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  • Report:  #359799

Complaint Review: Circuit City Firedog

Circuit City, Firedog DEN OF THIEVES Richmond Virginia

  • Reported By:
    New York New York
  • Submitted:
    Wed, August 06, 2008
  • Updated:
    Wed, October 01, 2008

Several years ago, I had components for a home A/V system installed by Circuit City. Circuit City subsequently spun off its service division into a separate entity called Firedog. So, because I'd felt satisfied by Circuit City's service in the past, I chose Firedog to handle two minor adjustments to the set-up. After reviewing Firedog's offerings on line, on 6/6/08 I called Firedog to purchase the simplest option, called CONNECT3. But when confronted with my request, the salesman said that I should purchase the more expensive BASIC service instead. His stated reasons constituted gobbledygook to my ears, and when I politely asked him to please repeat himself, he did -- but with no more clarity than before.

Years ago, before the Giuliani administration cleaned up the Times Square district here in New York (where I live), the neighborhood was infested with what some Manhattanites called gun-in-your-back electronics stores. Independently owned and operated, they specializing in over-priced, gray market merchandise (much openly labeled NOT FOR SALE IN THE U.S.A.), and the shops were staffed by greasy-haired salesman with shifty eyes reminiscent of two olives rolling around on a plate. Highly manipulative and exquisitely skilled at playing upon customers' emotional vulnerability, these fast-talking ne'er-do-wells had a well-deserved reputation for being a pox on the city.

Strangely, though my Firedog salesman represented a reputable, national chain, everything about his demeanor screamed that I was dealing with the sleazy, gun-in-your-back type of salesman. But against my better judgment, I allowed the guy to sell me the BASIC service. The pounding breathlessness with which he processed my credit card information and swiftly terminated the call was reminiscent of the hurried footsteps of a mugger, running away with my wallet.

Two Firedog servicemen duly presented themselves at my apartment and performed the requested service -- which wound up being nothing more than turning a few switches on my already-installed equipment and explaining what to do if problems arose again. Ten minutes later, as I signed the contract acknowledging its completion, I remarked aloud that it seemed to me that CONNECT3 would have been the appropriate service package for my needs and that I felt I had been tricked into buying BASIC instead.

Oh, one of the men declared, customers complain about those Firedog salesmen ALL THE TIME.

Furious with anger, the next day I called Firedog to complain about what had been done, and the salesman openly admitted that my observation was correct. He explained that the sales staff works under strict instructions from management to try to over-sell services, and staff is even limited to exact language that is allowed with customers. Repeated entreaties to management for permission NOT to have to treat customers with such aggression had been to no avail.

In any event, he could not make an adjustment to my purchase. Instead, that had to be done by a Massachusetts-based office, where the phone number -- 800-347-3364 -- was handled by representatives devoted exclusively to Firedog services sold over the phone (as opposed to in-store or on line). It took numerous phone calls -- and long waiting periods on hold -- to get anyone to take action on my behalf. But eventually a conference call was set up with someone working under R.M., who is the operations manager for New York. The man queried me about exactly what the technicians had done. He then agreed that CONNECT3 -- not BASIC -- was indeed the service package that I should have been sold.

The prescribed remedy was for me to buy a CONNECT3 package (costing $155.99 including tax), and I was promised that I would then be credited the full price of the BASIC package (which had cost me $187.19 including tax). A credit subsequently did appear on my credit card statement, on 6/12/08 -- but for only $20.80.

Dismayed by the mis-handling of the issue, on 6/20/08, I wrote to Circuit City's corporate headquarters in Virginia (Attention: Firedog Customer Service/Refunds), enclosing documentation and requesting that corrective action be taken. My letter never received so much as an acknowledgement.

I also sent a copy of my letter (with its enclosures) as a pdf file attachment to an e-mail addressed to, and the response I received was simply a statement that I should call instead.

Erroneously thinking it would be a simple matter to correct the problem, I didn't keep track of all my subsequent calls to the Firedog office in Massachusetts. But conversations with at least a dozen customer service reps and repeated empty promises of follow-up finally led me to realize that I'd better start documenting everything -- so I'd have solid evidence of misconduct to present in Small Claims Court, which is where I inevitably seemed to be heading.

Interestingly, after each customer service rep read through the files that had been created for each of my service orders, there was NEVER any disagreement about the issue: Firedog owed me $166.39. But returning my money to me could not be done without approval from someone else -- who would NEVER grant it.

The last customer service rep I dealt with was R.S., an elite agent on Firedog's so-called G. O. Team, whose three e-mails to Field Service Managers J.B. and M.L. never received responses. Finally I asked R.S. if I might be granted PART of the money owed to me, and he said yes. At his request to Circuit City's corporate office in Virginia, a credit of $155.99 was finally issued on 7/29/08.

It is UNCONTESTED that Circuit City's Firedog is holding on to $10.40 of my money against my will, but I assume that management figures -- correctly -- that I do not consider that amount worth pursuing in Small Claims Court. Management can pat itself on the pack with pride over the success of its theft, but Firedog's ill-gotten gain surely was offset several times over by the salaries paid to employees who had to deal with me.

In the end, of course, EVERYONE loses in this case. It also bears mentioning that management policies unencumbered by the structures of integrity are unsustainable. So I daresay it is only a matter of time until Firedog management undergoes a pogrom perpetrated by higher levels in the Circuit City hierarchy. Either that, or competitors for whom business practices are based upon principles of fair dealing will eventually force Firedog to close altogether, for lack of business.

If any Circuit City or Firedog employee who reads this posting has access to his/her employer's computer records, the accuracy of my account can be verified by looking up my orders and reading their accompanying customer service rep notes. The Order Numbers are 4488-797017 and 4478-807138.

New York, New York

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New York,
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#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, September 30, 2008

I am a current employee of Circuit City. I am a Firedog.
I'm a very honest person. I always, always sell the customer the right things that they need. I never over-sell a customer UNLESS my manager is watching. See...we have meetings about once a month on how to upsell people. They teach us techniques that will convince the buyer into getting a four year warranty that they don't need at all. Oh yeah..they make us call it, "Circuit City Protection Plan" so that it doesn't sound like, "warranty".

One thing that I hate about my job is getting in trouble for my sale's numbers being too low. I have to upsell someone 3 - 7 times a week. If I don't, they cut my hours down very low. I was working 32 hours a week once..I didn't upsell anyone for one week..and they cut my hours to about 17 hours per week. I don't like lying to people, but to keep my job...I have to. I need the money to pay for my car, college and gas.

We learn this method of getting rid of people that don't fall for the upsale. All of our expensive things are in the warehouse...and if a customer doesn't fall for the upsale we are trained to either,

A.) Tell them we don't have any in stock.
B.) Tell the customer that we will be right back..but go to the breakroom for 5-10min in hope that the customer leaves or asks someone else for help.
C.) Get a manager to "help" us with the sale.

In my opinion, this sucks. It makes me think about when I was younger shopping around with my Mom if that happened to her and I? I've wanted to work at Circuit City since I was 12 buying my first PlayStation 1 game.

Everyone at my store plays around all day. My managers are never to be found. Managers are the only ones with keys to ANYTHING. If a customer wants an iPod or something that is locked up, I have to find a manager for a key...which takes about 10min. Finnaly I get a key..the customer is upset already..then I go to scan it..oh wow, it is 30$ more than what the price tag said..I have to explain to the customer that the price tag is out of date...they get even more angry and I have to get my manager..after ANOTHER 10min of looking for him/her he comes to tell the customer that we are sorry and there is nothing we can do. So the angry customer leaves. I feel bad for those customers..

Another thing I would like to mention.. sometimes I ring things up, it comes up 20$ or so cheaper than what it did cost. Example: I ring up a laptop that cost 599$, but the computer says that it cost 449$...usually I tell the customer, "Wow, it is your lucky day, that computer has dropped down to 449$."...but my manager would be around watching and he would jump in the sale and tell the customer that he can add on a 3 year "Protection Plan" for "free". Which of course the customer says, "Wow! Thank you." because they don't know that it is actually on sale or on clearance!! It is just another way Circuit City sucks money out of people.

Just this past Sunday we had an all-store meeting about the holidays that are coming up. We learned again, like last year, how to upsell people. We learn to mention christmas gift for a loved one...We are trained to make a laptop or TV or w/e sound like the BEST and only gift that a child or husband or grandson etc would want.

I understand that warranties are a good thing to have...but you just are wasting your money when you get a warranty on a PC. The warranty cost about half of the computer's price..that is a waste. I'm a computer Tech, I would know.

All I ever wanted to do was just fix computers and help customers with their specific needs. It was my dream growing up to be a great PC Tech..which I am, but I never wanted to pay the price of honesty.



Do NOT shop at Circuit City or use their diguised Firedog services.

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 08, 2008

Take it from an ex-employee. These people are the scum of the Earth from the ground up. Even the higher management and 1-888 customer service representatives are anything but helpful.

I was actually told that several people hired before me were crooks and thieves who stole from the store. They had all of these crazy security features set up because they couldn't even trust each other! They kept showing me a flow sheet of the MOST COMMONLY STOLEN ITEMS BY CUSTOMERS AND EMPLOYEES. I was like, "WTF?"

Firedog is just a disguised Circuit City cartel. Trying to up sell you is the norm. I was reprimanded for trying to recommend reasonable computer systems to people who just want to go online and / or read email. You don't need 3-4 megs of ram to GO ONLINE AND READ EMAIL! ...but enter the existing employees who have very inflated ideas about what you need. I pissed off this one jerk who directly lied to a customer. The weasel actually told a customer that, "You cannot upgrade Dells because it locks you out of the motherboard". I'm an honest person who isn't afraid to put someone on the spot so I said, "No. You're wrong. You can upgrade Dells because I have one. I have a dimension 5150 in which I put a power supply, video card, and ungraded the ram". They wanted to convince this woman to buy a brand new computer rather then upgrade her sound card and put some memory in it. What utter BS! My father is in the automotive business which gets a bad rep as well, but you know what he is one of the only honest individuals in the business and he imparted his wisdom to me. He always said, "There is already enough stuff that goes wrong with a car, so it isn't right to upsell or deceive people". Wise man. Guess what? In the company he works at he is consistently the store of the year in sales and praise. The man has been known to help people which is foreign to some companies like Circuit City. There is enough things people need and want to where upselling isn't necessary. I mean come on! One person treated right can bring several others into the store through recommendations, but one treated wrong can discourage hundreds, thousands, even millions in our modern society.

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