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  • Report:  #218305

Complaint Review: Circuit City

Circuit City, City Advantage Plan Sucks ripoff, sucks, fraud, dishonest, Florence Kentucky

  • Reported By:
    independence ky Kentucky
  • Submitted:
    Mon, October 30, 2006
  • Updated:
    Mon, November 27, 2006

In 2003 we purchased an RCA w52/20 projection tv. we loved it. We didn't want to carry in a huge tv for repairs so we purchased the city advantage plan. Both the tv and the plan are paid for.

The tv broke down on 11.23.05. I called the City advantage number and was informed the first available time was early December 05 for repair. we weren't happy but Circuit City only has 1 technician servicing a wide area. So we waited. the tech came out and was very nice, said he needed to order some boards for it. told me to call the following monday to schedule a time to come back and put it in. after that everything went to pot.
a) the communication between the technician and the service center i called was non-existent. b) took a week longer for the either the tech to get the order in or the service center to recognize he had. c) then they had to order the boards from rca.

by this time it was coming on christmas. hubby has missed thanksgiving day football on his big screen tv and now christmas and new years weren't looking good either.

started calling the store, the corporate office and the service numbers i had. started emailing the web site and even the guarantor of the city advantage policies - which according to the back of the advantage plan (in small print) - guarantees KY residents the right for TIMELY repairs. filed a complaint at the BBB - and I never gave BBB approval to say I was satisfied - have that in a written email to the BBB rep.

The tech came back at mid-december with the new boards he ordered from rca. we were very happy. but then the black cloud of disgust dropped over our heads once again when the technician, upon installation of the new boards, realized that he did not check ALL of the boards in the tv and HAD TO ORDER MORE.

this resulted in more emails, calls and complaints from us to every available circuit city and city advantage plan guarantor's phone and email addresses. circuit city did not even try accommodate us with this extra snafu and have our tv repaired any earlier. they seem to have a "repairs BEWARE" policy for consumers who purchase their products and city advantage plans - although they did give us a $25.00 gift certificate... how trite.

Finally 63 DAYS from my initial call on November 23,2005 the technician came back and FINALLY FIXED our tv - the date was JANUARY 30, 2006. 63 days - i just had to say that again.

The BBB contacted me in March 06 and asked if I was satisfied. I emailed that NO - not satisfied, the repair was not timely as guaranteed by the city advantage documentation.

anyway things settled down, Nascar and Formula One started, Hubby was happy. Life was great.....

Then This past Friday night, October 27, 2006, our recently repaired RCA widescreen tv start to snap and pop and emit blue sparks from the back of the tv. Fearing a fire, we pulled the plug on the sucker, and I contacted the service department on Saturday, October 28, 2006.

The customer service rep was very nice, but explained that the first available date open for service was... NOVEMBER 16, 2006. The customer service rep went on to read me the circuit city advantage plan guarantee that the product will be fixed 14 BUSINESS DAYS from the time the technician first comes to our house.

I stopped the customer service rep right there, and said that I was getting a Deja-vu feeling because the last time it took 63 days to repair... and once again Thanksgiving isn't looking very good for this 3 year old big screen rca tv.

I told him that Circuit city should GIVE US A NEW TV to REPLACE THIS LEMON of a TV because right now it is only working about 9 months out of every year.

we are not happy. I am contacting rca, circuit city and the city advantage plan guarrantor again. I am also contacting the ky department of consumer affairs and the northern ky and florence business associations.

i don't think i will ever buy another product from circuit city. i have told all friends, family and acquaintances our personal experiences (the problems we have encountered) and have given our opinion not to buy any products from circuit city.

i am totally disgusted that circuit city promotes and sells products that are so ill-made that their live-expectancy is next to nothing.

i am even more ashamed that circuit city can only afford to hire one in-home tv technician to cover what appears to be the entire greater cincinnati area, including suburbs. It is completely unacceptable that a tv should take 63 days to repair, and now I am starting the whole process once again.

and finally, i am totally disappointed that circuit city, knowing my personal repair history from my november 23, 2005 through january 30, 2006 repair fiasco(as it is in stored on the circuit city company, customer service computer records), hasn't contacted me or my husband in order to make amends, make their customer HAPPY, and replace this lemon of a tv we purchased from circuit city in GOOD FAITH.

independence ky, Kentucky

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Circuit City

6 Updates & Rebuttals


independence ky,

11.27.06 UPDATE

#7Author of original report

Mon, November 27, 2006

Additional Update.. Just FYI - the RCA we purchased wan't the cheapest... it was in the higher-end of the mid-range at the time of purchase... anyway regardless of the item i purchased i am disgusted with the cra#$y repair service from Circuit City:

1) the CC APPROVED repair-man showed up (From NORTHGATE TV) on 11.16.06 as scheduled... not happy about the timeliness (as I called OCTOBER 23rd) But was expecting an in-depth Examination. The Repairman came inside. He literally stay 15 minutes... He did not take off the back of the TV, but he did plug it in and "hit" the TV 2 or 3 times. Then unplugged it and said that the TV would have to be taken to the shop for repairs (EVEN THOUGH I HAVE PURCHASED AN 'IN-HOME' CITY ADVANTAGE PLAN FOR TV's 52" or LARGER). The repairman told me they would come and get the TV "in a couple days"... Friday went by, Saturday Too... No on called or came by to get the TV.

2) I started calling the CC APPROVED REPAIR COMPANY, NORTHGATE TV Monday Morning. Talked to a woman Monday Afternoon who said, 'You DO want this repaired before Thanksgiving, don't you?'
I replied YES! then she said, don't count on it, but i will try to have 2 repairman come to your home on TUESDAY, November 21 to fix your TV and take it BACK TO THE SHOP IF THEY CAN'T. Tuesday came and went, no call and no one came.

3) I started Calling on Wednesday, November 22. I got a hold of the same NORTHGATE TV person. She asked if I still wanted the TV FIXED BEFORE THANKSGIVING, I said YES. Then she said that she would have 2 repairmen come on Wednesday between 4:30 and 5:30 PM. Well, Once again Circuit City picked some winners for repair people, because they neither called or showed-up. I call NORTHGATE TV at 5:45 PM and left a message. NORTHGATE TV, CC's APPROVED TV REPAIR people have yet to call me back.

4) Meanwhile, My H called The CC Customer Service line for Repairs on Friday. He explained the problem to the woman and asked to speak to her supervisor. She said she did not have a supervisor he could speak with...(?) My husband stated concerns about the time off work we have taken to wait for these approved repairman as well as CC's newly stated 14 day repair policy... of which there were eight days left.... My H asked what legal recourse we had and the rep replied, "I guess None".

I have kept all written communications (or lack of) with CC the the guarrantor's of CC's Advantage Plan since 2005. We are contacting a lawyer for advice about repairing the TV ourselves and taking CC to small claims court for the cost of the repair and lost wages of myself and my husband.

I also have a call into to 2 local TV reporters who investigate claims like mine, broadcast them and help to resolve the problem.
Not Real good timing for CC to have such bad publicity.

That's it for now... Remember In my opinion I would NEVER purchase another item from CC again.


New York,
New York,

That's right Peter from PONY, Alabama (warning sarcasm involved)

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, November 15, 2006

That's right Peter, she should've known better than buying an RCA, it's completely RCA's fault even though she didn't comment on RCA and the original post was about the POOR LOUSY NON EXISTENT SERVICE of circuit city advantage, still it's RCA she should be mad with. Those d**n lousy RCA people.

Get real. Is this what circuit city advantage as resorted to having idiot employees post on ripoffreport to defend themselves, thus when these idiots post, they make the company look worst and more incompetent. She commented on the poor incompetent service of circuity city. So what if it was an RCA (even if they do suck, that's not the point) What if she brought an expensive samsung and the same thing happened, does this negate the fact that there are no service techs and the one service tech is incompetent. RIGHT??

Either you really do work for CCadvantage (I do believe it considering how dumb you sound) or you work for a competitor trying to stir the pot, in which case BRAVO, keep up the good work.



Julie, your expectations are unreasonable

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, November 01, 2006

Julie, your expectations are unreasonable. No store will purposely say anything bad about a product. Why? Because then certain people would cry "bait and switch" over a simple recommendation. It is the consumer's responsibility to research big-ticket items before purchasing them. Expecting a salesperson to educate you is silly -- they are there for no other reason than to earn a living.

I am certain that the salesperson at the very least mentioned or recommended a different TV, but with the RCA TV being the cheapest, you likely did not want to hear about any of the alternatives. Failing to do your own research before the sale is what resulted in your buying a junky TV. Your lack of responsibility as a consumer is NOT a rip off.



This Sounds More Like Radio Shack "Customer Service"!!!!

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, November 01, 2006

I have never had the experience of shopping at Circuit City! We have one or two of them here but they are far south of me and I don't have the time or the money to go.

But what you are writing sounds like the Radio Shack store I made the bad mistake of purchasing a COMPUTER from in HIGHLAND MALL in AUSTIN,TX!

The computer was fried and a bunch of parts that weren't even supposed to go with it were in there.

It looks like somebody tried to get something off of the main hard drive and they fried it.
Probably somebody who was a friend of the manager or even the manager, at the very least, an employee!


I later found out it was just a DEMO. I was lied to and they told me it was NEW!


Radio Shack Emails Lay Off Notifications
by Brandon Dimmel | updated 20060901 @ 10:04AM EST
Generally, I don't much like email. It's impersonal, often leads to miscommunication, and simply doesn't carry the satisfaction of personal interaction with someone on the phone, or, better yet, in person.

However, for those rare occasions when I want to completely avoid emotional contact, email is often the best choice. And apparently, tech retailer Radio Shack feels the same way. Rather than approach employees in a respectful, consolatory manner, the company recently laid off 400 employees through email.

The affected workers are (or were) employed at Radio Shack's Fort Worth, Texas headquarters. According to reports, the jaw-dropping email landed in inboxes on Tuesday morning, telling workers, "The work force reduction notification is currently in progress," and that "Unfortunately, your position is one that has been eliminated."

Tough crowd.

Company representatives tried to save face by telling the media that most employees were fore-warned that the notices were coming via email. However, their method of dealing with those laid off is equally impersonal, as Radio Shack has initiated an intranet program for laid off employees to seek information on their axing. (Source:

Most employees are, understandably, annoyed and angered with the lay offs and Radio Shack's way of letting employees know about them.

Radio Shack's sales have been dismal lately, leading to the 400 terminations. As a result of the lay offs, the company's stock actually rose 1.6% on the New York Stock Exchange, indicating that investors have some faith that Radio Shack can get things back on track. (Source:



Get out of la la land and realize THE CUSTOMER MAKES YOUR BUSINESS!



independence ky,

Missing part of a main point..

#7Author of original report

Wed, November 01, 2006

I know the world isn't a very nice place and that sales reps will and do take advantage of consumers like me who didn't do their homework and research tvs, and instead let their past experience and brand loyalty sway their decision. otherwise, the sales rep could have informed us that the tv was not a good one to purchase and could have steered us toward another more reliable brand/model. afterall the sales rep should be the most knowledgeable about the brands the store is selling, even if it is a buyer beware world.

however, i do think you you did not respond to a main part of my complaint; the unacceptable time it took for the circuit city repaiman to check the tv, order the (correct) parts and fix the tv (63 days), as well as the disproportionate ratio of in-home tv repairmen to circuit city customers needing in-home tv repairs.



Well I'm sorry but................

#7UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 01, 2006

Look what you need to do is get out from under the piece of ---- TV you chose. See if they can give you credit and get a better set as there is many reports on RCA making cheap sets to compete with Walmart etc.

Good luck

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