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  • Report:  #935162

Complaint Review: Christina george

Christina george Strong Women of the Paranormal, Psychic Paranormal Research Society, Paranormal Connections on the Sceptre Radio Network Murderer, homocide, con , psychic Sacramento, California

  • Reported By:
    christine — Sacramento California U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Fri, August 31, 2012
  • Updated:
    Sat, September 07, 2019
  • Christina george
    Sacramento, California
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Christina George is a scam artist con who claims to be a psychic in Sacramento CA. She has created numerous group on Facebook to lure in and con people.  She has never had psychic abilities yet continues to con those in the paranormal industry in order to make a name for herself at the expense of others.

It is known that she is an interested party in the matter of two deaths. One a 93 yr. old woman in Napa CA and a 13 yr.old girl in Sacramento. Here new where about has been told to be in Portland Oregon at this time to avoid questions of this child's homicide, How is it that she could see through this child's eyes the violent attack that lead to her death unless she was really present and involved?

 chrome://newtabhttp// t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCIQFjAA&url= -local-psychics-search-for-clues-in-teen-girls-murder-20120311%2C0%2C131557.story&ei=GlFAUPiuGaObjALlj4HQDg&usg =AFQjCNEQYZ4aJF2bvPgIW0SNc_fKsiW6Vw&sig2=nScMHwmEuUaddERtzquaCw

What about the horrible abuse in Napa of her grandmother that led 2 weeks later to her death? Stay away from her. She is a con, and has been in Santa Rita Prison in Ca for fraud, forgery, embezzlement, etc. If you see or hear from her stay away! She is dangerous.

12 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

starchild is batsh*t crazy

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, September 07, 2019

The stars say you are crazy and need to get off the drugs, karma will come to you too you hypocritical pos neopagan witch

tis true

United States


#13Consumer Comment

Sun, February 03, 2019

OK I didn't know her middle initial was A for Anne not B, she's hard to track down becuase of all her aliases and hides where she lives apparently.....I was seeing So Cal, Napa, Sacramento.... My beef with her is she slandered and harassed me on several of her podcasts and also showed up with the Schoppleins and friends at one of my ghost tour sites and made it so I cannot go back after telling lies to the property owner and trying to get the police involved who were utterly confused by her bullsh*t lies and lies from her friends.

She slanders other people in the paranormal saying they're pedos or womanizers, or frauds, thieves or what not, when she's the one that has the criminal record and dark hypocritical for her to try and act like she's judge and jury. She did not know me she nor did George, they just saw an opportunity to bolster ratings on her podcast, along with some friends of hers who do ghost tours wanting to shut down my tours.....

She even threatened in one of her radio podcast videos (where she fakes being suddenly weak and sick like you describe) to get me fired from my day job....which if she did I'd be taking her to court. I'm still debating whether to seek legal action as there is a lot of threatening and vicious lies she told about me along with some other people who are paranormal scumbags friends of hers and have ulterior motives.

If you have background checks on her please post them along with any evidence of her using GoFundMe type sites to raise money for her supposed ailments, I'd seen it before somewhere months back along with a photo of her in bed acting sick but am not sure where? A lot of her FB friends do not believe any of this and some won't even look at this site or other paranormal teams' posts she has them so brainwashed.

She's a good actress, as is her cohost, he's a fake fraud as well pretending to be mr. nice guy/anti-bully but yet they're the bullies...hypocrites... Also if you know where she actually lives I'd like to know as I'm sure she knows where I live and it would be useful if I do file a report. I did a home investigation several months back at a home in Brentwood and the homeowner said a woman named Christina came out and charged hundreds of dollars multiple times to rid her home of "demons", I'm pretty sure she was referring to her as she said Christina claimed to be psychic.

When I arrived they were still having paranormal problems but it was definitely not demonic, just multiple earthbounds who were attracted to the son who was quite spiritually open. As for the Turlock case I mentioned, that one I also tried to help with a few years ago, the homeowner did not cooperate with me and went back to doing santeria witchcraft curses on her family and visa versa and had some santeria witch from mexico come out instead of a priest like I suggested and even went out of my way to contact the diocese to try and get to go to her home, she kept putting me off making excuses, then I found out she got someone I knew of named Holly and Christina ( who I didn't know) involved.

Holly told me Christina and her clashed on their methods and Christina was using the 6 or 7 yr old boy as "demon bait". I don't know if she charged them or not, I think she just wanted to one up everyone else. Someone I know who knows the homeowner said she still had problems after that, looked very unhealthy/gaunt and was wearing a pentagram when he saw her in walmart or other locations in Turlock. But at any rate she lied about that saying I was making things worse and claimed on her podcast it wasn't demonic when she said it was at the time she tried using the boy as bait---she just tells lies upon lies and can't even keep her story straight.

She didn't like me bringing my religious views into this woman's house....the woman was Catholic, albeit not acting like one, so she wasn't bothered by my Catholic prayers, using holy water, crucifixes, rosaries or reading exorcism prayers. I did the best I could under the circumstances, putting myself at peril, I did not charge for anything, I gave her religious items she could use at home for free, this went on for a month ( 2 visits but she put me off for quite awhile w/ the 2nd visit).

Apparently talking about Jesus offends Christina and I know she has a lot of witch friends, she may be one herself idk, she certainly acts like one. But my advice for you is you should post this info on paranormal sites on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, her FB pages.....get the word out as people are not seeing this and her friends even joke about that....


United States

Response to "itsalltrue"

#13Author of original report

Sat, February 02, 2019

 Thank you for your comment. I am not shocked unfortunately by what you have wrote as my sister is as evil as they come. I have recordings from my grandmother where she blames my sister for hurting her repeatedly . Heck we had no idea that she had removed my sister from her will and trust until she passed away.

This speaks very loud about her feelings regarding my sister Christina George. Smh. My recommendation is if you know she is defrauding people turn it over to police as she has a history of this and was in Santa Rita Prison .

As far as the pics you posted on her criminal record.... her middle initial is A for Anne not B . You posted info on a Christina B George.


United States

starchild is Christina George under an alias

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, February 02, 2019

Everything said is true, Christina George/Ortega is a nasty vile person and a con artist. She DOES charge $$$ to scam people claiming they have demons in their homes and that she can get rid of it. She did this in Brentwood and Turlock, using a 7 yo boy as "demon bait" I was told by someone who was there.

She slanders other people in the paranormal telling all kinds of vicious lies, all to promote herself and her Facebook podcast radio and paranormal pages as some sort of "vigilante" but she's the villain here as well as her cohost George Schopplein who lies and fakes paranormal evidence scratching himself with a fork and throwing rocks, using walkie talkies to get ghost hunting devices to light up and trespassing at the Byron Hot Springs Hotel in Byron, CA.

Background checks od confirm she's committed grand larceny and abuse of her grandmother, drug use and other heinous crimes. Anyone who has to go under various aliases is hiding something. It's sad when your own family hates you Christina. May God have mercy on your soul becuase nobody else does and you deserve to fry in the bowels of hell, miss fake psychic con artist. 

Haunted Ishpeming


Just to Further the Story has it Went...

#13General Comment

Tue, March 31, 2015

A claim from a victim that was ripped off by Christina George that was posted in a well known blog on the paranormal called "Eye on the Paranormal" by Kirby Robinson. 

Scammed by investigator Christina George Psychic and Paranormal Research Society
September 30, 2013, 04:16:12 PM
Christina came to our home because we were having paranormal problems.  She said that she could help us and get rid of the spirits that were causing the problems.  While at our home, she saw two figurines that she said had bad spirits attached to them.  We discussed them with her and even told her that we had been told that they were valued at $65,000.00 or more each.  She said that our problems would not stop until they were out of our home.  She convinced us to give them to her so that she could take them to UC Davis and have them put on display in their anthropology department.  She said that we would have one year to take them back or they would become property of the university.  We had her sign a contract this this effect. About 6 months later, we found out that she had not given them to the university, but instead had kept them at her home.  When we asked for them back, she told us that she had sent them to John Zaffis to keep in his museum.  We had not agreed to this.  When she came again to our home with her team to do a cleansing, she told us that she had lied to us about sending them to John when she said she did but had indeed "lied" to us.  She then said that she sent them to him just the day before her team came to our home.  We believe that she probably sold them and pocketed the money.
Also, while her team was here, she asked if we had any other old, valuable items like jewelry, old coins, etc.  Why would she want to know this, so she could steal something else from us?

I have been in contact with John Zaffis and he says that he still has not received them.  I have been forced to file a theft report with local law enforcement to attempt to recover them.  Christina refuses to return any calls from the Deputy.  She has also stated on Facebook, and I have copies to prove this, that; "No way in hell am I going to give them back". Further more, some of her "friends" have offered to destroy the figurines and also have made threats to our safety.

Video on Youtube of her claiming that she has the statues and her not wanting to give them back on a radio show. 



Setting the record straight?

#13Author of original report

Sun, September 22, 2013

WoW! Again you post false versions of the truth. I have documented proof from Dr. Kako that her daughter and I had her moved home because she had a broken arm on her RIGHT side and a brain bleed. (Your letter that you claim was sen to me says she fell on her Left side.The incident you report was prior to her being hospistalized and from a woman at the DA/Public Guardians office who was forced to resign for making threats and using letter head from the county to make personal threats, and who was investigated for her lies, threats, theft and threats to families who got in her way. Do I believe you were behind the death of my grandmother, yes! What we recieved was that she was found in her bedroom on the floor after you paid her a visit. You post a document here that first of all I never recieved, and second just read here, but doen't fit what the time was when she was injured and her documented injuries. So trying to use this to prove a point which has nothing to do when you were with her, her brain bleed and injuries, and what you did is ridiculous.  As far as anyone knows you could have forged this document since you have been arrested for things like this, and fraud. Right? Or do you deny spending time in Santa Rita Prison for embezzlement, fraud, theft of a car?   Because our mother and I raised your daighter Dominique with the help of your ex boyfriend Alfonzo while you sat in prison in approx 2000?

Several psychics have reached out to me that you know and have worked with who say you are a fraud. A con. People I had never known but sought me out with concerns about you. One gave me a message from grandmother stating to move on as she is safe now from you, and that she knows I did everything I could to protect her from you but again she is safe. I know what she said to be true as she knows things that only grandmother and I shared. why is it do you think I haven't even bothered with you as I believe you will get yours in the end as KARMA bites.

You are a con! And people need to be aware.

No one said that are seeking you for the murders, but as a party of interest since you dissapeared after the accident where grandmother was. You were the last seen in her room and this was reported by a nurse. And that they felt you were a fraud and some how connected to the little girls murder in someway. What you posted shows that a man was arrested for her murder but not that you were correct on what you picked up on.

There was no restraining order as you claim, nor did anyone ever say that you pushed me down 2 flights of stairs as the documents show or the restraining order I filed against you.  Plus I was the only one with an attorney as the record also reflects and you were told to not make any contact with me, and that when you attacked me while I was with grandmother and assisting her she too got hurt and almost fell. Your actions resulted in me twisting my ankle and being scratched up in your fit. No attorney for you had a video tape that you were at work during the incident because it was after a court hearing you attended that you lost.  You are crazy to say I intentionally hurt myself, unlike you I do not hurt or injure my health to gain attention. The hospital records prooved my injury.You are the same one who claims you have been dying from a brain tumor since 1989 and also had 3 of your children taken away from you.  BTW you can get disability for mental illness  so this says nothing and if indeed you have been on disability  for over 10 yrs then how is it you claim your attorney has a video of you at work in 2006 which is less then 10 yrs ago. again you can't even get your story straight. Isn't disability for those who are unable to worK. How is it you can work and claim medical disabilty. Hmmm maybe anotheer case of fraud?The same person that would party nightly, drink and do drugs to where our own brother would report to our grandmother his concerns of you having sex in cars with differnt guys, etc. Will you deny this as well?

So what am I jealous of? I have all my children, grandchildren,all of them, those I have adopted through foster care, we have everything we need. We are happy, do not need to con anyone or look for attention, etc. If you were so close with our grandmother then why was it you were removed from her will? But the rest of us were not. Why is it that infront of hospital staff and other she reported it was you that hurt her trying to steal her Rosary, and all her pictures in her dresser drawer of her family etc? BTW I was given the very Rosary that you tried to steal and I am told she wanted me to have it as you were not worthy of something so old and dear to her.

So I am done, your fake proof to try and collaborate your side of a fake story that you created if ridiculous.  Again KARMA will get you.  You are a fraud and con and do fake fundraisers to steal the proceeds. Got proof of this as well and told the person with the info who came to me to turn it over to law enforcement. How can you steal funds raised for a child with no arms to go to a special camp? Just sick!!

BTW.....File suit for whatever, you have been saying that you were seeking a restraining order, then had one, the were suing me for years now for exposing you and the real truth. I am still here waiting  and just so you know....jurisdiction is actually where I live. :)



To set the record straight

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, September 21, 2013

My name is Christina George...I have been slandered here by a family member who has many issues herself...I want people to first know that what she is saying is untrue...She started by making profiles to make it seem she was just a concernted citizen...but later confessed she was my sister...To make this clear...I am not wanted by the police...I am not wanted in connection with the death of my grandmother or the poor murdered girl I did the news interwiew for...and the arrest record she posted is NOT fact she pulled it from the internet with someone who had my prior married name which I havent used since the early 90's and  if fact when I went to the Sheriffs office and DOJ here in Sac to get a warrants check done...and showed them the post and why I needed a letter to prove it...they  checked out the arresst record and found that this record belonged to a hispanic woman out of Riverside Co in Los Angeles...which is not me nor my pic...and I have NEVER lived anywhere in that area... My sister also said that there was NO Government office that would write a letter saying I was not wanted...which is false because I have it and posted it on my fb to prove this since she was contacting all of my friends...colligues well as guests on my radio show sending this same kind of nonsence to them..  My sister is very jealous and has not only done this to me...but to many others...she states that I am not ill...yet states that her son has the same genetic illness I do...I have been on Social Security Disability for 10 yrs...and they dont give that to you without proof of a true medical condition...Also the people she listed to contact are people who I am not friends with as well for many different reasons..but they are all go figure...and they banned together to try to hurt my rep which they have NOT succeeded. I run a very successful Paranormal Group...I speak all over the US...I host 2 Radio well as I have help thousands of people over the years...all for FREE...which is what is so funny since this is Rip I have never ripped off anyone...or ever recieved a penny for what I one sends me money...and any fundraising my group has done goes directly to the orfanization or person it is for...and we have all the records to prove that...You must understand... people as well as family members get jealous or mad and they come out of the word work to try to hurt you...they make up accuations...just like here...She gives out fake info...fake arrest records...and gullible people will believe ANYTHING they read...Here are a few of the examples of how I can Prove she is LYING....she said that I was being sought for 2 murders...I have the letter from the County of Napa which states I nor anyone else is under investigation due to our grandmothers death...and in fact I have a letter that was sent to my sister as well as myself which stated what REALLY happened to her...and I was not anywhere around...It states that my grandmother went to sit down at dinner and missed the chair and fell...stricking her arm..side and head...she was on blood thinners and bruised badly...but she had NO BRAIN BLEED...or anything like that and was checked out and sent back to the facility....where she eventually did die of old age months later... I was with her when she died because my sister and mother because of their actions had a restraining order against them because of this  same kind of behavior...and could only be there with county supervision... I didnt want her to die me and my children were at her side ...I stayed with her overnight holding her hand...until she took her last far as the girl that was murdered that I did a psychic reading for ...she accuses me of being wanted by police is a bunch of bull as is the article of her REAL killer being found and charged thru DNA...and if you will see that I was very accurate on what I picked up on..but still it wasnt me....  

I am attaching all the letters from the DA's office....the Sherrifs well as the letter from stating to my sister about what REALLY happened to our prove she is defrauding all of you so please feel free to contact me at if you want any other info...but think about it grandmother died in 2008...and at that time she knew I was NOT resposible for her death..yet she posted this in 2012 right after seeing my interview on long do you think it takes to find someone if your wanted on MURDER..I was not on the run or hiding....I have lived in the same area all these ins...DL...all have the same address....and I am always posting everywhere I events....and my personal wake up people...people will make up ANYTHING to hurt people....I am in the process of filing a slander suit against her...and I will make sure to post an update on the outcome..but from what I have been told...her posting here is what will win me my case...especially the fake arrest record...because when you look up these records there are pics so you can be sure you have the right person...which she did not include of course...She has done stuff like this in the past...she accused me of sneaking into the courthouse after court and attacking her and throwing her down 2 flights of stairs..which she said in court papers court security had witnessed....I fought her in court  and proved she lied...she went as far as to hurt herself...go to the ER..and come to court on crutches...saying I did it...but my attorney was able to show I was on video at work when she said it happened...and the same Security officers she stated in her accustion that she said were going to testify that they saw it happen....testified for me...saying it NEVER happened...she has a long list of people she has done this be careful what you believe online..peopel can put up anything...if you choose to believe such are welcome to...but I felt that it was time to address this all...Thank you



United States of America

more bs

#13General Comment

Thu, September 13, 2012

ok...this makes alot more sense now.You are a relative? Its my understanding that this site is for people who have been ripped off financially.How can you post something on someone who doesnt take any money.There are no complains from others ,only you.Makes TOTAL sense now.If your accusations are correct then why not let Karma handle the situation.Karma pertains to you too and I bet in the next couple of days 14,15,16 you wont be having very good days.You ask how do I know this and i say because WE ARE ALL UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE STARS.Especially you. You are a robot to those stars. look deep within yourself and realize no one is perfect ,NO EVEN YOU. Beware of the dates I gave you as we are in a waning moon.This will be my last post because Ii have more important things to do that play these petty games. Good Luck to you as your gonna need it.



stars have no idea when it comes to Christina George

#13Author of original report

Thu, September 13, 2012

Maybe you should check out you facts as well. When I ran Christina Georges criminal background report I used her correct info....DOB...etc. I know this because I am her sister. Think I know her real well and better then all the unsuspecting people she is conning. This is the right info. Also just so you know.....I raised her daughter why she sat in santa rita prison in CA for fraud...embezzlement....theft....forgery. and have had to deal with the identity theft of my info that she has used to run up bills in my name. Think I know her much better than you. You can also go to the facebook page Jewels Angels and see the pics of the injuries she caused to our grandmother.

Why would the very people who worked with her in the Paranormal field call her a con....a horrible person etc...if she was so real. I grew up with her and she has never has psychic abilities as she has claimed from childhood. She is just a CON.


United States of America

The Stars Dont Lie

#13General Comment

Wed, September 12, 2012

Wow........You do realize that here in California where Latinos are the majority there are  hundreds of people with the name Christina Ortega.With that being said, I believe what you are doing is a defamation of character and the Social Security numbers of the person you posted DO NOT MATCH.I suggest you get your facts straight before you make a bigger fool of yourself.Peace



To starchild - monterey

#13Author of original report

Wed, September 12, 2012

You yourself are being conned by her. She clearly researches everyone and everything and then claims to have info from her psychic abilities that she really does not have. SHE is a CON and has been for many many years.  Maybe speack to some of the other Paranormal researchers/Investigators/Psychics that she has worked with. They at first also feel for her cons and then later they discovered her con that she was playing on many. Speak to HPI  He is the REAL deal as are his psychics. Also speak to Dena Rush, Psychic for N.W. Ghost Recon 503-847-0124 Paranormal Investigations.  Her history also speaks for itself. She has been to Santa Rita Prison back in the early 2000's and here is her new arrest record under the name of her ex husband: 

Arrest Defendant Info:
Name: Christina Ortega
DOB:March 21, 1967
Case Info:
Source: CA Riverside Arrest
Category: Arrest
Case Number:200815770
Case Type: 11364 F H&S PARAPHERNALIA
Offense Date: N/A

Arrest Defendant Info:
Name: Christina Ortega
DOB: March 21, 1967
Case Info:
Source: CA Riverside Arrest
Category: Arrest
Case Number: 200815770
Offense Date: N/A

Defendant Info:
Name: Christina Ortega
DOB: March 21, 1967
Case Info:
Source: CA Riverside Arrest
Category: Arrest
Case Number: 200815770
Case Type:
Offense Date: N/A

Arrest Defendant Info:
Name: Christina Ortega
DOB: March 21, 1967
Case Info:
Source: CA Riverside Arrest
Category: Arrest
 Case Number: 200815770
Offense Date: N/A

Arrest Defendant Info:
Name: Christina Ortega
DOB: March 21, 1967
Case Info:
Source: CA Riverside Arrest
Category: Arrest
Case Number: 200815770

Criminal/traffic Defendant Info:
Name: Christina Ortega
DOB: March 21, 1967
Case Info:
Source: CA Riverside Superior Court
Category: Criminal/traffic
Case Number: RIF141522ORTEGACHRISTINA670321
Offense Date: February 21, 2008

She has numerous alias's of Christina Plummer, Christina Ortega, Christina Jobe, Christina Garske, Christina Shelton. 

She has always been a con and will continue to be a con exploiting others. She might give her fake services for free but she is looking for recognition and fame at the expense of her cons/lies to others.  She gains peoples trust and then cons them into feeling sorry for her that she is "ill" is a victim to others, so that they will eventually financially support her.   You have been warned and it seems conned by her. What would people in her same field that she is in agree that she is a horrible person, dangerous, has stolen money from a fundraiser for another psychics child who has no arms and wanted to go to camp and a con.  Don't be fooled.


United States of America

The witch hunt of Christina George

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, September 12, 2012

To whom it may concern,

As a radio host/astrologer/astropsychologist Im here to say that this human being is the real deal.The stars do not lie.This person has helped many people without asking for a red cent.She is honest,compassionate,perceptive in her abilities and a true service to this world. Do not feed into the evil that is being posted about her by jealous,selfish, vindictive human beings.Cosmic Code Radio endorses Christina George as a true patroit of love and light.Thank You Christina for all you do.blessings

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