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  • Report:  #1149515

Complaint Review: Cindy Branham

Cindy Branham, Cindy Branham and Tucker the Mustang, Cindy Branhams's training, clinic, and lesson program,Tucker the Mustang, The Rocking RC,,RC extreme team, horse training/mustang rip off Topeka Kansas

  • Reported By:
    Bill — Osage City Kansas
  • Submitted:
    Sun, May 25, 2014
  • Updated:
    Fri, December 18, 2015

Horse trainer promised to help with horse training of a unruley animal. Whipped horse, spurred horse and made complete circumstance much worse. 

Then informed me it wasn't the horse for me, the horse was evil, untrainable, and untraded. Informed me to get rid of. 

Told me I was a poor rider and that they couldn't help me. Charged me full price for Extreme Horse Make over and refused refund.

When ask for refund became irriate and evil. Made a scene infront of everyone around her, used profanity. Become very unprofessional. 

Then when I spoke to her she threatened slander. 

Sent horse to another trainer and it was trained in a matter of months and is currently a rental horsre. 

"trainer" continues to bad mouth me and make up situations that never happened.

"tames Mustangs" by intimidating them and forceful training. Teaches others to do the same. 

And continues to bad mouth other trainers, and anyone she disagrees with that are successful to boost own self esteem. 

This person is a BAD trainer and an evil individual that will cause you unending problems is she is disagreed with in anyway. Will only teach you enough to keep you needing her help. BEWARE and proceed with serious caution with this individual .

8 Updates & Rebuttals

Warning evil

#9Author of original report

Fri, December 18, 2015

The craziness continues! If you are friends with other horsewoman in the area you are not allowed at the facility she boards at! Crazy or whatever! She owes area professionals money, she hides behind her "God Like" sayings but truly she is evil to the core . She puts on these " Horsemanship " clinics where not one but facility boarders go to only because if they don't she and her kids will make you so uncomfortable you feel bullied! This is one screen sick person before she got involved in the horse world now she uses "God" to make you believe she's a gentle person when underneither she is checking to see how much money you have and if you are dumb enough for her to trick you into believing she can teach you something that will make you want to continue taking lessons. She lives on property for FREE everything paid for by the elderly couple that owns R and D ranch. She bullies them horribly but they fall for it and allow it to continue so. O one can help them any longer either. Free loader white trash has been thrown around locally. Never never take a lesson or a clinic from this place without first calling around to local barns to get referrences!!

this whole situation is a trap put on by Cindy Branham and she is teaching others to follow. Get referrences call around there are good trainers and clinicians but this one is NOT, beware be warned b careful !!!!



How very interesting Miss

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, March 10, 2015

 at a horse event last summer I reckon getting an earful of how you disliked Cindy Branhams ways and that she was taking peoples money and trying to bilk you for everything you had. Instead of talking out both sides of your mouth , which you clearly have been doing by  witnessed this summer and fall at several events and at one barn in particular outside r an d , you should stick to a story , not go back and forth gossipin, on and on. You just like all them out there talk about Cindy because SHES A JOKE BUT THEN ACT BROWN NOSING  to her face. They all do. Every one of them in her class calls her a user, cheat, uncertain about her methods and how they change all time.Oh and how she brings Josh Lions in all the time and hes rude as ever to them.Barb and that he didnt ride her horse just took her 700$, Rhonda,says  shes a user, the list goes on and on.

And now who in there right mind wants to keep a horse somewhere with some overweight  hunchback bestie of cindy goes round gossiping and saying poor cindy, she so defeated and shes so depressed because all the other people are winning and shes not. Maybe if cindy didnt spend the day watching movies and got her a-- up and cleaned her house she might feel more like workin. Then she wont have to beg money off clients to support her.

And as to r and d. Why you let people smoke cigarettes in the barn? oh because its Cindys best friend? Our family barn would not ever allow this. when I trailered in to pick up a friend and saw that both that morning and night, same person, I was shocked. Thats against every common sence. And the rules should apply to everyone

A barn rule is always , dont ride your horse inthrough the barn..but Cindys daughter rides through every time shes out as if the rules dont meant for her.

the apprentice has several horses there and is allowed to go days without cleaning poop out of her horse stall. then flies come in to all the people who do clean.I saw that all the time when out there daily with frends.

Theres something really wrong with a place where the owner even talks crap on her trainer as about how she wont work or get clients , become resonsible, learn to talk right to folks, pay her own way, not keep gettin more horses , on and on, .

And they talk smack on her to several people but then declar how wonderful she is and back her up in her little kid fits . Its a strange parisite like togetherness . like a tick that sucks the blood from the host and then dropps off happy and fat, leaving the host to scramble to get well. And then about time they do get well, the tick comes back to hop on again . But the host says, its fine, see, the tick goes away on its own. Only to come backt suck them dry more and more.

and the folks out there that are so praising. they they same 5 people in her classes every year. and say they gettin better riding but thats cause cindy tells them that to get their money. No one else tells them that. They arent winnin nothing.










#9Author of original report

Tue, July 29, 2014

Unfortunately the abusive behavior continues. If she does not get HER way with the clients at the stable she WILL have them removed at any cost. If you take lessons from her or have her or her associates train your horse and you choose to change, she will bad mouth the new trainer and you til you are miserable. 

If she is Part of an competition and she doesn't win she will throw a fit, cry and make an speckle of herself. I feel for the American Horsewoman's Challenge or the Horsewoman's Challenge. They don't know what they are getting themselves into. 

Please be careful with this unstable person And her associates!




Training from Cindy Branham

#9General Comment

Sun, May 25, 2014

Im writing about some of the post above. 1. I have never seen Cindy abuse" Tucker" her mustang. That horse lovers her very much. I think I know the person that started this report. If so that person that likes to gossip about everything. If this person doesnt like something or someone then everyone else has to agree with this person.  

On a more personal note: Before I let Cindy Branham train my horse I watched her train her horses for the Mustange Million. In the three months that she was training her horses I have never seen her abuse them at all. She always had a clam voice and was patient in her training. 

In the horse world I am what you call a beginner rider. And my horse is a green horse with issues. My horse had a trust, and bucking issue when I first got her and now she is doing great. Learning from Cindy has helped us connect better than ever. Cindy never came up to me and asked if she can trained my horse. She also never forced or suggested to me to take riding lessons from her. Matter of fact she said that I can learn form other trainiers. 


Topeka ,

Tucker the Mustang

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, May 25, 2014

I help take care of Tucker and all of the mustangs Cindy has trained. None of them are afraid of Cindy, especially not Tucker! 

Cindy uses natural horsemanship techniques for starting her mustangs. This means they are given the chance to willingly come to the trainer. None of her mustangs have been abused or mistreated either in training or in their day-to-day lives.


Topeka ,

good training from cindy branham

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, May 25, 2014

 I was given a horse with multiple safety and health issues almost six years ago. This horse had been severely neglected and acted as if it had been abused by other trainers.

 I took this horse, Shiloh, to Cindy Branham for her help. This horse was unsafe for me to ride at my skill level. I took lessons from Cindy while she worked with Shiloh. I did what Cindy recommended by worked with Shiloh every day. I started riding Shiloh nine months later. That may sound like a long time, but that's how long it took for me to be ready.

Within six months of starting to ride Shiloh, I was competing in Cowboy Races. Two years later Shiloh and I competed in a multi-breed horse event at Equifest in Kansas.

Shiloh and I are now admired for our ability to compete, or do just about any type of event someone might want to do with their horse. I also continue to take lessons from Cindy Branham.

I believe I know who this person is complaining about her experience. And I feel if this person had truely listened and worked with their horse the way I did, she would not have had this problem.

Thank you Cindy for helping me save my horse!




#9Consumer Comment

Sun, May 25, 2014

OMG it is amazing someone would write that. But the exact same thing happened to me with this "Trainer". 

She is abusive to humans and to animals. Mean to everyone around here and abuses the people that help her the most.!! 

She can't train or compete. And if she looses she cries like a baby. 

That poor mustang "Tucker" is so abused he's afraid to move or make any mistakes. 

She miss treated my horse to the point I had to send to another trainer to regain his trust. I felt so awful. Makes me so mad that I trusted her. 

BE VERY CAREFUL! You can't get rid of her once you trust her. She has people that follow her that she threatens and makes feel in debted to her. They will to come after you. 

Mental is all I can say!!


David Berkowitz


Cindy Branham, Cindy Branham and Tucker the Mustang, Cindy Branhams's training, clinic, and lesson program,Tucker the Mustang, The Rocking RC,,RC extreme team

#9General Comment

Sun, May 25, 2014

I  had this tart to train my horse. She flirted with my brother more than talk to me About my horse problems.My horse had issues with being too forward. I took it to Cindy Branham who swore to me she could fix it and showed me this video

None of this is true! She would start out with all the godliness line of s---, then the second I was  thought to be gone she was talkin to folks like they was here trash and as if she was fixen to give them a whippen just as she done to my horse.

She would be runnin after my horse cursin and carrying on with foul mouthed ungodly talk. When I came round the corner she said oh sorry I had a rough night and drank to much . Well she trained my horse alright. Trained it to rear up an get scared. My horse never done this before. I think she has less experience and more talk in her way of horse training.

She said it would take her 3 year program for $20k to fix tthings I took my horse back home and watched Ken McNabb videos and fixed it myself so my horse now rides in the sheriff posse . 

I won't ever go back and I won't recommend her as a trainer. The mess around her place is enough to scare someone away . 



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