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  • Report:  #109035

Complaint Review: Cingular Wireless

Cingular Wireless ripoff Doesn't Provide Service they say they do, Doesn't care if customers under contract are happy Wichita Kansas

  • Reported By:
    Derby Kansas
  • Submitted:
    Sat, September 18, 2004
  • Updated:
    Sat, September 18, 2004

Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Cingular Wireless
2321 N University
Lubbock TX 79415

Dear Friend,

I am a severe asthmatic and my son is a critical asthmatic, which is why I'm so upset with the customer service at Cingular Wireless. Quite honestly, I'm pissed off that your Customer Service Department can get away with the things they do.

My phone calls have included excessive hold times, multiple transfers, on more than one occasion my call was simply disconnected, as well as your Representatives would not let me talk to a Super visor. This is absolutely amazing. How do these people keep jobs with the absolutely sorry level of customer service that they provide?

Recently my problems have been numerous so I will place them in order for you.

1. On 2/7/04 I went to a local Cingular store and spoke with Karin (Representative at 3161 N Rock Rd, Wichita Kansas 67226), I advised her I have been with Cingular Wireless for 8 years, I have asthma and must always have access to my phone service, I love the plan I have now (prior to 2/7/04) and would like to keep it however my contract is up so I want a new phone. I told her I have traveled to Georgia, Colorado, Missouri, and Southwest Kansas. She transferred me to the GPS network and did not show me the territory it doesn't cover before doing so. I trusted that she was giving me the same level of service I had before, since I told her what I had and what I needed. Instead I go out of town 3/19/04 and find out that I have no service outside of Wichita Kansas. With my son and I being asthmatics I am sure you can imagine how furious I was!

2. On 3/21/04 I got back in town and immediately called Cingular Customer Service Department to tell them what happened and that I demand my previous service area back. I am told that I can't be put back on it because my phone won't work on it. This just further irritated me! I told the Representative that I obviously will need to have a different phone then. He proceeded to tell me that it would cost me over $100 per phone.

I proceeded to tell him that I have been with Cingular for over 8 years and that this was not my fault, it was Cingulars Representatives fault that my account got messed up and therefore Cingular should not charge me for new phones so I can be on a network that would help me. He put me on hold and came back and told me that his Supervisor would approve an upgrade for me and to just go to a local Cingular store and they would be able to pull up my account and get me switched back to the better network with different phones.

3. On 3/22/04 I went to the Cingular Store at 3161 N Rock Rd, Wichita Kansas 67226. I spoke with a guy whom pulled up my account and then told me that it would cost me to switch phones and network. I told him no it wouldn't because I wasn't the one that screwed up, their store employee did.

He got very rude with me and told me he could sell me the phone but he could not do the credit for the phones as I was told I would get on my account. He told me I would have to go home and call Customer Service back and they could do the credit. I again told him that this was not going to happen. I am not going to play phone tag with Customer Service for something their store Representative did, not me. He continued to tell me it was my fault that my service was screwed up. That I switched the network on my contract. Never once while in this store did this Representative say that it was Cingular's responsibility. I walked out and told him I would be filing a complaint on him.

4. I called Customer Service back on my way home, only to be hung up on by a Representative whom would not give me to a Supervisor.

5. I called back again and talked to a Thomas Hogan (?), he would not get me a Supervisor, and he proceeded to get the Lead Representative Isaac (?), whom again hung up on me. Is this how your Representative's are trained to just hang up on customers so they have to call back, which makes them even angrier?

6. I tried to callback however I lost my connection and was not able to get through because your network apparently has scattered access.

7. I waited a while and again called back and got a hold of a Mindy Arnold whom was extremely sweet, told me in the start of the call that she has never hung up on anyone and would not do that to me. She told me that she would do whatever it took to help me. (NOW this is the kind of service I expect from a Representative of Cingular !!!)

I drove to another Cingular Store while I was on the phone with Mindy and she continued to stay very patient, very sympathetic, and just the best person I have talked to with Customer Service !!! This girl needs to be congratulated for providing such awesome service to her customers. Perhaps she needs to be the trainer for Customer Service Department, as everyone of your employees could learn a lot from her!

8. The next store I came to was the Cingular Store at 620 N Rock Road, Derby KS 67037. The told the lady there I would like to speak with a Manager so Sarah Stone offered to help me and was just as I expected. A kind, sweet-hearted, helpful young lady. I gave my cellular phone to her and she spoke directly with Mindy whom told her everything that had happened and to go ahead with the upgrade.

What a relief to not have to explain it all again!!! I also believe that Sarah Stone should be commended for her awesome service she provides her customers. Maybe she should be a floating training for all your store Representatives as they could learn a lot from her!

9. After I got my phones and the network switched I proceeded to go ahead and pay for the phones, even though I was told on Sunday evening that I wouldn't have to simply because both Mindy Arnold and Sarah Stone were extremely helpful and patient with me.

I have had continuous multi-phone service with Cingular Wireless for more than 8 years. I have always been a loyal customer of Cingular, however now I am regretting this decision of mine. I've been very satisfied with your company in the past, however I'm very surprised at the way your Representative's treat your customers. In the future I'll be telling other people about my negative experience so they can avoid it in the future.

I am a Customer Service Representative for the company I work for, and I would have to say that I would never treat a customer as I have been treated. To hand up on someone is disgraceful. To place blame on the customer is never a correct or acceptable way to handle a problem. I firmly believe that good customer service is the link to keep customers for life.

Don't you realize it costs much more to attract new customers than to hold on to good existing customers? You spend large dollars to try to sell your products to new, unseasoned subscribers but yet Cingular doesn't give loyal, long-term subscribers the opportunity to replace old phones, get additional minutes free and reduce the cost of service rather than to change companies? There is definitely something wrong with this picture.

I would appreciate a credit for this additional cost of phones due to your Representatives mistakes, as well as a credit of a sufficient dollar amount on my bill due to the attitude I have put up with, which has not been acceptable. I hope you get back to me soon, and that these problems do not go unresolved. I'll expect a response within 7 business days.

August 21, 2004
Cingular Wireless
2321 N University
Lubbock TX 79415

Dear Friend,

I previously submitted a complaint on 7-20-04 as I have tried to work with Cingular Wireless to correct the problems I am having however since the representative called my on 8-17-04 they have simply tried to move me to a network that has less coverage than I am supposed to have now.

With the plan I have now I am supposed to have Cingular Nation GAIT and they want to transfer me to Cingular Nation GSM. With he GAIT plan I have now I am PAYING TO HAVE COVERAGE to be able to travel anywhere in Kansas and I HAVE YET TO BE ABLE to talk on my phone outside of the Wichita KS area. I have tried to work with Cingular since I noticed the problem right after I signed my contract in February and they are not resolving it. I therefore request my service be cancelled with no termination fees as I am NOT getting the service I was promised.

September 18, 2004

As of today nothing has been done by the Cingular Customer Service People to satisfy me or my husband. They are taking no blame for anything and basically refuse to work with us or cancel our service.

Derby, Kansas

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