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  • Report:  #1195160

Complaint Review: Cindy Branham

Cindy Branham The Rockin RC Cindy Branham Horsemanship, The Rockin RC, Rockin RC, Cindy Branham,,,, ,,RC Elegance Carriage Rides,, want-to-be trainer, BULLY, Evil, ?Mustang Trainer Topeka Kansas

  • Reported By:
    professionaltrainer — Auburn Kansas
  • Submitted:
    Sat, December 13, 2014
  • Updated:
    Wed, March 04, 2015


She bullies anyone she can. Continues to change her name, web site, boarding facility web site etc. Marketing is her way but when you meet her she will continue to use you. Tax fraud!

The boarding facility is loosing alot of business quickly due to her behavior. She bullies the owners of the facility pretending to be "family" while taking everything she can. The family is acting the same way toward the elderly facility owners.

Boarders are scared to say anything with fear of being ask to leave. Ms Branham will throw a fit and have anyone that crosses her removed from the boarding facility. It is an unconfortable situation for everyone that boards there or hauls in. The ranch is being run into the ground.

What used to be a beautiful place is now not. The facility is ok looking on the outside but don't cross them or you will be ask to leave.


Biggest word is FRAUD! Evil Bully!! Stay away. Anyone writing to rebuttal these reports are being bullied to do so! Or live in fear of being removed from the facility.


Do not be taken in by this woman or anyone having to do with her or her name! She is evil to people and even more evil to the animals you trains.

Run don't walk away from this trainer and the boarding facility until she is removed from it.

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Bob Marley redemption songs


Mustang Redemption.. Old Pirates ,yes they rob,Sold I to merchant ships,minutes after they took I from the bottomless pit..Wont you help to sing these songs , cause all I ever have Redemption songs!

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, March 04, 2015

 When I learned that Cindy Branham was still on a quest to redeem the worlds inmate population I laughed. This is a woman who pretends to wholeheartedly claim she loves the world and all of Gods people. Yet, if you follow her posts they read like a bashing celebration of anyone she believes is taking something from the system. She claims to not have been given a chance due to her "strong , Intense nature" . Wrong , you are percieved this way because you are a bully and use intimidation as your way to cheat and manipulate. 

If your wallet is not a neverending fountain of cash, she will dispense with you. If you challenge her ill thought out logic, you will be dismissed and satan will rear her ugly head. Commendant Branham cares only about a few things, her reign of terror at the ranch and herself. It is true what other authors have asserted that people are frightened by her. She wont get much backtalk because the person questioning her will be dealt with swiftly in all the glory of a tyrannical fanatical leader. And I use the term leader very loosly. Leaders should have integrity. But as we know, historically, many dont. They rise to power through illicit means and sham the public.They have a charisma in front of the camera, however, behind the scene, its a mommy dearest moment. And no one dare talk about it. People like this surround themselves with those that are compliant and weak, yet claim to be good Christians. They feel a sense of being needed by the person they follow when the leader falls apart in moments of instability, which is always at the core.

When I say reign of terror what I mean is her refusal to allow learning to come from any clinician other than herself. She devalues other English or dresssage trainer swith good reputations as she feels she must do so , in order to decieve people into believing  hers is the only way. She removes the ability for patrons to learn new things when she persuades the clients not to bring in new , fresh clinicians. Then she creates a ruckus. I would venture to say its "cult like" And that is what self centered folks do. This is why she has been removed from a number of local ranches and looked upon as somwhat unstable in extreme cowboy events last summer when she had a rageful moment when her own horse threw her, yet all the other conntestants were then required to ride her horse as part of the obstacle course. They all rode her horse unscathed and were not thrown.


When I say she cares only about herself, what I mean is she will lie and cheat to make one believe anything to benifit her. When it comes to money, one better not pay in cash because that wont be recorded. there are no records. And then what is paid is forgotten.

When one makes it a life mission to help the downtrodden, the criminals as Jesus asks us to do, they dont do the same criminal acts as those they are attempting to "save". Oh , well, excuse me, yes some do. Tammy Faye Baker and other noteables.

One should not pick and chose whom they help on the lords list of people to care for. But Commendant Braham does. If one asks her how she feels about classes of people or certain groups, you will find she has certain biases against a variety of folks. But now she wants to help them ,  isnt that kind! And then to claim they are the ones using the government. I stopped reading her less than insightful comments after seeing how ridiculously biased they were.

I appealed to her to help me with a rescue mustang that I could and would only take if she agreed to help train it.

She offered to train it for free since she wanted to see it rescued. Upon returning to my ranch and then calling upon her, there was never a returned phone call. Not one. I left multiple messages and reminders of what she had offered. And then when I finally did reach her, she claimed thatconversation never happened. Fortunatly a local radio celebrity was with me when Branham made her promise . She as did many others hear the failed promise.

 Im thinking trying to establish a 501c in conjunction with fed money is a fine way to funnel off funds to rob Peter to pay Paul, which is her way of life.  personally dont want my tax dollars going to her. The horses are the ones that lose out because this Princess of Prevarications has found a way to syphen money off the taxpayers.

Let the example of her horse and buggy ride buisness be an example. No taxes were reported for this side affair. All under the table cash. Is that honest? Is that who we want influencing our inmate population?She seems so utterly hostile to those that recieve public assistance, yet, she has no bills. She has no rent ,her utilities are rigged up to the property owners home which I would say isnt up to code. It hillbilly central.

Do we want grant money in the hands of someone that does not comply with the law.  Some one who boasts they will not pay for health insurance for their own kids under our current system of healthcare or any form for that matter. So the cost of any health care is deflected on to the public. But she has money to buy a new horse trailer.

Does this not seem similar to the mindset of the inmates. Is that going to reform them? or enable them to go out and wreak havok on the public once released because their illicit ways of thinking are now validated by a woman of God. Will they go out to become horsetrainers? using theivery and over stating their skills as she does.

how is it she can go to a class on cowboy dressage and then be qualified to instruct it. Thats like a going to summer camp to learn football skills and then comimg home to declare you can coach in the NFL.

 What happens if one of the horses becomes injured? Will Branham perform surgery on it herself to save money like she did her personal house cat. The cat gets out and breaks its leg in half. She owes too much money to the vet so they attempt to splint it themselves. That lasted a short time until folks saw the cat hobbling around with the leg rebroken and the splint fallen off. So they do it again and the poor cat suffers again and has no pain medicine. Everyone one knew about this  too, since  the clinc who sees her horses all heard this and was appauled when the call came in.

What will happen when an inmate or the staff disagrees with her or if they have Obama stickers all over their truck like my friend the attorney did. She drove in and out of the place when all the while the good Christians would sit and mock her for her political affiliations and say they could hardly look at her. Nice circle of friends and a way to do buisiness.

And what about the housing of the horses. If they require 3 bags of shavings in the stall as one of the ranch clients horse did, will they complain and ridicule  as they did this owner of the horse behind her back?

Will she teach the inmates as she has others to call horses "dumb as a bag of rocks"? If only all the clients knew the staff would speak about and to their horses in such a manner. Will this behavior be condoned and passed on to the inmates? These are all questions that should be answered before our  tax dollars are plunked into this program with this trainer.

Good program idea, bad trainer choice.





new 2015 clean slate reqire internal change, not a poster about how this is me

#6UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Mon, January 05, 2015

These are not lies written by people who are unjustifiably angry. These are truths written by people who are angry because you were not honest, and you played dirty, sought revenge, couldnt admit the truth. To a person happening upon this page it all might seem outlandish, but its actually more outlandish the way the trainer conducts herself in classes and in the middle of conflict or  of a disagreement.

when the R and D people did commint a very unkind act on a patron all of us took notice. We all watched as a very nice person was treated poorly . It had an affect on us , yet we could not speak out. It would have been us next. Everyone at this place is leaving or preparing too. Why might that be.  Well its because it used to be a place for family and friends to enjoy horeses an learn together. Now its like walking on eggshells and the owners cover for Cindys bad manners and visious ways. Why? No one knows. Its not because Cindy is right, more likely because they fell intimidated and the need to cover for her because they have let this continue for so long and it reflects upon them now. And if they throw her out , they put her kids on the street too.And those kids are like their family. Buisness owners that run a real buisiness dont allow such games and hurting of clients continue. Those are the people bringing money in. Many people have been run off now and if they havent yet thay plan to .  Ive noticed when Ive trailered out to go to other clinicians, Im taught new things and told what Im doing is wrong. The cindy method is holding me back and my horse.

we feel like we are only there to give her handouts of money for her next competition because she doesnt make any money to afford it. We all pitched in an paid for her mustangs to compete with and its always that way.

its quite sad to be at this barn now and feel the heavy negativity and unspoken fear we all have for fear if we challenge Cindys word, or take a class with another person, we will be thrown out .  I reckon she would make a pretty good dictator. There doesnt seem to be much good about the place anymore and its sad. Sad that the owners let this woman get away with abuse of people and misguided belief that shes so great.

 Well alot of these complaints are very true but you gotta be there to see it and no ones going to stand up to Cindy because to the more weak types she is intimidating. She says she comes across intimidating and thats not really who she is. Well yes it is. She intimidates the more weak people and scared people. But to those who stand up to her, well ole girl falls apart. But then if she cant be part of a adult disagreement and win through intimidation, well she gets revenge and the owners follow right in line because they are to old to see. Or whatever their problem is.  It sure isnt helping the buisnes if they even care about it anymore. And once you do hang with other ranches you hear what people really think of Cindy in these parts. I would be embarrassed . But I suppose shes starting a new attitude for 2015, but she needs to apologize to all of the folks she harmed,( not failed because she cant please everyone), striaght up got even, harmed , sick evilness. Only then can she start over with a new clean slate.

The truth


To Cindy

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 03, 2015

 Typically , when a bully is confronted, they whimper and become the victim ( crybaby). That whole" this is me" rant is a convoluted, self congratulatory, assertion of her exaggerated skills. Bottom line, you still have not confronted your demons and come clean with honesty.



Game changer

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 31, 2014

 Wow. someone told me to check the page out and complaints. I have a policy to never give credence to things or make them part of my reality until it happens to me. Well, it happened to me! I haven't read all the complaints yet but I read a few and then this response from the trainer, C. Branham , and the above bully complaint. . The response on the part of C Branham is an anthem for narcissism . What happened to me falls in line very much so with what some of the authors suggest in their complaints. There is a huge gap between what this trainer says and does in regard to her manner of business. I find this person emotionally volatile,vengeful, not as competent as she believes herself to be, envious, and in actuality, very much an adult bully . While she has some skill, it is without being able to admit fault, it's without truth, it's mean and hurtful to others how she takes those down that don't see eye to eye with her. It is anything but professional, be quite honest! It hurts people's lives. But it's covered up and then rationalized or justified to keep the status quo. That's what it's really all about there at your place. Keep a few select patrons around that look the other way, that pander to you, that promote and pay out for your activities to the point they question why they have to bankroll you to this extent and then you keep just enough money coming in on your part to get by. Anything or anyone different is culled out . It is alarming that the owners of this place fall in to line at her request, or fits of rage. And it's funny that secretly all the barn buddies there talk on the sidelines and call Cindy a" user, narsicistic, money goudger , evil, crazy, , warn you to pay in a form of a check to have your own reciept, and quite honestly , they say her actions are dead wrong when it comes to some of her mean girl antics and her training methods. They just don't tell her because she may retaliate - and well, they want their horses to have a place to call home -Since they board there. If Cindy is so confident, then why does she become enraged when a dressage trainer better than herself or differnt is invited to do a clinic? Shouldn't one encourage learning of all types from a variety of trainers? well , the only clincians allowed are those of C Branhams choosing. Then when she invites a clinician they charge exorbidant fees and ignore you, dont ride your horse, act cocky , and then all the new training techniques on how to hold your reins suddenly change. Then everyone has to take more lessons to learn the new correct way. Learning new things is good. But this seems to be a double standard. We can only learn new things that C Branham says we can learn. If we don't comply and learn from people from California we get punished. If she's such a great businesswoman, why doesn't she do bookkeeping ? If she's so insensed that some people complained about her , then why does she have her son make posts on face book critising another mustang trainers methods as being cruel and abusive. Intresting ,she claims disgust with the methods used by the other trainer but, the other trainer is known world wide and has quite a good reputation . That trainer saw the posts but had enough presence of mind and professionalism to not acknowledge the fact that Cindy's thoughts about her training method were voiced on her young sons Facebook page, hiding behind a child. Oh Ms Branham , there's many people who have been victimized by you- Not just a few! And there's many at the other local barns who have spoken quite poor about you Referencing you as a " one trick pony" In the end , your crew remain loyal to you on the surface but around the other barns in the area. , they all recite the same story of you over and over. And the rest of us sit back and watch your circus continue. WELCOME TO THE HOTEL CALIFORNIA. They talk about you, they kiss your ..., I guess it suggests a need on their part to be relevant in someone's life that needs groupies as you call them at your competitions. How offensive and presumptuous. But then shame on them too, because they all know how you treat people yet they let you continue to behave badly. They shut their mouths like trained monkeys for fear they will fall out of your graces. They have no purity in purpose - I see others find it peculiar that the Christianity comments come out and seems to be a theme. Yet, there is nothing Christian about the manner in which you deal with people , or the way you talk down to your best friends, or the way you do business period! It's not shrewd behavior you exhibit, it's dishonest. And you say when people see you, if you don't smile or notice them its because you are "focused" . But you use the descriptor that you come across "intimidating".Well no, you aren't intimidating, you are describing "not noticing others"because you are self centered. No one expects you to notice them if you're working! People have witnessed your meanness . Intimidating , no, Not approachable , not exuding warmth, yes correct. A game changer? mover and shaker? then why do your main groupies say this about you? why do they complain you don't do anything for yourself to keep customers coming ? You won't do birthday parties, you won't do camps? You don't take on new lesson clients..... You are running clients off with your behavior " You only get out if bed to do the work that benefits you and can catapult you into the limelight. You ,Claim that you agree to disagree and in effect you claim to do business fair and square. You Ms Branham play by a different set of rules. You make bold declaratory statements, but what you say isn't what you do . It leaves one wondering if they can trust you! My reality is , no, you are not to be trusted, as a person.... or as a trainer. you may train horses well , but you are more concerned with preserving control over your environment and your own ego than being a person of integrity that trains horses. And the passage you wrote should not be entitled "This is Me" , but rather "Me Me Me"

Cindy Branham


Meet Cindy Branham For Yourself

#6General Comment

Tue, December 30, 2014

Hello, my name is Cindy Branham.  I first want to thank you for taking the time to investigate the trainer you choose to work with you and your horse whether it be me or someone else.  If you clicked on this site to see what it had to say about me you sure will get an eye full.  When the first “Rip Off” report notification came to me earlier this year by email, my first reaction was devastation.  Fear, anger, betrayal, many emotions went through my mind. I figured I had a couple of options.  First, I could pay a lot of money to the very company that targets unhappy people to file “rip off reports” on this site.  After I investigated this company I found out that it is a scam.  It targets small business owners and reaps the bounty of those small business owners, getting them to pay Rip Off. Com to take off the negative reports starting at $2000.00!  Endless phone calls, emails, all from rip off report .com to me saying they could help me with this, just give us your money first! Check out Better Business Bureaus Report  Second, I could of tried to defend myself against the lies and fabrications in this report one by one, but that would just add another report to the page.  Third, I could have had my clients put rebuttal’s on the report, but again the more that the report is clicked on the higher it goes on the Google search engine in which gives Rip the company more business.  Lastly, I could ignore the reports and go on about my daily business and that is what I have done all year.  I had to countless times ask Rip to quit calling me and quit emailing me trying to get my money.  Finally, it seemed to stop.  Then a couple weeks ago another report was filed.  I actually feel bad for the person who keeps hiding behind false names as they write these reports as the language and story line in each report is much the same.  I will never understand why someone would spend so much of their energy on trying to hurt another person.  I want that person or persons to know that I forgive them for their actions, but to know that I will not fear their words because I have nothing to hide. 

  So why am I writing this now?  I have decided to turn a Negative, into a positive!  I have decided to not fear the couple of people that have put their words and interpretations of me on this site anymore. I will give them no more power in my life or my business.   I am proud of the countless horses and people God has allowed me to work worth over the course of my lifetime.  I am also willing to say that no, I have not been able to help or please all the people that have been in my life, I wish I could.   However, I have tried to stay true to myself and my training program and I stand on positives of all the horses and people I have been able to help.  I want to challenge you to investigate me completely.  First, if you would like some information and background on my training program and R&D Ranch you are welcome to visit my website and Face book page, and thanks to all the links that have been added to this report you can find me easily.  Second, I challenge you to go to my you tube channel and watch countless hours of me working with not only my mustangs, but horses that I and some of my friends have rescued. Third, I invite you to come visit R & D Ranch in Topeka, Kansas!  We would all love to meet you!  Bill & Sharon Reed own the ranch and have allowed us to rent our house and live here for several years.  I teach the people and the horses, my husband helps with maintenance and upkeep of the ranch, and Bill & Sharon run the boarding business.  Bill & Sharon are family to me and my children.  I owe them so much and I am so thankful for them.

What I am asking you to do is choose for yourself if what I have to offer is something that might work for you and your horse.  I cannot change the people who have fallen into the trap of this web site, or the lies and fabrications that have been made.  All I can do is invite you to make up your own mind. 

 This is Me! By Cindy Branham
This is me!  I am firm, intense and passionate in teaching and coaching and in my personal life.  I am very focused when riding/training a horse, which means I might not notice you right away or look at you or smile, because I am so focused on my work.  This does not mean I am ignoring you or do not like you or feel threatened by you, it simply means I am focused on my work.  I want to improve people and horses lives and relationships.  I do have a kind heart and I love horses and people.  Horses change me, change people, instill in us meekness, gentleness, and the spirit to never give up. This is me! I will always try to compromise and give more of my time and self as possible to try to please all of my clients and my friends.  I will always give you my honest opinion or evaluation of your situation or your horse’s situation, even if it isn’t what you want to hear.  This is me.   I may disagree with you and even debate an issue because it is my God given and American right to have my own opinion, as well as it is yours.  I will respect that we can agree to disagree and still respect you as a person, client, or friend.  In my business I will stand on the right to refuse service and stand on your right to choose who you take your business to.   However,  I will stand up for myself when being threatened,  pushed around,  insulted,  bullied, cyber bullied, lied about, and challenged of my training program, morals, faith, and work ethic. This is me!  I will stand my ground when being falsely accused, but I will also apologize when I have done wrong or hurt someone’s feelings. I am not perfect, I do screw up, but I am tired of hiding behind my fake smile, to help people’s perceptions of me be better for them.  This is me!

 I am tired of perceptions! Perceptions are assumptions.  Getting to know someone, asking questions if you perceive negativity from a person is how you actually get a reality of who a person is. You have to reach out past your perceptions.   People are so wrapped up in themselves they don't take the time to actually find out if their assumptions or perceptions are true. They never give strong and intense people a chance! In our day and age being a leader is put down and criticized because leaders are strong, we are warrior’s in the battle for hearts and home. We are the game changers, the mama bears, and the ones who make things happen.  We are intimidating and misunderstood! This is me!  If people perceive me a certain way, and choose to make decisions based on their assumptions then they have made a choice to not even try to get to know me or understand me.   I am not a bad person.  I am not a bully. This is me! I am intense, passionate, loving, kind, strong, protective, giving, fierce, devoted to my Lord, family, friends, and my career!  I intend to be me!  No more hiding, this is me!  -- Cindy Branham

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