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  • Report:  #1083145

Complaint Review: CK KIM QUARTERMAN


  • Reported By:
    Black sheep — 4th Avenue SWCalgary North Carolina
  • Submitted:
    Tue, September 10, 2013
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 19, 2014

ATTENTION! There seems to be a huge problem with self proclamed idiots trying to algerining innocent folks from  their personal walk with the lord. This particular Cult leader CK , Kim or DR fraud which ever you want to "call him!" He is running a huge church scam. Plagerizing others hard work , plagerizing innocent victims testomonies , steals off of other web-sites, calling all CATHOLICS satanist/occultist, bashes people on his prayer line, does not give victims their privacy instead he uses them as trophies and brags about what he did! With this con-artist he verbally abuses his victims He gets them so scared that they become muted because he wants them to walk away from their friends and family. Does direct attacks on victims saying" if you walk away from me jesus will be angry and you will get seven demons sent after you!" Then he sends his little followers , who he broke his promised "no one will no." Well guess what they already know. Bomb up your in box and wall with messages wanting u to follow their ways and not think for ur self.This man thinks ALL DEMONS ARE UFO'S. HE thinks BIG FOOT is satan. There is a lot of mental abuse with this guy he will program anything into your head and when he's done with you. He will put u on block Use your full name in a fake testimony he re wrote him self. Say its copy wirrten by the owner when its not! Use their data when its not written any where on signed contracts to use. The man runs a web site called "Deliverance Ministries Group" you will find shocking testomonies re written being abused and all his stolen stuff on there. Of course he wants the public to think Jesus set them free! This is what really goes on behind the scene as the public would not see it! He tells his clients bogus stuff  like your possessed u need a exorcisim. You will need a deliverence from being Catholic. You will need a deliverence from UfO violations etc! Get ready for this one he has them all call up on a prayer line records these devistating calls and gives exorcisims, deliverences baptosims up over the phone. Then puts all these recordings on you tube for others to listen as this man is running his big scam. People like that are not taken seariously nore should any one buy his fallen angelsufo books all garbage . This cult leader is so bad he buy's all his stolen doctrins online and loves using the Book of Enoch! When people question him on proof to his clames , he shows zero and calls people trolls! Well MR. Fraud. What you do to people is sick and verbally attacking people , feeding on innocent victims , u clame u set everyone free but what u fail to say "after I use them get what I want block them!" After all is forgotten I use there data and put it on my web site! Yeah people tend to not for get about those sort of things and the scams you pulled along with the long list of lies too! Not to mention the huge list of credentials with nothing to back it up with! * Beaware of this guy he will  break your spirit and ur free will! Its less talk about the bible and more verbal mind control with him. His ways are no where being holy that's for sure. He will talk bad about every religion down to the Pope that GOD hates everyone else but him! He is full of hate, full of pride and is very devious. Stay far away from him and get out of his cult the damage will be a lot worse once your eyes are opened!




12 Updates & Rebuttals


South Carolina,


#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 19, 2014

Skeptic says, "Theologically speaking you cannot do exorcisims over the phone". Ture Bible ignorance and vanity. Jesus cast out many demons "by his word". I think some of these people on this thread have their own DEMONS they need delivered from before they foam at the mouth.


North Carolina,


#13Consumer Comment

Tue, June 10, 2014

O.K. now you have got to be kidding me, your going to play the "christian persecution" card? and further more you're going to ask for bail money on this site? are you serious?!  When he was arrested for propositioning a male prostitute that turned out to be a under cover cop back in 2006, was that was persecution as well? He is also under house arrest and not behind bars.And just to be fair slavery is quite Biblical, did you tell the students to submit to there masters? (peter 2:18) and as for your credibility, what other degrees do you hold?.......none?.....I guess a CBC doctorate is worth every penny. thanks for not rebutting any of the other claims, very telling.


South Carolina,

Bible College President Being Persecuted By Homeland Security!

#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, June 08, 2014

I am Dr. CK Quarterman and I am a graduate of Cathedral Bible College. I have known the president for twenty years as the college has taken shape. I am a pastor in Taylors, SC. I was horrified the other day to see that Dr. Wayne Miller had been arrested by Homeland Security and is being held on a 250,000 bond. I know murders who have had less bonds, not to mention he has a home and family in Marion and is by no means a flight risk!

It all started over several "out of the country" students mainly from old Communist countries claiming to Homeland Security that he was "working them to hard" and wasn't paying them enough. I doubt in their countries they could even make a daily wage. Homeland Security evidently has a "tic" about Christian Colleges. They have come down on him with both feet, all uncalled for in light of the fact that it is only a few complaining out of hundreds. 

This is a Christian College being Persecuted solely because of its hard work ethics and Christian standards.   

Help us raise money to get this Christian Bible College President out on bond and a lawyer to see that he isn't Persecuted any longer and that the College doesn't have to shut down!

Funding will go first toward bond then toward legal defense.

If we don't reach our goal all monies will be given to Cathedral Bible College and its Christian school, via Dr. Leslie Miller.

Please help stop the abuse of Homeland Security and it reaching even into our Christian schools!


North Carolina,

Call it what you will

#13Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 31, 2014

Dear Mr. Q

 anyone who reads your books knows that you Self-Plagiarize your own work, call it what you will. I hope that your publishers will wise up when they realize that you keep writing the same book over and over again. Cherry picked research won’t make your crazy ideas any more real either. Most would see this as laziness but, you used these books to help you get/buy a Doctorate of divinity degree at Cathedral Bible College the same Un accredited diploma mill where the dean was arrested for alleged slave labor accusations by Federal Prosecutors last week? You have no credibility, you are a fear mongering charlatan and God is not with you. Your Demon deliverance exploits are going to get someone hurt or worse. You turn others away from the faith, Atheist  point and say “look that this is what you Christians do?” you turn others away from god, you can’t save them, you can’t even save yourself.

p.s. this is rip off report they tell you specifically not to use your name.


South Carolina,


#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 04, 2014

I am Dr. CK Quarterman, and concerning self-plagiarism the answer is no. The works in question did have some overlapping material, however Ambassador International has agree to accept both books rewritten into one much larger book and retieled. This very week I will sign a three year publishing contract that will combin both books with some added material. I would ask the reader to only use wisdom - had I plagiarised my books why would the publisher be willing to buy both and extend the contract? Fact- I didn't! I have two books, Fallen Angels and Genesis which will be combined into one by the publisher Ambassador International.

Concerning the Book of Enoch, it is only history. I do not, nor have I ever considered it to be more than history.

Concerning YouTube this seems to be the offending video:  It was done with the permission of the person being prayed for and we have a taped permission to use the testimony and deliverance as we have been doing. Listen to it yourself, you decide if its real? Jesus, cast out demons by His Word. He didn't lay hands on everyone. We minister all over the world using today's technology and I have website testimonies to prove that Jesus delivers by the use of His name (Mark 16), no one is required to touch anyone.

I am getting a little irritated at the lack of wisdom in these "reports". First, as verified by one of our attackers we do not charge for anything we do, we do not ask for offerings, we do not even post donation buttons on our websites with the exception of our churches website here:





Anyone interested in knowing indepth what we teach can purchase this book which also includes the testimonies from the website. Casting Out Demons,

This book is not available in an audio book, but is the updated version of Demons and Deliverance which is being withdrawn from the market. All the other books except Marriage a Covenant is available in audio books.

Let's deal with a question I have, why has no one entered anything in these reports but hate? No one agrees totaly on the things I talk about across the country, so why the hate? I pastor (at no charge), have a Blog Talk Radio Show, write books, and pray with people across the country without charge. Why am I not hearing from some one willing to use his or her real name and address? Why? Because, they don't exist. This whole report is nothing but hate mongering. Have a beef, contact me through Facebook. PS, I only answer people with true profiles and pictures!


South Carolina,

Answer to Blacksheep

#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, December 09, 2013

I am tempted not to answer anyone calling themselves "Blacksheep." You have certainly taken the correct name for yourself. Your a wolf in sheeps clothing. First, let me say if their were "copyright volations" where are the owners complaining? Who are you? Our website states we will immediately remove any disputed material. Simply see this URL if their is any truth to your unfounded claims.

We will remove any copyrighted material upon reveiving notification.

Please go trouble someone else, and use your real name and address.


South Carolina,

Answer to Self-Proclaimed Skeptic

#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, December 09, 2013

In the work of Christ many will frind fault and speak of things that they know not. Anyone writing ashamed to use their name and address in my mind doesn't warrent an answer. I would like to know, are these cowards? Are they wolves out ravaging the flock? It seems to my mind thast they are indeed cowardly wolves.

"Deliverance Ministries Group" is part of End Time Ministries and as such conforms to our standards of conduct. Our legal information is available on the website, and I assure you no testimoines have been used that were not given to us to be used. All of our counceling sessions are recored for legal reasons and we meet all the legal guides in our state for Pastoral Counceling.

We regret their are members of our society which seem to hate the work of Christ, but they are there as these complaints testify. We do not write in opposition to Catholics or any other Christian group. Our doctrines are clearly explained on our website.


Franklin ,
North Carolina,

The Main Post seems to be more of a rant than a post

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, December 01, 2013


he does not have a huge church and he dosnt seem to make a profit from his exploits

and as for stealing and photoshopping pictures all i can say is this is the internet if you want to make that an issue find out who has the rights and let THEM know untill then you havent really proven anything

I have Spent a considerable Time Studying his activities and In this search have found little so far to warrant any true monetary deceit at this time. However I believe his actions are due to religious delusions and his activities are to reinforce his belief and to find and recruit others into this belief, in short this is the early makings of a classic end times Christian cult and no good will come of it (John 15:1-27 ).I probably wouldn’t be so Concerned but the fact that his motivations are not for profit worries me greatly. He spends a considerable amount of time doing Deliverance calls which are then uploaded to face book and you tube with the callers  permission but, take note that C.k. Quarterman has no formal training in psychology or counseling and it is this lack of formal training that is  very dangerous for the people that he thinks he is trying to help. His legal disclaimers on his website and face book page seem to be in order and there are no current laws for what is known as lay counseling. The only known source of income appears to come from the sale of his books which are poorly researched and written and filled with all sorts of strange theory’s on anything even remotely supernatural.

Dr. Quarterman books are loaded with What is considered self-plagiarism which is copying and reusing your same work over and over again This could easily be tallied up as laziness but these books are part of the reason he earned his Honorary Doctorate of Divinity at Cathedral Bible College which makes these actions academic fraud. When this was brought to the dean (Wayne Miller) of the colleges attention it was discarded without investigation Which leads the belief of a apparent diploma mill as the college as no accreditation. This honorary degree in divinity is why Dr. Quarterman uses the title doctor.  C.k. Quarterman is protected by the freedom of religion but know that this is the far dark corner of the Christian faith and I would warn anyone against its activities. All it would take to truly discredit him would be for his current followers to do some research of their own and I pray they will see this for what it is and maybe even turn him around he would be a fantastic Christian if he would just take a minute and really look at his Mission. 

Black sheep

4th Avenue SWCalgary,
North Carolina,

the fraud him self writes back

#13Author of original report

Sun, September 29, 2013

The fraud him self comes on here to deny the fact he stole from people. Post up some more of his lies, but what are you trying to prove. Look where is the proof you had permission on paper work to steal and use peoples stuff and change stolen pictures around. Not to mention you photo shopped stolen stuff . Real hero you are and who cares about who I am! This is not about me its about you con artist. Did you not rwad why you are in here in the first place and you cannot try and hide your traces. These are real screen shots also did I hear you charge people too? Mr joke master why don't you quit while your ahead and show proof of paper work not some words that are meaningless! With you doing this your showing no proof and people see through your lies*


South Carolina,

Rebuttal to Skeptic

#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, September 15, 2013

This is Dr. CK Quarterman responding for End Times Ministries and Deliverance Ministries Group.

I think this can be sumed up very quickly, who is a "skeptic"? Those who are not willing to give their whole name, or who are liying post under names like "skeptic". Therefore, I will answer this with our common ministry statement.

"Deliverance Ministries Group provides Christian Deliverance of a Biblical nature. We offer to provide biblical prayer on personal matters guided by Biblical principles. Should anyone desire professional counseling, then they are free to seek such outside assistance". Dr. CK Quarterman D.D.

Where copyright is concerned their is a "Legal" page on our wesite for anyone to follow the Law in addressing any alledged copyright voliation. In that "skeptic" hasn't followed normal Internet protocall  I think one can discard his outridgous claims.

We also do not charge for any of our prayers! Also, please see our statement of faith should you have any questions about what we beleve.




Black sheep

4th Avenue SWCalgary,
North Carolina,


#13Author of original report

Tue, September 10, 2013

 Excuse me? I do not agree with your acquiesce. Its not hard for anyone to take images put them in a search engine to only find out they have copy rights! This has nothing to do with me being religion or not! This is a psychological cult that does not do background checks or give  medical evaluations. You can also check the Exif files on the pictures he photoshopped them! Also you can check word press these are fixed and fake documents on his site. Yes! I agree he is a con artist and I do not agree with frauds doing this. This was the whole point of this rip off and your obviously not a victim of his mind control and other web sites such as black sheep , has said about him. I am not a church going person and I am more scientific. Maybe if he quit what he is doing he will do less harm to people. This has nothing to do with church or religion . The man what ever belief system he is scamming is mentally damaging its a CULT. Would you like it if some one stole from you? Would you like a fraud lying to you and to his victims ? He is out for fame and fortune , which he clearly is not getting because I laughed at his book and threw it away. It was garbage , I have seen so much evidence and did so much research on this guy.For you to ignore the fact he steals from people is crazy. He does not protect his clients names and has a whole section of people, he claimed he set free not God . Theologically speaking you cannot do exorcisims over the phone and that he him self needs medical attention by the stuff I was reading about him. He is not God that is what cult leaders do they suck the weak in and spit them out ! When they are done use what they left behind and hold it against there victims! They love to play mind games or reverse it as they are the victims. Look this guy is a master mind at what he does and for one minute think about the victims. They should be protected and a guy trying to build up a trophy wall showing garbage is not helping anyone!When some one comes out to the public releases the truth, they throw certain patterns such as bullying and getting defensive. Do a little more research on occult leaders and you will see they have a wide range of medical problems. Until then this con artist should be stopped.  



Truly amazing...

#13General Comment

Tue, September 10, 2013

 We have one religon telling us another religon is "bad'. Havent you churchy types learned yet? Ppl will follow what they want. All your doing is badmouthing ANOTHER religon. I find it amazing that in this day of silicon and circutry we still have religons telling us what to do or believe. This person who you are complaining about is doing no more then ANY OTHER RELIGON does. They have thier own belief structure, that you disagree with. I guess now you know what it feels like to have someone shoving THIER beliefs down your throat feels like eh. I assure you it is high unpleasent. But maybe this incident will allow you some clarity into you and your own religons practices.

Not very pleasant when YOU feel that the person in front of you is certifiably crazy by your definitions, simply because they are telling you what they believe and want YOU to believe. This has been the curse of "faith" for a very long time. Some ppl have blind faith, some do not. Those that DO NOT have it are deemed unworthy by the church. Those that DO have it tend to expect EVERYONE to see the world as they do. Then you have these religous ppl trying to "convert" everyone to thier belief structure.

Some believe as you do some do not.

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