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  • Report:  #66121

Complaint Review: City Of Mesa

City Of Mesa Government and Police Department Daily ripoff by Hutchinson, Luster, Donna, Strauss, Cantrell, Lines and others who should have been incarcerated decades ago. Mesa Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Mesa AZ
  • Submitted:
    Sun, August 24, 2003
  • Updated:
    Sun, October 26, 2003
  • City Of Mesa
    130 N. Robson
    Mesa, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

The in-resident putrid filth of Mesa City Government, the
worm/weasel Mayor Keno Hawker, the real boss, Luster, and his scumbag, third-rate flunky, Hutchinson, and various other of the filthy, corrupt people who run Mesa (THE MOST CORRUPT CITY IN THE WORLD) have a new incompetent, third-rate, piece of dung plot in the offing, of which I caught direct and indirect wind of just before fleeing that filthy sewer.

These lunatic fringe whackoe weasel cowardly rats
are launching a HUGE hacking effort (in the name, of course, of protecting LDS and other sweet little kiddies) from aggressive born (and whatever other BULLDOO-DOO these lowlifes can concoct from their web of lies) to destroy websites like this one which these n**i, ultra-right-wing people consider "dishonest" and "hostile." They are also (this has gone on FAR longer) tampering with computers and records of various individuals, including ME. By the way, they consider me "unfriendly". Well, in that, the spineless wimps are finally right about something: I AM NOT ONLY UNFRIENDLY, I WOULD LIKE TO DESTROY EVERY ONE OF THESE STOOGES, AND SEND THEIR SCURVY BOTTOMS TO A REAL SET OF PRISONS, IN THE GENERAL POPULATION, WHERE SUCH LOWLIFES BELONG.

Oh, and they have finally begun their fraudulent responses
to the TRUTH. Little bits and pieces of assertion and
refutation are popping up on their slave sites and sites
run by the flunkies and puppets and other useless swine.
All downright hilarious lies, but nonetheless, finally a half attempt at a defense for their various crimes.

Point is, these scum cost Mesa money every day, with their
stupid "ART CENTER", their criminal, sniveling, spineless cowardly fraudulent lying "Police Department" of pansies and crooks, their fake, b.s. "eminent domain", and their casual jailing of decent working people while the real dopers and crooks either pay them off or have them intimidated.

Amongst some of the more "connected" and servile
scum on the Mesa (idiotic) "police" department, those
who actually are talking fairly openly about attacking
THIS VERY WEBSITE, and such efforts have probably already

This town stinks, and it is only partly the METH cooking. It is the rotten scumbags in city hall, the city and county courts, the city manager's office, their ridiculous
chicken police department, and the puppet "mayor" who
make the rot obvious. Let these filth expropriate more land? Why not expropriate the property of THESE rats, and imprison them, like you should? Are you, the citizens of
this cesspool, as weak and gutless as the sniveling wimps
you call your police, totally afraid of anything challenging or decent? Rub their noses in it, spit in their eyes...and imprison the crackpots!!!

They are destroying businesses, decent people, and the whole community. It is a town run backwards, by lunatics. Institutionalize the scumbags! DO IT NOW!

Justice Man
Mesa, Arizona

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Mesa, Once, Now Another Town,

Mesa does this all the time. They call it crime fighting. It is another scam.

#3Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 26, 2003

Top to bottom, the "executive" arm
of Mesa city government has been doing this
for a long time.

How absurd it gets, you would not believe,

I rubbed their nose in a fake criminal
"investigation/prosescution" a few years ago,
and they bent over backwards to try to nail me,
claiming, of course, every lying step of their
criminal way they didn't even know who I was.

The lying cowards will not even admit that
they "watch" certain people on their "black"
list! AMAZING!

I guess the "lowlight" of the whole thing
is when I was walking my 16-year-old niece
to a grocery store, and I basically got accused
of some kind of child molestation. In the
ensuing stupid, moronic interrogation, I finally
asked one of the idiot dork cops who was
asking the ridiculous questions: "This is
a dangerous neighborhood. Instead of hassling
us, walking along with frozen food in a hurry,
why don't you do something about that, huh?"

These shitheads don't like that.

As police forces and city administrations
go, the city of Mesa would be better off
dealing with a better class of criminals
than the ones they currently employ--at WAY
TOO HIGH WAGES, I hasten to add.



Can you NOT read or do you not LISTEN?

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 05, 2003

Mesa is known far and wide as a corrupt,
criminal cesspool where nothing really grows
except the illegal alien population, weeds,
and the methamphetamine and crack cocaine
businesses, aided by the avarice, cravenness,
and criminality of the crooks in local government.

I knew this fifteen years ago when I attended
a convention there. There will NEVER be another
one. No point intentionally going to a den of
municipal scumbag officials and criminal cop
cowards. Why the hell did you ever go there?

I mean, I made the mistake ONCE because it was
forced on me by my company. Seems to me, if you live there, you make that stupid error 365 days
a year.

Don't go there, don't spend money there, and
just ignore the rats.

Complaining won't make these problems
go away, and it is not as if you could
educate a stinking bacteria or fungus. They
are only interested in what feeds and enriches

Took me two minutes to figure that out.

Let them die on the vine.

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