  I immediately wrote Kathi and told her what had happened and she said..."Don't panic about him having a fever.  Sometimes Sha-Pei fever a few times in their life and then never again.  If he does spike a fever in the future the only thing that you can do is to give him on human 325 mg. aspirin."

She NEVER followed up or inquired further...she never advised me that she knew her bloodlines were "tainted"...HER INDIFFERENCE SPEAKS VOLUMES!

I have spent many "days" researching Sharpei Fever (FSF) and data has proven it is passed on genetically.  Since China Skye breeds irresponsibly we ALL have had to watch our Pei babies suffer and in many cases...die very young.

Our Vino has had  "countless episodes" of Sharpei Fever and is on numerous suppliments and prescription medications due to his chronic inflammation.  He also has terrible allergies and suffers from severe ear infections.  Our costs are in excess of $400 per month on medication/suppliments. His blood work is routinely monitored to check his liver and kidneys...We've been lucky so far and continue to hope and pray that we don't find amyloids that will shorten his life span.

He is a beautiful Blue Dilute Sharpei who is most loyal and loving but, he is a "special needs" dog that suffers with swollen hocks, pain, and fevers far too often.  He will be 4 years old next month and thus far we have spent in excess of $6000 in vet bills.  We are senior citiens (60+) and this is most difficult for us as it would be for any family not to mention the anxiety it causes us and the pain our "boy" has to endure. 

I don't want Kathi Lese and ChinaSkye Sharpei to hurt another family! 

PLEASE NOTE - Someone said she no longer breeds Sharpei's, however, her website remains current and Zoso is one of her featured studs.  A female named Echo is also featured on her site as a breeding b***h and it looks like she is from Zoso and Ezra.  (Same lineage as our Vino)  ...and so it continues!

I want nothing to do with Kathi Lese...I will NEVER contact her for money, for a refund, for her assistance, nor will I take the time to tell her about the frequent illness and pain our Vino experiences.

I hope and pray that anyone considering a purchase of a pur bred Sharpei stays FAR AWAY from this greedy, inferior, unethical, and negligent Sharpei Breeder.  There is a "special place" in HELL for people like her!



My Sharpei Died of Amyloidosis Too

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, February 07, 2017


First, I am so sorry to hear of your losses.  I know the daily pain you too must feel.

I also purchased my baby sharpei in 2009 from Kathi.  Within in one month of purchasing him, he began having Sharpei Fever and also suffered from Pneumonia.  We went to several specialists in an effort to minimize the number of fevers and also categorize the type of fevers he was having and if it would lead to Amyloidosis.  

We adored our Sharpei, he was a huge part of our lives.  Through constant care, diet monitoring and trying to keep his environment to minimal stimulation, we were able to keep his fevers to one per year between the ages of two and six. In the late summer of 2016, he began having seizures once per month.  

In November of 2016, I took him to a Sharpei Specialist in Hinsdale, Illinois.  The doctor ran bloodwork.  I was in shock to find that my little baby dog was in kidney failure...other than the fevers he seemed so happy and healthy.  I was given about a 6 month window of time in which they told me to expect his health to significantly decline and this would lead to death.

I did IV fluid every night , I had his kidney's flushed, I had him on 5 different prescriptions and made him every meal in an effort to keep his appetite up.  This worked for 3 months...and then it was like he had decided he needed to rest. 

I lost my Sharpei in April of 2016 with a confirmed death due to Sharpei Fever causing Amyloidosis, and not a day goes by that I wish I would have known this was going to be his plight.  I would not have asked for a refund, I would not have returned him, and I would not have asked Kathi for her help.  I would simply have made sure I knew just how to treat his condition when he was a baby, as opposed to the last 3 months of his life.

As indicated in the other reports, I too am devastated of the loss of my Sharpei.  He was the most beautiful and lovely dog in the world.  How dare a human being knowingly pass along such health issues, knowing that it leads to physical pain and suffering and is accompanied with a very short life expectancy.

My Congo Red Stain has been donated to researchers in order to help prove that Kathi Lesse's behavior is not only negligent, but criminal.

Sorry for your loss

#9Author of original report

Sun, January 22, 2017

 Diana, I'm so sorry you had to go through the same thing. And that your pei has crossed over the rainbow bridge. My heart breaks for you. I know that pain all to well. I pray for all other peis bred by her, that they will not be sick and suffer. I attempted to file a complaint with Chinese Shar-Pei club of America regarding her. But she does not belong to it. So there wasn't much they could do. I am aware of other peis who have or have had amlyoid due to her breeding. In her rebuttal to my post she lied. She never paid a dime to me for me Pei's medical expenses.

I'd love for her to prove that she did. My pei also died before his 4th birthday. Not when he was 5 like she said. She was contractually obligated to do something due to his death. We agreed on half of what I paid for him. I only state this for anyone in the future reading this. She can try to rebute this. But I have every email we've exchanged that will confirm everything I've stated. My understanding is that she is no longer breeding. I hope and pray this is true. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that you are able to find comfort and peace. Hugs! Trudy


Las Vegas,

Kathi Leave breeds sick puppies

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, January 22, 2017

 I too purchased a Shar Pei from Kathi Less back in 2009. We researched and asked all the right questions. We were impressed with the line that she had. Khan became our fur baby in December of '09. Within a week of coming home to us, he was in intensive care with Shar Pei fever. It is now 2017 and luckily, he has made it to seven years old. But not without suffering through this disease. He has fevers at least once a month, seizures are always to follow. Today, Khan has Amylydosis and we sadly are having to help him cross over the Rainbow Bridge. I don't want money because I took care of my baby myself. But I do want her to STOP BREEDING SICK PUPPIES. Do some research lady. Your line is sick and you are doing this to them. His passing is on you, fault in your hands. And I will tell anyone and everyone I know to NEVER go through you for a Shar Pei.




#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, March 25, 2016

Trudy Ramsey purchased a puppy who did wind up with amyloid.  I had no idea that the puppy would develop kidney failure and do not breed dogs with known amyloid in their lines.  I paid for part of his medical expenses and then gave Trudy back half of his purchase price after he died (at 5 years of age). 

When Trudy first made me aware that he was having issues I offered her a replacement dog and told her she could even keep Paxton, but she declined. 

I have never lived in Louisville either.

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