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  • Report:  #523917

Complaint Review: Click Construction Inc.

Click Construction Inc. - Owner, Carl Click, Partners - Larry Pyatt, Charlie Hoskins Carl Click,Earnest Colwell, Don Hurless Took Over $150,000. From 80 Year Old Disabled War Veteran,Left House Half Done,Spent Money Who Knows Where. All 3 Are Smooth Talking Con Artist. Vero Beach, Florida

  • Reported By:
    "Taken" — Vero Beach Florida United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sun, November 15, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sun, May 05, 2013
  • Click Construction Inc.
    1713 Carriage Way
    Vero Beach, Florida
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

In May of 2008 my husband and I hired Click's Construction which is owned by Carl E. Click to add an upstairs addition to our house. He had a friend of ours working for him and came recommended.

 A man named Ron Hurless was supposed to be in charge of the job. He and our friend(who no longer works for them) came to the house and looked at the job.

On May 8th Ron came back and we signed a contract for $128,000 of which we had to give him $5,000 down at the signing for permits, (Permits were never paid for, we received a bill for them) then another $15,000 on May 30th.  Another $30,000 on June 27th. That made a total of $50,000c paid and no work started. Later found out he spent that money on other bills he had.

We finally got hold of Mr Click. He came to see us, said there had been a mix up about who was in charge of our job ,he looked it over decided we needed to have the stairway put in the screenroom. That meant the screenroom had to come down and a new conrete block room built to match the rest of the house. It was going to cost more but we would have more footage, plus he added an extra bathroom upstairs, for which he said he would pay for the whirlpool tub, plus he would pay and install a new dishwasher in the kitchen (none of this was done). He wrote out a new contract and the price jumped to $175,696. Being the con artist he is, he did not put in a completion date. We are trusting folks from Maine and did not notice it, as he had promised us the job would be done by Dec.

We were told to empty our house and put our stuff in storage, keep only what we needed to get by. We rented 2 pods and also rented the house next door until Dec. when the job was suppose to be finished. We ended up having to keep the pods for over a year, then giving them up because we couldn't afford them. Spent $3,000 on pods and had to sign another year lease on the house next door.

Still no work started, we complained again but, was told they were still waiting for permits. Finally in Aug.2008 they removed our roof, screen room,and kitchen ceiling. They also asked for another $35,379.00 which we gave them on Aug.21,2008.

 From then on work was intermittent. Weeks would go by and no work would get done. I would call Ron or Carl and they would say they were waiting for materials.

In Oct. a company called Coastal Frame & Trim came and did the frame work and we also gave Ron more money. On 10/6 we gave Ron $1,500 cash, and then $35,398 in a check. Also at this time the sub contractor who did the concrete work called us and said he had not been paid. We had to pay him $6,200 or he would put a lien on our house. We were told it was an over sight and could take it out of our next payment.

In Nov. Earnest Colwell & the secretary came to my husband & I and said the company was in trouble but, they believed in Carl and wanted to save the company. They said Carl was a victim and everything would be fine. Earnest, by the way, is a Pastor and a man of God. I fear for him when he faces God on judgement day.They asked us if we could make our next payment early, so they could continue with our job, because we still did not have a clue to the fact that we were being taken, we gave Ron $10,000 cash on Nov. 5 and a check for $20,000 on Nov. 15.

You must wonder how we could of been so stupid. Well we trusted these people. They became our friends, they were smooth talkers. I have a lot of health problems and Earnest would come and pray for me (while he was taking me to the cleaners).

Finally in Dec. 2008 Carl called and informed us he had spent all our money on other things and had no money to finish the job. He said we would have to pay for it ourself if we wanted to finish the house. At this point we had paid him $158,477 and had a half finished house. He said we could use Earnest and one other worker but would have to pay their wages, plus we would have to buy all the materials we needed. He would pay us back if he ever got back on his feet.

Because the rainy season was a few months away, we had no choice but to deplete  the rest of our savings, sell our stocks and max out our credit cards trying to save the bottom half of our house.

Unbeknownst to us most of the money we had given to Clicks Construction had not been spent on our project. We discovered that when the subcontractors started calling wanting to be paid. He never paid for the roof, the engineer, the mason or dumpster, plus Coastal Frame & Trim and East Coast Lumber have put liens on our house. No one will lend us the money to finish our house because of these liens.

We started to pay wages, buy materials and pay sub contractors in Mid Dec. These expenditures depleted all of our resources, totaling $30,000.00.

Because the job went so slowly and the house was left unprotected, there has been mold and water damage. We reported the damage to Carl, but he showed little interest in resolving the problem.

Earnest, who was the one who took over the job in Dec. in my opinion milked it for all it was worth. He said Clicks paid him $25 an hour so that's what we had to pay him. We told him after a couple of weeks we could not afford that much, especially when we found out he really only got $15. The real kicker was, he got behind in his bills because he said Clicks was not paying him his wages, this was in Nov. We being the big hearted idiots lent him $1,500 to pay his mortgage and 2 months past due light bill. He asked us not to tell Carl as this was a personal loan nothing to do with business. We agreed.

We have asked Earnest several times to please pay us back as we or make payments as we really need the money. He keeps saying he does not have it. He has his own business Colwell Construction, trust me stay away, he is in my opinion a lousy carpenter. He had to do our stairway 3 times, all 3 times we paid for labor & materials before it would pass inspection. He put up some frame work for the inside walls and it is so off plum that people who work after him would like to kill him. They laugh when I say, 'but he went to college'. Anyhow, I called and asked him if he would come and paint upstairs to work off the loan and he informed me he does not really owe me that money. Carl owes him some back wages so he just took it out of the loan. Personal, nothing to do with business, my foot.

In my opinion Earnest  he does very shoddy work, does not have a clue to what he is doing and is very slow doing it while charging you a fortune for it, plus he is a cheat and a crook, all the while claiming to be a man of God and a Pastor.

Carl sent a guy name Shawn to take over the job in April, because I threaten to take him to jail. Shawn got the garage up and some of the upstairs done, then left, next came Larry Pyatt and Sal Pero.

We are now into June. Larry and Sal have taken over the job, Carl paid to have the house stuccoed as the inside of the house was still getting water damage. Larry managed to get that and the insulation paid for by Carl, then Carl said he was broke again. We had been able to save some money by now so Larry & Sal put up the dry wall.

Larry is gone. Sal has taken over and he is wonderful. He knows we have no more money. He is doing what he can in his spare time. We still need to paint upstairs, lay the tile upstairs & down stairs, finish the plumbing work, hook up AC Unit, have electrician install breaker box and finish electric work, finish stair way, put up drywall downstairs in new office, and in dining room, put up ceiling in kitchen and redo kitchen, put railing on the balconies and paint outside of house.

I doubt if my husband or I will live long enough to see this house finished but, I hope Carl, Ron & Earnest get what is coming to them.

The sad part is we are helpless to do anything, we can't afford a lawyer to press charges, we need every spare penny we have to use on our house.

Carl is still promising to pay us back when he gets the money. I doubt if that will ever happen. Hopefully, we can find a way to get the state of Florida to take his license. We would love to see him in jail, because my husband has suffered a heart attack due to the stress of this, and my health has suffered also.

Before we met Carl Click, we did not have the health problems we currently have. We were happy, owned our home and were debt free.  All that has changed. We do not know how Carl, Ron or Earnest can sleep at night knowing what they have done.



22 Updates & Rebuttals



Still believe?

#23General Comment

Sun, May 05, 2013

 Now do you still believe?

You should be helping and contacting all the victims and the sheriffs offices in all the other counties to help them, you know better than anyone that these homes were never repaired....and Hernando County is not the only ones out something right for once and help these victims and clear your conscience...




#23General Comment

Sat, May 04, 2013

 I want to inform anyone who has used Clicks Construction, Click Construction or Clicks of Tampa Bay to please please contact your local sheriff's office and file charges. Carl Click, Robert Contorno have been charged and found guilty of organized fraud in Hernando County, for not repairing sinkholes and taking insurance checks. If you used them for your sinkhole repair on your home, your home is NOT repaired.  And if you sell try to sell your home, with an unrepaired sinkhole, it is fraud and you can be charged.  There are several homes in Pasco County that they worked on, and some in Pinellas County and Hillsborough County.  Please home owners do yourself a hugh favor, contact your local Sheriff's office...your home is not repaired, the engineer that signed off on the repairs Ram Goel, also was charged and found guilty of signing off on inspection reports for a sum of money that Robert Contorno paid him...Its been on the news...your home was not exempt from the fraud!


United States of America

Questions about "Public Records"

#23General Comment

Thu, May 19, 2011

I have been trying to look in to the Contorno's criminal history, but I have not been able to find anything outside of the current charges. I was wondering if you could please point me in the right direction? Anything would help!!



Carl Warrant

#23General Comment

Tue, February 22, 2011

You mentioned that you live across street from Carl's ex-wife and you see him there all the time...if you see him there, PLEASE, PLEASE...when he is there pick up the phone and call the sheriff department right away...there is a warrant out for his arrest in Hernando County!!!!!!



Public Records tells the truth

#23General Comment

Tue, February 22, 2011

Don't let someone bully you on here! The problem is that these cons have no moral sense of who they take advantage of, I am so sorry for you and your husband, truly. No elderly person should have to go through what happened to you, then be bullied on here, while you are trying to get help.

If you take the time to actually look into Roberts criminal history he has a very long one, including federal 1996, currently in prison...he may not be able to be picked out of a line up in this one case, but his hands are just as dirty as carls, and from what you are saying he inserted himself into this by doing a 3 way call, which proves to me that the 2 were in business together, in my opinion only,  there is NO seperating the 2 businesses when someone is partnering with each other...they signed agreements to be in business with each other, filed it in Pinellas County court, I dont know all the laws but common sense would tell me that they are both in the same, but the courts will decide that I am sure. However it appears in my opinion only that  he was pretty slick, who he was going to let take the fall in his " business activities". There is a warrant out for the arrest of Carl in Hernando County. And Roberts wife has been arrested for organized fraud in Hernando County, so don't give up on getting help, they are investigating all of the activities these individuals have been involved with, it takes a very very long time, lets face it there is alot of people who were effected by these "businesses". But don't give up hope and continue to make your calls, followup with the departments you filed reports with and if necessary the media has already reported on some of this I seen it on ABC News. 

PLEASE...Call the prosecutor in Hernando county handing the case and see if he can point you in the right direction for your county to get help, if all else fails, maybe the media can help you.


Vero Beach,
United States of America

Mr. Contorno

#23Author of original report

Wed, January 19, 2011

No I could not pick him out in a line up. I have never met the man in person. We met over the phone.

It was a 3 way conversation between Carl, Robert and myself. He was the one that offered to help because his good friend Carl was in trouble and I think the fact the BBB was on his butt, had a lot to do with it.

All I am saying he should of put his money where his mouth was. After I found out who he really was and the trouble he was in,I was not surprised he was all talk and no action.

3rd Party

United States of America

Separate Offices - Different Work

#23General Comment

Tue, January 18, 2011

Although Mr. Contorno was a partner of Mr. Clicks, all of the work Mr. Contorno was doing was related to sinkholes and was in the Tampa Bay area. He had neither control nor supervisory responsibilities over the Vero Beach office of Clicks Construction.

All of his time and effort was focused on work in Tampa Bay Area, and I suspect that the author of the original complaint couldn't identify Bob Contorno in a line-up of one!


Vero Beach,
United States of America

I did report to to DBPR.

#23Author of original report

Wed, November 17, 2010

I filed a report with the DBPR months ago. Fat lot of good it did. I sent everything  they asked for,they sent me a letter and said they would look into it. His ex wife lives right down the street from me and he is in and out of Vero Beach visiting her.

 In my book the owner of Coastal Frame & Trim is worse then Carl Click. John knows this was not my fault,he was fired from the job,for a very good reason,which I won't bother go into. He did very shoddy work and did not finish the job. His brother in-law is a lawyer so he really took me to the cleaners. He inflated the money owed to him by a very large sum. 

 He wants to pick this house up cheap,that is why he is forcing the auction and he thinks my husband and I are helpless to stop him..Who knows what will happen. I do know one thing. He will not get one dime,neither I or Carl Click owe him any money for labor.

The only money owed is to the supply company that he used and let Click's charge under his name and after what he has done, there is no way I will pay that bill. 


United States of America

File complaint with DBPR

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, November 16, 2010

You must send a complaint to the DBPR.  A form is online and you can mail it to them.  Believe me he is being investigated.  He has done virtually the same thing to many people in Florida.  If you search pinellas county sheriff department arrests you will see both Robert Contorno and his wife have been arrested.  or just go to and look up their names.  Others will follow. 


Vero Beach,
United States of America

Court outcome,Coastal Frame & Trim got lucky.

#23Author of original report

Thu, September 30, 2010

Well it did not go well in court today. Thanks to Carl Click,the Judge gave John Of Coastal Frame and Trim a judgement today. Our house will be put up for auction Feb.23, 2011.

We are current on our payments and the bank does not want this. This is what John wants. He wants to beable to pick it up real cheap,as the value right now is only $80,000. which is less then my mortgage.

. Carl owes John 21 thousand dollars, so we lose our house so John can get paid. We paid Carl the money,he just did not give it to John, and John couldn't get it from Carl so that left us.

 Now my husband and I have truely lost everything but our truck. Guess we will be living in that after Feb. Hubby just got out of the hospital,he had another heart attack,so he might be in the hospital,so he will at least have a bed.

 I wish I had never heard of Carl Click and Clicks Construction. If I were you,I would think twice about using Coastal Frame and Trim. If you want to see an example of their work,come look at my house. You might change your mind.




#23Consumer Comment

Thu, September 16, 2010

Contact the State attorneys office, if all else fails its time all of you victims band together and get the media involved,this is horrible..there are laws to protect the elderly in situations like this. Make your voices heard.  Contact every agency you can..they have economic crime division in the sheriffs departments that you can file reports.  State prosecutors office, economic crimes division has to take your reports..


Vero Beach,
United States of America

Clicks Construction,Carl Click & Robert Contorno failed me again.

#23Author of original report

Tue, September 14, 2010

Well Sept. 27th we have to go to court. We are being sued by Coastal Frame & Trim. We gave Clicks Construction the money to pay them,but they were never paid,so now we are being sued for twenty thousand dollars. When we first got the letter informing us of this action,I contacted Carl Click and he assured me he would take care of it. In a later 3way phone conversation between me,Carl and Robert Contorno his partner in Clicks Contruction,they assured me they would see that I had the use of the company lawyer and they would go to court with me.

 Mr Contorno will not answer my emails and Carl Click no longer has a working phone and has not contacted me in months. I believe I have been thrown to the wolves. We can't afford a lawyer,so will be facing the hearing without one. Wish us luck.

 Think long and hard before you have anything to do with anybody connected to Clicks Construction.


United States of America

Click's Constrcution - Try embezzelment - Carl Click

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, June 22, 2010

It is my understanding that each project must have it's own account ie escrow for funds set aside to use on that particular project.  You may have a case for embezzlement as he obviously used your funds for something else.  You may want to contact the state attorney and ask.  Florida has these rules for just this reason.  And dont forget, he is being investigated in other Florida counties so perhaps a few calls in the Pinellas, Pasco, or Hernando County state attorney office may provide you with some good information.


Vero Beach,
United States of America

I tried to get help.

#23Author of original report

Sat, June 12, 2010

 I tried to get help. I called the sheriff's dept.They sent out a deputy and I told him everything that had happened,showed him all my paper work and was told,they could not help me. He said I had a great case against Carl but it was a civil matter and I would have to hire a lawyer. I cannot afford a lawyer,he has all my money. Besides putting him in jail is not going to get me my money back.

 I complained to the BBB and to the Florida License Board. None of these people are going to get me my money back or get him to finish my house. When he went bankrupt,he put my debt with it,so I could not go after him.

 Like I said the money is gone,someday I will have save up enough to finish my house. He most likely has gone back to Ohio,as no one in Florida would hire him. 


United States of America

Don't give up - You can get help

#23Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 11, 2010

There are several different Counties investigating this company, please contact the Pasco County Sheriffs office and Hernando County, ask to speak with a detective working on the investigation of this company and also the State Prosecutors office and the DBPR (Florida Department of Business Professional Regulation) 850-487-1395 they are INVESTIGATING this company, let them know what happened to you! Help comes in numbers, Please Please do everyone a favor and tell your story to the appropriate authorities. You can get help! But it won't walk to you, you have to take some action for yourself too, make a few calls.  There is help, but you also have to help yourself and contact the authorities.


Vero Beach,
United States of America

Guess You Guys Were Right.

#23Author of original report

Fri, June 11, 2010

Well I guess you guys were right. As soon as I updated, saying he was him paying us some money and promising to help finish the house,like he asked me too, he stop paying and is gone. Haven't gotten a cent since April 1st and no longer have a phone number where I can call him.

 What a sucker I was to believe his lies. Well he wins,I give up. As least he can't rip anymore people off using Clicks Construction. I have spent too much time worrying about getting my money back. It is gone,he will never pay us back,but mark my words Carl Click, you have destroyed too many lives,and caused too much pain to come out of this scott free. You will someday pay for your sins. 



Click's Construction

#23Consumer Suggestion

Tue, June 01, 2010

As of January 31, 2010 decision to close Click's Construction (CGC-1521722) has been established, effectively establishing a "Closing date". In accordance with the Department of Business & Professional Regulation and other municipalities and governing authorities we are volunteering this information. Records shall be kept in accordance with FS and FAC by the License Holder for a three (3) year time. Demand thereon must be made in written for, mailed US CERTIFIED MAIL To: Mr. Carl E. Click, LH formally Click's Construction ET AL; at 5340 St. Rt. 366 Huntsville, Ohio 43324. The closing date shall be 2010, May and the 25th day. Respectfully Carl E. Click to all and public notice publication dated 5/28/2010. After said date, no new work shall be contracted and no new business shall be conducted. No employees currently exist. All licensing and insurance is hereby terminated. Pubs: May 28, & June 4, 2010


United States of America

He is helping you to look good because he is being sued!

#23Consumer Comment

Sun, May 23, 2010

For some reason I hardly believe that Carl Click has had a change of heart and has become this wonderful person.  He is in a number of law suits in several counties in Florida and I'm sure his attorney told him to "be good".  I am glad that you are having things repaired and he is paying you back, however, I doubt it will last.

Good Luck and I wish you well!


Vero Beach,
United States of America

Carl Click Kepted His Promise

#23Author of original report

Sun, April 04, 2010

My husband and I would like to report that Carl Click kept the promise he made to us when he said he would start paying us back the money he owes us when he got a job.

Dec 1st 2009 he started sending us a weekly check,plus he is helping us finish our house. He has stuccoed it and insulated it so far.

Please note,no one is making him do this,it is not court ordered. He says he is doing it because it is the right thing to do.

For whatever the reason, he is doing it and says he will continue to do so as long as he has a job. We can not ask anymore of him then that. He is try to do the right thing but without  a job he can not help us. I hope whoever reads my original report takes this update into account.


United States of America

The law can help you!

#23General Comment

Thu, December 31, 2009

Carl E Click is with a doubt the most unscrupulous person I have ever had the misfortune to deal with.

I was the owner of a service company in Vero Beach suppling services to the construction industry in Vero Beach in 2007. Carl Click signed a contract for our services having no intention of paying for them from the start. When payment was due he became extremely abusive and refused to pay.  He at no time denied having received the services and benefited from them he just refused to pay saying he did not have the money.  When I questioned him regarding a payment plan to make good his debt he informed me he was not going to pay even when he did have the capacity.

I was so shocked by his behavior I immediately turned him over to a debt collection company.  This company based in New York eventually gave up on him too.  They informed me they had never come across such an unscrupulous individual.  He owed $5000.00 and it was decided it was not worth the trouble to actually pursue him for that amount so we let it go and wrote it off to a bad debt.

My advice to you is as follows.  There is a little known law in Florida that protects home owners from this exact thing from building contractors.  Building contractors are supposed to keep separate accounts for each job so that they cannot use funds to pay for other things. If you go down to the sheriff's office and file a charge they will have to arrest him and put him in jail there is no way out for him in this case.  I am sorry I cannot provide more details as it was a long time ago but the debt collectors gave me this information.  It did not help me as I was not protected under the law but it does protect you so please use it.  This man belongs in jail!

Good luck


United States of America

Click's Construction

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, November 20, 2009

FYI - Try searching "Click's Construction" as well on this site

Just wanted to let those of you who have been ripped off by Click's Construction that they have an office that Robert Contorno runs and is comparable to all of those employed by Carl Click.  They are located at 2922 Grand Blvd, Holiday, FL 34690, 727-934-8000 phone, 727-934-8003 fax.  If anyone is interested, complaints by several home owners will be filed in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando, and Hillsborough Building Depts, Department of Professional Regulation, Elder Abuse, and the State's Attorney's office. 

I'm sure once all of your complaints are filed, they will have a lot on their hands.  With regard to the fraudulent activity, the FBI will also be involved. 

Did i also tell you that he can be looked up on the Pinellas county sheriff's department website for an active felony charge?

Lot's of information out there if you look.  Start filing those complaints!!


Vero Beach,
United States of America

Larry Pyatt was the Good Guy in this case.

#23Author of original report

Sun, November 15, 2009

We just want to make it clear that we do not have a beef with  Larry Pyatt,he did not do us wrong. He did pay the worker who did the sanding before he was finished and the worker took off before finishing the job,but that was no gain for Larry. He was very kind and caring with us. 

We were shocked to read what he has done, it is almost like it is 2 different people. We have given Larry a considerable amount of money and he never let us down. Then again, Sal was always there and he will never let anybody take advantage of us again, if he can help it.

We just do not want Larry blamed for something he did not do.

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