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  • Report:  #781191

Complaint Review: Claudia Duenas

Claudia Duenas Claudia Milan nee Claudia Renee Duenas aka Claudia Duenas with aliases Claudia Rose aka iClaudiaUS aka iClaudieUS aka ClaudiaMilan 12 aka Claudia Duenas Millan aka Claudia Duenas-Milan This disgusting excuse for a human being is a psychopath, cheat, and liar. Internet

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — Los Angeles California United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, September 26, 2011
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 25, 2015

Claudia Milan nee Claudia Renee Duenas aka Claudia Duenas with aliases Claudia Rose aka iClaudiaUS aka iClaudieUS aka ClaudiaMilan 12 aka Claudia Duenas Millan aka Claudia Duenas-Milan

This disgusting excuse for a human being is a psychopath,cheat, and liar.   She has left a path of destruction in her wake.  She cheated her friend of 25 years out of $250,000 which forced her into bankruptcy, She stole from over 30 designers receiving merchandise she never planned to repay, she has physically assaulted at least 5 people which lead to the federal government issuing a warrant for her arrest for criminal threats (this is just the tip of the iceberg)

Do not listen to one word out of her mouth.  She is foul and takes no responsibility foranything in her life.   She only blames and insults everyone around her.

She proposes to be doing business in the US and Columbia.  If you are approached I caution you to be very wary.  Just ask Diane von Furstenberg, Joie, Jill Stuart, Calleen Cordero, and Catherine Malandrino just to name a few.

If you have any contact with her or know of her whereabouts please report it to the Los Angeles DA's office and/or Detective Jeff Humphrey of the El Segundo Police Department 310-534-2200.


8 Updates & Rebuttals



A real look at Claudia Duenas

#9General Comment

Tue, August 25, 2015

I have known Claudia Duenas for about twelve years.

I know her professionally as well as personally. and because of her consistent aim toward professional excellence,integrity, honesty, and desire to learn and apply her knowledge to her personal and professional life, consider her a close friend.

She is one of the more outgoing people I know in her commitment to excellence in all she does.  She takes pride in her work, and her work is impressive.

I watched her build a large warehouse-like interior into a lovely well-lit store full of high quality beautiful fashion , furniture, lighting, organic essential oils, and other interesting curio. She kept it fun and had speakers, teachers, classes, inviting her customers to join various fun activities to promote.  

She did all this in a very resourceful manner, keeping costs low as possible, and worked day and night taking little time off to relax. She stayed on top of the venture and I observed her statistics grow exponentially.  

She is forthright in her speech, has a kind heart toward her friends and associates, goes out of her way to help, and concentrates on how to achieve her goals with brio.  She is one of the more articulate and knowledgeable people I know, and never stops learning in order to improve herself and her skills.

I'm proud to call her a friend, and would recommend her to anyone in any business venture. Of all the people I know, Claudia will prevail, will make your venture grow, and make you proud.


This is true.


(P.S. The report on this site is an abomination. The speech in it is hateful and indicative of a very disturbed person. I am a counselor and would consider the originator of the negative report a dangerous person in need of professional help who obviously had a personal vendetta against Claudia.)

Claudia Milan

Los Angeles

Who is this person

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, July 18, 2015

Sincerely, I hope you have better things to do than to make up stories about people you don't know.  I assume you must be a freind of Jessic's. 




Claudia Duenas - Milan

Los Angeles

final rebuttal

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 18, 2015

Attached please see the Dismissed status from the court of Los Angeles Records.  The claims Jessica details in her degraded post below were not substantiated in any way and were dismissed by the Judge.   I was not even present for the ruling and didn’t even appear or interface or engage in this false case against me as I was living abroad since May 2009.  The lawyer retained to represent my ex-partner, Susan Dry was recommended by Jessica and that was another scam to take more money, ill advised she spent 10’s of thousands on this case that was sure to be dismissed because I never even took a salary, or diverted any funds to myself, all monies went back into the business as all the accounting records / bank statements, POS and Merchant Services statements detailed. 

When the whole upset happened, I knew the business would fail especially under the management of Jessica Kill and I was trying to stabilize the new location while staying current on all overhead costs, including the loan payment that was $200.00 per month, however as a curtesy I was paying Susan Udry’s entire Mortgage of $650.00.   When I found documentation in a stack of papers in Jessica’s hand writing that out lined a punch list to push me out, I called the landlord and he in turn asked me to call an attorney.  I retained the now diseased Ken Ivey and he advised me to change the locks and fire Jessica which I did.  A week later I sent a detailed letter to Udry’s lawyer stating that I had every intention to payback the loan and uphold my commitments and any verbal agreements I had with Susan.  I have a full understanding of Karma and I have never taken anything that I did not work for.  I started my business with small capital and my own credit cards and worked 6 days a week for about 8 years, it was not handed to me, Susan did not extend a sizable loan to a start-up or a novice, it was not a vanity project, it was a real business with a great potential, established client base of 4,500 customers and a lot of repeat business, most of all I am knowledgeable with an art history background and my mother being a designer, I grew up in the environment of design and art and that is what enabled me to be a good buyer and stylist.  With years of retail experience I was good at sales and did all large sales, sometimes as big as 7,000, as I had repeat clients that would come at the beginning of a season and did most of their buying with me personally. 


 When the economy started to collapsed and sales were slowed on Abbot Kinney I sought out an investor to move my business to a more affluent area - Manhattan Beach, and was correct as the sales immediately doubled in the new location.  Since I did not have any collateral, I leveraged my established business, (with tax returns to prove its stability of grossing net of close to 500,000 for the two previous calendar years), by offering Susan Udry a 90% holding share until the loan was repaid.  I had a friendship with her of 25 years and trusted her explicitly as a loyal friend and a spiritually adept person, whom I thought understood the foundation and laws of Karma.  We set up a LLC as I did not want any liability to fall on her for the new venture and I carried all the liabilities under my name as I had incurred those costs prior to our association.  Any past due costs of goods and my personal credit cards were in my name not under the new entity and were inclusive in my bankruptcy.  When I was pushed out of the business, she took it clean and free of any debt or liabilities, there was no back rent due or unpaid vendor or utilities due.  My personal total debt on credit cards was approximately 25,000, that was all incurred in the previous 18 months before the new LLC was formed.  Prior to that time I had kept my debt below 15,000 and all costs of goods were COD.  Under the duress and pressure to move and save the business, I compromised and gave 90% holding share to Susan Udry, something I later found out by Kent Ivey, was never necessary and at the foundation of the problem.  Had I safeguarded the business by seeking council prior to the set up of the LLC with a promissory note with schedule of payments, along with keeping Susan as a silent investor with a release of business upon payback of the loan with high interests and dividends, the whole hijacking would not have occurred, due diligence was missed.   


All this happened in 2009, so why is Jessica Kill still posting slander under, “Anonymous”, and most recently claiming that I was in prison.   I did a little google search under her name and came across this posting on ROR making similar claims as my original post did from 2011,  but added that she also threaten her clients and the promoters from the event she was hired to coordinate with assault.  I do not know this Mr. Wood, however I have reached out to him to be a character witness as his experience with her was very similar to mine in that being of deception, exaggerated lies, collusion, embezzlement etc.  As Dan Crossner, the landlord at Plaza El Segundo said to me, “if you are 100% self sufficient and paying all overhead costs, your conflict with your partner is coming from your adversary Jessica Kill whom most likely has suggested a percentage of the business for herself”, which later I found out was the case.  I also, later found out that she took credit cards out in my name to purchase airline tickets on Alaskan Airlines to Canada as she is a Canadian national with family in Canada whom she visited regularly.   She continues to stalk me on the internet, reaching out to employers and making false claims that I threatened bodily harm to her back in 2009, she had someone purge themselves who CORROBORATED her story and so the district attorney issued a warrant.   I left permantely in 2009 for 4 years and was never in knowledge of this warrant that was never served to me.  I have not sought her out and or seen her since the original departure and have put the whole incident behind me as a lesson in, “know who to trust and due diligence”, with regards to business or any aspect of life.  With respect to the bench warrant, it was also dismissed by the Judge.  She insists that she will get a new restraining order, for what?  I do not understand.  I hope never to see this woman again and or have any dealings with her, I could hardly render, “bodily harm”, to someone weighing 250 lbs. to my 115 lbs.  With all the time she spends trying to do me harm, she should invest that time to grow her business and livelihood.  I am a FIRM believer in Karma and the following:

Thou shalt not kill.

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Thou shalt not covet... any thing that is thy neighbor’s


You do not see any posts on the internet from Susan Udry or any other business associate.  Dr. Susan Udry is a good doctor / homeopath with a long standing reputable practice.  I still have respect for her as physician and person.  I think that had she not been swayed and manipulated by Jessica, she would have never made this mistake.  Prior to her taking the business, the previous months were high in sales, I put all revenue back into stock and the large store, 2500 sq., was full of merchandise.  Sales were up and I was hopeful and looking forward to making some large balloon payments towards the line of credit and getting caught up on past liabilities and credit card debt.  Jessica was employed full time and it was a very nice environment with talks given by Susan on holistic living and healing; it was a flagship store as it was well positioned in the same location as JCrew, BCBG Max Azria and H&M.   If it wasn’t for all the drama we would have gotten past our first year well out of debt with a bright future.   Enough said, this is my personal final post on this matter as I have not responded or rebutted Jessica Kill’s post from 2011, however and in our current cultural climate it is assumed that if you do not defend yourself, it must be true hence this rebuttal.   I suggest that Jessica take a long inventory of her actions and evil intentions and move forward with her business and not commit the same mistakes otherwise other people will continue to denounce her publicly.  I have no control over what other people report about her, however the truth always prevails. 


Los Angeles,

Claudia is not like that at all

#9General Comment

Tue, June 16, 2015

I have known Claudia for 18 years now. She is the exact opposite of what this woman Jessica Kill claims her to be.

I first met Claudia in the LA Music scene when I was booking bands. She quickly became one of my top acts and it progressed to where I had her booked a year in advance. Through this association we became friends and I began to work under her part-time at a furniture design business she worked at.

When the home I was renting became part of the ugly divorce proceeding of it's owners, and the wife decided to occupy the house herself, literally taking one of the bedrooms, I had to move with almost no warning. Claudia openned her home to me and let me stay with her for months until I could rebound from that mess.

Later when Claudia decided to open a cafe & music venue, having complete belief in her abilities, I quit my job as Manager and Booking Agent at an iconic local venue to become Manager at her new business. She is a truly inspired individual who constructed and crafted the venue with an ahead of it's time Vegetarian and Vegan menu, and ultimately an elegant atmosphere. When her financial partner in the cafe pulled out to consolidate finances in their other business, Claudia covered everything and kept the cafe running until she sold it to another company and completed all financial obligations.

Claudia used part of her assets from this sale to set up the boutique. I moved on to other ventures and we didn't speak often until I heard her mother fell ill and Claudia moved back overseas to care for her.

In all these 18 years, I have seen nothing to indicate that Claudia is anything but an imminently capable professional and gifted woman of color, able to navigate in the worlds of Entertainment, Finance, Public Relations, Art, and Design and be treated as an equal and even a leader in all those spheres of influence. Those are enviable traits that not everyone has, yet many are jealous of, which seems to be at the heart of Jessica's vendetta against her. 

The last I heard about this situation, not only was everything against Claudia dismissed, but the judge fined Jessica's lawyer for refusing to file the paperwork to release Claudia's assets to her. A messy situation that I am glad to see Claudia begin to be vindicated from.


Southern CA,

J. Kill is a criminal

#9General Comment

Wed, May 06, 2015

Claudia Duenas is a lovely woman whose identity was stolen by Jessica Kill. She used her credit information to rip HER off! It's Jessica who should be in jail.

Claudia is honest, has high integrity, and has cut all communication with Jessica Kill. Claudia is free and clear and wouldn't spend a moment of her time rebutting this continuous lying about her former employer.    Karma's a b***h if you are, Jessica. 

Watch what happens when you lie about others.

UPDATE::: Claudia is in Jail!

#9Author of original report

Mon, May 04, 2015

Thank you to the person that reported Claudia's where abouts.   As of today she has been arrested on her outstanding warrents and criminal activity.   Not sure how long she will be detained but nice to hear that justice is being served.


United Kingdom

Reply to Report

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 14, 2011

Reading this report brought back all the horrific experiences I had with Claudia after travelling over from England.

Subsequently living with and working for her at her Boutique down on Abbot Kinney.

I was 24 years old at the time. Studying music technology at University in Leicester.
I saw Myspace as a handy way to promote the music I was creating. 

Out of the blue I get this incredibly charming E-mail from some lady in 'Hollywood'. Praising my music and offering me a room out there if I ever decided to come over and build a life for myself. 

Being very naive at the time, I was initially overwhelmed, being based in the middle of England, in the middle of nowhere,  I had only ever really spoken to maybe 2 or 3 people from America in my whole entire life and Claudia was from 'HOLLYWOOD'! 

Looking back now, it all seems so incredibly stupid but we exchanged numbers and she soon started to call me.

I was flattered by the attention and became increasingly more and more fixated by this fantasy world she was endorsing.

In a moment of stupidity,I succumbed to her rhetoric and booked a flight over to Los Angeles with the money from my student loan.

I'm not going to go into too much detail at this juncture.However, lets just say I was some timid, suggestible 24 year old student.

I was seduced by all these false pretenses (at the time she even stated that she was 30 years old-14 or so years younger than her actual age)

I was very, very far from home and incredibly vulnerable.

She exploited this venerability. I'm far from being a flawless human being of course and it was my gullibility that got me on that plane in the first place however, I truly didn't deserve the hell that ensued. I was terrified of her.

I read these reports in complete disarray, in horror.

I feel so much for those who have been burnt by this monstrous woman and sincerely hope you can all rebuild your lives and be happy again.




United States of America

Update on Claudia Duenas aka Claudia Milan

#9Author of original report

Wed, September 28, 2011

My apologies on the formatting as it didn't translate through the cut & paste.   This is from the rebuttal I filed to the RipOffReport Claudia filed against me.

Claudia Duenas aka Claudia  Milan and several other aliases has stalked me personally and
professionally since 2009.  Using personal contacts and social media the
insistent intrusion has not stopped.  In 2009 she came to a location
she knew me to be at and  threatened to kill me on camera
and in front of witnesses.  This is a Federal Offense and there is a
warrant out for her arrest.  If she contacts you or you know her
whereabouts please contact the Los Angeles DA or Detective Jeff Humphrey
of the El Segundo Police Department at 310-524-2200 

I did consult for Claudia Duenas (Duenas), both at her store Claudia
Milan, and the successor store Claudia Milan owned and operated by La
Siren Azule, I was never in a position of financial control.  Never mind
that I would never come close to what she has accused me of, I never
had any access to anything of the sort as I was merely a consultant.

On a personal note Claudia would frequently speak of her herpes flare ups.  Be forewarned if you are having a sexual relationship with her.

will not hesitate to protect and defend myself from this horrible
person.  Feel free to request proof as I have full documentation
supporting my position.

Claudia Milan is a retail fashion store that services the high-end market segment.

store Claudia Milan was formerly located in Venice, California. At the
time I  commenced, the business was struggling.  The business struggled
largely as a result of the manner in which Duenas managed the
operations. While Duenas does have a
sense for fashion, she lacks the
ability to run a business in a responsible manner. For example, Duenas
would constantly and regularly write checks she knew could not clear for
insufficient funds most often she would write checks to vendors like
Catherine Malandrino and Diane Von Furstenberg (just a couple of vendors
she screwed) knowing full well the checks wouldnt clear Just to get
them off my lines; refuse to pay vendors; refuse to pay taxes,
including sales taxes to the California Franchise
Tax Board.

the first part of 2008, the foregoing conduct was having an extremely
detrimental affect on the business. Because of the number of checks
written against insufficient funds, the business accounts at Bank of America were running deficit balances that could not be paid.

she had completely mismanaged her accounts at Bank of America, and
because she had bad personal credit, to my knowledge Duenas could not
open accounts at other banks.

Through my assisting Duenas I came to find that on average she would have $1500 - $3000 in non sufficient fund fees a month

Further, many of the important fashion suppliers that supplied stock to the store refused to business with Duenas.

troubling was that Duenas had not paid state sales taxes collected from
sales to the California State Board of Equalization in a couple of
years. Duenas was concerned that the State would be levying on her
account.  Shortly after she stated her concern about the levy they
started levying her account.

It was about that time that Duenas
told me that she was going into business with Susan Udry. Duenas advised
me that Udry would be investing money into the business, but just as
important, would be providing the business with access to banking, and
without the threat of levy by the State of California.

stated that under a new name in a new location she would be able to get
Designers not previously allotted to her in the Venice territory which
was good because she had burned all her previous vendors.

also stated that the developer of the El Segundo location would give her
money (approx $100,000) to finish the build out of the store to her
specifications.  Duenas said to me that she would be able to build out
the store for $25,000 and use the rest of the money to order merchandise
and clear her debt. 

Duenas did not do a budget
for the new location, nor did she fully understand the terms of the
lease and build out requirements (building codes, security, signage etc)
which caused to be totally underfunded.

 Bank accounts were established at Wells Fargo Bank and a new credit card merchant processing account was established with CTS Holdings, Inc.

of the manner in which Duenas failed to pay vendors, and when she did,
she paid with checks against insufficient funds, as well as other
problems with the Venice location, Duenas set out to find a new
location. At the time the Venice store was closed
it owed as much as $100,000 to vendors such as Diane Von Furstenberg, Catherina Malandrino and Biba to name a few.

finally settled on the current location, located at 710-C Allied Way,
El Segundo, CA, 90245. The new store was located in a new shopping
center and the store required a build out in order to be used as retail
fashion store. The build out process
took more time than Duenas
anticipated. As a result, the store was delayed in opening. This delay
caused major problems both with sales, but also with the suppliers that
Duenas had been ordering stock. The store opened in November 2008 when
she thought that would be open in August of 2008.  Due to this incorrect
assumption (no planning whatsoever) she prematurely order merchandise
which then she could not receive because the store was not open. 
were originally sympathetic but as time went on they were caught
holding merchandise they could no longer move.  There are suppliers that
ended up cancelling the relationship completely with Duenas before she
could even get their product
in the store because she couldnt pay
for the orders she had placed months before and then there designers
like Twelfth Street/Cynthia Vincent who started business with Duenas in
the El Segundo location but then dropped her when she
couldnt continue to pay in a timely manner or consistently nor communicate with them in a professional manner.

a regular basis she would unplug the store phone and turn off her cell
to miss calls from vendors looking for payment and simple communication.

usual, Duenas was not paying creditors suppliers, but when she did, she
continued to issue checks against insufficient funds. This time,
however, it was on accounts originated by Udry. As a result, Duenas once
again got in trouble with suppliers that had
not previously cut her off and the new relationships she established under the name La Siren Azule.

to completely misjudging the build out costs and operating costs Duenas
found herself in tremendous debt with suppliers like Protection One
(alarm company), Superior Sign (sign company) and Rudy & Raul (the
construction company for
the build out).  After several unsuccessful
attempts to arrive at a payment plan each of the above mentioned
companies came to the store to talk to Duenas. 

representative from Protection One was very nice and calm while Duenas
was verbally abusive and almost physically violent.  Superior Sign is
proceeding with court action to claim their monies and Rudy & Raul
have had to threaten that they will
put a lien on the business.

the first part of 2009, I became aware that Udry was requesting
information about the business that she was owed as a financial partner.
Duenas did not give her any information and started to become
aggressive towards Udry.   Saying demeaning things about her character
and that she didnt deserve anything just because she put up money.  It
was at that time that Duenas and Udry involved me their business

Because Udry knew that I had knowledge of some the
financial details of the business, she would contact me for
information. Because the relationship between Udry and Duenas was
strained, Duenas told me to provide Udry with certain information.
Udry remained unsatisfied with the information I was able to provide her.

was also at this time that Duenas was asked to put together projections
for her store by Dan the developer.  She asked me to do them because
she said she couldnt. 
Through this process the financial picture of
the store became very clear.  Although the potential to be successful
in the location is evident, Duenas spending habits and avoidance of
creditors was making it increasingly difficult to stay afloat.  The
projections made Duenas very upset.

On or about March 2009,
things hit a critical point when Wells Fargo Bank advised that it was
closing all of the business accounts due to Duenas mismanagement and
all of the bad checks against the accounts. For example Duenas had one
account that was overdrawn by $5000 because an employee had stolen
checks and cashed them.  Duenas mismanaged the situation and failed to
follow up in a timely manner on the account.

On several occasions
I witnessed Duenas sign Udrys name on a legal document.  After another
employee stole money from the business Duenas closed the main checking
account and opened a new one.  CTS requested a form be filled out,
signed and faxed back to notify them of the new account information.  At
this time I did not realize that Duenas had opened the account under
Udrys name soley or without Udrys knowledge.

 On March 23,
2009,  Duenas and Udry in which I was asked to attend. At that meeting, I
was advised that Wells Fargo Bank refused to maintain the business
accounts for La Siren Azule as long as Duenas remained a signatory on
the account. As a result, Udry would now be involved more in the
day-to-day business of the store. During that meeting, Udry and
reached agreements on how bills would be paid, how Duenas would be paid
and how information would be prepared and transmitted to Udry for

The day after the meeting, Duenas accused me and Udry of
attempting to hijack her business and she reengaged on everything
agreed the previous day. As a result she terminated my employment.
During our discussion, I noticed that Duenas was reversing credit card charges
for sales that he taken place over the last few days. To my surprise,
she told me she was doing that so that Udry did not get her money.

that weekend Duenas continued to be open and do business.  She took
credit card numbers and would reverse the transactions - this was a loss
of $34,000K.  Since March 24th, 2009 no money from the operations of La
Siren Azule dba Claudia Milan has come into the La Siren Azule account.

is very volatile and can get quite violent (I have seen her this way
with me, Michelle Steinboner and Greg from Protection One).  I have on
multiple occasions seen Duenas get violent when things do not go her

At a bare minimum she is verbally abusive and cannot
control herself.  Duenas has stated that she is a destroyer force and
that no one can mess with her.  Duenas has also said to me on several
occasions that she was going to destroy Udry, that she was going to file
for bankruptcy
and leave for Columbia so that Udry would go down in a ball of flames
and lose her home.  Duenas has also told me that Udrys money wasnt
worth anything because Udry had inherited the money as opposed to
earning it.

Sadly this is not the first time Duenas has done this
in business as she had done it to a friend with a previous store.  She
is a known drug user and she is a very unscrupulous person, perhaps
suffering mental illness?  She is definitely a liar, a master
manipulator, a user and a complete fraud.  She never takes
responsibility for anything and only blames others.  She claims to be
highly evolved and of above intelligence.  Below I will supply emails
that prove otherwise.  Really just streams of conciousness that support
drug induced mental issues.


have attached a sheet we should be adding to everyday as a way to
communicate what needs to get done.  I will update the buying budget for
you so you know what needs to get received in what order.  Also have
new account and will
be getting the card for that soon so we can just have that expense account
for me.  Ill bring checks tomorrow so we can see what checks we have
for what accounts and we should be issuing post dated checks out of the
vendor account,
i.e. to Raul (*a vendor she owed money to) whom was stalking me two days ago.

not feeling well, bleeding really badly (*she likes to announce when
she is having her period) and Im trying to get myself out of bed right
now and go to work.  Ill be in without the dogs.  See you in a little
while.  Also on this sheet just highlight stuff as it gets done and add
as needed the things you find that need our attention.  This is a method
that is used in a corporate situation (*it was a nonsensical
spreadsheet that didnt do anything). I dont want little addresses on
what needs to be done.  It
makes me totally crazy and furious   - the
bullsh*t.  Im sort of at my wits end and really need to make sure we
are running efficiently. That means everyone clocks in, I will be
okaying paychecks and that the store is tidy. I will have a very short
fuse from now on because evidently it doesnt really pay to be nice.  So
Im not going to be anymore. Im looking for a
place to move down
there so that I can be at the store 24 /7.  I should have blown up like
that yesterday a long time ago and from now on that is how Im going to
operate (* referring to getting physical with Michelle Steinboner).
FYI.  Its not a joke and I dont need condescension or attitude. 
me allow you a little information, I worked @ Fox in a couple of
different capacities.  And Ive run many many small businesses and made
them profitable. 
One of them was Lynn Franks P.R. firm whom when I
started she was grossing 6,000. A month and when I left 8 months later
she was grossing 160,000. A month.  I came to work looking great, stayed
long hours, did what I said I was going to do, didnt bring a bad
attitude or act in a condescending manner towards her EVER!!! And she
was a complete idiot whom didnt  know the
first thing about talking
to people or creating ARC, something I pride myself on, but she was a
ragging bi*ch and would Jet set around the world and check in on me on a
cell phone
twice a week.  When she did come into town she would be a complete
bi*ch to my staff and thus I told her she couldnt sabotage a situation
that is going well.  She didnt get it and I quit, she went
bankrupt a
year later and the two real-estate acquisitions I did for her she sold
to bail herself out.  She came to the store before we closed on abbot
kinney and offered me a job in England and said no one has ever run my
business like you have with that much success and ease.  What Im saying
to you is that because you are so unhappy with yourself you carry this
attitude that frankly I cant take any longer.  If you
were getting results similar to what I have gotten before perhaps it
would be justifiable but what you are doing is really a job.  If it was
fun to do you wouldnt be paid to do it.  You feel that because you are
opening the store and are doing what is required it gives you liberty to
bad mouth me and act in a condescending manner towards me and you are
mistaken.  If you are not doing your job
than what am I paying you to do?... do you expect me to pay you and be
there from opening to closing 7 days a week and do all the sales and
accounting while you take personal calls and write your own emails?...
its not on anymore.  I do not want one phone call on store hours and do
not bring your computer to work anymore.  If you cant do this find a
job somewhere else and Ill just do everything myself and or give
someone that doesnt have so many emotional and attitude problems a
job.  You think that because I dont call you out on every unethical
thing you do that I dont see all of it?... you feel that buy not
clocking in you are somehow getting one up on me?
Or that if you do
your own work while in the store or not clean or take trash out or act
in a covert hostile way towards me that you are wining something?  All
this out ethics does for you is give you a sense of self hatred and you
take it out on yourself with your horrible diet and self sabotage. 
should apply the ethics condition to all dynamics of your life and get
on with it, watch your productivity move forward and that way you can
move on to making and doing what you need to do.  I am fed up with
everything that has happened in the last year and being tolerant to a
fault.  I would rather sleep in my car and open my store by myself and
have someone that is
positive and willing around me to handle all the
admin.   We have had the same conversation before through email and I
can send you that email in case you dont remember but it is no good.  I
have to be a total monster to get you to act ethical and with integrity
and either you feel above it to handle the job or you just dont want
to be there obviously.  I want someone that wants to be there and is not
1.1 = which is covert hostility and on a possible tone 40 (* a lot of
this is Scientology talk sadly just spews what she thinks helps her
case but not very effective). Which is creativity 1.1 is really not what
I need to be around.  It brings in negativity and strange bullshit like
the Michele situation whom I should have slammed weeks ago but decided
to just pass by on her out ethics and look what how I was rewarded for
that one.  Im going to write her a letter and copy everyone
she supposedly, brought to me with her, Name what a looser.  She cant even pay her rent because of her out ethics. 

Im not feeling well and most likely may stay home for the first Sunday in a long time.


Good morning Claudia,
What is on the 2do list for today?


 From: Claudia Milan
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:29 AM
To: Jessica Kill
Subject: RE: 2do


Didn't get your email... I'm working on this add and don't want to go into a reiteration regarding what is needed and wanted, I
that is very clear.  And I appreciate you and so that is not the case
with what is wrong with our work flow.  It is very very difficult to
bring to the attention of a Cancer any type of critique.  I know, I'm
your polarity Capricorn and I
have Cancers all around me and it is difficult, so I avoid it but that kind of ridging and drama is not productive.  It
becomes a bit of a smoke screen and is manipulative, sort of small office tactics to cover low productivity.

I haven't worked a, "corporate" job since the 1980's when I got out of college. I've been an independent COM, CFO, and
independent entrepreneur ever since.  For Global Fusion, I hired girls from Brown, Georgetown and Colombia university
had degrees in communications, political science, journalism etc.  One,
Jennifer Fader, (whom I think you met) came to work for me a couple of
years ago and ran the store like a machine.  We actually had the highest
sales to date when she was at the helm.  She was at work early stayed
late and did everything... I never asked her to do a thing, ever but
that is who she is... she's a tri athlete, get's up at 6am, is from NY
and went to Georgetown, dresses incredibly and doesn't substance abuse
or food
abuse... she came to work one day crying and I said what is wrong?... a head hunter had approached her with a 80,000 job. 

said, "one of us better take that job and you know I can't".... after
that she was hired by Rogers and Cowan as a VP and is jet
setting around the world.

love her so much and am so proud of her, but what I'm trying to explain
is that I need someone at that level.  It was okay when Janeen was in
the store and you were working a couple of days a week on some admin and
light accounting.  I could pick the slack up and Janeen did good sales
and was up tone enough to keep the energy up.  But that is the past and
we need to move forward.  What is needed and wanted is this:

Sales.... what does that mean, someone that is totally focused on whom
comes through the door, someone that is well presented and has a very
positive attitude. What does that require?  Feeling good about
yourself.  If you feel good with how your are handling your life it will
reflect in your attitude and step.  If you are conscientious about what
you are putting in your body it will reflect, you can't help but
radiate light when you are putting light into your body.  That is why I
drink the raw veggie juice, cause sometimes that is the only thing that I
put in my body and or it may be the only good thing I put in my body
that day.  I'm really trying to get off the coffee, I'm not smoking and that has helped my anger or rage outbursts and
do eat eggs and whole foods for breakfast and lunch or dinner,
salads... anyway, it shows, everyone is saying, "you look great" and
really with the amount of real financial drama we are going through it's
what is needed. 

 This is what we really need.  We have to be on our game and looking good and feeling good.  The store needs to be
merchandise in the morning, and items need to be steamed so everything is perfect when customers come.  No boxes in
room, no crap on the counter and mess at the register.  No eating in
the front room.  We must take breaks to eat outside the store so it
doesn't smell in there like food, including me.  I eat at night
sometimes with Kathy but usually no one is there but we started eating
in the back room. We have to not be in financial worry and in a drama it
affects customers whom are already
under the same kind of stress so I
don't want to focus on accounting. If we focus on sales we will not
have any financial drama at all. We can pay bills once a week and do
reconciliations once a week on slow afternoons.  You can open, I'll
close and we both have to do big sales.

That is why I got rj and you to come on Fridays cause I can't maintain the home and the store and it appears that both are
necessary.  I want you to be very up tone and devoted to the store when you are there. 
proper breaks and you don't have to clock out for lunch, make your
calls answer emails on your time not when you are clocked in on the
store's time.  There are many things that need to be done and they are
not being handled like:

Reports for reordering
Finishing book orders
Press release
Soliciting magazines
Calling customers
Updating web-site
Creating new what's new
Taking photos
Looking good
Feeling great
Working as a team
coming in and announcing that you are leaving at 2pm on a Saturday when
we had planned accounting and sales that day.  I was left alone and
Kathy came to help me that night.

I will not tolerate personal
calls, playing solitary on the computer and passive aggressive or
covertly hostile behavior.  If I wanted to deal with that I would hire a
19 year old but we are adult professionals and need to act
accordingly.  I don't need a budget and a bad attitude.  We know what we
have to pay but can't get those numbers up because the energy is not in
the store.  I am extremely intuitive and can put my attention on
something and understand completely the level of integrity it is
on.  I know when I'm out ethics and when I'm running without boundary's
and this is when things go wrong.  If I don't exceed my full timer to
be at this level, I'm going to fail because of the work overload.  For
example in the summer, when I was in such an overload of things to do,
what I needed was you to open mail, pay bills and do accounting to watch
my back while I dealt with structural engineers, architects, permits,
designing the store, lighting engineers, and before that making the
deal, attorneys, realtors, landlords, the board of equalization, Susan
etc.  I don't complain and go into victim mode because that is that last
way one is ever going to manifest but what I needed and wanted from
you, you were unable to deliver.  Had you done that we would have caught
Janeen's problem a lot sooner.  What were we doing if not reconciling
those f*king bank statements for 4 months?..that was the first email I
sent you, when I went to work on my computer and all your documents kept
popping up personal pictures, contracts and my printer was out of ink
cause it was set at 6 copies and I had just put a brand new cartage in
so I knew that you had made 6 copies of lengthy contracts or whatever
it was that you did that day because all that was done that day was the
opening of the mail... Now you say that I was insulting?... I think that
you believe that people can't see what you are up to and that when
people don't call you out it means that they are dumb or that they are
stupid and easy to take advantage of.
That in itself is reptilian.  A
Reptilian personality mistaken kindness for weakness, it is one that is
manipulative and lazy, lacks integrity and discipline.  They are greedy
and suppressive, have a sense of entitlement and use supremacy and
condescension to usurp power and or uses will to power, are covertly
hostile and will as a last resort go into a victim modality. These are
well documented profiles in the, "Landmark Forum" technology and "Scientology" and the writings of David Hawkins
. it's not something I have created, some really astute thinkers and
logicians have written volumes on accountability and personal ethics.
Most corporate atmospheres run on this kind of mindset and government
agencies, you know the DMV, Board of Equalization,
Corporate banking
etc - A bunch of lazy, out ethics playing office head games and acting
out to cover their lazy butts. Now I understand you want to do your
movies and feel like this job is below your abilities but why on earth
would you treat the job that is paying for your rent and food like it
was a second rate situation.  I don't want that ever again and have
realized that I have to demand that of everyone that is around me.  I
don't need to pay someone to make me feel second rate.  For whatever
worth it is in your best interest to make me feel up lifted, and somehow you don't have the insight to understand that.  I
know if perhaps the fact that you don't have a formal education and
didn't suffered through college is putting you at this level of ethics
and ultimately a big disadvantage.  You see when you go through the meat
grinder of school, you get your a*s kicked every day and you learn to
work and suck it up. 
You learn that you are required to do your
personal best to make the grade and it gives you so much satisfaction to
be that good just on hard discipline and hard work. It's not a
coincidence that most college graduates are athletic and have a very
high level of personal goals and accomplishments.  Then you look at the
blue color man and his middle class mindset and corporate middle level
management aberrations and that is the difference.  It's something I
didn't want to breakdown to you because quite frankly as I state d
before, "I'm not in a position energetically" to police you on this. 
wanted to move on with hopes that you would just get it but after
speaking to you tonight it is obvious that you don't quite grasp the,
"Big Picture".  It's not what You think is needed or what you want to
give me, it's about what I need and want from you
and that is what
you are still having a problem with. I need you to suit up and show up
100% with an attitude of gratitude that you are there and an excitement
that you are there.  That you actually appreciate your job and me and
that you are willing to do what it takes to make it go right.

that you clock in and do as little as possible to get by and then to
cover this up you throw around a lot of attitude.  There are a lot of
people willing to work right now, Kathy is capable of handling the store
in the mornings and with the increase in sales the accounting is a snap
and I can do the reconciliations with her.  I need to get the passwords
for constant contacts and can ask a Tech to upload names from the point
of sale to outlook.  I'll have Jennifer Fader edit my copies for the
what's new and start on that press release.  So you see I'm not without
understanding and strategy, I'm just not out ethics about my
operations.  I'm granting you a lot of latitude and patience and it's
not a situation that you are comfortable with because it is humbling and
the satisfactions can only come from simple things like service and
team work, you know an even playin'  field.  What makes
me happy is
helping people and treating people with love and acknowledgment, that is
what the buzz is about for me.  Not acting superior or condescending,
I'm a Divinity Extension, I don't suffer from a lack of identity or
person power so I flow a lot of power.  I'm demanding that you come up
to that standard and level... if you are down great if you are not
great, it's all good.  And you know I care about you but you have to get
on board.  I think this week was the best work week we had and you
didn't see that.  So it worries me about our work flow, I feel that you
handled the stuff that needed to get handled.  We don't have money and
so no bills are getting paid and that is the problem.... 

Okay, I
don't want to talk about this anymore.  I don't want to have to break
it down into little bits for you.  Please read the book above so we can
have a common vocabulary in reference to pertaining energy concepts,
would help a tremendous amount. 
And let's make some money so  you
can get paid a little better and I can get a couple of days off so I can
go surfing and go to Catalina and get a boyfriend... and God knows you
will be killing it with all your new work out regime and cloths that you
are going to be buying shortly because you must invest a little in
yourself and get your mojo on girl!...


I do love you.


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