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  • Report:  #52067

Complaint Review: City Of Mesa

City Of Mesa ripoff the citizens by a corrupt and criminal conspiracy. FINALLY EXPOSED! political corruption Mesa Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Formerly Mesa Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Tue, April 08, 2003
  • Updated:
    Sun, June 08, 2003
  • City Of Mesa
    Mesa, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Finally, the city of Mesa has been slapped down,
even if only a little.

Isn't it amazing? Today, April 8th, 2003, both local papers ran information on Mesa's inbred and corrupt (aka: criminal and "closed club") scumbag government's
vicious attempt to steal yet more land from its legitimate citizens.

A tribune story bylined by Jason Emerson said, in part:

"A judge has dismissed Mesa's lawsuit to seize an
auto paint shop near downtown, further complicating
a city redevelopment project beset by legal challenges, delays,and cost overruns."

"Maricopa County Superior Court Judge, Bethany Hicks, last week dismissed Mesa's lawsuit to condemn and demolish MAACO AUTO PAINTING AND BODYWORKS,434 W. Main Street, lawyers involved in the case said Monday."

"The city is using eminent domain--a
government's power to seize private property for public use--to take over 5.2 acres on the northwest corner of Country Club Drive Main Street, where the Maaco is located."

"Mesa is also using the courts to seize and raze another business on the corner, Bailey Brake Service,18 N. Country Club."

Among other city-fueled lies and distortions, the in-resident n**i lunatic filth from Mesa contend these legitimate businesses are "eyesores" (anybody ask these dorks about their silly-assed junk art, for which they pay entirely to much of YOUR tax dollars?), and of course, the jerkfaced morons then intend to turn this stolen booty over to three local accomplices
(aka: accessories before the fact in this CRIME), who then plan to build electronics and hardware stores.

Now, the stupidest and most corrupt collection of idiots since the Marx Brothers and the Keystone Cops and their sleazoid minions propose that, as nearly as anyone SANE can figure out,they can "build better eyesores". Does anyone smell the hand of Luster, Hutchinson, the Stapleys, and the other crooks from Mesa's traditional criminal conspiracies in this one? I sure do!

The city's action clearly violates the state constitution, and is,in fact, yet ANOTHER brazen hijacking by the same thieves who bring you endless traffic tie-ups on Main Street, and who have effectively KILLED downtown, all by their idiotic selves.

Question: Why have not the key officials driving these scams been prosecuted on malfeasance and conflict of interest statutes, not to mention RICO and RUCO laws?

The city of Mesa is basically stealing privately owned land,in order to turn it over, AT A TREMENDOUS LOSS, to their Good Old Boy Network buddies, and the corruption driving this lunatic fringe plan is so OBVIOUS it need not even be discussed.

This crummy, absurd town now faces a deficit of well over $30 million, and yet refuses, no MATTER HOW WRONG THEY ARE, to appeal any and all decisions still further, at still more vast expense, all paid for by the very taxpayers these Byzantine pukes have been ripping off for 125 years.

I am entering this report on a friend's computer.

Donald G.
Mesa, Arizona

6 Updates & Rebuttals



Brown & Brown's $1 land deal

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, June 07, 2003

Yes, wasn't that $1 land deal for Brown & Brown Chevy's lot great? Dont' forget the new 'public' parking garage full of their vehicle stock.
Oh, and don't forget the former mayor's name, Wayne BROWN. And yes, they are realted, in fact I believe good old Wayne is a brother of the owners. Certainly no conflict of interest there.
I'd like to post more, and ramble on about their police 'farce' as well, but I'll probably only live another 50 years or so. Not even enough time to scratch the surface.


Mesa For Now,

Mesa's taxes...Mesa's pain in your butt. Boycott the dunghole.

#7Consumer Suggestion

Tue, June 03, 2003

Mesa has no actual property tax, and has not
since about 1947. However, license fees, traffic
fines, etc., etc., etc., are among the highest in the United States, and the courts are the sort of absurd and disgusting, putrid joke you would expect, basically a collection of cockroach agents for the local filth.

I am entering this on a friend's computer. My stuff is all packed for a trip back to civilization and away from this ROT.

These same crackpot charlatans have run the
town's deficit to an outrageous level, inflated their criminal "police farce" to a ridiculous level, established their punitive "air force" at ridiculous expense, and are building several of the most moronic projects in human history. This is an ugly, idiotic place, with too many speed bumps, too many cops, and too many filthy dirtbags running it.

Why most of them are not long since in prison and/or under RICO/RUCO prosecution, I have no idea. I guess it is small enough to ignore, short term. It won't be ignored forever.

A good answer: boycott the place, or leave.

Tonight, I do both. Stick it where the sun doesn't shine, Luster, Hutchinson, Donna, and the rest of your filthy accomplices!!!



Mesa's solution to all "problems": Steal more land, steal more money...

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, April 17, 2003

In today's EAST VALLEY TRIBUNE, Mesa's Development Task Force (or is it "Task Farce"?)
introduced a stale, hackneyed plan to do more SAME OLD, SAME OLD... In other words, screw the citizens and taxpayers, openly, to their own enrichment.

How? Steal more land, develop the undevelopable, scam the citizens into more "studies" for the purpose of ripping them off even more, issue more bonds, revamp Broadway Road, and study the revitalization of Fiesta Mall, etc. They want to stop sales tax "leakage". Oh, and among everything else, the city proposes--GET THIS--"increasing the stock of luxury houses in Mesa for executives".

This in a city overrun with crime, which the Police Department carefully avoids, awash in illegal immigrants and substandard housing and day workers and general filth, with too many expensive (THEY OUGHT TO BE ILLEGAL) "speed bumps" and just generally silly and stupid!!!

Annex state trust land in Pinal County to protect Williams Gateway Airport from encroachment? How about Pinal County annexing the stinking airport flop project to keep these thieves from stealing EVERYTHING and encroaching on decent human beings????

Guess what this all really means? "Bleed the citizens white, so we can get RICHER"...

Mesa's key problems are:

(a. Its dishonest and corrupt city
administration, especially the
City Manager and his dolt lackies,
which needs to be gotten rid of,
along with every policy these
morons EVER touched.

(b. Massive drug manufacture and
distribution, very much out in the
open, and the corrupt Police department
which so carefully reposes on its
collection of useless butts and watches
this plague eat the city's guts out,
while they bilk honest citizens out
of vast amounts of money to feed
their ridiculous policy stupidities.

(c. Very low wages, brought on by a
vast supply of illegal labor and
corrupt, criminal local policies
and ordinances, which in turn leads
to substandard housing, a vast supply
of vacant residences and business
properties, and instability. The
city "fathers" (FODDERS?) have
very quietly encouraged illegal
immigration, so obvious in this
town that it actually creates
sanitary problems in the Main
and Broadway corridors.

Try solving these problems. Ooops. This motley
crew of feeble-minded scumbags CAUSED this, did they not? And they LIKE it. Time to say goodbye, old guard... You are obsolete, among other corrosive factors.


Apache Junction,

So glad we're gone ..I lived in Mormon Manor (aka Mesa) for 8+ years

#7Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 16, 2003

My husband and I lived in Mormon Manor (aka Mesa) for 8+ years. Although we did enjoy our time there, it is so painfully evident the city is completely mismanaged. I have to drive through Mesa to get to work - the streets are in deplorable condition - yet, there is the idiot Arts Center or whatever the hell it is that the taxpayers are footing the bill for. Yeah, I enjoy the endless tearing up & re-tearing of Main Street-yet, it never seems to change for the better. Those statues that appear a couple times a year are FUGLY. I'm sure that money could be used for far better, resident serving purposes.

As for Brown & Brown stomping their feet to get their $1 property, all I can say is "it figures".

So glad we moved out of there, adios and good luck.


Apache Junction,

This is Mesa. Kiss your a*s goodbye. Cowards and crooks run this city.

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 12, 2003

You expected shellfish?

This is Mesa! It is crooked. Get used to it, or work to change it. Simple, huh?




#7Author of original report

Tue, April 08, 2003

Obviously, I made an error in the last paragraph: the basic point is that Mesa is continuing to appeal all decisions from all courts against them, NO MATTER HOW WRONG THEY ARE... Financing their various obsessive and erroneous huffs and snivels and whines devolves, of course, upon the taxpayers...most of whom oppose their "Pie-IN-THE-SKY" scams, but who wind up paying at BOTH ends...and even in the middle.

Mesa is a city designed for a "special" kind of convenience: THE PROFIT-MAKING CONVENIENCE of a small cadre of inbred criminal conspirators who have escaped justice by the assertion of power.

The rotten-to-the-core city administration, especially, has to be broken down and
replaced, most especially the City Manager's Office (which ought to be dissolved entirely) and the Police Department, whose long and ugly association as the enforcement arm of this sewage voids any implicit pact or certification they receive from the citizens. Mesa IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF A RIP OFF!!!

Governments in general experience SOME corruption. But when as cozy, inbred, and dishonest as this one, and operating its confidence games right out in the open, a serious slapdown by the citizens is required. This city administration has NO OTHER PURPOSE save corruption...

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